The Writings and Notes of
David Jonathan White
By Beth Bradford-Pytel
11/12/23 |
David Jonathan "DJ" White
Born: January 15, 1840, Washington Co., (now Unicoi) Tennessee
Died: June 10, 1928, Unicoi Co., Tennessee
Death Cert
Parents: unknown father and Margaret
Wife: Martha Caroline Garland, b. March 1850,
Red Hill, Mitchell Co., North Carolina
- d. Oct. 20, 1899, Unicoi Co., Tennessee; Daughter of Hampton Crissenberry Garland and Jane Elizabeth Burleson, Red Hill, Mitchell
Co., NC
Married: December 24, 1873 in Washington Co., Tennessee
Marriage Cert
Children: Ellen, Phoebe Jane, Edna
Jonathan Landon,
Mary Esther, Henry Clay,
Laura Hannah,
Christopher, Nellie Julian.
Faith: Methodist-Episcopal
Occupation: School Teacher, Surveyor,
Preacher / Elder, Farmer.
Community Church Cemetery
Plot #268/#269, Erwin, Unicoi Co., TN
This site is a compilation of writings and
quotes of David Jonathan “D.J.” White, in blue italics, extracted from the unpublished
manuscript entitled “Christian White, Lancaster County, PA ( __ - 1747),
Christian White, Washington County , TN (1747 – 1922) and The Genealogy of
a John White Family of Washington County, TN by David Jonathan White
(1840-1928)” by Pauline R. Crader, May 1998. According to Ms. Crader’s
manuscript, the original documents of David Jonathan “D.J.” White are in the
possession of Renee Leach and Loretta White and she was given the
opportunity to review those original documents and compile them in her
book. In a 1995 article entitled
"Treasures From a Trunk", Ms. Leach explained the
history and condition of the journals and the intention to
preserve them for future generations to appreciate. When Ms. Crader reviewed the documents, she explained that D.J.'s
writings were on “the backs of letters, envelops, receipts and paper
scraps, in various notebooks, brown paper bags, etc.” There were some
letters and documents in the collection that had no genealogical
significance and therefore omitted. With some fact
checking, the info D.J. offered among those writings have proven mostly accurate.
PART I is a transcription of the outline D.J.
presented of his ancestry and PART II are his quotes and writings found in
his collection which I have added historical facts, commentary and sources to enhance the
context and understanding of his statements. I am the great
grand-daughter of D.J. White through his son,
Joseph Christopher “JC” White. I look forward to one day being able to
see the original documents.
PHOTOS: Top D.J. in his 60's circa
abt. 1900; Center - the wedding of D.J. to Martha C. Garland circa 1873, d/o Hampton Crissenberry Garland (1825 - 1900) and Jane Elizabeth
Burleson (1826 - 1896). Her parents are buried at the Red Hill Baptist Church Cemetery,
Mitchell Co., NC. D.J. White, wife Martha Garland-White and his
mother, Margaret White are buried at the Fishery Church Cemetery and their
stones are placed at the foot of the tree.

PHOTOS (L) The farmhouse of D.J. White
(D.J. standing in the foreground) with his family and grandchildren.
(R) Oil painting of older D.J. White
by his daughter Mary Esther White-Edwards
Ancestry Outline
D.J. wrote the following outline of his
ancestry around the 1920s on brown
paper bags
“The Genealogy of a
John White Family
Of Washington County, Tennessee
By David Jonathan White”
“Christian White married Elizabeth Stonebraker.
Both came from Germany after the Revolutionary War. They settled in
Hagerstown, Maryland. They came to old Virginia, then to Washington
County, Tennessee.
Sons and daughters that I remember to heard
talk of was:
1. Joe moved to Illinois, lost sight of
him. I think Joe was a preacher
2. Sam moved to Ohio, had a son
3. John lived and died in Washington
County, Tennessee. His first wife was Mary/Margaret O’Dell. His wife was
Rosey Tipton. He died at Embreeville about 1850.
He was about 75 or 80.
4. Kate lived and died in Washington
County, Tennessee. She married Phillips Parks.
5. George lived and died in Washington
County, Tennessee on the Cherokee. His first wife was Sally Nelson.
6. Jacob, my great uncle, died at
Embreeville just after the civil war.
No. 3
John White, third son of Christian and
Elizabeth Stonebraker, was married to O’Dell and by her had ten
1. Polly (Mary) who married David Honeycutt
2. Jesse who died in Morgan County, Tennessee
3. Mary who married Sam Shannon of Washington
County and died in Middle Tennessee
4. David
who married Sally Norris. He died near Lebanon, Tennessee. He had two
sons, Joshua died in the Confederate Army.
John H. live at ____, Tennessee; a merchant.
Abraham married a McInturff. He had two sons
John and Labe and five
Sally married Jake Tipton of North Carolina. She had one son and two
daughters. She died in Washington County, Tennessee as did her son and one
8. Margaret
died in Washington, now Unicoi County in 1854. (D.J.'s
Catherine married in Indiana, eight miles from Greencastle. She died in
Isaac married a Salts –had one son and two daughters. He died near
Embreeville in Bumpass Cove. He was 77 years old when he died.
No. 3 John White’s second wife was a
Tipton –Rosie Tipton. By her he had six children. She died in Washington
County on the John White farm, now the Anderson farm. Their children:
1. Jake died in North Carolina. He was a federal
Joe died in Greene County or near the county line at Middle Creek. He was
a Federal soldier and a pensioner.
Nancy married John Story. They moved to Missouri and died there I suppose.
Sam died after the war in Missouri. Was waylaid and killed for his money
one night as he went from his store.
Ann went to Missouri and died I suppose. I lost sight of her.
Phebe married David Livingston. They lived in Cocke County, Tennessee. I
lost sight of them.
John White the father of ten children by
Margaret Odell and six by the Tipton woman died in 1850 at Embreeville.
Thus you will see how the world makes its evolutions and revolutions –how
the generations have come and gone.
No. 5 George, the
youngest son of Christian White married Sally Nelson first. By her he had
seven sons and daughters. (only 3
were listed)
William N.
Mary Ann
His son William N. married Sarah McInturff, daughter of Jefferson
McInturff, a sister to Abe White’s wife. By her he had several sons and
Cynthia who married Parnie Daniel
Chris who lives on Rock Creek and married May Simmons, daughter of L.A.
Joe White, Jr. who lived in Greene County, Tennessee
No. 6 Jake White, son of Christian White, figured largely at Kingsport and
Embreeville. I have been much associated with that family from childhood.
Jake married a Carbury for his first wife. They lived for years at Embreeville. His sons and daughters were:
All lived for years at Embreeville, Washington County, Tennessee.”
To help explain the people and context of the
writings, I have added notes, sources and commentary. |
“I have written a genealogy of the old set of the White family
running back to old Christian White my great grandfather and Elizabeth
Stonebraker my great grandmother. Christian White married Elizabeth
Stone Braker. Both came from Germany after the Revolutionary War. They
settled in Hagerstown, Maryland. Came to old Virginia, then to Washington
County, Tennessee.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: To better understand the following commentary, here is
a mapping of D.J. White's maternal ancestry which
goes back to the Knussli/Kneisley line from Switzerland:
Jonathan White [1840 - 1928] s/o >
Margaret White [1822 - 1854] (and unknown father)
d/o >
John White [1770 - 1850] (and 1st wife, Margaret Odell/Odle)
s/o >
Christian White Jr. [1746 - 1810] (and Elizabeth
Stonebraker b. abt. 1753) s/o >
White/Wise Sr. [1715 - 1747] and Barbara Miller [1721 - 1777] d/o >
Michael Miller [1690's - 1739] and Barbara Kneisley [1703 - 1777] d/o >
Antonius Kristopher Kneisley/Knussli [1647 - 1743] (and Magdalena
Hempstead) s/o >
Hans Knussli
[1624 - ?] (and Elisbeth Mueller)
Part I is the outline D.J. presented
about his ancestry going
back to Christian White*, Jr. and Elizabeth Stonebraker*. Although D.J. stated his
great grandparents arrived in the new world after the Revolutionary War from
Germany, court and land records proved that Christian White Jr. who married
Elizabeth Stonebraker was actually born in the Pennsylvania colony as his
parents were already established in Lancaster with a
225 acre farm
at the
time of his birth.
Furthermore, there is no proof that Christian Wyse / White* Sr. was from Germany,
but the Lancaster area was settled predominantly by immigrants from
Germany, Switzerland and Ireland (Scotch-Irish). Christian White Jr.'s
maternal grandparents and great-grandparents were Palatine Mennonites** of Swiss origin and
migrated north to the Palatinate area of Germany for a time to escape
religious persecution before coming to the new world in September 1717
settling in the Pequea and Conestoga areas of Lancaster.**
The following is a recap of Christian and Elizabeth’s ancestry and details of their
forbearer’s migration from Germany to colonial America to finally settle in Old
Washington Co., Tennessee.
*NOTE: Records show multiple variations of
spellings of the following surnames: Kneussel, Kneissle, Kniseley,
Kniceley, Kneisley, Knusli, Neisle, Nussli, Nicely; Kauffman, Coffman; Mueller, Miller; Stonebraker, Stonebracher, Steinbraker; White, Wise,
Wyse, Weit; Wolegmot, Walgemuth, Wohlgemuth, Walgamoot, Wohlgemut,
Wolgamott, Wohlgemot, Volgamott, Wolgemuth, Wulgemuth.
the early years of the eighteenth century, many German and Swiss emigrants
accepted William Penn's offer and took up lands in the rich limestone
valleys of the Pequea and Conestoga regions, which were part of Chester
Co., PA until 1729, when Lancaster Co. was organized. These
emigrants were Mennonites, followers of Menno Simon who was a contemporary
of Martin Luther. The Mennonites of Palatinate, Germany and
Switzerland led simple religious lives with peculiar manners of simplicity
of dress and had an aversion of baptismal at birth, taking oaths and
military service and thus was subjected to rigorous persecution and high
taxes in their native homes in Europe. They came to seek refuge from
persecution in the English Quaker province of PA with the initial
migration in 1709 settling in Lancaster. 1717 was the 2nd large wave
of Palatine
migration and Christian White/Wyse's ancestors came over at this time.
Christian White Jr. was born around 1746 in the Donegal Twp.*
(later Mt. Joy) of Lancaster, Pennsylvania and
was the son of Christian Wyse/White Sr. and Barbara Miller. The family
lived on a
225 acre farm
south of Conewago Creek next door to
Christian Sr.’s brother-in-law, Abraham Wohlgemuth* (he married
Barbara Miller-White’s sister, Elizabeth Miller).
PLATS Barbara and Elizabeth
Miller were the daughters of Michael Miller and Barbara Kneisley*
who lived in East Hempfield Twp. of Lancaster. As
of now, the parentage of Christian Wyse/White Sr. is unknown. There were
several White families who lived in the Mt. Joy area near Christian White
Sr. (see
Macro Map of Mt. Joy Twp.) to include Hugh White and his sons
William, Moses and Henry White who were Scotch-Irish but I do not think
they were related
to Christian “Wyse” White Sr. Jacob Shelly lived near these
White’s as well. Jacob Shelly married Mary Kneisley, the sister of Barbara
Kneisley (wife of Michael Miller) and owned several parcels in both Mt.
Joy and East Hempfield. “Wyse” was recorded on Christian Sr's. land
record, however, there are other records which showed “White” which put
into question his true surname. It was quite common to have variations of
spellings of
surnames at that time due to illiteracy, phonetic interpretation,
transcription errors and Anglicizing surnames of immigrants from Holland,
Switzerland and Germany etc. East Hempfield was settled predominantly
by Palatine Mennonites and the Mt. Joy / Donegal area was settled
primarily by the Scotch-Irish but there was a substantial number of
Mennonite farmers in this area. Although there is no proof to
date, from my research, I am inclined to believe Christian Wyse/White Sr. was
a Palatine Mennonite based on his marriage to a proven daughter of
Palatine Mennonite parents Michael Miller and Barbara Kneisley, the
date and location of his property living next door to other Palatine
immigrants that settled in the area, and the German language.
*NOTE: Donegal Twp., PA was named after
Donegal, Ireland and established in 1722; Mt. Joy Twp (or "Mountjoi") est. 1759
was formed out of Donegal and named after Viscount Mount Joy,
Historical Map of Lancaster
Co. and its Townships
PLATS - Wohlgemuths and Wyse/Whites - Mt. Joy Twp., PA
Survey Maps of Christian Wise / Wyse 225
Christian White Jr.'s grandfather was Michael
Miller, born about 1689 in Switzerland or Germany. His parents are
unknown but I suspect he was a relative of Jacob
Mueller/Miller who came over to Pennsylvania in 1710 along with Martin Kendig,
Rev. Hans Herr and Christian Herr acquiring 10,000 acres on the Pequea
river in the Conestoga area of now Lancaster, PA to start a Mennonite community for the
Palatine pilgrims. About 1715 or 1716, Martin Kendig returned to
Europe to convince other Mennonite families to come to colonial
Pennsylvania and cultivate the fertile land of the Conestoga area.
In 1717, Martin Kendig & Co., with John Herr, obtained a
warrant for 5,000 acres on Mill Creek and Conestoga expanding the Pequea
settlement. Michael
Miller was one of the first Palatine Mennonites who acquired land from
Kendig & Co. 5,000 acre warrant and settled the area.
From the "Minute Book of the Board of
Property" dated February 8, 1717, it states:
"Agreed with Martin Kendig and Hans
Herr for 5000 acres of land to be taken in several parcels about Conestoga
and Pequea Creeks at 10 pounds currency to be paid at the returns of the
surveys and the usual quitrents, it being for settlements for several of
their countrymen that are lately arrived here. The Warrant for this
land is signed on September 22, 1717 to the following.... Michael Miller -
500 acres"*** pg. 157
XXXIII of a Narrative and Critical History Prepared at the Request of The
Pennsylvania-German Society," by C. HENRY SMITH, Ph.D., Norristown,
Pa. 1929; Chapter IX pgs. 259-277
“1710 Pequea Settlement Tour Resource Information Booklet” by Samuel
E. Wenger, Mennonite Historical Society
Before 1727, the Palatine Immigration lacked colonial control with
documentation and registration upon entry. There were no manifest records
maintained by authorities, therefore we do not know the name of the ship Michael
Miller was on. However, it is highly probable that he, his wife (who
died in route) and son, Jacob,
were on board the same vessel as Antonius Kneisley (future father-in-law; see his section below)
and Andrew Kauffman (his future brother-in-law) based on several facts.
First, the timeline of when he acquired his land in 1717. One of his
parcels was purchased from Hans Herr and Martin Kendig, the founding
Mennonite leaders who paved the way for the Palatine Migration to
Lancaster. Second,
the location of the parcels being next door to Kauffman and Kneisley.
And third, marrying Barbara Kneisley, the daughter of Antonius Kneisley
and the sister of Andrew Kauffman's wife, Elizabeth. Barbara
Kneisley's grandmother was Elisabeth Mueller (died in Alsace) and Michael
Miller could
possibly be related to her as well. The
Millers, Kauffmans and Kneisleys were on board one of the 3 vessels which arrived in
Philadelphia on September 8, 1717, under the commands of Captain Richards
(164 passengers arrived); Captain Tower (91 passengers arrived); and
Captain Eyers (108 passenger arrived) respectively totaling "363
Palatines”** The discrepancy in the number of passengers for each
vessel was due to the deaths of the travelers which their bodies were
disposed out to sea before arriving in Philadelphia. This was to
curtail the spread of disease due to cramped conditions. The
trans-Atlantic journey was
very hard, unpredictable and the chances of survival were fair at best.
"Andrew Kauffman married twice.
His last wife, Elizabeth Kneissle
(the sister of Michael Miller's 2nd wife),
died about 1759. He came from Friesenheim, in Oberant of Neustadt,
Palatinate, where he is recorded as a Mennonite in 1716. Presumable
he is Andreas Kaufman, the "Hosenstriker" or trouser-knitter mentioned at
Streffisburg, Switzerland. He left Rotterdam, Holland in the early
part of June, 1717, and arrived in Philadelphia in September and located
on 200 acres of land adjoining Isaac Kauffman on the west. This was
part of the 5000 acre blanket warrant granted to Hans Herr and Martin
Kendig on September 27, 1717. This 200 acre tract was surveyed
Saturday, May 31, 1718. On the same day John Witmer's 200 acres
which adjoined Andrew Kauffman on the west and Michael Miller's 300 acres
on the north were surveyed."
SOURCE: "A Genealogy and History of
the Kauffman-Coffman families of North America”, by Charles Fahs Kauffman;
Mennonite Publishing House, Scottsdale, Pennsylvania, 1940; page. 1.
More on Andrew Kauffman:
Michael Miller arrived in
colonial Pennsylvania on September
8, 1717, with his son Jacob. His first wife (unknown) most likely died
on the long hard journey across the Atlantic which took 3 months. In
June 1717, the ship left the port of Rotterdam to London to receive its
sponsorship (only British ships were permitted entry
to the colonies), then onward to the port Philadelphia. Upon
arrival, Michael Miller and other fellow Mennonites met up with their
sponsor who escorted them out to the Pequea settlement of the
Conestoga area. At this time there were two passages available for a
traveler to reach the Lancaster area. The first route was established in
1646 by fur trappers which started from New Castle, Delaware, crossing
over the Octorara Creek to the Susquehanna River and then paralleled the
Susquehanna northward. The other road began from Philadelphia,
established in 1687, and over time, the 75 mile passage was completed all
the way to the Susquehanna river by 1712. Roads were the lifeblood
for community survival and development. Although we can not be for certain which
road Michael Miller, Antonius Kneisley (future father-in-law) and Andrew
Kauffman (future brother-in-law) traveled on to reach the Pequea
settlement, (which would also dictate which port they were dropped off), I
am inclined to believe they landed at the port of Philadelphia and took
the Great Conestoga Road.
* NOTE: The
adjacent map is from H. Frank Eshleman, Esq., who explained in his
research the timeline of the development of the Great Conestoga Road (or
Kings Highwy) and by 1714, was opened all the way to the Susquehanna
River, 75 miles west from Philadelphia, which was a shorter route than the
traditional route from New Castle, DE. This road had its beginnings in Philadelphia in
1687 and through the years, was extended and developed.
"Papers Read Before The Lancaster County Historical Society, June 5, 1908:
The Great Conestoga Road", by H. Frank Eschleman, Esq., 1908, Pgs.
215 - 232. On a Palatinate German draft of Mennonite leaders, Martin
Kendig and Hans Herr, the
road was marked as early as 1710 (MAP) and the Conestoga Road passed
within yards of the site where Hans Herr's house stood. After 1741
the Kings Highway was known as the Lancaster Road or the Great Road and became the most
traveled road of its time.
"Early Roads in Chester County",
April 1986 Vol. 24, No. 2, Pgs. 59–66.
In 1717, the Conestoga tribe (after which the town was named) was
still living in these parts on the Susquehanna river and the Quaker and
Mennonite settlers got along very well with their Native American
neighbors unlike the Scotch-Irish settlers of Donegal Twp. who who were a
bit uneasy of the foreign ways of the indigenous people. It's
important to point this out because since the beginning of colonial rule,
there had much strife, war and death between the white settlers and native
tribes. Records showed that Conestoga tribe highly regarded and
trusted William Penn. In 1711, the chiefs stated to the colonial counsel
"As to the Palatines, they are safely seated.".**
children even played with the native children.* Michael Miller acquired two parcels of land
in East Hempfield Twp. of Lancaster Co. PA. via warrants with 6 acres on
each hundred acres allowance for roads. The cost of each acre was 10 pence
of Pennsylvania currency.*** His first parcel was warranted on July 27,
1717, for 200 acres northeast of Andreas Kauffman’s land. His second
parcel of 269 acres, was warranted on November 22, 1717, and purchased
from Herr and Kundig’s 5,000 acre blanket warrant. This parcel was east
and south of Antonius (Andrew) Kneisley's land, issued under his son's name
"Johannes “Hans” Kneisley, Sr., and later sold to Daniel Ashleman and
patented under that name.
Miller's Land
PLATS - 2 Parcels of Michael Miller
*NOTE: According to an article published
in the
"Hazards PA Register, Vol. 7, No. II March 12, 1831, pg. 163, a
descendant of Mennonite Rev. Melchior Brenneman (1665-1732), explained how
the Mennonite and Native American children would play together which
demonstrated great trust among them. It further explained that the
reason the Palatines got along so well with the tribe was that they did
not provide alcohol nor trade with them for their religion forbade it.
**SOURCE: "Lancaster County
Indians: Annals of the Susquehannocks and Other Indian Tribes of the
Susquehanna" by Eshleman, H. Frank, 1908, pg. 201
*** According to Andreas Kauffman's Land
Patent (Michael Miller's brother-in-law and neighbor) he paid 20 pounds
for 200 acres.
There is a discrepancy whether his
first parcel was 200 or 300 acres between the two sources offered.
Being neighbors, Michael Miller (age 27)
came to know Barbara Kneisley (d/o
Antonius and Magdalena Kneisley
- see their section below) and
about 1720, they married in Lancaster and had 7 children together born
between 1720-1730. Michael and Barbara raised 8 children
(including Jacob from his first wife). D.J.'s ancestry came through their
daughter, Barbara Miller, who married 1st, Christian White/Wyse Sr. Michael
wrote his Will on March 23, 1737, naming his wife, Barbara, as the administratrix. Three years later, Michael died in 1739 and the Will
was proven in court on August 20, 1739. Barbara Miller and Frederick
L. Wolslegel were named in the Inventory of the Estate of Michael Miller
dated March 21, 1742. We know that Barbara was still a widow in 1749
when Moravian Missionary, George Hantsch, from Bethlehem, PA, visited the
Mennonites of Lancaster and her name was written in his diary as follows:
"In Conestoga and around Lancaster ...#5 Mrs. Michael Miller, widow."*
Therefore, sometime after 1749, Barbara Kneisley-Miller married Frederick Wolslegel but
they did not have any children together.
*SOURCE: "Brother
Hantsch Visits the Mennonites, A Moravian Missionary Diary of 1748",
The Pennsylvania Dutchman, Nov. 1, 1951, pgs. 1 and 5.
"Barnard Miller and Allied Families, The Miller Family or Michael
Miller and his Descendants", By Kenneth Duane Miller, Des Plains
Publishing Co., 1952, pgs. 141 - 160
According to a land record dated May
16, 1758 (proven January 16, 1764), Lancaster, Pennsylvania Deed Book K76,
it outlines the children of Barbara Kneisley and Michael Miller:
"Barbara Wolslegle, widow of Michael
Miller of Hempfield Twp., Lancaster county, deceased and the other heirs
of Michael Miller, deceased are named. His issue included:
Michael, Jacob, Christian, David, Samuel the sons; Elizabeth, wife of
Abraham Willgamwood (Wohlgemuth),
Barbara, wife of Samuel Willgamwood
Maudlin, wife of Peter Bawsler, the
daughters. (Note: Heinrich
Wohlgemuth, brother of Abraham, was also mentioned in K-76 deed.)
Barbara outlived her second husband
as Frederick died on June 1, 1772, intestate. Adam and Anna Sheller
were granted letters of administration for Frederick's Estate.
Barbara wrote her Will on April 1, 1771, with several codicils added.
She died in 1777 and the Will was proven in court on February 21, 1777. The burials of Michael Miller and Barbara Kneisley are unknown but
probably in the vicinity of their old property in East Hempfield Twp.
on the Will of Barbara Kneisley-Miller-Wolslegel, it
evident she was not pleased with
daughter, Barbara Miller-White-Wohlgemuth, and son-in-law, Samuel
decision to sell their share of land in Mt. Joy to move south to Hagerstown,
Maryland. Thus in 1777, she only
bequeathed them one shilling.
WILLS - Michael Miller and Barbara
WILL of Michael Miller
More info on Michael Miller and descendants by Jeffrey E. Mason.
Includes references and footnotes of records.
White's 3G grandmother, Barbara Kneisley-Miller, was the daughter of Antonius Kristopher Kneisley/Knussli and Magdalena Hempstead,
and was born in the Alsace
Province of Germany. She was listed in the 1707 census in Alsace,
age 4, and living with her parents and siblings. Antonius and Magdalena were from
Eggiwil, a town in the Bern Canton of Switzerland. They left the
area along with many other Anabaptist / Mennonites due to religious
persecution by the Church of Switzerland, primarily because of its
adverse position on taking oaths, holding office, participating in war which were
against God, and the dogma on
adult baptism. Anabaptist Mennonites held a strong belief that
baptism was only performed on those old enough to understand
accepting Christ as the Savior and to join the church. The Knussli
clan settled in the Alsace area for a time, but the same persecution
erupted forcing the family to migrate northward on the Rhine river to the
lowlands of the Netherlands, a place known for its religious tolerance and also a major port to consider leaving
mainland Europe. Antonius and family (his parents, Hans Knuslli and Elisabeth Mueller
died in Alsace) headed for
Rotterdam, at which place they boarded a ship bound for Philadelphia by
way of England. On September 8, 1717, Antonius, Magdalena and
children survived the arduous voyage
and met their sponsor, Martin Kendig, who took them,
along with several hundred other Mennonite pilgrims (including Michael
Miller as explained earlier), to the Pequea settlement in Conestoga (now
Lancaster Co., PA) to start a new life. The payment for the
1717 journey was arranged by Dutch Mennonite leaders in Amsterdam who worked through
William Penn and King George I of England, that the
Palatine pilgrims were excellent farmers and skilled craftsmen that would improve
the open frontier in Pennsylvania. They were a resourceful peaceful people
that would make compliant residents to the Crown.
"In the spring of 1717, some 300 Palatine Mennonites were in
Rotterdam to embark for Pennsylvania and they received financial support
from the Dutch Mennonites."
According to the Amsterdam archives, undated but
assumed 1717, King George I of England through his agent, Johan Rudolph Ochs, declared the following invitation:
"Since we have been informed that the Christians called Baptists or
Menonists have been denied freedom of conscience in various parts of
Germany and Switzerland, and endure much opposition from their enemies so
that they can support themselves only with difficulty, and must live
scattered about here and there, and have been hindered in the public
worship, it is made known to them by this that all those who desire may
enjoy freedom on conscience and may worship according to their conscience
in a land in American bordering Pennsylvania and Virginia under the
jurisdiction of the government of the King of England."
SOURCE: "Mennonite Emigration to
Pennsylvania" by de Hoop Scheffer, translated by S. W. Pennypacker, in
Pennsylvania Magazine of History, Vol II., pg 127.
"William Penn's familiarity with
Holland and her people opened a new asylum for these Swiss Refugees.
The Mennonite and Quaker are very similar in belief so that learning of
each other's needs, Pennsylvania was the most natural center of gravity of
land and freedom of conscience could be had for the taking. Penn
made several trips up the Rhine Valley promoting the settlement of
Pennsylvania. Rupps "30,000 Immigrants" shows how opportune Penn's offer
was considered. By 1730, the tide of immigration was large enough to
make the British speaking subjects lose sleep about the "German Peril."
SOURCE: "A Genealogy and History of
the Kauffman-Coffman families of North America”, by Charles Fahs Kauffman;
Mennonite Publishing House, Scottsdale, Pennsylvania, 1940; page xi.
D.J. White's great great grandparents were Christian Wyse/White Sr. and Barbara Miller.
It's not clear how they met since
Christian lived in Donegal Twp.* and Barbara was a Mennonite from
nearby East Hempfield Twp. Mennonites were a tight closed community who stayed to themselves
and parents would arrange marriages of their children within the faith. I suspect
their acquaintance was through the church affiliation, as well as the
Wohlgemuth connection, since
Barbara's older sister,
Elizabeth, was already married to Palatine emigrant Abraham Wohlgemuth* and established their
387 acre farm in Donegal Twp. next door to
Christian Sr's. Hence, Christian Sr. and Abraham were
most likely Mennonites. There is no marriage record found for
Barbara and Christian, but based on the initial land entry of when he
acquired his first parcel of land situated next to Abraham's, I am placing their
marriage sometime before March 1737.
*Abraham Wohlgemuth (b. 1714 - d. March 7,
1786) married Elizabeth Miller and was the brother-in-law to Christian
Wyse/White Sr. He was Christian's neighbor and friend. Abraham
and Elizabeth owned 3 parcels of land totaling 361.5 acres each having a
land patent name: "Hictory Level", "Chestnut Bottom", "Gamot" of Mt. Joy
Twp., Lancaster, PA. Their home was built on Chestnut Bottom and are
presumed to be buried at their homestead in unmarked graves. Their 6 children were: Henry, Christian,
Abraham, Mary, Barbara and Salome. For more info on his line, see
"Hickory Level and Chestnut Bottom; the family of Abraham Wohlgemuth and
Elizabeth Miller of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania" 1999, by Gerald
Faus Wolgemuth and Ruth Bryan.
"To Christian Wyse, 100 acres adjacent Jacob Dotwiller in Donegal
Twp., Lancaster Co. to commence 1 March 1737, he to pay 15 pounds 10
shillings current money of the province with lawful interest and yearly
quit rent of 1/2 penny sterling for every acre, warranted in Philadelphia
30 April 1746."
SOURCE: Pennsylvania State Archives, RG
17, Records of the Bureau of Land Records; Applications 1741-1746.
This was the first of many land entries Christian Wyse/White made since
upon his death, he
owned 225 acres adjacent to Jacob Dotweiller.
Joy Twp was established in 1759 out of Donegal Twp.
and Christian's marriage lasted about 10 years and around 1747, he died
shortly after the birth of Christian Jr. He left no Will* which leads me to
believe it was a sudden unexpected death. Barbara and the three children,
Barbara, Magdalena, and Christian Jr. were left alone with a
225 acre farm. Her sister,
Elizabeth, lived
next door and helped with the children. In October 1747,
Barbara Miller-White and her brother-in-law, Abraham Wohlgemuth, were the
administrators of the Estate of Christian Wise/White Sr. On October 9,
1747, they requested John Leman and Jacob Taylor to appraise the value of the
property. There was an administration bond dated October 14, 1747,
stating: "We Barbara
White and Abraham Wolgamot and Peter Reyarall
[neighbor Peter Reizer / Reezer]
of the county of Lancaster,
province of PA, are bound to Wm. Plumsted, Esq. Register General of
the Province of PA."
*SOURCE: In the Lancaster Co., PA
Orphans Book 1742-1760, there is a record which shows that Christian White
died intestate 1747. Peter Reezer was Christian Wyse/White' neighbor
living at the southern end of Christian's property who acquire his 100
acre parcel a few years earlier on April 9, 1742.
As administrators of Christian's Estate, the court
ordered them to make "perfect inventory" to exhibit at the Register
Office at Lancaster by November 14, 1747. On January 28, 1750, a
document entitled "Administration Amount for Christian White, Decd" stated: "Barbara Wolgomot, wife of
Samuel Wolgomot (formerly Barbara White widow) and Abraham Wolgomot,
administrators of Christian White deceased placing a value on the
Christian White inventory of 122 pounds O.S. 6D."
Let's take pause to talk about the Wohlgemuths
since they were closely tied with the Millers, Whites, and Stonebrakers.
Three “Wohlgemuth” brothers, Heinrich (age 24), Abraham (age 22) and Joseph (age 20),
were from Germany and emigrated to colonial Pennsylvania on September 1, 1736.
They left the port of Rotterdam, Netherlands in June 1736, stopped in Cowes,
England on the British ship "Harle",
then sailed onward to Philadelphia.
"SHIP HARLE: Rotterdam, Netherlands via Cowes, England to Philadelphia on 1
September 1736
District of Philadelphia - Port of Philadelphia. Ship:
Harle, of London. Master Ralph Harle arrived at the Court- house in
Philadelphia on 1 Sept. 1736, with one hundred fifty one foreigners from
the Palatinate and other places, who, with their families, making in all
three hundred eighty-eight persons were imported here and qualified"
The founder of
Hagerstown, Jonathan Hager, was also on this ship and became acquainted
with the Wohlgemuth brothers. Heinrich live in Mt. Joy area of
Lancaster, Pennyslvania first then moved across the Susquehanna to York
Co.; Abraham settled
in Mt. Joy and married Elizabeth Miller as explained
previously; and Joseph
settled in Frederick (now Washington Co.) Maryland acquiring 520 acres on the bank of Conococheague Creek,
outside of Hagerstown where he
built a
grist mill which
is still standing today. Samuel Wohlgemuth, who married Barbara
Miller-White, is a relative of the three brothers and he arrived 6 years
later in 1742 on the ship
"Francis & Elizabeth".
SOURCE: “Names of Foreigners who Took the
Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania 1727 – 1775.”
By William Henry Engle, M.D., Harrisburg: Edwin K. Meyers State Printer
“A collection of thirty thousand names of
German, Swiss, Dutch, French, Portuguese and other immigrants in
Pennsylvania", Rupp, Israel Daniel, 1803-1878. YA Pamphlet
Collection (Library of Congress) Online Book
Palatine Ships Harle and Francis and
Elizabeth - pg. 328
Barbara remarried to Samuel
Wohlgemuth about 1749 in Lancaster, PA. Samuel was noted on
the Donegal Twp. tax rosters of 1750 and 1751. In addition to
raising Christian Jr., Barbara and Magdalena, Samuel and Barbara had 4 children
together: John, Mary, Esther and Franny. Samuel was an important
role model for Christian because he was the only "father" Christian
knew as his blood father died when he was an infant. There is no marriage record found, but
Barbara Miller-White was named a "Wolgomot"
in the aforementioned document in January 1750. Samuel was a
Palatine Mennonite emigrant and a relative of next door neighbor, Abraham
Wohlgemuth. Samuel was born about 1724 and came over on the
"Francis &
arriving in Philadelphia on September 21, 1742. Upon his arrival,
hel most likely went to live with Abraham and Elizabeth and worked on
their farm up until he married widow Barbara. This would explain how
become acquainted with Christian and Barbara and thus was brought into the
"Ship Francis & Elizabeth
Captain George North, 1742 Left the port of Rotterdam by way of
Deal, England
[NOTE: List C – 94 people; the first 92
names of C list are missing on this list.]
328 Pennsylvania German Pioneers
No. 149 (# men)
74 1/2 ( # women and children)
223 1/2 Total
“At the Courthouse Philadelphia, Sept. 21st, 1742. Present: William
Till & Robert Strettel, Esq. The Foreigners whose names are underwritten,
imported in the Ship Francis & Elizabeth, George North, Master, from
Roterdam, but last from Deal, did this day take the usual Qualifications
to the Government, viz.,”
SOURCE: "Pennsylvania German Pioneers,
A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of
Philadelphia" by Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Edited by William John
Hinke, Volume I, Pages 327 - 330, Published by Genealogical Publishing Co.
Note: "O" indicates that Samuel Wohlgemot, was unable to read or write and thus made his mark when he took
the Oath of Abjuration at arrival in Philadelphia. Samuel was born about 1724 (no birth record
found) based on being noted as an adult on List C the when he took the
oath in 1742. He most likely born in the Palatine area of Germany
and a cousin of Abraham Wohlgemuth.
In 1751, Samuel and Barbara
purchased a
copy of The Martyrs Mirror** printed in German by the
Ephrata Cloister. The
Cloister (22 miles east of Mt. Joy/Donegal) was established in 1732 by German Pietist mystic,
Conrad Beissel. According to Gerald Faus Wolgemuth's
"Hickory Level and Chestnut Bottom"*, he stated that the oldest
surviving artifact of the early Wohlgemuths belonged to Samuel. The
Ephrata Cloister holds 10 original copies and two have bookplates, one of
which is "Samuel Wohlgemuth ~ 1751". We know that Samuel was illiterate upon
arrival at Philadelphia in 1742 as he could not sign his name, but
apparently he learned how to read to desire to pay for a copy of this
1,500 page book revered by Mennonites which still serves today as a complimentary
guide to the Bible. This is additional proof that German was the
preferred language in the household and that Christian Jr. and his
siblings were most likely taught German and brought up in the Mennonite
faith while living in Pennsylvania.
*SOURCE: "Hickory Level and
Chestnut Bottom: The Family of Abraham Wohlgemuth and Elizabeth
Miller of Lancaster, PA", by Gerald Faus Wolgemuth 1999, pgs.
7-8. **The Martyrs Mirror was first published in 1660 in the
Netherlands and tells the stories of Christian martyrs, especially those
who were Anabaptists. Author Thieleman Jansz
van Braght was an elder of the Flemish Mennonite congregation at Dordrecht. The 1,500 page book includes
311 illustrations of
Martyrs by engraver Jan Luiken. It took 15 monks and 3 years
(1748-1751) to translate from Dutch to German and print 1,300 copies at
the Ephrata Cloister. The book weighed 13 lbs. It became the
largest book printed in America before 1800. Samuel Wohlgemuth was
one of those buyers who requested his name to be printed on the book
plate. "The Martyrs Mirror" is deemed the
most important book next to the Bible among the Amish and Mennonites.
The full title: "The Bloody Theater or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless
Christians who baptized only upon confession of faith, and who suffered
and died for the testimony of Jesus, their Saviour, from the time of
Christ to the year A.D. 1660."
Wohlgemuth's 75 acre parcel was situated adjacent to "Christian
Wyse Sr's" (deceased) 225 parcel and warranted to him on January 30, 1752.
The warrant showed
"Samuel Woolgamood granted 100 acres of land
adjoining William Allison, Thomas Bole and Robert Allison in Donegal Twp.
..... agreed to pay 15 pounds, 10 shillings current money for the said 100
acres and a year quit rent of one half penny sterling for every acre." The 15 acre difference was most likely due to a
survey which validated the true acreage of 75 and thus would reduce his
taxes. Samuel was already married to Barbara at this time expanding the
former White/Wyse property to a total of 300 acres which was next door to
On June 7, 1758,
Abraham "Wolgamet" prayed to the court to make an order empowering the
administrators to sell a piece of Christian White's deceased land, to enable
the administrators (Barbara and Abraham) to bring up and maintain the
children. On June 19, 1758, the Lancaster Orphan Court approved the sale of a 100 acre parcel of
the estate of Christian Wise /White at public vendue.
SOURCE: Lancaster Co., PA
Orphans Book 1742-1760 record shows Christian White died intestate 1747.
In 1761,
Samuel and Barbara (Miller-White) Wohlgemuth family left Lancaster, Pennsylvania
(which displeased Barbara's mother greatly) and migrated down
to the Hagerstown area of then Frederick Co., Maryland. They purchased 367 acres
in the marsh lands of the Leitersburg District for 600 pounds of
Pennsylvania currency from Joseph Tomlinson, the original land patent owner
of "Water Sink".
"Joseph Tomlinson Sr. Deeded To Samuel Vulgamet Sr. For 600 pounds
of Pennsylvania currency, Re-survey Of Water Sink Containing 367 Acres.
Witnesses: Moses Chaplins And Thomas Prather ~~
Rebecca Released Her Dower"
SOURCE: Book G, Pg 359 Frederick Co
Maryland 4 Sept 1761 - 5 Jan 1762
Samuel's relative, Joseph "Volgamot",
was already established in this area for some time owning several parcels of
land and a mill on the Conococheague River 2 miles upstream from the confluence of the Potomac and Conococheague Rivers
Williamsport. The mill still stands
today known as
"Kemp's Mill." This explains why Samuel and Barbara chose to move
south to Maryland and establish their mill at Water Sink not far from
Joseph's. In
an article, "The Hundreds of Washington County," by Jeffrey A. Wyand
[pgs. 302 - 306], it describes the boundaries of
"Marsh Hundred" named for the large savannah area to include Water Sink.
"Running from the mouth of the Antietam to the mouth of the Conococheague [creeks] and up that to "Vulgamot's"
Mill and from thence with the road that leads from Volgamots to Stulls."
Christian White Jr. was about 15 years old when he
moved down to Water Sink, Maryland* with his mother, stepfather, sisters and
Christian Jr. and his half brother, John Wohlgemot, learned the trade of
operating a grist mill grinding corn, wheat, rye and other harvest
for food. By 1770, this area became the breadbasket of the nation
with its founding roots in milling starting in 1730s. Parts of
Samuel Wohlgemuth's original mill, established in 1769, still stand today
and is called
"Marsh Mills".
Photos of Samuel Wohlgemuth'S Grist Mill
*NOTE: Water Sink, Maryland is now known as The
Marsh Mills Historic District and part of the National Register of
Historic Places with the National Park Service. The 1783 Washington
Co., Maryland Supply Tax
assessed Samuel "Wolgamott" for a mill valued at £400 currency.
A 1780 agreement between Samuel and his son, John, indicated that they
owned a saw, grist and still mills on the Water Sink property. In 1811, John "Wolgamore"
(his son) sold 157 and 3/4 acres of land and Wolgamore’s Mill to Henry
Coffman. Records show that the mill was situated 8 miles from
Hagerstown. Over the years, the mill on Spielman Road has been known as
Wolgamore’s Mill, Marsh Mills, Haley’s Mill, Spielman's Mill. In
1888, the Mill was turned into a creamery altering the structure from
grain to dairy.
On February 13, 1769, there was a boundary
dispute between Samuel "Volgamot" and his neighbor and wife's
cousin, Christian Ebersole /
Eversole, which required the land to be re-surveyed and depositions taken and
brought before the court at the March session in 1769.
Boundary Dispute - Samuel "Volgamot" and
Christian "Ebersole"
On July 22, 1768, Samuel "Wolgemuth" signed a bond in the amount
of 500 British pounds to Christian "Wise" Jr. and his 2 sisters
regarding their father's estate. This bond was their protection as
duly heirs to their father's estate in the event they were not named in
Samuel Wohlgemuth's will (which ended up happening anyhow 21 years later).
The timing of drawing up this document makes me think that mother,
Barbara, was sick or perhaps dying and was thinking ahead about ensuring
the future of her children's legacy with Christian White/Wyse Sr. after
she is gone. It also proved that all three of her children with
Christian Sr. moved down to Maryland from Pennsylvania. The bond was
recorded on August 17, 1768, in Frederick Co., Maryland at the request of
Christian "Wise" stating:
"Wherein Samuel Wolgemuth of Frederick Co., Maryland binds himself
to Christian Wise, Barbara Wise, and Magdalena Wise, all of Frederick Co.,
Maryland in the sum of 500 pound British sterling to pay the three above
named. They by their father, Christian Wise of Lancaster Co., PA,
deceased, were left a legacy. Some years ago, Christian, Barbara and Magdalena Wise left their legacy in the hands of Samuel Wolgamoth." --signed by Samuel Wohlegmutz, witnessed by Vonnslander and Conrad Hogmire.
NOTE: If Samuel hinders or debars
by his last will and testament, the three Wise children are to have, hold
and enjoy an equal portion in their legacy through this bond.
SOURCE: Pg 104, Frederick Co., Maryland Deeds / Bonds
Agreement / Bond written July 1768; recorded
August 1768
...now know ye that whereas Christian Wise, Barbara Wise, and Magdalena
Wise of the aforementioned County hath by their father Christian Wise of
Lancaster, CO in PA, Deceased, left a legacy to each of his children
aforesaid which said legacy of the aforesaid Christian, Barbara and
Magdalena Wise some years ago as will appear in the records of Lancaster
CO left therein the olde estate in the hands of the aforesaid Samuel
Wolgemoth the said Samuel Wolgemoth doth here by his heirs executors
administrators and assigns...."
SOURCE: Frederick Co., Maryland
Land records:
Book L, page 402:
same year, Christian White was 21-22 years of age and mother Barbara and
stepfather sold him a parcel of land for 300 pounds currency at Water Sink
on December 2, 1768.
"Dec 1768 ...at the request of Christian Wise the following
deed was recorded. Land called Water Sink sold to Christian Wise by Samuel
SOURCE: Frederick Co., Maryland
Land records:
Book L, page 596.
This transaction proved first that Christian was
at least 21 years old since that was the minimum age to own
property in Maryland and second, that mother Barbara was still alive as
she was named in the land transaction. The parcel was a carve out
from Samuel's original parcel 3 miles south of Hagerstown near the Potomac River
(see Map Water Sink map). It was around that time Christian
joined families with the Stonebreakers of Funkstown, Maryland. He married
Elizabeth Stonebraker around 1769 and she gave birth to their first born,
John, in 1770*. There is no marriage record found for Christian and
Elizabeth, but I am estimating their marriage based on the birth of John. Also, there is no birth record for Elizabeth, but I am
estimating her birth year about 1753 as she would be age 17 with the birth
of John and age 47 with the birth of her youngest child, Samuel, in
*1840 and 1850 Washington Co., TN
Census records show that
John White (1770-1850)
was born about 1770.
The parents of Elizabeth Stonebraker are not
proven however, there is a strong lead that she was the daughter of
Michael Stonebraker (b. 1720), son of Danish emigrant, Christian
Stonebreaker, who came to colonial America in 1730 with his three sons and settled in the Funkstown District
just south of Hagerstown. "The
letter patents for their land dated 1730 are still in the possession of
their descendants.*" According to "The Stonebrakers in
America" by Dr. Charles L. Eater, Jr., et al, 1992., he places
Michael Stonebraker as the probable 2nd son of Christian Stonebraker and
Michael's first born was Garrett/Gerard (b. 1742 - d. June 1813).
According to Gerard Stonebraker's Will, he owned a large sum money and
property to include a vineyard in Funkstown. Therefore, it is my thought
Elizabeth (b. 1753) would be the likely younger sister of Gerard since it
is proven that Gerard's son, Michael Stonebraker (named after his
grandfather), married Christian White's
half-sister, Esther S. Wohlgemot about 1783.
"Shortly before the close of the
Revolutionary War, Michael Stonebraker located on the Potomac river, near
where Bakersville now stands, and in 1792 became possessed of a large
tract of land, where he raised his 4 sons and 4 daughters.** Their plantation was outside of Bakersville, Maryland 3 miles from Water
Sink where the Wohlgemots lived.
A History of Washington County Maryland -Vol. 2, by Thomas C J. Williams,
Baltimore, MD, 1906 pg. 898
** SOURCE: "A Rebel of '61" by
Joseph R. Stonebraker, Wynkoop Hollenbeck Crawford Co. Printers,
NY-Albany, 1899, pgs 14-15.
NOTE: Michael and Esther Wolgemot-Stonebraker are buried at Eakles Crossroads near Sharpsburg at
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Bakersville Cemetery, Washington
Co., Maryland. Michael Stonebraker was a Trustee** when they broke
ground on Feb. 1, 1810 to build a meeting house of worship with adjacent
burial grounds. Their tombstone state "Michael Stonebreaker who died
May 6th 1815 in the 56 years of his Age" (1759-1815); In Memory of
Ester, Wife of Michael Stonebraker, Born Dec. 27, 1762 - Died Feb. 17,
1827. Esther died at age 64.
**Source: Centennial History of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Maryland
1820-1920, Wentz.
Samuel and Barbara Miller-White-Wohlgemuth lived
the rest of their lives at Water Sink operating their mills on the
St. James run in the mash lands of Frederick Co., (now Washington Co.)
Maryland. He also purchased 400 acres of land in the western frontier of Monongalia Co., Virginia (now West VA) for his two married daughters, Franny and Esther, to
set up their homesteads. Esther most likely sold her portion as she
married Michael Stonebraker and remained in Bakersville until death. There is no death certificate found for Barbara
but she most likely died several years before Samuel
remarried to a Catherine who was named in his Will written on April 18,
1789, and proved on June 20, 1789. As Barbara may have predicted,
Samuel did not name Christian, Barbara and Magdalena White in his Will. The witnesses
give strong suspicion that Samuel may have been a Dunkard Brethren. The Will stated:
"Catherine and my four children: John,
Mary, Esther and Frony. Inheritance of my daughters Easter and
Franny be used to buy land for their children. My 400 acres in
Monongahle [sic]
Co., Virginia bought from Francis Deakin,
200 acres to Easter Stonebraker, 200 acres to Frany Maxel, married
daughters." Signed Samuel Wolgamoth
Witnesses: Peter Sight, Samuel Bachtel, and Jacob Zug [Tug]."
SOURCE/NOTE: Frederick Co., MD Wills.
His Will states 3 men "of his Society" are to appraise his estate. Samuel Bachtel was a German
Baptist Brethren (Dunkard) Minister and Jacob Zug was a Dunker member of the
White Oak Church of the Brethren. Members of church were referred to
as a Society. Jacob Zug sold his farm in
the Conestoga area of Lancaster, PA and moved down to the Water Sink
(marsh lands) area and purchased 228 acres from Samuel Wohlgemuth on March
12, 1774. The 228 acres were situated "on the Waters of the Great
Marsh falling out of his Lordship's Manor Conogocheague into the Potomack
River and joining to a tract of land called the Chews farm," and
included a part of another tract called "Nullum Lookout." The farm is
about eight miles southwest of Hagerstown, near land patent "Fairplay."
According to the"Zuck Genealogy" by John B. Zuck, Jacob Zug was the oldest
son of White Oak Minister, Ulrich Zug and after Jacob's death on
January 17, 1792, his farm at Water Sink was sold to his son -in-law,
Nicholas Martin, and John Wolgemot (Samuel's son).
On May 20, 1772,
Christian White Jr. sold the 67 acre parcel in Water Sink to his half-brother, John
"Wilgamott" for 350 pound currency. Per the Frederick Co.,
Maryland land records: "sold to John Wilgamott for
350 pounds, 62 acres, signed by Christian WeiB, witnessed by Thomas
Prather and Basil Prather, deed recorded 22 June 1772.
SOURCE: Frederick Co., MD. Deed Book
P, page 231. Land indenture Christian Wise to John Wolgamot June 1772.
NOTE: John Wolgemot partnered with his father Samuel on milling
endeavors to grist, lumber and distillery operations which flourished at
Water Sink. Joseph's parcel was a carve out of Water Sink and after
his father's death, he patented his land called "Wolgemots Venture."
After selling
his land in Maryland, Christian's family and Gaspar Stonebraker family moved across the Potomac River into Berkeley
Co., Virginia (now Morgan Co., West Virginia) about 40 miles southwest to the Middle Fork of
Sleepy Creek to start their grist mill. As explained earlier,
Christian's half-sister, Esther Wolgemot, married
Michael Stonebraker, the likely nephew to Christian’s
wife Elizabeth Stonebraker. Also, Gaspar/Casper Stonebraker is the probable brother to Elizabeth and he married a Barbara
which many researchers believe is Christian's full-blood sister since Gaspar and Christian partnered together in acquiring 393 acres as joint
owners on the "North Fork" of Sleepy Creek. The land was surveyed and
a warrant executed on July 7, 1772, and entered into the books in March
28, 1775. On April 2, 1771, Wendle Frushour of Frederick Co.,
Virginia requested a warrant, #338, to be executed on behalf of "Christian
White and Gaspard Stonebraker" of Frederick Co., Maryland, a plat for 393
3/4 acres. Based on this, it was evident that Christian was planning
to leave Water Sink a year before he sold his land to his half brother.
It also showed that he and Gaspar were acquainted with Wendle Frushour and
used him to assist in their land acquisition at Sleepy Creek. Berkeley Co.
VA was established on February 10, 1772, from Frederick County, VA.
"P340: Caspar Stonebraker and Christian White both of Berkeley
Co., assignees of Wendle Froshour, 393 acres on North Fork of Sleepy Creek
in said county. Surveyor Richard Rigg. Adj. William Bailey's Dark
Lick Survey. 28 March 1775.
SOURCE: "Virginia Northern Neck Land
Grants, 1742-1775, Volume 2." By Gertrude E. Gray. pg. 229.
Johann Wendel Frushour (1722-1793) was a
Palatine emigrant who settled in Sleepy Creek area near present day
Berkeley Springs, West VA. He owned 2 tracts of land - one of which
was 400 acres and the other 140 acres.
pg. 29
Christian White
Jr. and
Gaspar Stonebraker families lived on this land until
August 1779, when they sold the parcel to William Catlett for 360 pounds
"R-273: William Catlett of
Berkeley County, assignee of Christian White for whom surveyed 145 acres
on Middle South Fork of Sleepy Creek. Surveyor Richard Rigg, Adj. Gasper
Stonebraker, His Lordship's Line, Michael Pyke, Edward Crabb. August
23, 1779."
SOURCE: "Virginia Northern Neck Land
Grants, 1775-1800, Volume 3"By Gertrude E. Gray, Dave Gray, pg. 38
"Indenture 17 Aug. 1779 Between Christian White and Casper Stonebraker of Berkeley Co. Va., grantors to William Catlett For 200
pounds a tract of land lying on the waters of Sleepy Creek; granted to
White and Stonebraker by patent of 1775.
Christian White and Elizabeth his
wife, Casper Stonebraker and his wife Barbara to William Catlett"
SOURCE: Berkeley Co., West Virginia
Court Records and Deed Book 5 Page 295-296.
NOTE: William Catlett sold the 285 1/2
property in 1789, to Hubbard Hume and the record showed that the property
was located on the "drains of Sleepy Creek". Drains from rivers are
used to operate mills.
Berkeley Co VA Rent Rolls (1774 - 1781):
White and Stonebreaker, 393 acres. Land patented in 1775 by Christian
White w/ Gaspard Stonebreaker. 1779 Same land sold.
The Revolutionary War
was stirring up Christian and Gaspar were chain carriers on a resurvey of land for Edward Crabb of Sleepy Creek
in July 1776, the time when Colonial America declared its Independence
from England. Christian would be about 31 and still young
enough to serve but it is unknown if either Gaspar or Christian
participated in any militias.
"Edward Crabb, 7-13-1776 through 11-7-1776 432 acres to amend an
error in his 202 acre surveying land on Middle South Fork of Sleepy Creek.
William Bailey & Bartholomew Fryett, Stonebraker, Stephen Mill
chain carriers: Gaspar Stonebraker & Christian White.
SOURCE: Berkeley Co., West Virginia
Court Records and Deed Book 4 Page 83
after 1779, Christian
White, Jr. and Gaspar Stonebraker parted ways and Christian and family moved further south
via the Great Wagon road to the
Harrisonburg area of Virginia.
Two of Christian's grandmother's siblings, Christina Kneisley-Haldiman and
Antonius Kristopher Kneisley Jr. had already settled in the
Woodstock area of northern Virginia after 1735. Also, Christian's mother's
brother, David Miller, also moved down the Harrisonburg area of Virginia
after the death of his mother, Barbara Kneisley-Miller-Woolslegle in 1777.
Samuel Miller purchased land in 1782 and additional land in 1785 2 miles
west of Harrisonburg and died in 1789 with his son taking over the Estate.
Christian went missing in records from 1780 until 1788 which leads me to
believe he and family may have been living with his uncle David Miller a
time until he established his own residence and was taxed in 1788, on the
Tenth Legion* of Rockingham Co., Virginia tax list. Also noted in that same tax roster
Abraham Odle / Odell. Christian’s son, John, ended up marrying Abraham Odell’s daughter,
Margaret, when they arrived in the Leesburg area (5 miles west of
Jonesborough) of Washington Co.,
Tennessee. A Christian “Weit” was noted in a 1796 Rockingham
Co., Virginia "tithable" as "father of Barbara White" who married
James Sellers. When looking more closely at the relationship of
Barbara and James and the Sellers / Zeller line, it reveals clues as to
how they met and the location of where the Christian White clan lived in
Rockingham Co., VA. According to the
1792 Tenth Legion Tithables, Rockingham Co., VA Tax Roster, "Chrisly White"
was noted in the 8th District under Josiah Harrison's Co. with 6 taxables in the household and living
next door to Henry Kinder on one side and Isaac Wiseman on the other.
In that same district was Conrad Sellers (uncle of James Sellers) and
Abraham Odle. My deduction is that the couple met through the
Methodist church affiliations. Furthermore, James Sellers' first
cousin, Ann Sellers (d/o Conrad Sellers and Elizabeth Helfry) married
Joseph White on August 1, 1805, in Rockingham Co., VA and it is suspected
that this Joseph White (b. abt. 1782) is the brother of Barbara White.
James Sellers' father, Johann Michel
"Michael" Zeller/Sellers constructed a meeting house on his property
located at present day Melrose Caverns, Virginia (abt. 8 miles north of
Harrisonburg, VA, off US Hwy 11 and I-81) for Methodist Circuit riders to conduct
services. Furthermore, the Zeller family moved to Rockingham Co.,
Virginia from Lancaster, PA and were German immigrants.
* Tenth Legion comes from the
coined term by then Governor Thomas Jefferson "Old Tenth Legion of
Democracy" which afforded people religious freedom, pro democracy and was
against slavery in an area that comprised of Rockingham, Shenandoah and
Page Counties of Virginia. The Massanutten region (Zenda)
is where Christian White, Jr. clan lived for about 12 years. This
area was predominately settled by a large influx of Pennsylvania Pilgrims
(many of whom were German)
seeking religious tolerance in the fertile lands of now Harrisonburg, VA
area. There are 7 well known grottoes in the vicinity.
"Massanutten Settled by The Pennsylvania Pilgrim 1726", by
Harry M. Strickler, 1924.
Around 1794, Abraham Odle/Odell
moved down to Washington Co., Tennessee. The Christian White family
followed a few years later via the
Philadelphia Wagon Road to the Wilderness Road towards Jonesboro
settling in the Leesburg area 5 miles outside of Jonesborough. Although there is no record available to prove the date
when Christian White Jr. and family moved down to Tennessee, I am dating
their migration around 1800, shortly after the birth of their youngest
child, Samuel L. Census records show
that Sam was born about 1800 in Virginia (mother Elizabeth would be about 48
which seems a bit old for pregnancy although not impossible).
According to
Samuel Lewis White's obituary, he was
born in 1803 and died at age 72 in
December of 1875 and buried at the
Hamden Cemetery in Zaleski, Vinton, Ohio. I believe the
age noted in the obituary was an estimate and he was actually born about
1800 as shown in the 1850 / 1860 census records and the age of his mother.
Samuel's son,
Charles L. White's obituary of 1902 stated he was the grandson of
Christian White and Elizabeth and wrote in a separate document that:
"Christian and Elizabeth
White migrated from Germany about the year 1750 and settled in Lancaster
and afterwards Berks Co., PA, subsequently moving to Shenandoah Co.,
Virginia and thence to Leesburg, Washington Co., east Tennessee."
SOURCE: Page 5, "Christian White,
Lancaster Co., PA, Christian White, Wash., Co., TN" by Pauline R. Crader, May 1998.
Also referenced in the following Bio of Charles L. White. I believe
"Berks Co., PA" was a mistake in the transcription and was supposed to be
"Berkley Co., VA" since that was where Christian White and family lived
for a time when they
left Lancaster, PA to
Watersink outside of Hagerstown, Maryland. Berks Co., PA is the
Reading area east of Lancaster which is not in the migration path of
Christian White.
Charles Lewis White and John Fletcher White
were the sons of Samuel Lewis White and Elizabeth Wilson Masterson.
Both were well educated men who served in the civil war; one became a
lawyer and the other a physician.
In 1809, Christian White was found in a lawsuit in
Washington Co., Tennessee vs. William Purcell /Pursley) Sr. and George
House regarding bail for a Joseph Glass with a judgment that Glass pay White
$134 dollars. There are no census records available for 1800, 1810,
and 1820 for Washington Co., Tennessee so we do not get to see the time of
when the children split up, some of whom remained in Washington Co.,
Tennessee and others migrated to Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa.
Christian White Jr. wrote his Last Will and Testament
on May 29, 1810, bequeathing everything to his “true and loving wife
Elizabeth”. It does not appear Christian was able to read or
write since he placed an "X" by his name. The Will went into Probate
on August 8, 1810, which means Christian died sometime before August. The Will was proven in court with William Sands and
Christian Zetty as witnesses in the February Session 1811, Washington Co.,
Tennessee. Elizabeth lived another 30 years and is noted in the
1830 (70-80 age group) and 1840 (90-100 age group) Washington Co.,
Tennessee censuses living with her son John in the Greasy Cove area of now
Unicoi Co., Tennessee. She never
remarried. Christian and Elizabeth Stonebraker-White's burials
are unknown. I suspect Christian's grave to be located in the
Leesburg /Telford area of Jonesborough and wife, Elizabeth's, around the present
day Fishery area of Unicoi Co. where her John, son owned a large parcel of
land. As a side note, I believe that
Christian White was well acquainted with Christian Zetty, the witness to
his Will. They had similar backgrounds in that Christian Zetty (b.
1762 - d. 1841 of German ancestry) was born in Donegal, Lancaster, PA, same town where Christian White was born, migrated down to the
Harrisonburg area of Rockingham Co., VA with his parents in the late
1700's and then moved onward to the Jonesborough area of Washington Co.,
Tennessee. Christian Zetty was the son of Peter Zetty/Zette and
Barbara Ann Reiff and married Barbara Miller in Rockingham Co., VA. Zetty's wife may be related to Christian White Jr. since his mother was
also Barbara Miller of Donegal Twp., Lancaster, PA.
“In the name of God, Amen:
Whereas it being appointed for all men to die and at this time being
weak in body but of sound mind and memory and having some worldly property
which I do dispose of in the following manner concerning of which I do
make and ordain this to be my last will and testament. In the first
place I do ordain and name especially and absolutely appoint my true and
loving wife Elizabeth to be my sole executor and I do give and bequeath to
her all and singular all my worldly property to be disposed of among my
heirs at her discretion and at any time she may think proper before or at
her death. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand and
seal the twenty ninth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred
and ten.
Christian “X” White (( Seal ))
Sands )
Zetty )
foregoing Will was proven in court by the oaths of William Sands and
Christian Zetty the subscribing witnesses thereto at February Session
1811 and ordered to be recorded. Elizabeth White qualified as Executrix of
the foregoing will."
ORIGINAL WILL - May 29, 1910
WILL - Court Approval - Feb. 1811
A letter D.J. wrote on May 29, 1920, to his daughter, Mary Esther
White-Edwards, who lived in Kansas.
“I will take time and send you the
genealogy of the White family sometime and the history of my career in
preaching and c___ (surveying)*. First, old Christian White our great
grandfather was Scotch Irish. He married Elizabeth Stone Braker. They
came from Germany and settled at Hagerstown, Maryland. Then they went to
old Virginia and from there to Washington County, Tennessee. The names of
the children that I remember to hear talk of was Samuel, Joseph, John,
Jacob and George. Sam and Joseph went west. I think Joseph was a preacher.
Jacob, my great uncle died at Embreeville just after the Civil War. George
died near Cherokee near Jonesboro.”
* The word was illegible in his letter,
but possibly “surveying” since that was his profession for a time before
he became a full time Methodist minister.
NOTES / COMMENTARY: D.J. corresponded with his
daughter Mary quite often as shown in the collection of his writings and notes. On May 29, 1920, D.J. provided her with an
outline of the family genealogy (see Part I). Mary Esther White-Edwards lived in Abilene, Kansas
at the time with her husband, William Grant Edwards and two sons, David
Jonathan (named after D.J.) and Benjamin Franklin (named after her
father-in-law). He explained that Christian White was “Scotch-Irish” and
the children of Christian White and Elizabeth Stonebraker that he
remembered being told were Samuel, Joseph, John, Jacob and George. D.J.
forgot to mention Katherine "Kate", however in Part I, he included her in the
outline. He also never mentioned daughter Barbara who married James
Sellers. The
Christian White family split sometime after settling in the Leesburg
(Telford area) of Washington Co.,
Tennessee. Brothers Joseph and Samuel Lewis headed north, Joe to
Illinois and Sam to West Virginia then onward to Ohio respectively; Barbara and her husband
went north
to Illinois and finally settled in Iowa; John, Kate, George and Jacob remained in Washington Co., Tennessee.
George and Jacob set up their homesteads in the Embreeville area near the
iron mines and
John's 640 acre farm was on the North Indian Creek outside of current Unicoi at the foot of
Iron Mountain.
The known** children of Christian White/Wise/Weit
Jr. and Elizabeth Stonebraker/Steinbracher are:
John White: b. about 1770, Water Sink in Frederick Co., Maryland;
married 1) Margaret Odle and 2) Rosie Tipton; died after November 1850,
Greasy Cove, Washington Co., (now Unicoi) Tennessee. Unmarked
Barbara White: b. January 31, 1774, Middle Fork of Sleepy Creek,
Berkeley Co., VA (now West VA); married James Sellers on Nov. 8, 1796, in
Rockingham Co., VA; she died May 31, 1851 and buried
Williamson Cemetery,
Pleasant Ridge Twp., Lee Co., Iowa next to her husband's unmarked grave.
3) Joseph White: b. about 1782, Rockingham
Co., VA; married Ann Sellers (first cousin to James Sellers) on August 1,
1805 in Rockingham Co., VA. Per D.J. White, Joseph was a preacher and the
family moved out to Illinois.
4) Katherine "Kate" White: b. about 1785 in
Rockingham Co., VA; married Phillips Parks, Sr. in Washington Co., TN.
The family owned land in the Embreeville area near the iron mines.
Phillip Parks was a neighbor of Elijah Embree and Jesse Salts.
5) George White: b. 1787 in Rockingham
Co. VA; married Sarah Nelson on October 12, 1815 in Washington Co.,
6) Jacob White: b. 1790, Rockingham Co., VA;
Nancy Carbury on February 14, 1814 in Washington Co., TN. He
died in 1869 in Embreeville area. He (unmarked) and Nancy are buried at
Blair Cemetery, Washington Co., Tennessee.
7) Sarah White: b. abt. 1792,
Rockingham Co., VA; married David McGinnis June 19, 1811 in Washington
Co., TN. They moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, then to Morgan Co.,
Samuel Lewis White: b. 1800, Rockingham Co. VA; married Rebecca Wilson
Masterson on September 5, 1833, Cabell Co. VA (now West VA). He died
December 26, 1875 Vinton Co., Ohio. He is buried at
Hampden Cemetery Vinton Co., Ohio.
**"known" is based on what records have
been discovered to date and family testimony.
“Well our grandfather John White died at Embreeville 1850. He was
about 75 or 80 years old. His first wife was Mary O’Dell.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: John White is the grandfather of
D.J. White through his daughter Margaret. John was born about 1770 in
Frederick Co., Maryland in Water Sink and is most likely the first born of
Christian White Jr. and Elizabeth Stonebraker. Although census
records show that John was noted being born in both Pennsylvania and
Virginia, the timeline of when his father acquired land in Water Sink
places John’s birthplace in Maryland. Sometime after 1800, John migrated
with his parents and some of his siblings from Rockingham Co., VA via
the Great Wagon Trail down to the Jonesboro area, Washington Co.,
Tennessee and settled in the Telford (Leesburg) area. The Christian
White clan lived near Rev. War Patriot,
Jacob Brown and Elizabeth Artmire family. John remained a bachelor for some time
and in 1805, at age
35, he courted Nancy Brown (d/o Jacob Brown
and Elizabeth Artmire) and became pregnant. John abandoned the responsibility of taking
care of his daughter Elizabeth born in 1806 *see note. There is no documentation to help us
understand their relationship and how long they were together. John
left the relationship abruptly which leads me to believe he was already
married or betrothed to Margaret Odell / Odle at this time because of the
birth year of his son, Jesse, he sired with Margaret. It's clear, Jacob Brown
was not going to tolerate John White not paying his obligation of child
support and thus filed a lawsuit on behalf of his daughter in Washington
Co., TN seeking damages
"Nancy Brown vs. John White"
. In the
August 1806 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, the court ruled that John
pay $45 child support for 3 years as follows: $20 dollars the first year,
$15 the 2nd and $10 the 3rd. Despite the court order, John refused to pay
and in November 1806, the Washington County court issued a Writ commanding
the Sheriff of Washington Co., Joseph Brown, to arrest John White and keep
him safely in jail until the next hearing session in February 1807. It's
unclear if Sheriff Brown was related to plaintiff Nancy Brown. John White
fled the county over to neighboring Carter to avert paying the judgment.
There is no marriage record found for John White and Margaret Odell, the
daughter of Rev. War Veteran, Sgt. Abraham Odle / Odell and Mary
Castleman. But I believe he was already married or betrothed to her at the
time he sired daughter Elizabeth with Nancy Brown based on the birth year
of his first born, Jessie White, born around 1805/1806 (according Jesse’s
age declarations in the 1850 and 1860 censuses). In May 1809, the
Washington Co. court issued an order to the Sheriff of Carter Co.
demanding $16.40 payment in the matter of Nancy Brown. A levy of 400
pounds of iron was sold off for $10.50, deposited to the court to settle
the balance due with the Brown family.
* NOTE: In 1986, Mr.
Dykes researched information regarding Nancy Brown and her daughter
Elizabeth White and
wrote a letter
detailing his findings from the Washington Co., TN
Courthouse, the County Clerk's office and the Archives of the Appalachia
at East Tennessee State University.
In December 1814, John White
purchased a 100 acre parcel on the Indian Creek starting on the side of
Iron Mountain, adjacent to John E. Brown's property for $400 from David
Haines (Haynes) with his father-in-law, Abraham Odle / Odell as witness
along with George Swingle. This area is about 15 miles on the other
side of the Nolichucky River from Telford / Leesburg where his parents
settled. This would be the first of many land
transactions for John. On June 29, 1824, Washington Co., TN Grant #13680,
John White acquired 50 acres in Greasy Cove on the waters of the Indian
Creek, adjoining Jesse Brown’s property and on August 4, 1824, Grant
#10786, he acquired an additional 16 acres at 12 1/2 cents per acre. In
1822 he paid tax on 120 acres and in 1840, he paid tax on 216 acres (120A
and 96A). John and Margaret Odell-White had 9 children and she died around
1825. Widower John then meets Rosie Tipton (d/o Wiley Tipton and Anna
McKinney of Yancey Co., NC) and they marry abt. 1828 (no marriage record
found) and start a family. They had 6 children together covering a period
between 1829 and 1840. John is noted in the 1830 and 1840 Washington Co.,
Tennessee censuses with his aged widow mother, Elizabeth Stonebraker-White,
living with him. In the 1850 Washington Co., TN Census, John White
was noted age 80, born in Virginia and residing with his children. Rosie
Tipton-White already died and son Jacob White was listed as the head of
household #1423. The 1850 census commenced on November 12, 1850, performed
by Marshall J. P. S. Rhea, so John must have died shortly afterwards which
negates the alleged death date of August 1850. At the time of John's
death, he acquired 640 acres which the courts had to settle since he
left no Will. D.J. stated that
“John White died at Embreeville” which is
about 15 miles west on the other side of Greasy Cove from the John White
estate. John’s younger brother Jacob had a farm in Embreeville and thus
John was probably staying with him just before he died. In the
1850 Washington Co., TN Agriculture Census dated November 6, 1850, the area
where John White owned property, he is not found, but Jacob White is
listed as head and enumerated next door to Ezekiel Birchfield/Burchfield. I believe
this is the account of John White’s estate and his son, Jacob, is the head
who took over managing the farm which coordinates with the 1850 household
census with Jacob as the head. This agriculture census showed 640 acres total, 100
improved and 540 unimproved with a value of $1,500 along with scheduled
livestock and grains. Ezekiel Burchfield’s 230 acre parcel was near
Limestone Cove (part of Carter County at that time) and recorded in the
Washington Co. agriculture census. Therefore, Burchfield’s property most
likely straddled county lines and John White’s was not too far away.
White died sometime after November 1850 and before the Spring of 1851 when
his Estate went into probate and an inventory of his personal items were
sold off on March 15, 1851 totaling $87.47. Ezekiah Ezekiel Burchfield was the
court appointed administrator for the Estate of John White. Upon John
White’s death, he left 4 minor children: (Joseph (17), Samuel (13), Ann
(12), Phebe (11) and the court laid off one year provisions for their
support and appointed Charles Longmire as the legal guardian. John White’s
real estate was divided into 16 parts among all his children (see timeline
of land division). A 45 acre parcel was given to daughter Margaret White
(D.J.’s mother) but by the time the division of the property commenced, she
already died in 1854 so her 45 acre parcel would go to her 5 children:
Mary Ann, David Jonathan, Katherine, Sara "Sadie", Phoeba Ann. The burials
of John White and his two wives, Margaret Odell and Rosie Tipton are
SOURCE: Washington
County Land Records; Washington County Tenn Court Records and Minutes
TIMELINE - Records / Estate of
“My son J.L. and I took a notion to clean out
an old well that your great grandfather dug about 80 or 90 years ago. When
we struck bottom, the digger struck the head of an old fashioned pail which
we used to call a piggin –the head was cedar and as sound as this stove I
sit by. All together the hickory hoops were decayed and crooked but the pail
remained tight to the bottom. This is a relick [sic] of the work of your
great grandfather John White who was an expert cooper. So was his brother
Jacob and Jacob’s son J.H., Jacob Henly, whose name I did not give you in
the genealogy of the Jacob White family. Old John White’s name is known here
as the class leader of the Methodist church. The old oak log house was
torn down about 1857."
NOTES / COMMENTARY: Around 1920, D.J explains (most
likely to his daughter Mary Esther Edwards as a follow up
letter) that while he and his son, Jonathan Landon "JL", were cleaning out
an old well on John White's former property (his grandfather), they found
the original piggin (a wood pail with a handle) that John White crafted
which was in good shape. D.J. took ownership over a portion of
John White's estate after the Civil War. We learn from D.J.'s note
that his grandfather, John, and great uncle, Jacob, and Jacob's son Jacob
Henley White were expert barrel makers and also, that John White was a
class leader* in the Methodist Episcopal church. John's property was at
the foot of Iron Mountain and on the Indian Creek and the closest
Methodist church at that time was Limestone Cove which was in Carter
Co., Tennessee before the creation of Unicoi County in 1875. John's
younger brother, Jacob, lived on the other
side of Greasy Cove in Embreeville. John White died on or about December 1850
and according to D.J., his oak log house was torn down 7 years later in
1857, most likely after the estate was completely settled among all the
heirs. Towards the end of D.J.'s
life, he lived with Jonathan Landon's family in the Fishery area of Erwin.
PHOTO: Jonathan Landon White circa 1939.
* CLASS LEADER: According to the
United Methodist Church, historically a "class leader" provided lay
pastoral leadership in the weekly class meetings, which were the practical
means of Christian formation in the early years of the Methodist Episcopal
Church. Class leaders and class meetings were the genius of the
original Methodist movement.
Class Leaders were a highly effective means of pastoral nurture and
oversight in John Wesley’s early societies and then in the family of
Methodist churches throughout the world but gradually lost their
prominence until their virtual omission in 1939."
D.J. and Typhoid Fever:
reflect in the D.J. collection that he contracted typhoid fever in 1853 at the age of 13 and
apparently was living at his grandfather’s home (John White died in 1850)
with his mother Margaret (she died in 1854).
“I lived on the old John White place in
Greasy Cove in speaking distance of old Uncle Jake White and his family
who moved up from Embreeville to cultivate a part of the farm which had
not yet been divided between the White heirs.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: For a period of time, D.J.
lived at his grandfather's farm near Unicoi at the foot of Iron Mountain on
the Indian Creek. It appears his "Uncle Jake" (D.J.'s great uncle and
the brother of John White) moved from Embreeville over to John's estate on the
Indian Creek outside
of Unicoi heading towards
Limestone Cove (15
miles east - MAP) to help with the dormant farm since John White
already died at this time.
To better understand D.J.’s disease at the
time he contracted it, I added info on Typhoid and the care plan
during the mid 1800's. Also, the adjacent newspaper clipping from
1856 is an advertisement for Radways Ready Relief, a cure all tonic
applicable to a host of diseases to include typhoid. The 27% alcohol
substance was used internally and externally with the following active
ingredients: oleoresin capsicum, ammonia, camphor, potassium
carbonate and castile soap. It shows how far we have come in
understanding diseases and their manifestations. Typhoid fever is an intestinal infection caused by Salmonella bacteria and
can pose a serious health threat, especially for children and is
spread through contaminated food and water or through close contact with
someone who is infected. Risk factor is primarily due to poor hygiene and poor
sanitation. Symptoms include high fever, headaches, delirium, abdominal
pain and constipation. Patients will often develop red skin lesions called
“rose spots” and have diminished mental function. Symptoms may vary from
mild to severe and usually begin six to thirty days after exposure. The
first vaccine was not developed until 1896.
During the time at which D.J.
contracted the disease, contaminated water and cows milk were the primary
sources for contracting typhoid which took the lives of so many people. The accepted method of treatment was using an analgesic,
such as Laudanum (tincture of opium) and quinine as an antipyretic to
reduce fever, and providing a palatable diet. *Some physicians prescribed
calomel (mercury chloride) with the thought that the body would purge the
impurities however, many patients experienced mercury poisoning and thus
become weaker and died. **Calomel was given to patients until they began
to salivate and often in such great quantities that the patient’s hair and
teeth would fall out. Without the vaccine, people endured this disease for
weeks and even months until they recovered or died. There is no
elaboration from D.J. regarding his sickness of Typhoid, who treated him
for the disease and the method. It appears he and his mother and siblings were
living at her father’s estate at this time. I wonder if this was about the
time D.J.’s father died (maybe from Typhoid), after which time Margaret and
the kids move over to her father’s estate since she had no
means of support. Perhaps his mother, Margaret contracted Typhoid while taking
care of D.J. and in turn, died in 1854 from the disease? Maybe Dr. A.N.
Harris was the treating physician?
*”Civil War
Medicine: Challenges and Triumphs” by Dr. Alfred Jay Bollet, MD
**Wikipedia –
“Mercury Chloride
NY Times Article:
RELIEF, Published: December 4, 1863
“Uncle Sam White was in a prayer meeting over
70 years ago. Sam was not grown. Also there were Robert Burchfield, Sam
McInturff, John McInturff, James Whaley. I went up to the alter. Uncle Sam
was the first to follow me. I am now 84 years old. Uncle Sam White was
killed after the war and robbed as I learned in Missouri.”
“Sam died after the war in Missouri.
Was waylaid and killed for his money one night as he went from his store.”
D.J. wrote this in 1924 reflecting about his half
uncle Samuel White (1837 – 1873), son of John White and 2nd wife, Rosie
Tipton, who was only a couple of years older than he. D.J. explained that 1854, at age 14, he walked up to the alter and
Uncle Sam, age 17, followed him. D.J. was most likely explaining the time when
he “got saved” [accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior] at the prayer meeting.
Methodists believe they can lose their salvation and thus the idea of
once saved, always saved is not part of its theological view. Other members of the Methodist-Episcopal
(ME) church were Robert Burchfield, Sam and John McInturff and James Whaley.
Samuel's father John White was a "class leader" giving
instruction to fellow members of the Doctrine and Discipline of the
ME church on a weekly basis. D.J.’s version of how uncle John was killed
in Missouri is a
bit twisted probably because of family lore passed back to the folks in east
Tennessee. Sam and his wife, Mary Story moved
out west to Pulaski Co., Missouri a couple years after their marriage in December 1859. According to Crader’s
manuscript, pg. 109, she states It was a hard journey “having driven ox
carts and wagons across the frozen ice of the Mississippi River toward the
end of their journey.” In 1873, Uncle Sam was shot and killed by his
neighbor, James G. Maxey (Maxcy), over a dispute of Sam's mule. Maxey was
found guilty of second degree murder and served seven years of a ten year
sentence. His widow, Mary Storie/Story-White, filed a Civil Action and sued for damages
and the Appellate court upheld her award for Maxey to pay $5,000 damages.
PHOTOS: pg. 114., "The Genealogy of a John White Family
of Washington County, TN" by Pauline R. Crader, May 1998.
According to the Pulaski Co., Missouri Encyclopedia, "On April, 1873, Samuel was shot and killed by James G. Maxey during a
dispute in a barn on Maxey‘s farm. Local legend tells us that after
realizing what he had done, James hid in a cave, and to this day is still
Maxey Cave by area residents. Samuel’s widow, Mary Storie, sued James
Maxey for damages and was awarded $5,000. Maxey was sentenced to ten years
in the State Penitentiary in Jefferson City and served seven of those
Mary White vs. James G. Maxcy (Maxey). Mary White
(wife of Samuel White) filed a Civil Suit for damages for the homicide of
her husband. Mary White's case originated in Pulaski Co. but was transferred
over to Miller County at the request of the defendant (Maxcy), tried in the
Circuit Court for April Term 1874. White won her case and Maxey had to pay
$5,000 damage award. However, the defendant appealed the case and it was
heard before the Missouri Supreme Court in April Term 1877 which upheld the
award. The following is an excerpt from the
Appellate court’s review, pgs.
"There is very little, if any discrepancy
among the witnesses as to the main facts, which appear to have been about
as follows. White and Maxey were neighbors. On the morning of the third of
April, after breakfast, White went to Maxey's to get a mule colt, which
had strayed away, and was in Maxey's stable; and while there, a dispute
arose about some rails. During this dispute a very offensive language was
used on both sides, and Maxey had a knife in his hands. White, being
incensed at the epithets being bestowed on him, asked Maxey to lay down
his knife, and, pulling off his coat, invited him to a fair fight. Maxey,
then, declining the proposed combat, sent his son off to the house, which
was distant about seventy yards from the place where this controversy
arose, for his pistol, and whilst the boy was gone to the house, White
picked up two stones and threw them at Maxey, who retreated and dodged
them. White then mounted his horse and started for home, but Maxey, who
had been previously retreating, meeting his son, and getting his pistol
from him, turned around and started after White, who was riding off on a
stallion; whilst Maxey was thus pursuing White with a pistol in his hands,
White got down from his horse, on the side farthest from Maxey, and
stooped down, either with a view to pick up a rock, or as seems most
probable to avoid being shot. At all events, as the horse turned, so as to
leave White's person exposed, Maxey fired and killed him."
SOURCE: “Reports
of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Missouri”
Volume 64, By Missouri. Supreme Court, By Truman A. Post, W. J. Gilbert
Publisher St. Louis, MO, 1877, pages 552 – 561.
Photos / Info of Maxey Cave
White vs. Maxcy
writes about his great uncle Jacob White, son of Christian White and
Elizabeth Stonebraker who lived in Embreeville.
“Old Uncle Jake at or near Embreeville, a
brother to my grandfather John White, he was a man of prayer. John White
and his family, James White, William, Dan, and Kelly were all friends of
mine. William White Sr. and his family were all my friends. Hendly White
and his family were my friends at Embreeville. They knew about me when I
was but a boy. Jake White, son of Christian White, figured largely at
Kingsport and Embreeville. I have been much associated with that family
from childhood. Jake married a Carbury for his first wife. They lived for
years at Embreeville.”
“I was advised by old Uncle Jake and all my
friends to go to Dr. Harris and make my home in February 1855 at the age
of 15. I went with a sad heart.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: Based on D.J.s writings, he
was close to his great uncle Jacob White and family who lived over in the
Embreeville area of Washington Co., Tennessee. Old Uncle Jake was sort of
a surrogate father to D.J. giving him fatherly guidance since his real
father was not around. In fact, no record has been found to date to reveal
D.J.’s father. All the death certificates of D.J. and his siblings
do not state a father. D.J. never mentioned anything about his dad in any
of his writings so I am thinking he may not have even known who his father
was and probably very embarrassed about it. Through D.J.’s eyes, Uncle
Jake was “a man of prayer” and esteemed him and his counsel. Jake
was most likely very active in the Methodist church which leads me to
believe he was acquainted with Rev. John C. Harris and his son Rev.
Alexander Harris families and probably a member of the nearby Uriel ME
Church on Cherokee Creek*. I believe it was Old Uncle Jake that
facilitated in compelling Rev. / Dr. Harris to take in D.J. once his
mother Margaret died in 1853.
Jacob White was born about 1793-1794 (based on the
age declarations of 1850 and 1860 censuses) in Rockingham Co., Virginia.
As a teenager, he became acquainted with the Carbury / Carberry Family of
Kingsport, Sullivan Co., Tennessee. At age 19, he married Nancy
Carbury on February 2, 1815 in Washington Co., Tennessee. His older
brother George married Sarah Nelson on October 10, 1815. The 1820
Tennessee Census is destroyed, so we cannot track where he was then.
During the 1830 Census, he was living in Kingsport, Sullivan Co.,
Tennessee and enumerated next door to John Carbury, the likely brother of
Nancy. There are 12 people living in Jacob’s household with another male
in the 20-30 age group. This is most likely Jacob’s younger brother,
Samuel L., who was living with him for a time before he continued up north
to Barboursville, Cabell Co. Virginia (now West Virginia). Sam was a
traveling hatter and in 1833, he married Rebecca Masterson in Cabell Co.
Virginia. Jacob and family moved back to Washington Co., TN as noted in
the 1840 Census and living in the Embreeville area one door down from
Elijah Embree after which the town was named and co-owner of the Bumpass
Iron Mine. There were 13 people in Jacob’s household: 5 boys, 4 girls, his
wife Nancy and Jacob plus 1 male and 1 female in the 20-29 age group.
Nancy Carbury-White died March 11, 1848, aged 53 years and is buried at
the Blair Cemetery on Cherokee Road in the Lamar Community of
Jonesborough, Tennessee. In the 1850 Census, Jacob is now a widower still
living in Embreeville with his children, Elizabeth Lutterall, Jacob
Henley, James Quillan, David Paxton, Sarah C., Mariah E., Eliza F. He was
a farmer but his two sons, Jacob H. and James were coopers working at the
iron ore furnaces. This area was the epicenter of the local economy
attracting tradesmen from all over the region supporting the iron mine and
furnaces that manufactured wrought iron, nails, hardware and other such
items. In Jacob’s neighborhood there were wood choppers, ore diggers, ore
washers, laborers, coopers, millers, nailers, molders/framers, clerks. A
few doors down from Jacob lived Rev. Jonathan Lestie, 64 year old
Methodist Preacher from Pennsylvania. Jacob dies about 1869 in
Embreeville, Tennessee.
**Uriel Methodist Church was located at the
present intersection of Old Embreeville Road and Greenwood Drive. It was
established before 1829 on land donated by Jeremiah Reagan. The church has
been gone for many years; only a cemetery remains at the site. Dr. John C.
Harris (1773-1842), an early minister and physician in the community.
Blair Cemetery:
“In 1854, my mother died. My mother
died shortly after the death of my grandfather John White who died near
Embreeville about 1850. On February 8, 1855, I went to Dr. A. N. Harris’
who lived three miles south of Jonesboro. I went with a heavy heart. I was
there 6 1/2 years. I went to Swingle School, John Peterson teacher; next
to Phillips Parks; Isaac Bogart, Rock Creek; Abner Jervis, Cherokee
Baptist Church last school 1861 Jonesboro. Dr. A. N. Harris was
representative for Washington County, Tennessee, in the legislature before
the Civil War. He married David Haynes’ daughter, a sister to Reverend N. G.
Taylor’s wife.”
Additional note stated:
“John Patterson (Peterson), Swingle,
Philip Parks, O’Donald Trumbull, Isaac Bogart, Joel B. Jarvis, Abner
Jarvis” [D.J. was naming
“Phillip Nelson –a teacher.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: It’s unclear who looked after D.J.
and his 4 sisters between 1854 (when their mother died) and February 1855
when he moved in with A. N. Harris at age 15. D.J., his mother and siblings
are not found in the 1850 Washington Co., census nor found in the
neighboring counties’ censuses but it’s assumed she was living in the
Greasy Cove area because she just delivered daughter Phoebe who was born
in October 1850. Alexander Nelson ”A.N.” Harris (1815 – 1865) was a
wealthy land owner with slaves, a Physician and Methodist Preacher who
owned a plantation on the Cherokee Creek 3 miles south of Jonesboro. D.J.
lived with that family for “6 ½ years” after which time at age 21, he
moved in as a boarder with Berry Kidd in 1861 in Bumpass Cove. I am
suspecting D.J. moved in with Kidd in the fall of 1861 to account for “6 ½”
years between Feb. 1855 through 1861. D.J. states that his “uncle Jake and
friends told him to go live with A.N. Harris.” His great Uncle Jake was
the son of Christian White, Jr. and Elizabeth Stonebraker and lived in the
Embreeville area (near Bumpass Cove) for some time. D.J. states he was “well
acquainted with Uncle Jake and he was a man of prayer.” I suspect that
D.J.’s great Uncle Jake may have come to know Dr. A.N. Harris through church
affiliations of the Methodist faith and perhaps explained to A.N. Harris
the need for D.J. to have a home since his mother was a “widow” (Margaret
was noted as a widow in Nathaniel E. Harris’ autobiography), most likely
ill (since she died in 1854) and unable to care for the children
physically or financially. Dr. A.N. Harris took D.J. in and provided him
with an education on par with his son Nathaniel Edwin Harris (1846 – 1929)
and a place to live in exchange labor on his farm.
“…in my
eleventh year, my father decided to take a young boy into the home. He
brought the boy down from what was then known as the Greasy Cove, now
Erwin, in Unicoi County and had agreed with the mother of the child, who
was a widow, that the boy should reside with him as if bound to him in
accordance with the State law. He further agreed that he should be
educated to a certain extent, and when he reached the age of twenty-one,
he was to come into possession of a horse and saddle and a set of
furniture or some other articles that he might choose in their place.
The boy’s name was David J. White.” –
[*pg. 20 of N.E. Harris’ autobiography]
A.N. Harris was the son of Rev. / Dr. John C.
Harris and Sarah Reagan. He married Edna Rachel Haynes in 1845, daughter
of David Haynes and Rhoda Taylor. Edna’s sister was Emma Haynes who
married Colonel (War of 1812) / Methodist Minister / Speaker of Tenn.
House of Representatives Nathaniel Green Taylor (supporter of the Union)
and her brother was
Landon C. Haynes who became a Confederate Senator. A.N.
Harris was a staunch supporter of the Confederate movement and after the
war fled to Georgia to skirt prosecution for treason at which time he
died. His son,
Nathaniel E. “N.E.” Harris spoke fondly of D.J. in his
autobiography* and provided details of their childhood, education and D.J.’s
influence on his life. In the following, N.E. explains how well D.J.
could spell when they attended school together:
“David White always attended these
schools with me, as my father gave him the same opportunities that I
enjoyed of getting an education. He became a good speller, having
the old Blue Back Webster's spelling book
(image) at his command. I tried to
keep up with him but he soon became known as the best speller in the
schools while I was in the background. There was always either a
spelling-match or a speaking exhibition at these schools on Friday
afternoon. I remember one occasion when one of the teachers, who
name I had forgotten, had the school divided up for the spelling bee
on Friday afternoon. The teacher had a brother in the school who
occupied a position in the spelling ranks not second to any unless it was
to David White. This brother was appointed leader on one side and
some girl as I now remember it, on the other. The were required to
choose the spellers who took their seats on different sides of the aisle
beginning on the front rows as they were chosen. David White was
chosen first and on the same side the young lady chose me fifth, so I took
my seat sixth man from the head. The spelling began at the foot, two
of each side standing up on the aisle and the teacher giving out the words
from the old spelling book. ... David White was accustomed for some
time afterwards to twit me with having prevented him from showing off his
ability. After this spelling match I was generally taken as first or
second choice. My standing in the school was increased somewhat in
importance by the result. It was my first victory at school” [pg.
28-29 of N.E. Harris’ autobiography; IMAGE - Noah Webster's “BLUE-BACKED
SPELLER” derived from the blue paper covers of Noah Webster's
Elementary Spelling Book, published continuously since 1783 under
several titles. The title was changed in 1786 to The American Spelling
Book, and again in 1829 to The Elementary Spelling Book. Most
people called it the "Blue-Backed Speller". For the next one hundred
years, Webster's book taught children how to read, spell, and pronounce
words. It was the most popular American book of its time and by 1837, it
sold 15 million copies and by 1890 some 60 million reaching the majority
of young students in 1800’s. Its royalty of a half-cent per copy was
enough to sustain Webster’s career and other endeavors. It also
helped create the popular contests known as spelling bees.
Assuming D.J. was born in 1840 according to his
death certificate and N.E. born in 1846, they were 6 years apart in age.
N.E. stated in his autobiography that he was age 11 when D.J. moved in
with the family and they attended schools together.
There is a discrepancy in age and/or date. D.J. stated he moved in
with the family in February 1855 which would make him 15 years old and
N.E. 9, not eleven. I am inclined to believe the mistake was
on N.E.'s part because of the timeline of D.J.'s life and when his mother
died in 1854. N.E.’s first school was Uriel (Uriel Methodist Church / school **) which
was across the Cherokee Creek near the Harris property which was
initially a common school funded by taxes but then became a private subscription school.
N.E. also
stated he attended the Mays schoolhouse which was another field subscription
school and told a story about how D.J. was an excellent speller thus
alluding that they both attended the Mays school. I believe the Mays
school and the Cherokee Baptist Church/School are the same since N.E.
stated in the above excerpt that the teacher had a brother. These
were the Jarvis brothers. N.E. stated that at age 14, (D.J would be age
20 at this time) he left the “field schools” to attended the Martin Academy
in Jonesborough in 1859 to enhance his education. The 6 year age difference
between D.J. and N.E. is relevant respective to the gap in childhood learning
between the two lads. Before D.J. moved on the Harris Plantation 15
miles west from Erwin/Limestone Cove area, he first attended the Swingle
School near present day Fishery area with John Peterson and his great
uncle, Phillip Parks (who married Katherine White, d/o Christian White and
Elizabeth Stonebraker), as school teachers. Then D.J. attended the Rock
Creek School east of Erwin with Isaac Bogart as his teacher. D.J. explained that his last school was in 1861 at
the Cherokee Baptist Church (he would be age 21) in the Jonesboro area and
Joel B. and Abner Jervis (brothers --sons of Jabez Jarvis and Margaret
Holcombe of Buncombe Co., NC) were the
teachers. N.E. did not mention that school but I suspect that this is the
school they attended together. It's clear that D.J.
left a lasting impression on N.E. Harris to include him and the spelling
bee story in his memoirs.
* ”Nathaniel E. Harris, Former Governor
of the State of Georgia, Autobiography. The Story of an Old Man’s Life
with Reminiscences of Seventy-Five Years” by Nathaniel Edwin Harris, J.W.
Burke Co. Publishers, Macon, GA, 1925
** Uriel Methodist Church/ School was
located at the present-day intersection of Old Embreeville Road and
Greenwood Drive. It was established before 1829 on land donated by
Jeremiah Reagan. The church has been gone for many years and only a
cemetery remains. Among the persons buried there are Dr. John C.
Harris (N.E. Harris' grandfather), an early minister and physician in the
community and N.E. Harris' mother, Edna Haynes Harris. Several other
physicians served the community including James, John and Edwin Hunter,
James Miller, John Smith, Hardin Jones, and Arthur J. Willis. Natives of
Cherokee Creek who later became prominent in state and national affairs
were: Nathaniel E. Harris, governor of Georgia from 1915 to 1917; Phillip
Parks (D.J. White's great uncle who married Katherine White), Carson
Nelson, Tennessee State Senator; and Elijah Embree Hoss, well-known bishop
of the Methodist Church.
Source: Cherokee Creek.
“Your father was a leading doctor of
Washington County. A. Taylor and R. L. Taylor figured large in the rolls
in congress and the legislature of Tennessee.”
letter sometime after 1873, to
Nathaniel E. Harris (1846 - 1929) who was living in Macon, Georgia at
the time and told him that his
father, Alexander Nelson “A.N.” Harris’ (1815 – 1865)
was a well esteemed physician of the county. A.N. Harris was the son
John Crampton Harris and Sarah Ann Ragan and like his father, was also a
Methodist Minister and Physician. A.N. studied medicine at Holston
College in New Market, Tennessee but did not graduate. “He began
practicing medicine in 1847 and continued in this profession until the
time of death”*. He was known as a Methodist Minister with impassioned
oratory abilities. He was a member of the Holston Methodist Conference
since 1836, a well- known Physician, an active Politician, a staunch
Democrat and supporter of the Confederate States and a Free Mason. A.N.
Harris was an original secessionist who was running for local office for
Washington Co. TN but was defeated. Per his son’s autobiography, his
father continued to practice medicine while he was on the political
campaign and barely saw his father. During the Civil War, he was the Chief
Surgeon of Crawford’s Regiment in General Vaughan’s Brigade and went to
Vicksburg with the Regiment. He resigned just before the War ended in
1865. When the War was officially over, Brownlow’s War began. Named after
Parson Brownlow, the new Governor of Tennessee had a mission to issue
indictments and fan out the secessionists from the state. As a result, A.N.
fled the state to North Carolina through Greasy Cove, with the assistance
Union Captain Nelson McLaughlin who was a friend and neighbor of the
Harris’ who ended up moving into the Harris Estate to look after the
homestead while
the Harris’ were in exile in Georgia. D.J. states in another comment that
while in route to Indiana in 1864, he ran into Capt. Nelson McLaughlin’s
family in Kingston, Tennessee and they were heading up north to
Illinois since Tennessee was a rebel state. It’s apparent that Captain
McLaughlin and family also knew D.J. since they were neighbors of
the Harris family. In N.E. Harris’ autobiography, he explains that his father’s
medical practice was for people of all
social economic levels.
“For twenty years he had ministered
to these people in East Tennessee. He had taught them the principles of
religion. He had attended them in sickness, aided them as a physician,
brought many of their children into the world, helped them in thousands
of ways, getting very little compensation from any of them. There were
some men of property that employed him as a physician, but the majority
were poor people, living in log cabins in the mountains or in the little
valleys, struggling with poverty and many times working out from home
for a living. He put very few charges on his books, yet when he was
driven away the unsettled accounts amounted to more than twenty thousand
dollars. A country doctor, he had carried his medicines along with him,
furnished them free, furnished his services free to the people who now
sought to kill him or drive him into an endless exile.” –
[**pg. __ of N.E. Harris’
D.J. mentioned in his letter to N.E. Harris that “A. and R. L. Taylor
figured large in the rolls.” Alfred Alexander Taylor was a Congressman and
Governor and his brother, Robert L. Taylor, was a 3-term Governor and 1
time U.S. Senator both from Carter Co. Tennessee. Their father was
Nathaniel Green Taylor and nephews of
Landon Carter Haynes who was speaker
of the Tennessee House of Representatives. Both Nathaniel G. Taylor and
Landon C. Haynes were well connected to the A.N Harris family through his
wife Rachel Haynes. After the civil war, A.N. Harris dies in 1865 while in
route to Georgia to escape charges of treason by the Federal Government.
His son, Nathaniel Edwin “N.E.” Harris (1846 – 1929), establishes
residence in Georgia and his career flourishes to become a member of the
Georgia House of Representatives, the founder of Georgia Tech University,
a judge of the Superior Court of the Macon Circuit, the Governor of
Georgia from 1912 – 1917 after which time he returns to his private law
practice in Macon. It’s apparent that D.J. continued to correspond with N.E.
as an adult when he lived in Georgia. N.E. writes an autobiography in 1925
and speaks very kindly about D.J. when they were kids, going to school
together, studying together, and realizing how privileged he was in
comparison to D.J.’s life and despite D.J.’s hardships, he had just a thirst
for knowledge which inspired him.
**“The boy's name was David J. White, and
his coming was certainly an epoch in my life. He was several years my
senior. Up to that time I had never appreciated the advantages that I
enjoyed, both in school and in home life. David began to read everything
in sight and to try to impress on me the importance of learning in this
way something about the world and the things that had happened in it. I
went into the field with him to work. We had negro slaves, but only one
among them was a good farm hand, so that David had to make a hand
himself and, in fact, keep the work going, under my father's direction,
on the farm. We would work through the summer and go to school in the
winter months. I can look back now and recall the fact that my early
association with David White awoke within me the ambition to succeed,
which followed me the remainder of my days. I began to take note of my
situation and surroundings. I began to see even in this early time that
the opportunities which I enjoyed were much greater than those falling
to the lot of other boys around me. My father had a library. He, himself
was inclined to literature. He was reading at all spare moments and I
soon caught the infection, and David White and I started out to explore
the library and increase our knowledge of the events of the past. We
studied history as well as literature together, we memorized a great
number of extracts from speeches and orations delivered by great
orators, adding to this many poetical extracts, all of which we began to
declaim to each other with an enthusiasm which, to say the least, was
remarkable. I remember in our repertoire the "Ruins of Time" was the
favorite, a speech which we found in Field's Scrap Book. We learned,
also, Campbell's "Hohen-Linden" and Wadsworth's "Roderick in Battle,"
and some splendid verses on Eloquence, Halleck's "Marco Bozzaris" and
many others of this character. We vied with each other in declaiming
these pieces, imagining that we had become thorough-going orators
destined to lead the country in the making of speeches. I suppose we
acquired some bent in this way, for long afterwards David White went to
preaching the Gospel and I went to practicing law.” –
[**pg. 20-21 of N.E. Harris’ autobiography]
At age 15, when D.J. moved in with the Harris family,
for 6 ½ years he was exposed to an affluent household full culture and
politics that not many people would ever have an opportunity to see. He
was afforded a high level of education both secular and religious,
concurrently shrouded in the irony of secession from the Union and slave
ownership. Losing a father between 1850-1852ish, surviving typhoid fever
at age 13, then losing his mother at the age 14, would be hard for any
child. I believe this was a major
transition period in D.J.’s life and thus pushed him to work harder to prove
his value and to succeed. No doubt the exposure he had under the Harris
household gave him the encouragement, confidence and knowledge to question and challenge
situations and make prudent decisions.
* Holston Methodism from Its Origins to the
Present Time, 4th Vol. 1844 to 1870, by Richard Nye Price, pages 30-34
** ”Nathaniel E. Harris, Former Governor of
the State of Georgia, Autobiography. The Story of an Old Man’s Life with
Reminiscences of Seventy-Five Years” by Nathaniel Edwin Harris, J.W. Burke
Co. Publishers, Macon, GA, 1925
“I boarded at Benj Kidd’s in 1861 in
Bumpass Cove; at Harrard District 1862. Committee of the school: Ben Kidd,
Isaac White, Stinson Treadway, Bumpass Cove. In 1862, boarded at Sam Keplinger’s”, his children Matison, Thomas, John, Mary.”
NOTES/COMMENTARY: When D.J. turned 21 in 1861, Nathaniel Harris
explains in his autobiography that his father gave D.J. a horse with saddle
and some furniture and other articles to get him started on his own. It
appears D.J.’s first place on his own was at Benjamin Kidd’s farm in Bumpass
Cove which was about 8 miles away from the Harris Plantation.
According to the 1860 Washington Co., TN Agricultural schedule, District 5
and 6, P.O. Coxes Store, Benjamin Kidd owned 85 acres, 25 of which was
developed and farmed. In 1862, D.J. moved over to Samuel Buzart
Keplinger’s (1826 – 1922) property in Washington County, TN near the
Nolichucky River and present day Cherry Grove Church. Samuel's son,
Adam Beauregard Keplinger, married Sarah Adeline White (d/o George White
and Betsy).
“Sister Buckner was mother of Elizabeth who
married William White of Embreeville. His father Jacob White was one of the
old vets of the days of Elihu and Elijah Embree who once owed Embreeville
property and ran the charcoal furnace.”
"Sister Buckner" is Ellender Carroll-Buckner who married Joseph
Buckner in Carter Co., Tennessee. Their daughters, Rebecca and
Elizabeth, married
William M. White (1828 – 1896), the son of Jacob White (1794 – 1869) and
Nancy Carbury (1795 – 1848). Rebecca Buckner died early in their
marriage and shortly afterwards, William married her sister Elizabeth (in
photo). It's clear that D.J. knew the Buckners through church
affiliation by referring to her as "sister". According to D.J.,
William's father, Jacob White was a
veteran worker at the Iron Mines of Bumpass Cove. The iron mines
were founded by the Embree brothers Elihu and Elijah Embree, sons of a
Quaker minister who moved from Pennsylvania to Washington Co., TN around
1790. Elihu Embree (1782 – 1820) was an abolitionist and
publisher of the first newspaper in the US devoted exclusively to abolish
slavery. He and his brother, Elijah (1784 – 1846), were
involved in the iron manufacturing business. In 1830s, after the death Elihu, Elijah formed a partnership with brothers Robert, John and William
Blair. At the time of Elijah’s death in 1846, he owned 70,000 acres of
mineral-rich land valued at nearly $1M. The Blair Brothers took
turning it into one of the largest iron producers in East Tennessee.
Ironically, during the Civil War, a Confederate politician and businessman,
Duff Green,
took control of the facility to make munitions for the CSA and this is where D.J. White
was conscripted to work for a time before fleeing to go up north to
explains the following about his Civil War service.
“Under the conscription law, I worked at
Embreeville Iron for 15 months to April 1864. I did conscript work
at Embreeville about 15 months.
NOTES / COMMENTARY: Based on the timeline explained by D.J., he
was conscripted by the Confederates around December of 1862 and directed
to work at the "Confederate Iron Works" owned by Duff Green (formally
known as Embreeville Iron Mine) to manufacture nails, cannon balls and ammo for the Confederate Army. D.J. was about 24 years old at the time when he started working at the
iron plant. Dr. / Rev. A. N. Harris, with whom D.J. lived for 6 ½ years, was
a strong supporter of the Confederate side. During the war, A.N. Harris
aided in raising and equipping several regiments for the Confederate Army.
Although unproven, I suspect that with A.N. Harris’ political influence,
being a physician and familiarity with many local business owners, may
have helped D.J. secure work at the iron plant rather than him being
conscripted to the front lines to reduce the risk of death
or disease. To work at the iron mine, the employee was paid and
given "exemption status" as long as he was employed at the facility.
The left photo is an example of a document D.J. would have received while
employed at the Iron Works.
SOURCE: "Embreeville –
Bumpass Cove" by Penny McLaughlin
Confederate Iron Works Photo:
"Books became an Idol to me. I
carried them in my pocket, to the mill to read while the corn was
grinding. I esteemed time as precious. So far as schools were
concerned, I went into a remorse state of mind as though all was lost.
My hopes of getting an education died. For this had been the
uppermost thought of my life from a boy. I pity any who had a
greater ambition to be a scholar and had to fail because the fates were
striking at all the schools."
This note was written later in D.J.'s
life but in the context of when he was conscripted to work in the Iron
Mine during the Civil War which halted his pursuit to continue with his
education. His disappointment consumed him. When the Civil War
was over, he returned to Greasy Cove and became a school teacher.
"A brother-in-law, George W. Smith,
lived 10 miles north of Jonesboro. Smith rented a farm owned by G. W. Nelson. Smith
volunteered into the Union Army and Nelson moved back to his home place on
Big Limestone.”
"Uncle Joe White was in the Federal Army
of the Civil War at Strawberry Plains. My brother-in-law Washington Smith,
Ben Hunter and others were there (April 1864)."
NOTES / COMMENTARY: George Washington Smith
was married to D.J.'s older sister, Mary Ann (1839 - 1907). He
was born about 1835, possibly in Virginia, and the son of Allen Smith and
unknown mother. During the 1850 Knox Co., Tennessee
census, HH #590, George W. was age 16, and living with his widowed father Allen (age 67,
born NC and a "farmer") and
siblings, Nancy (25), Bartheny Jane (23), Elizabeth (20), William (21) and
John T. (11) all stating they were born in Virginia. There is reason
to believe Allen Smith is the probable father of George based on testimony
of George W.'s grand daughter, Mable Christian Smith who stated her mother
(Mariah Isabel Smith) had an Uncle Bill (William), an Uncle John T., and
an Aunt Lizzie (Elizabeth) which fits with the 1850 Census.
(pg 58-1,
“Christian White, Lancaster County, PA ( __ - 1747), Christian White,
Washington County , TN (1747 – 1922) by Pauline R. Crader,
May 1998.)
Sometime after 1850, the Smith family moved from
Knox Co. over to the
Fall Branch area of Sullivan Co., Tennessee, about 15 miles north of
Jonesborough. It's unclear how George W. came to know Mary Ann
White. She could not be found in the 1850 census along with
her mother, Margaret, brother D.J. and siblings. But George W. came
over to the Greasy Cove area (now Erwin) as attested in Mary Ann's widow pension
application stating they married in Greasy Cove, Washington Co., Tennessee on
November 8, 1857, officiated by Sam W. Bogart, J.P. with Joseph Smith,
Alexander Smith and Sarah Jane Smith as witnesses. According to
Nobel Lee Smith's "A Family History of George Washington Smith, Sr."
1984, she stated that George W. was a Methodist preacher and farmer.
Perhaps this explains his travels over to Greasy Cove?
In the 1860
census, District 6, Merrill Mill P.O., of Sullivan Co., Tennessee, George
W. (26) was noted as a "Carpenter" with Mary Ann (23) and Veronica Rodipher (63
born in VA) living with them. I
suspect this is a relative of George's who was widowed and needed a place
to live or the newly wed couple moved in with her. The census was
performed on July 11, 1860, and their two children, David M. Smith (b. July
31, 1858) and Sarah Jane (b. July 1, 1860) were not included in the enumeration. D.J. stated
in his note that George was
renting a farm owned by G. W. Nelson on Big Limestone west of Jonesborough
in Washington Co. near the Greene Co. border. I believe the family
moved from Sullivan Co. down to Big Limestone shortly before the war broke
out which explains the unit for which George W. volunteered that recruited in
that area.
During the Civil War, on November 1, 1862, at age
27, George W. volunteered for 3 years as Private for Co. G., 4th Regiment
Tenn Infantry in Jonesborough. The unit was under the command of
Captain Joseph W. Chockley. This was the same unit that Joseph
Marion White served (see next section). George W. was mustered out
on August 2, 1865, and listed as age 29. His service record showed he
was present and on duty except for the period between November 1862 - July
1863 in which he was noted "present-sick." On October 3, 1863,
George was captured by rebel forces at McMinville and paroled the next
day. The following explains the details of that awful day.
On September 26, 1863, the garrison town of McMinville,
Tennessee was under federal control by Major Michael L. Patterson and the 4th Tenn
Infantry Regiment. The rebel forces were drawing near to the town and several
requests were wired in for additional reinforcements. However, none
were granted and thus the garrison and town were in Rebel hands by 1pm on
Saturday, October 3, 1863, pillaged and burnt down to include the railroad
and bridge. Major Patterson reported that his total force consisted
of 270 men plus 50 convalescents armed and that seven were killed, 31
wounded and missing in the fighting prior to the surrender*. The
federal troops were paroled the next day and started towards Sparta,
Tennessee. However most went back to their homes in East Tennessee.
The rebels marched onward to Murfreesboro. In his report, Major Anderson
described the details:
"From 1 until 8 p. m. the men stood in
line and were compelled to submit to the most brutal outrages on the part
of the rebels ever known to any civilized war in America or elsewhere. The
rebel troops or soldiers, and sometimes the officers, would call upon an
officer or soldier standing in the line, when surrendered, for his
overcoat, dress-coat, blouse, hat, shoes, boots, watch, pocket-book,
money, and even to finger-rings, or, in fact, anything that happened to
please their fancy, and with a pistol cocked in one band, in the attitude
of shooting, demand the article they wanted. In this way the men of the
Fourth Tennessee Infantry were stripped of their blankets, oil-cloths,
overcoats, a large number of dress-coats, blouses, boots and shoes,
jewelry, hats, knapsacks, and haversacks. When the officers tried to
save the records of their companies (the assistant quartermaster, acting
commissary of subsistence, and commanding officers their records) the
papers were pulled out of their pockets, torn to pieces, and thrown away.
All, or about all, of the officers’ clothing was taken — valises and
contents. While all this was going on, Major-General Wheeler was sitting
on his horse and around the streets of McMinnville, witnessing and, we
think, encouraging the same infernal outrages, seeming to not want or
desire to comply with his agreement. The attention of Major-General
Wheeler, Major-General Wharton, General Martin, General Davidson, and
General [Colonel] Gillespie, and Brigadier-General Hodge was called
to the same several times by Maj. M. L. Patterson, to gain his officers
and men protection according to promise and agreement, and they would send
some subordinate officer, who had no control over the men, or would reply
that he (Wheeler) could not control his men; that they would do as they
pleased, &c. Several of the officers of the Fourth Tennessee Infantry
called on General Wheeler for protection. He would pay no attention to
them, saying that he had no control over his men. Major-General Wheeler
then ordered the command outside of his immediate lines, on the Sparta
road, a section of country infested with guerrillas, where there was
robbing and plundering the paroled prisoners all of the way, even
compelling captains to sit down in the middle of the road and pull off
their boots. SOURCE:
In the spring of 1864, D.J. went AWOL with his
employment at the Confederate controlled Embreeville Mines to head up
north to Indiana to his aunt's house to escape rebel conscription.
While in route, he stated he ran into Uncle Joe Marion and brother-in-law,
George W. at Strawberry Plains, Tennessee. It appears the 4th
Regiment was camped here for a time heading towards Loudon, Tennessee.
"On April 10, 1864, the XXIII
Corps was reorganized, and the 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry assigned
to the 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, under
Brigadier General J. Ammen. On April 12, the 4th was ordered to
Loudon, Tennessee, where it remained for some time. Major Patterson was
promoted to lieutenant colonel and given command of the brigade. Major
Reeves, with three companies, was stationed at nearby Kingston. On August
19, 1864, at the time of General Joseph Wheeler’s raid, Major Reeves
reported he had an almost solid line of scouts from Cumberland Mountain to
Sweetwater Valley."
On August 2, 1865, George W. was honorably discharged
at Nashville. After the war, George W. and Mary Ann has no use for her deceased
mother's portion of the John White Estate and thus sold their share to D.J.
for $10 in August 1866.
“Catherine Jones and husband John Jones, Mary Smith and
husband G. W. Smith, and Sarah White, Heirs at law of the estate of John
White and Heirs of Margaret White, deceased, sell to David J. White, heir of
the same of the other part -- $1 to each for their interest and claim in the
undivided interest in land adjacent to N. T. Brown and Jesse Brown and
others and known as the John White, deceased, tract No. 7 Greasy Cove.
Signed Catherine (X) Jones, Mary A. (X) Smith, George W. (X) Smith, and
Sarah White. Witnesses: Joshua E. Tilson, C.H. Smith and Smith T.
Smith.” Note: Catherine, Mary, Sarah and David J. are the children of
Margaret White, deceased. SOURCE: Tennessee Records of Washington Co.
– Settlements, Book 40 - pg. 307.
"N.T. Brown has deed from Sarah Tipton and Anna White. D.J.
White has 2/16 Febie White’s, minor, included by deed from Catherine White,
heir of John White. Also Sarah White, Catherine Jones, Mary A. Smith, heirs
by their mother Margaret White. Also by descent from John White, deceased.”
SOURCE: 1866 Tennessee Records of Washington Co. – Settlements, Book 40 -
pg. 541.
George W. and Mary Ann established their homestead at
Clover Bottom of Sullivan Co., Tennessee near the Greene and Washington
Co. borders and raised
a family of 9 children: The family was noted in the 1880 Census,
District 15 in Sullivan Co., TN (George W. was a "laborer") and lived there
until 1888, after which time they moved over the Hawkins Co.
April 21, 1888, George W. was awarded an Invalid Pension. He was age
55, a resident of Chimney Top, Hawkins Co., Tennessee and described as 5'
9", dark complexion, black hair and black eyes. He stated that he contracted
disease of the kidneys affecting his back and hips caused by lifting and
unloading boats and handling heavy boxes. He further explained that
since leaving the war he resided in the area of Clover Bottom P.O. and his
occupation was a farmer. George was able to sign his affidavit "George
W. Smith" witnessed by George W. Lucas of Van Hill and W. M. Hale of Chimney
Top, James Nugent, County Clerk.
George W. died on November 23, 1890, at Lucas P.O.,
in Hawkins Co., Tennessee of kidney disease that he contracted during the
war. According to Nobel Lee Smith, he is buried at Van Hill in Hawkins
Co., Tennessee. I have not been able to find his grave, perhaps
unmarked. Shortly after the death of George W., Mary Ann applied for a Widow's pension and
declared she was 52, and her maiden name was "Mary Ann White".
On April 7, 1892, she was awarded a
pension up through her death of March 10, 1907. Nobel Lee Smith stated
Mary Ann White-Smith is buried at Christian's Bend Baptist Church Cemetery
in Hawkins Co., Tennessee near Church Hill but I have not located her grave
Pvt. George W. Smith - Civil War File
"Uncle Joe White was in the Federal Army
of the Civil War at Strawberry Plains. My brother-in-law Washington Smith,
Ben Hunter and others were there (April 1864)."
White died in Greene Co., Tennessee near the county line at Middle Creek. He
was a Federal soldier and pensioner.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: "Joe White" is Joseph
Marion White (1832 - 1887), the son of John White and 2nd wife Rosie
Tipton, and is D.J.’s half uncle. Joe was noted in the 1840 and 1850
Washington Co., TN censuses living at his parents’ homestead over in
Greasy Cove. On October 28, 1854, he married Martha Jaynes from the Horse
Creek Twp. area of Greene Co., Tennessee. She was the daughter of
brick maker, Joseph P. Janes / Jaynes / Jeans and Mary “Polly” Ann
Morris from that area. Joe most likely became acquainted with the Jaynes family through employment in the area and attendance at the Hermon
Methodist Episcopal Church. This part of Greene Co. was known as pottery
country dominated by tradesmen making redware clay crockery. The Click
brothers* owned a well established business and it’s likely that Joe worked
at some point for the Clicks as a wagon maker, carpenter and mechanic.
According to the history of the Hermon Methodist Episcopal Church, Joe’s
homestead was adjacent to the church property as noted in a deed and lived
near the Clicks:
* more on The Click Potteries of Greene
Co., Tenn.
“The land for the newer section of the
cemetery was sold for $50 to the church consisting of one acre of land by
James R. Click & Greene Click, who were brothers and sons of John Click &
Mary Ann Morris. The deed dated 26 Dec 1888 specified it was bounded as
follows: on the East by lands of JOSEPH WHITE, decd, on the South by the
lot of Hermon M.E. Church, on the West and North by the other lands of
In April 1855, Joe White was mentioned in the
Estate of William C. McCoy of Greene Co., TN purchasing a brace, bit and
chisel. During the 1860 census (the enumeration occurred on June 8,
9, & 11, 1860), Joe was noted as a “farmer” with no Real Estate but
personal property valued at $200. He and Martha were age of 23 with 3
daughters, Mary V. (4), Julia A. (3) and Sara G. (1) and lived next door
to Nathan and Rachel Moncier-Click family. This is how he came to know his
future second wife, Eliza Jane who was 14 at the time. Martha died about
1861 and is buried at the
Old Hermon Methodist Cemetery, Greene Co.
Tennessee next to Joe and their daughter Sara Georgia. Martha’s marker was
gone in 2016, but in an
earlier enumeration in 2003, it was noted that she was buried next to
her husband and the marker read “Rachel White - Wife of J.M. White – 28
June 1859” We know based on the census that this date could not be her
true death date.
age 27, Joe (now a widower), volunteered for the Union Army in July 1863
out of Knoxville serving as Private for Co. G,
Regiment Tennessee Infantry. The unit was
organized at Camp Garber, near Flat Lick, Kentucky on November 1861. Joe
was mustered into service on March 31, 1864, at Strawberry Plains,
Tennessee. D.J.'s brother in law, George Washington Smith (md. Mary Ann
White), served in the same unit.
During his absence, most likely the three daughters went to live with
their grandparents (Joseph P. and Polly Jaynes). It is also likely
that D.J.'s sister, Sada White, helped take care of his
children as well since she came to know the Clicks and had two daughters
out of wed lock, first Mollie b. 1862 sired by "Roy" Click and Julia Ann
b. 1883, sired by James Erasmus "Ras" Click. Most researchers
believe it is the same man "Ras".
Joe's service
record showed he was born in Greene Co., Tennessee, a Wagon Maker by
trade, 6 feet tall, dark hair and dark eyes. He survived the war and
returned home to his farm at Horse Creek Twp. (later called Henshaw
P.O.) on Middle Creek near the county line between Greene and Unicoi. He
married Eliza Jane Click on December 31, 1868, in Greene Co. She was
the daughter of Nathan Click & Rachel Moncier who were also members
of the Hermon Methodist Episcopal Church and buried at the cemetery. On August 26, 1871, Joe qualified for an Invalid Pension. In April
1874, Joe was paid a sum of money for making a pauper coffin for W. P. Haun which showed he was a skilled carpenter. His brother in law,
John Click, provided the clothes for Haun’s burial. During the 1880
Census, Joe was noted as a “mechanic” and he and Eliza Jane had a
daughter, Martha Rachel (b. 1878). Joe died on October 28, 1887.
During the
1890 Veterans Census (June 1890), Greene Co., Tennessee, widow Eliza
White is noted on the roster on behalf of her husband who served as Pvt.
for Co. G, 4th Tenn Infantry, Enlisted July 22, 1863 and discharged August
2, 1865, serving 2 years, living at Henshaw P.O., and the disability
incurred was Chronic Diarrhea. Eliza Jane died on 20 September 1892 and
George M. Click was made legal guardian of Martha who was 14 years old.
Joe White is buried at the old section of the
Herman Methodist Cemetery, Greene Co., Tennessee along with both his
wives, his daughter and both sets of in-laws.
Pvt. Joseph M. White - Civil War
In 1925 at age 85, D.J. explains his route to get to
Greencastle, Indiana where his aunt Catherine White-Cooper lived.
“I started for Bulls Gap on 8 April 1864 to
get away from the Iron Works. I stayed in Knoxville with a widow Mrs.
Bosworth where Henry Hunter, an acquaintance, was boarding. I left Mr.
Fisher and Ed and Luken Crouch in Knoxville. Went to Kingston and stayed
with John White’s family 2 weeks. I fell in company with Ken McLaughlin,
Ezekiel Birchfield, Dr. David Bell and others who were going to Illinois
–also Captain McLaughlin’s family. I stayed in Nashville with Rick
McInturff. Went to Louisville; crossed at New Albany.
(note: he also
states he went to Harristown and mentions a Mat Cordell) I ran into Calvin
Jones on a steamboat, also
Dr. David Bell of Carter County, Tennessee and
Captain Nelson McLaughlin going to Terrahill*
[sic], Illinois. Went 104 miles
north to Greencastle.”
“As I traveled to Indiana, I passed
Federal soldiers at Strawberry Plains. Uncle Joe White was there along
with my brother-in-law, Washington Smith, Ben Hunter and others.”
“Kingston –John White Family”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: His story of his travels during the Civil
War is reminiscent of Mark Twain. I wish there were more writings shared
from him that described the details of his “adventures” escaping the
Confederate conscription, the people he met along the way, the beauty of
the countryside, the hardship and conflict he endured to navigate up North
to his aunt’s house in Greencastle, Indiana. Using Google Maps, I plotted the trajectory and
distance of his route per his notes starting at Embreeville, TN where he
boarded with the Keplingers and worked at the Confederate Works
Iron plant in April 1864. He was 24 years old when he made his escape.
Embreeville, TN > 45 miles to Bulls Gap, TN
Bulls Gap, TN > 40 miles to Strawberry Plains,
Strawberry Plains, TN > 17 miles to Knoxville,
Knoxville, TN > 35 miles to Kingston, TN
Kingston, TN > 145 miles to Nashville, TN
Nashville, TN > 175 miles to Louisville, KY
Louisville, KY > 3 miles across the Ohio River
to New Albany, IN
New Albany, IN catches a steamboat and heads
west on the Ohio River which intersect the Wabash River that bends due
north up to Terre Haute, IN.
Terre Haute, IN > 105 miles to Harristown, IL
Harristown, IL > 128 miles to Greencastle, IN
and remained there until April 14, 1865
Greencastle, IN > 56 miles to Lafayette, IN
Lafayette, IN > 18 miles to Delphi, IN
Delphi, IN > 300 miles to Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH > 20 miles to Northfield, OH
Northfield, OH > 20 miles to Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH > 370 miles to Greencastle, IN
Greencastle, IN > 475 miles to Erwin (Greasy
Cove) Washington Co., TN on April 12, 1866.
* Ms. Crader states in her book “Terrahill,
IL” which I believe was actually Terre Haute, Indiana, a border city between IN and IL on the Wabash River.
D.J. wrote this in 1925 about his employment in
Putnam Co.,
"In Indiana, I hired to one Lewis
Snider who had married a cousin of mine. I am 85 now. I got a certificate
of loyalty from General Schofield. In 1864, I worked for William Snider
and for George Hillis near Greencastle. Daniel L. Henry had a sawmill one
mile north of Greencastle. Gab Figg and William Figg, brothers, worked
with me.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: Factoring in the travel
time via wagon, railroad and steamboat starting from Embreeville,
Tennessee and heading north to Indiana with many stops along the way, I am
estimating D.J.'s arrival in Greencastle sometime in the early summer of
1864 and remained there until April 1865 at which time he left to go
further north to Ohio. Lewis D. Snider (1827 – 1902) was born in
Sullivan Co., Tennessee and the son of Jacob Snider (War of 1812 Veteran)
and Nancy Mock (his first wife). After the death of Nancy, Jacob married
again to Elizabeth Smith of Knox Co., Tennessee and some time before 1840,
the family migrated north to Putnam Co., Indiana and established an 80
acre farm 5 miles north of Greencastle near the old Mt Pleasant Methodist
Episcopal Chapel and Cemetery. There is a present-day creek nearby named
after the Snider clan. Jacob’s son, Lewis Snider was married to D.J.’s
first cousin, Adelia C. White (1836 - 1861), the daughter of Aunt
Catherine White (b. Sept 4, 1817 - d. Aug. 16, 1892) who was single at the time.
Aunt Catherine played a major role in helping D.J. flee the iron mines of
Embreeville to
Greencastle by affording him a place to live and work in a Union state for
over a year to support himself and pay for her parcel of land in Greasy
Cove. She is the daughter of John White and Margaret Odell
and had two daughters, Adelia C. and Anna Eliza. During the 1850
Sullivan Co., Tennessee census, Catherine was noted in HH 43, living with
Robert B. Gibson (age 72) and Isabella (age 69). Robert's son Andrew
Gibson, lived next door (HH 42) and was noted as a Blacksmith. Two
doors down in the same census, HH 47, Lewis Snider (age 25) was living
with Stephen C. Rile family and both he and Stephen were noted as
"Blacksmiths." Aunt Catherine's daughter, Adelia was 14 years old,
married to Lewis, as her surname was "Snider", and living with the Rile
family as well. Catherine's other daughter, Anne Eliza was married
to Columbus Frazier and did not move up to Putnam Co., Indiana until after
the War. Sometime before 1860, Catherine White, Lewis and Adelia C.
White-Snider moved up to
Greencastle Twp. in Putnam Co., Indiana and noted in HH #251 with their two small
children, Theophilus and Albert Franklin. In 1861, Adelia died and
presumably Aunt Catherine continued to live with the family to help Lewis
raise her nephews. In 1864, the time of D.J.’s arrival, Lewis had
just remarried to Alvenia Bow/Bon from Michigan and started a new family.
D.J. stated in his note that
he “hired to one Lewis Snider” which I believe he meant he was hired by
Lewis Snider who was 13 years older, a permanent resident and an
established blacksmith (death
certificate notes "Blacksmith). It would not make sense that Lewis was hired by D.J. Furthermore,
D.J. was a visitor and owed money to his aunt Catherine
for her parcel of land sitting in probate down in Greasy Cove, Tennessee.
Aunt Catherine White moved from the Lewis’ household before the 1870
census, but
remained in Greencastle, Putnam Co., Indiana living with Columbus Fountain
and Anne Eliza White-Frazier family (her daughter and son-in-law).
On September 5, 1872, Catherine White married John Cooper. According
to a letter written in April 1974 by Elsie Denton-Davis of Crawfordville,
Indiana, the great grand-daughter of Catherine White-Cooper and
grand-daughter of Anne Eliza to Pauline Crader, she explained some details
about Catherine White and the Snider Family:
"I'm so glad to know great
grandmother's father's name. He must have been the same John White
who was your great great grandfather. Also to know the names of his
parents. You asked if I knew of any other brothers or sisters of
Anne Eliza. No I do not. She never spoke of any that I
remember. I will get you the date of Adelia's birth and death when I
go to Greencastle on Memorial Day. I know just where the grave is
located in the Old Cemetery. Lewis Snyder is also buried there. Adelia S.
(Snider) died at the birth of a
baby daughter who was buried at the foot of her grave. The baby
lived a short time and my grandmother
(Adelia's sister, Anne Eliza)
took care of it. Adelia died of
measles. Adelia's two sons, Theophilus and Frank were her only children
that I know of except the baby girl. After her death, Lewis Snyder
married again to Alvena. They had several children. Grandma
F. (Frrazier)
always said Alvena was not good to Theo
and Frank and I think grandma F. cared for them quite a lot.
Catherine O'Dell-White's husband was dead early in her married life...
She lived with Grandma F. then with my father and mother till I was about
3 years old. I remember her faintly. This after the death of
Cooper. She had been married a second time to George Cooper
(actually John Cooper, George was his
son), a wealthy farmer in Putnam Co.
He was a widower and grandmother Catherine helped raise his youngest
children. She died at grandma Frazier's and is buried in an old
cemetery at Greencastle.
45-47 - "The Genealogy of a John White Family of Washington County, TN by
David Jonathan White (1840-1928)” by Pauline R. Crader, May 1998.
FOOTNOTE: Adelia White-Snider and her infant daughter, Lewis Snider and Catherine White-Cooper are buried at
Greencastle City Cemetery, Putnam Co., Indiana. The death
records in Greencastle list Catherine's father as John White born in VA
and mother ___ O'Dell. Catherine's son-in-law Columbus Frazier
was a coroner.
Although D.J. did not explain where he was lodging in Greencastle, it’s most
compelling he
was staying with the Lewis Snider family where Aunt Catherine was living
as well. To help pay for his lodging,
he worked for Lewis and William Snider (half-brothers). He also
worked for George Baker Hillis
who lived a few doors down from Lewis Snider’s father, Jacob Snider (per
the 1860 census), near
the Mount Pleasant Church and Cemetery area (see map).
George Baker Hillis (b. 1828 - d. 1899) was the son of Abram Hillis
and Elizabeth Peck of Kentucky and moved out to the Mount Pleasant area of
Putnam Co., Indiana in 1825. George Hillis was a successful farmer
who owned 330 acres and D.J. worked on his farm. George and his brother,
Henry Harrison Hillis (brick-maker), were members of the Mount Pleasant
M.E. church.* George also served one term as "Assessor" for
Greencastle Twp.
*NOTE: According to Henry Harrison
Hillis' biography in
"Weik's History of Putnam Co., Indiana", by Jesse William Weik, pg.
644, his family settled in the Mount Pleasant area of Putnam Co., Indiana
and he (also his brother) was a member of the Mount Pleasant ME Church
which is now gone and only the cemetery remains. Mount Pleasant
Methodist Episcopal Church was established before 1863 and closed before
Lewis Snider
died on April 6, 1903
On April 6, 1903, Lincoln D. Snider, Lewis's
son through his second marriage, writes D.J. explaining:
"Lewis Snider, my father died 6 March 1902,
mother died 9 March this year 1903. Father age 77, Mother age 66.
5 sons and 1 daughter living. I am the only one living in
Greencastle. Aunt Katie White died several years ago. Her name was
Cooper then. Columbus Frazier died several years ago. Aunt
Eliza Frazier is still living in Greencastle and in good health. Dan
Henry is still alive and could tell you about the Reeves. I think
all the older set are dead. Theo, my brother is a
Big 4 yard master of Terre Haute, IN. Frank is in the
fire department of Cincinnati. Earnest and Clarence and my sister,
E.E. Branson are in Muncie, IN --all married."
FOOTNOTE: Lewis Snider, first
wife, Adelia and daughter, and William Snider (brother) are buried at
Greencastle City Cemetery, Putnam Co., IN.
D.J. also worked at Daniel L. Henry’s saw mill
which shows his versatility in trades of blacksmithing, farming and carpentry. Daniel L. Henry and Sarah E. Reeves married on December 22, 1853,
lived in Putnam Co., Indiana in the same township as the Sniders. He was
born November 1832 in Tennessee (s/o John Henry and Lucinda Earp) and died
April 1905. He was noted as a “Miller” like his father in the 1860 and
1870 Putnam Co, Indiana censuses. Gabriel (older, b. 1832 – d. 1875) and
William Figg were brothers and the sons of Francis Asbury Figg and
Rebecca. They also lived nearby in the Floyd district of Greencastle P.O.
During the 1860 Putnam Co., Indiana census, Gabriel was noted as a
“house carpenter”. The Figgs were ardent believers of the Methodist
Episcopal faith. During the 1870 Putnam Co. Census, there was a Joe White
(age 15) living with Francis and Rebecca Figg and working as a farm hand. He is most likely a distant cousin of D.J.’s.
It appears D.J. received his
Certificate of Loyalty* from
General John A. Schofield
(1831 – 1906) while he was in Indiana shortly after the war ended,
probably in 1866 when he stopped at Greencastle for a short time to pay
his aunt Catherine the balance due on land before heading back home to Greasy Cove, Tennessee.
Taking a Loyalty Oath* and receiving a certificate was an important
amnesty document, especially for border states between the north and
south. For example, in Missouri, if a person did not possess a
certificate of Oath of Loyalty, he could not vote, nor serve as a juror or
a witness in court, and not permitted to engage in business
transactions**. To get back home to Tennessee from Indiana, D.J. had
to pass through border states and it was prudent for him to have this
document to avoid problems passing through.
* The Oath of Allegiance, also called a
Loyalty Oath, was a document signed by persons during and after the Civil
War to pledge loyalty and allegiance to the Union. Initially intended for
employees of the Federal government and military personnel, the oath soon
took several different forms and eventually extended to the state level.
Employment and business ownership were then dependent on signed oaths.
**Justice in Blue and Gray: A Legal History of the Civil War By Stephen C.
Neff, pg. 91.
would have gone into the Spanish War but for my experience in the Civil
NOTES / COMMENTARY: The Spanish-American War started in 1898 and D.J. would have been age 48, a bit too old to be conscripted into service. I
believe his comment was directed toward his AWOL when he fled the CSA
conscription at the Iron Works facility in Embreeville. Around 1865-1866,
while living in Indiana, he received a "Certificate of Loyalty"
from Union General John A. Schofield (1831 – 1906). Being a Confederate
conscript who went AWOL may have bothered D.J.
“I heard Reverend Dr. Bowman preach there. He was president of Asbury U. Held church at Mt. Pleasant near
Greencastle; prayer meeting held by Robert Brown. John Reeves was at the
D.J. heard Dr. Bowman preach sometime before
April 1865 at the Mount Pleasant Methodist Episcopal Church 4 miles north of Greencastle
(see map) where he was living with his Aunt Catherine and Lewis Snider at the time. Asbury University is now called DePauw
University of Greencastle, Indiana and has its founding roots as a
Methodist seminary.
Rev/Dr. Thomas Bowman was
a Methodist-Episcopal Bishop and the President of the
school from June 1859 through June 1872 when he resigned. From May
1864 to March 1865, Bowman also served as chaplain of the United States
Senate. D.J. mentioned a Robert Brown and John Reeves, both of whom
prominent community and church leaders. John A. Reeves (b. Oct 1845 –
d. March 1908) owned a large farm near Mount Pleasant Methodist church 5
miles north of Greencastle in Putnam Co., Indiana. He was born in
Putnam Co. but moved out to Kansas for a period of time and came back
when his first wife was killed in a tornado. He married again to widow
Martha E. Cowgill-Dicks and both are buried at the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
(obituary of John A. Reeves). Martha's first husband was the Putnam County Commissioner.
Old maps from 1879 (see below) show that the Mt.
Pleasant M.E. church and schoolhouse were located on the township line
between Greencastle and Monroe in Putnam Co. Only the cemetery
remains and the
present day road bends around the cemetery. Mount Pleasant
Church was established before 1863 and was out of service by 1954 per the
news article in which several college students were arrested for
mischief in the old abandoned church.

“I left Greencastle the night Lincoln was
shot. I went to Lafayette and Delphi, Indiana, and Cleveland and Northfield,
Ohio. I returned to Washington Co., Tennessee on 12 April 1866 by way of
Cleveland and Greencastle, Indiana, and paid Aunt Kate White $64 her part of
the real estate of her father John White. I got a deed on record in
Jonesboro recorded 1867.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: D.J. left Greencastle on April 14, 1865 to
continue north to Cleveland and Northfield, Ohio. Although he did not
explain the mode of transportation getting there, the river towns of
Lafayette and Delphi are on the Wabash River and most likely he took a
steamboat from Terre Haute, which was the popular mode of transportation
at that time. It’s unclear why or how long he remained in Ohio before
heading back home to Greasy Cove (now Erwin) Washington Co., TN after he
made a return stop in Greencastle to pay his Aunt Catherine White-Cooper
the $64, the balance for her parcel of land bequeathed to her from her
father’s estate. According to book 40, pg. 185 of the Washington Co., TN
land records, Katherine White agreed to sell her 1/16 portion of land to D.J. White for $100 in 1866. Therefore the $64 he paid her was most
likely the balance due. D.J. arrived home in Greasy Cove on 12 April
“Killed in the Civil War: Jonathan
Tipton, Wesley Tipton, Joe Tipton, Jack Tipton, Jonathan Tucker and Rev.
Embree Hoss, old friend Mr. Bogart.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: Rev. Embree Hoss did not
die in the Civil War but his brother did.
“D.J. was paid $26 per month to teach in
1889. He was paid $18 a month in 1892.”
NOTES / COMMENTARY: D.J. worked as a school
teacher for several years in Unicoi Co., TN. He detested illiteracy
which was wide spread growing up and thus had a passion educating others to
read and write so they may expand their knowledge and question and develop
opinions for themselves.
D.J. wrote
this after 1900.
“Uncle Isaac White’s wife since
joined the church and died, joined the M.E.
(Methodist/Episcopal) church, her name was Joan
“Aunt Sally Tipton was sick at her son-in-laws’ Jacob Whaley who lived on Burchfield’s place near Erwin.
She was on her deathbed. A brother Bennett, a minister was there.
Additionally, there was a note that stated:
"Aunt Sally Tipton sent for DJ on her deathbed. She had a frivolous matter on her heart to settle with him. After seeing DJ, the victory was won and poor Aunt Sally was up in the bed shouting and the happiest person I ever saw.
Poor old Aunt Elizabeth Bowman went and embraced her. |
This note is in reference to D.J.’s great uncle George White’s grandson.
“July 1918, from Adam B. Keplinger, heard from Henry that Sam White, that is Aunt Sousie White’s
Sam, wanted to get the date of Cinthy White’s death –Old Laib White’s
daughter. Sam wants to get his pension. He can’t without the date.”
Beauregard Keplinger (s/o Samuel Buzardt Keplinger and Elizabeth “Betsy”
May) was married to Sarah Adeline White (d/o George White and Elizabeth
“Betsy”). Back in 1862, D.J. was a tenant at Adam Keplinger’s residence
near Embreeville,
when he was 22 years old before the war broke out. It’s apparent they stayed
in touch over the years and in 1918, Adam wrote a note to D.J. to let him
know that Samuel William White (s/o John K. White and Susan “Aunt Sousie”
D. Freeman) needed the death date of Scintha / Syntha / Centha Ann White
(d/o “Old Laib” Abraham White and Emaline Cerena McInturff) for his Civil
War pension application dated April 1, 1910. For 8
years between the time he applied for a pension and when Adam wrote the
letter in 1918, that he was not approved and needed proof of the death of
his first wife. Samuel and Syntha married on September 20, 1870 in
Washington Co., TN and had two children, Allace and Florence. Samuel and Syntha separated before 1877. Samuel, age 29, was living in Alabama and
met a young lady, 17, named Cordelia “Delia” Black. He and Delia married
on November 9, 1878 and moved over to Mount Pleasant, Marshall Co.,
Mississippi as indicated in 1880 census with their 9 month old baby.
During the 1880 Unicoi Co., Tennessee census, Syntha White was age 32 and
noted as a servant living with wealthy land owner, John Wesley "J.W." Garland*,
with her two children Allace (age 8) and Florence (age 6). Leander White
(not sure if he is related to Syntha) and family lived next door. J.W. owned property in both Yancey Co., NC and Unicoi Co., TN. He wrote
his Will on January 25, 1886, in Yancey Co., NC and went into probate on
August 16, 1887 in Unicoi Co., TN. J.W. died August 5, 1887 and is
buried in Jobe Cemetery (Plot #314) in Erwin. Syntha no doubt made a lasting
impression on J.W. (perhaps on a romantic level) as he bequeathed a
portion of his land in Unicoi Co., including the house and garden,
household items, livestock, grain and meat as follows:
“THIRD: I will Syntha Ann
White, who has been keeping house for me the last eight or nine years, a
portion of my land including the dwelling house and garden where I now
live.” [This house was near B. F. O’Brien, L.D. Scott, McNabbs or Tucker’s
line and N.T. Brown in Unicoi Co., TN. JW Garland had multiple properties
and houses between Unicoi, Co., TN and Yancey Co., NC.]
“SIXTH: I will and bequeath to
said John W. Higgins and Synthia Ann White jointly my household and
kitchen furniture, cooking utentials [sic], Delftware [blue-white pottery
made in Holland], glassware, knives and forks to be equally divided
between them. I also will and bequeath to the said Synthia Ann White one
milk cow and heifer, one red sow and 4 pigs, two burrow shoats and one
hundred pounds of bacon, all the pottery on hand, all the wheat on hand
and fifty bushels of corn."
*John Wesley "J.W." Garland
(September 5, 1807 - August 5, 1887) was the second of six children born
to David Garland and Sarah ___ while residents of East Tennessee. As a
Tennessee native living in Yancey / Mitchell Co., NC between c. 1820 and
c. 1860, JW Garland was a prominent landowner and businessman and by the
time the 1860 census was taken, his personal property was valued at
$16,700. During the 1850's, JW Garland served as a court clerk for Yancey
County, N.C. Sometime during the 1860s, JW Garland and wife moved over to
Washington Co., TN (now Unicoi). On March 25, 1876, his wife, believed to be
Jane M. Horton, died. JW Garland died 11 years later and is buried at
Cemetery #314 in Erwin, TN.
On May 5,
1905, D.J. writes a letter to his first cousin Rufus Honeycutt (s/o Mary
“Polly” White and David Honeycutt) living in Morgan Co., Tennessee.
“You should show some of the life and
spirit of your old grandfather whose voice once made the church ring in
prayer to God –whose last words were, I’m going home. The mountains in
North Carolina are full of Honeycutt preachers.”
There was a note in DJ's collection that stated
"D.J. White was struck by an auto January
1924 at age 84.
There were some bones broken.”
about wife Martha C. Garland:
DJ’s future mother-in-law, Elizabeth Jane
Burleson-Garland, writes DJ a letter dated November 3, 1873, from Red
Hill, Mitchell Co., North Carolina to explain that
...."Martha wants
be married at her house."
letter DJ wrote to his wife Martha.
“I thought you had given me to the
/ COMMENTARY: It’s unclear how D.J. met his true love, Martha C.
Garland from Red Hill, Yancey (now Mitchell Co.) NC, but I suspect it was
through the Methodist-Episcopal (ME) church affiliations when he was a
traveling preacher which took him over to the North Carolina side while on
the circuit. According to the Holston Annual Conference Minutes,
Knoxville, Tennessee held on
October 1, 1873, D.J. was noted as a
“Preacher from Swinglesville, Tennessee.” The Garlands of Red Hill were
longstanding believers of the Methodist faith (Toe River Valley
Conference) going back to their forefather Revolutionary War patriot,
William Guthridge Garland [1753-1848] who married Bridgett Hampton and
initially lived in the Limestone Cove area of Washington Co., TN before
migrating over to the NC side and settling permanently in Red Hill. The
Hampton clan were also staunch believers of the ME faith. D.J. married
late in life at the age of nearly 34 to Martha who was 10 years his
junior. Although their marriage certificate was filed in Washington Co.,
Tennessee dated December 24, 1873, according to a note found in the D.J.
collection, Martha’s wish was to marry at her parents’ home in Red Hill
which I believe the church ceremony and reception were held. It made good
sense however, to register their legal bond in Tennessee because that
would be their permanent residence.
Martha C. Garland was born in March 1850 and the
daughter of Hampton Crissenberry Garland (a dry goods merchant) and Jane
Elizabeth Burleson (mother of 9 children) of Red Hill, Yancey (now
Mitchell) Co., NC. Martha’s paternal grandparents, Elisha Garland (b. 1788) and Nancy Robinson (b. 1793)
were Methodist and Elisha was a Minister.
Her paternal great
grandparents were Rev. War Patriot, Guthridge Garland and Bridgett Hampton. Martha’s maternal
grandparents were Simeon Burleson (1776-1840) and Mary Polly Ledford
(*1787) of Yancey (now Mitchell Co., NC). Elisha and Nancy
Robinson-Garland joined families with Simeon and Mary Ledford-Burleson
through the marriages of their 3 children: son Hampton-Crissenberry Garland
to Jane E. Burleson (Martha’s parents), daughter Vianna Garland to Aaron
Burleson and daughter Nancy Garland to Jonathan Burleson.
D.J. was away from home a lot preaching the gospel on
his circuit as a ME preacher as well as being appointed by the State to
serve as a county surveyor to determine the state between Tennessee and
North Carolina. Being away from home was hard on their marriage leaving
Martha alone to raise a house full of small children. Despite these
challenges, Martha did not give D.J. “to the dogs” and was committed to
the marriage and supported his endeavors as an educator, county surveyor/adminstrator and
minister. She and D.J. had 9 children as follows: Ellen (Oct., 1874 - Mar
1880), Jane (Jun 1876 - Feb. 1920), Edna Dale, Jonathan Landon (Feb. 1879
- Nov 1962), Mary Esther (1881 – 1959), Henry Clay (b/d Aug 30, 1882),
Laura-Evelyn Hannah (1883 - 1955), Joseph Christopher (Feb. 1886 – 1962),
Nellie Julianne (Mar 1888 - Feb. 1929) all born at their homestead near Swinglesville, Unicoi Co., Tennessee. Martha died October 20, 1899, at
the age of 49 and is buried. D.J. never remarried. Martha and D.J. are
buried next to each other at the Fishery Cemetery in Erwin, Tennessee as
well as some of their children.
“Adam Garland, Elisha Garland, sons of
Gooch Garland, Jr’.s, Gooch and Crisenberry Garland, brother."
NOTE: Crisenberry was DJ’s father-in-law who
married Jane Burleson and are buried in Red Hill, Mitchell Co., NC.
A letter
from DJ’s daughter Mary dated July 26, 1916; Nell Peterson and Jim are
“Elisha Garland deceased by 26 July 1916
mentions as dead Aunt Mary, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Pierce.
“Sadie, Phebe, Kate --my sisters”
NOTE: he did not include
Mary Ann Smith
“Katherine Hawkins, Kate White born
Washington Co., TN, October 1843. Tecumsah Sheridan Jones born 12 October
DJ’s sister and her son.
"My mother died and
I was off to strangers when about 12 years old. The first place was
Dave Keener." --note from Katherine "Kate"
White found in D.J.'s collection
“Part of 7 41 acres (1825-1846)
conveyed by quit claim deed from N.T. Brown to D.J. White in division of
John White’s land. D.J. holding two originals –to wit, Catherine and my
mother by deed from Catherine White, Sarah White, Mary Ann Smith, and
Phoebe Banner.”
"Dr. Banner died at Erwin, buried at
Martin's Creek graveyard 1904 by Masonic. Phebe also buried there, died
3rd September 1918."
/ COMMENTARY: D.J.'s youngest sister, Phoeba Ann (b. Oct. 20, 1850 -
d. Sept. 2, 1918), was married to Dr. Henry "Harry" C. Banner (b. Aug 22,
1850 – d. Aug. 30, 1904). He was the son of Elizabeth Banner and Joseph
Murray of Greasy Cove, Tennessee. Harry was a twin and he and his siblings
assumed their mother’s surname because she never married Joseph. Legend
has it, that in 1864, Harry (age 14) was captured by a rebel unit that was
passing through his neighborhood in Greasy Cove (now Erwin). A handful of
renegades put a noose around Harry's neck and strung him up on a pole that
was used to gut hogs. No one knows why the rebels would do this to a young
boy who posed no threat to the soldiers. His mother begged and pleaded for
her son's life, fellow neighbors joined in and collectively persuaded the
soldiers to release him. That same year, on August 15, 1864, Harry joined
the Union as Private for Co. A, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry serving as a
Fifer/ Musician. His military file showed that he was “age 16”, stood 4
foot 6 inches, black hair and black eyes, and fair complexion. Standing 4
½ feet tall, it was clear Harry padded his age a couple of years
permitting him to join the Federal Army. Harry was most likely
acquainted with Phoebe White when they were kids as she and her older
sister, Sarah, were living with their aunt Sarah White-Tipton during the
1860 census. The Banners were a couple of doors down in the Swinglesville
area of Greasy Cove. On October 15, 1866, Harry applied for Military
Pension, No. 117,507, but was denied based on no proof of injury which was
a requirement at that time. In the 1870 census, Phoebe and her sister,
Sarah were living with D.J. and their aunt Sarah Tipton near the former
John White property on the Indian Creek at the foot of Iron Mountain
outside of Limestone Cove. On April 5, 1874, Harry and Phebe married on
Indian Creek performed by John S. McInturff, J.P. That same year in
December, Phebe sold her share of land from her grandfather, John White’s,
estate to D.J.’s wife, Martha Garland-White.
“Henry C. Banner and Pheba A. Banner on
the one part sell to Martha White, consort of D.J. White on the other part
for $25, Phebe, daughter of Margaret White, one of the heirs of John
White, 1/10 of 45 acres undivided.”
Source Unicoi Co., Tennessee, Book 9-52,
Dec. 3, 1874.”
Harry explained in an
Affidavit for his pension that in 1866 he was unable to read and write
and it wasn’t until 1876 that he went to school to become literate.
Therefore, since the marriage, Phebe, who was literate, and her brother,
D.J., who was a school teacher, facilitated in Harry’s education. Harry
continued his studies in medicine and received training from Dr. David W.
Bell of Limestone Cove. By the 1880’s he practiced allopathic medicine
along with Dr. G. C. Williams and Dr. Leroy Sams Tilson (in photo) in
Unicoi County and also served as a county clerk and health officer
reporting to the State on epidemic outbreaks (such as typhoid / cholera).
Henry and Phoebe had 5 children: Harvey, Judah E., David Sinclair, Lula
E., Ethel Jane and they lived in the Lilly Dale area of Erwin. Harry died
in 1904 and had been suffering from chronic bowel trouble for some time
before he died. Harry was a member of the Freemasonry which provided the
funeral rituals. Phebe applied for a widow’s pension and awarded $12
month until her death in 1918. Her son explained that she died from liver
disease. Harry and Phebe are buried at
Martins Creek #210/211.
"Dr. Harry Banner was the beloved family
doctor of hundreds in the country. He could out ride, out cuss, and out
drink any man. He was a friend to all dogs and children. He was a small
man in stature but was dynamic. He had a heart of gold. He meant
everything to hundreds of families."
Source: "Ervin" by Viola Ruth
E. Swingle, Overmountain Press, 1975, pg. 42
CIVIL WAR FILE - Henry Banner
“I knew
John Edwards, Abe Edwards, a preacher, Tilda and Nancy.”
D.J.'s notes about his children who were alive at
that time.
Jane White-Capps-White (1876 - 1920):
“Jane married, has one child by Bill and six by Mark Capps.
“Jane White 2nd married William G. White. Jane was a widow of Mark
Capps. Capps children: McKinley, William Hobart, Edith, Grant, Manley,
Ethel, heirs by Mark Capps deceased, and George White my infant son by
William G. White. ---written October 1913.
"Manley is blind -- can only see out of one eye.”
“Hobart Capps had a wreck and killed a
Honeycutt, South Fork Indian Creek.”
COMMENTARY / NOTES: Jane (b. June 3, 1876 - d.
February 25, 1920) was the second child of D.J. and Martha. She
married Marcus A. Capps (b. June 1, 1874) on
January 3, 1895, in Unicoi Co., Tennessee. He was the son of Civil War
Veteran, Manley William Capps* and Sarah Ledford from North Carolina.
parents moved over to Erwin after the War and are buried at
Martins Creek Cemetery. Jane and Mark lived in Erwin as well and had
the following 6 children: McKinley, William Hobart, Edith, Grant, David
Manley, Ethel. During the 1900 Census, "Chrissenbury" White, noted as
brother-in-law, was living with Jane and Mark Capps which I believe is
Jane’s younger brother Joseph Christopher White who was also enumerated
living at D.J.’s house in a separate household entry (thus accounted for
Mark worked for the railroad and on July 16, 1907,
he was hit by a train which severed his leg and bled to death.
According to a newspaper article from the
The Comet,
on Tuesday morning about a mile west of Johnson City, he was walking on
the passing track and was hit by a passenger train and badly mangled and
killed. Jane and the kids moved in with D.J. and both father and
daughter were noted as “widowed” in
the 1910 Census. D.J. was also noted as the "County Registrar." They lived next
door to D.J.’s son, Jonathan Landon White and family. D.J. was the
Administrator of Mark A. Capps’ Estate to settle out involved
parties to include himself, leaving Jane the remaining $864.04 to live off
of and take care the kids. Prospects for a second husband may have
been challenging for Jane since she had several small children to take
care of. On
December 23, 1913,
Jane remarried to her first cousin, William "Bill"
Grant White in Unicoi County. He was the son of William White and
Katherine "Kate" White (D.J.'s sister).
Bill White was previously married to Sophia (b.
1872) and they had a daughter together, Vina R. White (b. February 1900)
in Hamilton Co., Tennessee, but that relationship ended in divorce and
Bill moved back to Erwin. D.J.
stated they had one child together, George, because that note was written
in 1913 before Fred, Ellen, Thurmond, and June were born. In
the 1920 census, D.J.'s sister, "Katherine Hawkins" moved in with Jane and
her son, Bill, and lived on Tucker Street in Erwin. Jane's sons, William
Hobart Capps (age 20 - carpenter) and David Manley (age 13) were living
with their grandparents, Manley W. Capps and Sarah Ledford at the time. It
appears that Bill may have been a bit abusive to Jane according to her sister,
Mary, who stated in a letter
"kick Bill out before he kills Pa or you."
At age 44, Jane became stricken with the flu and
died in February 1920. She is buried at the
Fishery Church Cemetery (plot #329)
in an unmarked grave near her first husband Mark Capps.
Mark Capps
CERT - Jane to Bill White
Two of Jane's sons, David Manley and William Hobart,
were involved in separate auto accidents. Sometime before 1928, Hobart was
operating a vehicle and killed a Mr. Honeycutt outside of Flag Pond on South
Indian Creek. I am still searching for a newspaper article about
that event. In 1926, Manley was living in Norfolk, Virginia and
wrote a letter to Hobart stating
"send money to Marion Miles or a letter."
On October 4, 1936, Manley, who was blind in one
eye, was hit by an automobile in Norfolk, Virginia and died from multi
body trauma (see death cert).
* During the Civil War, Manley William Capps held rank as
"Principal Musician" for Co. H of the 3rd NC Mnt. Infantry during the
Civil War. He received a pension #1169268 and after his death, his
wife received a widow's pension, #905080, for his service. On
January 15, 1865, at age 22, he volunteered
in Knoxville, TN for 3 years
for the Union. He was mustered into service on February 16,
1865 as Pvt. for
the 3rd NC Mntd. Infantry and promoted
to musician / drummer on May 1, 1865. His record showed that he was
born in Henderson, NC standing 6 feet tall, brown hair, brown eyes with
fair complexion. Before joining the Union, he initially served
the CSA. On September 11, 1861, age 19, he enlisted as Private for
Co. H 29th NC Regiment in Buncombe Co., NC. He was promoted
to a Bugler in August 1862. From August 31, 1863 through October 31,
1863, he was a Drummer for Co. C 29 NC Regiment.
D.J.'s notes about his children who were alive at
that time.
2. Jonathan Landon White (1879 - 1962):
“Jonathan had a second marriage 1)
Mattie, 2) Maggie.
"Jonathan’s children: Madge, May,
L. White and wife Maggie and children. Madge, May, Nell. Mann, Hattie and
“Second wife of J.L. White was Maggie
Goforth. 7 children”
“Madge married Fay Harris. May married a
Higgins, Jonathan White’s daughters.”
D.J. was close to his son Jonathan Landon "J.L." and moved in with his
son's family in his latter days before he died. J.L. followed his
father's footsteps and also became a surveyor for Unicoi County. He
was born on February 3, 1879 and was a life long resident of the Fishery
Community. Jonathan was 29 when he first married to Mattie Elliott
on October 17, 1901 in Unicoi Co., Tennessee.
D.J.'s notes about his children who were alive at
that time.
3. Mary Esther White-Edwards (1881 - 1959):
“Mary is in Arapahoe, Colorado.”
“Mary E. Edward’s (children):
David and Ben.”
"Grant, Della, Ethel are
Edward’s grandchildren. Mary --mother of Benjamin.”
D.J.'s great
grandchildren through Mary’s son Benjamin.
Mary Esther was born April 5, 1881
and lived with her parents in Unicoi Co., Tennessee until about 1902 at
which time she moved out to Leavenworth, Kansas and married William Grant Edwards
on May 6, 1902 and had two sons, David Jonathan (named after D.J.) and
Benjamin Franklin (named after her father-in-law). Grant was 15 years her senior, born February 16, 1866, in
Leavenworth, Kansas and the son of
Benjamin F. Edwards and Sarah Jane
Dooley. Her father in-law, Benjamin, was born in Washington
Co., Tennessee in 1829 and left the area along with his parents and
siblings in 1852 and settled in Missouri for a few years teaching school. In 1855, he arrived in Leavenworth, Kansas and married Sarah Jane Dooley
and started a family on his 360 acre plantation raising livestock, a
variety of fruit orchards, a vineyard and engaged in other various farm
pursuits. During the Civil War, he was a Sgt. for the Union Army. He was
one of the early and prominent settlers of Leavenworth, Kansas, served as
Deputy Sheriff and oversaw many municipal road projects. It's unclear how
Mary became acquainted with the Edwards clan given the distance between
Leavenworth and Erwin. But she married into a prosperous and educated family. Before April 1910, she, Grant and the two boys left Kansas for the
semi-arid high plains of Cheyenne Co., Colorado and settled in Arapahoe, a
tiny railroad town (Union Pacific) of about 470 people as indicated in the
1910 Census, Precinct 1. She was working as a seamstress and Grant as a
farmer on their “own account.” They most likely secured land through
the federal homestead program which encouraged folks to come out and
farm the drought stricken plains of eastern Colorado where it rained less
than 15 inches a year with the promise that the weather patterns would turn.
They lived next door to her father-in-law, Benjamin Edwards, who was noted as
widower, age 80, owned property and an employer. In one of D.J.'s notes he
stated “Mary is in Arapahoe, Colorado.” D.J.
probably wrote this around 1911 since Arapahoe was an unincorporated town
in Cheyenne Co., Colorado near the Kansas state line and the Post Office
did not open until May 5, 1910. Mary’s father-in-law died in 1913
and is buried back in his hometown in Leavenworth, Kansas. The same year
Mary wrote to her father explaining:
“Didn’t Sade have no sense deeding all
she had to old Hicks? Pa, you and Aunt Phebe are the only ones in that
family that ever had any sense. You know Kate is an old fool”
Mary highly regarded her father and his
youngest sister, Phebe (who married
Dr. Henry Banner), unlike Sada and Catherine
who were always in a pickle due to their poor choices.
To elaborate, Sada was married to Union Civil War Veteran, Vincent Tapp**.
But before she married Vincent, she had two daughters out of wedlock.
Her first daughter was Mollie Click born in 1862 (father is noted as "Roy
Click" on her death cert) and she married Robert A. Hampton. The
second daughter, Julia Ann, was through a brief relationship with James
Eurasmus "Ras" Click. Julia married Jonathan Nathan Hicks and they lived
nearby to help take care of Sada and Vincent. In 1910,
Vincent’s health was declining fast, bed ridden and thus applied (with the assistance of Jonathan
Hicks) to the pension board for an
increase in pay. In October of 1910, Jonathan offered testimony as a
witness to the Pension Board of his wife's stepfather's poor health and in
need of constant care of a nurse to support the application for an increase.
Vincent died on May 3, 1911, at which time Sada received a widow’s pension of
$12 a month. In 1913, Sada transferred her assets over to Jonathan most
as payment for his help with the pension board and the added expense of
nursing care provided by her daughter/ his wife. On April 20, 1915, Sada died of pneumonia and was dropped from the
pension. On May 3, 1915, Jonathan Hicks requested from the Pension board
reimbursement for burial expenses and provided sworn testimony that Sada
had no child under 16, left no property or money and that she gave her
property over to her children two years ago (which would be around 1913
--the time Mary wrote her letter to D.J.). Sada White and Vincent
Tapp are buried at the
Fishery Church Cemetery Erwin, Tennessee.
Mary Edwards called her
aunt Catherine (Kate)*** an
“old fool” probably referring to her aunt’s past
choices in relationships which never lasted very long. Catherine was
“married” 4 times (1) Mr. White, (2) John Jones [31 Dec 1858 Washington Co.,
TN, (3) Mr. Warwick/Worrex, (4) Mr. Hawkins. The only marriage record
I found was with John Jones. D.J. stated in one of his notes regarding
“She had four
marriages and five children, one child of each marriage. As soon as Kate
got pregnant, she came home. She never stayed long with any husband.”
1918, Mary’s nephew, William "Hobart" Capps (s/o Jane White and Mark
Capps) moved out to Colorado from Unicoi Co., Tennessee and stayed with
Mary and her
family for a time.
On June 5, 1918, he registered his WWI Draft card in Cheyenne Co.,
Colorado. Just before the 1920 census, nephew Hobart moved
back to Erwin and Grant and Mary moved back to Kansas with
their two teenage sons and settled in Abilene as noted in the 1920 Census.
Sometime before 1930, William and Mary divorced and William was noted
living in Abilene, Dickinson Co., Kansas as a "Roomer". The Edwards lived in central Kansas in the 1930s during the catastrophic
decade of the Great Dust Bowl. Grant died November 13, 1939 and is buried
in Hutchinson, Kansas. Mary shortly thereafter moved west to Goodland,
Kansas living downtown and was a tenant at Fenton M. Carroll and Charles
J. Vanwey’s Tourist Camp / Gasoline Filling Station working 20 hours a
week as an “Artist” as noted in the 1940 Census. She completed the 8th
grade and declared $200 annual income. Mary painted the
portrait of David
Jonathan White which was in the possession of my grandmother,
Bessie Marie
Harris, (who was married to Mary’s brother,
Joseph Christopher White for a
time) up until she died in 2014 and now in the possession of my mother. Mary died in 1959 in Colorado Springs,
Colorado and is buried at Fairview Cemetery.
From 1900 to 1910, the promise of
homesteading opportunities pulled a large number of settlers to Cheyenne
Co., Colorado. The Union Pacific runs straight through the town of
Arapahoe, Colorado. The town struggled to survive since the late 1800s due
to harsh weather patterns and drought impacting the agriculture / raising
livestock. The 1930s Dust Bowl severely ruined the area’s terrain
requiring government assistant to restore the erosion.
** Sada White and Vincent Tapp married
August 19, 1893 in Unicoi Co., TN; they are buried at the
Fishery Church Cemetery #283/284, Erwin, Tennessee
*** Catherine White-Jones-Warwick is
buried at the
Fishery Church Cemetery in an unmarked grave. Her
death certificate states she was buried at Fishery Cem.
D.J.'s notes about his children who were alive at
that time.
Laura Evelyn Hannah White-Pate (1883 - 1955):
"Hanner at Unicoi --- (married) Arthur
(children): Ethel, Niva,
D.J.'s notes about his children who were alive at
that time.
Joseph Christopher White (1886 - 1962):
“Chris -- Virgie Tinker"
“Chris is to pay Nellie Gouge $50 to help
satisfy her for her claim.”
"Chris" (Joseph Christopher) and "Nellie" (Nellie Jane) are DJ’s children
and the comment seems to be a reference of a legal transaction upon DJ’s death.
D.J.'s notes about his children who were alive at
that time.
Nellie Juliann White-Peterson-Gouge (1888 – 1929):
"Nellie married again to Bob Gouge who works for the RR and lives at
Fort Blackmore, Virginia. Nell was in Arkansas in 1912, then in
Nellie married first to James "Jim" Peterson for a
brief time, then on July 4, 1912, she married Robert Gouge in Unicoi Co.,
Tennessee. During the 1920 Census, the family was living on Fulton
Street, Ward 2, Johnson City, Tennessee. Robert Gouge was a Telephone
Operator for the Railroad Company. Children: Mildred, Buford,
Howard, Hazel, Dorothy, Ella Mae, J.D.
“W.N. White and wife Julia”
“Cynthia E. Daniels. Joseph M White 1877
deceased, b. 11 Aug 1856.”
Children of William N. White.
“D.J. was 83 in February 1923”
listing his family and grandchildren, DJ included
“Sam Anderson and Martha Jane Hensley”
“1833 Sterling White to John Nelson.”
“One Student’s father was Leander
Simmons –his children: Patty, Mary, George, and James.”
“Sol H. Jones, Jake Constable, Calvin
Whaley, James Bell brother of Dr. Bell, Zeke Garland of NC.”
"Rev. W. I. Honeycutt of
Barnardsville, NC; Rev. Pretsell Blevins, Micaville, NC. Bonditch Church
and Ayers Creek."
“Peter Peterson” (DJ ‘s
“Hotel Carroll – W.W. Lynn, Lynchburg, VA”
“William Boot and his wife were Junkers.”
“Sarah and Cecil McLaughlin”
“Eliza Gibbs of Johnson City --a friend”
“Barnardsville, NC, M.T. Roy –a
“Gastonia, NC, M.A. Burleson, 1913 letter
to Mr. Henry Davis, Unicoi”
“M.L. Banner and wife M.E. Banner to W.S.
Lewis and Phoebe.”
“Hiram Booth and wife Elizabeth”
R. L. Tapp to John Tittle”
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