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Goodspeed's History of Unicoi County -
Biographical Sketches
with added notes by Beth Bradford-Pytel
J. F. Toney,
[Col. J. Frank Toney] merchant, was born in Carter County, March 13, 1857, the son of William
and Evaline (Price) Toney, the former born in Tennessee about 1834, and
died in 1864, while in custody of the Confederates. He was a farmer,
and of English ancestry. The mother was born in this State, about
1840, the daughter of Christopher Price. Their children are James
P., W. C., Rhoda and David. Our subject grew up, with rural
advantages, and was left fatherless when seven years of age. He is a
self-made man, and has been a merchant since seventeen years of age, now
of the firm J. F. Toney & Co.,
extensive merchants, at Erwin and Flag Pond, Tenn. In 1879 he
married Fannie B., a daughter of Clifton Miller. Their children are
Mamie, Clifton, John G. and Jessie. For four years our subject was
circuit clerk of Unicoi County. He is a Mason.
R. R. Emmert
was born in Carter County April 15, 1862.
His parents were William C. and Amanda (Renshaw) Emmert, the former
born December 10, 1883, in the same county, the son of George and Mary
(Hendrix) Emmert, the former a Tennessean, the son of George, who came
from Germany, and was a soldier under the command of Gen. George
Washington in the Revolutionary war, and said to be related to Robert
Emmert, whose family went to Germany after his execution. The father
is a lawyer of Erwin and received a limited education in the common
schools of Carter County, afterward farming and practicing his
profession. He was State senator from 1875 to 1817. In 1851 he
married, and their children are Nannie J., Peter W., Mary E., Delcena C.,
Robert R. and Ella. Our subject was educated in the country schools,
and in 1886 became circuit clerk, and is a popular official, and is now
associated with W. B. Clarke in publishing the "Erwin Unakean".
James M. Anderson,
farmer, was born in Carter County, Feb. 16, 1846, and is the son of John
A. and Elizabeth (Swingle)
Anderson, the former born in 1823. in that county, the son of Isaac, who
was of Irish lineage. The father is a prosperous farmer and
self-made man. The mother was born in Washington County about 1817,
and died about 1856, the daughter of George Swingle, and of German
lineage. She was the mother of four sons and one daughter, and
highly esteemed. Our subject was educated at Milligan College, and
after teaching school became a farmer. He spent a year in the
service during the war, and is a Conservative-Republican, and a Mason.
October 17, 1872, he married Eva, a daughter of M. L. Taylor, and born
August 10, 1850. Their children are Malla E., born August 18, 1873;
Landon T., September 17, 1875; Elizabeth M., September 30, 1873;
Tommie E., August 22, 1881, and Jennie A., September 6, 1886.
Peter L. Barry
was born in Johnson County January 11, 1833, the son of Charles and
Abigail (Razor) Barry, the former, a
native of Davie County, N. C., the son of John, a native of Dublin,
Ireland, and a teacher by profession. He died during the war of 1812
at Mobile, Ala. The father was born in 1799, a pioneer farmer and
iron-worker of East Tennessee. His death occurred in 1863. The
mother was born in l799 in Johnson County, the daughter of John Razor, of
German descent. She was a devoted Christian, and the mother of five
sons and five daughters. She died in 1876. Our subject is a
self-educated man, and grew up on the farm, working in his father's
iron-works until he was conscripted into the Confederate service.
While at Knoxville under Col. Blake he was on a furlough home, and
afterward joined the Federal Army as second lieutenant in Company E,
Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry, serving two years. He now cultivates
his farm, which embraces over 200 acres, and contains quantities of iron.
He is a minister of the Christian Church, and in 1861 married Mary, a
daughter of David M. Stout. Their children are Robert F., Amanda A.,
Dave M., Catharine and Alexander.
notes by B. Bradford-Pytel: PETER L. BARRY (1833-1912) was a self
educated man who farmed and worked at his father's iron-works until he was
conscripted into the Confederate service. On October 11, 1872, Peter
provided a sworn testimony for his claim of lost property to the Southern
Claims Commission explaining the events which transpired before he joined
the Union to seek restitution of 2 Mules valued at $300 taken from him
during the war. In the deposition, he explains that about the end of
1862, during the outbreak of the war, he lived 6 miles west of
Taylorsville in Johnson Co., TN and owned 50 acres of land, 25 of which
were cultivated and the other 25 woodlands. The Rebels came to through
his town and a man named “Ruanbaugh” arrested him charging him with
feeding Union men and refugees from NC. During the abduction, the Rebels
took his corn and wheat and burned his house forcing the wife and children
to move in with her parents who lived 3 miles away. He was taken by force
to Knoxville and
conscripted into the CSA. For 6 weeks he was under guard
and then was given guard duty on a train bound for Vicksburg, MS on June
15, 1863. He marched on foot 28-30 miles a day and waded in water.
During the fall of 1863, he received permission from Lt. Col. Edward D.
Blake to go home to take care of the harvest, a plea he made in order to
make an escape from the Rebels. On September 21, 1863, at age 29, he
joined Co. E. 12th Regiment Tenn Cavalry at Strawberry Plains, TN for 3
years as a Private. On September 24, 1863 in Greenville, he was promoted
to Sgt. by Captain Norris. His enlisted records show he was age 29, 5
feet 8½ inches, fair complexion, blue eyes and light hair, born in Johnson
Co., TN. On August 23, 1864 the regiment was sent to go to Rogersville to
attack a rebel force. While crossing the Holston River at Cobb’s Ford,
the Regiment was fired upon. The sharp shooters under Sgt. Barry’s
leadership reached the bank and went into pursuit. Capt. Wilcox of Co. G
moved forward to support Berry and the sharp shooters. Barry killed one
of the rebels and wounded another and captured the remaining one. As a
result of his “gallantry and meritorious service,” on October 1, 1864, he
was appointed by Governor Johnson to 2nd Lt. for Co. E 13th Tenn Cavalry
at Bulls Gaps to command a company of sharp shooters. He remained in
service until the war ended at which time he moved back to Johnson Co.
In 1872, he moved to Swinglesville in Washington Co. and owned 200 acres
working as a farmer and Preacher.
Peter married Mary Stout on April 29,
1860 in Johnson Co (d/o David M. Stout and Sarah Shoun). She was born
March 25, 1845, and died February 09, 1936 in Keebler's Crossroads,
Washington Co. TN. They are both buried at Hales Chapel Cemetery in
Washington Co., TN.
PHOTO Peter Mary and Mary Stout circa abt. 1910
G. E. Swadley,
farmer, was born in Washington County, February 27,1838, the son of Henry
and Mary Swadley, the former born in Pendleton County, W. Va., January 2,
1812, the son of George Swadley; Mary, consort of Henry Swadley, the
daughter of Christian and Christina Roadcap, was born in Rockbridge
County, Va., in 1808. They are both of German origin. Their
living children are G. E., Virginia W., John W., David C., Susan A. and
Barbara A., while two sons and one daughter are deceased. Our
subject was educated at Boon's Creek Seminary. After he was of age
he taught a few years, and is at present county superintendent of Unicoi
County, and is largely self-educated, and is a warm friend to education:
as exemplified by his official acts, and is in favor of Federal aid and
the prohibition amendment. He studied vocal music in 1861 at
Singer's Glen, Rockingham County, Va., at which place he made great
progress, and came out with distinguished honors, and was an efficient
teacher in the divine art, for which he always expressed an enthusiastic
love; but before our subject finished his education, he learned the boot
and shoe trade, and was recognized as a good and honest workman, and
worked at it when not engaged in teaching, up to April 1, 1869, when he
married Susan C., a daughter of Perry and Elizabeth Hunter of Washington
County, and of German and English origin. She was born December 10,
1844, in the latter county. Their children are Mary E., born July
26, 1872; Laura E. born November 23, 1874; Henry H., born May 24, 1877,
and Robert A., born April 26, 1880. Our subject has been a farmer
chiefly since his marriage, at which time he located on his present farm
of 232 acres in Buffalo Valley, containing some indications of iron ore
and manganese.
Madison T. Peebles,
farmer, was born in Carter County,
January 2, 1825, the son of William and Elizabeth (Sheetz) Peebles,
the former born October 15, 1787, the son of William, who came from
Ireland to Virginia in 1770, a soldier of the Revolution, and a
pioneer of East Tennessee. The father was a successful farmer, and
became an extensive land owner, having at one time several thousand
acres of farming and mineral lands, most of which he conveyed to his
children while vet in the vigor of manhood and prime of life. He was
an earnest and active Christian of the Methodist Episcopal Church-one
of the 1828-30 reformers of that ecclesiasticism which culminated in
the organization of the Methodist Protestant Church, on a basis of
mutual rights of the ministry and laity, and lived a useful life
and died an honored member of that church on June 30, 1875. The
mother was born on the left bank of the James River, at what is now known as Eagle Rock, Botetourt Co., Va., September 7, 1794, the
daughter of Jacob and Catharine Sheetz, who were of German stock.
was an esteemed Christian lady, of the most active benevolence, and
died December 4, 1886. Our subject, one of ten children, was born
reared on his present form, and has chiefly educated himself since
attaining to mature age. He read a full course of medicine from the
year 1845 to 1848, and, thus equipped, practiced the "healing art" in
the Mississippi Valley for eight years, passing unscathed through the
Asiatic cholera that decimated the population of that section in 1849.
Tiring of the daily scenes of sickness, sorrow and death, often beyond
the reach of human remedies to relieve, he returned to the paternal
roof in 1856, and during the last thirty years has done quite a
considerable practice both in medicine and surgery from motives of
charity alone, without the hope of fee or reward. The joint owner
with his brother, William J., of a large landed estate, he has united
the activities of an agricultural life with the more congenial pursuit
of literature, and the two brothers, thus dwelling together in "single
blessedness," as co-tenants of the same estate for a quarter of a
century past, have each exercised all the rights of an absolute
sovereign. He has been a member of the Methodist Protestant Church
for thirty-seven years, is a friend to all public and private
enterprises for the promotion of education among the masses, and the
moral and religious improvement of society. He is a Royal Arch
a Past Master and Past High Priest of that ancient and honorable
brotherhood, and one among the oldest Masons of East Tennessee.
W. R. Fagan, farmer, was born in Caswell County, N. C.,
November 16, 1830, the son of J. G. and Elizabeth (Martin) Fagan, the
former born in 1793, in North Carolina, of English-German origin, and
the latter about 1798, in the same State, the daughter of Robert
Martin, a soldier of the Revolution. The father, a highly esteemed
man, and a blacksmith, died in 1869. The mother was a Methodist, and
died about 1875. Our subject, one of a family of seven brothers and
five sisters, learned the blacksmith trade, and has devoted himself to
farming, now owning 425 acres in Buffalo Valley. November 23, 1853,
he married Eliza, a daughter of Samuel McCorkle. She was born
February 16, 1836, and is of Irish-German parentage. Their only
is James M., born August 19, 1854, and educated at Milligan College.
He is a farmer, and a merchant, and November 21, 1877, married
Margaret A., a daughter of G. S. Ellis, and born November 12, 1858.
Their children are Robert S., William R., Maggie N., Grover C. and
Eliza L.
Francis H. Hannum, farmer, was born in Blount County, July 3,
1837, the son of Henry Hannum and Ann E. White, the former a native
of Pennsylvania, born in 1802, the son of Richard M., of English origin,
and he the son of Col. John, of the Revolution. The maternal
great-grandfather was a surgeon in the Revolution. The father was
reared in Kentucky; married in Virginia, and, after a short residence in
Florida, came to Blount County, where he was a physician, and died in
1845. The mother, born in [July 21] 1810, in Abingdon, Va., was a
daughter of Col. James White, and died in 1883, a member of the
Presbyterian Church. Our subject, one of a family of three brothers,
and three sisters, was reared in Blount County, and educated in the
institute at Lexington, Va., but has since been a farmer, and with his
brother now owns 5,000 acres, in this county, on which are found large
quantities of iron, and from which the first steel was manufactured in
Tennessee, and perhaps in the South.
Additional info compiled by B. Bradford-Pytel: Francis "Frank" Henry Hannum
(1837 - 1915) attended Virginia
Military Institute [VMI] Lexington, VA and studied Engineering.
During college, Frank was found guilty of an infraction and was given a
letter of dismissal by his Professor, Thomas J. Jackson (better known as
Stonewall Jackson). Frank was reinstated and graduated at
age 19 on July 4, 1856. He continued his studies in Medicine at
Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. During the civil
war, at age 24, he enlisted on October 4, 1862 in Zollicoffer (now Bluff
City), Tennessee as 2nd LT for 3 years for Co. K, 61st Mounted Infantry
(also known as Pitts Regiment 81st Infantry). From
December 1, 1863 to April 30, 1864, he was paid $400 for his service.
From May 1, 1864 to July 31, 1864, he was paid $24. On October 28,
1864, he was captured by the forces of Major General W. T. Sherman at
Morristown, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and sent to Chattanooga, TN on
October 30, 1864. He was transferred to a POW Camp in
Louisville, KY on November 21, 1864 and then transferred to Johnson's Island,
in Lake Erie, Sandusky, Ohio on November 22, 1864. He survived the
POW camp until the war ended and released on June 16, 1865. His Oath
of Allegiance record shows that he was age 27, "blond" complexion,
"red" hair, "hazel" eyes, 5 foot 11. After the war, he moved back to
Unicoi Co. working as a farmer and postal carrier for the Limonite (Swinglesville
area) from May 25, 1876 through November 26, 1890. He never
married and died in Eustis, Florida. Frank's younger brother,
William Y. C. Hannum also attended VMI at the outbreak of the civil war,
enlisted as 1st Lt. of Co B. 48th Infantry, served under Stonewall Jackson
and elevated in rank to Captain. After the war, his brother owned
5000 acres of land in Unicoi. William Y. C.
Hannum is noted in Goodspeed's Blount County site - scroll to pg
William. E. Tilson, farmer, was born in Washington (now
Unicoi) County, April 29. 1827, the son of Peleg and Nancy (Allen)
Tilson (once spelled Tillotson), the former born in 1795 in Virginia,
the son of William, who became a pioneer of East Tennessee, and a
farmer, and was the son of William, Sr., who came from Ireland, and
was one of Gen. Washington's aides in the Revolution. The father was
a farmer, and died in 1841, in Carter County, having become insolvent
through intemperate habits and surety debts. The mother, born in
Virginia, in 1800, of German lineage, was the daughter of George
Allen, and a devoted Baptist. Her death occurred in 1859, leaving
following children: George, Ruth, John A.., William E. and James W. Our subject is largely self-educated, and for several years before the
war was a teacher, and now is a surveyor and successful farmer. He
owns over 4,000 acres, largely timbered and mineral land. March 14,
1852, he married Minerva K., a daughter of James Sams, of Irish-German
origin. She was born September 5, 1831. Their children are
Eliza E.,
born March 4, 1853; Leroy S., born August 13, 1854; James F., born
December 21, 1836; Jacob C., born March 14, 1860; )Mary J., born
October 18, 1862; John Q. [see below article], born April 5, 1866; Lula, born August 20,
1868; and William J., born August 13,1871. Our subject is the
clerk and master in chancery, and has two sons, who are practicing
physicians, one a prominent educator in North Carolina, and the other
two now in school, the eldest one of whom graduates in the class of
Other Biographical Sketches of
Prominent Early Unicoi County Settlers
Articles by Beth Bradford-Pytel
"Harry" Banner, an illiterate
soldier who excelled to become one of the county's prominent early
physicians. Harry was born on August 22,
1850, and the son of Elizabeth Banner and Joseph Murray. He was a twin
to his sister Judy and he and his 4 siblings assumed their
mother's maiden name. Legend has it that during the Civil War, Harry was captured at age 14 by a
rebel Confederate unit that was passing through the Martins Creek section of
then Washington
County. Legend has it that a handful of renegades put
a noose around Harry's neck and strung him up on a pole that was used to
gut hogs. No one is really certain of why the rebels
would do this to a young boy. His mother begged and
pleaded for her son's life and fellow neighbors joined in to
collectively persuade the soldiers to release him. It came as no
surprise that Harry later became a staunch supporter of the Union cause and a
dedicated soldier serving in Co A. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry.
Because of his illiteracy, an officer misspelled his name "Bonner" which
later required explaining via Affidavits for him to collect his war
service pension. In 1876, Harry went to school to learn to read
and write and continued his studies in medicine to aspire to
became one of Erwin's early physicians. He practiced medicine along with Dr. G.
C. Williams and Dr. Leroy Sams Tilson. Henry was a member of
the Freemasonry. On April 5, 1874, he
married Phoebe Ann White [d/o Margaret White and unknown]; sister to
David Jonathan White [see below article]. Henry and Phoebe had
5 children: Harvey, Judah E., David Sinclair, Lula E., Ethel
Jane. His family lived in the Lilly Dale area of Erwin and
are buried at
Martins Creek Cemetery.
NOTE: For more info
on the Banner Family Line: Lily Dale, A Community of the Unakas,
by William W. Helton, 1974; and Around Home in Unicoi County,
William H. Helton. 1986, Overmountain Press
Jasper Newton Ervin:
A town for which was incorrectly named because of a mere typo?
David J. N. Erwin [b. October 16, 1845 - d. September 22, 1914] was an
educated man who was known as the "founder" of Ervin --now Erwin.
He was the son of William Ervin and Annie Baker who had a large farm
that bred and raised horses. He attended Washington College in
neighboring Green Co., Tennessee and also served as Sergeant for Co.
H, 8th Reg. Tennessee Calvary - Union Army. David
acquired about 1,150 acres of land from his uncle in the Greasy Cove
area on the Indian Creek [about 3 miles from Erwin]. This area was
formally known as William Burchfield's place, David's uncle with whom he
spent time as a child. After the Civil War, the town of "Vanderbilt"
[Erwin's former name] never managed to rebound economically and
desperately needed assistance to revitalize its stability.
David saw this need and in 1876, [during the formation of Unicoi county,
carved out of Washington and Carter counties respectively] he donated 30
areas, half of which were dedicated to build a Courthouse for the county
seat; the other half for his personal use. In April 1876,
the area was surveyed by D. J. White [see below]. In 1879,
the local legislature renamed the town of Vanderbilt to Ervin in honor
D. J. N's generous gift to the county and his passion to create a strong
and vital town. The fraternal order of Freemasonry
maintained a stronghold in the Erwin area and D. J. N. was the
first Master Mason of Erwin. The courthouse was used to hold
Masonic gatherings. On February 24, 1880, he married Susan
Catherine Young Jones, a wealthy lady from Jonesborough, Tennessee and
the daughter of Montraville Jones and Isabel Young. D. J. N
and Susan had the following children: Charles Henry, Juanita,
Thomas J., William H., Viola Ruth*, Annie Isabelle, Sally Blanche, Lena
Mae, Cleo Madge, infant son.
For more info on D.J. Newton Erivin, daughter Viola R. Erwin-Swingle wrote a
book, Ervin, Overmountain Press, which goes into detail
about her family history and the formation of the town of Erwin.
Photo: original color portrait of Ervin hangs in the Unicoi
County Pubic Library.
"Kan" Foster: The
Tub Miller and Trader of
Coffee Ridge who helped stranded travelers get back home to Jonesborough. Kan Foster was
described as a handsome man with weathered features and a short black
beard. He was of medium height, wiry built and a confident
man with stern dark eyes "like a hawk." He was a man of the
forest who knew how to survive the wild terrain of Coffee Ridge where
bears, wolves and other creatures abound. Kan was born about 1814 in
Washington Co., Tennessee and was the son of Thomas T. Foster and Sarah.
In 1839, he was awarded 640 acres from the State of NC
[grant # 618 ] on the Indian Creek; subsequently acquired an
additional 300
acres which spanned a large portion of what is now the Coffee Ridge area of
Spivey near the NC border. Aside from being a trader of goods and supplies, he
ran an important tub mill which was vital to support the families in
these remote areas of the Appalachian. People from all over
Spivey and Coffee Ridge brought sacks of corn to have ground at Foster's
mill. In December 1857, traveling journalists from Jonesborough
were leaving Burnsville, NC and proceeded to take a short cut through
the Bald Mountain pass to TN. It was cold and the days were short.
Losing their path and dusk, they came to a sharp drop off called
"Tumbling Fork" only to lose their footing and a horse. They
had to negotiate the rest of trip by foot. Hungry, lost and cold
in the nightfall, the bewildered travelers finally came across Mr.
Chandler's home on the TN side at the foot of Tumbling Fork.
Although Chandler desired to help the men out, he explained that
Kan Foster was better equipped to help. He had a larger place with
an abundance of food. Kan gladly assisted the travelers,
providing them with meals, shelter and assistance, as well as a
little knowledge about the wild woods of Coffee Ridge. During
their short stay, one of the travelers was an artist who took notice of
how beautiful Kan's daughters were, in particular Nancy who was
described as being "slender and graceful" like a Greek goddess.
The artist sketched the entire Foster family at different intervals to
include Kan's sister-in-law and her children which pleased them well.
Kan was married first to Rebecca Kersawn on March 17, 1833, and sired 11
children. After Rebecca's death, Kan married Caroline Shehan on
February 4, 1879, and they had 2 children. Kan died about 1891 and
is buried at the
Foster Cemetery on Spivey Mountain. His Tub Mill was
sold to the neighboring Tilsons, after which time was dismantled for
parts to support an overshot wheel grist mill. The Tilson's
mill was donated to the Tennessee State Museum in Nashville.
NOTE: Sketch of Kan Foster,
"A Winter in the South" , by David Hunter Strother, Dec. 1857, pg 173, Harpers
Magazine, via Cornell
University Digital Collection- MOA This author is the 3rd great grand
niece of Kan Foster through his sister Eleanor Foster [b. 1819].
Jason L. Harris:
He was a skilled blacksmith
and gunsmith that saved
his friend's life during the Civil War but cost him his. Jason was born about
1815 in the Higgins Creek area of Flag Pond located in the southern part of Old Washington Co., Tennessee [now Unicoi]. He was the son of Hugh Harris Jr. and
grandson of Revolutionary War
Corporal Hugh Harris Sr. On November 16, 1839, Jason married
Nancy Hensley, d/o Benjamin Hensley
and Louisa Shelton of Flag Pond. Jason was a man of many
talents: blacksmith, gunsmith, silversmith, and a maker of violins. During the outbreak of the Civil War, like many of his kin and neighbors
of Flag Pond/Coffee Ridge area, he was conscripted into service on September
13, 1862, serving as Private for Co. K,
64th Regiment CSA. William E. Tilson
was Captain and S. E. Ervin 1st Lt. but the unit dismantled.
Jason later joined the Union forces with Kirk's Raiders serving in Company A, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry
for which his wife received a widow's pension for his service.
During the Civil War, Jason received word that his friend was imprisoned in a
Confederate jail in neighboring Madison Co., NC. The crafty
Harris was able to create a key from a wax impression to open the jail
door in Marshall to set his friend free. But doing so, Jason was caught by
Confederate troops of the 64th NC Regiment and ended up in an Asheville, NC
prison camp from July 2, 1864 through- January, 7, 1865 at which time he
died from disease and starvation per Nancy Hensley-Harris' Widow's
pension application. He is believed to be
buried in a mass grave in Asheville or some claim his body was moved
to the Anderson Farm in Unicoi Co. Family lore states Jason
discovered a silver mine in the Unaka mountains, however to date it has
not been located. He and
Hensley-Harris had the following children: Joseph
David, Mary L.,
Sarah J., John
Martha Patty,
William Franklin, Ataceen Manerva,
Jason Carson,
James Dedrick,
Nathan Dempsey.
WIDOW'S PENSION FILE of Nancy Hensley-Harris
NOTE: Pictured are handmade tools by
Jason L. Harris [top to bottom] key, 3-prong screwdriver, scale
balance -prized heirlooms of the Harris family. Jason L.
Harris is this author's great great grandfather though his youngest son
Nathan D.
Holland Higgins was murdered by
the "King of Bald Mountain." Holland was
born about 1779 migrating to Washington Co., [now Unicoi] from Buncombe
Co., North Carolina. He was known as an "Irishman with blacksmith
skills" who came to the Embreeville area to work in the ore mines and
perform iron works. He later moved to the southern part of the
county to the Higgins Creek area [near Flag Pond] to apply for a large land grant. Legend says he was killed by "Hog Greer" before the
application was adjudicated.
His murderer, David Grier (Greer), moved to the Flag Pond/Indian Creek
area in 1789 from the ports of South
Carolina. He worked for David Vance and was considered a man of "strong mind and fair education."
Around 1802, he decided to live as a hermit after his heart was broken from a
obsession he had with Colonel David Vance's daughter. Greer's home
was in a cave nestled deep
in the Unaka mountain range on Big Bald Mountain which straddles the TN-NC boarders.
He purchased 9 acres in the wilderness, raised hogs and cattle and for several years
lived in complete isolation [20 miles from the nearest town]. Any
interaction he had with the local people was perceived as hostile. Greer
refused to pay taxes and when he was summons to court to pay a bill of
75 cents, he stormed the courthouse and chased the judge and attorneys
with a rifle in hand. Local lore explains that he proclaimed
himself to be the King of Bald Mountain. Eventually settlers were closing in on
his isolated domain. This included Holland's large land tract
interest. In a intense quarrel about
land rights, on November 30, 1824, "Hog Greer" shot and killed Holland. Greer was charged with murder in Washington Co., TN. The State vs.
David Greer, March Term 1825, the court found him not guilty on grounds of
insanity. After being cleared by the court, he published pamphlets in justification of his act and sold
it on the streets. One day in 1834, Greer returned to his home to meet
his death at the hands of one of Holland's friends and fellow
Blacksmith, George Tompkins of Higgins Creek. Greer left papers of interest, containing his
autobiography and opinions of
life showing that he was a deist and a believer that every man had the
right to take the law into his own hands to settle disputes. After Holland's death
in 1824, his sons came through with securing the
large tract of land in the Higgins Creek area after which a church, creek,
cemeteries and road are named. Holland Higgins was the son of
Holland Higgins Sr. of Virginia and Margaret Peggy Ellis of North
Carolina. Holland sired two daughters, Elizabeth and
Lucinda (married to William A. Hensley) with an unknown woman
(some speculate she was Cherokee and died --no proof to date).
Around 1810, he married Barbara
Hensley [d/o Henry Harry Hensley and Barbara Angel] in
Old Buncombe Co. [now Yancey Co. Bald Mountain area]. They
had the following children: Ellis (married Ruth Tilson), John (married
Mary Lucinda Arwood), Sarah (married Hugh H. Bell), Nancy, James,
Samuel (married Elizabeth M. Tilson), Barbara (married Olmstead "Armp" Hensley), Malinda,
George Washington (married Mary Jane Hensley), Margaret Ann. Barbara never remarried and raised her 10 children with the
help of her brother Benjamin Hensley and Louisa Shelton who lived a few
doors down from her in the 1830 Washington Co. census.
Holland is buried in a field off Rt. 19-23W in Temple Hill visible
from the road.
Barbara is buried at
Higgins Chapel Cemetery, Flag Pond,
There are two spellings for David Grier/Greer. Holland Higgins is my
4G grandfather through his daughter Lucinda Higgins who married William Allison
Hensley of Spivey Mountain buried at the
Hensley Cem #3. Tombstone photo courtesy Mike Shelton. "Shadows"
photo was taken in Feb 2014 (bbpytel) giving perspective of Holland's
grave which sits between two yards in a residential neighborhood off
Temple Hill Rd. The parents of David Greer are unknown,
but I strongly suspect he is related to Andrew Greer who came from Gaughwaugher, Londonderry County, Ireland in 1750; settled in the
vicinity of Philadelphia and after the death of his first wife, migrated
to North Carolina. Andrew and his first wife, Ruth Kincaid (died 1761)
had 3 sons and 2 daughters: Alexander, Joseph, Andrew, Jane, Ruth.
After the death of Ruth, Andrew Greer migrated to NC and married Mary
Vance (d/o Samuel Vance and Sarah Colville of Virginia) and they had 3
sons and 3 daughters: Margery, Thomas, John, twins David and Vance, and
Mary (Polly).
Being connected with the Vance family through his mother lends suspect
to how David Greer became educated, owned land, perhaps politically
connected to compel the court to dismiss the murder on grounds of
insanity. Additional links on
Greer and Higgins:
Charles Lanman Letter
XVIII - June 1848 about David Greer
The Hermit of Bald Mountain - pg. 335, History of Western North
Excerpt taken from David C. Hsiung's, Tale of Two Mountains, pgs.
William Allison Hensley
is arguable the "First Settler of Spivey Mountain" or so his tombstone
reads and his family descendants declare. What we do know is that
he is the youngest child of
Revolutionary War Veteran Sgt. Henry Harry Hensley and Barbara Angel, born
on September 18, 1798. Like his brother-in-law, Holland, William
A. was also a skilled blacksmith who left Yancey Co., North Carolina before
1848 in search of his own land on the Tennessee side. His brother
Benjamin and sister, Barbara Hensley-Higgins had already moved over to
Washington Co., TN by the 1830 census. His widowed
mother, Barbara Angel and unmarried sister, Zania, decided to leave the
Bald Mountain area of Yancey Co., and move with William A. and his
family to Tennessee. After securing a large track of land on the
summit of Spivey [1000 acres excellent for logging/ farming and
development] he and his family left for Tennessee where they resided
until their deaths. Before coming to Spivey, in 1835-1836, he
served as a Deputy Sheriff in Yancey Co., and also served as a frequent
juror in court. His father was a key surveyor [juror] mapping the
passage wagon road through Spivey Gap which cuts through the Unaka
mountain range between Tennessee and North Carolina. Some family
descendants refer to William as "Black Bill" because he was remembered as a
having strong hands from being a blacksmith and also a "great fist fighter." It's evident he was a caring father
and brother who ensured the financial security and safety of his widowed
mother and unwed sister, Zania through out their lives.
William and Lucinda had 9 children: William Kimsey, Cornelia, Robert Burton, Elizabeth "Betsy", Louisa Jane, Richmond, John
H., Barbara,
Silas -most of whom are buried at the
Old Hensley Cem #3, Spivey Mountain.
NOTE: William A. is this author's
3-G grandfather through his youngest son Silas.
John Quillen Tilson: "From
Log Cabin to Congress" On April 5, 1866, John Q. was
born in a country house in the remote woods of the Spivey Gap area near
Clear Branch, Unicoi Co. His parents were William E.
Tilson and Manerva Katherine Sams. John grew up on a
large farm where his parents acquired nearly 4000 acres in the
Appalachian mountainous area. He came from a large family with 7
siblings many of whom remained in the area for most of their lives.
Although his parents were self-educated, they were strong advocates of
education, community service and faith in God. Attending
both public and private schools in nearby Flag Pond, Tennessee and later
at Mars Hill, North Carolina, John excelled in his studies and continued
to on to college. In 1888, he graduated at Carson-Newman College,
Jefferson City, Tennessee. He was accepted at Yale
University and in 1893 received a law degree. He only practiced
law for a year before he was sent off to serve in the Spanish-American
War. In 1898, John was 2nd Lieutenant, 6th Regiment,
US Vol. Infantry. Post the war, John returned to practicing law.
However, the war left an impression on him, and John desired to
become more involved in politics to inspire and lead change.
He supported the Republican party, and from 1904- 1908, he served 4
years in the Connecticut House of Representatives. He continued
his political aspirations to the federal level and was elected to United
States House of Representatives serving from 1909 to 1913. With a
loss in the subsequent race, he came back the next term serving
continually from 1915 until his resignation in 1932. During WWI he
served as a member of the Military Affairs Committee with an initiative
to provide US troops in France with Browning Machine guns --see
NY Times Article May 27, 1918. He was the
Majority Leader for the 69th Congress, 70th Congress, and the 71st
Congress. During his last term in 1932, he was also delegate
to the Republican National Convention. As an esteemed
alumnus of Yale, he served as a guest speaker at the Ivey League
University discussing topics on parliamentary law and procedure based on
his book Tilson's Manual. Often he would return to
his Appalachian roots in Clear Branch to visit his family, but lived most
of his life up north. On August 14,
1958, John Q. died in New London, Connecticut and is interned at the
Tilson family cemetery nestled in a hollow off Tilson Mountain
Road Rt. 19-23w at the foot of Spivey Mountain.
Library of Congress - Bain Collection Call No. LC-B2- 6235-14[P&P]
Jonathan "DJ" White: A prominent county surveyor who helped define the official boundaries of
Unicoi County. "DJ" was born on January 15, 1840, in the Greasy
Cove area of Old Washington Co., [now Unicoi], Tennessee. He was
the son of Margaret White and [unknown] and the grandson of John White
[b.1771] and his first wife, Margaret Odell [1785] of the Greasy Cove
area on the Indian Creek, Washington Co., TN. DJ's mother,
Margaret, was a widow in 1850 and she and her children resumed her
maiden name. Times were hard and Margaret struggled to raise
5 children on her own. On February 5, 1855, Margaret agreed that DJ
[ age 15] move to Jonesborough to live on the Harris
plantation. The Harris' were a well to do family with a huge
tract of land with a staff of servants/slaves. Dr. Alexander
Nelson Harris
Rev. War veteran Benjamin Harris and Jane Crampton] was a Methodist minister and had a son named
Nathaniel Edwin Harris [who later became the Governor of Georgia from
1915-1917 and founder of GA Tech University]. He was 6 years
younger than DJ.
Nathaniel writes in his autobiography* that his father worked out an
arrangement with widow Margaret to raise and educate DJ as if he were
officially bound to him in accordance to State law. He also
agreed, that at the age of 21, DJ would receive a horse, furniture and
other household items of his choice to get him started on his own.
Living with the Harris' for 6 1/2 years, DJ played a major
role and influence in Nathaniel's
life. In addition to being a voracious reader and quick study, DJ
would also work on the plantation along with the staff. Nathaniel
writes in his memoirs, "DJ awoke within me the ambition to succeed which
followed me the remainder of my days." When DJ left the
plantation on or about 1862, the Civil War was manifesting; the Harris' were Confederate
sympathizers. During the war, DJ was conscripted for 15 months
through April 1864 to work at
the Embreeville Iron mine
(also known as the Confederate Iron Works) that was purchased by General
Duff Green. This ore was used for confederate cannon balls. After the war, he traveled to Indiana for a
time, and then returned to his hometown serving as a school
teacher. After 1870, he became a surveyor for Washington County.
In 1875, Unicoi County was carved out of Washington and Carter counties
and DJ played a major role in defining the official county boundaries
and NC - TN state lines. DJ owned a farm in the Fishery area of
Unicoi Co. Later in life, he became county Magistrate adjudicating
marriages and a traveling Methodist
Preacher. On December 25, 1873, DJ married Martha C. Garland
[d/o Hampton Chrisenberry Garland and Jane Elizabeth Burleson of Red
Hill, Mitchell Co., NC]. DJ and Martha had 8 children; he and
Martha are buried in
Fishery Union Church Cemetery, Unicoi Co., TN next to his mother
Margaret White. DJ kept many journals of his work and life
experiences (see
writings of DJ White) . He craved knowledge and spent a lifetime learning.
He said, "Books became an idol to me. I esteemed time
as precious."
NOTES: *Nathaniel E. Harris,
Autobiography: The Story of an Old Man's Life, with Reminiscences of
Seventy-five Years (Macon, Ga.: J. W. Burke, 1925). DJ
is the great great grandfather of this author. Photo is of DJ at
age 50+, courtesy of Fred White, grandson of DJ;
Example of DJ White's survey maps filed with the Unicoi Co. land
records. "The Genealogy of John White
Family of Washington Co., Tennessee," by David Jonathan White, 1920
[unpublished manuscript at the Erwin Public Library, Genealogy Room]
The Writings of DJ White
Big Chief
Little Bear:
The Native
American Medicine Man who came through Erwin -- see his page |

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