The plats and surveys on this page were extracted from the Book 24 { A }, Plats and Surveys, 2nd Surveyors District, 1807. There are 620 surveys in the book. Of that number, seven can be identified as being of older and greater Warren County. The small Plat graphics were made from photocopies which were made from the microfilm of the original Plats. Hence the generally poor quality of the graphics. Original spelling and punctuation were closely followed in this transcription. The names of the applicants for survey are:
Sanford Burry, No. 368
George Doherty, No. 374 (Geo. Doherty was a land speculator.)
George Doherty, No. 388
William Fears, No. 67
Joseph Guest, No. 66
Norton Pryor, No. 70
William Stroud, No.65
Some Surveys Extracted From
Tennessee Land Records, Record Group 50,
Microfilm Number 31.From Book 24 { A }, Plats and Surveys, 2nd Surveyors District, 1807, No. 1 to No. 620.
No. 65. Returned 1st Sept 1807 ~
State of Tennessee Second District ~ By Virtue of a duplicate Military Warrant from the board of Commissioners for West Tennessee dated the eleventh day of June 1807, the original of Which was Granted by the Secretary of North Carolina to the heirs of Mallaci Simmons for six hundred and forty acres numbered 1946 and dated the first day of August 1785 now issued to the benefit of Edward Gregory and entered on the thirty first day of July 1807 by No. four. I have Surveyed for William Stroud assignee of Edmond Gregory two hundred acres of land in part of said Warrant, Situate in White County on Spring Creek a West fork of Hickory Creek a branch of the Caney fork of Cumberland river. Beginning on a Sycamore standing forty eight pole_ North of Joseph Guest's North East corner, running from thence South one hundred and Seventy eight poles and nine tenths of a pole to a red Oak Standing on said Guest Eastern boundary line, thence East one hundred and Seventy eight and nine tenths poles to a white Walnut, thence North crossing Hickory Creek in all one hundred and Seventy eight poles and nine tenths of a pole to two Hickories, thence West crossing said Creek in all one hundred and seventy eight and nine tenths poles to the beginning which tract lies in fractional Section number Six and is truly represented in the annexed plat, which said Entry was made under the Second Section of an Act of the General Assembly of this State entitled an Act to a Certain tract of land of 640 acres and for other purposes passed the 13 day of September 1806 ~ Surveyed the fifteenth day of August 1807 ~
John Doak D.S. [Deputy Surveyor]
Daniel Forbus & John Rutland ~ C. C. [Chain Carriers.]
Examined correctness ascertained and Recorded.
W. P. Anderson, Pl. Surveyor [Principal Surveyor.]
transmitted to Register 8th Feby 1808[NOTE: Nos. 65, 66, 67 now in Warren County.]
No. 66. Returned 1st Septmr. 1807 ~
State of Tennessee Second District ~ By Virtue of a duplicate Military Warrant issued from the board of Commissioners for West Tennessee dated the eleventh day of June 1807 the original of which was Granted by the Secretary of North Carolina to the Heirs of Mallaci Simmons for six hundred and forty acres numbered 1946 and dated the first day of August 1785 and now issued to the benefit of Edmond Gregory and entered the thirty first day of July 1807 by number three and made by and under the Second Section of an Act of the General Assembly of this State entitled an Act Granting to John Gordon the benefit of a premption right in and to a certain tract of land of 640 acres and for other purposes passed the thirteenth day of September 1806; I have Surveyed for Joseph Guest two hundred acres of land in part satisfaction of said Warrant who was assignee of William Stroud who was assignee of Edmond Gregory which said tract is Situate in White County on Spring Creek of Hickory Creek a branch of the Caney fork of Cumberland river, in fractional Section number six, beginning at a Mulberry and Elm Standing on the South side of Spring Creek, running from thence East crossing said Creek in all one hundred and seventy eight and nine tenths poles to a pin Oak, thence South with a conditional line made with William Stroud, One hundred and seventy eight and nine tenths poles to two small post Oaks, thence West one hundred and Seventy eight and nine tenths poles to a black Jack thence North one hundred and Seventy eight and nine tenths poles to the beginning Surveyed the sixteenth day of August 1807 ~
John Doak D.S.
Daniel Forbush &
John Rutland C. C.
W. P. Anderson. Pnl. Surveyor
Examined correctness ascertained and recorded
Transmitted to Register 8th July 1808
No. 67. Returned 1st Sept. 1807 ~
State of Tennessee Second District ~ by Virtue of a Duplicate Military Warrant issued from the board of Commissioners for West Tennessee dated the seventh day June 1807, the original of which was Granted by the Secretary of North Carolina to the heirs of Mallachi Simmons for Six hundred and forty acres numbered 1946 and dated the fist day of August 1785 and now issued to the benefit of Edmond Gregory and entered in our office on the thirty fist day of July 1807 by number five under the Second Section of an Act of the General Assembly of the State, entitled an Act Granting to John Gordon the benefit of a premption right in and to a certain tract of land of 640 Acres and for other purposes, passed the thirteenth day of September 1806, I have Surveyed for William Fears assignee of William Stroud who was assignee of Edmond Gregory two hundred Acres of land. part of said warrant, Situate in White County on the West fork of Hickory Creek a branch of the Caney fork of Cumberland River in fractional Section Number Six.
Beginning on a hickory William Stroud's North West corner thence North one hundred and Seventy eight and nine tenths poles to a red Oak & poplar thence West one hundred and Seventy eight and nine tenths poles to a Stake, thence South one hundred Seventy eight & nine tenths poles to a Sycamore Strouds North West corner thence East with his line crossing Hickory Creek in all one hundred Seventy eight & nine tenths poles to the Beginning, which tract is truly represented in the annexed plat Surveyed the Sixteenth day of August 1807 ~
John Doak D.S.
Daniel Forbush &
John Rutland C. C.
Examined correctness ascertained and Recorded.
W. P. Anderson, Pnl. Surveyor
Transmitted to Register 8th Feby 1808[NOTE: Error in above description; Wm. Stroud's N.W. corner places at both S.E & S.W. corner of Wm Fears tract.]
No. 70.
I have Surveyed and processioned for Norton Pryor 5000 Acres of Land Situate lying and being in the County of Warren in the Second District & on the South fork of duck River agreeably to the 21st Section of an act of Assembly entitled an Act directing the divisions of the state into convenient Districts for the appointment of Principal Surveyors thereof and for ascertaining the bona fide claims against the same agreeable to an Act of Congress passed the 18th day of April 1806 entitled an Act to authoris the State of Tennessee to issue Grants and Perfect titles to certain lands therein described and to settle the claims to the vacant and unappropriated lands within the same, which said Survey was Granted by the State of North Carolina to John Gray and Thomas Blount by patent numbered 216 bearing the date the _____ day of _____ Warrant numbered 1678 and is bounded as follows ~ To Wit~ Beginning at three red Oaks Sanding on the North bank of the south fork of duck River where the upper line of a 5000 Acre Survey made in the name of said John Gray & Thomas Blount Crosses said fork ( No of Grant 229 No of Warrant 1659) which said trees are opposite to an Old Stone Fort that is in the forks of Said South fork, Running from thence North 480 poles to three Black Oaks, thence East crossing said fork at 190 poles and a branch at 504 in all 960 poles to a post Oak in the Barrens near a drain thence South crossing a Creek Running to the right at 380 poles in all 833 1/3 poles to a White Oak and two Black Oaks Standing abought ten poles South of a Branch; thence west crossing Said branch three times, crossing a creek running to the right at 140 poles in all 960 to a Stake in the Barrens thence North 353 1/3 poles crossing a Creek and the South fork to the Beginning ~ Feby. 5th 1808 ~
John Drake D.S.
John Bailey &
James Mitchell, C. C.
W. P. Anderson, Prl. Surveyor
No. 368. Returned 12th May 1808. ~
State of Tennessee Second District ~ By Virtue of an entry No 469 dated the 2nd day of September 1807 founded on a Certificate No 316 issued by the board of Commissioners for West Tennessee unto John Gray Blount for 640 acres the 21st day of August 1807 I have Surveyed for Sanford Burry assignee of the said John Gray Blount two hundred acres of land part satisfaction for said Certificate Situated in the County of Warren on the Waters of Duck River and in the Second Surveyors District Beginning at the six White Oaks and a large Poplar in the North boundary line of a survey of 200 acres in the name of John Bradshaw running thence north two hundred and fifty two poles to two black Oaks growing out of one root thence West crossing the North fork of the Barren Fork of the Duck River one hundred and twenty six and one half poles to a White Oak thence South crossing said river twice in all two hundred and fifty six poles to a stake thence East to and with the said Bradshaws line crossing said River in all one hundred and twenty Six and one half poles to the beginning which tract of land is truly represented in the annexed plat,
Surveyed March 1st 1808 by ~
Leroy May D.S.
Examined correctness ascertained & recorded.
W. P. Anderson, Pnl. Surveyor
Transmitted to the Register 19th January 1809
No. 374. Returned 13th May 1808 ~
State of Tennessee Second District ~ By Virtue of an entry No 713 dated the 9th day of October 1807, founded on a Warrant No1587 for 2500 acres issued to George Doherty by John Armstrong entry officer of claims for the North Carolina Western Lands the 22nd day of December 1784 I have Surveyed for George Doherty a tract of Land of one hundred and thirty one acres Situated in the County of Warren in the Second District on the Waters of the Barren Fork of Duck river Beginning on a large Poplar the North East corner of a tract of land of one hundred and forty one Acres in the name of George Doherty running thence North Sixteen Poles to a black oak thence East one hundred and forty two poles to a poast oak thence South one hundred and forty two poles to a stake thence West One Hundred and forty two poles to a stake in the East boundary line of the afore Said tract of Land in the name of the Said Doherty thence with said line North One hundred and thirty poles to the beginning Which tract of Land is truly represented in the Annexed Plat Surveyed 1 day of March 1808.
by Leroy May, D.S.
Aron Rice &
Sanford Berry, CC
Examined correctness ascertained & recorded.
W. P. Anderson, Pnl. Surveyor
Transmitted to the Register 12th Septr. 1809
No. 388. Returned 13th May 1808.~
State of Tennessee Second District ~ By Virtue of an entry No 706 dated the 9th day of October 1807, founded on a Warrant No1587 for 2500 acres issued to George Doherty by John Armstrong entry officer of claims for the North Carolina Western Lands the 22nd day of December 1784 I have Surveyed for George Doherty a tract of land of two hundred and forty five acres Situate in the County of Warren in the Second District on the North Fork of the barren fork of Duck river. Beginning at a black oak in the North boundary line of a Survey of 200 acres in the name of Landford Berry 74 poles West of his North East corner running thence North two hundred and eighty poles to a post oak thence West crossing said fork of Duck river at 108 poles in all one hundred & forty poles to a red oak thence South crossing Said fork in all two hundred and eighty to a Stake thence East to and with said Berrys line crossing the said fork of Duck River in all one hundred and forty poles to the beginning which tract of land is truly represented in in the annexed plat Surveyed by Leroy May D.S. March 1st 1808. ~
Aron Rice & Landford Berry
Examined correctness ascertained & recorded.
W. P. Anderson, Prl. Surveyor
Transmitted to the Register 12th Septr 1808
Book 24 { A } ends with Survey No. 620