State of Tennessee Third District ~ Surveyed on the 2nd day of Apr 1814 f__
[missing, torn] Thos. Vaughan assignee of Pleasant Hend [missing-torn, should be Henderson]
Three acres of land By Virtue of part of a Certificate No. ____ [missing-torn] Located The 24th day
of Feby 1814 Location No.2924 situa_ lying & being in Warren County in said District near to the eastern
boundary of the 2nd District on the waters of the barren fork of Collins river adjoining
William Browns occupant survy Begg. on a black Oak ( Now dead ) on his line it being northeast wd.
from the spring that Isaac Anderson makes use of & running West 24 poles to stake & pointers
thence South 20 poles to post oak thence east 24 poles to stake on sd. Wm Browns line thence
with his line north 20 poles to the Beginning ~
A Higginbotham D.S.
Thomas Brown William Brown, C. C. Sent out by Geo D Staton 12 Aug 1814 TSLA RG50 Microfilm Roll 35 Tennessee Land Records Third Surveyors District, Vol 34, p.357. |