Records and Estate Transactions for
John White (1770 – 1850)
Washington Co., Tennessee
By Beth Bradford-Pytel
10/14/23 |
Christian White, Jr. from Donegal Twp., Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania and
Elizabeth Stonebraker from Funkstown Dist., Hagerstown, Washington Co.,
BORN: 1770 in
Frederick Co., Maryland
Iron worker and Farmer
Methodist-Episcopal and served as a
Class Leader
Margaret Odell / Odle, d/o Rev. War Patriot
Sgt. Abraham Odell
and Mary Castleman* (see note below) of VA
Rosie Tipton, d/o Wiley Tipton and Anna
McKinney of Yancey Co., NC
DIED: After
November 12, 1850 in Embreeville, Washington Co., Tennessee
Suspected / unmarked at
Embree Family Cemetery, Embreeville, TN
1st Companion: Nancy Brown, d/o
Jacob Brown and Elizabeth Artmire
Child: 1)
Elizabeth b. 1806 - md 1st, Jacob Phillips 1824, Wash. Co., TN; 2nd
Wife: (no marriage record found)
Margaret Odle / Odell, d/o Abraham Odle/Odell and Mary Castleman
Children: 1)
Jesse b. 1805 - md. Sarah R. Born
2) Mary "Polly" b. 1810 - md. David L. Honeycutt
3) Mary Elizabeth b, 1812 - md. Samuel Shannon
4) Sarah b. 1814 - md. Jacob Tipton
5) John H. b. 1815? 6) Katherine b.
September 4, 1817 - md. 1st unknown, 2nd John Cooper
7) David b. 1818 - md. Sarah Norris
8) Margaret b. 1822 - md. unknown [this author
descends through child
David Jonathan White]
Abraham H. b. August 1823 - md. Emaline Serena McInturff
10) Isaac b. 1825 - md. Mariah Salts
2nd Wife: (no marriage record found) Rosie Tipton
- d/o Wiley Tipton and Anna McKinney of Yancey Co., North Carolina
1) Jacob b. 1828 - md. 1st Elizabeth Nelson, 2nd Mary Pinion and
3rd Sarah Bryant 2)
Nancy b. 1830 - md. John Storie/Story
3) Joseph M. b. 1833 - md. 1st Martha Jones and 2nd Eliza Click
Ann Amanda b. 1835 - md. Edward Hollenbeck
5) Samuel b. Oct. 18, 1837 - md. Mary Storie/Story 6) Phoebe
b. 1840 - md. David Livingston
*NOTE: ODELL/CASTLEMAN: 1839-From General Abstracts
of Revolutionary War Pension Files, abstract by Virgil D. White:
"Abraham Odell served in the Virginia Militia. In 1839 his wife, Mary,
applied for a pension. ODELL, Abraham. Mary, Virginia Line, W1066. Widow
applied 20 Nov. 1839, Washington Co., Tennessee, aged 71. Soldier had served
in the Shenandoah County Militia; soldier married Mary Castleman 30 Nov.
1788 in Frederick Co., Virginia; and soldier died 8 May 1829. One Jemima JOB
of Washington Co., Tennessee made affidavit in 1839 and stated she was at
soldier's and widow's wedding. A son Samuel C. Odell wrote letter of inquiry
28 April 1842 from Jefferson Co., Tennessee. Soldier and widow had moved
from Frederick Co., Virginia to Washington Co., Tennessee in 1794. Widow's
brothers James & Benjamin Castleman & her sister Mrs.. Sh--? were mentioned
as living in 1845 and were heirs of George Jump (whose heirs were to receive
3,444 acres from the state of Virginia) as were other heirs, to wit: heirs
of William & Stephen Castleman & the "divisees" of David Castleman & Mrs.
"Nancy Brown vs. John White" In 1805, John
was about 35 years old when he courted Nancy Brown, d/o Rev. War Patriot
Jacob Brown and first wife, Elizabeth Artmire, of the Telford area of
Washington Co., TN and sired a daughter named Elizabeth. There is no
documentation on their relationship and how long they were together.
John left the relationship abruptly. Jacob Brown was not going to
tolerate John White not paying his obligation and thus filed a lawsuit on
behalf of his daughter "Nancy Brown vs. John White" in Washington
Co., Tennessee for "maintenance of a base born child." In the August 1806 Court of Pleas
and Quarter Sessions, the court ruled that John pay $45* child support for
3 years as follows: $20 dollars the first year, $15 the 2nd and $10 the
In 1986, Mr.
Dykes researched information regarding Nancy Brown and her daughter
Elizabeth White and
wrote a letter
detailing his findings from the Washington Co., TN
Courthouse, the County Clerk's office and the Archives of the Appalachia
at East Tennessee State University.
Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions - Aug Session, pg 174.
* $45 dollars in 1806 would be worth about $885 in 2016 based on
"Nancy Brown vs. John White"
Washington Co., Tenn court issued a writ
commanding the county Sheriff, Joseph Brown, to arrest John White and keep
him safely in jail until the next hearing session in February 1807 or
collect the $26.19 he owes on the judgment including accruing fees.
Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions - November. Front and Back
"Nancy Brown vs. John White"
Washington Co.,
Tenn court issued a writ
commanding the county Sheriff, Joseph Brown, to arrest John White and keep
him safely in jail until the next hearing session in August 1807 or
collect $16.00 ($15 plaintiff damages plus $1.00 fee) he owes on the judgment including fees.
In August 1806, the court ordered John to pay $45 child support for 3
years as follows: $20 dollars the first year, $15 the 2nd and $10 the 3rd.
Based on the balance, John paid on the first installment and fees.
Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions - August Term. Front and Back
"Nancy Brown vs. John White"
Washington Co.,
TN court commanded
the Carter County Sheriff to recover $16.40 from John White who was a
convict of its county and liable to appear in court and pay the money due
by next session held in May 1809.
In 1806, the court rendered judgment ordering John to pay $45 child support for 3
years as follows: $20 dollars the first year, $15 the 2nd and $10 the 3rd. John
paid the first installment, partial on the 2nd leaving a balance of $15.40
($15 for damages to plaintiff and $1.40 in fees). He fled over to
neighboring Carter Co., TN but the law caught up with him and a levy of
400 pounds of iron was sold off for $10.50, deposited to the court to
settle with the Brown family.
Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions - February Term. Front and Back
SUMMER 1810:
John White's father,
Christian White, Jr., died sometime before August 1810,
the time when his Will went into probate. Christian willed
everything to his "loving wife Elizabeth." Elizabeth never
remarried and lived out her raining years with son John.
ORIGINAL WILL - May 29, 1910
WILL - Court Approval - Feb. 1811
DECEMBER 10, 1814: John White
purchased from David Haines for $400, 100 acres in Washington Co., Tennessee
in Greasy Cove on the Indian Creek adjacent to John E. Brown’s property and
“starting on the side of Iron Mountain.” Recorded on June 27, 1815.
Witnesses: Abraham Odle and George Swingle.* John Brown is listed in Capt.
Brown’s Company in the 1814 East Tennessee tax with 100 acres, one white
person. Therefore John White’s property would fall within Capt. Brown’s
*Abraham Odle / Odell is John White’s father-in-law and
George Swingle is the son of Benjamin F. Swingle -well educated and
successful merchant in agricultural products.
SOURCE: Book 14, pg. 210 Washington Co., Tenn Land
Records. “Christian White, Lancaster County, PA and Christian White,
Washington County, TN” by Pauline R. Crader, May 1998. Pg.14.
1814: John White is listed in the
Washington Co., Tennessee Tax List – 100 Acres
White is listed in the Washington Co., Tennessee Tax List
1820: Destroyed Censuses for
1790, 1800, 1810, 1820 in Washington Co., TN due to Courthouse Fire
JUNE 12, 1824: Grant #13680,
Entry #14, John White acquired 50 acres in Greasy Cove on the waters of
the Indian Creek, adjoining the lands of Jesse Brown’s property. Surveyed
on June 29, 1824. Affirmed by the Governor of Tennessee on January 15,
SOURCE: Tennessee Division of Archives, Land Office, and
Museum. Early Tennessee/North Carolina Land Records, 1783–1927, Record Group
50, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tenn.
AUGUST 4, 1824: Grant #10786, Entry #143, pg. 95, John White acquires at
the rate of 12 ½ cents per acre sixteen (16) acres on the waters of the
Indian Creek. Surveyed on August 4, 1824. Affirmed by the Governor of
Tennessee on April 28, 1825.
SOURCE: Tennessee Division of Archives, Land Office, and Museum. Early
Tennessee/North Carolina Land Records, 1783–1927, Record Group 50,
Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tenn.
1829: John White acquires another 50 Acres in Greasy Cove
SOURCE: “Christian White, Lancaster County, PA, Christian White,
Washington County, TN” by Pauline R. Crader, May 1998. Pg. 14.
1830: John White purchase land from his brother George White. The deed of
sale is lost.
SOURCE: “Christian White, Lancaster County, PA ( __ - 1747), Christian
White, Washington County , TN (1747 – 1922)” by Pauline R. Crader, May
1998. Pg.16.
1830: John White is listed in the 1830 Washington Co.,
Tennessee Census with 13 people total in the household to include his
widow mother. He is living next door to son-in-law, David Honeycutt
who married Mary "Polly" White, on one side and George Haun on the
FEBRUARY 27, 1833: John White purchased land from John Brown. Witness –
Joseph Keener. No indication of the number of acres.
SOURCE: Book 20, pg. 48 Washington Co., Tenn Land Records. “Christian
White, Lancaster County, PA, Christian White, Washington County , TN” by
Pauline R. Crader, May 1998. Pg.16.
1840: John White is listed in the Washington Co., Tax List with 102 acres
and 96 acres
1840: John White is listed in the
6th Regiment, Washington Co., Tennessee Census living as head of
household. 11 people are in the household to include his aged
widowed mother. He is living next door to his son David White
on one side and son-in-law, David Honeycutt who married Mary "Polly"
White, on the other side.
SEPTEMBER 1844: John White sold to Nathaniel T. Brown* for $500 in
District 7 granted by the State of Tennessee to John White under No.
10786. The parcel beings at a gap in the mountain on the corner of John
White’s other 16 acre parcel adjacent to the another tract up to line of
John White’s 50 acre parcel divided by a installed by John White and David
Honeycutt (100 acre parcel) separating the properties. John White signed
his name which indicates he may have been able to read and write. David
Honeycutt is John White’s son-in-law who married his daughter Mary
*Nathaniel T. Brown (1815 – 1880), s/o John Brown and Jane McNabb, married
Phenetta Peoples on Dec. 1, 1853 by Rev. John Wright.
SOURCE: Book 25, pg. 32 Washington Co., Tenn Land Records. “Christian
White, Lancaster County, PA, Christian White, Washington
County , TN” by Pauline R. Crader, May 1998. Pg. 16.
1844: George White (brother of John White) also sold land to Nathaniel T.
Brown in District 7 adjacent to John White and Nimrod Tapp’s line.
Witnesses H. Bayles and John Barnes.
MARCH 23, 1846: Grant #27479, Entry #833, pg. 608, John White acquires 500
acres, including the farm where he currently lives and next to Nathan
“Birchfield’s line” and to “J. Nelson’s corner”. Surveyed April 13, 1846.
Affirmed by the Governor of Tennessee on August 29, 1849.
SOURCE: Tennessee Division of Archives, Land Office, and Museum. Early
Tennessee/North Carolina Land Records, 1783–1927, Record Group 50,
Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tenn.
6, 1850:
1850 Washington Co., TN Agriculture
Census. John White is not listed as a head, however, his son, Jacob
White is and enumerated next door to Ezekiel Birchfield. This is an account of John White’s
farm and his son, Jacob, is managing the farm which coordinates with the 1850 household
with Jacob also listed as the head and John as a family member. This Agriculture census
is a good recap of what John White owned and produced on the farm shortly
before he died. He had 640 acres total, 100
improved and 540 unimproved with a value of $1,500 along with scheduled
livestock and grains. Ezekiel Burchfield’s 230 acre parcel was near
Limestone Cove (part of Carter County at that time) and therefore,
John White’s was not too far away from
Burchfield’s property most likely
straddled county lines.
SOURCE: Washington Co., Tenn
Agriculture Census, 4th Sub-division, East District, Nov., 6th, 1850,
Joseph L. Rhea Assistant Marshall.
12, 1850: John White is listed in the 1850 Washington Co., Census HH
#1433, age 80, born in Virginia and a widower living with his children.
Son Jacob is the head of household.
AFTER NOVEMBER 12, 1850: Death of John White. John died after being
enumerated in the 1850 Census which was performed on November 12, and living
with his children on his estate with Jacob as head. DJ White states in his
notes that John White died in Embreeville. Records show that he died
intestate thus the court took over with the division of his property
according to Tennessee law. Most family descendants believe he was
buried at the
Embree Family Cemetery, Embreeville, TN
as this was an active cemetery during his death and other White relatives
are buried here.
SOURCE: 1850 Washington Co., Tennessee Census – see HH 1423
MARCH 1851: “It is ordered by the court that letters of administration be
issued to Ezekiel Burchfield on the states of John White, deceased, who
appeared in open court, entered into bond and security and was qualified
as the law directs.”
SOURCE: Minutes - Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions 1847-52.
MARCH 3, 1851: “Ordered by the court that Benjamin F. Swingle, Daniel Haun
and Solomon H. Jones be appointed a committee to lay off one year’s
provision to the minor heirs under 15 years of age of John White deceased,
and of the estate of John White and make report to the next term of this
SOURCE: Minutes - Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions 1847-52; pg. 239.
5, 1851:
Inventory and Statement of Sale of Property of John White deceased
totaling $87.47. Ezekiel Burchfield was the Administrator of the Estate.
The inventory of contents included farm equipment, livestock, tools,
sundries, household items, furniture and books. John owning numerous books
indicated he was literate. The “lot” of books was sold to his son, Isaac
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Inventories of Estates, 1844
– 1857, Book 2, pg. 212.
NOTE: Hezekiah Ezekiel Burchfield was the son of Nathan
Burchfield / Birchfield (b. 1774) and Delilah Garland.
DECEMBER 1, 1851: John and Nancy Storie (Nancy White of Caldwell Co.,
NC), heirs of John White sold to Jonathan Tipton for $40 their interest in
the farm of John White, a 500 acre tract of which they have 1/16. Signed
John Storie and Nancy (x) Storie. Witnesses Phillip Parks and Daniel
SOURCE: Washington Co., Tennessee Settlement and Deed Records, Book 33-72.
FEBRUARY 17, 1852: Jacob White sold to Nathaniel T. Brown for $50 his
right title and claim to his “undivided tract of my father John White’s
540 acres.” Recorded March 9, 1852. Witnesses Madison Booth and A. W.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. –
Settlements, Book 33 - pg. 176.
 MARCH 13, 1852: The Sale of Grain
of John White Deceased totaling $39.51 for the heirs of John White.
Ezekiah* Burchfield - Administrator of the Estate. John’s property was
still being farmed and the yield (corn, oats, and buckwheat) was sold off
to Calvin Whaley, Abraham White (son), David Brooks, and Jacob White
(John’s brother) with the proceeds going to the heirs.
* Hezekiah / Ezekiah Ezekial
Burchfield / Birchfield is the same person with name variations.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. –
Inventories of Estates, 1844 – 1857, Book 2 pg. 371.
FEBRUARY 12, 1853: A listing of payments made to Daniel Haun, I.C. Cox,
Charles Whitson, Thomas J. Cox, John Garland, Benj. F. Swingle, John S.
Black, William R. Sevier, George Reed, Nathaniel T. Brown, W. H. Smith.
Executor Ezekial Burchfield.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 1 - pg.
NOVEMBER 1853: David White sold to Nathaniel T. Brown for $45 his right,
title and claim to the land of John White, his father. Signed David (X)
White. Recorded 1855. Witnesses: Benj. F. Swingle and Stephen Barnes.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 34 - pg.
DECEMBER 2, 1853: Isaac White sold to Nathaniel T. Brown for $50 his
interest in the farm of “my father, John White, land in Greasy Cove
adjacent to land of E. Burchfield, Jesse Brown, N.T. Brown and others. My
interest is 1/16 of the said land.” Signed Isaac (X) White. Witnesses:
Benj. F. Swingle and Charles Whitson.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. –
Settlements, Book 34 - pg. 643.
MARCH 14, 1854: A Statement
of Sale of Corn and Oats sold by Ezekiel Burchfield*, administrator of the
Estate of John White.
* Hezekiah / Ezekiah Ezekial
Burchfield / Birchfield is the same person with name variations.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. –
Inventories of Estates, 1844 – 1857, Book 2 pg. 745.
APRIL 3, 1854: “Ordered by court that Charles Longmire be and hereby
appointed guardian of Samuel, Amanda, Phebe and Joseph White, minor heirs
of John White Deceased, who appeared in open court, entered into bond with
approved security and was duly qualified according to law.”
SOURCE: Minutes - Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions 1852-58; pg. 146.
MAY 1, 1854: “Burchfield vs. John White, heirs and others. It appearing
from the petition filed in this cause that the defendants Phebe White and
Joseph White are non-residents, it is therefore ordered by the court upon
motion of complainant by his solicitor that publication be made in the
“Railroad Journal”, a newspaper published in the town of Jonesboro for 4
successive weeks calling upon the defendants to appear at the June term
1854 of said county court of Washington Co., Tennessee to make their
defense to said petition by plea, answer or demur or the same will be
taken as confessed as to them and set for hearing expartee.”
SOURCE: Minutes - Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions 1852-58; pg. 161.
JUNE 5, 1854: Inventory of Rents of John White Deceased – “agreed to
continue to next term of court.”
Case was continued in July 1854 and August 1854 – disposition in 1856.
SOURCE: Minutes - Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions 1852-58; pg. 173.
JUNE 20, 1854:
A deed by Mary (White) and
Samuel C. Honeycutt of Morgan Co., Tennessee to sell to James Bell of
Carter Co., Tennessee, their share of the John White deceased property for
$300, in District 7. Signed by Ezekial Burchfield.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 35 - pg.
1855: Jonathan Tipton sold his claim to his part of the whole tract of 540
acres of John White to Nathaniel T. Brown for $41. Witnesses Jacob White,
Dan Hampton, Daniel Haun, John McInturff. Note: Jonathan Tipton sold his
share he bought from the John Storie and Nancy White.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 35 - pg.
1855: Mary Honeycutt of Morgan Co., Tennessee gives her power of attorney
over to her son, Samuel C. Honeycutt, to dispose of “my distribution share
which has descended to me from John White” Signed Mary (X) Honeycutt.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 35 - pg.
JANUARY 1, 1856:
Jesse White of the County of Morgan, Tennessee gives to
Samuel C. Honeycutt (nephew) power to sell right to Washington Co.,
Tennessee property of deceased father, John White in District 7, an
undivided interest. Signed Jesse (X) White. Witnesses John (X) Howard and
Mary (X) Honeycutt.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 35 - pg.
SEPTEMBER 1856: In the matter of “Burchfield vs. John White Deceased,
heirs and others” Burchfield settlement of estate of John White ordered to
be recorded and Burchfield paid court costs and case was dismissed.
SOURCE: Minutes - Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions 1852-58; pg. 7 and 13.
DECEMBER 1856: Payments made to Mark Bacon, M. Outlaw, I.E. Constable,
John Booth, Henry Hoss.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 1 - pg.
JANUARY 30, 1858:
Anna White sold to Nathaniel T. Brown the undivided
interest in 500 acres for $4_, 1/16 of the whole of ¼ of the undivided
part together with the rights, titles, etc. She states that her father,
John White. Signed Anna (X) White. Witnesses: A. Laxton, John Storie,
Henry Hoss.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 37 - pg.
JULY 1866: “Ordered by the court that Sam E. Erwin, E. Burchfield, and M.
E. Erwin be and are appointed a committee to lay off and run a line
between David White and Nate Brown, the undivided 4/16 of the John White
farm in the Greasy Cove and to do all things in the premises which may
seem in accord with the law and report at the next term of court.”
SOURCE: Minutes - Washington Co., Tennessee Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions 1863-68; pg. 298.
1866: Catherine White sells to her nephew, David Jonathan White, her 1/16
part for $100 of the John White farm in District 7. Signed “Catherine
White”. Note - Catherine was single and living in Putnam Co., Indiana at
the time of transaction.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 40 - pg.
AUGUST 1866: “Catherine Jones and husband John Jones’ Mary Smith and
husband G.W. Smith, and Sarah White, Heirs at law of the estate of John
White and Heirs of Margaret White, deceased, sell to David J. White, heir
of the same of the other part -- $1 to each for their interest and claim
in the undivided interest in land adjacent to N. T. Brown and Jesse Brown
and others and known as the John White, deceased, tract No. 7 Greasy Cove.
Signed Catherine (X) Jones, Mary A. (X) Smith, George W. (X) Smith, and
Sarah White. Witnesses: Joshua E. Tilson, C.H. Smith and Smith T. Smith.”
Note: Catherine, Mary, Sarah and David J. are the children of Margaret
White, deceased.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 40 - pg.
1866: A Deed of Partition between Nathaniel T. Brown and David J. White.
“We now hold title to the undivided interest in the John White land in
District 7. N.T. Brown has deed from Sarah Tipton and Anna White. D.J.
White has 2/16 Febie White’s, minor, included by deed from Catherine
White, heir of John White. Also Sarah White, Catherine Jones, Mary A.
Smith, heirs by their mother Margaret White. Also by descent from John
White, deceased.”
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 40 - pg.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1871: Nathaniel T. Brown sold to David R. West for $3,500 580
acres, part of which 14/16 of a 500 acre tract was owned by John White
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 44 - pg.
SEPTEMBER 6, 1873: David R. West sold to David J. White for $20 his right
to a tract in District 7 adjacent D.J. White’s property.
SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 44 - pg.
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