Christian Haynes, farmer and stock dealer, was born where he now lives, July 29, 1834, the son of Abraham and Nelly (Housley) Haynes, the former of English lineage, born on New River, Va., in 1811, and deceased in 1869. The latter was born near Housley Ford, in Claiborne County, March 3, 1812, and deceased in this county, July 10, 1850. The father came to Tennessee when about three years of age, and was a successful merchant and farmer. For twelve years he was a magistrate. He afterward moved to Knoxville, where he died. He was married January 8,1832. Both were members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Our subject, the second of eight children, was fairly educated, and bought land of his father, which he has since greatly improved, and has always been a farmer. June 20, 1867, he married Mary A., daughter of Morris Atkins, born June 13, 1840, in Grainger County. Their children were Belle M. (deceased January 28, 1885, at Mossy Creek College), William C., Lilly M., Maggie M. and Dell S. Our subject and wife are Baptists, and he is a Mason, and strong Prohibitionist.
Source: History of Tennessee Containing Historical and Biographical Sketches of Thirty East Tennessee Counties. Illustrated, pp. 1146-1152. Published: Chicago and Nashville: The Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1887.
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