Martin's Creek Cemetery
Erwin, Unicoi County, Tennessee
Surveyed and documented by
Beth Bradford-Pytel
Creek Cemetery was established in 1888 when Hiram Bailey (plot #104) sold a
parcel of his land for $16 to the township committee of Erwin. The
deed was entitled "Embracing the Love or Martins Creek Graveyard." The
original cemetery from which Martins Creek grew was the William Pickney Love
(1818-1876) family graveyard (plot #180) that was located on the former
Love property which was sold to Hiram Bailey in 1887. William P. Love
was the grandson of Revolutionary War Patriot and Statesman Col. Robert Love
(1760 - 1845). After the war, Col. Love moved to this area once called
Greasy Cove from Augusta, Virginia around 1782 and owned several large
tracts of land which included the Martins Creek area. He even created
a racetrack where Andrew Jackson rode his horse against Love's which ended
in a heated verbal altercation when Jackson lost. Col. Love left
the area in 1792 and settled in Haywood Co., NC but many of his descendants
stayed owning the land around Martins Creek Cemetery which became the Love family cemetery.
Martins Creek is
located on the south side of Erwin, Tennessee, formally known as the Lilly
Dale Community. The 5 acre graveyard includes many historical folks who
helped to establish Greasy Cove, Erwin and the surrounding communities of
Unicoi County. We salute our veterans who are buried here, many of
whom served in the Civil War. Part I lists the index of surnames in
alpha order which corresponds with Part II. Part III is a listing of
unmarked graves in alpha order in which death certificates list this
cemetery as place of burial. Many death records of the late 1940's
noted this graveyard as the Horne Cemetery.
RESTORATION: In June 2019,
employees of Nuclear Fuel Service plant adjacent to the cemetery,
volunteered to restore the cemetery by laying a new access road with
fresh gravel for visitors, removing debris in and around the cemetery and spraying
headstones with an antibacterial solution that will preserve them for the future.
The Martin's Creek Cemetery Association through the
generous contributions of donors is taking the lead in restoring the
cemetery and repairing many of the aged and fragile tombstones. Feel
free to reach out to the association at P.O. Box 874, Erwin, Tennessee 37650
if you wish to contribute.
take Exit 40, Jackson-Love Hwy. towards Erwin. Continue on Jackson-Love Hwy for about 1/4 mile.
At the flashing yellow light, bear left at the fork onto
Carolina Ave. Extension. Proceed
on Carolina Ave. passing the Nuclear Fuel Services Inc. on the left. Shortly thereafter, about 3/10 of a mile,
the cemetery is on the
left directly across from the State Trout Hatchery. There's a gravel
road which circuits around the graveyard for easy access; parking is ample.
Sections of the graveyard are not easily accessible.
Contact me
for corrections or additions. I am happy to post your family photos
/ info citing your contribution. This
is an active historical cemetery with over 1050+ graves, many of which are unmarked. "Unmarked"
plots are arranged in suspected relationships. This page changes
frequently as people contribute and information becomes available.
NOTE: Photos of
Martins Creek were taken in the Spring 2003 and Feb. 2009 during the surveys --bbpytel

Index of Surnames
Photo: bbpytel -- taken in 2004 with Nuclear Fuel Services in the background.
[#1; 15], ADKINS
[#2; 718; 932b], ALDRIDGE [#100-102;
324-325], ALLEN [#193; 196b;
271-272; 280-286; 296-299; 308; 489-490; 551-554; 973b; 1078],
ALLIS [#785],
ANDERS [#309; 532; 644-649; 665],
ANDREWS [#309a; 1077],
ANGEL [#60],
ARROWOOD [#969-971],
ATKINS [#333];
AUSTIN [#572],
BAILEY [#32-36; 43-45; 99; 103-120;
139-140; 232; 284; 338; 422; 431; 466; 549-550; 583; 612; 669-670; 763;
1079-1081], BALMON [#433],
BANNER [#132-134; 224; 226; 228-230;
321-322; 354-355; 358; 373; 396-397; 438; 492-495; 535; 963-966],
BARNETT [#627-628; 704-708; 865;
BARR [#68b],
BARRY [#265],
BAXTER [#758-759; 768],
BEAN [#1082], BEAVER
[#3-5], BENNETT
[#144-145; 607-611; 653; 1131],
[#368; 467; 904-905; 1036-1038],
[#753]; BOGART
[#175-177], BOONE
[#405-406; 902; 992-993; 1010; 1059-1061; 1064-1064],
BRADSHAW [#281],
BRADY [#7],
BRIGGS [#29b; 40; 812b; 813-815],
BRITT [#26],
BROOKS [#81-84],
BROWN [#387-388],
BRYANT [#618-619],
BULLIONS [#205],
BULLOCK [#1051],
BURCHFIELD [#364-365],
BURGESS [#536-537],
BUTNER [#556b; 1083],
BYRD [#110; 334-335; 1084],
CALLAHAN [#702],
CAMPBELL [#150-151],
CAPPS [#332; 724-725],
CARPENTER [#348-351],
CARTER [#935],
CASH [#138; 458-461; 879],
CAYSEL [#588],
CHANDLER [#123],
CHURCH [#881-883],
CLAYTON [#570-572],
CLICK [#486],
CLOUSE [1022; 1027-1029],
COBBLE [#685],
COFFEE [#16; 300b; 468; 471-472;
687], COGGINS [#390-392],
COLE [#1085],
COLEY [#643],
COLLINS [#839],
COOPER [#614-615; 672; 784-786;
839-842; 844], COPP
[#343-344], COX [#595],
CRAIN [#402-404; 929; 930b;
948-951], CRABTREE [#50],
CROSSWHITE [#193-194; 320; 322;
395b], CROWDER [#170],
DAVIS [#288-290], DEES
[#1087], DEYTON
[#105], DUGGER
[#866], DUNBAR [#1128],
DUNCAN [#762; 830],
DURBIN [#1088],
DYER [#160a];
EDWARDS [#21; 221; 231-242; 293-294;
418; 489b; 575; 640-642; 939; 967b; 996-997; 1011; 1021-1026; 1089-1092],
ELAM [#313], ELLIS
[#258], EMMERT [#851],
ENGLE [#19-23; 292; 561; 810-812;
1049], ERWIN [#701-702],
ESTEP [#667],
FANNING [#722; 818; 998-999],
FENDER [#613; 941],
[#136; 208-209; 342; 344; 519-521; 568; 631; 671; 763-767;
808-810; 872; 874; 1020; 1034-1035; 1062], FOX
[#541-548], FRANKLIN [#691],
FREEMAN [#524],
FRENCH [#1067-1069],
[#1093], FURCHES [#559-565; 1106],
GARDNER [#1094],
GARLAND [#333; 345-347;
578-579; 695-700; 819-829], GENTRY [#206-207],
GILBERT [#257; 262-265; 357-360; 726-728; 1000-1005],
GILLIS [#66; 68; 291; 716; 889],
[#379], GRIFFITH [#383; 501; 696],
[#499; 505-506], GOOD [#1095],
[#30; 238; 693], GUINN [#465; 774; 888-890;
892; 918b; 1030-1033], HAMMITT
[#586; 979; 1016], HAMPTON [#211; 268; 276-277; 279; 287; 301-307; 309b; 479-487;
508; 582; 662; 740], HANEY [#171-172],
[#476-477], HART
[#1042], HARTSELL
[#181], HARVEY [#954-956],
[#8-10; 41-42; 100b; 125-127; 197-203; 225-227; 273; 292b; 295;
336; 393-395; 462-464; 473; 488b; 585; 715-717; 739-744; 770-772; 782; 966;
1024; 1029; 1030b], HARRISON [#435; 838; 846-848],
HASKETT [#216-219],
HATCHER [#1050-1054],
HAYES [#91],
HELTON [#356],
[#845], HENSLEY
[#98; 295; 439-444; 452;
463; 491-492; 496; 498; 659; 685; 791; 1097], HIGGINS [#46-49;
74-77; 337; 339; 424; 711; 749b; 929b; 930-931; 949; 981-982],
[#1098; 1112], HODGE [#165-166],
HOLTON [#886],
HONEYCUTT [#409; 820;
932-934; 995], HOPSON [#712-714],
[#42; 128; 130-131], HORTON [#887],
HOYLE [#122; 161; 325; 367-371; 802; 894],
[#420-423; 945], HUGHES [#34; 55; 93-97;
426; 525-530; 568-569; 711], HUSKINS [#163-164; 167-169;
468b; 499-503; 560], HUTCHINS [#1099],
[#434], JAMES [#868],
[#789], JESTUS [#735],
[#1100-1105], JOHNSON [#25-29; 552; 617; 797-801; 803;
805; 1012-1013; 1106], JONES [#574b; 575; 581; 587; 621;
730; 871-878; 1107; 1122], JULIAN [#239],
[#382-384], KEGLEY [#973-975; 1108],
KERNS [#852-855; 857; 903],
KILMER [#1040;
1043-1045], KING [#455-457],
[#478], LANCE [#64; 688-689],
[#61-62; 129; 223; 651; 773-783; 787; 1036b], LAWS [#629],
LEDFORD [#6; 616; 957-958],
[#436-437], LETTERMAN [#497-498],
[#372-377; 658-660; 719-721; 900; 1000], LLOYD [#520;
1110-1111], LOGAN [#1109],
[#597-604], LONGMIRE [#946],
[#89-90; 94; 180-192; 194b; 248-250; 254; 275; 848; 850-851; 853; 1013-1015],
LOVELACE [#256-257; 721],
[#300], MASHBURN [#983-987],
MASTERS [#255; 303-304; 310-316; 323; 326-327; 331-332; 352-353; 679-684; 893-895; 905;
910], MATHES [#57-58; 178; 670-678; 825; 880; 884-885],
MCCANN [#673],
MCCALL [#1112],
MCCARTHY [#1005],
MCC[O]URRY [#73; 75; 939-945; 1113]
[#710], MCINTOSH
[#580; 1114],
MCINTURFF [#159-162; 214; 286; 311; 579; 947],
[#342], MCNABB [#270],
[#204-205], MCVAY [#605-606],
[#1039-1042], MILLER [#392; 706; 793-794;
824; 858-861; 864-865; 882; 897-898], MITCHELL [#1115],
MOON [#867],
MOORE [#1045, 1116-1117],
MORRIS [#108;
1118-1119; 896], MORRISON
[#349], MURPHY [#278],
[#454], NOLAND [#626],
[#259-260; 804-807; 1120], O'BRIEN [#121; 469-470;
473-475], ODELL [#1066],
[#378; 407-414; 992], PARKER
[#589-594; 620-625; 952-953], PARR
[#538-540], PARSLEY [#868-870],
[#1121], PAULFREY [#891-892],
[#451-453], PETERSON [#340; 476b; 627; 729-735; 936b; 972;
994-995; 1078; 1122], PHILLIPS [#573; 723; 1057-1058],
PIERCY [#650; 915],
[#361-363], POE [#927-928],
[#425-431; 827; 967-968], POPE [#760-762],
[#45], PRICE [#10; 415-419; 451b; 831-837;
843-845; 1123], PUCKETT [#11],
[#1047; 1124-1125], RAY
[#366; 1055-1056], RENFRO [#146-149; 975; 991],
RICE [#1127],
RICH [#243],
RICHARDSON [#700; 1128],
RIDDLE [#59; 63-64; 692-694; 1126],
[#79-80; 85-88; 89b; 90b; 91-92; 158; 179; 261; 329-330; 539; 909-911; 959-962;
1056], ROWE [#84],
RUN[N]ION [#686-687;
918-920; 936-938; 1129], RUTHERFORD [#427; 769],
SALES [#801],
SA[U]LTS [#633; 795-796],
SAMS [#142; 596; 639; 986],
[#432-433], SCHAUMBERG [#856-857],
[#1041], SCOTT [#24; 488],
[#12-15; 62; 574; 576-577], SHELL
[445-450], SHELTON [#444; 921-923],
[#385-386], SHORES [#195],
[#1130], SIMMONS [#224],
[#1113], SIZEMORE [#849], SLAGLE
[#466], SMITH [#39-40, 196; 197b; 274; 461; 542; 590; 771;
798; 803; 1076], SPARKS [#65; 920b],
[#408], STAMPER [#31],
[#132; 191b]; STOREY [#968],
[#186], STREET [#612b],
[#789], STRICKLAND [#745-748; 752-754; 924-926],
TAPP [#173-174; 355;
585; 613], TAYLOR [#548; 1131],
THOMAS [#655-656; 787-788; 988-991],
THOMPSON [#1132],
TILSON [#388; 749-751; 795], TINKER
[#260; 266-267; 326; 328; 727;
1133], TIPTON [#51-56; 70-72; 124; 135-137; 479b; 566-567; 584; 608; 660; 762;
829; 841; 912-917; 977-978; 980], TITTLE [#630-638; 755-757; 1017-1020],
TOMPKINS [#521; 765],
TAYLOR [#1134],
TREADWAY [#582],
TUCKER [#380-381],
TURNBULL [#81b],
USALIS [#657],
WALDROP [#519; 690-691],
WALLACE [#13],
WALKER [#399-401],
WATTS [#862-863],
WEBB [#899-901; 906-908],
WELBORN [#522-524],
WELLS [#18],
WESTALL [#556-557],
WHALEY [#297; 503-504; 976],
WHITE [#207; 209-215; 217; 220-222; 230; 251-253; 269; 736-738],
WHITSON [#16-17],
WHITLOCK [#317-320],
WIDENER [#244-247],
WIGAND [#67-68; 340],
254b; 507-518; 531-534; 555; 558; 652-654; 661-668; 790-792; 1006-1009; 1015;
1135-1136], WILSON
[#32a; 37-38; 703; 1046-1048; 1137], WOODFIN [#152-157],
WOODWARD [#140-143; 837],
WORSHAM [#816-817],
WRIGHT [#456],
YELTON [#583].
PART II: The Grave
ADAMS, Charles H. [unmarked]b. 1851 - d. February
8, 1931
NOTE: Per the 1930 Unicoi Co., TN
Census, he was living on Main Street in Erwin, 79 yrs old, single, born in
Virginia, parents born in England and worked as a salesman in
Confectionary (probably ran a Candy / Chocolate shop). Per the Tenn State. death record #4529-1931;
cause of death "cerebral hemorrhage"; born in Boston Mass, Merchant;
parents not mentioned in record; informant J. W. Kegley of Erwin; buried in
"Martins Creek."
ADKINS, Janice [unmarked]
b. abt. 1913 - d. March
24, 1934
BEAVER, Charles McThaddeus
b. 1867 - d. February 25,
[s/o Stephen Beaver and
Emily Williams; wife Elmina]
NOTE: Tenn State. death record #4887; born
in Yancey Co., NC; married; occupation carpenter; died age 70 years, 3
mos., 9 days; place of death Unicoi Co., TN; cause of death "heart
failure"; parents noted in record; informant Henry Beaver of Ingram
Branch, West VA; burial place not mentioned.
BEAVER, Georgia Cleo [unmarked]
b. July 7, 1946 – d.
October 28, 1946
[d/o Effie Pearl Beaver]
NOTE: Tenn State. death record #22533; born
Unicoi Co., TN; place of death Appalachian Hospital, Johnson City,
Washington Co., TN; died 3 mos., 20 days; cause of death "premature,
pneumonia"; mother noted in record; informant Willie M. Beaver of Erwin;
burial place not mentioned.
BEAVER, infant
b/d August 29, 1947
[d/o Effie Pearl Beaver]
BRACKINS, Seley LEDFORD [unmarked]
b. 1841 - d. July 14, 1927
[w/o Thomas Brackins;
children: James C., Gabriel M., David E. Altha M., Catherine]
NOTE: Tenn State. death record #16754;
widow; died age 86 years, 4 mos, 23 days; cause of death "gastric
carcinoma"; father "Ledford" mentioned in record; informant E.
Ledford of Erwin; buried in
"Martins Creek."
b. August 2, 1863 - d.
March 21, 1936
[d/o unknown and ____
Vandewater of Indiana; w/o Samuel E. Brady]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #8436-1936,
cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis"; informant husband of Erwin;
father unknown and mother was a Vandewater; buried "Martins Creek ."
HARRIS, Terry Lee
b. June 15, 1946 - d. December 5,
"Teddy We're Coming"
[s/o Jake Harris and Myrtle Price
#9 / 10]
Unicoi Co., Death Cert #49-28735; cause of death "spinal meningitis" photo
courtesy Peggy Gillen
b. October 9, 1917 - d. February 18, 2000
[s/o Conda Harris and Lula Thomas
NOTE: tombstone
photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
Myrtle PRICE
b. March 7, 1923 - d. December 17, 1971
"Have Faith in God"
[d/o Samuel Price and Clarissa
Cooper; w/o Jake Harris #9]
11. PUCKETT, Frances
b. August 28, 1935 – d. August 10,
[s/o Charles Andrew Puckett and Ora
Mae Hite]
Tenn State. death record #49-19739; born Unicoi Co., TN; place of death Hamblen,
TN; student school; cause of death "tuberculosis meningitis"; father
noted in record; Dr. Moody of Erwin certified the death; no autopsy; burial
“Horn Cemetery” of Unicoi Co., TN.
(Martins Creek Cemetery was sometimes referred to as Horn Cemetery in many death
records of the late 1940's)
12. SHEHAN, Samuel Tilden
b. May 16, 1884 - d. June 8, 1949
[s/o James D. Shehan
buried McDowell Co., NC and
Zaney Edwards buried
Edwards Cem. Yancey. NC
Tenn State. death record #43-13778; born in NC; married; place of death Erwin,
TN; farmer; cause of death "carcinoma of stomach"; parents noted in record; Dr.
Moody of Erwin certified the death; informant - J.D. Shehan of Erwin; buried
6/10/1949 at “Martins Creek”.
13. SHEHAN, Rissie Elizabeth
b. May 29, 1893 - d. 1991]
[d/o John Wallace and Joanna Bailey; w/o Samuel Tilden Shehan #12]
14. SHEHAN, Edward
b. August 24, 1914 - d. July 10, 1999
[s/o Samuel T. Shehan and Rissie
15. SHEHAN, Donnie
b. September 29, 1918 - d. March 12, 2001
[d/o George W. Adams and Nancy Jane
Mathes; w/o Edward Sheehan #14]
16. WHITSON, D. Jeanetta
b. August 9, 1930 - d. February 21, 1992
17. WHITSON, Ricky
b. July 7, 1957 - d. January 3, 1958
[s/o Charles Whitson and Jeanetta
Coffee #16]
Tenn State. death record #58-2611; born in Unicoi Co., TN; place of death Unicoi
Co. Memorial Hospital, Erwin, TN; cause of death "pneumonia secondary to viral
gastroenteritis”; parents noted in record; informant Charles Whitson of Erwin;
buried 1/4/1958 at “Martins Creek”.
18. WELLS, Robert S.
b. May 11, 1898 - d. September 10, 1958
Pvt. 307, GR REG Service QMC - WWI
[s/o William Wells and Nanie Jenkins; wife Lilian]
NOTE: Tenn State.
death record #58-24370; born in TN; place of death Johnson City, Washington Co.,
TN; occupation – coal miner; cause of death "found dead in bed of natural
causes”; parents noted in record; informant Lilian Wells of Johnson City, TN;
buried 9/12/1958 at “Martins Creek Cem., Erwin.”
ENGLE, George
b. June 6, 1932 - d. May 27, 1998
US Army - Korea
[s/o James W. Engle and Louise Edwards #20-21; 1st wife - Bertha
OBITUARY: "George E. Engle, 65, of
Murfreesboro, died Wednesday, May 27, 1998. Mr. Engle was a Yancey County,
North Carolina native and son of the late James W. and Louise Edwards Engle. Mr.
Engle worked in the furniture industry. He served in the United States Army
during the Korean Conflict. Mrs. Engle was of the Baptist faith. In
addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Bertha L.
Engle, and two sisters, Helen McCurry, and Edna Grimes. Mr. Engle is
interred in Martins Creek Cemetery with military graveside honors."
20. ENGLE, James Willie
b. October 8, 1907 - d. October 28, 1963
Pvt. Co., M 22nd Infantry, WWII
21. ENGLE, Louise
b. August 16, 1907 - d. September 15, 1948
[w/o James Willie Engle #20;
d/o George Edwards and Bettie Tipton of Tipton Hill, NC; children: George,
Helen, Edna, Mamie, Carl, I.G.]
Tenn State. death record #29109; born in Mitchell Co., NC; place of death
Appalachian Hospital, Johnson City, Washington Co., TN; married; cause of death
"acute yellow atrophy of the liver – transfusion reaction, operation of
hysterotomy”; parents noted in record; informant J. W. Engle of Erwin TN; buried
9/17/1948 at “Horne Cemetery in Erwin.”
is a surgical procedure of making an incision into the uterus to remove uterine
contents for various reasons including c-section.
22. ENGLE, Rebecca Lynn
b. March 29, 1966 - d. July 28, 1994
23. ENGLE, Tony Michael
b. April 1932 - d. October 22, 1963
[died age 6 months; s/o I. G. Engle and Wilma Tinker]
24. SCOTT, Laura Lee
b. December 31, 1917 - d. February 11, 1950
[d/o Boyd Scott and Rebecca Lynn Engle
Tenn State. death record #50-04218; born in VA; single; occupation – laundry
worker; place of injury car accident at Bogart's Hill, Erwin TN; place of death
– Erwin Community Hospital in Erwin, TN; cause of death "intra cerebral
hemorrhage due to a head injury in a car wreck with fracture jaw, laceration of
clu__ , neck, eyes, forehead”; operation on 2-4-1950; parents noted in record;
buried 2/13/1950 at “Martins Creek, Erwin.”
25. JOHNSON, Hank [Harley] Sherman
b. March 14, 1894 - d. September 24, 1996
US Army - WWI
26. JOHNSON, Alice Elizabeth
b. September 11, 1899 - d. January 26, 1987
[w/o Harley Sherman Johnson #25; d/o Frank Hannum Britt and Dora
Elizabeth Price
27. JOHNSON, Samuel Lee
b. April 20, 1924 - d. April 5, 1948
"We Will Meet Again"
[s/o Harley Sherman Johnson #25
of Wilksboro, NC and Alice Elizabeth Britt #26 of Erwin;
wife Katie]
Tenn State. death record #21770; born in Erwin, TN; veteran of WWII; married to
Katie; occupation – Brakeman for Clinchfield RY Co.; died age 23, 11 mos, 15
days; place of death Grainger Co., TN; cause of death “accidental drowning due
to sinking small boat”; not a work related injury; informant H. S. Johnson,
Erwin, TN. Burial date 8/22/1948 buried at “Horn Cemetery” Erwin, TN.
28. JOHNSON, Harley S. Jr.
b. Mary 24, 1918 - d. January 10, 1994
"We Will Meet Again"
[s/o Harley S. Johnson and Alice E. Britt #25-26]
JOHNSON, Dorothy Evelyn "Dartha"
b. September 7, 1925 - d. June 28, 1930
"Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Johnson"
[s/o Harley S. Johnson and Alice E. Britt #25-26]
Unicoi Co. death record #14941; cause of death "double pneumonia"; informant
mother of Erwin; buried "Martins Creek."
30. GOUGE, Mary K.
b. December 30, 1951 - d. September 12, 1952
[infant d/o L. A. Gouge and Ramona Johnson]
31. STAMPER, Roger Dale
b. September 22, 1948 - d. January 19, 1950
[s/o Garrett Stamper and Donna Tipton
Unicoi Co. death record #50-01866; cause of death accident "crushed skull
for falling out of truck and lying in ditch" accident occurred on Bogart
Hill., Unicoi, TN; informant
father of Erwin; buried Jan. 21, 1950, "Martins Creek."
b. 1863 - d. 1947
[w/o Zebb Bailey; children: William N., Morgan, Rebbie,
John Calvin, Samuel and others]
32b. BAILEY, Zebb
b. 1856 - d. [December 1] 1950
[s/o Stephen Morgan Bailey and Rebecca Deyton]
NOTE: Photo of Zeb and Hannah, courtesy Chad
Bailey chadfredb@gmail.com
33. BAILEY, John Calvin
b. November 15, 1890 - d. August 2, 1967
[s/o Zebb Bailey and Hannah Wilson #32a/b]
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Chad Bailey
b. December 8, 1890 - d. July 27, 1949
[w/o John Calvin Bailey; d/o Baxter Hughes and Lovie Taylor;
children: Clyde
#35, John C. Jr. #33, unnamed #36]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #50-14541;
born NC on “December 8, 1898”; married; cause of death “coronary
thrombosis due to arteriosclerosis”; died on June 29, 1950, at Erwin
Community Hospital ; informant Floyd Bailey of Erwin; parents noted in
record; buried on “July 1, 1950” at “Martins Creek in Erwin.”
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Chad
Bailey chadfredb@gmail.com
35. BAILEY, Clyde
b. July 14, 1927 - d. February 13, 1972
S1 US Navy, WWII
[s/o John Calvin "JC" Bailey and Leona Hughes #33/34]
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Chad
Bailey chadfredb@gmail.com
36a. BAILEY, [unnamed infant]
b. March 20, 1925 - d. March 21, 1925
[s/o John Calvin "JC" Bailey and Leona Hughes #25/26]
36b. BAILEY John Calvin, Jr.
b. January 23, 1929 - d. June 15, 1930
[s/o John Calvin Bailey and Leona Hughes #25/26]
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Chad Bailey
37. WILSON, Nathan Dempsey
b. August 2, 1889 - d. December 3,
[s/o Zeb Wilson and Louvina Bryant;
married 1st Larisa Deyton, 2nd Leona Honeycutt]
Tenn State death record #27249; born in Yancey Co., NC; married; occupation –
car repair for Clinchfield Railroad Co.; cause of death “myocardial failure due
to aortic regurgitation”; informant Raymond Wilson of Erwin; parents noted in
record; buried on 12/6/1949 at “Martins Creek in Erwin.”
38. WILSON, Leona
b. April 1, 1892 - June 1977
[w/o Nathan D. #37]
39. SMITH, W. W. "Bill" [William]
b. July 20, 1874 - d. February 2,
[s/o John A. Smith and Elminor Emily
Tenn State death record #55-04294; married; occupation – office clerk for County
Government Register of Deeds; cause of death “cerebral hemorrhage –
hypertension”; informant Peek Smith of Limestone, TN; parents noted in record;
buried 5/5 1955 at “Martins Creek Cemetery”
40. SMITH, Aldecky BRIGGS
b. February 17, 1879 - d. December 13, 1961
[w/o William "Bill" Smith #39]
41. HARRIS, James Edward
b. May 5, 1923 - d. March 28, 1950
[s/o Barnett Harris and Cora Lee Horn #42]
NOTE: Death Cert. #50-07151 - Unicoi Co.,
TN; died of Lobar Pneumonia; Occupation - laborer in factory
tombstone photo courtesy of Peggy Gillen
42. HARRIS, Cora Lee [HORNE]
b. July 20, 1876 - d. November 10, 1940
[d/o Frank Horn and Ida McCrackin
Horn Cem Rocky Fork; w/o Barnett Harris
married July 4, 1898;
sister of Drew Horne #128]
NOTE: Death Cert. #26521 - Unicoi Co., TN;
died age 64 "influenza"; informant B. Harris; photo bbpytel
43. BAILEY, Virgie
b. January 29, 1935 - d. April 30, 1951
[d/o V. Arcemus “RC” Bailey and Reba
Reeves #45]
Tenn State death record #51-12230; born in TN; student; died age 16; place of
death Jonesboro, Washington Co., TN; cause of death “accident, crushed body,
truck collision on highway”; informant Reba of Embreeville; Buried 5/2/1951 at
“Martins Ck in Unicoi”
44. BAILEY, Virgil Arcemus
b. 1904 - d. December 22, 1957
[s/o Zebadee V. Bailey and Hannah
Wilson; born in Ramseytown, Yancey Co., NC]
45. BAILEY, Reba
b. April 12, 1909 - d. October 22, 1990
"She Gave More Than She Took - Beloved Mother"
[w/o Virgil Arcemus “RC” Bailey]
46. HIGGINS, Claude Smith
b. April 10, 1893 - d. June 16, 1952
Co. D, Pvt. 166th Infantry, WWI
[d/o George W. Higgins and Julia A. Spears]
NOTE: Tenn State
death record #52-14516; born “April 11, 1893” in TN; WW1 Veteran – served from
9-19-1917 to 4-28-1919; occupation “Machinist Helper”; married; place of death
Mountain Home of the Veterans Administration Center (VAC), Washington Co., TN;
cause of death “myocarido failure and acute pulmonary edema due to hypertension
cardiovascular disease, intestinal obstruction of lower bowel”; informant VAC;
parents noted in record; Buried 6/18/1952 (no cemetery mentioned).
47. HIGGINS, Bessie E.
b. July 22, 1900 - July 24, 1984
"She Gave Us Love and Strength"
[w/o Claude Smith Higgins]
48. HIGGINS, Nancy Janet [unmarked]
b/d September 29, 1940
[d/o Claude Smith Higgins and Bessie E.]
49. HIGGINS, Samuel
b/d June 6, 1931
[s/o Edward Higgins and Pearl Bailey]
Unicoi Co. death record #14107-1931; cause of death "premature birth";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem."
50. CRABTREE, Julia Ann
b/ ? - d. January 20, 1942
[infant d/o Garland Crabtree and Virginia Higgins]
51. TIPTON, Edward Edison
b. September 3, 1924 - March 11, 1961
T. Sgt. 1045 Base Unit AAF AM & 2OLC - WWII
[s/o Hugh Tipton and Mollie Collins; wife
Genevieve Elaine Silvers]
NOTE: Tenn State
death record #61-08153; born in Erwin, TN; ; died age 37; place of death Unicoi
Co. Memorial Hospital, Erwin,TN; cause of death “carcinoma of stomach”;
informant wife of Erwin; Buried 3/13/1961 at “Martins Creek Cemetery, Erwin, TN”
PHOTO: courtesy of GM Edwards --taken 2012
52. TIPTON, Molly
b. September 20, 1900 - d. November 24, 1976
53. TIPTON, infant
b.? - d. February 14, 1953
[d/o Edward Edison Tipton and Genevie Elaine Silvers]
54. TIPTON, Bobby Lee [infant]
b. ? - d. October 21, 1933
[s/o Bascomb Tipton of Yancey Co., NC and Lila Pierson]
Tenn State. death record #22255; cause of death "premature";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem."
55. TIPTON Donna
HUGHES [unmarked
b. May 1911 - d. October 1, 1930
[d/o Baxter Hughes and ___ Deyton;
married George Tipton]
Tenn State death record #24323; born in Erwin, TN; ; died age 19 yrs 5 mos;
place of death Johnson City, Washington Co., TN; cause of death “Eclampsia*”;
informant husband of Erwin; Buried in “ Erwin, TN”
(* Eclampsia - is a severe complication of preeclampsia (high blood pressure
with pregnant women. Left untreated, the seizures can result in coma, brain
damage and potentially in maternal or infant death.)
56. TIPTON, Happy
b. September 20, 1926 - d. September 30, 1926
[s/o Samuel Tipton and Belle Bennett]
57. MATHES, Clyde A.
b. March 17, 1911 - d. February 1, 1957
Pvt., Btry A, 329TH Field Artillery Battalion - WWII
[s/o George W. Mathes #58 and Margaret Tittle]
photo courtesy of GM Edwards --taken 2012
58. MATHES, George W.
b. May 8, 1889 - July 24, 1966
photo courtesy of GM Edwards --taken 2012
59. RIDDLE, Clarence J.
b. April 14, 1935 - d. January 26, 1995
"In Memory of Our Father"
60. ANGEL, Mack
b. 1900 - d. 1957
[s/o Theodore Angel and Zettie Anglin]
61. LAWING, Ballard E.
PFC US Marines Corp - Korea
b. May 2, 1931 - d. July 30, 1990
NOTE: photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
b. May 28, 1952 - d. January 28, 2006
[d/o Ballard E. Lawing]
NOTE: photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
63. RIDDLE, James Marion
b. May 2, 1900 - d. June 9, 1958
[s/o John Riddle and Rebecca
Maggie [Margaret LANCE]
b. November 22, 1907 - d. June 19, 1993
[d/o John Ruben Lance and Lula Cody; w/o James M. Riddle #63]
65. SPARKS, Myrtle Alice (infant)
b/d March 1941
"Our Little Girl"
Ann Marie
b. 1930 - d. October 28, 1932
[d/o Frank Gillis and Lula Sparks]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #22206-1932, died 2 years, 8 mos;
cause of death "diphtheria"; father of Erwin informant; parents mentioned in
record; buried "Martins Creek."
67. WIGAND, Howard Braskett
b. February 23, 1925 - d. August 25, 1989
[s/o Raymond P. Wiggand and Pansy
Marie Peterson]
68. WIGAND, Viola [GILLIS]
b. 1926 - d. May 31, 2002
[d/o Frank Gillis and Lula Sparks; w/o Howard B. Wigand;
Viola Gillis Wigand, 76, 696-A Vinton Ave., died
Friday, May 31, 2002, at Erwin Health Care Center. Mrs. Wigand was a lifelong
Unicoi County resident and a daughter of the late Frank and Lula Sparks Gillis.
She retired from Images Fiberglass and was formerly employed as a seamstress by
Industrial Garment. Mrs. Wigand was a Baptist. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Howard B. Wigand, in 1989; two sons, Ricky Wigand and Donald Mathes;
one daughter, Elizabeth Wigand; one brother, Jim Gillis; and one infant sister.
Survivors include one son, Michael B. Wigand, Erwin; one daughter, Debra
Fanning, Coatesville, Pa.; one stepson, Donald Wigand, Orlando, Fla.; one
stepdaughter, Phyllis Riddle, Erwin; one brother, Fred Gillis, Erwin; one
sister, Myrtle Banks, Erwin; eight grandchildren; one step grandchild; four
great-grandchildren; two step great-grandchildren; and several nieces and
nephews. Funeral services for Mrs. Viola Gillis Wigand, 76, 696-A Vinton Ave.,
Erwin, who died Friday, May 31, 2002, will be held at 8 p.m. Sunday from the
Ledford Funeral Home chapel. The Rev. Larry Brown will officiate. Music will be
provided by For His Glory of Lighthouse Baptist Church and Sharon Mason.
Graveside service and interment will be held at 10 a.m. Monday in Martins Creek
Cemetery, Erwin. Family, minister and friends may gather at the cemetery by 9:50
a.m. Monday. The family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral
home and other times at the residence, 696 Vinton Ave., Erwin. Mrs. Wigand is
also survived by a daughter-in-law, Sandy Wigand; son-in-law, Doug Fanning; a
stepson-in-law, Howard Riddle; a sister-in-law, Gennette Gillis; and a
brother-in-law, John Banks."
69. BURLESON, Tommy Wayne
b/d April 1948
70. TIPTON, Zeake
b. January 1, 1908 - d. December 31, 1933
[s/o Charles Tipton and ___
Honeycutt of NC; wife Hassie Hughes]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record
#27511-1933; cause of death "tuberculosis"; parents mentioned in
records but mother's first name was illegible. Photo courtesy of GM
Edwards taken 2012.
71. TIPTON, Lela
b. 1931 - d. April 25, 1934
[d/o Zeake Tipton #70 of Mitchell Co., NC
and Hassie Hughes]
Unicoi Co. death record #9645-1934, died age 3, cause of death
"pneumonia,"; informant Britt Tipton of Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
buried "Martins Creek."
72. TIPTON, Jack
July 21, 1930 - d. May 10, 1969
Spec. 4, US Army
NOTE: Photo courtesy of GM Edwards
taken 2012.
b. April 16, 1926 - d. September 28,
[d/o Harrison McCurry and Marie
Sparks of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #23177-1926, died age 5, cause of death "double
pneumonia"; informant Tim Sparks of Erwin; parents mentioned in record.
b. March 6, 1872 - d. August 3, 1953
[s/o Charles Gaston Higgins and Susan
Fronie [Sophronia
b. March 9, 1874 - d. July 11, 1934
[w/o Shelby Higgins #74]
b. January 5, 1908 - March 18, 1931
[s/o Shelby Higgins #74
and Nora McCourry #75; married to Lucy ___]
Unicoi Co. death record #14106; cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis; married;
informant Sam Luttrell of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Martins
b./d. August 10, 1929
[child of Frank Higgins and Helen
Donnie Bell
b. September 29, 1909 - d. November
27, 1944
[d/o Jeff Williams of Yancey Co., NC
and Mollie Burnett Avery Co., NC]
Unicoi Co, TN Death record #27360, cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis",
single; informant was mother, Mollie Williams; parents noted in record; buried
Martins Creek Cemetery.
ROBERTS, Lenny [twin]
b. February 11, 1926 - d. January 12,
ROBERTS, Lucy [twin]
b. February 11, 1926 - d. January 30,
BROOKS, James Patrick
b. September 17, 1859 - d. August 5,
[s/o David Brooks and Celia Sarah
Wagoner; married 1st Ann Turnbull; 2nd Bessie]
State of Tenn Death Record #24224, married; died in Telford, Washington Co.,
TN; cause of death "abscess of neck and head and contributory cause diabetes."
Death record shows birth date Sept. 26, 1858. Son Roy Brooks was the
81b. BROOKS,
b. January 30, 1859 - d. August 23,
[d/o William Turnbull and Jennie
Bean; w/o James P.; children: Angeline, Martha,
Sentenia, Elzora C., Brockus, Roy #83.
State of Tenn Death Record #418, file #287, married; died in Johnson City, TN;
cause of death intestinal obstruction; contributory cause Alzheimer's operation.
PHOTO: courtesy Alice Green, headstone repaired in 2019 by the Martins Creek
Cemetery Association.
BROOKS, Vernie Elizabeth [unmarked]
b. April 25, 1914 - d. September 1,
[d/o Robert Brooks and Nora Daniels]
Unicoi Co. death record #68 [1914] cause of death "acute indigestion"; father
informant; parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek Cem.
Roy Roberts
b. February 28, 1903 - d. November 27, 1963
[s/o James Patrick Brooks and Ann Barr
Turnbull #81a/b]
84. BROOKS, Maxine
Manilla [ROWE]
b. January 11, 1905 - d. Augusts 31,
[w/o Roy R. #83;
d/o William David Rowe and Esther Jane Ruble]
85. ROBERTS, [unnamed infant]
b/d December 30, 1913
[s/o Jake H. Roberts #86 and Zora C. #87]
Jacob "Jake" Henry
b. October 26, 1881 - d. March 22, 1943
[s/o James Roberts and Sarah Love]
87. ROBERTS, Zora Cumi
b. November 14, 1887 - d. December
[w/o Jake Henry Robert; d/o James P.
Brooks and Ann Barr Turnbull]
88. ROBERTS, Daniel G.
b. 1920 - d. ?
LOVE, J. R. [John Russell]
b. March 31, 1844 - d. March 28, 1912
Co. I, Pvt., Fields Tenn Infantry
CSA Confederate Army - Civil War
[s/o William Pickney Love and Nancy A. Hartsell; married
Sarah Jane Roberts]
NOTE: Served as Pvt in Co. I, Fields Tenn Infantry CSA. Unicoi Co. death record #90890, died age 68, cause of death
"paralysis"; married, died "March 26, 1912." Photo of
headstone knocked over on its side --taken by bbpytel
LOVE, Sarah Jane
ROBERTS [unmarked]
b. December 22, 1843 -
d. March 26, 1933
[d/o Daniel G. Roberts and
Mary B. Hayes of VA #91-92; married John Russell Love]
NOTE: Per the
TN Death Record #8888
died age 89 of
"senile, gangrene of the lower extremities"; informant was J.H. Roberts
of Telford, TN.
LOVE, Isaac "Ike" Robert
b. 1845 - d. October 29, 1931
"Age 86 - Free Mason"
[s/o of William P. Love and Nancy A. Hartsell]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #28156; cause
of death "hemipliga"; widower; lived 84 yrs.; parents mentioned in record
and buried Martins Creek.
90b. LOVE, Mary E.
b. abt. 1844 - d. February 20, 1928
"Age 85"
[w/o Isaac R.; d/o Daniel G. Roberts
and Mary B. Hayes #91-92 of VA]
b. March 19, 1819 - d. February 20,
[w/o Daniel G. Roberts;
November 3, 1842 in Carter Co., TN;
Sarah Jane, Mary E., James Calvin, John A., Daniel Boone.]
photo of headstone courtesy Gordon Edwards]
ROBERTS, D. G. [Daniel]
b. December 20, 1820 - d. December 19, 1889
[s/o ___ and Nancy
Noted in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 Washington Co., TN Censuses in the
Longmire District as a "Wagonmaker" During the 1880 Washington Co., TN
census, Daniel's widowed mother, Nancy age 83, was living with him, his wife
Mary and son Boone in Erwin. Photo of headstone courtesy Gordon Edwards]
 93. HUGHES, Moses
b. November 9, 1854 - d. October 17, 1913
94. HUGHES, Mary Etta
b. March 6, 1864 - d. September 1, 1930
"Wife of Moses Hughes" [ #81]
[d/o Robert Love and Jennie Tapp; children: William R. #95,
Delia #96,
Frank #97]
Unicoi Co. death record #22939-1990, cause of death "Brights Disease and heart
lesion"; widow; informant Mrs. Erwin Hensley of Erwin; buried "Martins Creek."
95. HUGHES, William R.
b. January 17, 1882 - d. March 28, 1882
[infant s/o Moses Hughes #81 and Mary Etta #82]
96. HUGHES, Delia
b. November 16, 1888 - d. July 14, 1889
[infant d/o Moses Hughes #81 and Mary Etta #82]
97. HUGHES, Frank B.
b. ? - d. January 12, 1903
[s/o Moses Hughes #81 and Mary Etta #82]
98. HENSLEY, Rachel E.
b. January 24, 1838 - d. September 12, 1891
[w/o J. A. Hensley]
99. BAILEY, Dovie
b. November 8, 1869 - September 3, 1907
[s/o B. G. Bailey and unknown]
ALDRIDGE, Isaac Edmund
b. December 20, 1870 - d. January 30, 1940
100b. ALDRIDGE, Elizabeth
b. December 15, 1875 - d. June 14. 1957
[w/o Isaac E. Aldridge - married September 2, 1893
d/o William H. Harris and Judy Banner #; children:
Robert, Maude, Harrison, May, Henry #91, Ruth #90,
Paul, Judie, Sarah, Thomas, Albert, Pearl]
101. ALDRIDGE, Ruth
b. January 14, 1906 - d. March 1, 1906
[d/o Isaac E. Aldridge and Elizabeth Harris #100a/b]
102. ALDRIDGE, H. [Henry] M.
b. August - d. September 6, 1900
[lived 28 days, s/o Isaac Aldridge and Elizabeth Harris
103. BAILEY,
Samuel [unmarked]
b. 1869 - d. January 5, 1932
[s/o Ansel Bailey and Mary Bailey]
Unicoi Co. death record #1787; cause of death "nephritis-high blood pressure";
lived 63 years; informant Charlie Harris of Erwin;
b. June 15, 1825 - d. June 14, 1906
"Remember Youth"
[actual birth date October 15, 1825 in NC; s/o John Wesley Bailey and Lovada
NOTE: Died of a heart attack; buried in a
coffin with a glass window. Due to the heat from decomposing, his body swelled
and face ruptured in the coffin; A section of Martin's Creek Cemetery was part
of Hiram's farm of the Lilly Dale community of Erwin]
Photo courtesy of Chad Bailey
105. BAILEY,
Sarah [DEYTON]
b. July 3, 1825 - d. August 14, 1905
[d/o Eldridge Deyton and Sophia Dobson; w/o Hiram Bailey #104; children: Elmira, Calvin, Milton P., Cornelius, Hiram B. Jr. #109, McNally,
Mary, Ansel, John C.]
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Chad Bailey
106. BAILEY, Anna Liza
b. September 9, 1881 - d. August 3, 1950
[d/o Joseph Mannon Bailey and Jane Morris]
BAILEY, Joseph Mannon [unmarked]
b. 1847 - d. May 28, 1920
[s/o Stephen Morgan Bailey and
Rebecca Deyton of NC; wife Jane Morris; children: Analiza, Morgan, John
NOTE: Tenn State death record #430,
born in NC, married; cause of death "intestinal nephritis"; informant
Morgan Bailey of Erwin; buried "Martins Creek."
108. BAILEY,
b. March 1850 - d. January 6, 1926
NOTE: Tenn State death record #30791;
born in NC; widow; died "about age 76"; cause of death "general
breakdown of old age"; parents not stated; informant J. W. Howell; buried "in
OBITUARY: The Erwin Magnet ~ Friday January 8, 1926 Pg. 1 "Aunt Jane
Bailey Dead ~ Mrs. Jane Bailey an aged and well known citizen of the Martin's
Creek section died at her late home on Tuesday and was buried in Martins Creek
Cemetery, where numerous relatives, including her husband had been layed to
BAILEY, Hiram B., Jr.
b. August 25, 1858 - d. March 9, 1936
[s/o Hiram Bailey #104 and Sarah Deyton #105]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #8433-1936,
born in NC, cause of death "general breakdown"; widower; informant Bernie
Bailey of Erwin; buried "Martins Creek."
110. BAILEY, Delcena
b. October 23, 1861 - d. February 23, 1926
[w/o Hiram B. #96; d/o Charles C. Byrd and Hannah Elizabeth Griffith]
Unicoi Co. death record #10842-1926; born in NC on "Oct. 25, 1961"; cause of death "intestinal
nephritis"; married;
informant Hiram Bailey of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem."
111. BAILEY, James D.
b. 1884 - d. 1949
[s/o Alfred Gibbs Bailey and Mary Jane Slagle #437]
112. BAILEY, Essa
b. 1886 - d. 1928
[s/o Hiram B. Bailey #96 and Delcena Byrd #97]
Unicoi Co. death record shows he died at age 42; widower and cause of death
"typhoid"; parents mentioned
113. BAILEY, Infant
b/d August 30, 1910
114. BAILEY, Infant
b/d September 28, 1905
BAILEY, Infant [unmarked]
b/d February 16, 1915
[child of Morgan Bailey and Ada
Tenn State Death record #457, stillborn; parents noted in record; buried Martins
Creek Cem.
BAILEY, Infant
b/d June 26, 1913
Photo courtesy of Chad Bailey
BAILEY, infant son
b/d May 15, 1915
[s/o Milton A. Bailey and Mary L.
Peterson of Green Mnt, NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #492 [1915]; "stillborn", parents mentioned in record
and buried in Martins Creek Cem.
118. BAILEY, [?]
b. July 4, 1923 - d. December 22, 1923
[s/o James Bailey #98]
119. BAILEY, Johnnie Austin
b. September 28, 1927 - d. September 23, 1929
[s/o Charles L. Bailey Sr. and Ethel Norris]
120. BAILEY, Toby Joe
b. August 23, 1932 - d. May 23, 1933
[s/o Charles L. Bailey Sr. and Ethel Norris]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death
record #10916; cause of death "dysentery"; s/o "O.L. Bailey and Ethel
Norris"; father was informant; buried in Martin Creek. Photo courtesy of Chad Bailey chadfredb@gmail.com
121. O'BRIEN, Eugene Orville
b. October 29, 1915 - d. March 13, 1966
PFC 687th FA, WWII
[s/o John Wesley O'Brien and Cenia Harris
#473/474; married Eva Pearl Kyker]
J. M. [Jeremiah Mac]
b. 1869 [April 12, 1876] - d. January 9, 1943
[s/o Hiram Solomon Hoyle # and Elzira Blankenship #;
1st married to Susan Roberts; children: David, Pearl, Fred, Delia, Maggie,
Chester, Wilsie, Fleety]
NOTE: killed by a falling tree
123. CHANDLER, Arthur
b/d January 30, 1920
[s/o Arthur Chandler of NC and Annie Crain]
Unicoi Co. death record #377-1920, cause of death "stillborn"; informant J.
Crain of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
124. TIPTON, Phoebe
b. May 30, 1885 - d. January 7, 1974
[married first Jesse Rich and 2nd
Steve Tipton.
125. HARRIS, Frank
b? - d. May 27, 1931
[married Jennie Whaley]
Tennessee - PVT. 127th Infantry, 32nd Division
NOTE: headstone
photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
126. HARRIS, Infant
b/d March 27, 1916
[infant d/o J. F. Harris and Jennie Whaley of Wash. Co. TN]
127. HARRIS,
Jude [unmarked]
b. June 16, 1917 - d. July 19, 1917
[infant d/o J. F. Harris and Jennie
Whaley of Wash. Co. TN]
Unicoi Co. death record #493-1917, cause of death "unknown"; parents mentioned
in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
128. HORNE, Drew Franklin
b. March 14, 1886 - d. July 10, 1932
[s/o Frank Horne of SC (b. June 1860) and Ida McCrackin
(b. June 1857) buried Horn Cem]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death record #15913-1932, cause of death
"alcoholism"; single; informant Lee Horne of Greenville; died July 11,
1932; buried "Martins Creek."
LAWING, Margaret
b. May 30, 1856 - d. June 26, 1937
[d/o Margaret Chandler of NC; married
to John Lawing]
Tenn State. death record #17684; born in TN; widowed; died age 86, cause of death "tumor,
uterine fibroid"; informant Mrs. A. A. Hunt of Kingsport; only mother noted; buried
"Martins Creek."
130. HORN, William R.
b. March 7, 1884 - d. March 31, 1954
[s/o Frank Horn (b. Jan 1860) and Ida McCrackin (b. Jan.
1857) buried Horn
131. HORN, Eliza J.
b. July 17, 1889 - d. January 16, 1979
[w/o William R. Horn #130]
132. BANNER,
Cordie [STEWART]
b. December 16, 1879 - d. July 18, 1908
[w/o David Sinclair Banner]
133. BANNER, Ernest Carter
b. March 29, 1905 - d. September 1, 1905
[infant s/o David Sinclair Banner and Cordie Stewart #132]
NOTE: photo courtesy of GME --taken
134. BANNER, Virgie Mae
b. December 17, 1907 - d. April 7, 1908
[infant d/o David Sinclair Banner and Cordie Stewart #132]
NOTE: photo courtesy of GME --taken
 135. TIPTON, Samuel L.
b. abt 1822 - d. abt
Pvt., Co. F., 3rd NC Mtd
Infantry, Union Army
[married Celia Bennett]
photo courtesy of GME --taken 2012
136. TIPTON, Margaret
[FOSTER] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1858 - d. December 2, 1929
[d/o Thomas Foster and Sarah
"Sally" Mashburn; w/o Guthridge Tipton - married
28 Oct 1874 in Wash. Co., TN; children: Walter, William,
Gertie, Hugh ]
Tenn State death record #31149-1929, died age 71, cause of death "heart disease;
widow; informant Walter Tipton of Erwin; parent noted in record and buried
"Martins Creek."
TIPTON, Guthridge "Gutch" [unmarked]
b. September 28, 1853 - d. March 6,
[s/o Stephen Tipton and Elizabeth
Tenn State. death record #398; born in TN; married; laborer; died age 66, cause of death "
pneumonia due to influenza"; informant W. S. Hampton of Erwin; parents noted
were "Strom and Elizabeth Tipton"; buried
"Martins Creek."
138. CASH, Sarah C.
b. abt. 1828 - d. April 11, 1912
[lived for 84 years]
139. BAILEY, M. P. [Milton Penland]
b. [April 30] 1853 - d. 1933
[s/o Hiram Bailey #93 and Sarah Deyton #94]
NOTE: Milton P. and Rebecca E. married on
18 Aug. 1881
140. BAILEY, Rebecca Emaline
b. [March 13] 1862 - d. October 5] 1938
[w/o M. B. Bailey; d/o Benjamin Webb Woodward #126 and Lucinda
Sams #127]
WOODWARD, B. W. [Benjamin Webb]
b. December 24, 1830 - d. May 31, 1898
Pvt. and 3rd Lt., Co. A.
64th Regiment, Allen's; NC Infantry - CSA
[s/o Isham
Davis Woodward and Rebecca Webb ]
NOTE: Benjamin was born in Old Buncombe Co.,
NC (now Madison). His wife was from Washington Co., TN.
Before the war broke out, his parents moved to Dalton, Georgia and then
around 1872 Isham and Rebecca Webb-Woodward the left Georgia with their
two sons Wilson Cleveland and Monteville (also CSA Veterans) to live in
Searcy Co, Arkansas. During the Civil War, he was captured on Sept. 9, 1863
at Cumberland Gap, TN. He was transferred to a military prison
in Louisville, KY for 2 weeks then moved to Johnson's Isle prison in
Sandusky, OH where he remained until released on June 12, 1865.
Benjamin served as Justice of the Peace,
Yancey, Co., NC and Registrar of Deeds after the war.
Lucinda Elizabeth
b. January 17, 1834 - d. March 17, 1925
[w/o B. W. Woodward #141; d/o James Brown Sams and Mary
Hickman; 14 children are: James Henry,
Josiah Sams, Mary Jane,
John Wilson, Leroy Washington, William T., Rebecca E. #125,
Katherine, Sarah Ann,
Jacob Erwin, Hester Elizabeth, Lockey Ann #128, Nancy
Elizabeth, Alicia E.]
Unicoi Co. death record #276-1925; cause of death "senility"; widow; informant
Lockie Woodward of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Erwin."
Lockey Ann
b. [April 2] 1872 - d. [September 2,] 1939
[d/o Benjamin W. Woodward and Lucinda Sams #141-142]
b. August 15, 1870 - d. November 24, 1941
NOTE: Tenn State Death Record #25907, born
in Mitchell Co., NC; married; occupation painter; died age 71 at the American
Legion Hospital, Erwin, TN; cause of death "coronary thrombosis"; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem.
BENNETT, Harriett
b. ? - d. November 9, 1869
[w/o John Anderson Bennett #144]
146. RENFRO, John
b. June 25, 1890 - d. March 18, 1961
147. RENFRO, Allie Mae
b. March 28, 1895 - d. June 1980
[w/o John Renfro #146]
148. RENFRO, Thelma
b. June 10, 1923 - d. August 10, 1929
[d/o Thomas B. Renfro and Nettie Hampton
of NC]
NOTE: Tenn State Death Record #21303, cause
of death "__ right tibia"; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem.
149. RENFRO,
Estella [unmarked]
b. January 20, 1916 - d. June 30, 1918
[d/o Thomas Renfro and Nettie
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record #583, cause
of death "cholera infantum"; informant father of Erwin; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
150. CAMPBELL, Elaine
b. / d. June 2, 1933
[infant d/o Emmett Campbell and Julia Renfro]
NOTE: Tenn State Death Record #15521, cause
of death "premature birth"; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
151. CAMPBELL, June Carolyn
b. - d. July 21, 1935
[infant d/o Clarence Albert Campbell and Velma Mae Thompson]
152. WOODFIN, David
[s/o John B. Woodfin and Lulu Lewis]
153. WOODFIN, Margaret
[w/o David Woodfin #136]
154. WOODFIN, Mary
[d/o David Woodfin #136 and Margaret #137]
155. WOODFIN, Arthur
[d/o David Woodfin #136 and Margaret #137]
156. WOODFIN, Fred
[d/o David Woodfin #136 and Margaret #137]
157. WOODFIN, infant
[d/o David Woodfin #136 and Margaret #137]
158. ROBERTS, Sallie [Sarah] L.
b. May 16, 1856 - d. September 5, 1883
[w/o James E. Roberts]
MCINTURFF, [Prince] William
b. January 14, 1837 - d. October 25, 1902
"Sheriff Bill - Served Unicoi Co. Commissioner, Magistrate and Postmaster"
[s/o Gabriel McInturff and Axia "Amy" Nelson]
NOTE: two tombstones for William, original and
new double headstone joined with wife]
photo of Prince William McInturff courtesy
Wanda L. Harrell
Rhoda A. [DYER]
b. April 11, 1838 - d. February 8, 1882
[w/o Prince William McInturff #159;
married October 20, 1858;
children: Gabriel Alexander, Henry C., Ann E., Mary E.
#162, William Sevier #161;
Rhoda Sophrenia, Robert]
NOTE: photo
of Prince William McInturff courtesy Wanda L. Harrell
160b. MCINTURFF, William Servier
b. 1869 - d. January 20, 1937
[s/o Prince William McInturff #159 and
Rhoda A. Dyer #160; married Sarah Darcas Hoyle]
Note: died abt. age 67 of heart attack
Sarah Dorcas [HOYLE]
b. abt. 1866 - October 1913
[w/o William S. McInturff #161 married October 16,
d/o Hiram Solomon Hoyle and Elzira Blankenship; children: Julia and Ida Lee.
photo of Sarah and her daughters Julia and Ida Lee courtesy Wanda L. Harrell
162. MCINTURFF, Mary E.
b. May 5, 1862 - d. November 14, 1886
[d/o Prince William McInturff and Rhoda Dyer #159/160]
163. HUSKINS, Sarah L.
b. February 28, 1836 - d. June 5, 1898
NOTE: photo courtesy GME - taken 2012
164. HUSKINS, S. C.
b. December 17, 1880 - d. February 20, 1882
165. HODGE, Mary
b. December 28, 1889 - d. October20, 1890
HODGE, Rose Etta [unmarked]
b. abt. 1902 - d. April 3, 1931
[d/o Jim Hodge and Maggie Bennett]
Unicoi Co. death record #9586; cause of death "spinal meningitis"; informant Bob
Widener of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek cemetery"
167. HUSKINS, John
b. March 15, 1837 - d. March 4, 1914
Pvt., Co. M. 8th Tenn Cav
- Union Army
[s/o Robert Huskins and Catherine
Plott of McDowell, NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #9 [1914], cause of death "asthma", informant Lizzie of
Erwin, buried in Martins Creek.
HUSKINS, Margaret Elizabeth "Lizzie"
b. February 22, 1859 [or 1862] - d. March 24, 1948
[w/o John Huskins #167; children:
Cinda E. #169, William M. #498
and Mary A.]
169. HUSKINS, Cinda E.
b. January 18, 1885 - d. June 5, 1890
[d/o John Huskins and Margaret
170. CROWDER, Mary Evelyn
b. June 20, 1935 - d. September 19, 1935
171. HANEY, Oscar
b. March 19, 1938 - d. July 2, 1938
172. HANEY, James Garfield
b. March 30, 1941 - d. June 5, 1941
TAPP, Fannie
b. November 7, 1877 d. January 26, 1931
[d/o Jake Tapp
buried Jobe Cem and 1st wife Axie Baldwin]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #2192-1931, single; cause of death
"influenza and pneumonia"; informant A. M. Smith of Erwin; parents mentioned in
record; buried "Erwin."
174. TAPP, infant
b.? - d. May 18, 1930
[child of Blaine Tapp and __ Fender]
175. BOGART, Mattie Lee
b. March 11, 1885 - d. May 20, 1906
[w/o J. C. Bogart; died giving birth to Eldridge]
176. BOGART, Eldridge
b/d May 20, 1906
[s/o J. C. Bogart and Mattie Lee]
BOGART, Infant [unmarked]
b/d. August 16, 1914
[s/o Charles Bogart and Gertrude
Unicoi Co. death record #60 [1914] "stillborn"; informant father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek.
MATHES, Eugene
b. October 7, 1929 - d. September 10, 1933
[s/o Clyde Mathes and Ada]
179. ROBERTS, Jacob Russell
b. April 25, 1897 - b. July 3, 1897
[s/o W. A. Robert and Lizzie]
180. LOVE, William Pickney
b. abt. 1818 - d. June 18, 1876
"Age 58 years"
[s/o Dillard Love and Margaret Young;
grandson of Col. Robert Love and Mary Ann
This section of the cemetery was the original tract of land owned by the Love
Family that became Martins Creek Cemetery.
181. LOVE, Nancy Augusta
b. July 12, 1823 - d. December 21, 1918
[d/o Jacob Hartsell and ___ Carr; w/o of William P. Love #180;
children: Jacob Dillard #185,
John Russell, Isaac Robert #90a,
William Clyde, Sarah Lee, James Madison]
182. LOVE, Jacob W., Jr.
b. March 5, 1872 - d. November 5, 1878
183. LOVE, William Archie
b. October 25, 1887 - d. July 13, 1888
[s/o James Madison Love and 2nd wife Margaret Williams]
184. LOVE, William M.
b/d December 21, 1888
LOVE, Jacob Dillard
b. November 9, 1842 - d. May 10, 1907
"Free Mason"
Pvt., Co. I, 63rd
Infantry - Fain's Regiment, Tenn- CSA
[s/o William Pickney Love #180 and Nancy A. Hartsell #181]
LOVE, Phoeba [STOUT]
b. April 10, 1840 - d. January 26, 1923
"Wife of J.D. Love - Her spirit at rest"
[w/o Jacob D. Love #185]
LOVE, Gladie
b. July 23, 1903 - d. May
3, 1922
[d/o Dillard Love and
Gertrude Stewart]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #300-15; born in Illinois; single -
died age 18, cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis - secondary influenza;
informant Cordie Crain of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at
Martins Creek Cemetery.
LOVE, Paul [unmarked]
b. March 19, 1908 - d. March
3, 1918
[s/o Dillard Love and
Gertrude Stewart
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #543 [1918]; cause of death "burned
to death in burning building"; informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem."
LOVE, Grant [unmarked]
b. July 28, 1906 - d. March
3, 1918
[s/o Dillard Love and
Gertrude Stewart #191a/b]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #544 [1918]; cause of death "burned
to death in burning building"; informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem."
b. September 28, 1910 - d.
March 3, 1918
[s/o Dillard Love and
Gertrude Stewart #191a/b]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #542 [1918]; cause of death "burned
to death in burning building"; informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
buried "Martins Creek Cem."
LOVE, Dillard Franklin
b. September 3, 1877 - d. March 5,
[s/o Robert Love and __]
Tenn State Death Record #7187; husband of Gertrude; informant Joe Love of Erwin; died from
"coronary occlusion"; .
191b. LOVE, Gertrude Beatrice
b. 1880* - d. February 28, 1944
[d/o James Stewart and Delia Wiseman; w/o Dillard S.; d/o James Stewart and Delia
children: Joe Louis, Joanne, Juanita, Paul, Grant, Roy, Dillard Ronald,
George Warren.
Tenn State Death Record #4501 shows birth date June 13, 1875, widowed; born in
Mitchell Co., NC; died from coronary occlusion.
LOVE, Helen Reve
b. December 24, 1940 - d. February 20, 1941
"In God's Hands - Beloved Daughter
of Joe and Lennie Love"
[d/o Joe Louis Love and Lennie Richards]
died of pneumonia
[ALLEN]b. June 16, 1829 - d. January 10, 1894
[w/o George H. Crosswhite; children: Alonzo,
Isaac J. #194, Mary E., Eliza M., Jennette C., Carrie
#395b, Margaret]
NOTE: Husband George H. Crosswhite was a
194a. CROSSWHITE, Isaac J.
b. June 10, 1857 - d. August 12, 1940
[s/o George Crosswhite and Jennie Allen
"In God We Trust"
CROSSWHITE, Nannie [Nancy
b. August 12, 1855 - d. May 1, 1931
[w/o Isaac J. Crosswhite - married October
21, 1878; d/o Samuel Love and Syndia Green;
lived 71 yrs, 8 mos, 18 days]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #11892; cause of
death "Brights Disease"
195. SHORES, Elva Donnie May
b. January 14, 1896 - d. April 1, 1896
[infant d/o W. W. Shores and Ellie V.]
SMITH, Thomas M. [Marion]
b. September 1, 1862 - d. March 3, 1941
[s/o George Washington Smith and Mary
Ann White]
NOTE: Born in Hawkins Co., TN; worked as a
"shop watchman" for the railroad.
Per death record #13-871
cause of death "chronic nephritis, arterio
sclerosis and hypertension"
196b. SMITH, Clara [ALLEN]
b. May 1, 1861 - d. October 12, 1936
[w/o Thomas married July 10,
1884 in Unicoi Co., TN; d/o Robert Allen & Serephine "Sarah" F.
McInturff children: Sarah E., Mary Frances, Georgia Ann, Ella M., Maggie A., Albania L., Thomas G., Alfred M.]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #26137-1936; cause of
death "cerebral hemorrhage", husband of Erwin informant; parents noted in
record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
HARRIS, Isaac J. "Ike"
b. April 9, 1883 - d. May 19, 1966
"Father At Rest"
[s/o William Harrison Harris and Judy Banner]
HARRIS, Sallie E. [Sarah E.
b. June 11, 1885 - d. December 5, 1961
"A Loving and Devoted Mother"
[w/o Isaac J. Harris - married August 2, 1902;
d/o Thomas M. Smith and Clara Allen #196a/b; children: Samuel I., Clarence
#199, Millard, Thomas, Jack, Robbie, Clara N., Etta, Clyde
198. HARRIS, Clyde
b. September 22, 1905 - d. July 23, 1906
[s/o Isaac J. Harris and Sallie E. Smith #197a/b]
NOTE: tombstone photo courtesy Peggy
Gillen 2010
199. HARRIS, Clarence
b. August 5, 1915 - d. September 6, 1943
[s/o Isaac J. Harris and Sallie E. Smith #197a/b]
NOTE: tombstone photo courtesy Peggy
Gillen 2010
200. HARRIS, Dorothy
b. abt. 1912 - d. January 26, 1932
[d/o Hays Harris]
201. HARRIS, Ernest
b. abt. 1921 - d. May 17, 1927
[d/o Samuel Harris and ___ Gillis
202. HARRIS, infant
b/d. January 31, 1938
[s/o Robert Harris and Dixie]
HARRIS, Frederick
b. March 9, 1932 - d. August
25, 1997
b. January 13, 1935 -
d. July 12, 2001
"Devoted Mother and
[married October 4, 1958]
Henry T.
b. 1882 - d. 1952
205. MCNALLEY, Rebecca Ann
b. 1890 - d. March 16, 1933
[w/o Henry T.; w/o James Bullions and Sarah Smith]
Unicoi Co. death record #6837-1933; cause of death "blood poison"; informant
husband of Erwin; parents mentined in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
206. GENTRY, Christopher P.
b. 1883 - d. 1947
[s/o John Butler Gentry and Sarah Moore]
207. GENTRY, Mary D.
b. 1900 - d. abt. 1990
[w/o Christopher P.; d/o George W. White #201 and Hester Ann
Edwards #219]
FOSTER, Colonel Emmert
b. September 29, 1886 - d. April 12, 1968
NOTE: photo bbpytel 2005
FOSTER, Lula Mae
b. July 7, 1891 - d. July 4, 1982
[wife of Colonel E. Foster #208; d/o George W. White and Hester Ann Edwards
NOTE: photo bbpytel 2005
210. WHITE, James Wilson
b. September 2, 1897 - d. May 22, 1959
[s/o George W. White and Hester A. Edwards #221]
NOTE: Photo courtesy GM Edwards - taken 2012
211. WHITE, Phoebe Elizabeth
b. August 31, 1904 - d. January 27, 1943
[1st w/o James Wilson #210; d/o Robert Hampton and Mollie White;
children: Carrie #213, Carlton #251]
NOTE: Photo courtesy GM Edwards - taken 2012
212. WHITE, child
b./d. December 22, 1925
[d/o James W. White and Phoebie Hampton
213. WHITE, Carrie Adlin [unmarked]
b. August 11, 1921 - d.
September 12, 1921
[d/o James W. White and Phoebie
Hampton #210/211]
Unicoi Co. death record #402-1921; cause of death "illegible"; informant father
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Martin Creek Cem.
b. May 29, 1905 - d. January 16, 1951
[2nd w/o James W. White #192]
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Abbe taken
215. WHITE, Charles C.
b. ? - d. April 19, 1949
[Served in Spanish-American War]
216. HASKETT, Columbus
b. October 1, 1893 - d. May 16, 1965
[s/o John Haskett and Amanda Keever]
217. HASKETT, Martha
b. September 19, 1895 - d. September
4, 1954
[w/o Columbus; d/o George W. White and Hester Ann Edwards
Children: Robert
E. Cecil D., Earl E., Everette W., Evelyn.
218. HASKETT, Robert Earl
b. September 12, 1918 - d. December 7, 1970
[s/o Columbus Haskett #216 and Martha White #217]
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Abbe taken 2012
219. HASKETT, Cecil David
b. October 11, 1922 - d. February 7, 1978
Seaman, US Coast Guard, WWII
[s/o Columbus Haskett #216 and Martha White #217]
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Abbe taken 2012
b. March 3, 1864 - d. July 15, 1921
[s/o Lee White and Mary Wolfe]
Tenn State. death record #379-1921, cause of death "railroad accident, crushed
head", informant Hester White (wife) parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Martins Creek."
221a. WHITE,
George Washington
b. March 3, 1864 - d. July 15,
[s/o Leander White and Mary Wolf]
221b. WHITE, Hester Ann
b. October 2, 1872 - d. November 13, 1939
[w/o Jesse; d/o Wilson Edwards Sr. #237
Martha A. Gouge #238; children: James W.,
Edith, Martha,
Lula Mae, Mary
222. WHITE, Edith Louise
b. October 18, 1918 - d. February 9, 1919
[d/o Jesse White #220
and Hester Edwards #221]
Unicoi Co. death record #423-1919, cause of death "pneumonia", informant father
of Chestoa; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek."
223. LAWING, Virgie May
b. ? - d. 1904
[d/o J. F. Lawing]
224. SIMMONS, Anna
b. July 4, 1840 - d. August 1, 1927
[d/o Earl McIntosh and Elizabeth Banner #208;
1st married Jacob "Jake" Tipton
on January 5, 1860 Wash Co., TN; child -Judah
2nd married George W. Simmons on January
22, 1888; child - Mary E. b.1877
NOTE: Jake Tipton was killed in the Civil War;
According to records, Anna Banner and Jake Tipton sold land to Robert Allen in
the 7th Dist. Martins Creek/Lilly Dale area of Wash Co.; property was
originally owned by the Henry Banner clan.
Tenn State. death record #19090; married; cause of death "pellegra"; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Martins Creek."
225. HARRIS, W. H. [William Harrison]
b. August 2, 1846 - d. November 6, 1921
[s/o unknown and Keziah Harris]
Unicoi Co. death record #412-1921; cause of death "old age"; informant J.F.
Harris of Erwin, born in Marion, NC; only mother mentioned in record - father
unknown. William assumed his mother's surname.
226. HARRIS, Judy
b. August 22, 1850 - d. June 9, 1927
[w/o William H. Harris #225; d/o Joseph Murray and "Lizzie"
Banner #228;
children: Henry, John #227, William M., Anna, Elizabeth, Mary,
Cenia, Phoebe, Frank, Isaac J.]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #14154, cause of
death "chronic nephritis", widow; informant Henry Harris; buried at
Martins Creek Cem. Judy is the twin sister of Henry C.
Banner #209; Judy married on December 10, 1867
227. HARRIS, John
b. 1871 - d. December 2, 1920
[s/o W. Harrison Harris and Judy Banner #225-226]
NOTE: TN State Record #483; died age 49,
death cause - "dysentery" informant was J. W. Howell [see #398] -"
buried Martins Creek"
BANNER, Elizabeth "Lizzie"
b. September 17, 1817 - d. October 30, 1892
[d/o Henry Banner
b. 1773 ( s/o Benjamin Banner and Sarah Clayton)
and Judy Cope Hopkins;
1st marriage: Earl McIntosh; child: Anna #205;
2nd marriage: unknown; children: Ruth, James Harvey, William;
3rd marriage: Joseph Murray; children Judah #206a, Henry C.
PHOTO - bbpytel 2003
 229. BANNER,
Henry C., MD
b. August 22, 1850 - d. August 30, 1904
"A form we loved is gone, A voice we loved is skilled
A place is ___in our home, that ever can be filled"
[s/o Joseph Murray and "Lizzie"Banner
#228; twin of Judy
Banner #226]
NOTE: Harry
was the son of Elizabeth Banner and Joseph Murray. He was a twin to
sister Judy and he and his 4 siblings used their mother's maiden
name. Legend has it that during the Civil War, Harry was captured at the
age of 14 by a rebel unit that was passing through the Martins Creek
section of now Unicoi County and that a handful of renegades put a
noose around his neck and strung him up on a pole that was used to gut
hogs. No one is really certain why the rebels would do this to a young
lad. His mother begged and pleaded for her son's life and fellow
neighbors joined in to collectively persuade the soldiers to release him.
It came as no surprise that Harry voluntarily joined the Union
on August 15,
1864 in Jonesboro, TN
as Private in
Co A. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry declaring he was "age 18."
His service record clearly shows his name spelled as "Banner", He
signed up for 3 years as a Musician
playing a Fife
(similar to a piccolo)
and on those
documents, he is noted "age 16". He was a "farmer" from
Washington Co., and stood 4 feet 6 inches with black hair and black eyes.
He played the fife the entire service and was paid $100 at discharge in
August 1865. An officer misspelled his name "Bonner" which
later required explaining via Affidavits for him to collect his service
pension. In 1876, Harry went to school to learn to read and write
and continued his studies in medicine to aspire to became one of Erwin's
early physicians. He practiced Allopath medicine along with
Dr. G. C.
Williams and Dr. Leroy Sam Tilson Henry was a member of the
Freemasonry. On April 5, 1874, he married Phoebe Ann White [d/o Margaret
White and unknown]; sister to county surveyor, David Jonathan
White. Henry and Phoebe had 5 children: Harvey, Judah E., David
Sinclair, Lula E., Ethel Jane. His family lived in the Lilly Dale area
of Erwin. He died a young man at age 46 and it's unknown of the
cause of death since death certificate were not established until 1908.
BANNER, Pheoba Ann
b. October 20, 1850 - d. September 2, 1918
[w/o Dr. Henry C. Banner #209;
married on April 5, 1874;
d/o unknown father and Margaret White [buried
Fishery Cem. #267]; children:
1) Harvey B. (b. Nov.
30. 1874 - d. )
2) Judah E. (b. Nov.
22, 1876 - d. )
3) David Sinclair
(b. July 24, 1879 - d. ) md. Cordie Stewart #118
4) Lola E. (b.
Aug. 16, 1890 - d. )
5) Ethel Jane
(b. March 12, 1893 - d. )
Phoebe was not found in the 1850 Washington Co., TN census as she was probably
just born. Furthermore to date, her mother, Margaret and older siblings have not been
found either in the 1850 census for Washington Co., TN or the surrounding
counties. It is believed that since Margaret was pregnant during that
census, she most likely was living in the Greasy Cove area because DJ, Phoebe's
brother wrote a note that he contracted typhoid fever in 1853 at age 13 and was
living at his grandfather’s estate: “I lived on the old John White
place in Greasy Cove in speaking distance of old Uncle Jake White and his family
who moved up from Embreeville to cultivate a part of the farm which had not yet
been divided between the White heirs.” Phoebe and DJ's grandfather,
John White died in 1850 and their mother, Margaret, did not die until 1854 so
she was still alive taking care of the children at her father's house. During the 1860 Washington Co., TN Census, HH
801, she was living with her Aunt Sarah White-Tipton who was taking care of her
and older sister Sarah since their mother died in 1854. A couple of houses down
was the Elizabeth Banner (age 40) and her children which explains how Phoebe
came to know Henry C. Banner (age 10) as children. Per the Unicoi
Co., TN land records, Book 0-52-3, dated December 1874, Phoebe White-Banner,
heir of 1/10 of 45 acres of undivided land from her grandfather's estate John
White sells same to her brother D. J. White and wife Margaret for $25.
Phoebe's niece, Mary White-Edwards wrote a letter to David J. White (Mary's
father) in 1913 and stated "Paw, ....you and aunt Phebe were the only ones of
that family that ever had any sense." David J. White writes in a
letter that "Dr. Banner died at Erwin, buried at Martin's Creek graveyard
1904 by Masonic. Phebe also buried there , died 3rd September 1918."
the Unicoi Co. Death Record #604, her parents not mentioned; she died of liver disease
and was a widow; informant was J. G. Toney, buried at "Martins Creek"
231. EDWARDS, Raymond Burr
b. July 12, 1902 - d. 1911
[s/o J. P Edwards and M.]
232. BAILEY, Debby Jane
b. August 25, 1869 - d. December 6, 1921
[w/o S. G. Bailey; d/o Wilson Edwards Sr. #237 and Martha A.
Gouge #238]
234. EDWARDS, William A.
b. [abt. 1872] - d. July 18, 1946
[died age 78; s/o Skelton Edwards and Mary Jane Honeycutt]
235. EDWARDS, Fieldon
b. October 20, 1877 - d. February 27, 1901
[s/o Wilson Edwards Sr. #218 and Martha A. Gouge #219]
236. EDWARDS, William
b. May 7, 1881 - d. 1903
237. EDWARDS, Wilson, Sr.
b. June 6, 1847 - d. March 12, 1918
[born in Mitchell Co., NC; s/o Obediah Edwards and Lavina Masters
of Mitchell Co., NC; wife Martha Ann Gouge
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death record #548, cause
of death "cancer of bowels"; informant D. Edwards of Erwin; buried Martins
Martha Ann
b. April 17, 1846 - d. June 5, 1932
[w/o Wilson Edwards Sr. #237.; d/o Thomas Gouge and Sarah
Blevins; children: Sarah L. #221, Debby Jane
#212, Jason P., Hester A., Robert, Fieldon #215,
Polly E., Edward, Nathaniel, David S., Wilson #970; Polly
Evaline #220]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #13176 - died
age 86, " urenia -nephritis"; born in Carter Co., TN
JULIAN, Polly Evaline [EDWARDS]
b. March 10, 1879 - d. October
30, 1914
[w/o G. L. Julian; d/o Wilson Edwards
#237 of Mitchell Co., NC and Martha Gouge
#238 ]
Unicoi Co. death record [no #]; cause of death "tuberculosis"; informant G. L.
Julian of Roan Mnt.; parents mentioned in record;
in Martins Creek Cem.
240. EDWARDS, Sarah L.
b. April 20, 1868 - d. July 14, 1936
[d/o Wilson Edwards Sr. #237 and Martha A. Gouge #238]
NOTE: She was born in Mitchell Co. Unicoi Co. Death Cert #21448 -died age 68;
single, cause of death "malignant uterine growth"; informant Nat Edwards
of Erwin;- died July 23, 1936 in "Martins Creek."
241. EDWARDS, Johnnie Kate
b. April 1942 - d. February 27, 1943
[died 10 mos., d/o Lee Clifton
Edwards and Flossie Higgins]
242. EDWARDS, Mitchell Paul
b. November 1944 - d. January 19, 1946
[died 2 mos; s/o Lee Clifton Edwards and Flossie Higgins]
243. RICH, Phillip Bozell
b. January 1944 - d. March 27, 1944
[died 2 mos; s/o Clyde E., Rich and Bertha Edwards]
244. WIDENER, Andrew Jackson
b. October 22, 1860 - d. April 12, 1942
[s/o John Widener and Sarah M. Hand]
245. WIDENER, Mary Evelyn
b. January 14, 1889 - d. March 25,
[d/o James Buchanan Dance and Texana
Jett; w/o Andrew J.; children: Cora, Charles, John, Evelyn, Robert]
246. WIDENER, infant
b. September 14, 1913 - d. September 19, 1913
[s/o Andrew J. Widener #244 and Mary E. #245]
Charles Howard
b. February 25, 1910 - d. June 5,
[s/o Andrew J. Widener #244 and Mary E. #245]
248. LOVE, James Robert [Jr.]
b. February 17, 1880 - d. March 18, 1942
[s/o James R. Love and Mary "Lola"
E. Loveless; wife Lola O'Brien buried at Evergreen Cem. Erwin]
Veteran of Spanish-American War; worked as a Mail Carrier for Unicoi Co..
TN State Death Cert #6849 stated he died from a gunshot - homicide on 3-18-1942.
Informant was J.R. Love.
249. LOVE, Infant
b/d January 13, 1908
[d/o James R. Love and Mary "Lola" Loveless]
250. LOVE, Robert J.
b. March 3, 1911 - d. August 13, 1963
Sgt. 73rd Tank Battalion, WWII - Korea
251. WHITE, Carlton Emmert
b. December 5, 1937 - d. December 12, 1937
[s/o James Wilson White #210 and Phoebe Elizabeth Hampton
252. WHITE,
b. December 7, 1925 - d. December 23, 1925
[d/o James Wilson White #210 and Phoebe Elizabeth Hampton
Unicoi Co. death record #352-1925, cause of death "bronchial pneumonia";
informant mother of Erwin; parents mentioned in record and noted buried "Martins
253. WHITE, Carrie Adeline
b. August 21, 1921 - d. September 21, 1921
[d/o James Wilson White #210 and Phoebe Elizabeth Hampton
Unicoi Co. death record #402-1921; cause of death "?"; informant father of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
LOVE, William P.
b. 1883* - d. February 25, 1944*
[s/o Isaac Love and Mary Tinker]
*Tenn State Death Record #7048-48712; shows birth date December 2, 1882;
widowed; died age 61, 2 mos, 23 days on Feb. 25, 1944; cause of death "coronary
occlusion"; informant Jack Masters; buried Martins Creek.
254b. LOVE,
Minnie Jane WILLIAMS
b. 1882 - d. 1943
[w/o William P.]
255. MASTERS, Larry Joe
b. February 14, 1944 - d. May 12, 1944
[s/o Jack Masters and Blanche Kerns]
1st Lieut., Co. C, 2nd TN Cav. - Union Army
[no dates on stone; b. abt. 1823- d. April 19, 1900;
s/o James Lovelace and Nancy Brown
1st wife: Letetia "Lettie" Davenport; children William, Mary
E. (Marriage ended bef. 1860 and Lettie and children moved
back in with her parents).
2nd - Mary Pritchard; [divorced] children - unknown
3rd wife - unknown?
4th wife - Elizabeth
Miller; children - David, Juanita
5th wife - Mary E. Gilbert #257
NOTE: Appointed as 1st Lt. April 1, 1864. Father spelled last name Lovelace and
son spelled Loveless; parents were from Carter Co., TN who later moved to
Grayson Co., VA
Lovelace/Loveless DNA Project.
Photo courtesy of Robert M. Loveless 2004
b. August 10, 1856 - d. February 2, 1923
"A __rder mother and a faithful friend"
[5th w/o James R. Loveless #256]
Photo courtesy of Robert M. Loveless 2004
258. ELLIS, Richard
b. May 28, 1924 - d,. June 2, 1924
[s/o R. T. Ellis and Kate Shell]
Unicoi Co. death record #259-1924; cause of death "unknown";
informant W.P. Love of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem."
NORRIS, Thomas M.
b. September 23, 1847 - d. June 30, 1913
[s/o Richard Norris and
Lydia McInturff; married Sarah E. Tinker on May 15, 1881, Unicoi Co., TN]
260. NORRIS, Sarah E.
b. March 11, 1862 - d. October 14, 1888
"Wife of T. M. Norris"
[d/o John P. Tinker and Mariah Lilburn]
261. ROBERTS, Ellen
b. Mary 12, 186__ - d. April 9, 18 ___
262. GILBERT, John L.
b. January 11, 1858 - d. 1880
263. GILBERT, Sarah E.
b. September 25, 1878 - d. 1879
264. GILBERT, Dora B.
b. January 10, 1876 - d. August 22, 1891
b. November 18, 1828 - d. December 31, 1915
[d/o John Barry of Ireland and Jamima Poland of Johnson Co., TN]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #540-1915; cause of death
"illegible"; informant Jane Huskins of Erwin; parents mentioned in record
and buried in "Martins Creek Cem."
266. TINKER, J. A.
[James Abraham]
b. February 22, 1860 - d. September 3, 1896
John P. Tinker and Mariah Lilburn]
267. TINKER, Maria H.
b. August 6, 1889 - d. March 3, 1904
268. HAMPTON, Daniel
Co. F, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry,
Union Army [no dates posted]
[b. 1821 - d. (bef 1900); married Katherine "Katie" Masters [d/o John
Masters and Elizabeth];
children: Elizabeth, Rebecca Jane, Robert, Hannah, George, Grant, Sherman A.]
269. WHITE, Sue Emma
b. January 17, 1873 - d. December 3, 1887
[d/o Leander White and Mary]
270. MCNABB, Glena Lee
b. December 4, 1887 - d. February 8, 1888
[Infant d/o R.G. McNabb and Kate]
271. ALLEN, Alfred L.
b. May 8, 1873 - d. August 31, 1890
[s/o Robert A. Allen #85 and Sarah F. McInturff #]
NOTE: Tombstone Photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
272. ALLEN, Claudia E.
b. March 24, 1884 - d. April 2, 1891
[d/o G. S. Allen and D. A.]
273. HARRIS, Thomas W.
b/d 1904
[infant s/o John. Henry Harris and Mary Frances Smith]
274. SMITH, Thomas G.
b/d 1901
[infant s/o T. H Smith]
275. LOVE, James R.
b. abt. 1827 - d. March 3, 1902
[lived for 75 years; s/o Col. Robert Love and Mary Ann Dillard]
276. HAMPTON, D. P.
b. March 3, 1898 - d. June 2, 1900
277. HAMPTON, Jane
b. March 9, 1900 - d. April 27, 1900
278. MURPHY, Winnie
b. [abt. 1844] - d. February 18, 1908
[lived for 64 years]
279. HAMPTON, Ike
280. ALLEN, Isaac G.
b. January 4, 1866 - d. August 30, 1940
[s/o Robert A. Allen #285 and Sarah F. McInturff
NOTE: Attended schooled at Martin's Creek -
Valedictorian of 1885 His teacher was R. W. H. Gilbert]
281. ALLEN, Emma
b. November 18, 1870 - d. June 18, 1902
[1st w/o Isaac G. Allen; children are: Effie, John Wesley #525a
adopted daughter Hafford #266]
282. ALLEN, Laura B.
b. February 25, 1882 - d. January 6, 1907
[2nd w/o Isaac G. Allen #262a]
283. ALLEN, infant
b/d December 9, 1906
[infant s/o Isaac G. #262 and Laura B. #264]
284. BAILEY, Hafford
b. March 3, 1915 - d. June 6, 1983
[adopted d/o Isaac G. Allen #262 and Emma Bradshaw #263]
ALLEN, R. A. [Robert Abernathy]
b. November 15, 1829 - d. December 14, 1905
Free Mason
NOTE: There are 2 tombstones for R.A. Allen -
old and new which includes his wife Sarah F. on the back side of the
obelisk. He was rejected by the Union Army at Knoxville due to
severe rheumatism. Thus to avoid conscription by the Confederate Army, he
hid in the Unaka mountains outside of Erwin, TN]
ALLEN, Sarah F. [Seraphine MCINTURFF]
b. June 11, 1833 - d May 10, 1917
[d/o Gabriel McInturff and and Axia Nelson; w/o Robert A.; children: William W., Calvin C., Clarinel, Isaac G. #280, Frances M., Jasper C., George S., Alford #271]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record
#472-1917, cause of death "heart disease"; widow; informant I.G. Allen of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
HAMPTON, William
b. April 4, 1917 - d. August 8, 1918
[s/o Sherman A. Hampton #285 and Sarah E. Masters #286]
288. DAVIS, J. C.
b. [abt. 1881] - d. October 29, 1910
289. DAVIS, Pollie
b. March 3, 1879 - d. October 29, 1914
[w/o J. C. Davis]
290a. DAVIS, Bettie
b. ? - d. September 2, 1954
290b. DAVIS, Robert
b/d ?
[s/o J. D. Davis and Polly]
291. GILLIS, Jonie Marie
b/d 1963
[d/o William L. Gillis and Betty Jean Engle]
292a. ENGLE, John Quillen
b. June 20, 1902 - d. May 31, 1946
[s/o Aaron Engle]
292b. ENGLE, Clara N.
b. June 19, 1907 - d. May 26, 1990
[w/o John Q. Engle; d/o Isaac J. Harris
and Sarah E. Smith; children: Alfred, Isaac, Quillen, Sarah
"Sallie", Betty J.]
293. EDWARDS, Troy
b. February 17, 1924 - d. March 22, 1924
[s/o J. J. Edwards and Bessie]
294. EDWARDS, R. B.
b. April 10, 1882 - d. October 16, 1908
b. [March 1833] - d. December 5, 1910
"Every Joy to Us is Dead Since Mother is not Here"
[died age 84; w/o John Hugh Harris (s/o Hugh Harris Jr.), married October 3, 1852;
William Allison Hensley and Lucinda Higgins buried Old Hensley Cem
children: William Hugh, Richard Pinkston #433,
Finettie #970, Jenny Linette, Viola, Barnett, Jason
(buried Bailey Cem.),, James D. (buried Bailey Cem.),
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Frances Coleman.
296. ALLEN, Isaac G.
b. February 20, 1889 - d. December 4, 1973
[s/o Jasper C. Allen and Edna Harris]
297. ALLEN, Cassie
b. February 4, 1889 - d. February 18, 1966
[w/o Isaac G. #296; Clyde, J. Virgil #298, Mary, Lillian, Albert,
George, Wilma E. #299, Dennis]
298. ALLEN, James Virgil, Jr.
b. April 7, 1913 - d. January 15, 1919
[s/o Isaac G. Allen and Cassie Whaley]
Tenn State. death record #409; cause of death" influenza and pneumonia";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins
Creek Cem."
299. ALLEN, Wilma E.
b. September 30, 1931 - d. October 20, 1931
LUTTRELL, James Thomas
b. January 15, 1872 - d. ?
300b. LUTTRELL, Margaret Emeline
b. December 7, 1865 - d. April 17, 1946
[w/o James Thomas Luttrell; children: Isaac (md.
Violet Marie McIntosh)
and Albert]
HAMPTON, Sarah [unmarked]
b. abt. 1835 - d. February 7,
[d/o William Hampton and Malina
Tompkins of Wash., Co., TN]
Unicoi Co. death record #421 -1919; died age 74; cause of death influenza and pneumonia";
informant J.W. Howell of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins
Creek Cem."
HAMPTON, Daniel [unmarked]
b. September 25, 1865 - d. December
28, 1935
[s/o William Hampton and Malina
Tompkins of Wash., Co., TN]
Tenn State. death record #29178; married; cause of death" ___ rupture";
informant Bill Hampton of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins
Creek Cem."
302. HAMPTON, Sherman A.
b. March 3, 1867 - d. March 29, 1934
[s/o Daniel Hampton & Catherine Masters]
Tenn State. death record #7189; married; cause of death" influenza pneumonia";
informant John Hampton of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins
Creek Cem."
303. HAMPTON, Sarah E.
b. 1882 - d. 1964
[w/o of Sherman A. #302; d/o Landon Masters and Mary Pollie
304. MASTERS, Charlie H.
b. 1880 - 1963
305. HAMPTON, Hannah
b. March 6, 1854 - d. October 17, 1923
[d/o Daniel Hampton and Katherine "Katie" Masters]
Unicoi Co. death record #401-1923, cause of death "general breakdown"; single;
died at age 60 yrs.; parents mentioned in record.
306. HAMPTON, Grant
b. 1869 - d. 1935
[s/o Daniel Hampton and Katherine "Katie" Masters]
307. HAMPTON, Sarah Ann
b. 1874 - d. 1937
308. ALLEN, Elva L.
b. April 8, 1901 - d. September 10, 1902
[infant d/o J. S. Allen and D. A.]
309a. "ANDREWS", Ross
b. June 10, 1845 - d. June
8, 1888
Co. E., 1st Tenn, LA - Union Army - Civil War
[s/o James Andes; married
Rachel Mahala Tipton on
12 November 1868]
Ross Anders (tombstone is wrong with Andrews) was in the Union Army
serving Company E 1st Tenn Light Artillery. He was captured at
Strawberry Plains, TN charged with AWOL. His name was cleared when
it was found that he was a prisoner of war.
Tombstone photo courtesy Rodney and Teresa
309b. ANDERS, Rachel Mahala
[HAMPTON] [unmarked]
b. May 8, 1850 - d. June 16, 1930
[died age 80; d/o William Hampton and Melina Lisenby; w/o Ross Anders
#309 - married November 12, 1868;
children: Sarah, Rachel, Daniel,
William, Jacob]
Unicoi Co. death record #14939-1930; cause of death "pellegra"; widown;
parents mentioned in record and buried in "Erwin."
310. MASTERS, Nancy
b. March 29, 1890 - d. July 9, 1890
[d/o Abraham L. Masters, Jr. and Analiza]
311. MASTERS, Analiza
b. August 8, 1866 - d. March 23, 1892
[1st w/o Abraham L. Masters Jr.]
Abraham Lincoln
b. April 23, 1823 - d. September 1, 1865
[s/o John Masters and Elizabeth; husband of Nancy A. Elam #313
3rd Reg., Co., F, NC Mounted Infantry - Union Army]
NOTE: killed in the Civil War; wife and 4
sons received a pension exchange info:
313. MASTERS, Nancy A.
b. March 11, 1835 - d. May 2, 1921
[w/o Abraham L. Masters Sr. #312; children: John, William,
Melvina, Abraham L. Jr.,
Henry #296]
NOTE: After the death of Abraham, Nancy
E. received a pension from the War Dept. beg. September 2, 1865 $8/mo.;
each of her four sons received $2/mo. until age 16. If she
remarried, the pension would cease for both her and children. exchange info:
MASTERS, Worley [unmarked]
b. [abt. 1855] - d.
November 2, 1914
[s/o W. N. Bales and
Dicey Masters]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record [no #];
widower; cause of death "sudden death"; informant Dr. L. S. Tilson of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek Cem.
315. MASTERS, Henry
b. September 19, 1865 - d. June 2, 1885
[s/o Abraham L. Masters #312 and Nancy A. Elam
MASTERS, Alexander
b. November 1, 1828 - d. November 4,
[s/o unknown Masters and Ms. Ray]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record #646; born
NC; cause of
death "general debility and old age", widower; informant William Miller of
Erwin; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
317. WHITLOCK, W. S.
318. WHITLOCK, Sarah A.
b. February 9, 1818 - d. January 16, 1904
[w/o W. S. Whitlock]
b. December 8, 1848 - d. February 18, 1907
WHITLOCK, Maggie [Margaret] E.
b. August 29, 1860 - October 23, 1923
[w/o A. G. Whitlock #319; d/o George Crosswhite and Jennie Allen]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #404-1923, "Maggie E. Stallings" tcause of death "gastric
hemorrhage"; married; informant G. E. Stallings of Erwin; parents
mentioned in record; Death Record shows her married name as
 321. BANNER, M. L. [Madison "Matt"
b. September 24, 1853 - d. October 15, 1935
[s/o Lewis Banner (1811-1893) and Vianna Whitson
Unicoi Co. death record #23552-1935, cause of death "dropsy"; widower;
informant was Ralph Banner of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; noted
buried "Martins Creek." Matt
grew up in the Lily Dale Community of
Erwin; he was a farmer, blacksmith, wagon maker, gunsmith and worked in
the lumber business; tombstone photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
322. BANNER, Mary E. ["Molly" Edna
b. May 27, 1859 - d. November 19, 1927
[w/o Madison "Matt" #321.; children: Ike W.,
Phoebe E., Rhoda, Julia]
323. MASTERS, Biga [Obijah]
b. July 26, 1897 - d. July 24, 1899
[s/o Abraham L. Masters Jr. and 2nd wife, Cordelia Hoyle]
324. ALDRIDGE, William A.
b. March 1, 1842 - d. June 22, 1927
Unicoi Co. death record #14155-1927; born in VA - cause of death "aortic
insufficiency"; disabled Veteran; widower; no parents were indicated on record;
buried "Martins Creek."
325. ALDRIDGE, Allie [Alice
b. November 6, 1869 - d. March 12, 1939
[w/o William A. Aldridge; married on Aug. 19, 1901;
d/o Hiram S. Hoyle and Elzira Blankenship,
no children
Note: died of heart failure
326. MASTERS, Mary "Pollie" A.
b. May 29, 1847 - d. February 3, 1923
[d/o James F. Tinker and Nancy A. ___; w/o Landon Masters]
children: John F., Nancy C., Linda Ann, William W. #327, James
A., Abraham, Sarah E.]
327. MASTERS, William W.
b. abt. 1875 - d. ?
Co. D, 39th US Vol Infantry,
Spanish-American War
[s/o Landon Masters and Mary "Pollie Tinker]
328. TINKER, J. F.
Corpl, Co. K, 38th US Vol. Infantry,
Spanish-American War
329. ROBERTS, infant
b./d. December 29, 1902
[child of F. B. Roberts and Lidia A.]
ROBERTS, Pearl Bell
b./d. April 9, 1907
[child of F. B. Roberts and Lidia A.]
b. October 24, 1866 - d. August 7, 1903
[s/o Alexander Masters and Lucinda Brown]
332. MASTERS, Emma
b. 1871 - d. 1954
[w/o Grant #331; d/o William Capps and Sarah Ledford; children:
Estes Blain, Alexander]
333. GARLAND, Celia
"Cellie" [ATKINS]
b. June 18, 1868 - d. February 13, 1919
[d/o Clingman Atkins and Mary
Polly Stanley of NC]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #425;
born in NC "June 22, 1867"; worked as housekeeper; cause of death "brights disease
w/ influenza and rheumatism*"; informant W.A. Garland; parents mentioned in record and buried
in Martins Creek.
334. BYRD, E. M.
b. 1853 - d. 1936
335. BYRD,
b. 1863 - d. 1930
336. HARRIS, Nola
b. January 5, 1905 - d. August 13, 1913
337. HIGGINS, J. D.
b. October 3, 1923 - d. March 21, 1924
[s/o Ernest Q. Higgins and Eller Loyd]
Unicoi Co. death record #230-1924; cause of death "whopping cough"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Martins Creek.
338. BAILEY, Hattley
b. December 17, 1917 - d. November 11, 1922
339. HIGGINS, Susan
b. 1842 - d. 1901
340. WIGAND, Pansy
b. 1905 - d. 1943
b. December 25, 1878 - d. March 3, 1905
[w/o Lewis Foster]
343. COPP, Lundy
b. December 10, 1886 - d. October 18, 1963
[s/o Michael Copp and Sarah Rogers]
344. COPP, Edith [FOSTER]
b. March 9, 1901 - d. October 16, 1942
[d/o Lewis Foster and Mary McLaughlin #342; w/o Lundy Copp
345. GARLAND, Elisha Leader
b. June 6, 1884 - February 23, 1966
Pvt. - Spanish-American War
[s/o Rev. Thomas Butler Garland and Sarah Tipton]
346. GARLAND, Virgil Butler
b. February 6, 1913 - d. April 23, 1944
[s/o Elisha. L. Garland and Cora
347. GARLAND, Evelyn
b. March 9, 1922 - d. March 24, 1935
[d/o Elisha L. Garland and Cora
CARPENTER, J. W. [John Wesley]
b. November 26, 1873 - d. April 4, 1915
"Free Mason"
Frank Carpenter and Sara E. Simons of West VA]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #478 [1915];
cause of death "brights disease*"; worked as a lumber dealer; parents mentioned in record and buried
in Martins Creek.
(*Brights Disease is an old term used to describe
kidney disease or chronic nephritis.)
349. CARPENTER, Rosa
b. December 31, 1874 - d. January 27, 1960
[w/o John Wesley Carpenter]
350. CARPENTER, John Wesley Jr.
b. April 13, 1900 - d. February 10, 1909
[s/o J. W. Carpenter
#348 and Rosa Morrison #349]
351. CARPENTER, Guy B.
b. August 23, 1898 - d. December 31, 1951
[s/o J. W. Carpenter
#348 and Rosa Morrison #349]
352. MASTERS, Alexander
b. March 8, 1895 - d. August 2, 1961
Pvt. 57th Pioneer Infantry, WWI
353. MASTERS, Rebecca Lou
b. April 23, 1900 - d. January 31, 1982
[w/o Alexander Masters]
354. BANNER, Rhoda
b. May 17, 1879 - d. January 12, 1895
[d/o Madison "Matt" Banner #302a and Molly E. Crosswhite
355. BANNER,
Julia E.
b. August 6, 1883 - d. October 21, 1914
[d/o M. L. Tapp and Emma Johnson; children: Olga, Ralph, Orville, Mamie, Harry,
Kelly; Charlotte]
Unicoi Co. death record [no #]; cause of death "stomach trouble"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek.
356. HELTON,
Ernest Ronald
b. June 13, 1942 - d. November 16, 1943
[s/o Ernest Patrick Helton and Beatrice Gilbert]
GILBERT, Robert W. H. [Robert William Henry, Esq.]
b. June 24, 1863 - d. December 28, 1939
[s/o Franklin Gilbert (1830-1891) and Sarah Ann Arrowood
NOTE: served as an educator, superintendent
of schools and attorney; taught at Martin's Creek
GILBERT, Serena Elizabeth [BANNER]
b. January 3, 1856 - d. January 10, 1925
[#2nd w/o Robert William Henry Gilbert, Esq. #357
d/o Lewis Banner and Vianna Whitson; children: Grace Eva,
Franklin L., Margery, Glen, Earl, S. Dora, Carl R., Clyde]
NOTE: married on November 28, 1883 at the
home of Dr. Harry C. Banner
359. GILBERT, S. Dora R.
b. July 19, 1894 - d. August 23, 1895
[d/o Robert W. and Serena E. Banner #357-358]
360. GILBERT, Grace Eva
b. November 19, 1884 - d. March 17, 1886
[d/o Robert W. and Serena E. Banner #357-358]
361. PIPPIN, William Perry
b. 1820 - d. 1900
[born in VA, 2nd husband of Catherine #342]
362. PIPPIN,
b. February 20, 1830 - d. October 8,
[w/o William Perry Pippin - married
February 11, 1846; children: Lafayette, James Shepard., Nancy, John, Calvin,
Griffin (buried
Jobe Cem.), Laura #343, William M.]
363. PIPPIN,
Laura I.
b. October 5, 1867 - d October 23, 1885
[d/o William Perry and Catherine]
b. March 3, 1832 - d. February 4, 1914
"Free Mason"
[s/o Hezekiah Burchfield (b. 1803) and Mary "Polly"
(June 12, 1807- May 1, 1874) buried Burchfield Cem. #1 Unicoi]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death
Record #12 [1914], widower; cause of death "diabetes"; informant M. E.
Birchfield of Erwin; buried in the "12th District"
365. BURCHFIELD, Mary Ann
b. April 12, 1850 - d. February 26, 1908
"With life and name unstained the good woman dies"
[w/o Robert Burchfield #344]
1860 Wash Co., TN Census shows Robert age 28 living with
family-Hezekiah age 56, Mary age 53, Robert age28, Jesse age 21, Emily
age20, David E. age 17, Sarah age 15, Mary J. age 12, Elizabeth Garrett
age 63.
366. RAY, Infant
b./d. 1902
[child of G. B. Ray and ___]
Hiram Solomon
b. October 27, 1837 - d. April 6, 1912
[s/o 1st wife Myra Parton married on August 7, 1859;
d/o Nathaniel Parton and Barbara Carpenter; child: Martha E. #349; 2nd wife Elzira Blankenship #348
married December 17, 1863 in Rutherford Co., NC
Hiram known as "Harm" by his descendants
was a Disciples of Christ, or "Campbellite" Preacher and attended Lilly
Dale Christian Church, Lilly Dale, Tennessee. He did not fight in
the War Between the States and thus arrested to be drafted and taken to
Greenville, Tennessee. He was later released when it was proven he
was a preacher. [Minnie Hoyle Arnold, York, Pa. 22 Apr. 1980. Hiram
had a stroke and died at the age of 74 years, 5 months, 10 days. Dave
Hoyle, son of Jeremiah (Jerry), and grandson of Hiram, was with Hiram in
the barn collecting eggs when he had the stroke. Dave ran down to the
house and got his father, Jerry who carried him back to the house and
Hiram died.
Photo of
Hiram, Elzira and their grandson Charles Christopher Hoyle courtesy of
Wanda L. Harrell
368. HOYLE,
b. August 25, 1839 - b. April 29, 1912
[#2 w/o Hiram S. Hoyle; d/o
James Blankenship and Martha Marlow; children: Andrew H.
Higgins Chapel, Sarah
Dorcas, Thomas, Alice "Allie",
Cordelia, Eliza Etta, Jeremiah
Mack, David
Elzira was wheelchair bound for several years. She
died at the age of 72 years, 8 months, 4 days of a stroke.
369. HOYLE, Martha E.
b. May 1860 - d. February 9, 1936
[d/o Hiram Solomon Hoyle of SC #367 and Myra Parton of NC]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #5307-1936;
born "Rutherford Co., NC"; cause of death "cerebral hemorrhage"; single;
informant Jerry Hoyle of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record, buried "Martins Creek."
b. 1908 - December 31, 1935
[s/o Jeremiah Mack Hoyle Greene Co.,
TN and Susan Roberts of VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #29177-1935, died age 27, cause of death "lobar
pneumonia"; single; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
371. HOYLE, Fleety
b. February 22, 1925 - d. June 17, 1945
Pvt. 38th Infantry - WWII
[s/o Jeremiah Mack Hoyle Greene Co., TN and Susan Roberts of VA]
LEWIS, William Spurgeon
b. 1881 - d. 1956
"At Rest"
NOTE: Born in Mendota, VA; photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
LEWIS, Phoebe E.
b. 1887 - d. 1950
[d/o Madison Love
Banner #321a
and Molly E. Crosswhite #321b; w/o William S. Lewis
married November 17, 1907
children: Cora Lee ,
Ora, Willard, William Jr., Hazel, Mabel,
Edna, Jesse W. #356, Calvin, Dollie]
William S. Lewis, Phoebe, William S. Jr. and Hazel.
374. LEWIS,
Cora Lee
b. September 22, 1908 - d. November 28, 1914
[d/o William S. Lewis #372 and Phoebe E. Banner #373]
Unicoi Co. death record [no #]; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant father of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek.
b. January 24, 1911 - d. December 23, 1914
[d/o William S. Lewis #372 and Phoebe E. Banner #373]
Unicoi Co. death record [no #]; cause of death "typhoid fever"; lived "3 yrs, 10
mos, 29 days"; informant father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek.
376. LEWIS,
Willard Ray
b. January 27, 1916 - d. July 11, 1916
[d/o William S. Lewis #372 and Phoebe E. Banner #373]
Unicoi Co. death record #496 [1916]; cause of death "acute indigestion";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record
buried in Martins Creek.
377. LEWIS, Jesse W.
b. February 25, 1923 - d. June 9. 1941
[d/o William S. Lewis #372 and Phoebe E. Banner #373]
[Note: drowned at age 18]
378. OLLIS, Minnie
b. June 22, 1921 - d. February 11, 1978
379. GRASON, Sarah
b. 1902 - d. 1987
380. TUCKER, Audrey T.
b. January 10, 1912 - d. February 12, 1912
[d/o N. T Tucker and Nora S. __]
381. TUCKER, infant
b. December 25, 1910 - d. December 26, 1910
[child of N. T. Tucker and Nora S. ]
382. KEEVER, Arthur Nelson
b. June 23, 1898 - d. October 30, 1938
[s/o Joseph Keever and Amanda
Roberts; worked as a Brick Mason]
383. KEEVER, Rosa Lee
[GRIFFITH] [unmarked]
b. August 28, 1915 - d. February 25, 1932
[w/o Arthur N. Keever #361; d/o Daniel Griffith and Etta Tipton]
NOTE: TN State record #6471; born in Mitchell
Co., NC; cause of death - suicide; drank carbolic acid; informant was
husband; buried in "Martins Creek"
384. KEEVER, Infant
b/d February 4, 1953
[d/o Virgil Keever and Kathleen Harris]
385. SHOOK, John Abraham
b. August 22, 1874 - d. July 30, 1933
[s/o Augustus Shook of Burke Co., NC
and Naoma Rice of Madison Co.,NC; wife Cora]
NOTE: Tenn State record #15524; married; born in
Co., NC; cause of death "heart lesion"; informant; buried in "Martins Creek"
SHOOK, Jerry W.
b. June 10, 1889 - d. June 13, 1909
387. BROWN, Jasper
Co. C.,
2nd NC Infantry - Union Army - Civil War
b. March 7, 1842 - d. 1898
[s/o Joseph Brown and Susannah Keith
of Madison Co., NC]
Jasper was noted on a pardon roster promulgated
by the Private Acts of the 41st Congress passed on March 26, 1869. An Act
to remove the Charge of Desertion for certain soldiers of the 2nd NC Mounted
Infantry. "It appears from the evidence of certain officers of the 2nd
NC Mntd Infantry, the records of the War Department, and the official orders of
Major-General Schofield, that certain soldiers were detached from the 2nd NC
Mntd Infantry to join the 3rd NC Mntd Infantry infantry to make a raid
into the enemy's lines in June 1864, for the purpose of destroying railroad
bridges and harassing the enemy, [they raided Camp Vance, a conscription camp at
Morganton, NC] and while absent from their regiments upon such duty they were
borne upon the rolls of the 2nd NC Mntd Infantry as deserters: Therefore, Be it
enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby,
authorized and directed to remove the charge of desertion or absence without
leave from the following-named soldiers of the second North Carolina mounted
388. BROWN, Eunice
b. March 6, 1824 - d. July 24, 1900
[w/o Jasper N. Brown; d/o Thomas Tilson (b. Dec. 13, 1790;
s/o Mary "Polly Reynolds) and Jennie Tilson (b. Sept.
27, 1792; d/o Peleg Tilson and Rachel Dungan)]
NOTE: Eunice married three
times. 1st James Higgins; 2nd. William Luin; 3rd Jasper N. Brown
389. HARRIS, Roy
b. June 20, 1903 - d. January 16, 1971
Charlie (Chassie)
b. May 4, 1902 - d. June 26, 1921
[s/o Will Coggins and Minnie Miller
Unicoi Co. Death Record #368-1921, cause of death "accidentally drowned";
single, informant - father; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek
391. COGGINS, William
b. ? - d. January 6, 1946
392. COGGINS, Minta Jane
b. ? - d. February 1, 1940
[s/o Timothy Miller and Sally Bennett]
393. HARRIS, Walter
b. 1893 - d. 1970
[s/o Henry Harris #374 and Carrie Crosswhite #375]
394. HARRIS, Bessie
b. 1894 - d. 1974
[w/o Walter Harris; child: Ernest]
HARRIS, Henry "Harry"
b. May 10, 1869 - d. December 16, 1942
[s/o W. Harrison Harris and Judy Banner #206-207]
395b. HARRIS, Carrie
b. December 16, 1866 - d. February 25, 1940
[w/o Henry Harris married Nov. 6, 1890;d/o
George Crosswhite and Jennie Allen #193]
NOTE: Death Cert #5108 - Unicoi Co., TN - died age
73; Peritonitis - cancer; informant Roy Harris
396. BANNER, Walter
b. 1909 - d. 1975
397. BANNER, Howard Lawrence
b. June 16, 1936 - d. November
16, 1936
[s/o Walter Banner and Retta Garland
of Mitchell Co., NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #28698-1936, cause of death "illegible"; father of Erwin
was informant; parents mentioned in record; noted buried "Martins Creek Cem."
398. YARBOROUGH, George Washington
b. October 12, 1833 - d. March 25, 1905
399. WALKER, Baxter, Jr.
b. March 31, 1921 - d. August 29, 1938
[s/o Baxter S. Walter and Lillie R. ___]
WALKER, Baxter S.
b. December 6, 1880 - d. November 1, 1975
400b. WALKER,
Lillie R.
b. June 6, 1881 - d. December 31, 1963
[w/o Baxter S.]
401. WALKER, Carrie
b. March 6, 1907 - d. February 27, 1910
[d/o Baxter S. Walter and Lillie R. ___]
402. CRAIN,
b. August 19, 1915 - d. September 6, 1916
[s/o Joseph Crain and Dora Higgins]
Unicoi Co. death record #517 [1916]; cause of death "cholera infantum";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
in Martins Creek
403. CRAIN, Samuel Jr.
b. July 5, 1923 - d. January 22, 1924
[s/o Samuel E. Crain and Mary Ella
Hensley (buried Higgins Chapel)]
TN State Death Record #213, cause of death "Whopping Cough"; Joe Crain (his
uncle) was the informant; parents Sam Crain and Ella Hensley.
404. CRAIN, Infant
b. April 24, 1924 - d. April 27, 1924
[s/o Joseph Crain and Dora Higgins]
405. BOONE, Infant
b./d. October 8, 1918
[s/o Troy Sherman Boone #1007 and Ollie C. #1008]
TN State Death Record #637, cause of death "stillborne"; informant Troy Boone of
Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
406. BOONE, Infant
b./d. July 10, 1925
[s/o Troy Sherman Boone #1007 and Ollie C. #1008]
407. OLLIS, Tilmon
b. October 14, 1876 - d. November 30, 1941
[s/o John Ollis and Mary "Polly" Stanley]
408. OLLIS, Annie [Emma
b. June 19, 1879 - d. June 22, 1938
[w/o Tilmon Ollis #388]
409. OLLIS, Don
b. April 4, 1912 - d. May 24, 1976
[s/o Tilmon Ollis #388 and Annie Stalling #389]
410. OLLIS, Arthur
b. May 8, 1914 - d. August 11, 1921
[s/o Tilmon Ollis #388 and Annie Stalling #389]
Unicoi Co. death record #387-1921; cause of death "dysentery"; informant father
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Martins Creek.
411. OLLIS, Annie
b. July 24, 1918 - d. May 16, 1920
[s/o Tilmon Ollis #388 and Annie Stalling #389]
412. OLLIS, Franklin
b. October 24, 1932 - d. December 24, 1932
[s/o Clarence Ollis and Cora Higgins]
Tenn State death record #27963; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant father
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
413. OLLIS, Infant
b/d. February 21, 1947
[s/o Bradley William Ollis and Mary Mashburn]
414. OLLIS, Margaret Ann [unmarked]
b. Jan. 5, 1941 - d. February 5, 1941
[d/o Bradley William Ollis and Mary Marshburn]
PRICE, Nora [unmarked]
b. November 19, 1908 - d.
May 22, 1914
[d/o William Price and
Callie Edwards]
NOTE: Per the
TN Death Cert
cause of death
"acute infection"; her mother is noted as Callie "Bradford"; the record
shows buried "Martins Creek Cem."
416. PRICE, Simon Lee
b. June 10, 1903 - d. December 19, 1954
[s/o William P. Price and Callie
Edwards #394]
NOTE: Per the
TN Death Record
he died age 49 at the Mecklenburg Sanatorium from "carcinomatosis
of stomach, silicosis and congestive heart failure"; buried in "Erwin".
He was a carpenter. Photo of Simon Lee courtesy Karen Price.
PRICE, William P.
b. February 4, 1869 - d.
September 6, 1924
[s/o Della G. "Dilly" Price
and unknown; married Callie Edwards #418]
NOTE: Isaiah Price and Rachel are his grandparents.
Photo / info courtesy of Karen Price.
b. February 20, 1880 - d.
August 27, 1963
[d/o Wilt M. Edwards and Stacy
C. Mathis]
[married 1st: William Price
Sept. 17, 1899 in Unicoi Co., TN; children: Dora, Albert Wesley,
Furman Finch,
Simon Lee #416, Nora,
Pearl, James Elmer, Alice C., Arthur Roosevelt, Mary Pauline, William
Married 2nd: Thomas Harrison
in 1933 in Unicoi Co., TN; he died before 1940
Married 3rd: Samuel C. McIntosh
Oct. 17, 1940 in Unicoi Co., TN.
DEATH CERT She died age 83 from injuries due to an auto accident -SEE
newspaper article . Photo, brochure and newspaper article courtesy of Karen Price.
PRICE, Isaiah
Co. G., 3rd NC Mounted Infantry - Union Army
b. 1820 - d. aft. 1891
[married Rachel Steward? in
Monroe Co., TN; children: Bethena, Della G., Loretha J., Ruth E., John A.,
NOTE: He came from
the Kilby District of Wilkes Co., NC and is noted in the 1840 Census.
During the 1850 Census, he (age 27) and wife Rachel (age 32) moved over to Monroe
Co., TN and noted with the following children and possibly her father
in the household: Bethena (9) Della (8), Loretha (5) Rutha (1) and Riley
Steward (50). Sometime before 1860, the clan moved back over to NC
to the Ramseytown section of Yancey Co., an area which is near the Unicoi
Co. border. 1860 Census shows: Isaiah Price (39), Rachel (43), Bethena
(19), Della G. (17), Loretha J. (15), Ruth E. (9), and John A. (3).
The Civil War breaks out and Isaiah first voluntarily joined the CSA.
He signed up in Burnsville for Co. B, of the 29th NC Regiment at age 45 on
July 3, 1861 and was transferred on
September 16, 1861 to Co. K. He was described as
5 foot 9 inches,
fair complexion, yellow eyes, black hair and a farmer. He became
sick and was discharged on July 24, 1862 due to "chronic rheumatism of the
lower limbs, inflammation of the kidneys and ureter. (This may
explain his "yellow" eyes, being jaundice.) On September 1, 1864, at Bulls Gap, TN, age
"44", he joined
Co. G, 3rd NC Mntd Infantry for 3 years. His record described him as
"grey eyes, dark hair, fair complexion, 5 foot 9 inches, farmer and a
resident of Wilkes Co., NC." John Shelton signed him up.
In March and April 1865, he was absent from the rolls because he was in
the Hospital at Knoxville "wounded in both hips" He remained in the
hospital until he was discharged on August 8, 1865 and paid $100. He
served for 11 months and 8 days.
After the War he remained living in
Ramseytown, and noted in the 1870 Census: Isaiah (50) and Rachel (52),
Laura (24), John (14), James (10), George (5) and William (1). George and
William are the grandsons. The two daughters Bethena and Della G. are not
in the household. Living next door is Isaiah's brother, William
Price (67) and his wife Nancy (66).
The 1880
Ramseytown, Yancey Co., Census shows: Isaiah (60) and Rachel (62) with no
one else in the home. Living next door is son John A. Price (23) with
wife Elizabeth and their 2 children. About 6 houses down are sisters
Dilly / Della G. Price (33) and Laura/ Loretha Price (29) living together
with the following children: Rachel "daughter" (10), William "son" (10);
Julia "daughter" (6). Dilly is noted as "divorced". Sometime
before 1890, Isaiah and family moved over to Erwin to live out the
remainder of their years. He was noted in the 1890 Unicoi Co. Veterans
Census and noted in the 1891 Male Voter Registration Roster of Unicoi Co.,
Civil war
pension application #U-247-1 shows
"ruptured kidneys, back pain,
enlargement of testicles".
Pvt. Isaiah Price-
CSA File
Pvt. Isaiah Price -
420. HOWELL, Dillie
b. ? - d. February 27, 1893
"Wife of J.W.H"
[w/o Joseph William Howell]
421. HOWELL, Joseph William
b. abt. 1854 - d. September 5, 1943
[died age 89; s/o David Wilson Howell]
b. 1864 - d. December 2, 1919
[d/o Willis Bailey and Polly Ledford
of NC]
Tenn State death record #501; died age 55; born in Yancey Co., NC; married; cause of death "pellegra"; informant
J.W. Howell
of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek."
423. HOWELL, Lester B.
b. abt. 1914 - d. October 25, 1939
[s/o Joseph William Howell #398 and Dillie #397]
424. HIGGINS, Paul William
b. March 24, 1934 - d.
September 30, 1934
[s/o Floyd Higgins and Rosetta
Tenn State death record #21718; cause of death "bronchial pneumonia"; informant
Joe Poore
of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek."
425. POORE, Joseph
b. May 1906 - d. ?
426. POORE, Bessie
b. April 7, 1900 - d. April 8, 1960
[w/o Joseph Poore]
b. 1937 - d. February 26, 2015
[d/o Joseph Poore and Bessie Hughes]
OBITUARY: Betty Jo Poore Rutherford, age
78, 122 Belmont Street, Erwin, passed away on Thursday, February 26, 2015, at
her residence. She grew up in Erwin, married and moved to other states, but
always returned to Erwin. Mrs. Rutherford was the daughter of the late Joe and
Besi Hughes Poore. She attended the Pathway Freewill Baptist Church. Mrs.
Rutherford worked at Erwin Kentucky Fried Chicken for many years and retired in
June 2014. Her co-workers and customers will miss her dearly. Other than her
parents, she was preceded in death by her brothers: Cecil Poore who was killed
in the Korean War and Homer Poore; and a grandson, Tony Jones. The family will receive friends Sunday, March 1, 2015, from 2:00 P. M. to 4:00
P. M. from the Robert Ledford Funeral Home Chapel. Reverend Bernie Jones will
officiate at the 4:00 P. M. funeral service. Music will be provided by Teresa
Masters and Inez Chandler. Graveside service will be held Monday, March 2, 2015,
at 1:00 P. M. in the Martins Creek Cemetery. Family, minister, pallbearers and
friends are asked to meet at the funeral home by 12:30 P. M. to go in procession
to the cemetery.
428. POORE, Homer
b. June 29, 1930 - d. April 9, 1933
[s/o Joseph Poore and Bessie Hughes]
Tenn State death record #24550; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant
of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek."
429. POORE, Clifton
b. February 1935 - d. June 28, 1935
[s/o James Poore and Valerie Bailey]
430. POORE, Raymond
b/d. March 12, 1943
[s/o Charles Poore and Rassie Edith Chapman]
431. POORE, Valerie
[BAILEY] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1905 - d. December 7, 1942
[died age 37; d/o Alfred Bailey and Martha Ayers]
432. SAYLOR, James O.
b. 1893 - d. 1896
[s/o J. S. Saylor and Bennie Hogan]
433. BALMON, Mamie E.
b. 1893 - d. 1927
[d/o J. S. Saylor and Bennie Hogan]
434. IVERSON, Muriel Joy
b. January 22, 1897 - d. February 19, 1898
[d/o Martin Iverson and Maggie]
HARRISON, William Benjamin
b. September 1886 - d. October 9, 1918
[lived 32 years; s/o Thomas J. Harrison and Elizabeth]
Tenn State Death record #614; died age 35; cause of death "lobar pneumonia";
parents unknown; buried Martins Creek.
436. LEMMON, Ira [twin]
b. June 24, 1919 - d. July 29, 1919
[d/o Ira Lemmon of VA and Edith R. of
NY - buried at H. Warren Smith Memorial Cem, Jacksonville Beach, Duval Co., FL]
437. LEMMON, Irene [twin]
b. June 24, 1919 - d. March 16, 1920
[d/o Ira Lemmon of VA and Edith R. of
NY - buried at H. Warren Smith Memorial Cem, Jacksonville Beach, Duval Co., FL]
Tenn State death record #4002; born in Atlanta, GA; cause of death "malnutrition"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
buried "Martins Creek Cem."
438. BANNER, Alvin
b. October 17, 1919 - d. June 26, 1923
"Gone But Not Forgotten"
NOTE: tombstone photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
HENSLEY, Zeb [Zebedee Vance]
b. September 27, 1870 - d. March 26, 1923
[s/o John Hensley and 2nd wife -Mariah Cordelia Bailey]
killed by gunshot in fight; photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
b. abt. 1928 - d. March 7, 1930
[d/o Doc Hensley and Essie Engram]
Unicoi Co. death record #7324; cause of death " double pneumonia", informant
Walter Shell of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek cem. "Age 1
year, 11 months, 8 days"
b. 1927 - d. February 20, 1928
[s/o Lenzy Hensley and Hattie
TENN State. death record #4922; died 11 months, 9 days; cause of death "
bronchial pneumonia", informant
Roy Cash of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek cem."
442. HENSLEY, George Sampson
b. 1872 - d. March 21, 1943
[s/o Enoch Hensley (b. 1847) and Margaret Banks
(b. 1852)]
443. HENSLEY, Robert Edward
b. 1930 - d. December 18, 1936
[s/o Wallace Hensley and Mary Rogers]
Unicoi Co. death record #31675-1936; cause of death "meningitis and influenza";
father if Erwin was informant; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins
Creek Cem."
Margaret [SHELTON]
b. abt. 1881 - d. December 9, 1932
[d/o George Shelton and Elizabeth Hensley]
445. SHELL,
Daniel Walter
b. April 18, 1893 - d. June 22, 1931
[s/o William Shell and Angeline Jackson;
married Cassie Hensley]
Unicoi Co. death record #14109; cause of death "angina pectoris"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek Cem."
SHELL, Clint
b. 1930 - d. July 1, 1933
[s/o Walter Shell and Cassie Hensley]
Tenn State Death Record #, cause of death "pneumonia", informant Martin Banner
of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
447. SHELL,
b. May 17, 1934 - d. May 18,
[triplet d/o Willard ALLEN and Cassie
Tenn State Death Record #29621, cause of death "under nourished", parents noted
were Williard Allen of Illinois and Cassie Shell", buried "Martins Creek Cem."
SHELL, William
b. May 17, 1934 - d. May 18,
[triplet s/o Willard ALLEN and Cassie
Tenn State Death Record #29622, cause of death "under nourished", parents noted
were Williard Allen of Illinois and Cassie Shell", buried "Martins Creek Cem."
SHELL, Willie Dean
b. May 17, 1934 - d. May 18,
[triplet s/o Willard ALLEN and Cassie
Tenn State Death Record #29623, cause of death "under nourished", parents noted
were Williard Allen of Illinois and Cassie Shell", buried "Martins Creek Cem."
SHELL, Kenneth [unmarked grave]
b. [abt. January] 1938 - d. May 12, 1938
[s/o Harley Sheehan and Pearl Shell]
PEAKE, James W. [James Willis]
b. April 9, 1877 - d. November 2, 1959
[s/o Hiram R. Peake and Laura
Christine Ayres]
451b. PEAKE,
b. October 27, 1872 - d. March 28, 1939
[s/o unknown father and Laura Price]
PEAKE, Edith
b. February 7, 1908 - d. December 4, 1928
[d/o James W. Peake and Julia Vista Hensley]
452. PEAKE,
Julia Vista
b. August 1, 1880 - d. June 20, 1914
[w/o James Willis Peake #421; d/o Wilson H. Hensley
and Martha J. Letterman
buried Jobe
married James Willis Peake 24 Feb 1898; children: Ethel, Mary,
Oscar Brown, Doris Ollie, Edith, #423, Stanley Harry]
Unicoi Co. Death Record #39 cause of death "pellagra"; informant J. W. Peake of
Erwin, TN; buried Martins Creek Cem.
453. PEAKE, James Franklin
b. September 21, 1944 - d. September 22, 1944
[s/o James Willis Peake and Hannah Adkins]
454. NEAL, Marion Albert
b. May 9, 1914 - d. February 19, 1915
[s/o R. A. Neal and Anna Smith]
Tenn State Death Record #458, cause of death "erysipelas*", informant
George M. Neal of Erwin; parents noted", buried "Martins Creek Cem."
(*Erysipelas is a superficial form of cellulitis, a potentially serious
bacterial infection affecting the skin.)
455. KING, William Bayliss
b. June 20 1865 - d. September 17,
[s/o Martha Rufina King of Yancey
Co., NC]
NOTE: His name is etched on the
double headstone with wife and no death date. After wife's death he moved to
Texas to live with his son. His obituary stated he was buried in Combes
Cemetery, Texas.
456. KING, Mary Elvina
b. July 27, 1867 - d. December 4, 1941
[d/o Abner Wright and Anna Hileman;
w/o William B. King]
457. KING, Gilbert Frederick
b. December 5, 1888 - d. December 2, 1954
[s/o William B. King and Mary Elvina
458a. CASH, Charles Albertum
b. October 26, 1886 - d. January 13, 1948
[s/o Samuel L. Cash and Margaret Ann Smith
CASH, Lillie Lou [KING]
b. December 2, 1898 - d. February 6,
[d/o William Bayliss King and Mary
Elvina Wright]
459a. CASH,
Charles William
b. July 17, 1921 - March 26, 1964
[s/o Charles A. Cash and Lillie King]
459b. CASH,
Jack Floyd
b. January 4, 1940 - d. June 10, 2021
[s/o Charles A. Cash and Lillie King]
grad of ETSU; water sanitation engineer of Oakland County, MI; cremated.
460. CASH, John Leonard
b. March 16, 1865 - d. June 27, 1925
[s/o John Cash and Caroline Murray; wife Mary Cordelia
children: Daniel, Gertrude, Samuel, William, Mary, Hazel, Robert, Thomas,
Wesley, Charlie]
NOTE: Tenn State Death Primary Reg. District
Record #48712; cause of death paralysis at 8:00 p.m.; trade - carpenter -
Death Certificate signed by Lela Tilson
461. CASH,
Margaret Ann [SMITH] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1850 - d. March 6, 1928
[d/o of John Smith and unknown; w/o Samuel L. Cash]
HARRIS, Pinkston [Richard Pinkston]
b. April 16, 1854 - d. November 20, 1920
"Age 66 Years"
[s/o John Hugh Harris and Elizabeth Hensley]
NOTE: TN State record #479; cause of death
"heart disease"; noted he was born in 1855; informant was his son
Jason Harris #435; tombstone photo courtesy of Frank Emmert; photo
of R. Pinkston and Critty Hensley courtesy of Peggy Gillen.
HARRIS, Lucretia ["Critty" HENSLEY]
b. (April 28, 1860) 1855 - d. (August 31, ) 1928\[w/o R. Pinkston Harris #462; married July 30, 1876;
d/o George Washington Hensley of NC and Mary Emeline Hensley of NC; children: David,
Jason #464, Addie, Sarah, Dudley, Trinity, Phinetta L.,
Levi, Garfield, Mary E.; John H.]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record #
20408-1928, born in Kentucky, cause of death "dysentery", informant
Jason Hensley. Left photo of Lucretia
"Critty" with Jesse Hensley on right/ unknown boy on left; photos/info and tombstone courtesy Frank Emmert.
b. 1880 [December 1878] - d. 1941
[s/o Richard Pinkston Harris #462 and Lucretia Hensley
NOTE: tombstone photo courtesy of Frances
465. GUINN, Pattie
b. 1842 - d. 1935
466. BAILEY,
Mary Jane
b. August 12, 1857 - d. August 4, 1930
[d/o Albert Gallatin Slagle (b. 9 Jan 1825) and Susanne Riddle
(b. 10 Oct. 1820); w/o Alfred Gibbs Bailey;
children: Nancy Ann, Mary Frances,
James David #98, John Melvin, Susan Hasseltine, Margaret Lyida, Julia Desmona]
467. BLANKENSHIP, W. G. [William Garrison]
b. April 1865 - d. November 5, 1910
"Free Mason"
468a. COFFEE, Robert Gilliam
b. 1882 - d. 1964
468b. COFFEE, Mary [HUSKINS]
b. 1886 - d. 1969
[w/o Robert G. Coffee #467; d/o William Huskins and Jane
469. O'BRIEN, Kenneth Reed
b. 1941 - d. November 7, 1945
[died age of 4; d/o Howard Harry O'Brien and Daisey Deanie Coffee]
470. O'BRIEN, Janice
b. 1942 - d. 1945
471. COFFEE, McKinley D.
b/d 1939[s/o Ray Coffee and Rosa Harris]
472. COFFEE, Joseph
b. January 18, 1916 - d. October 28, 1918
[s/o Robert G. Coffee #467 and Mary Huskins
473. O'BRIEN, Cenia [HARRIS] [unmarked]
b. 1885 - d. April 3, 1952
[died age 67; d/o W. Harrison Harris and Judy Banner #206/207;
w/o John O'Brien #445b -married September 11, 1898; children:
Albert, Howard, Allie, Virginia, Eugene #121, Clifton, Ola and Neal]
474. O'BRIEN,
John [unmarked]
b. abt. 1856 - d. March 4, 1932
[died age 76; s/o Joseph O'Brien and Anne Birchfield]
NOTE: TN State record #6468;
cause of death "cerebral hemorrhage" informant- son Albert.
475. O'BRIEN, Janice Maria
b. 1943 - d. November 5, 1945
[died age 2; d/o Howard Harry O'Brien and Daisey Deanie Coffee]
HAREN, Zeb Glynn
b. February 23, 1880 - d. April 21, 1946
476b. HAREN, Louise
b. March 14, 1880 - d. May 13, 1963
[w/o Zeb Glynn Haren]
477. HAREN, Elsie Pearl
b. March 4, 1917 - d. October 24,
[d/o Z.G. Haren of Greene Co., TN and
Lizzie Peterson Yancey Co., NC]
Tenn State death record #630; cause of death "influenza"; informant father of
Erwin; parents
mention in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
478. KIRK,
Alice [unmarked]
b. abt. 1871 - d. May 4, 1940
[died age 69; d/o Daniel Kirk and Rebecca Hampton]
HAMPTON, W. S. [William Sink]
b. July 31, 1886 - d. August 29, 1945
[s/o Robert Hampton and Mollie Click
479b. HAMPTON, Gertha T.
b. July 4, 1894 - d. February 1974
[d/o Gutridge Tipton and Margaret
Foster; w/o W. S. Hampton; children: Georgia E., Hazel Frances, Larry, Parley,
William Woodward, Gladys L., Rubin, Emmett, Leola.]
480. HAMPTON, Hazel Frances
b. August 1, 1917 - d. October 12, 1918
[d/o W. S. Hampton and Gertha Tipton
HAMPTON, Infant Male [unmarked]
b/d. June 18, 1914
[s/o George Hampton and Celie
Unicoi Co. death record #42 [1914]; stillborn;, informant H. Williams; parents
mention in record and buried in Martins Creek Cem.
482a. HAMPTON, Larry
b. April 15, 1919 - d. February 27, 1921
[s/o W. S. Hampton and Gertha Tipton
482b. HAMPTON,
William Woodward
b. 1924 - d. May 14, 1929
[s/o W. S. Hampton and Gertha Tipton
Tenn State death record #14224; died age 5; cause of death "influenza and
meningitis"; informant father of Erwin; parents
mention in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
b. October 19, 1933 - d. March 26,
[d/o W. S. Hampton and Gertha Tipton
#479a/b; w/o James F. Tinker]
OBITUARY: "Leona L. Tinker, age 77, 111
Meadowbrook Drive, Erwin, went to be with her Lord Saturday morning, March 26,
2011, at the Christian Care Center in Johnson City, where she had been
recovering from a stroke she suffered in January of this year. Mrs. Tinker
was born October 19, 1933 in Erwin, Tennessee. She was the daughter of the late
William Sink and Gertha Tipton Hampton. Mrs. Tinker had been employed by
Magnavox and Steinway but had been a homemaker most of her life. She was a
member of the Evergreen Free Will Baptist Church of Erwin. Mrs. Tinker was a
devoted wife, a loving mother and grandmother. She enjoyed reading the Bible and
loved all animals. Other than her parents, she was preceded in death by
two sisters, Georgia and Gladys, and two brothers Rubin and Emmett Hampton.
Funeral Services will be held at 8:00 PM Tuesday, March 29, 2011 from the Robert
Ledford Funeral Home Chapel. Chaplain Dwight MacPherson will officiate and
Eulogy delivered by Corey Day. Interment will be held at 11:00 A.M
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 from the Martin's Creek Cemetery. Family, clergy,
pallbearers and friends are requested to meet at the funeral home by 10:30 A.M.
Wednesday to go in procession to the cemetery. The family will receive friends
from 6:00-8:00 P.M. Tuesday at the funeral home."
438b. TINKER,
James F.
b. July 24,
1928 - d. November 14, 2023
[s/o Parmer Tinker
and Savannah Engle]
ERWIN - James Frank “J.F.” Tinker, of Erwin, passed away on Tuesday, November
14, 2023, at his home. A native of Erwin, James was 95 years young. He was born
on July 24, 1928 to parents Parmer and Savannah (Engle) Tinker. His family
consisted of four brothers and three sisters. He was the Head Mechanic in the
car shop in Erwin for Clinchfield Railroad, where he retired after 42 years of
service. He enjoyed playing on a bowling league. J.F. was always kind-hearted
with a ready smile and he liked to help others when he could. He will be greatly
missed by all who knew him. In addition to his parents, J.F. is preceded in
death by his wife, Leona Hampton Tinker in 2011; son, Larry Tinker in 2016;
daughter, Tammy Tinker in 2022; brothers: Cecil Tinker (United States Navy, KIA),
Lawrence Tinker, and Tom Tinker; and sisters, Joyce Edwards, Frances McLaren and
Arlene Mounts. The family respectfully requests the honor of your presence as we
offer tribute and remember the life of James Frank “J.
484. HAMPTON, Parley
b. March 5, 1921 - d. February 27, 1926
[s/o W. S. Hampton and Gertha Tipton
485. HAMPTON, Delia
b. March 5, 1898 - d. August 17, 1928
[d/o Daniel Hampton and Hannah]
486. HAMPTON, Mollie
b. abt. 1862 - d. March 23, 1930
[w/o Robert Hampton - married December 21, 1884; d/o Ray Click and Sadie White
#284 Fishery Cem. children: William, James, Lula,
Ethel, Phoeba, Vaudie]
b. July 4, 1862 - d. May 28, 1920
[s/o Daniel Hampton and Catherine
SCOTT, J. S. [James Samuel]
b. October 7, 1863 - d. November 4, 1939
Asleep in Jesus
[s/o Lorenzo Dow Scott and Naomi
b. January 7, 1870 - d. November 3, 1947
[w/o James S. Scott]
ALLEN, Jasper Clabe
b. August 12, 1869 - d. January 13, 1932
[s/o Robert Abernathy Allen #285 and Sarah McInturff #286]
Unicoi Co. death record #1789; cause of death "cardio renal disease"; married to
Edna Allen; informant Isaac Allen of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
in Martins Creek cem.
ALLEN, Edna Edmona
b. July 11, 1870 - d. November 30, 1946
[w/o Jasper C. #489a., married April 14, 1888;
d/o William H. Edwards and Deanie Harris;
children: Isaac G., Delila L., Wade Hasquel, James C., Robert S. William H., Netta
G., Willard B., Oliver L., George Webster, Cecil, Gracie L.]
NOTE: TN State Death Record #2465; died age
76; cause "thrombosis due to cerebral
arterior block"
OBITUARY: " Mrs Edna E. Allen 76 died at
the home of a son, Willard, on Saturday at 8:00 P.M.
following an illness of three days. Funeral services were conducted
from Martins Creek Free Will Baptist Church with the Rev. J. M. Rich assisted by
the Rev. Charles Y. Elkins of Ashville NC. Burial was made at
Martins Creek Cemetery. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Nita Shelton,
Mrs. Grace Callahan, and Mrs. Lita Conway of Mount Pulaski Ill; Seven sons
Isaac, William H., Oliver and Willard of Erwin. James and Webster of Mount
Pulaski Ill.; and Robert of Lincoln Ill; Two brothers Sam and Henry
Harris. A sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Toney, of Piedmont SC.; Five half
brothers Jake, Dave, Joe, Herbert and Robert Harris. 37 grandchildren and
8 great grandchildren. " PHOTO courtesy of
Peggy Gillen
ALLEN, Edna Elizabeth
b. November 24, 1922 - d. April 18, 1946
[died age 23; d/o William Henry Allen and Edith Elizabeth Hampton]
PHOTO courtesy of Peggy Gillen
492. BANNER, Linda
b. 1902 - d. 1936
[died age 32; d/o Zeb Hensley and Mary Taylor; w/o Martin L. Banner; children
are: Mary, Jim and 3 others]
493. BANNER, John Frank [unmarked]
b. abt. 1926 - d. April 18, 1944
[died age 18; s/o Martin L. Banner and Linda Hensley]
494. BANNER, infant
b./d. April 25, 1945
[child of James Floyd Banner and Mary Elizabeth Wilfong]
495. BANNER, Melvin Wesley [unmarked]
b. abt. 1942 - d. March 18, 1945
[died age 3; s/o Junior R. Banner]
Sallie [Sarah BYRD]
b. April 16, 1841 - d. March 9, 1925
497. LETTERMAN, Noah W.
b. March 30, 1877 - d. March 11, 1916
[s/o Milton Panter Letterman and Clarissa Caroline Buchanan
of Yancey Co., NC]
Tenn State death record #158; born in Yancey Co,. NC; married; laborer; died age
39; cause of death "influenza"; informant Hannah Letterman of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Erwin."
498. LETTERMAN, Hannah
b. May 7, 1874 - d. December 19, 1958
[w/o Noah W. #496;
George Hensley and Sarah Byrd #496]
Tenn State death record #58-31493; born in Yancey Co,. NC; widowed; housework;
died age 84 at Eastern State Hospital, Knoxville, TN on December 19, 1958;
inpatient for 2 yrs. 9 mos.; cause of death "exhaustion due to chronic
brain syndrome with senile brain disease"; informant Dr. B. F. Peterson; parents mentioned in record; buried
on December 20, 1958
in "Martins Creek"
499a. HUSKINS, William M.
b. April 28, 1859 - d. May 19, 1926 [May 17, 1927]
[s/o John Huskins #167 and Margaret Elizabeth #168]
NOTE: Cause of death - aortic
insufficiency; Informant - J. H. Huskins, Erwin, TN
b. September 19, 1861 - d. December 21, 1944
[w/o William M. Huskins #498; d/o Wilson Grindstaff and
Mary Ann Berry children: James H. #500]
500. HUSKINS, James H.
b. 1882 - d. 1946
[s/o William M. Huskins #498 and Jane Grindstaff #499]
b. February 4, 1879 - d. October 21, 1921
[w/o James H. Huskins; d/o Lemuel
Griffith and Mary Jane Bailey]
Tenn State death record #408; married; cause of death "infection following
childbirth"; informant J. Huskins of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried
"Martins Creek."
502. HUSKINS, Ella C.
b. 1906 - d. 1955
[d/o James H. Huskins and Alice Griffith]
503. WHALEY, Mary Edmona
[HUSKINS] [unmarked]
b. February 22, 1881 - d. April 19, 1936
[w/o James Franklin Whaley; d/o William Huskins and Mary Poore]
Unicoi Co. death record #11354-1936; cause of death "hypo--static pneumonia"; parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
504. WHALEY,
James [unmarked]
b. August 30, 1873 - d. August 30, 1931
[s/o Jake Whaley and Della Tipton; lived 58 years]
Unicoi Co. death record #28155; cause of death "cerebral hemorrhage"; informant
wife of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Martins Creek Cem.
505. GRINDSTAFF, Wilson
b. April 12, 1864 - d. February 23, 1965
[s/o ___ and Mary Grindstaff #506]
b. November 18, 1828 - d. December 22, 1915
507. WILLIAMS, S. Vanus [Sylvanus]
b. November 15, 1883 - d. January 13, 1949
[s/o James Williams and Rachel]
Tenn State death record #49-01727; born in NC; married; occupation- car repair
for Clinchfield RR; died age 65; cause of death "cerebral hemorrhage due to
malignant hypertension"; parents noted in record; buried on 1/17/1949 at
"Martins Creek."
508. WILLIAMS, Bessie
b. February 14, 1884 - d. August 2, 1958
[d/o George Hampton and Lizzie___; w/o Silvanus
#507; children: Arthur, Oliver #511, Ida, Jesse, Dollie
#510, Isabell, Rachel, Nora, Bud, Margaret]
Tenn State death record #58-21965; born in Tenn; widowed; housewife; died age
74; cause of death "cerebral hemorrhage due to generalized
arteriosclerosis; other condition diabetes mellitis"; parents noted in record;
informant Mrs. Joe Bailey of Erwin; buried on 8/5/1958 at
"Martins Creek."
b. October 10, 1911 - d. November 26, 1914
[d/o Silvanus Williams #507 and Bessie Hampton #508]
Unicoi Co. death record [no #]; cause of death "tonsillitis"; informant father
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek.
510. WILLIAMS, Dollie
b. October 27, 1913 - December 21, 1918
[d/o Sylvanus Williams #507 and Bessie Hampton #508]
511. WILLIAMS, Oliver
b. January 24, 1907 - d. October 16, 1926
[d/o Sylvanus Williams #507 and Bessie Hampton #508; killed
in accident]
512. WILLIAMS, infant
b/d February 25, 1929
[s/o Hiram R. Williams and Juanita "Nita" Lovelace]
b. October 4, 1919 - d. July
27, 1920
[s/o Hiram R. Williams and Juanita "Nita" Lovelace]
Tenn State. death record #439; cause of death "unknown"; informant father
of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried in "Martins Creek."
WILLIAMS, Jeff [unmarked]
b. April 18, 1917 - d. June 9,
[s/o Hiram R. Williams and Juanita "Nettie" Lovelace]
Unicoi Co. death record #21445-1936; cause of death "tubercular spine";
single, informant father of Erwin, parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins
Creek Cem."
515. WILLIAMS, Sanders
b. March 1, 1904 - d. April 18, 1927
[s/o William T. Williams and Nancy Rena McCourry]
Unicoi Co. death record #9187-1921; cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis";
informant father of 12th Dist., parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
WILLIAMS, Edith Mae [unmarked]
b. December 24, 1925 - d. April 28,
[s/o William T. Williams and Nancy Rena McCourry]
Unicoi Co. death record #9189-1927; cause of death "influenza and pulmonary
tuberculosis"; informant father, parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins
Creek Cem."
WILLIAMS, Glen [unmarked]
b. 1911 - d. November 16, 1928
[s/o William T. Williams and Nancy Rena McCourry]
Unicoi Co. death record #27409; cause of death "tuberculosis of hip"; informant father, parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins
Creek Cem."
WILLIAMS, Nellie Clo [unmarked]
b. March 28, 1921 - d. November 13,
[d/o William T. Williams and Nancy
Rena McCourry]
Tenn State death record #415; cause of death "bronchia pneumonia"; informant
father of Erwin; parents
noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
b. June 14, 1872 - d. April 17, 1938
[d. Henry Foster and unknown Riddle]
520a. LLOYD, Margaret
b. June 6, 1850 - d. September 2, 1929
[d/o William Foster and unknown Tittle]
LLOYD, Simon Peter [unmarked]
b. September 25, 1855 - d. December
8, 1938
[s/o George Lloyd and Phoebe
McIntosh; married 1st Emaline McCurry; 2nd Margaret Foster]
521. TOMPKINS, Harriett
b. June 23, 1864 - d. April 14, 1940
[w/o George W. Tompkins - married November 2, 1888]
522. WELBORN, John Redding
b. Mary 16, 1823 - d. September 8, 1898
"Blessed are the Old Who Die in
the Lord"
523. WELBORN, Nancy S.
b. April 27, 1826 - d. December 2, 1907
"Nancy S. Wife of John R. Welborn
~ Gone But Not Forgotten"
[w/o John R. Welborn
#522; children Martha C., Margaret #524, Nancy L.]
524. FREEMAN, Maggie [Margaret
WELBORN] plot marked with
large stone
b. May 5, 1870 - d. February 19, 1927
[w/o J. A. Freeman; d/o Ches Wilborn
and Nancy Naylor of Tenn]
Tenn State death record #4351; born in TN; married; housekeeper; died age 56, 9
mos, 14 days in Johnson City, Wash. Co., TN; cause of death "peritonitis
due to appendicitis"; informant
J. A. Freeman of Erwin; parents
noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
525. HUGHES, Rachel
b. January 6, 1862 - d. June 8, 1922
[w/o W. M. Hughes]
526. HUGHES, Clifford
b. May 19, 1909 - d. July 4, 1910
527. HUGHES, William Henry
b. November 20, 1919 - d. August 13, 1921
[s/o Thomas. N. Hughes and Dora B.]
Tenn State death record #388; cause of death "cholera infantum";
informant father of Erwin, parents noted in record; buried "Martins
Creek Cem."
528. HUGHES, Ernest Casey
b. 1934 - d. May 7, 1935
[s/o Robert Hiram Hughes and Gladys Whisnant]
529. HUGHES, Earl
b. December 26, 1935 - d. February 25, 1936
[s/o Robert Hiram Hughes and Gladys S. Whisnant
of Morgantown, NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #5302-1936; cause of death "probably asphyxiation -
found dead in bed"; informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins
Creek Cem."
530. HUGHES, Robert Hiram, Jr.
b./ d. May 3, 1938
[s/o Robert Hiram Hughes and Gladys S. Whisnant]
531. WILLIAMS, Archibald Frank
b. February 20, 1887 - d. June 21, 1928
[s/o J. A. Williams and Rachel]
532. WILLIAMS, Nancy E.
b. 1892 - d. 1982
[w/o Archibald Frank Williams]
b. August 14, 1912 - d. December 19, 1915
[d/o Archibald Frank Williams and Nancy E. Anders]
Unicoi Co. death record #539 [1915], died age 3 of "bronchial pneumonia";
informant E.G. Anders Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
in Martins Creek Cem.
b. August 20, 1914 - d. October 31, 1915
[d/o Archibald Frank William and Nancy E. Anders]
Unicoi Co. death record #519 [1915], died of "bronchial pneumonia";
informant E.G. Anders Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
in Martins Creek Cem.
535. BANNER, I. W. [Isaac William]
b. 1874 - d. 1930
[s/o Madison "Matt" Banner #302a and Mollie Crosswhite
1st wife Julia Elizabeth Tapp (d. 1914), 2nd wife Mamie Higgins:
children: Olga, Ralph, Orville, Mamie, Harry, Kelly, Charlotte]
b. August 24, 1899 - d. October 20, 1914
[s/o E. D. Burgess
#510 and Mamie England]
Unicoi Co. death record [no #] cause of death "diabetes", informant father of
Erwin; parents named in record and buried in Martins Creek Cem.
Edward Dalton
b. May 8, 1860 - d. July 5, 1917
[wife - Mamie England; Mitchell
Burgess and Ellen McIntosh]
Unicoi Co. death record #488 [1917], died of "hernia and ---illigible";
informant wife Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
in Martins Creek Cem.
538. PARR, Rufus Calvin
b. 1878 - d. 1966
PARR, Mary Jane
b. 1888 - d. 1941
[w/o Rufus C. Parr #538]
540. PARR,
George Washington
b. November 21, 1913 - d. October 6, 1916
[s/o Rufus C. Parr of VA and Mary
Jane Roberts #538/539]
Unicoi Co. death record #518 [1916]; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record and
in Martins Creek Cem.
541. FOX, Charles Benjamin
b. March 1885 - d. May 7, 1935
[s/o William Fox and Ducena
Worked as a train conductor for the C C&O Railroad Co. for over 20 years.
He was killed in an occupational accident falling off a railway box car at the
Kingsport, TN depot. Attending physician noted head trauma.
542. FOX, Mary Elizabeth [Bessie
b. November 13, 1886 - d. January 1974
[w/o Charles B.; children: Charled
B., Otho, Gwendolyn, Earl, Louise]
543. FOX,
Charles B., Jr..
b. February 2, 1908 - d. July 1, 1919
[s/o Charles B. Fox and Bessie Smith]
Unicoi Co. death record #464 - cause of death nephritis; informant father;
buried Martins Creek Cem.
544. FOX,
b. 1912 - d. 1924
[s/o Charles B. Fox and Bessie Smith]
545. FOX,
Earl W.
b. January 30, 1912 - d. December 1, 1912
[s/o Charles B. Fox and Bessie Smith]
FOX, Otho E.
b. 1910 - d. 1970
[s/o Charles B. Fox and Bessie Smith]
FOX, Belle M.
b. 1909 - 1950
[w/o Otto E. Fox #519]
548. TAYLOR, Louise
b. April 22, 1915 - d. March 12, 1939
[s/o Charles B. Fox and Bessie Smith]
549. BAILEY,
Curtis Theodore
b. October 21, 1932 - d. November 21,
[s/o Bernie D. Bailey of NC and Pearl Tipton
of NC]
Tenn State. death record #27964; died age 1 month; cause of death "influenza and
pneumonia"; informant father;
buried Martins Creek Cem.
550. BAILEY, Ross
b. August 13, 1934 - d. March 18, 1938
[s/o Bernie D. Bailey and Pearl Tipton]
ALLEN, John Wesley
b. August 17, 1900 - d. September 28, 1963
[s/o Issac G. Allen #262 and Emma Bradshaw #263]
ALLEN, Willie May
b. September 26, 1902 - d. September 28, 1963
[w/o of John Wesley Allen #551; d/o Charles Edward Johnson and
Delcenia Sales
children: Harley, Wesley, Damon C., Eva, Emma, Charles E.]
553. ALLEN, Damon C.
b. March 20, 1924 - d. January 30, 1995
[s/o John W. Allen and Willie May #551/552]
554. ALLEN, Ruby G.
b. July 16, 1924 - d. June 16, 2002
"Precious Lord Take our Hands"
[w/o of Damon C. #553]
WILLIAMS, S. A. [Samuel A]
b. March 23, 1861 - d. January 13, 1936
[s/o William McDaniel Williams and
Loucinda Henson]
555b. WILLIAMS, Hester
Cordelia [PHILLIPS]
b. April 23, 1859 - d. December 6, 1940
[w/o Samuel A. Williams]
WESTALL, Thomas B.
b. 1880 - d. 1918
556b. WESTALL, Mary E.
b. 1879 - d. 1952
[d/o Henry Butner and Lucretia Boone]
b. August 23, 1909 - d. November 24, 1914
[s/o T. B. Westall and Mary Butner of
NC #529/530]
Unicoi Co. death record [no #]; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant father of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek
558. WILLIAMS, Jeff
b. October 24, 1889 - d. July 12, 1918
559. FURCHES, W. T. [William Thomas]
b. [January 26] 1871 - d. [December 6] 1936
[s/o Samuel Wesley Furches and Mary Lou Crain]
560. FURCHES, Renie J.
[Rena Jane HUSKINS]
b. April 19, 1870 - d. February 4, 1919
[3rd w/o W. T. Furches #559; children: Minnie Lee, Oscar,
Ola Beatrice, Frank, Milton, Edith Belle, Clyde, Ovesta Mae]
561. FURCHES, Nancy
b. May 2, 1882 - d. ?
[2nd w/o W. T. Furches
FURCHES, Sheridan [unmarked]
b. May 4, 1926 - d. August 14,
[s/o William T. Edwards and Edna
Tenn State. death record #20816; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant father of
Erwin; *parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
563. FURCHES, Samuel
b. May 4, 1925 - d.
[s/o W. T. Furches #559 and Nancy Engle #561]
564. FURCHES, Ruth
b. July 5, 1920 - d. May 19, 1927
[d/o W. T. Furches #559 and Nancy Engle #561]
565. FURCHES, Marie
b. abt. 1925 - d. June 3, 1933
[died at age 2]
566. TIPTON, George
b. April 29, 1919 - d. January 27, 1958
Cpl. Army Air Force, WWII
567. TIPTON, Clifton Robert
b. November 29, 1940 - d. December 3, 1940
[s/o George Tipton and Jessie Lee Gilbert]
568. HUGHES, Dora
b. 1892 - d. 1956
[w/o Thomas Hughes; d/o Henry Bert Foster and Venia Riddle]
569. HUGHES, Andrew
b. 1922 - d. June 20, 1932
[died at age 10; s/o Thomas Hughes and Dora Foster #541]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #13473; died age 10, 6 mos., 16 days; cause of death "fell
under moving train, legs amputated, loss of blood and shock"; informant
mother of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
570. CLAYTON, Otis
b. 1893 - d. 1922
571. CLAYTON, John Wesley
b. abt. 1863 - d. April 14, 1937
[died age 74]
572. CLAYTON, Mary
b. 1852 - d. April 12, 1932
[died age 80; d/o Manuel Austin of
Hickory, NC and Marian Wilson]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #8936; died age 80; cause of death "carcinoma of stomach"; informant
Mrs. O.P. Clayton of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
573. PHILLIPS, Pearl
b. July 15, 1901 - d. August 10, 1901
[d/o J. H. Phillips]
SHEHAN, Milburn B.
b. April 10, 1895 - d. January 19, 1923
Army - WWI
[s/o John Shehan and Sarah Watts buried Watts Cem.]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #303-1923,
cause of death "Pellegra"; married; informant father.
574b. SHEHAN, Celia [JONES]
b. 1898 - d. August 19, 1924
[w/o Milburn B. Shehan; d/o Robert P. Jones and Katherine Edwards #547c]
Unicoi Co. death record #290, died age 26; cause of death "Pellagra";
widow; informant T.F. Willis of Erwin; parents mentioned in record.
Duplicate death record on file #290 and #291.
575. JONES, Katherine
["Katy" EDWARDS]
b. 1857 - d. 1929
"Katherine Wife of R.P. Jones ~ In
Memory of our Mother - died age 72 yrs"
[w/o Robert. P. Jones; d/o Andrew Jackson Edwards and Lucretia Clouse; children:
Celia, Mary Lucretia, John H., Rhoda]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #28207; widow; cause of death "nephritis"; informant T.S.
Jones of
Erwin; parents "unknown"; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
576. SHEHAN, Elizabeth
b. June 22, 1870 -d . June 10, 1915
577. SHEHAN,
Albert [unmarked]
b. August 18, 1891 - d. July 2, 1921
[s/o unknown and Bessie E. Shehan of
Unicoi Co. death record #372-1921; died age 30 yrs, 10 mos, 14 days; cause
of death "tuberculosis"; informant Ethel Shehan; parents mentioned in record;
buried in "Martins CreekCem."
578. GARLAND, William
b. August 6, 1864 - d. June 10, 1915
b. 1889 - d. May 14, 1934
[d/o Dave McInturff and Mary Toney]
Tenn State. death record #24183; died age 45; wife of W. M Garland, cause
of death "pneumonia"; parents noted in record;
buried "Martins Creek."
580. MCINTOSH, Roy
b. 1921 - d. 1923
[half brother of William J. Jones, Sr.]
581. JONES, Rhoda
b. 1896 -d. November 28, 1924
[d/o Robert P. Jones and Katherine Edwards]
Unicoi Co. death record #327-1924; died age 28; single, cause of death
"Pellagra"; parented noted in record; informant George Higgins of Erwin
582. HAMPTON, Elizabeth
b. February 6, 1878 - d. November 10, 1927
[d/o William Treadway and Sarah
Tenn State. death record #25617; died age 65; cause
of death "pellegra"; informant Matt Hampton of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried "Martins Creek."
YELTON, Effie Isabel
b. May 12, 1894 - d. January 22, 1917
[d/o E. L. Bailey and Vista Street of
Tenn State. death record #432 [1917]; cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis";
informant E. L. Bailey of Erwin
584a. TIPTON, Steve
b. November 22, 1883 - d. April 18, 1942
584b. TIPTON, May
b. December 31, 1916 - d. June 8, 1924
584c. TIPTON, Rosie Bell
b. abt. 1891 - d. August 13, 1923
photo courtesy of GME --taken 2012
b. 1879 - d. March 27, 1937
[d/o Harrison Harris and Judy Banner #206a/b;
married George Tapp]
586. HAMMITT, Patricia M.
b/d 1947
[d/o Albert Hammitt and Georgie Ann Tapp]
587. JONES, Elmer
b. December 12, 1912 - d. December 16, 1924
[s/o A. H. Jones and C. M. ___]
588. CAYSEL, Ernest W.
b. March 25, 1913 - d. May 1, 1913
[s/o J. W. Caysel and M. E. ___]
589. PARKER, Handy
b. June 14, 1881 - d. November 13, 1958
[s/o Martin Parker]
590. PARKER, Elsie SMITH
b. 1895 - d. April 1952
[w/o Handy Parker]
591. PARKER,
b. August - d. December 22, 1928
[died 5 mos.; s/o Handy Parker and Elsie Smith]
Tenn State. death record #28467; cause of death "bronchial pneumonia";
buried Martins Creek Cem."
592. PARKER, Harley
b. July - d. September 16, 1937
[died 2 mos.; s/o Handy Parker and Elsie Smith]
PARKER, Manuel Love [unmarked]
b. March 6, 1916 - d. June 27,
[s/o Handy Parker and Elsie Smith]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record #582; cause
of death "pertussis"; informant W. S. Parker of Erwin, buried in Martins Creek
PARKER, Madge [unmarked]
b. abt. 1916 - d. June 11, 1932
[d/o Handy Parker of NC and Elsie
Smith; lived 16 yrs., 5 mos., 13 days]
Unicoi co. death record #13472; cause of death "myocarditis"; informant Wesley
Parker of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
595. COX, infant
b. ? - d. December 6, 1943
[infant child of William R. Cox and Grace Parker]
596. SAMS, Infant
b. ? - d. July 1945
[s/o Harrell Derring Copeland and Mildred Irene Parker]
597. LONG, John William [Pinkston]
b. [September 19] 1871 - d. July 24, 1939
Pvt. US Volunteer Infantry - WWII
[1st wife Elsie Walker - child: Sarah Katherine
2nd wife Mary Cleo Blankenship - children: Dana, Willliam, Roy, Myrtle
#569, Arlene, Grover and Helen.]
NOTE: also served in the Spanish-American
598. LONG, Myrtle Alvelia
b. 1910 - d. April 29, 1951
[d/o John W. Long #568 and Mary Cleo Blankenship]
Tenn State death record #20015; cause of death "unknown"; informant
John Long of Erwin; mother mentioned in record, not father; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
599. LONG, Pansy May
b. June 23, 1932 - d. July 7, 1932
[died 20 days; d/o Myrtle Alvelia Long]
600. LONG, Harley D.
b. 1929 - d. May 8, 1930
[s/o Dana Long and Etta Shelton[
LONG, Dana Jr. [unmarked]
b. September 19, 1926 - d. July 11,
[s/o Dana Long and Etta Shelton]
Unicoi Co. Death Record #16753-1927, cause of death "pneumonia and whooping
cough"; informant John Long of Erwin; noted being buried in "Martins Creek"
602. LONG, Infant
b. ? - d. April 24, 1929
[c/o Edwards and Callie Long]
603. LONG, Mozella
b. May 18, 1933 - d. September 25, 1934
[d/o William Martin Long and Cora Mae Higgins]
Tenn State Death Record #21717, cause of death "scarlet fever"; informant
father of Erwin; parents noted in record, buried "Martins Creek Cem."
LONG, John Richard
b. May 11, 1931 - d. September
22, 1934
[d/o William Martin Long of NC and Cora Mae Higgins]
Tenn State Death Record #21715, cause of death "scarlet fever"; informant
father of Erwin; parents noted in record, buried "Martins Creek Cem."
MCVAY, Silas
b. 1879 - d. 1928
"Sleep in Jesus"
606. MCVAY, Della
b. 1883 - d. 1971
[w/o Silas McVay]
607. BENNETT, Walter Lee
b. April 12, 1923 - d. October 22, 1925
[s/o John Bennett and Annie Dunbar]
Unicoi Co. death record #340-1925, cause of death "lobar pneumonia"; informant
father; parent mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek"
608. BENNETT, Lillian
[TIPTON] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1914 - d. February 27, 1938
[d/o Walter Tipton and Bessie
609. BENNETT, Marie [infant]
b. ? - d. July 8, 1943
[d/o Clarence Bennett and Inez Riddle]
610. BENNETT, Rebecca Ann
b. abt. 1948 - d. November 17, 1950
[died age 2; d/o Willliam Bennett and Mabel Ingram]
611. BENNETT, Ruth
b. abt. 1932 - d. May 7, 1935
[died age 3; d/o William Bennett and Mabel Ingram]
BAILEY, Elbert Lenoir
b. (April 4) 1848 - d. (July 26) 1935
[s/o Jesse Bailey and Millie Curtis of Yancey Co, NC; married 1st. Hannah
Bailey on April 1, 1869 (d/o Garrett Bailey and Linda) children Joannah
E., Clayton.; married Sarah Buena Vista Street on September 22,
NOTES: “On June 3rd, in
Memorial Park at Erwin, Tennessee, a great crowd assembled to witness the
unveiling of the memorial to The Confederate Soldiers, to the Women of the
Confederacy, and to the Soldiers of the World War" During that
unveiling, Elbert Lenore Bailey was presented with the Southern Cross of
Honor for his service in a Confederate unit of Co. B, Yancey County NC
Home Guard. Source: The Confederate Veteran Magazine1930, p.400.
According to Elbert Bailey's pension application, #15844, filed in
Tennessee on 15 Jul 1924, he stated he was born in Yancey Co., NC on April
4, 1848, and now a resident of Erwin, Unicoi Co., TN. In the
fall of 1862, a young lad about 14 years of age, he enlisted in Company B
of the NC Home Guard under Col. McElroy and Capt. Samuel Byrd. His
unit encountered many skirmishes but he sustained no wounds or
disabilities of any kind. Towards the end of the war, as noted on his
pension record, Elbert enlisted in the 58th North Carolina Regiment along
with many other Bailey relatives. Elbert died 26 Jul 1935 in Erwin,
Tennessee. He was the son of Jesse Bailey and Emila Curtis, grandson of
Ansel and Elizabeth Bradley Bailey.
TN State
Death Record #16691, cause of death "Valvular Lesion of Hearth and Brights
Disease of Kidney.
612b. BAILEY, Sarah Buena Vista
b. (February 8) 1866 - d. (March 21) 1940
[d/o Thomas Street and Mary Elizabeth of Red Hill; w/o Elbert L. Bailey #581;
married September 22, 1889; NC; children: Daisy, Jacob, Edgar, Mary B.,
Nellie Pauline,
NOTES: After
Elbert's death, she filed on September 16, 1935 for a Widow's Pension and
was approved under #W10885. for his service in Co. B. NC Home Guard.
In her application she stated she was born February 8, 1866, and her name
was Vista Street. She attested that her husband was born on April 4,
1848 and they married on September 22, 1889, in Red Hill Twp., Mitchell
Co., NC by Thomas McInturff, Justice of Peace. At the time of the
his death, she stated she owned 1 acre and a small 4 room house worth
about $1,000 in Erwin with no income. She has not remarried since
Elbert's death.
Source: "Tennessee, Confederate
Pension Applications, Soldiers and Widows, 1891-1965".
613. TAPP, Ollie
b. April 20, 1905 - d. December 9, 1930
[w/o Blaine Tapp; Andrew Fender and
__ Lewis of NC]
Tenn State death record #29517, died age 25; cause of death "heart lesion"; informant
Fred D. Booth of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "in Erwin"
614. COOPER,
b. [March 6] 1896 - d. [October 18] 1967
[s/o William Cooper and Matilda
Foster; wife is Sarah Jane Partin]
COOPER, Joseph S.
b. August 14, 1893 - d. November 1935
[s/o William Cooper and Matilda Foster; wife Matilda Mae Cooper
(buried Fairview Cem. Wash Co., TN); married June 26, 1914]
Coal Miner in Kentucky and Farmer; info/photo courtesy of Nancy Jackson;
Headstone - BBpytel taken Feb-09
Troy E.
b. July 8, 1900 - d. May 24, 1917
[s/o Joseph Alford Ledford and Mary Jane Tipton]
Tenn State death record #475; cause of death "nephritis"; married; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
617. JOHNSON, Dorothy Evelyn
b. September 7, 1925 - d. June 28, 1930
[d/o Sherman Johnson and Alice Britt]
618. BRYANT, Lea
b. May 25, 1914 - d. May 16, 1932
619. BRYANT, Thomas Wesley
b. abt. 1914 - d. May 26, 1932
[s/o C. W. Bryant and Cordelia McCurry
of Yancey Co., NC]
Tenn State death record #18099; cause of death "gumshot wound to the chest while
cleaning gun"; informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
buried "Martins Creek Cem."
620. PARKER, Elijah M. [Martin]
b. July 25, 1875 - d. July 27, 1968
[s/o Martin Parker and Susan Garland]
621. PARKER, Daisey
b. January 8, 1885 - d. April 28, 1970
[w/o Elijah M. #590]
622. PARKER, Virgie Mae
b. 1909 - d. 1911
623. PARKER, Dollie
b/d 1911
624. PARKER, Annie
b/d 1913
625. PARKER, Mollie
b/d 1919
[#622-625 children of Elijah M. Parker and Daisy
626. NOLAND, Valda H.
b. February 16, 1897 - d. December 11, 1910
627. BARNETT, Sarah
b. April 1, 1896 - d. February 22, 1925
[d/o John Peterson and Becky Laws of NC; w/o ___ Barnett]
Unicoi Co. Death record #2696-1925; cause of death "miscarriage, pneumonia";
informant Robert Laws of Erwin' parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins
628. BARNETT, infant
b/d February 15, 1925
[child of ___ Barnett and
Sarah Peterson Barnett of NC #597]
Unicoi Co. death record #271-1925; cause of death "Stillborn", informant Bob
Laws of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
629. LAWS, Rebecca
b. 1869 - d. 1940
[married John Peterson]
TITTLE, John Russell [unmarked]
b. May 22, 1851 - d. April 13, 1928
[died age 78; s/o Ephriam
(b. 1823) and Catherine Pate
buried Mt. Pleasant-Howell Cem. Unicoi Co., TN;
maternal grandson John
Bee Log Pate and Fannie Barrett]
631. TITTLE, Mary C.
b. April 1, 1851 - d. March 7, 1912
[w/o John Tittle; married March 14, 1873; children: George Franklin, Maria
Lucinda, Lucille, Thomas Leroy, Minnie Lee]
Unicoi Co. Death Cert #90937-109, born in Ernestville, Tennessee;
died age 60; cause of death "blood poisoning".
632. TITTLE, Gladis Irean
b. July 7, 1910 - d. August 14, 1914
[d/o George Franklin Tittle and Rose Anna Saults]
TITTLE, Rose Anna
b. September 30, 1875 - d. February
27, 1931
[w/o George Frank Tittle; d/o Thomas
Saults and Sarah Williams; children: Josie, John Alex, Gladis I., James William, Troy B., Mustal M., Elmer Eugene,
and 2 stillborn]
Unicoi Co. death record #3858; cause of death "pulmonary
tuberculosis/pneumonia"; widow of George Frank Tittle; informant John Title of
Erwin; parents mention in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
634. TITTLE, Elmer Eugene
b. August 16, 1912 - d. May 9, 1927
[s/o George Franklin Tittle and Rose Anna Saults #603]
635. TITTLE, Bobby Lee
b. August 23, 1940 - d. November 21, 1944
[s/o Troy B. Tittle (buried Evergreen Cem.) and Dessie
636. TITTLE, infant
b. ? - d. October 23, 1935
[child of Brady Tittle and Ethel Tipton]
637. TITTLE, Kathy Ann
b. ? - d. June 29, 1957
[d/o Arlene Tittle]
638. TITTLE, Teresa Ann
b /d. July 22, 1963
[d/o Joseph Roscoe Tittle and Judy Ann Hodges]
639. SAMS, Woodward
b. ? - d. 1913
[s/o Bessie Sams]
640. EDWARDS, Jason
b. 1883 - d. 1940
641. EDWARDS, Bessie
b. 1890 - d. 1973
[w/o Jason Edwards]
642. EDWARDS, Jason M.
b. August 12, 1908 - d. August 27, 1964
Pvt., 35th Infantry, WWI - Army
[s/o Asbury Edwards and Cora Lee Pate]
643. COLEY, Jeffrey L.
b. 1959 - d. 1966
644. ANDERS, Elbert G.
b. 1868 - d. 1947
[s/o Ross Anders #292 and Rachel Mahala Hampton #614]
645. ANDERS, Martha E.
b. 1872 - d. 1937
[w/o Elbert G. Anders]
ANDERS, Essie May [unmarked]
b. September 16, 1914 - d. October
28, 1914
[s/o Wordin Anders and Sara P.]
Unicoi Co. death record [no #], died of "hives"; informant father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek Cem.
647. ANDERS, Elsie
b. March 22, 1906 - d. April 6, 1923
[d/o Elbert G. Anders and Martha E.]
648. ANDERS, Stuart
b. abt. 1913 - d. July 24, 1959
[died age 46]
649. ANDERS, Isaac Grady
b. abt. 1915 - d. September 21, 1933
[died age 18; s/o Haben Anders and Lenia Fletcher]
Tenn State death record #19866, cause of death "pneumonia"; informant father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
650. PIERCY, Stanley Virginia
b. April 20, 1921 - d. July 29, 1979
651a. LAWING, Stanley
b. April 22, 1900 - d. September 6, 1920
"At Rest In Heaven"
[s/o James Berry Lawing & Julina
Tenn State death record #454; married; cause of death "infection from a
bruise"; informant father of Erwin;
parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
651b. LAWING, June
b. December 22, 1898 - d. February 6, 1985
"God Keep Her in Thy Care"
[w/o Stanley]
photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
652. WILLIAMS, Dave
b. June 17, 1896 - d. April 1, 1971
Pvt. 56th Infantry, WWI - Army
653. WILLIAMS, Martha
b. 1904 - d. 1985
Kid Turley
b. February 6, 1921 - d. January 21, 1923
[child of Dave Williams and Martha
Bennett of NC]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #324, cause of death "influenza
and pneumonia"; informant father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
655. THOMAS, W. Clifford
b. May 21, 1905 - d. June 30, 1943
656. THOMAS, Sarah Jane
b. October 5, 1905 - d.
[w/o W. Clifford Thomas]
657. USALIS, William
b. May 6, 1890 - d. June 7, 1944
Pvt. 5th Division, WWI
658. LEWIS, Robert H. [Robert Hiram]
b. April 19, 1855 - d. August 31, 1945
[s/o Matthew Alexander Lewis and Elizabeth Tipton]
NOTE: Born in Little Creek, Yancey Co., NC; 1st wife Sarah Jane Holloway
their children: Altha, James Nelson, PreJettie, Robert L., Goldman R., John B.]
Wife - Ban Hensley #630
659. LEWIS, Ban [Belanderona
b. September 13, 1867 - d. May 22, 1943
William Issam Hensley and Hannah Bradford-Cooper (buried
Sam L. Bradford Cem.); w/o Robert Hiram Lewis; children: Harris, Janice, Mallie
buried Old Hensley #92]
Born in Little Creek, Yancey Co., NC; mother buried at
Sam L Bradford Cem
LEWIS, Elizabeth
b. November 25, 1837 - d. August --?
[w/o Matthew Alexander Lewis; d/o Jacob Tipton and Elizabeth Randolph; children: Robert H.
#629, Martha, Joseph Samuel, Melissa, Loretta, John, William, Hiram,
Ansel, Adolphus, Ruth]
NOTE: Husband is buried in
Jackson Co., NC
661. WILLIAMS, J. W.
b. October 16, 1888 - d. May 10, 1923
[s/o James Williams and Rachel of NC]
Tenn State. Death Record #346, died age 35; born in NC; cause of death "gunshot
wound. killed in a drunken fight"; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
662. WILLIAMS, Dora
b. April 2, 1896 - d. August 30, 1922
[w/o J. W. Williams; d/o George Hampton and Lizzie; died age 24]
Unicoi Co. Death Record #330-1922, died age 24; married; cause of death "typhoid
fever"; informant M. Hapmton of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek."
663. WILLIAMS, William
[s/o Willis Williams]
664. WILLIAMS, Willis W.
b. August 11 1950 - d. March 14, 1970
Pvt. 6th Eng. Batallion - Vietnam
665. WILLIAMS, Cornelia
b. September 7, 1900 - d. April 3, 1964
[w/o Henry C. Williams; d/o John Anders]
666. WILLIAMS, Henry Clay [unmarked]
b. abt. 1855 - d. December 9, 1941
[died aged 86; s/o William McDaniel Williams and Lucinda Henson of Little Creek,
Yancey Co., NC]
b. abt. 1851 - d. February 27, 1933
[w/o H. C. Williams; d/o Sam Estep and
Unicoi Co. Death Record #4433, died age 82-born in NC; cause of death "influenza"; informant Pitman
Williams of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek."
668. WILLIAMS, Bonnie
b. abt. 1953 - d. May 28, 1962
[d/o Mitchell Williams and Valerie Moore]
669. BAILEY, Hudson
b. November 11, 1931 - d. May 15, 1933
670. MATHES, Loda
b. May 9, 1875 - d. August 29, 1936
[wife - Sarah; s/o William Mathes and
Hester Bailey]
Unicoi Co. Death Record #21443-1936;-born in Wash. Co., TN; occupation -- worked
as potter for 12 yrs; cause of death "paralysis due to high blood pressure
and kidney"; informant
George W. Mathes of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried on Aug 30, 1936
at "Martins Creek Cem."
671. MATHES, Lula
b. April 12, 1887 - d. February 26, 1922
672. MATHES, Amanda
[COOPER] [unmarked]
b. 1889 - d. May 26, 1927
[d/o William Cooper and Matilda "Tildy" Foster; w/o John Mathes]
Tenn State death record #11664; born in TN; married; died age 38; place of death
Erwin, TN; cause of death “cancer of uterio”; informant husband of Erwin;
parents noted in record; buried on 5/27/1927 in “Martins Creek”
673. MATHES, Teresa
[MCCANN] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1912 - d. May 29, 1941
[died age 29; w/o Benjamin Mathes; d/o Dillard McCann and Louise Higgins]
674. MATHES, Estelle
b. September 22, 1931 - d. October 4, 1932
[d/o Benjamin Mathes of Wash. Co., TN and Teressa McCann
of Missouri]
Tenn State Death Record #22207; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek."
675. MATHES, Ruth
b. abt. 1928 - d. September 16, 1929
[s/o Benjamin Mathes Wash. Co., TN and Teressa McCann
of Missouri]
Tenn State death record #23542; born TN; cause of death “diarrhea”; informant
father of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried on 9/16/1929 in “Martins Creek”
MATHES, Willard
b. May 7, 1925 - d. August 24, 1925
[s/o Benjamin Mathes Wash. Co., TN and Teressa McCann
of Missouri]
Tenn State Death Record #324; cause of death "bold hives"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek."
677. MATHES, Ray
b. abt. 1925 - d. April 29, 1957
[died age 32]
678. MATHES, William Monroe
b. June 2, 1940 - d. September 21, 1943
[died age 3; s/o Edward Mathes of
Washington Co., TN and Alice Green Spartenburg, SC]
Tenn State death record #20423; born TN; died 3 yrd, 3 mos. 19 days; cause of
death “death from burn”; informant mother of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried on 9/24/1943 in “Evergreen Cem. Erwin”
679. MASTERS, Ramel Howard
b. September 26, 1914 - d. July 24, 1989
"Free Mason"
680. MASTERS, Hazel Lee
b. September 19, 1923 - d. May 13, 1977
681. MASTERS, Estes B.
b. May 24, 1891 - d. August 16, 1967
682. MASTERS, Anna Lee
b. September 1, 1892 - d. December 5, 1976
683. MASTERS, Ralph Edgar
b. January 18, 1919 - d. December 28, 1973
Sgt. US Army Air Force - WWII
"Free Mason"
684. MASTERS, Shirley
b. August 28, 1935 - d. February 1, 1936
Mary Isabel [COBBLE]
b. 1908 - d. 1934
[w/o Kimsey Sylvester Hensley buried
New Bethel Cem. Sullivan Co., TN]
her death occurred suddenly when a stomach tumor ruptured; info courtesy of
Randy Davison
686. RUNNION, W. Thomas
b. October 22, 1889 - d. December 2, 1958
[s/o George Runnion and Nancy Gillis]
687. RUNNION, Lydia M.
b. July 18, 1890 - d. May 24, 1974
[w/o W. Thomas Runnion]
688. LANCE, Ruben
b. February 28, 1878 - d. June 10, 1955
[s/o John Lance]
Tenn State death record #55-14012; born NC; married; occupation – pottery /
kiln; died age 77; died at Unicoi Co. Memorial Hospital in Erwin; cause of death
“cerebral apoplexy; arteriosclerosis generalized, due to congestive heart
failure”; informant Elmer Lance of Erwin; father noted in record; buried on
6/12/1955 in “Martins Creek Erwin”
689. LANCE, Julie M.
b. January 5, 1888 - d. April 25, 1966
[w/o Rube Lance #698]
690. WALDROP, W. B
b. November 14, 1862 - d. October 12, 1934
{s/o Joseph Waldrop and Minnie Banks]
Unicoi Co. Death Cert #29619; married; cause of death "carcinoma of the face";
parents mentioned in record both from NC; buried in "Martins Creek."
691. FRANKLIN, Hester
b. June 3, 1861 - d. September 10, 1926
[d/o Joseph Waldrop and Millie Ray]
Tenn State. Death Cert #23175; married; cause of death "colesystitis";
informant Fred Franklin of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek."
692. RIDDLE,
Pearl [unmarked]
b. November 1925 - d. August 4,
[d/o W. L Riddle and Rettie Bradford
of NC[
Tenn State. Death Cert #20820; lived 10 mos.; cause of death "bold hives";
informant Tom Riddle of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek."
693. RIDDLE, Mollie
b. November 11, 1889 - d. February 22, 1923
[w/o William L. Riddle; d/o Ruben
Gouge and Martha Parker of NC]
Tenn State. death record #308; born in NC, married; cause of death "influenza";
informant father husband of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Martins
RIDDLE, Paul McKinley
b. 1917 - d. November 3, 2012
[s/o William L. Riddle and Mollie
Gouge #662a]
OBITUARY: Paul McKinley Riddle, age
95, Johnson City, passed away at 7:45 p.m. Saturday, November 3, 2012, at Four
Oaks Health Care Center in Jonesborough. He was born in Unicoi County, a
son of the late William L. and Mollie Gouge Riddle. Mr. Riddle, moved to Johnson
City in 1955. He retired in 1982 as a painter at ETSU after 17 years of service.
Mr. Riddle was of Baptist faith. Other than his parents, he was
preceded in death by an infant son: Baby Macky; one brother: Claude Riddle;
former wives: Jean Riddle and Mae Riddle. Funeral service for Mr. Riddle
will be conducted at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 6, 2012, in the Robert Ledford
Funeral Home Chapel. Committal service will be 2:00 p.m. Wednesday in
Martin's Creek Cemetery.
695. GARLAND, Augustus G.
b. February 24, 1872 - d. March 13, 1945
696. GARLAND, Adrina
b. February 4, 1872 - d. April 28, 1957
[w/o Augustus]
697. GARLAND, Herman D.
b. July 14, 1911 - d. July 29, 1937
[s/o Augustus Garland #663 and Adina
M. Griffith
698. GARLAND, Myrtle
b. April 21, 1903 - d. September 6, 1921
[d/o Augustus G. Garland #663 and Adina
M. Griffith
Tenn State. death record #398-1921; cause of death "typhoid fever"; single;
informant father of Ernestville; parents mentioned in record; buried Martins
b. September 23, 1894 - d.
January 28, 1923
Tenn State. death record #313; cause of death "_ paralysis"; born in
Bakersville, NC; parents from Red Hill, NC; married; informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
700. RICHARDSON, Ruth Kitty
b. October 6, 1913 - d. February 3, 1960
[d/o Augustus G. Garland and Adina Griffith]
701. ERWIN, Verna M.
b. September 23, 1894 - d. January 27, 1923
702. ERWIN, Lula Pearl
[CALLAHAN] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1889 - d. April 27, 1935
[d/o W. Callahan and Rosa Jervis]
703. WILSON, Loyle Gene
b. August 8, 1934 - d. September 23, 1934
Tenn State death record #21716; cause of death "bronchial pneumonia";buried
Creek Cem".
704. BARNETT, Leonard J.
b. 1910 - d. 1974
Tec 5, US Army
[s/o Marion Barnett and Martha Ellen
Miller #717a/b]
705. BARNETT, William Ted
b. September 23, 1934 - d. October 9, 1934
[s/o Samuel and Sarah Barnett]
b. August 27, 1868 - d. June 20, 1947
[s/o Rev. Spencer P. Barnett of
Rutherford, NC and Hannah Honeycutt Mitchell Co., NC]
Tenn State. death record #13910; born in Bakersville, Mitchell Co., NC; married;
occupation "timberman"; cause of death "uremia due to arteriosclerosis
hypertension and cardio vascular disease"; informant Leonard J. Barnett of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
on June 22, 1947 at "Martins
706b. BARNETT, [Martha] Ellen
b. June 16, 1876 - d. February 6, 1951
[w/o Marion Barnett; Allen Miller and
Martha Hughes]
Tenn State. death record #51-04350; born in NC; widow; died age 75; cause of
death "congestive heart failure due to hypertension cardio vascular renal
disease"; informant Leonard Barnett of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
on 2/8/1951 at "Martins
707. BARNETT, Marie
b. May 17, 1917 - d. April 19, 1921
[d/o Marion Barnett and Martha Ellen Miller
Tenn State death record #336; cause of death "dysentery"; parents noted in
record; buried on 4/20/1921 at "Martins
Creek Cem".
708. BARNETT, T. C.
b. abt 1848 - d. February 22, 1930
[s/o Dave Barnett and Hannah Stanley]
709. HONEYCUTT, Dora Lee
b. September 3, 1873 - d. January 21, 1968
710. MCCRACKEN, Joseph T.
b. March 16, 1912 - d. August 9, 1968
711. HIGGINS, Nellie
b. September 3, 1901 - d. February 1, 1981
712. HOPSON, William C.
b. 1845 - d. January 12, 1923
Pvt. Co. K. 3rd NC
Mounted Infantry - Union Army
George Hopson of NC and Delila Hopson of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #300-1923; died age 78; born in Mitchell Co., NC; cause of death "unknown";
widower; informant David A. Hughes of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at
"Martins Creek Cem."
713. HOPSON, Martha Jane
b. December 25, 1851 - d. October 24, 1924
[w/o William C. Hopson]
714. "Little" Jack [suspected relative of
b. June 28, 1919 - d. September 29, 1921
715. HARRIS, Samuel Isaac
b. June 6, 1903 - d. December 6, 1977
716. HARRIS,
Bessie J.
b. September 28, 1906 - d. June 20, 1994
[w/o Samuel Isaac]
717. HARRIS, Willard Brady
b. March 29, 1927 - d. May 17, 1927
[s/o Samuel I. Harris and Bessie J. Gillis]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #11669 -
found dead in bed
718. ADKINS, Samuel H.
b. ? - d. October 19, 1957
[s/o Dennis Hoyt Adkins and Macie Imogene Harris]
719. LEWIS, Theodore J.
b. 1883 - d. 1962
[s/o William Lewis and ?]
720. LEWIS, Ada
b. September 27, 1887 - d. February
15, 1928
[w/o Theodore J. Lewis; d/o W. W.
Biggs and Amanda Graybeal of NC]
Tenn State. death record #4918; married; cause of death "brights disease";
widower; informant T. J. Lewis of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at
"Martins Creek Cem."
721. LOVELACE, Lillian
b. March 21, 1919 - d. November 9, 1998
"Always in Our Hearts"
[d/o Theodore J. Lewis and Ada Biggs]
NOTE: Mrs. Lovelace retired from United
Telephone - 35 years of service.
722. FANNING, Heather Marie
b/d 1976
[included in plot are 3 stones marked "Infant"]
b. 1873 - d. 1961
723b. PHILLIPS, Alice
b. 1881 - d. 1966
[w/o James H. Phillips]
724. CAPPS,
William Manley
b. May 9, 1842 - d. March 11, 1921
Co H. 3rd NC Mounted Infantry - Union Army
725. CAPPS, Sarah
b. May 9, 1852 - d. 1922
[d/o w/o William M. Capps]
Carl Robert
b. June 4, 1898 - d. March 27, 1982
[s/o R. W. H. Gilbert and Serena E. Banner #338]
727. GILBERT, Melda P.
b. December 19, 1898 - d.
[w/o Carl R. Gilbert; children are: Beatrice, Edward #696, Jessie
Audra, R.C., Clifford, Robert, Elizabeth, Dorothy, Iris, Betty, Margaret]
728. GILBERT, Edward
b. April 17, 1919 - d. February 27, 1921
[s/o Carl R. Gilbert and Melda P. Tinker]
729. PETERSON, Grover
b. 1879 - d. August 1, 1934
[s/o Joshua Peterson of NC and Martha Warrick of VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #26502-1934; from Relief, NC; died at age 55 yr., 4
mos., 21 days; cause of death "heart disease'; informant Pansy Peterson; parents
mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
730. PETERSON, Geneva Treaty
b. March 2, 1882 - d. May 13, 1960
[w/o Grover Peterson}
731. PETERSON, Pearl
b. 1900 - d. 1934
[d/o Grover Peterson and Treaty Jones]
Paul Roscoe
b. May 1, 1900 - d. February 24, 1935
[s/o Grover Peterson and Treaty
Jones; married Ethel Howell]
Unicoi Co. death record #7336-1935; born in Knoxville; cause of death "lobar
pneumonia"; informant was wife Ethel Howell; parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
733. PETERSON, Infant
b. ? - d. May 27, 1935
[infant of W. N. Peterson and Edith Cash]
734. PETERSON, Joshua
[unmarked - suspected]
b. abt. 1865 - d. June 24, 1930
[s/o John Peterson and Ann Radford; married Martha Warwick]
Per Unicoi Co. Death record #14940
died age 65 of unknown
causes. His death records states he was a "Potter." Parents are
mentioned in the record but the burial place is not noted. It just states
735. PETERSON, Linda Jane
[JESTUS] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1872 - d. February 27, 1955
[died age 83; d/o Jake Jestus; w/o Joshua Peterson #912]
WHITE, Charles C.
b. March 30, 1888 - d. August 19, 1949
Pvt. 5th Calvary - WWI
b. March 22, 1889 - d. February 11, 1959
[w/o Charles C. White #914]
738. WHITE, Charles Jr.
b. May 20, 1915 - d. September 15, 1915
[s/o Charles C. White #703 and Jennie Myrtle. #704]
Unicoi Co. death record #512-1915; cause of death "malnutrition"; informant
father of Erwin; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
HARRIS, William M.
b. September 9, 1881 - d. June 4, 1959
[s/o Harrison Harris and Judy Banner]
HARRIS, Jossie [Jane
b. January 2, 1885 - d. January 22, 1968
[d/o Ann Hampton; w/o William M. Harris #706;
children: Harry #710, Cecil, Ralph, George
#709, Ulise #711, Carl, Franklin, Allie, Maude,
Linda #708, Kathleen, Jude]
b. September 25, 1920 - d. January 23, 1926
[d/o William M. Harris and Jossie Hampton]
NOTE: Ulise's military ground stone is next to Linda's --Ulise
also has an upright stone.
Unicoi Co., Death Record #2172, died age 5 yrs. 7 mos., cause of death
"dipheria"; parents mentiond in record, buried Martins Creek.
HARRIS, George
b. March 6, 1917 - d. January 12,
[s/o William M. Harris
and Jossie Hampton; never married]
743. HARRIS,
Harry H.
b. October 15, 1910 - d. June 15,
[s/o William M. Harris
and Jossie Hampton; married Belle West; children: Lester,
William, Earl, Phillip, Dewey, John, Jeane, Yvonne]
b. December 18, 1918 - d. November 17, 1948
PFC 393 Infantry, WWII
[d/o William M. Harris and Josie Hampton
married Dollie Hoyle - one son Carroll]
NOTE: Death Certificate #25705 Unicoi Co.,
TN - died age 29 of gunshot to the head "suicide"
745. STRICKLAND, Ressie L.
b. May 26, 1896 - d. August 6, 1985
[d/o Daniel Strickland #720 and Madge Blevins #721]
b. April 26, 1918 - d. May 27, 1998
[d/o Daniel Strickland #720 and Madge Blevins #721]
747. STRICKLAND, Charles
b. September 3, 1909 - d. ?
[s/o Daniel Strickland #720 and Madge Blevins #721]
b. March 25, 1908 - d. February 2, 1981
[w/o Charles Strickland #714]
TILSON, Jesse F.
b. September 26, 1889 - February 9, 1971
749b. TILSON, Mamie
b. November 11, 1895 - d. September 18, 1980
[w/o Jesse F. Tilson]
750. TILSON, Jesse Dwight
b. April 21, 1920 - d. March 24, 1946
[s/o Jesse F. Tilson and Mamie Higgins #716/#717]
751. TILSON, Dellar Mae
b. June 27, 1916 - d. August 19, 1923
[d/o Jesse F. Tilson and Mamie Higgins #716/#717]
NOTE: Tenn State. death cert #379 - died of
cerebral spinal meningitis-typhoid; father informant; parents noted in record;
buried "Martins Creek."
752. STRICKLAND, Daniel N.
b. July 24, 1867 - d. October 4, 1948
[s/o William Strickland and Lucretia Need]
753. STRICKLAND, Madge M.
b. January 15, 1877 - d. May 10, 1935
[w/o Daniel N. Strickland; children: Jim, William, John, Charles #714,
Ressie #712, Deane, Maude and Dora]
754. STRICKLAND, Earl R. [infant]
b/d September 6, 1920
755a. TITTLE, Walter A.
b. November 7 1892 - d. ?
755b. TITTLE, Lucy M.
b. April 15, 1898 - d. January 25, 1959
"At Rest in Peace"
photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
756. TITTLE, Luther James
b. December 24, 1920 - d. December 27, 1949
757. TITTLE, Lula Mae
b. September 28, 1927 - d. January 20, 1947
BAXTER, Lorenzo D.
b. September 12, 1884 - d. July 23, 1970
758b. BAXTER, Elizabeth R.
b. February 23, 1886 - d. August 23, 1970
[w/o Lorenzo D.]
759. BAXTER,
Gene Edward
b. March 27, 1927 - d. December 16, 1969
[s/o Lorenzo D. Baxter and Elizabeth R.]
POPE, William Englise
b. 1878 - d. March 26, 1931
[s/o Patrick Pope and unknown; married Ibbie Tipton #732]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record #7114-1931; died
age 55; cause of death "post operative emboli";
married; informant Mrs. Bernie Laws of Erwin; father and unknown
mother mentioned in record;
buried at "Martins Creek"
761. POPE, John R.
b. January 27, 1844 - d.
September 13, 1923
Pvt. Co. F, 59th
Regiment, Tenn Mtd Infantry - Eakin's 1st Batallion - CSR
[s/o John Richard Pope and
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record #386-1923; born
Chatam Co., NC; cause of death "paralysis";
married; informant Henry C. Pope; father and unknown mother
mentioned in record;
buried at "Martins Creek".
Photo courtesy of Lisa Ellen Laws.
b. March 27, 1888 - d. December 31, 1981
763. FOSTER, Sallie [Sarah]
b. 1858 - d. April 18, 1920
[d/o M. Bailey and Rebecca Tipton; w/o Henry Burton Foster; children:
Dora, Daniel and Sarah]
NOTE: Tenn State. Death Record #417; died at
age 62; death
cause "influenza and endo carditis"; informant
Cordelia Bailey of Erwin;
buried at "Martins Creek"
764. FOSTER,
H. B. [Henry Burton] [unmarked]
b. 1855 - d. February 3, 1932
[s/o Kennedy "Kan" Foster and Rebecca Kersawn
buried Kan Foster Cem.]
NOTE: Tenn State. Death Record #3865-1932; died at
age 73; death
cause "carcinoma of face"; informant Dora Hughes;
buried at "Martins Creek"
765. TOMPKINS, Harriett
b. ? - d. April 14, 1940
[d/o Kann Foster and Becky Owens]
766. FOSTER, Arthur
b. 1880 - d. February 7, 1929
[s/o ____ and Harriett Foster]
NOTE: Tenn State Death Record #6668; married; died
age 40; death
cause "nephritis"; informant mother of Erwin;
buried at "Martins Creek"
767. FOSTER, Carolyn
b. February 16, 1941 - d. February 28, 1941
[died 12 days; d/o Orville Foster and Stella Tipton]
768. BAXTER, Little Joe
b. June 21, 1916 - d. June 24, 1916
[s/o Lorenzo D. Baxter #727 and Elizabeth. R. #728]
769. RUTHERFORD, Lisa Gay
b. July 9, 1960 - d. October 10, 1960
770. HARRIS, John Henry
b. January 23, 1885 - d. October 30, 1969
771. HARRIS, Mary Frances
b. August 12, 1888 - d. May 10, 1946
[d/o Thomas Marion Smith and Clara Allen #177/178;
w/o John H. Harris
NOTE: Death Certificate #11216 Unicoi Co.,
TN; died age 57 of heart failure/heart disease
772. HARRIS,
Siddie Pearl [unmarked]
b. August 14, 1919 - d. August
19, 1920
[d/o John Henry Harris and Mary
Frances Smith]
Unicoi Co. death record #447, cause of death "Dysentery"; died age 1 yr 6 days;
parents mentioned in record; buried Martins Creek Cem.
773. LAWING, James Berry
b. June 28, 1874 - d. September 20, 1956
[s/o William Lawing and Lucinda Harris]
774. LAWING,
Julina [GUINN]
b. November 8, 1874 - d. July
18, 1924
[d/o David T. Guinn and Lindy Runion]
Tenn State. death record #276; cause of death "carcinoma of liver";
informant J.B. Lawig of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
b. April 9, 1894 - d. September
7, 1921
[w/o of Elbert Bascomb Robinson
(1876 - 1924); d/o James B. Lawing and Julina Guinn]
Tenn State. death record #399; cause of death "---- of ovaries and tubes";
informant E.B. Robinson of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
After her death, husband moved to Asheville, NC, worked as a carpenter and
remarried; he died 3 years later later from a "ruptured stomach - peritonitis";
buried at King Cemetery, Yancey Co., NC
776. LAWING,
Jack [unmarked]
b. March 5,. 1928 - d. March 27, 1930
[died age 2; s/o William M. Lawing and Bessie Thomas]
Unicoi Co. death record #7321; cause of death "influenza and operation";
informant father of Erwin; parents mention in record; buried Martins Creek Cem.
777. LAWING, Clara Belle [unmarked]
b. December 5, 1922 - d.
December 22, 1923
[d/o William M. Lawing and Bessie
Unicoi Co. death record #419-1923; cause of death "Unknown"; informant
father-Erwin; parents mentioned in record; "buried Martins Creek."
778. LAWING, W. A. "Dock"
b. August 6, 1876 - d. December 4, 1959
779. LAWING, Parlee Alford
b. July 24, 1887 - d. December 19, 1975
[w/o W. A. Lawing]
780. LAWING, Page
b/d. March 20, 1923
[infant d/o W. A. Lawing and Parlee Alford #744/745]
781. LAWING, Paul
b. 1909 - d. 1919
[s/o W. A. Lawing and Parlee Alford #744/745]
LAWING, Lucinda
b. abt. 1843 - d. May 19, 1920
[w/o William Lawing]
LAWING, Elbert
b. abt. 1869 - February 28, 1918
[s/o William Lawing and Lucinda
Unicoi Co. death record #540 [1918]; cause of death "peritonitis"; informant W.
A. Lawing of Erwin, parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
784. COOPER, Moses
b. February 13, 1900 - d. March 2, 1985
785. COOPER, Nell
b. May 2, 1910 - d. October 22, 1999
[w/o Moses Cooper]
786. COOPER, Theodore
b. September 26, 1928 - d. August 16, 1930
[s/o Moses Cooper and Nell Allis #749/750]
Unicoi Co. death record #19898-1930; died 1 yr. 10 mos, 11 days; cause of death "colitis"; informant
father of Erwin, parents mentioned in record; buried in "Martins Creek".
THOMAS, Pearl Lee
b. January 14, 1900 - d. July 29, 1917
[w/o William Thomas; d/o Elbert Lawing and Fannie Pate]
Unicoi Co. death record #499 [1917]; cause of death "giving birth"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
THOMAS, Goldie [unmarked]
b/d. July 29, 1917
[d/o William Thomas and Pear Lee
Unicoi Co. death record #498 [1917]; cause of death "unknown"; informant father
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
SQUIBB, Margaret Lou [JAMISON]
b. April 14, 1861 - d. October 27, 1939
[d/o unknown Jamison and Hettie McCracken]
790. WILLIAMS, G. C. [George Campbell]
b. [November 22] 1866 - d. 1920
[husband of Fannie Hensley #755]
791. WILLIAMS, Fannie
b. April 25, 1870 - d. November 13, 1954
[w/o George C. William #754; d/o William Hensley and Harriett
792. WILLIAMS, Ruth
b. November 6, 1902 - d. December 5, 1926
[d/o Dr. Williams and Francis
Hensley of NC]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #30784;
single; cause of death "cancer thyroid";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
793. MILLER, Hyder R.
b. January 8, 1896 - d. May 13, 1960
NOTE: photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
794. MILLER, Cecil
b. December 29, 1900 - d. March 10, 1920
[d/o George Miller and Hester Ambrose; married Hyder Miller
Unicoi Co. death record #401-1920; cause of death "post partum hemorrhage";
married; informant Hyder Miller (husband) Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
ground stone photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
795. TILSON, Elsie
b. May 24, 1908 - d. May 20, 1930
[died age 21, d/o Felix Miller and Mary Ellen Salts;
wife of Lincoln Tilson]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #12393; born
Wash., Co., TN; married ; cause of death "pellegra";
parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
796. SALTS, infant
b. ?- d. January 24, 1937
[child of Jack F. Salts and Lillian Lewis]
797. JOHNSON, Ivery
b. April 11, 1890 - d. September 26, 1918
"Only Sleeping ~ B. of L.F.
& E. #768 and B. of L.E. #78"
(* Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and Engineers, and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers)
[s/o Charles Edward Johnson of
Virginia and Delcena Sales]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #406; born
in Virginia; married ; occupation: Rail yard Conductor; died age 28; cause of death "crushed
by RY train, Skull Crushed brought in by Train crew, no inquest; accident
coupling rail cars";
informant W. F. Kippling of Johnson City; father Ed Johnson; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
798. JOHNSON, Georgia
b. August 11, 1891 - d.
[w/o Ivery Johnson; children Chloe;
Robert, J. Theodore]
799. JOHNSON, Robert C.
b. 1918 - d. 1928
[s/o Ivery Johnson and Georgia Smith]
800. JOHNSON, J. Theodore C.
b. 1914 -1928
[s/o Ivery Johnson #761 and Georgia
Smith #762]
801. JOHNSON, Delcena [SALES]
b. 1868 - d. 1954
[w/o Charles Edward Johnson; d/o James Sales and Martha Henderson]
802. HOYLE, William E.
b. July 20, 1932 - d. August 2, 1970
Cpl, U.S. Army - Korea
b. July 29, 1899 - October 28, 1986
804. NORRIS, Charlie Thomas
b. (November 24, 1888) 1890 - d. (January 22) 1952
[s/o Alex Norris and Sarah
NOTE: Tenn State Death Record #52-11869;
widower; occupation - machinist for CC&O RR; cause of death "truck
accident - multiple fractures; ruptured kidney with hemorrhage"; informant
Charlie Norris Jr.; parents noted in record; buried Martins Creek Cem."
b. March 13, 1897 - d. March 19, 1943
[d/o Edward Johnson and Delcenia Sales #765; husband
Charles Norris]
NOTE: She was born in NC, divorced;
lived in Wilmington, New Hanover, NC; died age 46 in Greensboro, NC;
occupation housewife; burial place, Erwin, TN.
806. NORRIS, Richard
b. March 16, 1919 - d. March 29, 1919
[s/o Charles T. Norris #768 and Addie Johnson #769]
Unicoi Co. Death Record #433-1919, cause of death "jaundice"; informant father
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record and buried in "Martins Creek"
807. NORRIS, Lila Jean
b. 1927 - d. 1928
[d/o Charles T. Norris #768 and Addie Johnson #767]
808. FOSTER, Bernie C.
b. July 10, 1911 - d. October 18. 1956
[s/o William Arthur Foster and Cordie Johnson]
FOSTER, Elmer [unmarked]
b. - d. February 18,, 1919
[s/o William Arthur Foster and Cordie Johnson
from Relief, NC]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #426; born
Wash., Co., TN; married ; cause of death "menningitis";
parents noted in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
b. March 4, 1914 - d. [abt. 2000?]
[d/o Isaac G. Engle and Lockie A. Briggs #775;
1st w/o Bernie C. Foster #772; 2nd wife to Huskins]
ENGLE, Isaac G.
b. - d. August 29, 2010
[s/o Isaac G. Engle and Lockie A. Briggs #775]
OBITUARY: I. G. passed away on Sunday,
August 29, 2010. He was a resident of Erwin, Tennessee at the time of passing.
Proudly served in the Army. I. G. was married to Wilma. Services will be
at 7 P.M. Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at the Chapel of Valley Funeral Home.
Reverend Alan King and Reverend Bernie Jones will officiate. Interment will be
on 11 A.M., Thursday, September 2, 2010 in Martins Creek Cemetery. Those who
plan to attend, please meet at Valley Funeral Home at 10:30 A.M. Visitation will
be at 5 P. M. - 7 P.M. Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at the Chapel of Valley
Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to I. G. Engle
fund, C/O, Kathy Jones, P. O. Box 1162, Erwin, TN 37650
ENGLE, Isaac G.
b. August 22, 1880 - d.
[s/o A. B. Engle and Sarah Hensley]
812b. ENGLE, Lockie Ann
b. August 28, 1883 - d. December 7, 1945
[d/o P. J. Briggs and Lucinda Tipton]
813. BRIGGS, Hezekiah Hubert
b. abt. 1900 - d. December 16, 1940
[s/o William Milton Briggs and Hester Buckner]
814. BRIGGS, infant
b/d February 20, 1937
[d/o Hezekiah Briggs #776 and Nellie Haren]
815. BRIGGS, Norman Eugene
b. abt. 1938 - d. June 5, 1941
[d/o Hezekiah Briggs #776 and Nellie Haren]
Thelma M.
b. July 22, 1902 - d. September 4, 1919
"Daughter of W.J. and Myra M.
[d/o W. J. Worsham and Myra M. Birdwell #780]
Unicoi Co. Death record #482; born in Virginia; died of "typhoid fever";
informant - Father; buried Martins Creek
817. WORSHAM, Myra
[BIRDWELL] [illegible stone]
b. abt. 1862 - d. February 9, 1930
[d/o Benjamin Birdwell and Lydia Duncan]
818. FANNING, Ruby Lee
b. February 3, 1888 - d. August 15. 1919
[d/o Frank Fanning and Geneva Barnes]
Unicoi Co. Death Record #476-1919, cause of death "cholera infantum"; informant
father of Eriwin; parents mentioned in record; buried " Martins Creek."
819. GARLAND, John L.
b. 1885 - d. 1950
[s/o William N. Garland #785 and Martha Miller #786]
NOTE: born in Poplar, North Carolina
820. GARLAND, Crety [Lucretia
b. 1885 - d. 1942
[w/o John L. Garland; children: Belle #787, Howard
A., William #784]
GARLAND, Howard Allen [unmarked]
b. March 23, 1919 - d. January
24, 1919
[s/o John L. Garland
#782 and Lucretia "Credy" Honeycutt
Unicoi Co. Death Record #416 - died of influenza and pneumonia - informant
Father - buried at Martins Creek
822. GARLAND, William
b. September 3, 1909 - d. November 18, 1949
Tec 5, US Army - WWII
[s/o John L. Garland #782 and Lucretia "Credy"
823. GARLAND, William N.
b. August 6, 1864 - d. June 10, 1951
824. GARLAND, Martha
b. April 15, 1867 - d. September 24, 1948
[w/o William N. Garland #785]
825. MATHES, Belle [GARLAND]
b. September 25, 1905 - d. September 26, 1935
[d/o John L. Garland #782 and Lucretia "Credy" Honeycutt
#783; married Lawrence Mathes]
Unicoi Co. death record #21244-1935, cause of death "septicemia to
face"; married; she was born in Mitchell Co., NC; informant John L. Garland;
parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
826. GARLAND, Roy Thomas
b. July 22, 1898 - d. abt. 1990
827. GARLAND, Roberta
b. October 7, 1896 - January 15, 1981
828. GARLAND, Thomas
b. December 1897 - d. October 13, 1928
[s/o David Garland and Sarah Jane Tipton]
GARLAND, Sarah Jane [TIPTON] [unmarked]
b. 1877 - d. June 22, 1934
[d/o Joseph Tipton of NC]
Tenn State death record #17119, cause of death "note stated"; widow;
father noted; mother not stated; buried "Martins Creek."
830. DUNCAN, Mae
b. July 12, 1916 - d. April 20, 1920
[d/o S. D. Duncan and Ella]
831. PRICE, Stewart
b. October 5, 1919 - d. October 10, 1937
[s/o Samuel Price #802 and Clarsie Cooper
832. PRICE, Martin
b. March 27, 1921 - d. May 23, 1941
[s/o Samuel Price #802 and Clarsie Cooper
833. PRICE,
Albert Wesley Jr.
b. June 1938 - d. June 11, 1938
[s/o Albert W. Price and Mary Holloway]
834. PRICE,
Ollie Bell [unmarked]
b. September 24, 1928 - d. June 5, 1930
[died age 8 mos.; d/o Furman Price and Susan Roarks (Letcher Co., Ky)]
Unicoi Co. death record #14938; cause of death "lobar pneumonia"; parents
mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
835. PRICE, Evelyn
b. December 29, 1931 - d. March 9, 1932
[d/o Furman F. Price and Susan Roarks (of Letcher Co., Ky)]
NOTE: TN Sate Death Record #6472; death cause
"lobar pneumonia",
parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
PRICE, David K.
b/d 1960
[s/o William Price and Hazel
b. 1929 - d. August 7,
[d/o Jason V. Woodward and Minnie
OBITUARY: "Hazel Woodward Price, age 83,
Chestoa Pike, Erwin, went home to be with the Lord at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, August
7, 2012, in Unicoi County Memorial Hospital following a brief illness. She was a
lifelong resident of Unicoi County and a daughter of the late Jake V. and Minnie
Ledford Woodward. Mrs. Price was a member of Pathway Free Will Baptist
Church and was a retired seamstress for Industrial Garment Company. Other than
her parents, Mrs. Price was preceded in death by two sons: James Shelton and an
infant, David Price; one daughter: Debbie Higgins; one grandson: James Higgins;
two brothers: Cecil Woodward and Lynn Woodward; and one sister: Wilma Woodward
Foster. Funeral service for Mrs. Price will be held Thursday, August 9,
2012, at 2:00 p.m. in the Robert Ledford Funeral Home Chapel. Reverend Harold
Lewis, Reverend Craig Shelton, and Reverend Kevin Laws will officiate. Special
music will be provided by Queenie Wheeler. Interment will follow in Martin's
Creek Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, those wishing to make memorial contributions
may do so to the family to help defray funeral expenses."
b. May
10, 1882* - d. March 8, 1929
"Chief Little Bear"
[parents unknown - aka
"Sioux Medicine Man"]
Bio Sketch by Beth Bradford: William "Big
Chief Little Bear" Williamson claimed to be the nephew of Sioux Nation
Chief, Sitting Bull of Little Bighorn. He was born in Standing Rock, Fort
Yates, Sioux Co., North Dakota and orphaned by the age of 4. His parents
are unknown; records showed he was "mixed blood" (bi-racial). Although he
travelled around the country, census records enumerated his residence at
Standing Rock most of his life. He struggled with the law often. In 1915,
he was arrested in South Dakota for impersonating a Federal Officer
selling land at Standing Rock and was sentenced to a Federal Prison at
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. After release from Leavenworth, he went back to
South Dakota and married a white woman and then disappeared with a large
sum of money belonging to her (see newspaper clipping). The law caught up
with him again and in August 1915, he pled guilty to the charge of
obtaining money under false pretence and sentenced 5 months to a State
Penitentiary at Pierre, South Dakota. In May 1917, he repeated the same
offence impersonating a Federal Office selling lang at Standing Rock and
was sent back to Leavenworth. Newspaper article stated he served a year in
prison in Atlanta, Georgia for the same offence. Sioux Census rolls showed
that he continued to live at Standing Rock through 1928, single, and a
Trust Fund Settlement recipient. It's unclear why he left Standing Rock
for the eastern part of Tennessee where he sold "herbal treatments" to the
residents of the tri-cities area. In January 1929, he ran into trouble
again with the law at Dry Hollow in Kingsport, TN and was arrested for
being drunk, shooting firearms, transporting liquor, resisting arrest and
carrying firearms. He was fined $50 for being intoxicated and summoned to
appear in court for the other charges. On February 28, 1929, he was
involved in another altercation in front of the Erwin Hotel on Main Street
in Erwin, Unicoi Co., TN. He was stabbed in the abdomen by a fellow
resident, Ralph Moore, and sent to the Erwin hospital to get stitched up
during at which time he encountered a fight with his physician. Subsequent
to the brawl with the doctor, the police apprehended William and sent him
to jail where he was allegedly beaten by police. Near death, he was
transferred to Johnson City for intensive care where he died shortly
thereafter. His death certificate did not provide much personal info. I
stated was age 62* (incorrect), homicide and died from meningitis caused
by being hit by a revolver by policeman. William was well-liked by many
and his sympathizers collected money to pay for his burial and headstone.
He is buried at Martins Creek Cemetery in Erwin, Tennessee.
census records from Standing Rock, South Dakota, William Harrison is noted
as follows: 1887 age 4, "mixed blood" and "orphan"; 1888 age 7; 1890 age
14; 1899 age 17, 1900 age 18. Beginning in 1890, he was living in the
household of brothers James and John Brown and noted as "nephew". The most
definitive record was his WWI registration completed in 1919 in which he
declared he was born on May 2, 1882; lived at Fort Yates, Sioux, ND;
Nationality "Indian"; a laborer at the US Penitentiary at Fort
Leavenworth, KS; John Brown was his nearest relative. Described as tall,
medium build, black hair, black eyes.
Photo is available at ETSU, box
#34; also on page 469 , "Around Home in Unicoi Co. by William Helton"
Story of Big Chief Little Bear
COLLINS, Georgia Lee
b. May 8, 1903 - d. May 19, 1918
"Forever Remembered in Erwin
Tennessee ~ She Drowned in the Nolichucky River at the Hands of an Evil Man"
[d/o George Valentine Collins and
Fannie Webb; she worked at the silk mill]
CERT: Tenn State death record #568; single, cause of death "strangulation,
assaulted by a negro with intent to commit rape, then thrown in river"; no
attending physician; born in Wash Co., TN; informant G.V. Collins of Erwin.; parents mention in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
It was alleged that 15 year old Georgia Lee Collins was abducted by Thomas Devert,
(African American) when she was walking with her 7 year old brother on the
railroad tracks near Nolichucky River. Four men nearby saw Tom and
Georgia in the white rapid river and shot Tom twice and Georgia drowned.
Tom was a 35 year old married man, working as a brick layer for the RR company.
He lived in Ervin
for 6-7 years, "of good standing" as many businesses extended him credit and recently bought a house on Toney Street that year.
There were many versions of the story and early newspaper accounts were quick
judge that Tom murdered Georgia in cold blood and failed to map out motive and
sequence of events. Wade Kegley (plot #973) was a brick mason who worked
with Tom and explained years later to his descendants that he heard an
altercation between white men and a black at the railroad shops and the black
man tried to escape his pursuers, grabbed Collins and took her hostage into the
river for protection at which time he was shot and the girl drowned.
Another account from Starlet Jean Williams, a descendant of a black family who
was driven out of Unicoi Co., explained that Tom was drinking and gambling with
some white men and winning their money at which time, an altercation broke out
and the white men were chasing Tom at the river where he came upon the children,
grabbed the girl for protection and ran into the water. No
one will know what really happened that gruesome day except that Georgia drowned and Tom was shot by unnamed
white men,
pulled out of the water and dragged by a rail car for 1.5 miles into town and then burned at a public gathering.
No autopsy was performed on Georgia per her death record which stated "no physician."
Racial tensions escalated and all African
American families (60-70 people) were forced to leave the county.
"Buried in the Bitter Waters: The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in
America", By Pulitzer Prize Winner Elliot Jaspin, 2007, pgs 153-162
Charles Edward Price Papers, Box 1, Folder 6, Blacks in Unicoi County, TN,"
undated, "Blacks: Tom Devert," citing Pratt 1960 27-29, UTN Hoskins Library.
Mob Shoots and Burns Body of Negro Who Attacked Girl," Bristol Herald, 5/21/1918
Adopts Strong Resolutions," Johnson City Daily, 5/23/1918.
840. COOPER, Martin
b. ? - d. April 24, 1921
Pvt. 11th Infantry, 5th Division - WWI
841a. COOPER, Samuel
b. ? - d. 1936
841b. COOPER, Naomi "Oma"
b. June 26, 1877 - d. February 8, 1921
[w/o Samuel]; d/o John Tipton of VA
and C. Patterson of Yancey Co., NC
Tenn State death record #312", married; cause of death "septicemia
tonsillitis"; born in
Mitchell Co., NC.; informant Sam Cooper of Erwin.; parents mention in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
842. COOPER, John D.
b. March 14, 1914 - d. May 14, 1936
[s/o Samuel Cooper and Naomi Tipton #799-800]
Tenn State death record #13942-1936; single, cause of death "ruptured
ulcer, peritonitis"; born in
Yancey Co., NC.; informant Moses Cooper of Erwin.; parents mention in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
843. PRICE, Samuel
b. April 4, 1886 - d. February 21, 1972
844. PRICE, Clarisie
b. December 4, 1896 - d. February 9, 1982
[w/o Samuel #802; children:
Oscar, Howard, Martin #793, Stewart
#792, Beachel, Myrtle, Etta Lee,
Ivous #803]
HENSON, Ivous Edna [PRICE]
b. 1929 - d. February 2, 2015
OBITUARY: Ivous Edna Henson, age 86, 121
Henson Lane, Erwin, passed away Monday, February 2, 2015, in the Unicoi County
Memorial Hospital. She was a lifelong resident of Unicoi County and a daughter
of the late Samuel and Clarsie Cooper Price. Mrs. Henson was a homemaker and she
was of the Holiness faith. Other than her parents, she was preceded in death by
her husband of forty-four years, Ray O. Henson in 1998; five brothers, Oscar E.
Price, Howard E. Price, Martin Price, Steward Price and Beachel Price; two
sisters, Myrtle Harris and Etta Lee Hensley. A graveside service will be
held at 2:00 P. M. Wednesday, February 4, 2015 in the Martins Creek Cemetery,
Carolina Avenue, Erwin. Reverend E. L. Wheeler will officiate.
846. MALFALCONE, Ethel
b. November 13, 1896 - d. September 1, 1986
847. HARRISON, Alice
b. April 12, 1904 - June 4, 1905
[d/o E. N. Harrison]
848. HARRISON, Callie
[d/o William C. Love #808 and Delcena Emmert #809;
child: Ted buried Evergreen Cemetery, Erwin
NOTE: married E. N. Harrison on 20th June 1895
849. SIZEMORE, Danny
b. March 17, 1934 - d. May 11, 1934
[s/o Jay N. Sizemore and Carrie B. Harrison]
Tenn State death record #12024; cause of death "spina bifida"; informant
father of Erwin.; parents mention in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
850. LOVE,
William Clyde
b. 1852 - d. January 29, 1926
[s/o William Love and Nancy A.
Tenn State death record #2174; married, died age 74; cause of death "apoplexy -
high blood pressure'; Bob Roberts informant.
851. LOVE,
b. October 14, 1858 - d. May 1, 1931
[w/o William C. Love #808a; d/o William Carter Emmert and
Mary Amanda Renshaw
(buried Jobe
Cem. #81/82);
James, Sarah C., Callie #806, Ethel, Jim]
Unicoi Co. death record #11891; cause of death "carcinoma of uterus"; born in
Missouri.; informant R.H. Bradshaw Jr.; parents mention in record; buried
Martins Creek Cem.
852. KERNS,
Ina M.
b. October 9. 1904 - d. April 22, 1990
853. KERNS, Charles H.
b. October 11, 1899 - d. November 29, 1963
[s/o William Ellsworth Kerns and Myrtie Jane Rogers]
853. KERNS, Laura
b. March 26, 1902 - d. December 15, 1942
[d/o William Pinkston Love and Minnie Jane Williams; w/o Charles H. #810]
855. KERNS, Samuel M.
b. December 20, 1935 - d. September 12, 2000
856. SCHAUMBERG, Wilbur E. "Bill"
b. February 11, 1921 - d. December 5, 1995
U S Army - WWII
857. SCHAUMBERG, Peggy
b. 1924 - d. November 14, 2005
[w/o Wilbur E. d/o Charles H. Kerns and Lauren Bell Love]
NOTE: Retired from the Johnson City Medical
Center worked in food service. Member of the Embreevile Church of Christ;
Siblings: H. D. Kerns, William E. Kerns, Robert E. Kerns, Charles H., Samuel M.,
Blanch Kerns-Master Myrtle Kerns-Childress, Nellie Kerns Bennett, one sister and
brother alive.
858. MILLER, Robert N.
b. 1861 - 1940
859. MILLER, Lillie B.
b. 1859 - d. 1923
[w/o Robert N. #812]
860. MILLER, Orville
b. abt. 1918 - d. September 27, 1935
[died age 17; s/o William Miller]
861. MILLER, infant
b/d February 6, 1935
[d/o Hobart Miller and Amanda Watts]
862. WATTS, Blake
b. July 22, 1909 - d. April 24, 1927
[s/o William Watts and Nancy Jones]
Unicoi Co. death record #9188-1927, cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis"; informant
Bessie Watts -Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Martins Creek Cem."
863. WATTS, William Estel
b. abt. 1915 - d. April 2, 1945
864. MILLER, Reba
b. abt. 1925 - d. January 22, 1928
[died age 3; d/o Roscoe Miller of NC and Ruby Duncan]
Tenn State death record #2329-1928, died age 3, cause of death "meningitis"; informant
mother of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Martins Creek"
865. MILLER,
Temperance Ann [BARNETT]
b. January 8, 1876 - d. November 12, 1934
[died age 58; w/o William Miller; d/o
William Barnett and Elmira Bailey]
Tenn State death record #26501, married;, cause of death "carcinoma of gall
bladder"; informant
Hyder Miller of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Martins Creek"
866. DUGGER, child
b. January 14, 1931 - d. January 15, 1931
[child of M. M. Dugger and Mary Lou Miller]
Tenn State death record #2190; lived 1 day; cause of death "under nourished
infant"; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Martins Creek"
867. MOON, Mary Lou
b. July 2, 1887 - d. November 10, 1892
Charlotte [JAMES] [unmarked]
b. March 30, 1861 - b. February 11, 1931
[d/o Abner James and Millie Young; married Moses Parsley]
Unicoi Co. death record #4534, cause of death "dropsy"; she was born in
Kentucky; informant George Parsley of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
in Martins Creek Cem.
869. PARSLEY, Thomas J. [infant]
d. February 23, 1931
[s/o Charles A. Parsley and Mable Square]
870. PARSLEY, Willis D. [infant]
[s/o Charles A. Parsley and Mable Square]
JONES, Steven Collis [unmarked]
b. September 1867 - d. May 8, 1925
[died age 77; s/o William M. Jones and Mary Ann Gilbert]
872. JONES, Eliza Emma
[FOSTER] [unmarked]
b. December 1868 - d. May 4, 1946
[w/o Steven Collis Jones; d/o Thomas Foster and Naomi
Foster Cemetery #1; children: Rosita, James H.,
William Thomas, Dudley, Lula Mae, Mary Love, Mack P, Carrie]
873. JONES, Bud [James Henry]
b. October 18, 1888 - d. December 2, 1978
"Free Mason"
[s/o Steven C. Jones and Eliza Emma Foster]
NOTE: He worked for the Clinchfield
RR; he was summons to go to Kingsport, TN to acquire a crane for the
hanging of Mary the Elephant. --info courtesy of Connie Jones Horton.
874. JONES, Elizabeth Jane
b. July 1, 1890 - d. October 5, 1957
[w/o James H. "Bud" Jones; married March 4, 1927;
d/o James Madison Foster and Nancy Sams]
PHOTO: courtesy of Connie Jones
875. JONES, Louise
b. May 12, 1915 - d. April 1, 1999
876. JONES, Dorothy Sue
b. 1922 - d. 1923
[infant d/o Bud Jones and Elizabeth Jane Foster]
877. JONES, James Douglas
b. August 30, 1934 - d. October 28, 1934
[infant s/o Ernest H. Jones Sr. and Elizabeth Barnett of NC]
Tenn State death record #29612, died age 2 mos, cause of death "bronchial
pneumonia"; informant Bud Jones of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried
in "Martins Creek Cem."
878. JONES, Vilma Ann
b. abt. 1945 - d. May 17, 1953
[d/o Luther Jones and Isabella Williams]
879. BROUGHMAN, Alice
b. December 12, 1950 - d.
[d/o Joseph Cash and Virginia Smith]
880. MATHES, Phillips
b. 1963 - d. 1983
881. CHURCH, William "Bill"
b. 1882 - d. 1942
[s/o Henry Church and Susan Estep]
882. CHURCH,
Polly [Mary MILLER]
b. 1875 - d. 1942
[w/o of William Church # 834a; d/o
Timothy Miller and
Sallie Bennett]
883. CHURCH, Sarah May
b. 1910 -d. 1924
[d/o William Church and Mary Polly Miller]
884. MATHES, Phillip
b. 1963 - d. 1983
885. MATHES, Sammy M.
b. 1945 - d. 2001
886. HOLTON, Florence E.
b. April 28, 1906 - d. September 7, 1996
HORTON, David M.
b. October 18, 1844 - d. May 18, 1924
[s/o Zephaniah Horton and
Vestie Piercy - NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #255-1924, cause of death "pneumonia";
married; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Erwin."
888. GUINN, Marion Pierce
b. August 16, 1897 - d. September 27, 1995
[s/o Ambrose Guinn #976 and Lennie Harris #977]
889. GUINN, Florence
b. June 7, 1901 - d. November 10, 1987
[w/o Marion Pierce Guinn #838; d/o William T. Gillis and
Lillie Baxter; children: William Harold, Joanne, Virginia Lee]
890. GUINN, Virginia Lee
b. September 15, 1926 - d. October 23, 1928
[d/o Marion Pierce Guinn #838 and Florence #839]
PAULFREY, Ronald Dale
b. October 11, 1930 - d.
September 11, 2018
[s/o Ronald Earl Paulfrey and Gladys
Cowley; married Joanne Guinn #841b]
Paulfrey, 87, of Johnson City, TN went home to be with the Lord on September 11,
2018 at the Johnson City Medical Center. Dale was born October 11, 1930 in
Kansas City, Missouri and was raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He attended Oklahoma
State and the University of Tulsa. He was a veteran of the Korean War and served
in the U.S. Navy from 1951 to 1954 as a flight surgeon assistant and hospital
corpsman Second class. He was married to Joann Guinn on October 3, 1954 at First
Baptist Church of Kingsport by W.R. Rigell, M.G. He served the US government for
37 years as a letter carrier for the US Postal Service from 1960-1973 in Miami,
Florida and then in Johnson City from 1974 until retirement. He was a member of
Central Baptist Church. Dale is preceded in death by his father, Ronald
Earl Paulfrey, mother, Gladys Cowley Paulfrey, and two brothers; Michael and
Jack Paulfrey. Funeral services will be conducted on Friday at 5:30 PM in
the East Chapel of Appalachian Funeral Home with Rev. Tommy Hood officiating.
Music will be provided by John Bunn. The family will receive friends from 4:00
PM until the service hour. Graveside services will be conducted Saturday
at 10:30 AM at the Martin’s Creek cemetery, 1007 Carolina Ave., Erwin, TN.
Everyone is asked to meet at the cemetery by 10:15 AM.
b. October 13, 1930 - d. March 8,
[d/o Marion Pierce Guinn and Florence
Gillis; w/o Dale Paulfrey.
Paulfrey, age 88, of Johnson City, passed away on March 8, 2019 at the Waters of
Johnson City. She was born October 13, 1930 in Erwin, Tennessee. Her family
later moved to Kingsport where she graduated from Dobbins Bennett High in 1948.
From the early age of 6, Joann wanted to be a teacher. She attended East
Tennessee State College obtaining her teaching degree in 1951. She began her
teaching career with the Kingsport City Schools and then taught in Corpus
Christi, Tulsa, Miami and finally for the Johnson City Schools 1974-1991 until
her retirement after 40 years experience. She was a member of Central Baptist
Church. She was married to Dale Paulfrey on October 3, 1954 at First
Baptist Church Kingsport by W.R. Rigell. Dale was her best friend. They were
married for 64 years until his passing six months ago. They did everything
together. They could be seen eating at various local restaurants every day of
the week. Joann loved meeting new people and making them feel welcome, and of
course, talking about her grandkids. She loved and served her savior, the Lord
Jesus Christ. Joann is preceded in death by her husband Dale Paulfrey,
father Marion Pierce Guinn, mother Florence Gillis Guinn, a two-year-old sister
Virginia Lee Guinn, brother William Harold Guinn and his wife Montese Guinn.
Funeral services will be conducted at Appalachian Funeral Home & Cremation
Services, 800 E. Watauga Ave., Johnson City at 3:30 P.M. Sunday, March 10, 2019
with Tim Tapp officiating. Graveside services and interment will be 10:30
A.M. Monday, March 11, 2019 at Martin’s Creek Cemetery, 1007 Carolina Ave.
Erwin, TN with Dr. Tommy Hood officiating.
MASTERS, Abraham L. Jr.
b. November 6, 1861 - d. October 12, 1941
[s/o Abraham L. Masters, Sr. # ; husband of Corelia Hoyle #842]
MASTERS, Cordelia
b. July 2, 1873 - d. February 6, 1941
"Wife of Abraham L. Masters" [married on Aug. 2, 1896]
[d/o Hiram Solomon Hoyle #347 and Elzira Blankenship #348;
children: Paul, Rhoda, Etta, Obijah
895. MASTERS, Melvina
b. October 13, 1859 - d. May 3, 1862
[d/o Abraham L. Masters, Sr.]
896. NORRIS, William O.
b. June 30, 1883 - d. September 1, 1924
897. MILLER, Ernest
b. December 5, 1901 - d. January 2, 1964
898. MILLER,
Helen [unmarked]
b/d. October 29, 1926
[d/o Ernest Miller and Mamie Riddle]
NOTE: Tenn State. death record #25638, cause of death "unknown";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Martins Creek Cem."
899. WEBB, Landon C.
b. April 10, 1876 - d. January 29, 1941
900. WEBB, Hester
b. May 30, 1866 - d. ?
901. WEBB, Oscar
b. April 10, 1898 - d. January 9, 1929
[s/o Landon C. Webb and Hester Lewis; wife - Birdie Mae Calhoun - married Oct. 3, 1914;children: Ernest P., Lydia A., Negetha Ruth]
NOTE: Killed upon impact in a Clinchfield
RR crossing crash; worked for Eastman Chemical Co., Kingsport, TN
more info on crash
902. BOONE, Ernest P.
b. 1915 - d. 1965
[s/o October Webb and Birdie Mae Calhoun]
KERNS, William L.
Co. G. 2nd VA Infantry, Confederate Army
b. May 11, 1895 - d. September 26, 1974
905. BLANKENSHIP, Glenna M.
b. May 30, 1900 - d. May 5, 1952
[w/o Floyd #851; d/o Grant Masters #311 and Emma
Capps #312]
906. WEBB, Chris
b. August 3, 1886 - d. October 29, 1967
907. WEBB, Snow B.
b. December 25, 1890 - d. March 11, 1971
[w/o Chris Webb #853]
908. WEBB, May
b. November 9, 1908 - October 5, 1925
[d/o Chris Webb #853 and Snow B. #854]
ROBERTS, Fielden Beex
b. December 28, 1874 - d. April 17, 1949
Pvt. 38th US Volunteer Infantry
[s/o Francis Roberts and Margaret Kegley]
910. ROBERTS, Lydia Ann
b. April 9, 1874 - d. February 3, 1949
[w/o Fielden Beex Roberts]
911. ROBERTS, ?
b. August 6, 1906 - d. September 21, 1924
[s/o Fielden Beex Roberts #856 and Lydia Ann Masters #857]
912. TIPTON, Mark
b. March 25, 1858 - d. March 26, 1938
913. TIPTON, Mary T.
b. December 15, 1886 - d. November 23, 1962
[w/o Mark Tipton #858]
914. TIPTON, Dave
b. June 20, 1905 - d. October 2, 1984
[s/o Mark Tipton #858 and Mary T. #859]
915. TIPTON, Zettie
b. April 6, 1910 - d. February 15, 1978
[w/o Dave Tipton #860]
916. TIPTON, William F.
b. May 4, 1942 - d. July 27, 1942
[s/o Dave Tipton #860 and Zettie #861;
children: Magdalene, Lillie, Juanita, Dorothy and Bonnie]
TIPTON, David J.
b. 1943 - d. March 7, 2010
[s/o Dave Tipton and Zettie
NOTE: died at age 67; self employed in construction -
RUNNION, Thomas Clingman
b. June 28, 1855 - d. June 25, 1930
[s/o Thomas L. Runnion and Elizabeth "Betty" Harris-Hensley buried
Flag Pond School #28a/b]
NOTE: Unicoi Co.
death record #14936-1930; cause of death "nephritis"; occupation- Blacksmith; died at
age 70 yrs, 11 mos., 28 days; born in NC;; informant W. C. Runion of Erwin.
918b. RUNNION, Sue Emma
b. March 28, 1875 - d. April 23, 1957
[d/o William F. Guinn (b. April 1848) and
Mary Jane Woodward (b. Jan. 1855); w/o Thomas C. Runnion
#863;children: Frank Toney
#865, Dana Harman #883, Hugh Gene;
unnamed girl]
RUNNION, unnamed girl
b/d April 22, 1915
[d/o Thomas C. Runnion and
Sue E. Guinn]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #479,
"stillborn"; informant - father; parents named in record and buried in
Martins Creek Cem.
RUNNION, Frank Toney
b. May 7, 1891 - d. September 13, 1925
[s/o Thomas Clingman Runnion #864a and Sue Guinn #864b]
920b. RUNNION,
b. September 9, 1892 - d. February 26, 1932
[w/o Frank T. Runnion #865; d/o Henry Sparks and Loretta Harris]
Tenn State. death record #3860; cause of death "influenza and pneumonia"; died
age 37 years; worked in Pottery Factory; informant W. C. Runion of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
921. SHELTON, Southwick W.
b. August 10, 1891 - d. December 27, 1976
Sgt. US Army - WWI
922. SHELTON, Deane S.
b. February 3, 1902 - d. ?
[w/o Southwick W. Shelton #867]
923. SHELTON, infant
b.? - d. December 7, 1939
[child of Herbert Shelton and Ethel Tipton]
924. STRICKLAND, John F.
b. December 13, 1899 - February 12, 1968
925. STRICKLAND, Kate B.
b. February 1, 1905 - d. December 2, 1992
[w/o John F.]
926. STRICKLAND, Barbara Anne
b. August 14, 1936 - d. April 16, 1940
[d/o John F. Strickland #870 and Kate B. #871]
927. POE, James Euel
b. April 16, 1930 - d. September 25, 1987
Cpl. US Army - Korea
928. POE, Katherine Lee
b. December 20, 1931 - d. April 24, 1997
[w/o James Euel #873a]
929a. CRAIN, Mack D.
b. 1891 - d. 1942
[s/o William Melvin Crain and Lydia Emaline Higgins
Higgins Chapel Cem]
929b. CRAIN, Texie
b. 1894 - d. 1940
[w/o Mack D. Crain; d/o William M. Higgins and Susanna Crain; children: Lawrence
Higgins Chapel Cemetery
930a. HIGGINS, William M.
b. April 4, 1854 - d. [no date]
"Free Mason"
930b. HIGGINS,
Susanna [CRAIN]
b. February 12, 1859 - d. July 15, 1932
"Asleep in Jesus"
[w/o William M. Higgins
- married August 19, 1877 by L.S. Phillips;
d/o Andrew Jackson Crain and Mary "Polly" Wilson of Bald Mountain, Yancey Co., NC; children: James Thor, Melton Burton,
Lydia M., Woodward G., Mary Jane "Polly", Elizabeth "Texie", Elmer C., Walter
B., Naoma "Oma", Floyd M.]
Unicoi Co. death record #15914-1932, died age 73; cause of death "Brights
Disease"; born on Bald Mnt. Yancey Co., NC, married; informant M.B. Higgins of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
931. HIGGINS, Julia Alberta
[SPEAR] [unmarked]
b. 1865 - d. August 9, 1930
[d/o Jim Spear and Isabelle Carmichael; married George Higgins]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record
#19895-1930, died age 65; cause of death "heart disease"; married;
informant husband of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins
HONEYCUTT, Christopher C.
b. 1886 - d. 1965
"Free Mason"
932b. HONEYCUTT, Lillie
b. 1891 - d. 1947
[w/o Christopher Honeycutt]
933. HONEYCUTT, Arvil Lee
b. October 25, 1925 - d. November 25, 1925
[s/o Christopher C. "CC" Honeycutt #879 and Lillie Adkins
Unicoi Co. death record #347-1925; cause of death "unknown - found dead in bed";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
HONEYCUTT, infant male [unmarked]
b/d. September 29, 1917
[s/o Matt Honeycutt and Hattie
Unicoi Co. death record #514 [1917]; cause of death "premature birth'; parents
mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek Cem.
935. CARTER, Robert Daniel
b. ? - d. October 5, 1951
[s/o Staff Sgt. R. S. Carter]
RUNION, Dana Harmon
b. December 30, 1898 - d. September 30, 1961
[s/o Thomas Clingman Runnion and Sue Guinn #864a/b]
936b. RUNION, Mary Ethel
b. March 5, 1900 - d. November 10, 1980
[w/o Dana Harmon Runion #883]
937. RUNION, William Dana
b. September 19, 1921 - d. October 30, 1940
[s/o Dana Harmon Runion #883 and Mary Ethel Peterson #884]
938. RUNION, Clifford
b. ? - d. January 26, 1931
[s/o Dana Harmon Runnion #883 and Mary Ethel Peterson #884]
b. July 16, 1903 - d. November 12, 1924
[d/o Andrew Edwards and Margaret McInturff; #1 w/o Ernest McCurry #887]
Unicoi Co. death record #318-1924; cause of death "round cell sarcoma";
informant Ernest McCurry of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem."
940. MCCURRY, Ernest
b. September 15, 1899 - d. March 18, 1973
Married first Ethel Edwards; 2nd
Pearl Fender
941. MCCURRY, Pearl
b. May 25, 1908 - d. ?
[w/o Ernest McCurry #887]
942. MCCURRY, Ruby
b. April 12, 1924 - d. November 26, 1924
[d/o Ernest McCurry and Ethel Edwards #]
Unicoi Co. death record #324-1924; cause of death "broncho pneumonia";
informant father (Ernest McCurry) of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem."
943. MCCURRY, Beulah
b. 1928 - d. 1930
[d/o Ernest McCurry #887 and Pearl Fender #889]
944. MCCURRY, Gail
b/d 1930
[d/o Ernest McCurry #887 and Pearl Fender #889]
945. MCCURRY, S. A.
b. abt. 1903 - d. January 14, 1926
[died age 23; d/o unknown Howell]
946. LONGMIRE, Rhoda
b. December 11, 1815 - d. March 11, 1857
[w/o Charles Longmire]
947. MCINTURFF, Mary
b. 1805 - d. September 1, 1857
[w/o John McInturff]
photo courtesy of GME --taken 2012
948. CRAIN, Joseph
b. August 22, 1878 - d. May 8, 1927
[s/o William M. Crain and Lydia Emeline Higgins
& #115 Higgins Chapel Cem]
949. CRAIN, Dora
b. April 17, 1883 - d. July 16, 1951
[w/o Joseph Crain #896a; children are: Carl #382,
Samuel Jr.
#383, Frank #898, infant
Virginia #897]
950. MANZO,
b. September 25, 1925 - d. June 29, 1991
[d/o Joseph Crain and Dora Higgins
#896 a/b]
951. CRAIN, Frank
b. July 18, 1899 - July 9, 1943
[s/o Joseph Crain and Dora Higgins #896 a/b]
952. PARKER,
Susan Catherine
b. February 15, 1846 - d. January 27, 1939
"Very Devoted Christian"
953. PARKER, ?
b. April 30, 1909 - d. June 2, 1928
[d/o W. S Parker]
954. HARVEY, Howard
b. 1926 - d. August 19, 1932
[died age 6; s/o Alfred Harvey and Essie Parker]
Tenn State. death record #18098; died 6 yrs, 7 mos, 21 days; cause of death "myocarditis";
informant Wes Parker of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
HARVEY, Maxine [unmarked]
b. February 1908 - d. June 6, 1931
[d/o Thomas Harvey and Maria Slagle; lived 25 years, 3 mos, 12 days]
Tenn State death record #14108; cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis"; single;
informant Raymond Harvey of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in
Martins Creek Cem.
956. HARVEY, Etta
957. LEDFORD, Charlie
b. May 7, 1903 - d. July 15, 1934
[s/o Alford Ledford and M. Tipton]
958. LEDFORD, Samuel R.
b. 1911 - d. September 4, 1964
[died age 53]
959. ROBERTS, W. A.
b. 1874 - d. 1938
960. ROBERTS, Nancy Elizabeth
b. May 4, 1874 - October 13, 1961
[w/o W. A. Roberts]
961. ROBERTS, Isaac R.
b. 1879 - 1954
962. ROBERTS, Alcy Lee
b. 1876 - d. 1941
963a. BANNER, William
b. March 12, 1862 - d. April 24, 1933
[s/o John Banner and Ruth _____; wife- Lucretia "Creasy" Tapp
(b. abt. 1870);
children: James Monroe #911, Bessie, Martin, Pearl, Maude, Ollie,
Walter, Howard]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record
#8864-1933, states March 12, 1861; cause of death unknown, probably
malignancy", informant J. William Banner of Erwin; parents mentioned in
record and buried in "Martins Creek Cem." Photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
BANNER, Alton Wayne
b. December 29, 1937 - June
12, 1981
James Monroe Banner and Gladys Smith]
NOTE: Cenotaph marker. Actual
burial is Sunset Hills Cemetery, Flint, Genesee County, Michigan.
BANNER, June Elizabeth
b. July 1, 1926 - d.
March 29, 2017
[d/o James Monroe Banner and
Gladys Smith]
OBITUARY: ERWIN - June Elizabeth
Banner, age 90, of Erwin, went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, March 29,
2017 at the Center on Aging and Health in Erwin, TN. A native of Erwin,
she was born on July 1, 1926 and was a beloved daughter of the late James
Monroe Banner and Gladys Smith Banner. June was a graduate of Unicoi
County High School. She hand painted pottery at Southern Pottery during
the summer and attended Johnson City Business College. In 1945, she was
employed by Carbide and Carbon Corporation in Oak Ridge, TN, at the K-25
Plant. She transferred to the Carbides Nuclear plant in Paducah, KY in
1949. In 1952, she moved to Chillicothe, OH and was employed by the Ohio
Valley Electric Corporation’s Executive Vice President. In 1959, she
returned to Erwin and that fall she was employed by the TVA’s Legal
Division in Knoxville, TN while also attending classes at UT Knoxville.
June retired in 1987 and after retirement, divided her time between Erwin
and Knoxville, as she helped take care of her mother. She resided at her
home place in Erwin for several years. June loved her wildlife: deer,
turkeys, rabbits and even bears who wandered into her yard. She loved
Simon, her cockatiel friend who brought much laughter and joy to her life
for the past 25 years. June was a mother to many children in her family
and in neighboring families. She will always be remembered by the love she
expressed to these children, whom she helped through the good times and
the bad times of their lives. In addition to her parents, June was
preceded in death by three sisters: Nell Smith, Myrtle Lewis and Maude
Nanney; seven brothers: Charlie, Floyd, Boyd, Donald, Bob and David
Banner. The family respectfully requests the honor of your presence
as we offer tribute and remember the life of June Elizabeth Banner in a
committal service to be at 3:00 PM, Saturday, April 1, 2017, at Martins
Creek Cemetery. Pastor Jeremy Dykes will officiate.
965a. BANNER, James Monroe
b. February 20, 1891 - d. September 27, 1972
[s/o William Banner #910 and Lucretia Tapp; married 1st Mary E.
Harris; 2nd Gladys Smith. Children:
Myrtle, Nell, Charles, Maude, Floyd, Boyd, Donald, Robert, David,
June Elizabeth.
NOTE: Photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
965b. BANNER, Mary Gladys
b. September 2, 1908 - d.
April 21, 2000
[w/o James Monroe Banner]
b. July 5, 1897 - d. November 28, 1924
[w/o James Monroe Banner #965;
d/o Richard Pinkston Harris and Lucretia "Critty"
Hensley; children: Myrtle, Nell, Charles, Maude, Floyd, Boyd.
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record
#328-1924, cause of death "Heart Disease", married; informant Monroe
Banner; buried in Erwin; parents mentioned in record. Photo of Mary courtesy of Frank Emmert;
headstone taken Feb 09 --bbpytel
POORE, James David
b. November 22, 1857 - d. October 14, 1935
Unicoi Co. death record #29620; died at age 76; cause of death "pneumonia";
married; parents unknown on cert; informant was Charles Peterson of Erwin;
buried Martins Creek.
967b. POORE, Dealie
b. January 7, 1858 - d. September 12, 1949
[w/o James D. Poore]
968. STOREY, Hattie
b. September 8, 1894 - d. January 27, 1925
[d/o James Poore and Dealie Edwards
#913/914; w/o Edward Storey]
Unicoi Co. death record #260-1925; cause of death "nephritis"; married;
informant, Ed Storey of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Erwin."
969. ARROWOOD, Arlene
b/d 1938
[d/o Bernie Arrowood and Judy Poore]
970. ARROWOOD, Eugene
b. June 19, 1934 - d. December 23, 1937
[s/o Bernie Arrowood and Judy Poore]
971. ARROWOOD, Tony Dennie
b. ? - d. March 24, 1934
972. PETERSON, Rebecca Lynn
b/d 1974
b. February 1, 1891 - d. November 13, 1976
[s/o John Wesley Kegley and Lieudemia (Ludema
- correct spelling) E. Carter
(buried Jobe Cem);
wife - Ada Myrtle Allen #920b - married 1912.
NOTE: Wade was a brick mason;
trained violinist
KEGLEY, Ada Myrtle [ALLEN]
b. November 5, 1890 - d. May 20, 1988
[d/o William "Will" Allen and Margaret Caroline Stokes; w/o Wade Hampton
Kegley #920a;
11 children: Harold Wade. #921, Irene Jesse (md.
Regis William Willis), Anna Ludema (md. Cecil L.
Jackson), Arthur Thero (md. Emma Caroline Gillis),
Edgar Lee (md. Pearl Whitson), Earl Harding (md.
Mildred Lucille Garrett), Elizabeth Kate #921b,
Helen Beatrice (md. Nick Whitson), Wade Allen (md.
Winsie Mae Hicks), Ada Marie (md. Charles E. Deyton),
Joyce Mogene (md. 1 Fred McInturff and 2 Roy Lee Estep)]
NOTE: Info/Wedding Photo -
courtesy of Ron Whitson.
974. KEGLEY,
Harold Wesley
b. April 1, 1913 - d. October 22, 1927
[s/o Wade H. Kegley and Ada Myrtle Allen]
TENN State death record #23449; born in Illinois; died at age 14 yrs. 4 mos. 22
days; cause of death "lobar pneumoniua"; parents noted in record; informant
father of Erwin; buried Martins Creek.
975. RENFRO, Elizabeth Kate
b. April 20, 1923 - d. January 29, 1994
[w/o Harley Carl Renfro (d. June 15, 1950); d/o Wade H.
and Ada Myrtle Allen #920 a/b]
WHALEY, Virginia Lee
b. August 12, 1931 - d. September 24, 1931
[d/o Charles Whaley and Rebecca Mashburn]
Unicoi Co. death record #23219; cause of death "none stated"; informant father
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek.
977. TIPTON, Meade B.
b. 1904 - d. 1975
978. TIPTON, Opal I.
b. 1908 - d. 1977
[w/o Meade B. Tipton]
979. HAMMITT, Valdean
b. 1926 - d. 1927
[d/o W. Hammitt and Gentry]
980. TIPTON, Ada M.
b. August 6, 1914 - d. April 24, 1984
981. HIGGINS, Turner
b. 1870 - d. 1954
982. HIGGINS, Jane
b. 1868 - d. 1957
[w/o Turner]
983. MASHBURN, Clyde
b. October 8, 1909 - d. November 4, 1957
US Navy - WWII
984. MASHBURN, Bertha
b. November 25, 1909 - d. ?
[w/o Clyde Mashburn]
985. MASHBURN, J. L. [Jacob]
b. April 19, 1877 - d. July 28, 1929
Calloway Mashburn and Malinda Merilla "Della" Pate
NOTES: There is a double headstone for J.L.
Mashburn and Nancy Mashburn; it unclear if this is the same J.L. Mashburn
buried at Jobe.
Per the Tenn State death record #21306; he was noted being buried at Jobe
Cemetery. married; cause of death "typhoid"; occupation - Roadwork;
informant Alvin Mashburn of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe
Cem (which appears to be an error). photo courtesy Pam Mashburn.
986. MASHBURN, Nancy
b. May 2, 1887 - d. September 17, 1976
[w/o Jake L. Mashburn]
987. MASHBURN, Helen
b. March 16, 1928 - d. July 27, 1927
[d/o Jake L. Mashburn and Mary Sams]
Tenn State. death record #16747; cause of death "spinal meningitis"; informant father
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek.
988. THOMAS, Grady L.
b. ? - d. April 12, 1930
Pvt. 117th Infantry, 30 Division - WWII
[s/o William Thomas and Viola Renfro]
989. THOMAS, Ruby
b. June 11, 1923 - d. April 15, 1926
[d/o Grady Thomas #934 and Mary "Polly" Ollis
Tenn State death record #10840; cause of death "accidental burn";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek
990. THOMAS, Betty Jane
b. November 3, 1930 - d. January 5, 1931
[d/o Grady L. Thomas #934 and Mary "Polly" Ollis
Tenn State death record #2194; cause of death "illegible"; parents mentioned in record; buried in
"Martins Creek Cem.".
991. THOMAS, Viola
[RENFRO] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1927 - d. February 8, 1943
[died age 16; d/o Grady L. Thomas #934 and Mary "Polly" Ollis
992. BOONE, Mary "Pollie"
b. 1900 - d. 1986
[1st husband Grady Thomas #934; 2nd husband Samuel Boone
993. BOONE, Samuel
b. September 9, 1879 - d. March 31, 1957
[s/o Samuel Boone, Sr. and unknown Young]
994. PETERSON, Moses Cling.
b. June 4, 1861 - d. November
23, 1933
[s/o Reuben Peterson and Mary "Polly"
Hampton of NC; married Hattie
Tenn State death record #24706; died age 72, 5 mos., and 19 days; cause of death "carcinoma
of liver"; husband of Hattie; informant Mrs W. S. Renfro
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
995. PETERSON, Sarah A.
b. April 10, 1862 - d. February 2, 1925
[w/o Moses C. Peterson; d/o Samuel
Honeycutt of NC and Melinda Forbes of NC]
Tenn State death record #262; married; cause of death "heart failure"; informant
M.C. Patterson
of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Erwin"
996. EDWARDS, Happy
b. October 25, 1908 - d. April 25, 1984
[husband of Ruth Boone]
997. EDWARDS, infant
b/d. November 17, 1934
[infant of Happy Edwards and Ruth Boone]
998. FANNING, Alvin
b. May 3, 1925 - d. April 10, 1925
[s/o Francisco Fanning]
999. FANNING, Ernestine
b. abt. 1935 - d. May 27, 1940
[d/o William McKinley Fanning and Ollie Banner]
1000. GILBERT, Ida G.
b. April 26, 1894 - d. September 4, 1980
[1st w/o Earl Gilbert (8 Feb. 1893 - 25 Dec 1990); children:
Jesse, D.B. #950, W.T. #947, Earl A. Jr.
Kenneth, Herbert]
1001. GILBERT, W. T.
b. December 3, 1921 - d. March 30, 1943
PFC, US Army - WWII Killed in Action
[s/o Earl Gilbert and Ida G. Lewis #946]
Note: never married; died WWII
1002. GILBERT, Earl A. Jr.
b. March 5, 1925 - d. ?
[s/o Earl Gilbert and Ida G. Lewis #946]
1003. GILBERT, Helen
b. November 20, 1920 -d. November 5, 1979
1004. GILBERT, D. B.
b. 1915 - d. ?
[s/o Earl Gilbert and Ida G. Lewis #1000]
1005. GILBERT, Hazel
b. 1917 - d. 1969
[w/o D. B. Gilbert]
1006. WILLIAMS, William P.
b. February 13, 1883 - d. April 19, 1974
1007. WILLIAMS, Ethel J.
b. June 6, 1886 - d. May 23, 1927
[w/o William P. Williams]
1008. WILLIAMS, William L.
b. March 18, 1924 - d. January 27, 1968
[s/o William P. Williams #952 and Ethel J. #953]
1009. WILLIAMS, Virginia Ethel
b. May 16, 1927 - d. August 26, 1927
[d/o William P. Williams #952 and Ethel J. #953]
1010. BOONE, James, K.
b. 1908 - d. 1973
PFC - US Army
1011. EDWARDS, Donald Harvey
b. 1921 - d. 1979
Private First Class - US Army
1012. JOHNSON, James Earl
b. June 1903 - d. February 22, 1983
1013. JOHNSON, Sarah Augusta
b. March 2, 1904 - d. August 3, 1993
[d/o James Madison Love #962 and Maggie Williams #963;
w/o James Earl Johnson #958]
1014. LOVE James Madison
b. 1858 - d. February 2, 1930
[s/o William Love #164 and Nancy A. Hartsell #165;
1st wife Mary Emma Emmert, married April 30, 1891 in Carter Co., TN;
2nd wife Margaret E. Williams #963]
State of Tenn Death Record #4673, married, died age 71, 10 mos and 19 days on
Feb. 2, 1930;cause of death "chronic delitation; contributory acute nephritis";
farmer; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
1015. LOVE, Margaret E. ["Maggie"
b. 1862 - 1946
[w/o James Madison Love #962; children: William Archie
#167, Dora, Walter Lee, Dana, Theodore Roosevelt, Sarah Augusta
1016. HAMMITT, Etta E.
b. 1900 - d. 1978
1017. TITTLE, J. Frank
b. February 20, 1883 - d. April 7, 1949
NOTE: photo courtesy Peggy Gillen
1018. TITTLE, Eletha
b. May 13, 1916 - d. August 8, 1932
[d/o Ike Tittle and Blanche Lloyd]
State of Tenn Death Record #20014, died age 16;cause of death "pernicious
anemia"; informant father of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
1019. TITTLE,
Wayne [unmarked]
b. January 1923 - d. April 10, 1923
[d/o Ike Tittle and Blanche Lloyd]
State of Tenn Death Record #336; cause of death "unknown"; informant father of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
1020. TITTLE, Sarah Alice
b. 1864 - d. May 3, 1927
[died age 63 of "heart disease"; w/o William Tittle; d/o Thomas Foster and Naoma Chandler
Foster Cemetery #1]
State of Tenn Death Record #11666; died age 63; widow; cause of death "heart
disease"; informant Walter Tittle of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
1021. EDWARDS, Andrew F.
b. March 13, 1881 - d. December 13, 1967
1022. EDWARDS, Alta "Addie" M.
b. November 9, 1893 - d. November 12, 1989
[w/o Andrew F. #968a; d/o James Madison Clouse
#974 and
Josephine Harris
buried Edwards #1 Cem.]
EDWARDS, Maryanne
b. February 4, 1926 - d. February 9, 1940
[d/o Andrew F. Edwards and Alta M. Clouse #968a/b]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #5101 - died age 14 of
Cardio Failure-Hemorrhage
1024. EDWARDS, Phinetta
b. abt. 1856 - d. September 9, 1939
[w/o Wilson Edwards #970b; d/o John Hugh Harris and Elizabeth
Hensley #278; children: Willard, Robert A. #971,
Jason J.]
b. 1869 - d. February 11, 1932
[s/o Wilson Edwards Sr. #218 and Martha A. Gouge #219;
wife Phinetta Harris #970a; married
March 27, 1879]
Note: TN State record #3866 shows he died age 63 of
"dropsy"; brother Jason P. was informant of Wilson's death
1026. EDWARDS,
Robert Asbury [unmarked]
b. abt. 1881 - d. February 17, 1951
[s/o Wilson Edwards and Finetta Harris #970]
CLOUSE, James Madison Jr.
b. 1917 - d. 1937
[s/o James Madison Clouse and Dora Belle
Hensley-Harris #1028/1029]
CLOUSE, James Madison, Sr.
b. September 5, 1867 - d. January 4, 1927
[s/o John Beauregard Clouse and Elizabeth Tinker
of Clear Branch area;
1st wife- Josephine Hensley
buried Edwards #1 Cem.]; child: Addie M. Clouse.
2nd wife- Dora Belle Hensley #976; children: Earl F.,
Margaret "Maggie", James Madison Jr. #973]
NOTE: both wives were sisters; 1st wife
Josephine appears to have died either during or after giving birth to
Addie M.
 1029. CLOUSE,
Dora Bell [HARRIS]
b. October 27, 1879 - d. October 29, 1963
[d/o Andrew Hensley and Nancy Ruhama Hensley
buried Edwards #1 Cem. of Coffee Ridge area];
2nd w/o James M. Clouse, Sr. #974; married
Sept. 11, 1906]
NOTES: photo circa abt 1912 - Dora Bell and nieces. Dora-Bell
Harris kept her mother's married name Her mother's first marriage is to
William Marion Harris died abt. 1867; Nancy Ruhamia never married
companion Andrew Hensley; he is Dora's nature father.
GUINN, Ambrose
b. December 5, 1852 - d. July 9, 1925
[s/o Isaac Guinn (b. abt. 1825) and Elizabeth
Scott (b. abt 1827)
siblings are: William L., David, James M., Mary E., Nancy A., Sarah C.]
1030b. GUINN,
Linnie [Jenny Linette HARRIS]
b. October 12, 1855 - d. November 10, 1929
[w/o Ambrose Guinn #976; d/o William Marion Harris and Nancy
Ruhama Hensley of Coffee Ridge;
children: Isaac J., Retta #978, Floyd, Callie #980,
Marion P. #838]
NOTE: TN State death record, died at age 74 of
"cerebral hemorrhage"; father mentioned in record; mother was a
"Hensley", informant - son M. P. Guinn
GUINN, Retta [Loretta]
b. April 9, 1881 - d. September 20, 1957
[d/o Ambrose Guinn #976 and Linnie Harris #977]
GUINN, Callie
b. July 20, 1893 - d. May 8, 1982
[d/o Ambrose Guinn #976 and Linnie Harris #977]
1033. GUINN, Edward Sherrill, Jr.
b. [abt. Oct. 1946] - d. December 12, 1946
[d/o Edward Sherrill Guinn, Sr. and Virgie Lawing]
1034. FOSTER, Albert John
b. September 17, 1906 - d. November
7, 1978
CM2 US Navy - WWII
[s/o William D. Foster and Caldona Edney]
1035. FOSTER, Lucy
b. October 25, 1904 - d. May 1982
[d/o Lewis T. Blankenship and Laura
Lawing; w/o Albert J. Foster]
b. May 16, 1873 - d. January 28, 1955
[s/o Jasper Blankenship and Mary "Pollie" Runnion]
1036b. BLANKENSHIP, Laura Elizabeth
b. August 8, 1878 - d. April 28, 1946
[d/o W. Lawing and Lurana Murray]
1037. BLANKENSHIP, Herman Lee
b. May 1, 1902 - d. July 20, 1930
[s/o Lewis T. Blankenship and Laura E. Lawing]
NOTES: Tenn State death record #24299; cause of death "pulmonary turberculosis";
single; informant father of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
1038. BLANKENSHIP, Lenace Lillian
b. May 28, 1907 - d. March 19, 1925
[d/o Lewis T. Blankenship and Laura E. Lawing]
1039. MEEK, Oscar Stone
b. June 17, 1886 - d. May 7, 1926
[s/o William H. Meek and Sarah
Wheeler of Smyth, VA]
Oscar worked as a traveling Salesman for International Salt Co. Oscar and Bessie
were killed in a Train Accident in Abingdon, Washington Co., Virginia. The
train struck their vehicle at the RR crossing.
1040. MEEK, Bessie E.
b. June 23, 1893 - d. May 7, 1926
[d/o Ulysses Kilmer and Lucy Ada Moore
#1044/1045; w/o Oscar S. Meek]
Oscar and Bessie were killed in a Train Accident in Abingdon, Washington Co.,
1041. SCHWEGER, Ida
b. May 3, 1916 - d. January 19, 1973
[d/o Oscar S. Meek and Bessie Kilmer #1038/1039]
Born in Bell, Kentucky; died in Los Angeles, California.
1042. HART, Lucy [MEEK]
b. July 17, 1918 - d. January 15, 1963
[d/o Oscar S. Meek and Bessie E. Kilmer;
w/o Harold W. Hart]
1043. KILMER, George Henry
b. September 27, 1898 - d. August 10, 1966
Spec 2 US Navy WWI
[s/o Ulysses Kilmer and Lucy Ada Moore #1044/1045]
1044. KILMER, Ulysses Samuel
b. 1870 - d. 1968
[s/o George W. Kilmer and Mary
Josephine Burton of Pulaski, VA]
1045. KILMER, Lucy Ada
b. 1874 - d. 1950
[w/o Ulysses S. Kilmer #1044; d/o John H. Moore and Nancy
Thompson; children: Bessie E. #1040, George Henry
WILSON, Marcus T., Rev.
b. April 7, 1860 - d. December 27, 1930
[died age 71; s/o Rev. Rexter Samuel Wilson and Phoebe Horton Gardner of Egypt Twp,
Yancey Co., NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #29512; cause of death "aortic stenosis"; married to
Mary Randolph; informant E. Wilson of Erwin; occupation -Preacher; buried
Martins Creek Cem.
1047. WILSON, Mary
[RANDOLPH] [unmarked]
b. April 21, 1864 [1860] - d. February 16, 1946
[w/o Marcus T. Wilson #994 married June 12, 1881; d/o William Randolph and Louisa]
1048. WILSON, infant [unmarked]
b/d. August 1943
ENGLE, Fred [unmarked]
b. November 20, 1930 - d. December 26, 1930
[infant s/o Mack Ingle - Burnsville, NC and Maude Wilson - NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #29511; cause of death "acute indigestion"; informant
Father of Erwin; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
1050. HATCHER, J. A. [Jonathan Alvin]
b. 1861 - d. 1941
1051. HATCHER,
Catherine C. [BULLOCK]
b. May 2, 1851 - d. November 2, 1931
[w/o Jonathan Alvin Hatcher #998; d/o Henry Bullock and unknown
Unicoi Co death record #25491; cause of death "tuberculosis and myocarditis";
born in Sullivan Co., TN; informant George Hatcher of Erwin; parents mentioned
in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
1052. HATCHER, James Henry
b. May 31, 1884 - d. September 2, 1954
[s/o Jonathan Alvin Hatcher #998 and Catherine Bullock #999]
Fred D.
b. December 15, 1932 - d. December 28, 1932
[s/o L. Henry Hatcher and Sarah Ruth Bartee]
Unicoi Co death record #27958-1932; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant
Father of Erwin; parents mentioned
in record; buried in "Martins Creek".
1054. HATCHER, Mildred
b. September 24, 1922 - d. April 9, 1927
[d/o L. Henry Hatcher and Sarah Ruth Bartee]
RAY, Gather C.
b. (July 8, 1874) 1875 - d. (February 28) 1927
[s/o Elbert Ray of NC and
Harriett Briggs of NC]
Unicoi Co death record #4297-1927; cause of death "carcinoma of stomach"; married; informant
Mrs. J. H. McLaughlin of Erwin; parents mentioned
in record; buried in "Martins Creek".
RAY, Nannie Belle [ROBERTS]
b. June 11, 1877 - d. February 19, 1957
[w/o G. C. Ray; d/o James Roberts and Sarah "Sally" Lance]
1057. PHILLIPS, Danny Wendell Jr.
b. June 13, 1954 - d. August 3, 1959
1058. PHILLIPS, Infant
b.? - d. April 20, 1931
[child of Jesse Philllips and Mary Lewis]
1059. BOONE, Troy S.
b. March 4, 1898 - d. December 27, 1958
1060. BOONE, Ollie C.
b. December 28, 1900 - d. June 25, 1978
[w/o Troy S. Boone #1007]
BOONE, Raymond Ernest
b. February 12, 1932 - d. June 5, 1955
Staff Sgt 30th Air Division - Korea
[s/o Troy S. Boone #1007 and Ollie C. #1008]
1062. FOSTER, Randy "Bub" Jason
b. December 7, 1978 - d. May 9, 1996
1063. BOONE, J. Kenneth
b. December 18, 1908 - d. April 14, 1973
1064. BOONE, Margaret E.
b. May 9, 1915 - d. July 25, 1991
[w/o J. Kenneth]
1065. WEBB, Rona D.
b. March 19, 1933 - d. February 28, 1990
1066. ODELL, Sarah Ethel
b. September 19, 1899 - d. January 1, 1994
1067. FRENCH, George H.
b. February 28, 1878 - d. April 24, 1949
[s/o Preston French and Sarah Burton]
1068. FRENCH, Annie Elizabeth
b. August 1884 - d. May 10, 1965
[d/o W. H. French and Belle Robinson]
1069. FRENCH, Roy E.
b. March 19, 1908 - d. May 17, 1926
[s/o George H. French]
1070. STRICKLAND, William C.
b. October 10, 1904 - d. ?
1071. STRICKLAND, Florence
b. April 14, 1906 - d. August 29, 1974
[w/o William C. Strickland]
1072. STRICKLAND, Randy
b. 1957 - d. 1977
[s/o Robert Strickland and Sallie
grandparents William C. Strickland #1014 and Florence #1015]
STRICKLAND, Robert "Bob"
b. July 25, 1930 - d. January 16,
[s/o William C. Strickland and
Florence Crain #1017/1018]
Robert “Bob” Strickland, age 85, of Erwin, went to be with the Lord on Saturday,
January 16, 2016. He often said, “When you get the call saying Bob’s dead, tell
them he’s not dead, that he is more alive now than he’s ever been.” He was a
native of Unicoi County and a son of the late William C. Sr. and Florence Crain
Strickland. Bob retired from Century Mechanical Contractors. After retiring from
Century, Bob said the only job he would take after retiring would be a job as a
Walmart Greeter if they ever opened a Walmart in Erwin. And when they did, he
was one of the first in line applying for a job and has worked there ever since.
He was a member of Evergreen Freewill Baptist Church. In addition to his
parents, he is preceded in death by one brother: Bill Strickland, sister: Arlene
Huskins; son: Randy Strickland; grandson: Randy Foster; granddaughter: Sandie
Foster Baucom. The family respectfully requests the honor of your presence as we
offer tribute and remember the life of Bob Strickland in a funeral service to be
held at 8:00 PM, Tuesday, January 19, 2016, at Evergreen Freewill Baptist Church
with Reverend Noah Taylor officiating. A visitation period to share memories and
offer support will begin at 5:00 PM and continue until service time at Evergreen
Freewill Baptist Church on Tuesday. A committal service will be held at
11:00 AM, Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at Martins Creek Cemetery. Those who plan
to attend the committal service will meet at Valley Funeral Home at 10:30 AM on
Wednesday to go in procession to Martins Creek Cemetery.
b. June 16, 1939 - d.
March 5, 2019
OBITUARY: Valley Funeral Home Obituary
Sally was born on June 16, 1939 and passed away on Tuesday, March 5, 2019. Sally
was a resident of Erwin, Tennessee at the time of passing. The family
respectfully requests the honor of your presence as we offer tribute and
remember the life of Sally Strickland in a funeral service to be held at 6:30 PM
on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at Evergreen Freewill Baptist Church. A visitation
period to share memories and offer support to the family will begin at 5:00 PM
on Thursday, March 7, 2019 and will continue until service time at Evergreen
Freewill Baptist Church. A committal service will be held in Martin Creek
Cemetery at 11:00 AM on Friday, March 8, 2019. Celebration of Life Service
begins. MAR 8. 11:00 AM Martins Creek Cemetery Banner Hill Road Erwin, TN, 37650
Interment begins.
STRICKLAND, Charles Michael
b. 1964 - d. October 7, 2004
[s/o Daniel E. Strickland and Betty J.]
Staff Sgt. US Army
Note: Worked 10 years for the City of
Kingsport, Fleet Maintenance Supervisor. Before
then, he served 13 years in US Army to include working as auto mechanic and
SMITH, Dakota Michael
b. 2002 - d.
March 29, 2019
OBITUARY: Dakota Micheal Smith, age 17 of
Halls, passed away on March 29, 2019. He was a senior at Halls High School. He
loved the outdoors, fishing, cars and off-roading. He cherished his girlfriend.
He was a kindhearted boy and many will miss him. He was preceded in death
by his father, Jeff Copeland; uncle, Danny Sams; and friend Derrick Simcox. He
is survived by his mother Donna Copeland. The family will receive friends
at Mynatt Funeral Home Halls Chapel on Wednesday April 3, 2019 from 5:00-8:00pm
with a service to follow at 8:00pm. Family and friends will meet at Martins
Creek Cemetery in Erwin, TN at 12:45pm on Thursday April 4, 2019 for a 1:00pm
Graveside Service. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the family to
help with funeral expenses.
Unable to identify the
approximate location of these unmarked graves based on familiar relationships within the cemetery.
Death certificates filed with
State of Tennessee, Unicoi Co.,
indicate the following people were declared to be interred at "Martins Creek" Cemetery.
1077. ANDREWS,
b. March 22, 1906 - d. April 6, 1923
[d/o E.B. Andrews and Martha Jackson]
Tenn State death record #335; single; cause of death "spinal meningitis"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek."
1078. ALLEN,
b. July 18, 1873 - d.
April 3, 1946
[w/o George Allen; d/o John Peterson
and Anne Radford of Mitchell Co., NC]
Tenn State death record #48712; cause of death "myocardial failure;
hypertension/arteriosclerosis"; informant Mrs R.C. Peterson of Erwin; parents
mentioned in record; buried at "Martins Creek."
SEE DEATH CERTIFICATE - courtesy Greg Burton
1079a. BAILEY,
b. April 22, 1902 - d. April 5, 1920
[s/o John Bailey and Ellen Hampton]
Tenn State death record #411; cause of death "tuberculosis of lungs"; informant
Pitman Williams of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried at "Martins Creek."
b. 1909 - d. June 11, 1932
[d/o John Bailey and Ellen Hampton]
Tenn State death record #13427; cause of death "unknown"; informant
Bessie Williams of Erwin; father mentioned in record; buried at "Martins Creek."
BAILEY, Alberta [unmarked]
b. January 15, 926 - d. November 22,
[d/o Samuel Bailey and Clara Fanning
of NC]
Tenn State death record #27410; cause of death "dysentery"; informant
W.H. Fanning s of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek."
BARNETT, Dempsey [unmarked]
b. abt. 1884 - d. March 31,
[s/o Waits Barnett and Martha Wilcox
of NC; married Addie Williams]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #21248; cause of death "heart
lesion"; informant wife of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek."
BARNETT, Richard Lee [unmarked]
b/d. February 5, 1935
[s/o Dempsey Barnett
#1081 and Addie Williams]
NOTE: Tenn State death record #21249; cause of death "not
stated"; informant mother of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Martins Creek."
BEAN, Myrtle [unmarked]
b. 1916 - d. September 5, 1932
[d/o John Bean and Hattie Renfro]
Tenn State death record #20013; cause of death "pulmonary turberculosis";
informant Bill Bean of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at "Martins
BUTNER, Selma [unmarked]
b. November 29, 1922 - d.
December 17, 1922
[d/o Samuel Butner of NC and Dolly
Unicoi Co. death record #371-1922; cause of death "premature birth"; informant
mother of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at "Martins Creek Cem."
1084. BYRD,
Ira Kenneth [unmarked]
b. December 21, 1919 - d.
January 17, 1920
[d/o Jacob B. Byrd of Illinois and
Ollie Garland of NC]
Tenn State death record #375; cause of death "pneumonia";
informant J.B Byrd of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at "Martins
1085. COLE,
Mildred [unmarked]
b. December 16, 1921 - d.
December 17, 1921
[d/o E. L. Cole of VA and Anna
Mae Hensley of NC]
Tenn State death record #426; cause of death "convulsions"; parents mentioned in
record; buried at "Martins Creek."
Mother is buried at Evergreen Cemetery]
1087. DEES, infant
b. ? - d. April 9, 1938
[infant d/o Paul Dees and Nell Randolph]
DURBIN, infant
b/d. August 27, 1917
[s/o Charles Thomas Durbin of OH and
Rachel Smith]
Unicoi Co. death record #501[1917]; "stillborn"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek
1089. EDWARDS, Ira [unmarked]
b. February 4, 1922 - d. March 4, 1922
[s/o John Edwards and Alice White]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #287 - found
dead in bed; parents noted in record; buried at Martins Creek Cem.
1090. EDWARDS, Bobby Gene
b. January 6, 1936 - d. January 10, 1936
[d/o Sol Edwards and Mae Peterson of
North Carolina]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #2422-1936;
found dead; informant was S.K. Davis of Erwin, parents mentioned in records;
noted buried at "Martins Creek".
1091. EDWARDS, Hester
b. 1860 - July 8, 1939
[w/o of W. A. Edwards]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #16236 - coronary
thrombosis; no mention of parents; born in Bee Log area, Yancey Co., NC
1092. EDWARDS, Heward Elias
b. 1893 - d. November 26, 1940
[s/o Skelton Edwards & Mary J. Honeycutt; wife-Axil Kirk
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #26519-died age
47 coronary thrombosis; noted he is buried at Martins Creek Cem.
1093. FREOY,
b. May 3, 1907 - d. August 20,
[s/o I.G. Freoy and Ollie Parker of
Tenn State death record #19092; born in NC; cause of death "typhoid fever"; informant
A.E. Poteet of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at "Martins Creek."
1094. GARDNER, Donna
b. at. 1913 - d. October 12, 1933
[died age 20; d/o D. Gardner and Sarah Forbes]
GOOD, Margaret Louise [unmarked]
b/d. February 23, 1918
[d/o A. C. Good and Kate Propst]
Unicoi Co. death record # 541 [1918]; cause of death "stillborn"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at "Martins Creek Cem."
HAYS, Nellie [unmarked]
b. 1881 - d. January 22, 1928
[d/o of unknown and Martha Burke of
Unicoi Co. death record #2328-1928; cause of death "myo-carditis"; informant
Mary Hays of Erwin; mother mentioned in record/father unknown; buried at "Martins Creek."
1097. HENSLEY,
Irene [unmarked]
b. b. March 27, 1919 - d. April
10, 1919
[d/o Walter Hensley of NC and McAnich
of Scotland]
NOTE: TN State death record #444; death cause
"not stated"; Informant Mary Hensley of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried
in "Martins Creek Cem."
HILL, Howard
b. abt. 1844 - d. May 4, 1918
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record #563 -cause
of death "heart disease and pneumonia"; died age 74, born in Marion Co., VA,
parents unknown; informant Bert Hill of Erwin; buried Martins Creek.
1099. HUTCHINS, Joseph H.
b. abt. 1874 - d. March 14, 1944
[died age 70; s/o Wright Hutchins and Mary "Polly" Stanley]
1100. JEWELL, Ellen
b. abt. 1867 - d. October 10, 1938
[died age 67; d/o George Jewell and Hester Morris]
1101. JEWELL, Robert
b. December 19, 1920 - d. December 22, 1920
[s/o Charles Jewell and Lula Mae Anders]
NOTE: TN State death record #486; death cause
"premature birth" Informant - father
1102. JEWELL, infant female
b. April 13, 1933- d. April 15, 1933
[s/o Charles Jewell and Lula Mae Anders]
NOTE: TN State death record #27514; death cause
"unknown" Informant Mrs. Lola Jewell of Erwin; father
not stated in record; mother Mae Jewell; buried in "Martins Creek Cem."
JEWELL, George Raymond [unmarked]
b. June 13, 1914 - d. August
20, 1914
[s/o unknown and Eliza Jewell]
Unicoi Co. death record #62 [1914] cause of death "acute indigestion"; informant
Jane Bailey of Erwin; parents mention in records and buried
in Martins Creek Cem.
JEWELL, George [unmarked]
b. April 1833 - d. December 21,
[s/o John Jewell and unknown]
Unicoi Co. death record #536 [1917] cause of death "dropsy"; informant J. W.
Howell of Erwin; parents mention in records and buried
in Martins Creek Cem.
JEWELL, Eliza [unmarked]
b. June 1840 - d. October 10,
[d/o George Jewell and Hannah
Peterson of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record [no # given for 1914]; cause of death "abscess of
stomach"; informant Jane Bailey of Erwin;
parents mentioned record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
1106. JOHNSON,
__ [FURCHES] [unmarked]
b. February 10, 1889 - d. August 31,
[d/o William Furchess and Rena
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #19093; married; cause of death "ruptured gall bladder"; informant
husband J.A. Johnson of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried "Martins Creek Cem."
JONES, Naomi [unmarked]
b. January 22, 1916 - May 25, 1916
[d/o Ransom Jones and Ellie Allison]
Unicoi Co. death record #489 [1916]; "black"; cause of death "illio Colitis";
informant father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record and buried in Martins Creek Cem.
1108. KEGLEY,
May [unmarked]
b. April 22, 1920 - d. April
24, 1920
[d/o Ray M. Kegley of VA and Lilian
Margie Banner]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #418; cause of death "unknown"; informant R.M. Kegley of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried "Martins Creek Cem."
1109. LOGAN,
Mahaley [unmarked]
b. [abt. 1881] - d. June 24, 1914
[d/o Larkin Logan and Esther Bridges
McDowell Co., NC]
Unicoi Co. Death Record #41 [1914] cause of death "pellagra"; "lived 23 yrs., 9
mos., 6 days"; informant H. H. Hill or Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
LOYD, Velma [unmarked]
b. June 19, 1918 - d. September 29,
[d/o Ben
Loyd and Blanche Payne]
Unicoi Co. death record #610-1918; born in Illinois; cause of death "bronchial
informant father -Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at "Martins Creek."
1111. LOYD,
Edward [unmarked]
b/d December 13, 1921
[d/o Ben
Loyd and Blanche Payne]
Unicoi Co. death record #6423; cause of death "suddenly died after
informant father -Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried at "Martins Creek."
MCCALL, Louvina [HILL]
b. April 1, 1892 - d. September 9,
[d/o Howard Hill and M. Ray]
Unicoi Co. death record #512[1917];cause of death "uremia blood poison from
abscessed tooth"; informant Louise Hill of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record and buried at Martins Creek Cem.
MCCURRY, Rosie [SILVERS] [unmarked]
b. 1840 - d. May 17, 1924
[d/o Thomas Silvers and Nellie of NC]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #254; widow; cause of death "heart failure"; parents noted in record;
buried "Martins Creek Cem."
MCINTOSH, Helen Ruth [unmarked]
b. October 5, 1933 - d.
December 31, 1934
[d/o Fermon McIntosh and Orpha Mae
Tenn State death record #29618, cause of death "laryngitis"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
buried "Martins Creek Cem."
MITCHELL, Elizabeth Lee [unmarked]
b. April 23, 1914 - d. July 2, 1914
[d/o J. H. Mitchell and Rosa of VA]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #57 [1914] cause of death "acute indigestion"; informant
father of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried Martins Creek Cem."
MOORE, infant
b/d December 24, 1924
[child of J. L. Moore and Mary Willis
of Australia]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #375; cause of death "stillborn"; informant
father of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried Martins Creek Cem."
1117. MOORE,
b/d February 11, 1922
[child of J. L. Moore and Mary Willis
of Australia]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #280; cause of death "convulsions"; informant
father of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried Martins Creek Cem."
1118. MORRIS, Betty
b. May 1846 - d. March 4, 1942
[d/o Isaac/Isom Morris and Eliza Guinn]
NOTE: Tenn
State death record #C-851; single; no cause of death noted; informant
Robert Jewell of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried Martins Creek Cem."
MORRIS, Nancy "Nan" [unmarked]
b. abt. April 1844 - d. February 7, 1935
[d/o Isam Morris and Eliza Guinn]
Tenn State death record #4672-1913; single; died age 95; cause of death "broncho pneumonia
from influenza"; informant Morgan Bailey; father is Isam Mooris and Eliza
___ in record ; buried
"Martins Creek Cem." It appears Nan is a sister to Betty,
both single when they died. In Betty's death cert, it states "Isaac Mooris
and Eliza Gwen".
1120. NORRIS,
infant [unmarked]
b/d April 1, 1924
[child of Robert Norris and Jena
Tenn State death record #248; cause of death "stillborn";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record and buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
PATTERSON, Jack [unmarked]
b. June 28, 1919 - d. September 28,
[s/o Jack C. Patterson and Lula Mae
McVay buried Roseland Memorial, Carter Co., TN]
Tenn State death record #404; cause of death "diptheria";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
1122. PETERSON, Addie [JONES] [unmarked]
b. 1878 - d. March 29, 1934
[d/o Andrew Jones of VA and Sarah
Whitson of NC;
Tenn State death record #7191; widow; cause of death "heart problem";
died at age 56; informant Jess Peterson of Erwin; parents mentioned in record and buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
PRICE, David Junior [unmarked]
b. 1930 - d. December 13, 1932
[s/o Lee Price and unknown]
Tenn State death record #27961-1932; died 17 mos and 15 days; cause of death "convulsions";
father mentioned in record; buried at "Martins Creek."
1124. RANDOLPH, Irene [unmarked]
b. abt. 1908 - d. January 24, 1948
[died age 30]
b. 1858 - d. July 2, 1926
[s/o William Randolph and Vista
Phillips of NC]
Tenn State death record #20818; widower; cause of death "cerebral
died at age 68; born in NC; parents mentioned in record and buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
1126. RIDDLE,
b. January 16, 1923 - d. July 10,
[d/o Richard Riddle and Effie ___ of
Tenn State death record #274; cause of death "unknown";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
1127. RICE, infant
b. ? - d. October 10, 1931
[infant of Sarah Phillips Rice]
b. July 26, 1904 - d. April 7, 1925
[d/o l. A. Dunbar and Mary E. S___]
Tenn State death record #285; married; cause of death "nephritis";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
RUNION, Margaret
b. September 8, 1920 - d. December
21, 1921
[d/o W.F. Runion of NC and Maggie
Tenn State death record #420; cause of death "pneumonia"; informant
W.T. Runion Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Martins Creek Cem.
SHUTLER, infant
b/d September 6, 1920
[child of Daniel N. Shutler and
Maggie Blevins]
Tenn State death record #463;cause of death "stillborn"; informant
father-Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Martins Creek Cem."
b. August 20, 1889 - d. July 15, 1916
[w/o Frank Taylor; d/o Matthew
Bennett and Cordi]
Tenn State death record #498 [1916];cause of death "carcinoma"; informant Frank
Taylor-Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Martins Creek Cem.
THOMPSON, A. L. [unmarked]
b. 1869 - d. November 29, 1931
[s/o W. E. Thompson of PA and Kizie Reynolds - Wash., D.C.; married to Minnie;
lived 62 yrs, 7 mos., 26 days.]
Tenn State death record #25495; cause of death "influenza and myocarditis"; born
in Ohio; worked in the Pottery Factory; informant W. E. Thompson; parents
mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
1133. TINKER,
Willard Oliver [unmarked]
b. April 6, 1917 - d. October
25, 1918
[s/o Palmer Tinker and Savannah
Tenn State death record #631; cause of death "influenza";
informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
TRAYLOR, Hazel Katherine [unmarked]
b. October 18, 1925 - d.
December 23, 1925
[d/o William Traylor and Dessie
Letterman of NC]
Tenn State death record #353; cause of death "found dead in bed"; parents mentioned in record;
informant B.L. Letterman of Erwin; buried
"Martins Creek Cem."
b. 1898 - d. April 14, 1920
[d/o Samuel Williams and Hannah
Higgins of NC]
Tenn State death record #414; single - died age 22; occupation Housework; cause of death "influenza"; informant
Joe Bennett; parents noted in record and buried at "Martins Creek Cem."
WILLIAMS, Frank [unmarked]
b. February 20, 1887 - d. June
20, 1928
[s/o James Williams and Rachel
Williams of NC]
Tenn State death record #19744; born in SC, married; worked as a laborer; cause
of death "pellegra"; informant wife of Erwin; informant W. E. Thompson; parents
mentioned in record; buried in Martins Creek Cem.
1137. WILSON,
D. M. [unmarked]
b. May 19, 1862 - d. September 27,
[s/o John M. Wilson and Sarah Chapel
of AL]
Tenn State death record #513 [1917]; cause of death "jaundice and fever"; informant
W. A. Wilson of Asheville, NC; parents mentioned in record and buried at "Martins Creek Cem."

Macro Views of Martins Creek Cemetery -
taken in March 2009 by bbpytel
All rights reserved,
B. Bradford-Pytel, 2003-present
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