Macro View of Jobe Cemetery taken February 2013 -
Jobe Cemetery is most likely named after "J. Jobe" (1771 - 1849) who appears to
be the first person interred (plot
#257). The cemetery is located on Main Street at the northeast end of downtown Erwin.
From I-26 towards Asheville, NC, take Exit 19 Main Street. Heading into Erwin, cross over the
railroad tracks and make a left at the next traffic light onto
Main St. The entrance is about a half mile on the left next
to a car dealership. The CSX RR runs behind the cemetery. A circular gravel road and side parking are available.
This is an active cemetery and well taken care of.
Contact me for corrections, additions,
info. "Unmarked" graves with identifiable family relations are positioned
next to their relatives. Other unmarked graves are at the end in alpha
order. My interest in the cemetery is through my grandfather, 3 aunts and
2 uncles and several other ancestors of the White line who are buried here.
PART I: Surname Index for entire site
PART II: Order of Enumeration; Unmarked/arranged in family order
PART III : Additional Unmarked graves in alpha order
Left photos taken
April 2006 by bbpytel
PART I - Index of
ABELL [#244], ADAMS [#109;201], ALBERTSON
AMBROSE [#203b; 444-445], ANDERSON [#95-97],
[#401], ARNETT
[#495], BAILEY
[#220; 334; 421-422], BAKER
[#90-91; 260-261], BARE
[#25-26], BARNETT [#162; 381;
[#335-336], BAUCOM
[#423-425], BAUMGARDNER
[#497], BEAVER
[#185; 453-456], BENNETT
[#348-349; 480-482], BERRY
[#258-259], BISHOP [#498], BLANKENSHIP
[#358-359], BLEVINS
[#60-62], BOLTON
[#207-208; 389-391; 499], BOOTH
[#68; 272; 274], BRIGGS [#1],
BRITT [#163-165],
BROWN [#100-101; 184b; 265], BROYLES
[#198-200], BRYANT
[#313; 448], BUCHANAN
[#12-13], BUCKNER
[#64-66], BUNDY
[#55-57; 59; 470-471], BURLESON
[#175-177], BURTON
[#422], CALLOWAY
CALHOUN [#435-438], CAMPBELL [#85-89], CAPPS
[#212-214], CARTER [#320],
[#176], CHANDLER [#64],
[#500], CLARK [#302-304],
CLICK [#284],
[#186], COFFIE
[#40; 187], COIN
[#271; 407], COLDWELL [#501],
[#377], COOPER
[#14; 35-37; 492-493], CROW/ CROWE
[#397-398], CRUMLEY
[#306; 395],
DANIEL [#503-504], DANIELS
[#184], DAVIS [#101; 145;
226-230; 268; 272-280; 416- 417], DEAVER
[#514], DEVAULT
[#394], DICKSON
[#181-184], DIETZ
[#239], DOBBINS
[#505], DOUGLAS [#427-428], DRYMAN
[#105-106], DUFFY [#22], DUNCAN
[#80-84; 268-269; 343-346], DUNKLEBERGER [#98],
EDWARDS [#12; 185], ELAM
[#199], ELLIOTT
[#128], EMMERT
[#111-117;126; 296-298], ERLEY
[#466], ERWIN
[#120; 123-125; 132; 326b; 388], FARNOR
[#262-263], FERGUSON [#462b], FORD
[#20-22], FORSYTHE
[#379], FOSTER
[#440], FOX
[#506; 536], FRANKLIN
[#224-225; 245b], FR[E]Y
[#150; 415],
FULTON [#239; 241], GALLOWAY
[#290-292], GARLAND [#99;
102-104; 144; 314],
GIBBS [#389], GRIER [#108], GREEN
[#476-478], GREENWELL
[#6], GREER
[#507], GRIFFITH
[#341-342; 535a], GOUGE
[#16-17], GUERRA
[#434], HALE
[#127], HALL [#508],
HANNON [#457],
HARRISON [#146],
[#55], HARVEY
[#231b], HASH
[#28], HAWKINS
[#222-223], HELTON
[#363-364], HELVEY [#510], HENSLEY [#32;
328; 337-340; 404-407], HERRELL
[#316-317], HIGGINS
HILBERT [#242-243], HORTON
[#312-313], HULIN
[#264-266], HUNT [#129],
HURD [#374], HURDT
[#161], HUTCHINS [#386-387], JACKSON
[#201-202; 488-491], JARVIS
[#66], JEFFRIES [#215-216], JOB
JOHNSON [#75; 375], JONES
[#148; 160; 253-254], KEENER
[#398b], KEEVER
[#299-301; 398b; 450b; 463-466], KEGLEY
[#319-322], KERNS
[#382-385], KERR
[#511], KILBY
[#78], KILMER [#413], LAMBERT
[#392-393], LAWS
[#79; 179; 213; 227; 515a], LETTERMAN
[#404b], LEWIS
[#209-211; 487], LIPE [#399],
[#453], LOVE
[#116], LUNDY
[#513], LUTTRELL
[#441-443], LYLE
[#203; 514], MARION
[#408-411], MARTIN
[#256], MASHBURN
[#354], MATHES
[#479], MCATKINS
[#514], MCCURRY
[#429-432], MCEWEN
[#218], MCINTURFF [#281-288;
291; 295; 462; 484], MCINTYRE
[#516], MCLAIN
[#245-246], MCLAUGHLIN
[#231-232; 433; 458-459], MCKAY [#147], MCNABB
[#130-143; 145; 171; 385; 450-452], MEREDITH
[#394a]; METCALF
[#517], MILLER
[#23-24; 38-46;71; 289; 446; 517], MILLNER
[#360-361], MONK
[#518], MORGAN [#118;
365-368], MORLEY [#318],
MULLINS [#519],
MURRAY [#90-91;120-121], MYERS
[#520], NUGENT [#267], O'BRIEN
[#152; 233-236; 521a/b/c], ODELL [#533],
[#415b], PARKS [#315],
[#355-357], PATTON
[#368], PETERS
[#523-524], PHILLIPS [#67-70;
237-238; 396], PHIPPS
[#26-28], PICKERING
[#74], PIPPIN
[#122-123], POTEAT
[#8], PRATER
PRATT [#376], PRESNELL [#197], PRICE [#163b;
178-180; 409], QUESENBERRY
[#58-59], RALSTON [#331],
RAMSEY [#525] RANDALL [#77], RAY
[#232; 443], RENFRO [#396], RENSHAW [#112],
[#1; 277], RICH
[#474-475], ROBBINS
[#526-527], ROBERTS
[#50], RO[D]GERS
[2b; 383], RUN[NI]ON
[#161; 528-529], RYBURN
[#250; 305; 307-311], SCOTT
[#172-173], SCRUGGS
[#324-325], SHIPLEY
[#329], SHOUN
[#530], STILL
[#296;323], SIMMONS
[#95; 369-372; 531-532], SIMPSON
[#407; 411], SLAGLE
[#7-8; 61], SMITH
[#47-48; 533], SMYRE
[#460-461; 534], SORTORE
[#535], STARNES
[#330; 536], STEPHENS
[#72-73; 347b; 455], STEWART [#537], TAPP
[#446-447], TAYLOR
[#296; 380; 400-401; 403; 538], THORNBURG
[#190], TILSON [#315-317;
332-334], TIMBERLAKE [#294], TIPTON
[#255; 270; 402-403; 439; 483-487; 539], TITTLE
[#188-190; 204-206; 415; 442; 540a], TITUS
TONEY [#166-170; 191-194],
[#480], TREADWAY
[#458b], TUCKER
[#195-196; 216-221; 234], TURNBULL
[#174], VANCE
[#540], WALLACE
[#541], WARRICK [#9-11], WATSON
[#240-241], WATTLES
[#473], WATTS
[#542], WEBB
[#377-379; 412-415], WELD
[#225], WESTALL
[#103], WHITE
[#49-54; 92-94; 140; 326-327], WILLIAMS
[#110; 350-352; 418-420; 543], WILLS
[#483a], WILLIS
[#469], WILSON [#14b; 494], WING
[#472-473], WISEMAN [#30;
32-34;], WITCHER
[#468-469], WOHLFORD
[#250-252], WOMACK [#534],
[#81], YODER
[#517a], YOUNG
[#15; 173; 362; 535].
PART II - The Grave
1a. RICE, Altha
b. June 10, 1890 - d. March 23, 1960
[d/o Elijah Briggs and Elizabeth
McCoy; w/o Grant Rice]
1b. RICE,
[Thomas] Grant
b. May 8, 1890 - d. July 26, 1971
[s/o John Calvin Rice and Malinda J.
2a. HARRIS, Thomas Carl
b. June 1888 - d. 1973
[s/o William Harris and Naomi
2b. HARRIS, Lottie
b. January 4, 1899 - d. November 17, 1967
[w/o Thomas Carl Harris; d/o William
Reuben Rogers and Cassey Baker]]
3a. HARRIS, Thomas Carl, Jr.
b. April 19, 1940 - d. May 5, 1940
[s/o Thomas C. Harris and Lottie Rodgers]
NOTE: Unicoi Co., death record. #13061 - died prematurely
from twin pregnancy
3b. HARRIS, Jerry Glen
b. April 19, 1940 - d. April 26, 1940
[s/o Thomas C. Harris and Lottie Rodgers]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record. #13064 - died prematurely
from twin pregnancy
4. HARRIS, Willard
b. July 7, 1915 - d. January 5, 1917
[s/o Thomas C. Harris and Lottie Rodgers]
5. HARRIS, Shaler Lee
b/d 1948
[s/o Leroy Harris and Pearl E. Harrington]
b. November 25, 1915 - d. December 9, 1915
[d/o Edward Hamilton Greenwell and Anna Taylor]
6b. GREENWELL, infant male
b/d October 12, 1918
[s/o Edward Hamilton Greenwell and Anna Taylor]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #616, cause
of death "premature birth", informant Noah Cody; buried Jobe Cem., parents names
7. SLAGLE, Emory Milton
b. March 19, 1892 - d. April 6, 1968
[s/o Solomon Slagle and Mary C.
8. SLAGLE, Sudie Edna
b. June 8, 1892 - d. May 22, 1976
[d/o Joseph A. Poteet and Mittie J.;
she married 1st Fieldon Jacob Warrick; 2nd Emory Slagle]
9. WARRICK, Madeline T.
b. December 7, 1914 - d. April 12, 1966
[d/o Fieldon Jacob Warrick and Sudie
E. Poteat]
10. WARRICK, Mary
b. May 21, 1921 - d. November 24, 1921
[d/o Fieldon Jacob Warrick and Sudie
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #418, cause
of death "hemorrhage of the bowels", informant father of Erwin; buried Jobe Cem., parents names mentioned
11. WARRICK, Fieldon Jacob
b. June 9, 1895 - d. September 8, 1927
[s/o George W. Warrick and Jane
Amanda Griffith; married Sudie Edna Poteat on Nov. 22, 1911 in Marion, NC]
He was crushed by a train.
b. March 17, 1888 - d. June 6, 1924
[d/o Ira Edwards and Susannah
Williams; w/o Avery Buchanan]
Tenn Death record #260; cause of death the "flu secondary to an abortion"
13. BUCHANAN, Clarence
b. December 1, 1912 - d. September 27, 1920
[s/o Avery Buchanan and Mollie Edwards
of Mitchell Co., NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #462, cause of death "obstruction of bowels", informant
father; buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
14a. COOPER, William
M. Raleigh
b. June 19, 1872 - d. February 9, 1963
[s/o Mary Cooper of Ramseytown,
Yancey Co., NC]
Tenn State Death Record #63-05819, cause of death "coronary occlusion', mother
"Mary Cooper" father unknown; buried Jobe Cem.
14b. COOPER, Dora Etta
b. 1874 - d. 1962
[d/o John Cooper and Mary "Polly"
Wilson of Poplar, Mithcell Co., NC; w/o William Cooper - married April 29, 1893]
15. YOUNG, Benjamin
b. March 20, 1840 - d. February 16, 1910
16. GOUGE, Infant
b/d/ 1913
[s/o B. L Gouge and Effie Howell]
17. GOUGE, Infant
b/d 1914
[s/o B. L. Gouge and Effie Howell]
Unicoi Co. death record #31, cause of death "stillborn", informant
father of Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
18a. HIGGINS, Holt Leonard
b. January 15, 1912 - d. July 26, 1978
Private First Class, US Army - WWII
[s/o James Thor Higgins and Caldonia Stockton buried Fishery Cem.; married
Lenora E. White; children: Gary L., Sheila, Estel, Ricky L.]
Lenora Elizabeth [WHITE]
b. April 23, 1927 - d. October
23, 2019
[d/o unknown and Mary D. White; wife
of Holt Leonard Higgins
OBITUARY: "Lenora White Higgins, 92,
Erwin, passed away Wednesday, October 23, 2019, at Christian Care Center of
Unicoi County, following a lengthy illness. Mrs. Higgins was a native and
lifelong resident of Erwin. She was the daughter of the late Mary White Gentry.
Mrs. Higgins was a homemaker and was formerly employed with The Elm’s Restaurant
in Erwin, Magnavox in Greeneville, and for several years at Dunbar’s Pepper
plant in the South Central community. She was a longtime member if Faith Baptist
Church. Mrs. Higgins loved to read, especially her Bible, and listen to Gospel
music. In addition to her mother, she was preceded in death by her husband, Holt
Higgins, in 1978, four children, Ricky Higgins, Gary Higgins, Sheila Willis, and
E.T. “Pete” Higgins, two sons-in-law, Howard Badger and Keith Bradley, two
brothers, Ralph Gentry and Roy Gentry. The graveside funeral service will be
held Friday, October 25, 2019, at 2:00 P.M., in Jobe Cemetery, Erwin, with Rev.
Kevin Laws, officiating. Special music will be provided by Stephanie Higgins.
Grandsons will serve as pallbearers. Those planning to attend are to meet at the
cemetery by 1:50 P.M. Friday."
19a. HIGGINS, Ricky Lynn
b. April 14, 1957 - d. August 13, 1962
[s/o Holt Higgins and Lenora White]
Gary Leonard
b. October 25, 1946 - d. May 30, 1994
[s/o Holt Leonard Higgins and Lenora
E. White]
HIGGINS, Sheila Ann
b. September 18, 1950 - d. April 16,
[d/o Holt Leonard Higgins and Lenora
E. White]
Estil Thor
b. 1952 - d. November 11, 2013
[s/o Holt Leonard Higgins and Lenora
E. White]
OBITUARY: "E.T. “Pete” Higgins, age 61, of
Johnson City formerly of Erwin, passed away on Monday, November 11, 2013, at the
Johnson City Medical Center. Mr. Higgins was a native of Unicoi County and a son
of Lenora White and the late Holt Higgins. He was of the Christian faith. In
addition to his mother, Mr. E.T. “Pete” Higgins has left to cherish his
memories: Life Partner: Sharon Crom of the home; Brother: Kevin Higgins of
Kingsport; Sisters: Bernice Sloan of Erwin, Margie Hensley and husband Phillip
of Unicoi, Donna Badger of Erwin, Ginger Shelton and fiancé Jesse of Unicoi,
Tammy Bradley and husband Keith of Erwin, Stephanie Higgins of Erwin; Family of
Children: Michael Higgins of Winchester, VA, Denise Repine of Winchester, VA,
Peter Higgins of Winchester, VA, Misty Higgins of Winchester, VA, Luke Crom of
Johnson City, Caroline Crom of Johnson City; Several Grandchildren. The life of
Estil Thore Higgins will be remembered and honored in a graveside committal
service to be at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, November 13, 2013, at Jobe Cemetery,
Erwin, TN. Reverend Travis Holloway will officiate. Active pallbearers will be
Luke Crom, Phillip Hensley, Bob Silvers, Michael Hensley, Mitchel Hensley, James
Badger and Jesse Davis. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to
the Pete Higgins Funeral Fund at Mountain Commerce Bank, Unicoi Branch.
Condolences and memories may be shared with the family and viewed at Valley
Funeral Home."
20. FORD, Robert Edward Lee
b. May 31, 1868 - d. August 2, 1928
[s/o Lloyd Ford and Cinderella Taylor
of Hawkins Co., TN]
Unicoi Co. death record #20394-1928; died at age 60; married; cause of death "cellulitis";
parents were "unknown" in record. Tombstone photo- bbpytel 2013
21. FORD, Rosa Sarah [HORTON]
b. December 26, 1869 - d. May 41, 1921
[w/o Robert E. Lee Ford; married October 27, 1892; d/o Isaac Horton of VA and
Margaret Davis]
Unicoi Co. death record #359; married; cause of death "exopthalmic goiter";
informant R. E. L Ford of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem. Tombstone photo- bbpytel
22. DUFFY, Betty [Elizabeth
b. February 4, 1898 - d. December 10, 1977
[d/o Robert E. Ford and Rosa S. Horton]
23. MILLER, Benjamin
b. 1882 - d. 1914
[s/o David Miller and Hannah Louisa]
24. MILLER, David
Co. M. 8th Tenn Calvary - Union Army
[b. abt. 1839 - d. 1920]
[s/o Andrew Miller and Nancy Peterson
of Poplar, Yancey Co., NC; married 1st Sarah; 2nd Hannah L.]
NOTE: He enlisted in the Union Army on
Sept. 15, 1863 at Jonesboro, TN as private, Company M, 8th Tennessee Calvary for
3 years. His enlistment records show that he was age 23, 5'6", fair complexion,
blue eyes and light hair. He was a prisoner of war to 10 May 1865.
According to records of Pauline Miller-Borrello, David moved to the Rock Creek
area of Unicoi County, TN near his brother Solomon. Deed records refer to
the land as "the Old Dave Miller tract". The 1900 Unicoi Co. census, notes
his wife, Hannah with 7 years of marriage. He became very sick
in 1915. He and his brother Sol are seen on land deed transactions -
Book 13, page 29, 1900 to 1911; 3 acres to Sol; Book 15, also refer to Book 31,
page 72; Book 12, page 371 and others, as late as 1917.
25. BARE,
James Gordon
b. November 25, 1879 - d. June 4,
[s/o H. G. Bare and Rebecca Hash]
26. BARE,
Etta Virginia [PHIPPS]
b. January 25, 1878 - d. 1965
[d/o Larkin Phipps and Sarah Ellen
Hash; w/o James G. Bare]
27. PHIPPS, Larkin
b. December 26, 1858 - d. March 13, 1922
[s/o Jackson Phipps and Mary "Polly" Osborn
of VA]
born in VA; Unicoi Co. death record #288, cause of death "acute ___ following
operation"; informant J. E. Bare of Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.; parents
mentioned in record.
PHIPPS, Sarah Ellen HASH
b. October 4, 1858 - d. September 22,
[w/o Larkin Phipps; children Etta
Virginia #26 and William Charles]
SORTORE, Frank Robert
b. July 9, 1869 - d. March 31, 1918
[s/o George Sortore and Jane Jadwin
of Belmont, Allegany, NY; he married 1st Laura M. on August 5, 1895 in Amity,
NY; married 2nd Mildred Emma/Anna Lamb on Nov. 2, 1913, in New River, TN; they
had two children: Jane Aletha and Emma Irene.
Frank Sortore, aged fifty years, died at Memorial Hospital at seven o'clock
Sunday evening. He had undergone an operation for gall stones. Following the
operation symptoms of heart failure developed and in spite of the best and most
scientific treatment he succumbed. He is survived by a wife and children. The
late Mr. Sortore lived near Erwin and was a trusted employee of the C C. and O
Rail Road. He was a native of New York State. The body was taken in change by
Ponder Brothers and transported this morning to Erwin, where funeral and burial
arrangements will be completed." SOURCE: The Johnson City Staff,
Johnson City, Tennessee. Monday, April 1, 1918, Page 3.
30. CHARLES, Anna Mae
b. August 30, 1914 - d. June 29, 1995
31. CHARLES, Andrew Hussel Sr.
b. April 23, 1907 - d. July 19, 1989
Married September 14, 1935
photo--bbpytel 2012
32. HENSLEY, Martha
b. August 21, 1922 - d. February 5, 1958
[d/o Arnold "Arnie" Derry Wiseman and Martha Phillips]
33. WISEMAN, Martha
b. 1893 - d. 1987
[d/o William Suffie Phillips and
Julia Franklin of Mitchell Co., NC; married Arnie Derry Wiseman]
34. WISEMAN, James William
b. June 5, 1920 - d. March 25, 1971
[s/o Martha Phillips and Arnie Derry Wiseman]
NOTE: Capt. US Army - WWII - Korean War
35. COOPER, Henry Jack
b. April 20, 1915 - d. January 1, 1987
Ardean [BAXTER]
b. July 4, 1917 - d. May 9, 2017
[d/o Lorenzo Dow Baxter and Elizabeth
Hughes; w/o Jack Cooper]
OBITUARY: "Rose Ardean Baxter Cooper,
Johnson City, formerly of Erwin, TN, passed away on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. She
would have been 100 years old on July 4 of this year. Mrs. Cooper was the
daughter of the late Lorenzo D. and Elizabeth Beatrice Hughes Baxter. In
addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Henry Jack
Cooper, an infant son, Earl Wesley Cooper, and four brothers, Charles, John,
Lorenzo Jr., and Gene Baxter. Mrs. Cooper was an accomplished artist and
an illustrator of children's books. She was Deputy Clerk at Register of Deeds
Office in Erwin, a volunteer JCMC receptionist, worked at King's and Sears
Department Stores, White's Grocery Stores, and in libraries of Ninth Street
Baptist and Central Baptist Churches. She served as Worthy Matron in Eastern
Star Chapter #29 and was a member of Nolichucky Grandview Chapter #194. Mrs.
Cooper was a member of Central Baptist Church. The family will greet friends to
share memories on Saturday, May 13, 2017 from 11:00 AM till 12:30 PM in the
Sunrise Chapel of Tetrick Funeral and Cremation Services, Johnson City. A
committal and internment service will follow at Job Cemetery, Erwin, TN, with
The Reverend Tim Tapp officiating." ~~The Erwin Record, May 11, 2017.
37. COOPER, Earl Wesley
b. March 1942 - d. April 1942
[s/o Jack Cooper and Rose Baxter]
38. MILLER, Solomon
Co. M, 8th Tenn Cavalry - Union Army
b. May 2, 1841 - d. May 19, 1914
[s/o Andrew "Andy" Miller and Nancy
Peterson of Polpar area, Yancey Co., NC; he married 1st Sarah; 2nd Elizabeth
McInturff (widow of Peter Honeycutt).]
Solomon "Sol" was born in Yancey Co., NC.
Unicoi Co. death record #30, cause of death "old age", informant W. E. Edwards
of Erwin, buried Jobe Cem. Record
verifies he was born in NC; his birth/death dates and parents. He is
the brother of Peter Miller #39a. photo
--bbpytel 2012
b. April 7, 1849 - d. April 25, 1897
[s/o Andrew "Andy" Miller and Nancy Peterson]
39b. MILLER, Jamima
b. Mary 15, 1854 - d. February 6, 1935
[w/o Peter Miller]
of tombstone - bbpytel 2007
40a. MILLER, Solomon Deal
b. April 2, 1871 - December 5, 1937
[s/o Peter Miller and Jamima Hughes #39a/b]
groundstone photo - bbpytel 2012
40b. MILLER,
Mary E. [COFFEE]
b. September 14, 1876 - d. August 14, 1952
[d/o Elisha Perry Coffee and Sarah
Ann Berry; w/o Solomon D.; children: James, Robert, Frank, Carl, Vestel,
William, Hazel, Leonard]
41. MILLER, James
b/d 1899
[s/o Solomon D. Miller and Mary E.
42. MILLER, Frank
b. April 8, 1901 - d. September 7, 1912
[s/o Solomon D. Miller and Mary E.
43. MILLER, Vestel Willard
b. March 16, 1906 - d. February 13, 1931
[s/o Solomon D. Miller and Mary E.
44. MILLER, Solomon Deal
b/d April 27, 1945
[s/o Carl Ernest Miller and Dora Lloyd]
45. MILLER, infant
[child of Carl Ernest Miller and Dora Lloyd]
MILLER, Arthur
b. August 15, 1920 - d. October
9, 1920
[s/o Samuel Miller and Lizzie Bowman]
Unicoi Co. death record #467, cause of death "hives"; informant father of Erwin;
buried in Jobe Cem., parents mentioned in record.
47a. SMITH, Mary Nelson
47b. SMITH, Fred
WHITE, Joseph Christopher
b. February 6, 1886 - d. July 26, 1962
David Jonathan White and Martha Garland buried
Fishery Cem, Erwin #268/269]
Married 1st
Dorothy Virginia Tinker (Jan. 10, 1890 - Dec. 30, 1975)
on Dec. 31, 1912 in Erwin, TN
d/o William Baylis Tinker and Mary Ann Jones. The marriage ended in divorce.
Dorothy never remarried and is buried at
Roselawn Mem. Park, Carter Co., TN. Their children:
1) Fay Banner
#51a b. Jan. 2, 1914 - d. Feb. 12,
2) Virginia
May - b. May 9, 1916 - d. May 9, 1985 buried Evergreen
Cem., Erwin
3) Harrell
#51b - b. Oct. 24, 1922 - d. Dec. 26,
Married 2nd
Bessie Marie Harris
(b. Aug. 13, 1916 - d. Nov. 8, 2014) on July 29, 1936; d/o
Nathan Dempsey Harris and Sarah Margaret Woody.
1) alive
Howard - b. Sept. 9, 1933 - d. Nov 14, 2016 buried
Greenwood Mem Park, Fort Worth, TX
Geneva Marie #50 - b. March 10, 1935 - d. May 4, 1963
4) David
James #52a - b/d December 26, 1936
Joseph Christopher Jr. - b. July 1, 1938 - d. July 6, 2013
Greenwood Mem Park, Forth Worth, TX
Charlotte Mamie #53 - Nov. 23, 1939 - d. July 17,
7) Wanda
Jean #49 - b. Nov. 28, 1942 - d.
Nov. 8, 2016
8) alive
9) alive
Robert Edison #52b - b. Oct. 4, 1945 - d. Feb. 13, 1946
Hubert Gibson #54 - b/d Sept. 1, 1949

NOTE: Jeweler/Optometrist and owner
of JC White Jewelry shop
located on Main
Street in Erwin. According to his
#62-20337, cause of death carcinoma
stomach/liver, informant
Virginia May White-Burrell, (dau. of 1st wife- Dorothy Tinker).
tombstone photo taken 2012 -bbpytel.
WWI Registration Card
JC White Jewelry Shop
b. November 28, 1942 - d.
November 9, 2016
[d/o Joseph Christopher
White #48 and
Bessie Marie Harris buried Oakhill Mem. Kingsport, TN]
NOTE: Wanda Jean White Niven passed
away at age 73 in Annapolis, MD on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, after a
hard-fought battle with rheumatoid arthritis. She was born in Erwin, TN
and the daughter J. C. White and Bessie Marie Harris.
She was a former resident of Arnold, MD and
had lived in Chester, MD for the past twenty-eight years.
Other than her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers: Joseph
Christopher "Junior" White, Jr., Jonathan White; two sisters: Geneva White
Rocheleau and Charlotte White.
photo taken 1981.
My Mom was a song.
She was high to low, fast
to slow.
She was tough, yet
tender, and would sing you a melody that would sweep you off your feet.
Her notes were of joy and
enduring pain.
And you knew right away
when she was sharp and when she was flat.
She was a song we needed
and thought would never end, with a rhythm like waves that would clap and
Now her harmony is a light that
lives in all she knew.
And her music whistles through our
hearts and minds and into our own lyrics.
Now her song is our song. ~~~by Victoria Niven-Valton
50. ROCHELEAU, Geneva Marie
b. March 10, 1935 - d. May 4, 1963
[d/o Joseph Christopher White and Bessie Marie Harris; married
Robert "Bob"
W. Rocheleau]
NOTE: "Nivie" was a woman of many talents
beyond her beauty. She was a swimmer, played the piano, a dedicated
employee for the telephone company working as an operator and a loving daughter,
sister and wife. After graduating from Unicoi Co. High School, she moved
to Washington, D.C. where she met Bob from Rhode Island who owned a restaurant.
They married and had two children. She died at age 28 from a brain tumor.
She was a patient at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to
undergo cutting edge therapy for a cure but was deemed terminal and sent back
home to Erwin to live her last days.
Bob Rocheleau (b. Dec.
27, 1933 - d. June 1, 1990) is the son of Leo W. Rocheleau and Marion C. Peckham
of Newport, RI and is buried in the
Newport, RI area.
PHOTOS: (l-r) young Geneva age 16;
tombstone photo courtesy of Skip White 2005; her
mother, Bessie Marie Harris, placing flowers on her grave in 1967
51a. WHITE,
Fay Banner
b. January 2, 1914 - d. February 12,
[s/o J. C. White #49 and 1st wife
Virginia Tinker]
Unicoi Co. death record #11, cause of death "indigestion", informant father of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record
WHITE, Harrell
b. October 24, 1922 - d. December 26,
[s/o J. C. White and 1st wife
Dorothy Virginia Tinker]
Unicoi Co. death record #372, cause of death "illegible", informant father of
Erwin; "buried Jobe Cem.", parents mentioned in record.
COMMEMORATIVE CROSS for #51a/b: February 16,
2014, I fabricated and installed the cross to commemorate the unmarked graves of
Fay and Harrell.
 52a. WHITE, David Jonathan
b/d December 26, 1936
[s/o Joseph Christopher White and
Bessie Marie Harris]
NOTE: Named after his grandfather. Per Unicoi Co.
Death Record
#31672; cause of
death "premature", informant father of Erwin; noted " buried in Jobe Cem."; parents mentioned in record.
The middle name "James" on the cross is an error.
52b. WHITE, Robert Edison
b. October 4, 1945 - d. February 13, 1946
[s/o Joseph Christopher White and
Bessie Marie Harris]
NOTE: Robert's middle name was after the great American
inventor Thomas A. Edison whom JC White esteemed and had an opportunity to work at his
West Orange, NJ "Inventor's Factory" but the offering fell through.
Per the Unicoi Co.
Death Record
he lived 4 months and 9 days; cause of
death "lobar pneumonia, diarrhea"
children of Joseph Christopher White and Bessie Marie Harris. On September
6, 2013, I fabricated and installed a cross to commemorate the unmarked graves
of David, Robert, Charlotte and Hubert White, all of whom died at a very early
age and are buried at Jobe Cemetery. I installed the cross next to
their sister's grave, Geneva. The actual location of the plots are not
known. [photos taken 9-6-2013 -bbpytel]
WHITE, Charlotte Mayme [unmarked]
b. November 23, 1939 - d. July 17, 1941
[d/o Joseph Christopher White and Bessie Marie Harris]
NOTE: Per the Unicoi Co.
Death Record #51-871
lived 1 year, 6 month
and 24 days; cause of death "simple meningitis"; noted as being buried at Jobe
Cemetery. Photo of Charlotte age 1 year --bbpytel
54. WHITE, Herbert Gibson
b. September 1, 1949 - d.
September 2, 1949
[s/o Joseph Christopher White and
Bessie Marie Harris]
Tenn State Death Record #49-212232, lived 1 day - born/died in Johnson City, TN;
cause of death pulmonary atelectasis due to congenital defect; parents noted in
record; buried "Jobe Cem.".
55. BUNDY, Addie G. [HARTSOCK]
b. 1874 - d. 1954
[w/o William Henry Bundy; d/o William B. Hartsock
and Winnie Elizabeth Meade of Russell Co., VA]
56. BUNDY, Winifred Mae
b. December 30, 1899 - d. June 4, 1958
[s/o William Henry Bundy and Addie G. Hartsock]
57. BUNDY, Buster B.
b. September 24, 1906 - d. March 6, 1970
US Army - WWII
58. QUESENBERRY, Tobias Jackson
b. September 29, 1882 - d. December 13, 1934
[s/o Enos Quesenberry and Rebecca Hughette
of Floyd, VA; he married 1st Martha Dalton on Oct. 18, 1900, Floyd, VA; married
2nd Tempa Bundy on Aug. 5, 1915, Unicoi Co., TN]
Born in Carrol Co. VA; he was a Locomotive Engineer for the CC&O RR. Tenn
State Death Record #29610. Died in Unicoi Co., TN; cause of death "drospy;
chronic nephritis due to hypertension; parents noted in record; buried Jobe Cem.
59. QUESENBERRY, Tempa Virginia [BUNDY]
b. December 2, 1892 - d. January 21, 1952
[w/o Tobias J. Quesenberry. d/o William Henry Bundy and Addie G. Hartsock]
60. BLEVINS, Will M.
b. March 8, 1884 - d. January 29, 1958
[s/o James Blevins and Mary C. Young
of Mitchell Co., NC]
photo of tombstone - bbpytel 2014
61. BLEVINS, Lillie [SLAGLE]
b. 1886 - d. 1937
[w/o William M. Blevins; d/o Franklin
Pierce Slagle and Naomi Young; children: William, Carl, Nelson, Floretta]
photo of tombstone - bbpytel 2014
William Frank
b. December 30, 1905 - d. November 8, 1984
[s/o William M. Blevins and Lillie
Slagle; married Naomi Goodman of Florida]
OBITUARY: “William Frank Blevins, 78, Route 2,
Grand Island, Florida died Thursday. Born in Bakersville, NC, he moved to Grand
Island from Tennessee in 1946. He was a retired painter and was a Protestant.
Survivors: son, William, California; daughters, Betty Raymond, North Miami
Beach, Mrs. Beverly Bingham, Orlando, Mrs. Barbara Chivers, Boone, NC.;
brothers, Carl, Erwin, Tenn., Rought, Hollywood, Wilmer, New Orleans; 11
grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Steverson Funeral Home, Tavares.”
SOURCE: The Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, Florida,
Saturday 10 Nov 1984, Page 40.
Eugenia Katherine
b. 1885 - d. December 30, 1925
[w/o George W.; d/o John Chandler and Lucinda Briggs of
Madison Co., NC]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Record #355, born in
NC, died age 40 yrs., 7 mos. and 7 days; cause of death "pellagra"; parents
mentioned in record.
photo of tombstone - bbpytel 2009
George Washington
b. June 5, 1881 - d. September 7, 1972
[s/o James A. Buckner and Sarah Ann Briggs]
NOTE: photo of tombstone - bbpytel 2009
66. JARVIS, Polly
L. [BUCKNER] [unmarked]
b. January 28, 1971 - d. October 20, 1957
[d/o James A. Buckner and Sarah Ann Briggs;
married Nathaniel Elephiat Jarvis Oct 2, 1910 in Madison Co., NC; he is bured at
Jarvis Cem. Mars Hill, Madison Co., NC]
Tenn State Death Record #57-25867, died in Unicoi Co., TN; age 86; cause of
death "carcinoma of colon 153"; widowed; informant George Buckner; parents
noted in record; buried "Jobe Cemetery."
67. PHILLIPS, Thomas Warren
b. August 21, 1881 - d. April 23, 1924
[s/o Henderson P. Phillips of
Mitchell Co., NC and Rachel E. Britt of Carter Co., TN; married Mattie C. Booth
on Feb. 25, 1914, Unicoi Co., TN]
Unicoi Co. death record #243-1924, died age 42, cause of death "cerebral
hemorrhage"; married; informant W. L. Phillips of Unicoi; parents mentioned in
record; buried "Jobe Cem."
68. PHILLIPS, Mattie
[Martha] Caroline
b. March 6, 1890 - d. July 15, 1965
[w/o Thomas Warren Phillips.; d/o Madison F. Booth and Augusta Hatcher]
NOTE: Tenn State Death Record #65-020916, died in
Unicoi Co., TN; age 85; cause of death "massive cerebral vascular occlusion
secondary to generalized arteriosclerosis"; widowed; informant Eloise Phillips;
parents noted in record; buried "Jobe Cemetery."
69. PHILLIPS, Thelma Eloise
b. January 30, 1915 - d. July
14, 1994
[d/o Thomas Warren Phillips and
Mattie Caroline Booth]
b/d April 26, 1926
[d/o Jack Phillips and Horneta Wolfe]
71. MILLER, Cleo
b. November 4, 1909 - d. February 9, 1910
[d/o J. K. Miller and Nora]
72. STEPHENS, Thomas J.
b. 1884 - d. May 19, 1937
[died age 53; s/o Silas Stephens and
Amanda Jane Hughes of Mitchell Co., NC]
b/d April 10, 1921
[d/o Robert Pickering and Betty A.
Unicoi Co. death record #342, cause of death "stillborn", infant daughter;
informant father of Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.;
parents mentioned in record
75. JOHNSON, Evelyn
b. September 10, 1920 - d. April 7, 1921
[d/o J. Lee Johnson and Cary T.]
76. ELAM, Roscoe M.
b. March 13, 1910 - d. November 10, 1910
[s/o David Elam and Vesta]
77. RANDALL, Alberta
b. April 3, 1912 - d. July 20, 1913
[d/o William C. Randall and Maggie]
78. KILBY,
James Albert
b. November 24, 1916 - d. January 30, 1917
[s/o J. H. Kilby and Mary Wilson]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #433; cause
of death "malnutrition"; informant - father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
79. LAWS, James S.
b. December 24, 1922 -December 28,
[s/o D. M. Laws and Ann Worsham]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #373; cause
of death "bronchial pneumonia"; informant - father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
80. DUNCAN, Charles Franklin
b. January 7, 1881 - d. 1963
[s/o Jerome Coke Duncan and Virginia Davis Wright]
NOTE: Free Mason; headstone photo 2006 --bbpytel
81. DUNCAN, Ina May
b. June 25, 1886 - d. May 6, 1922
"She is a Consecrated Christian and a Devoted Wife and Mother"
[w/o Charles F.; d/o John Worthen and Marian Williams of Rutland, VT]]
82. DUNCAN, Jerome
b. June 22, 1886 - d. July 1965
[s/o Jerome Coke Duncan and Virginia Davis Wright]
NOTE: Born Blacksburg, York Co., South
Carolina; headstone --photo bbpytel 2006.
83. DUNCAN, Roxie Ellen
b. 1892 - 1967
[w/o Jerome; d/o Frank Love and
Fannie Mae McFall]]
84. DUNCAN, Nannie
d. July 19, 1950
85. CAMPBELL, John Wiley
b. April 3, 1878 - d. December 21, 1927
NOTE: per death record of daug. Eleanor
#87, he was from Campbell Co., VA]
86. CAMPBELL, Infant
b. November 27, 1918 - d. November 28, 1918
[child of John Wiley Campbell and Agnes E.Mettol]
87. CAMPBELL, Eleanor Kirkwood V.
b. October 26, 1914 - d. August 19, 1918
[d/o John Wiley Campbell #85 and Agnes Mettol]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #596, cause
of death "diphtheria; informant J. W. Campbell; buried in Jobe Cem., parents
mentioned in record
88. CAMPBELL, Infant
b./d November 20, 1914
[d/o William A Campbell and Josephine]
89. CAMPBELL, Doris
b. January 21, 1921 - d. June 16, 1921
[d/o William A. Campbell of VA and Sarah Litterford]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #366-1921,
cause of death "dysentery"; informant was father of Erwin; parents mentioned in
record .
tombstone photo --bbpytel
90. BAKER, William S.
b. April 24, 1892 - d. January 28, 1916
[s/o J. W. Baker and Margaret Kuner]
Free Mason
NOTE: Also known as "Will"; Unicoi Co.
death record #437, RR Fireman; cause of death "injury from a train wreck in NC;
buried in Jobe Cem., informant D. W. Baker of Erwin; parents mentioned
in record; tombstone photo --bbpytel
91. BAKER, James S.
b. April 18, 1912 - d. December 12, 1912
[s/o D. W. Baker and L. E.]
92. WHITE, William N.
b. July 6, 1874 - d. January 19, 1959
[s/o Christopher White and Mary Simmons]
93. WHITE, Saba N.
b. October 17, 1887 - d. August 4, 1911
[w/o William N. White]
NOTE: tombstone photo --bbpytel
94. WHITE, Opal
b. March 4, 1911 - d. September 9, 1911
[d/o William N. White and Saba N.]
NOTE: Photo courtesy GM Edwards 2012
95. ANDERSON, Mary
b. October 16, 1876 - d. July 9, 1911
[w/o Landon Taylor Anderson]
96. ANDERSON, Taylor Jones
b. October 11, 1900 - d. March 26, 1912
[s/o Landon Taylor Anderson and Mary
97. ANDERSON, James
b. April 8, 1911 - d. July 23, 1911
[s/o Landon Taylor Anderson and Mary
98. DUNKLEBERGER, Mabel Leone
b. December 1, 1919 - d. June 1, 1920
[d/o Augustus C. Dunkleberger of Illinois
and Addie B. Foreman of Kansas]
Unicoi Co. death record #433, cause of death "Cholera infantum", informant
father of Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.,
parents mentioned in record
99. GARLAND, Wesley
b. October 30, 1911 - d. February 20, 1912
100. BROWN, B. F. [Benjamin Franklin]
b. May 5, 1830 - d. March 29, 1900
[s/o John Brown and Nancy Clouse;
married Lucretia Davis July 22, 1855 in Washington Co., TN]
NOTE: According to his Civil War Pension
application, he declared his birth date May 5, 1855. He served as a Fifer
for Co. D, 63rd Regiment - CSA. He developed severe rheumatism and back pain and
became totally disabled according Dr. H.C. Banner.
101. BROWN, Lucretia
b. April 17, 1831 - d. September 29, 1923
[d/o James C. Davis and Rachel Tilson; w/o Benjamin F. Brown;
children: James M., Andrew Johnson, Mary Jane, Lula Ann, Robert E.]
Yesterday At Home of Daughter, Mrs. R. R. Emmert. Member Of Pioneer Family Of
This Section. Mrs., Lucretia Brown died yesterday at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. R. R. Emmett on Sunset Hill in her 93rd year. She had been ill for only
about a week, and her condition was not considered critical until a few hours
before her death. Prior to her last illness, she was unusually active, and had
been her custom during her long and useful life. All details of funeral
arrangements had not been completed yesterday evening, but it was announced that
funeral and burial would be held this afternoon at 1:00 o'clock from the
residence, following which the body is to be taken to Erwin, her former home,
for burial in the Jobe Cemetery later this afternoon. Services in Johnson City
are to be conducted by Rev. E. J. Vance, pastor of the Watauga Avenue
Presbyterian Church assisted by Rev. L. M. Roper, pastor Of the Baptist Church.
The deceased was the widow, of R R Brown of Unicoi County, who died in 1800. She
has made her home with her daughter in Johnson City for the past fifteen years.
She was born near the present site of Erwin then a part of Washington County, on
April 14, 1831, the daughter of James C. Davis, one of the pioneers of this
section. She was the oldest member of the Erwin Baptist Church which she joined
in 1846, 77 years ago. Surviving are three sons and one daughter: Mrs. R. R.
Emmert, of Johnson City: A. J. and R. L. Brown of Erwin, and J. M. Brown now at
Unaka Springs. Besides these she leaves eleven grand children and four great
grand children. A brother, W. T. Davis. is living in Erwin."
Source: Johnson City Chronicle, Johnson
City, Tennessee 30 Sep 1923, Sun, Page 1
Joseph Roy Sr.
b. September 30, 1912 - d. February
25, 1985
[s/o William Garland and Martha
NOTE: Master Sgt. US Army - Korean War
b. May 22, 1906 - d. June 14, 1980
[w/o Roy Garland Sr.; d/o Thomas B. Westall and Mary E. Butner
buried Martins Creek Cem.]
104. GARLAND, Edward Wayne
b. October 9, 1943 - d. March 29, 1946
[d/o Roy Garland and Lela Westall]
105. DRYMAN, Carl Freeman
b. February 25, 1894 - d. October 13, 1928
[s/o Abijah Maxwell Dryman and Lovada Thomas; married Nadja "Naggie" A.
Sullins August 25, 1917 McDowell, NC; children: Delzia, Olga, Joyce]
OBITUARY: "Son of Mack Dryman and
Lovada Thomas, husband of Naggie A. Sullins Dryman. They were married on August
13, 1928 in McDowell County, North Carolina. Worked and owned a filling station.
A telegram received this week stated that Carl Dryman had been accidentally
killed at Lynchburg Virginia and that his body would reach Johnson City at 3
this afternoon, from there it will be brought to Erwin and interment made in
Jobe Cemetery at 4 p.m. We were unable to obtain full particulars of his death
at this time."
Source: Unicoi County Progress, Tuesday,
August 16, 1928, Page 1.
headstone photo taken Feb 2012 --bbpytel
b/d November 17, 1921
[d/o Carl Freeman. Dryman and Naggie
Unicoi Co. death record #416, cause of death "stillborn", informant father of
Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem., parents mentioned in record.
107. PRATER, Joseph R.
b. April 1, 1848 - d. August 8, 1929
Co. K, 4th Tenn Mntd Infantry - Union Army Civil War
b. April 10, 1841 - July 19, 1923
[1st w/o Joseph R. Prater; d/o Ransom Greer of NC and Mary Harvick of SC]
NOTE: Per Unicoi Co. death record #367,
married; cause of death "apoplexy"; informant Mrs. C.W. Adams of Erwin; parents
mentioned in record; buried in "Jobe Cem."
109. ADAMS, Callie [PRATER]
b. October 6, 1891 - d. May 4, 1932
"A Patient Sufferer, A Devoted Companion, A Consecrated Christian"
[d/o Joseph R. Prater and Mrs. Powell]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #11307;
died age 40 yrs, 6 mos and 28 days; wife of C. W. Adams; cause of death
"pulmonary tuberculosis"; husband was informant; buried Jobe Cem. tombstone photo --bbpytel
110. WILLIAMS, Pleasant Jefferson
b. October 17, 1853 - d. June 3, 1898
[s/o John B. Williams and Rebecca
Clark of Carter Co., TN; married Sarah "Sally"Grace on Jan. 22, 1876; children:
Mary Ann, William B., Rebecca C.]
Pleasant was an Artist per the 1880 Carter Co. TN census.
111. EMMERT, William Carter
b. December 10, 1823 - d. July 8, 1893
Lt. Co. I, 5th Tenn Volunteers - Mexican War
[s/o G. W. Emmert Sr., and Mary Hendrix]
NOTE: Soldier, Farmer, Attorney, State
Senator, U.S. Commissioner;
Free Mason; died from Diabetes;
112. EMMERT, Mary Amanda [RENSHAW]
b. July 4, 1827 - d. May 28, 1906
[w/o William Carter Emmert -married January 2, 1851. children: Nancy Jane, Peter Wesley #113, Mary Etta #118,
Dulcena Catherine (buried
Martins Creek #809b), Robert Renshaw, Ella]
113. EMMERT, Peter Wesley
b. October 4, 1854 - May 10, 1930
[died age 75; s/o William Carter Emmert and Mary A. Renshaw
OBITUARY: ERWIN, May 13 [1930] -- P.W.
Emmert, age 75, died Saturday at 1:00 a.m. at the home of his son, Ben, on
Banner Hill, after a lingering illness. Mr. Emmert, who was for many years
justice of the peace here, has been in declining health for the past three
years, and his death was not unexpected. Funeral services were held Saturday at
2:30 p.m. from the late residence, with Rev. Roscoe C. Smith of the First
Baptist church, in charge. Members of the Cosmopolitan quartet sang several
numbers. Interment followed in Jobe cemetery. The deceased is survived by three
sons, Will, of Indiana, Ben and Frank of Erwin and a daughter, Mrs. T.B.
Harrison, of Spiceland, Ind., also two sisters, Mrs. Will Love [,] Erwin, and
Mrs. M.J. Taylor, of Elizabethton. Active pallbearers were nephews of the
deceased and were: Paul and Jim Emmert, Orville Bogart, Will Taylor, R.H.
Bradshaw, Jr., and Russell Love. Flower bearers were selected from friends and
neighbors of the family
NOTE: Served as a Justice of Peace for
Unicoi Co.;
Obituary ; headstone photo --bbpytel
114. EMMERT, Senie [Phrocenia BOGART]
b. March 26, 1856 - d. July 20, 1911
[d/o Samuel Bogart and Mary M. Erwin; w/o Peter W. Emmert;
children: Ola Belle #117, Ella D.
#119, Nannie #269, Willie Nora #270]
115. EMMERT, Ola Belle
"Sister - Daughter of P.W. and Senie Emmert"
b. November 17, 1887 - d. November 2, 1911
NOTE: headstone photo --bbpytel
116. LOVE, Mary Etta [EMMERT]
b. May 23, 1856 - d. December 4, 1902
"46 Yrs., 7 Mos., 11 Days"
[s/o William Carter Emmert and Mary A. Renshaw]
NOTE: headstone photo --bbpytel
117. EMMERT, Ella
b. April 14, 1892 - d. November 13, 1899
[d/o Peter Wesley Emmert and Senia Bogart]
118. MORGAN, Infant
[child of C. D. Morgan and Bessie Woods]
b. September 20, 1922 - d. May 28, 1923
[d/o T. C. Baumgardner and Fisher
Hord of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #351, cause of death "colitis"; informant Mrs. Thomas
Roberts of Erwin.
120. MURRAY, Pearl [Stella Pearl
b. March 29, 1879 - d. December 13. 1933
[w/o Jessie G. Murray; d/o William Erwin and Julia Ann Ray]
121. MURRAY, Jessie G.
b. 1860 - d. March 19, 1925
[died age 65]
122. PIPPIN, Griffin D.
b. March 20, 1862 - d. September 21, 1952
[s/o William Perry Pippin and Catherine Andis
(buried Martins Creek
NOTE: more
info on
the Pippin Family tombstone photo --bbpytel
123. PIPPIN, Rebecca D.
b. July 22, 1864 - d. October 19, 1914
[w/o Griffin Pippin -married October 15, 1885 -
certificate; d/o Jesse B. Erwin and Elizabeth McMahan
children: Fletcher E., William E. Jesse A.]
 124. ERWIN, Jesse B.
b. July 25, 1823 - d. August 12, 1902
"Confederate States Army"
[s/o William S. Erwin and Lydia Tilson;
1st wife -Elizabeth D. McMahan; 2nd wife Sarah Jane;
children: James Madison, Sarah Ann,
Mary C., William S.,
Lydia H. #125, Emma #326b, Margaret, Rebecca D.
NOTE: Captain of the 64th NC Regiment, CSA - Civil War;
After the war, served as Unicoi County Clerk. In 1879, Erwin Post Office
was named after him. There are two tombstones marking his grave - left was the
original tombstone photo courtesy Paul Chrisawn; right photo --bbpytel
125. ERWIN, Lydia Harriett Ann
b. December 13, 1856 - d. April 13, 1935
"Member of the O.E.S" [Easter Star]
[d/o Jesse B. Erwin and Elizabeth McMahan]
NOTE: tombstone photo --bbpytel
126. EMMERT, Lucille
b. May 30, 1892 - d. September 13, 1896
[d/o R. Emmert]
127. HALE, Mary C.
b. November 7, 1851 - November 5, 1916
[w/o Henry Hale]
NOTE: tombstone photo --bbpytel
128. ELLIOTT, John R.
b. April 12, 1870 - d. November 19, 1907
129. HUNT, Will H.
b. December 27, 1868 - d. October 6,
[d/o William J. Hunt and Mary Henley]
 130. MCNABB, William B.
b. November 14, 1862 - d. September 29, 1913
131. MCNABB, Mollie J.
b. April 13, 1868 - d.
[w/o William B.]
NOTE: Husband and Wife share same stone;
front and back; tombstone photos --bbpytel
132. MCNABB, Ella Belle [ERWIN]
b. December 16, 1877 - d. February 8, 1936
[w/o Grover Seldon McNabb; d/o William Stuart Erwin and Hester Woodward]
Unicoi Co. death record #5300-1936; cause of death "hysterectomy; pneumonia";
parents and husband mentioned in record; informant G.S. McNabb of Erwin; buried
"Jobe Cem."
133. MCNABB,
William Clifton
b. July 6, 1904 - d. September 13, 1922
[s/o Grover S. McNabb and Ella Belle Erwin]
Unicoi Co. death record #338; cause of death "heart lesion"; buried in Jobe Cem;
parents mentioned in record; photo of tombstone - bbpytel
134. MCNABB, Annie Elizabeth
b. May 7, 1911 - d. August 9, 1921
[d/o Grover S. McNabb and Ella Belle Erwin]
File with Unicoi Co. death record #386; cause of death "accidental drowning";
father informant; buried in Jobe Cem;
parents mentioned in record
MCNABB, Infant
b/d February 4, 1920
[s/o Grover S. McNabb and Ella Belle
File with Unicoi Co. death record #392; cause of death "stillborn"; buried
"Jobe Cem."; parents mentioned in record
MCNABB, Ralph Denton
b. October 30, 1913 - d. December 20,
[s/o Grover S. McNabb and Ella Belle
File with Unicoi Co. death records - no # given; died of "pneumonia"; buried in
Jobe Cem; parents mentioned in record
MCNABB, George Cowin
b. February 10, 1914 - d. November 2,
[s/o George McNabb and Edith]
MCNABB, Nora Alice
b. July 22, 1892 - d. December 6,
[d/o R. G. McNabb and Kate]
 139. MCNABB, James A.
b. May 5, 1865 - d. September 18, 1894
[s/o James P. McNabb and Hannah Phillips #142/143; married
1st Alice White, 2nd
140. MCNABB, Alice
b. July 24, 1870 - d. November 30, 1890
[w/o J. A. McNabb]
tombstone photos --bbpytel
141. MCNABB, Henry Clay
lived 18 months
[s/o J. A. McNabb and Alice]
142. MCNABB, James
K. Polk
b. July 7, 1843 - d. January 20, 1902
"My Loving Wife Weep Not for Me"
[s/o Samuel Bogart McNabb and Sarah
__; married Hannah Phillips Aug. 21, 1861, Carter Co., TN]
143. MCNABB, Hannah
b. August 1, 1841 - d. October 13, 1915
[d/o William G. Phillips and Delilah
Blevins; w/o J. P. McNabb; children: William Bovel, James, George R.;
Decker Hyder.]
NOTE: Unicoi Co., TN, Death Record #520; widow;
cause of death "Paralysis due to Uremic Coma"; born "July 2, 1841", in Buffalo,
Carter Co., TN; informant R. G. McNabb (son); parents noted in record, buried
"Erwin." The 1900 Unicoi Co. Census states her birth month was October and
lived in Cave Bluff Town, Unicoi, she had 4 children, 3 living at the time.
b. November 1928 - d. September 8, 1930
[lived 22 months; d/o Mack McNabb and Celia Garland]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #22938-1930,
cause of death "acute indigestion", informant J. W. Garland of Erwin; parents
noted in record; buried Jobe Cem.
145. MCNABB,
Mary Jane
[DAVIS] [unmarked]
b. abt. 1868 - d. June 28, 1945
[died age 77; d/o Thomas Davis and Sarah Laws]
G. W.
b. July 19, 1860 - d. November 28, 1913
NOTE: headstone photo --bbpytel
147. MCKAY, Jocie
b. March 10, 1850 - d. February 22, 1921
[d/o James McKay and Mary Nicklas]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #318, cause
of death "lesion of heart", single; informant C. L. Harrison Erwin; buried Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in
record; death record indicates birth date is March 10, 1848;
headstone photo --bbpytel
148. JONES, Lettie Salina
b. October 12, 1839 - d. December 26, 1923
[d/o George B. Harrington and Mary C.
Jones; married Wilson Jones
Her husband died during active duty serving as Pvt. with Co. A, 37th NC Infantry
CSA. He contracted typhoid fever and died at a hospital in Virginia.
He is buried at
Cemetery in Orange Co., VA among many other fallen veterans with a
commemorative marker. She filed for a widow's pension on January 5, 1916
in Erwin, Tenn.
149. HARRINGTON, William B.
b. October 18, 1844 - d. November 26, 1918
[d/o George B. Harrington and Mary C.
born in NC; Unicoi Co. death record #656, cause of death "paralysis"; informant
Fred Harrington Erwin; no parents mentioned in record; buried
in Jobe Cem.
150. HARRINGTON, Annie E. [FRY]
b. August 24, 1850 - d. November 12, 1904
[d/o Capt. David Fry and Catherine
Gourley; w/o William B. #149]
 151. CALLOWAY, Daniel
b. [August 12] 1854 - d. [April 28] 1942
[s/o Sanders Calloway and Orpha Kelly]
NOTE: Born in Greenville, SC;
Calloway was Erwin's first city Marshall elected in 1891 and served until 1917; more
Biographical Info;
1st wife Martha Evaline O'Brien #152; 2nd Wife
Elizabeth "Lizzy" Smith married in 1910. Photo of Daniel owned by
Betty J. Cox of the
Daniel Calloway Collection; tombstone photo --bbpytel
152. CALLOWAY, Martha Evaline
b. 1858 - d. 1907
[1st w/o Daniel Calloway; children John, David, Charles, Neal]
153. CALLOWAY, John
b. 1878 - d. 1890
[s/o Daniel Calloway and Martha O'Brien]
154. CALLOWAY, David
b. 1880 - 1890
[s/o Daniel Calloway and Martha O'Brien]
155. CALLOWAY, Charles
b. 1883 - d. 1896
[s/o Daniel Calloway and Martha O'Brien]
156. CALLOWAY, Neal
b. 1889 - d. 1891
[s/o Daniel Calloway and Martha O'Brien]
157. CALLOWAY, Infant
b/o 1891
[s/o Daniel Calloway and Martha O'Brien]
158. CALLOWAY, Sanders
b. July 18, 1916 - d. 1917
[s/o Daniel Calloway of S.C .and
Elizabeth Smith of N.C.]
Unicoi Co death record #547, cause of death "laryngitis"; parents noted in
records; buried Jobe Cem.
159. CALLOWAY, Jack
b. July 14, 1927 - d. October 11,
[s/o Gamel Calloway of Greenville, SC
and Lizzie Smith of Yancey Co., NC]
Unicoi Co death record #23218, cause of death "diphtheria"; informant father of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cemetery."
160. JONES, Joseph Albert
b. December 24, 1873 - d. June 5, 1919
[s/o John Jones of Sullivan Co., TN and Lizzy Whaley]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #460, cause
of death "tuberculosis of bowels", informant father of Erwin; buried in
Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
161. RUNNION, Minnie [HURDT]
b. July 14, 1896 - d. march 13, 1926
162. BARNETT, Mariah A.
b. September 30, 1852 - d. May 9, 1916
[w/o Benjamin Franklin Barnett]
163a. BRITT, Frank Hanum
b. March 21, 1880 - d. September 9, 1950
[s/o Elbert C. Britt and Nancy Ann Brummett]
163b. BRITT, Dora E. [PRICE]
b. Mary 7, 1882 - d. October 12, 1951
[w/o Frank H. Britt; d/o Franklin Price and Caroline Grimsley;
children: Alice Elizabeth
Martins Creek #18b, Fred E., Edith
William C. #165, John]
tombstone photo --bbpytel
164. BRITT, Fred E.
b. December 7, 1901 - d. May 22, 1930
U.S. Navy - WWI
[s/o Frank H. Britt and Dora E. Price]
165. BRITT, William Clifton
b. 1906 - d. June 22, 1998
[died age of 92; s/o Frank H. Britt and Dora E. Price]
NOTE: Served at the Unicoi Co. Board of
BRITT, Joseph Lynn
b. June 12, 1960 - d. September
8, 2012
[s/o William Clifton Britt and Edna
166. TONEY, Bonnie Mae
b. 1903 - d. April 24, 1938
[died age 35; d/o David S. Toney and Lilly Bryant]
167. TONEY, infant
b/d October 31, 1934
[child of Hazen House Toney and Anna Ruth Emerson]
168. TONEY, Rachel S.
b. January 14, 1840 -d . December 19, 1910
[w/o J. J. Toney]
169. TONEY, Grover Dow
b. September 19, 1892 - d. August 23, 1893
[s/o W. J. and E. B. Toney]
170. TONEY, Cyrus Harrell
b. May 8, 1897 - d. June 10, 1897
[s/o W. J. and E. B. Toney]
171. MCNABB, Mollie F.
b. January 26, 1869 - d. June 19, 1882
[w/o William F. McNabb; d/o Lorenzo
D. Scott and Naomi Young]
SCOTT, Lorenzo Dow
Quarter Master Sgt., Co. H. 13th Tenn Cavalry - Union Army
b. March 1830 - d. 1909
[s/o Isaac B. Scott and Mary Polly Harless of Giles Co., VA; married 1st
Harriet Dew; 2nd Margaret D. Turnbull on Nov. 7, 1887, Unicoi Co. TN]
NOTE: photo bbpytel -Feb 2014
173. SCOTT, Naomi
b. April 18, 1832 - d. November 1, 1886
[d/o Wilson Young and Elizabeth Hughes of NC; married 1st Thomas Potts Edward;
2nd Lorenzo D. Scott ]
174. CLOYD, Margaret Don
b. March 6, 1855 - d. July 27, 1927
[d/o William S. Turnbull of Scotland and Jenette Bean; married 1st Lorenzo Dow
Scott, child - Ibba A.; married 2nd Samuel K . Cloyd - no children]
NOTE: TENN death record #16666, "Margaret Don Cloyd" died in Sullivan Co., TN,
DOB March 6, 1855; cause of death chronic mitral regurgitation, secondary
pellagra; informant Sam Cloyd of Piney Flats, TN; d/o W.S. Turnbull and Janette
Bean; burial "Erwin, TN". Her 2nd husband is buried in Mount Wesley
Cem. in Telford, TN,
175. BURLESON, Isaac G.
b. August 17, 1856 - d. July 25, 1914
[s/o Daniel Wilburn Burleson and Nancy R. Wilson of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #57, cause of death "pellagra"; informant wife Margaret
Burleson; buried Jobe Cem.; record
also explains he was born in NC; parents mentioned in record.
tombstone photo bbpytel 2014
176. BURLESON, Margaret E. [CASSIDA]
b. August 1, 1863 - d. February 27, 1948
[w/o Isaac #175; d/o William Casida and Mary McCallister;
children: Oscar, Mary A., Clarissa A., David C.]
tombstone photo bbpytel 2014
177. BURLESON, Irene
b. September 4, 1939 - d. September 7, 1939
[lived 4 days; d/o David Burleson and Polly Peterson]
178. PRICE, William J.
b. January 23, 1871 - d. May 8, 1957
179. PRICE, Rettie [LAWS]
b. September 14, 1873 - d. August 4, 1928
[w/o William J. Price]
180. PRICE, Infant
b/d June 9, 1916
[child of William J. Price and Rettie Laws #178/179]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #495, cause
of death "stillborn", buried "Jobe Cemetery"
181. DICKSON, Martha Jane
b. July 14, 1895 - d. October 15, 1949
[d/o William Patton Campbell and Nancy M. Holbrook]
182. DICKSON, Matthew Columbus
b. - d. September 3, 1935
[s/o Henry Dickson and Ann Smalling]
183. DICKSON, James A.
b. July 27, 1884 - d. April 22, 1926
184a. DICKSON, Nola M.
b. May 16, 1885 - d. December 25, 1917
[w/o James A. Dickson #183; d/o Riley B. Daniels of Carter
Co., TN and Belle Colwell Wash., Co., TN]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #540,
married, cause of death "nephritis", informant husband of Erwin; parents
mentioned in record;
buried in Jobe Cem.
DICKSON, Monica BROWN [unmarked]
b. March 9, 1919 - d. March 20, 1919
[d/o M.C. Dickson of Sullivan Co., TN
and Mattie Caudell of VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #396, cause of death "whopping cough and pneumonia",
informant James Dickson of Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.,
parents mentioned in record
b. March 19, 1874 - d. May 29, 1958
[d/o Stephen A. Beaver and Emaline M. Williams;
married 1st Doug Rice May 14, 1893, Yancey Co., NC; 2nd Mack Vance April 11,
1903, Yancey Co., NC]
186a. COFFEE, Sarah Ann
b. August 3, 1844 - d. March 18, 1910
[w/o Elisha Perry Coffee]
COFFEE, Elisha Perry [suspected unmarked]
b. 1826 - d. 1891
[s/o James Coffey Jr. and ___;
married 1st Manerva and had the following children: Gabriel, William Harrison,
Milus, Linville, Minerva; married 2nd Sarah Ann Berry on April 3, 1864;
children: Samuel, Margaret, James, John Wesley, Michael]
Several spellings of his last name include Coffie/ Coffee/ Coffey: He
served as Corporal, Co. M, 8th Tennessee Cavalry, lead by
Captain Samuel E. Erwin. Enlisted in 1862; noted as age 38 in 1865; he was
a pensioner and after his death in 1891, wife Sarah Ann Berry received Widow's pension.
187. COFFIE, Julia
b. March 15, 1879 - d. November 5, 1907
NOTE: tombstone photo Feb 2012 -bbpytel
188. TITTLE, Howard
b. 1926 - d. April 8, 1928
[died age 2; s/o Hobart Tittle and Ruby Cash]
189a. TITTLE, Hannah
b. June 8, 1853 - d. September 13, 1890
"Tho Lost to Sight to Memory Dear"
[1st w/o Alex G. Tittle; children: Jesse, Sonia, Norris B., James P., Bertha]
TITTLE, Alex G. [Alexander]
b. May 27, 1857 - d. March 2, 1930
[s/o Jonathan Russell Tittle and
Nancy Kay Arrington]
Per Unicoi Co. death record #7322-1930; recorded as being born on May 28, 1853;
parent are "unknown" and cause of death was "heart disease"; informant was Dave
Smith of Erwin; buried "Jobe Cemetery."
TITTLE, unnamed female [unmarked]
b. December 11, 1919 - d.
December 17, 1919
[d/o Alex G. Tittle and Ms. Huskins]
Unicoi Co. death record #507, cause of death "broncho pneumonia", informant
father; buried in Jobe Cem.; parents
mentioned in record;
Ms Huskins is the second wife of Alex G. Title.
191. TONEY, W. C. "Buck"
b. 1858 - d. 1909
192. TONEY, Mary L.
b. October 12, 1867 - d. December 28, 1886
[w/o W. C. Toney]
193. TONEY, Claudia
b. February 6, 1886 - d. August 1, 1886
[d/o W. C. Toney and Mary L.]
194. TONEY, Rhoda V.
b. May 4, 1838 - d. February 23, 1893
[w/o S. W. Toney]
195. TUCKER, E. S.
b. 1858 - d. 1909
196. TUCKER, Lou T.
b. April 1, 1875 - d. February 6, 1936
196b. TUCKER, Joe L.
b. October 17, 1915 - d. October 5, 1918
[s/o Joe L. Tucker Sr., and Mamie Toney]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #611, cause
of death "diphtheria", informant J. L. Tucker of Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.
197. PRESNELL, W. M.
b. August 21, 1891 - d. July 10, 1892
[s/o J. and W. M. Presnell]
198. BROYLES, John Summerfield
b. April 27, 1840 - d. July 23, 1916
[s/o Jacob F. Broyles and Lucinda E. Broyles
served in Civil War - CSA]
199. BROYLES, Margaret
b. 1854 -d. 1920
200. BROYLES, Frank Eldridge
b. January 7, 1890 - d. May 24, 1950
[s/o John S. Broyles and Margaret Eldridge]
NOTE: Tenn State Death Record #50-12131, single;
died in Unicoi Co., TN at age 58, cause of death "carcinoma of bladder"; worked
as insurance agent; parents noted in record; buried Jobe Cem. Three graves enclosed in fenced area
in center of cemetery; tombstone photo -bbpytel
b. 1862 - d. January 4, 1928
[w/o ___ Jackson; d/o Samuel Adams
and Caroline Miller of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #2326; widow cause of death "myo-carditis",
informant Albert Jackson of Erwin; parented mentioned in record, buried at "Jobe
202a. JACKSON,
W. C.
b. September 20, 1842 - d. October 25, 1916
[s/o Austin Jackson of NC and Mary
Unicoi Co. death record #520, cause of death "heat lesion", wife informant;
buried in Jobe Cem., parents mentioned in record
202b. JACKSON, C. B.
b. September 19, 1879 - June 14, 1909
Sgt. 14th Battery Field Artillery - Spanish-American War
203a. LYLE, W. B. [William B.]
Co. D., 13th Tenn Calvary - Union Army - Civil War
LYLE, Martha J.
b. March 6, 1847 - May 3, 1917
[w/o William B. Lyle; d/o J. Henry
Ambrose and Rhoda Tilson]
Unicoi Co. death record #470, widow; died of "liver inflammation", John Lyle of
Erwin informant; buried Jobe Cem; parents mentioned in record
204. TITTLE , R. C.
b. May 30, 1887 - d. October 1888
205. TITTLE, E. W.
b. December 25, 1869 - d. October 1886
206. TITTLE, Ida E.
b. May 18, 1890 - d. November 1891
207. BOONE, Zeb Vance
b. April 23, 1878 - d. March 27, 1921
[s/o J. S. Boone and Emily Ray of Burnsville, Yancey Co., NC]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #330, cause of
death "encephalitis of head", married and blacksmith; informant H. P. Boone of
Johnson City;
Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record
208. BOONE, Samuel
b. May 7, 1884 - May 6, 1936
Died Age 51, 11 mos. and 29 days
[s/o J. S. Boone and E. Ray of NC;
wife Irene Walter]
Unicoi Co. death record #13941-1936, born in Burnsville, NC; cause of death "heart
informant wife; buried in "Jobe Cem,";
parents mentioned in record.
209. LEWIS, Charles.
b. March 4, 1875 - February 7, 1920
[s/o Mr. Lewis of VA and Callie
Morrell of VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #378, cause of death "influenza and pneumonia",
informant C. E. Lewis; buried in Jobe Cem,;
parents mentioned in record. He was a RR Engineer.
headstone photo marks plots 209 - 211 ---taken Sept 2013 bbpytel
LEWIS, Ollie
b. 1882 - d. 1958
[d/o Mack Campbell]
LEWIS, Infant
b/d 1911
212. CAPPS, Manuel Rankin
b. May 30, 1879 - d. February 7, 1953
[s/o William Manley Capp and Sarah
Ledford buried Martins Creek Cem, Erwin; married Annie
NOTE: Tenn State Death Record #53-04731, died at
the Erwin Memorial Hospital; cause of death "coronary occlusion due to
hypertension and arteriosclerosis"; born in NC; worked as a carpenter; informant
of death was son M.R. Capps Jr. of Erwin; buried in "Jobe Cemetery".
He was noted age 1 in the 1880 Madison Co., NC Census.
213. CAPPS, Annie
[b. May 4, 1886 - d. September 30, 1973
[d/o William T. Laws
#515a and Elizabeth "Bettie" White]
214. CAPPS, Ruth H.
b. December 9, 1912 - October 28, 1914
[d/o Manuel R. Capps and Annie May
Laws #212/213]
Filed with Unicoi Co. death records but no # was given; cause of death
"measles and pneumonia"; father informant; buried in Jobe Cem.;
parents mentioned in record
215. JEFFRIES, Rollin E.
b. 1895 - d. 1964
216. JEFFRIES, Tottanbaby
b. 1897 - 1969
[w/o Rollin E. Jeffries; d/o Wesley S. Tucker; children: Maria S., Mary E., Amanda C., Wesley Servier]
217. TUCKER,
Joseph Hartman
b. April 10, 1810 - d. July 31, 1886
"Free Mason"
[s/o Jonathan Tucker (1775 - 1828) and Mary Hartman
(1777 - 1855) of Jonesboro, TN] buried Beals Cem.]
218. TUCKER, Allie Caroline [MCGIMPSEY]
b. February 8, 1822 - d. September 5, 1913
[w/o Joseph H. Tucker; married October 3, 1843;
children: Mollie, Wesley S., Nathaniel, Lenora D.]
219. TUCKER, Wesley S.
b. January 8, 1854 - d.
December 3, 1933
[s/o Joseph Servier Tucker and Allie
McGimpsey of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #27503, born in Yancey Co., NC, cause of death
"nephritis"; informant wife; parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
220. TUCKER,
Mary Polly Ann [BAILEY]
b. 1855 - d. 1943
[w/o Wesley S. Tucker - married abt. 1877;
d/o Lewis Bailey and Sarah Erwin;
children: Joseph L.]
221. TUCKER, Joseph Lewis
b. 1877 - d. April 12, 1935
[died at age 58; s/o Wesley Tucker and Polly Ann Bailey]
HAWKINS, Melinda
b. March 28, 1936 - d. April 5, 1938
[lived 8 days; d/o J. F. Hawkins and
Frances Anne Tucker]
Unicoi Co. death record #11349, cause of death "premature birth", father
informant of Erwin, buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
223. HAWKINS, infant [unmarked]
b/d November 12, 1940
[d/o J. F. Hawkins and Frances Anne Tucker]
b. 1864 - d. 1945
[s/o Lawson A. Franklin and Sarah
photos bbpytel - Feb. 2014
225. FRANKLIN, Emma [WELD]
b. September 13, 1876 - d. July 24, 1925
[w/o Aaron D. Franklin; d/o Lewis
Weld and Emma Wilson of Maryland]
Unicoi Co. death record #313, born in Maryland; married, cause of death ___;
parents mentioned in record; buried Jobe Cemetery. photo bbpytel - Feb. 2014
DAVIS, Thomas D.
b. December 5, 1828 - d. March 5,
Co. E. 1st Tenn Lt. Artillery, Union Army - Civil War
[s/o James C. Davis and Rachel Tilson]
photo bbpytel - Feb. 2014
227. DAVIS, Catherine [LAWS]
b. July 4, 1838 - d. November 24, 1893
[w/o Thomas D. Davis; children: James C. #273, William D.
Mary Jane, Robert]
photo bbpytel - Feb. 2014
228. DAVIS, William T.
b. July 22, 1859 - d. 1911
[s/o Thomas D. Davis and Catherine Laws; married 1st Cynthia C. Reeves and 2nd
Sophrenia Seadon]
229. DAVIS, Georgie Cleo
b. 1891 - d. 1892
[d/o William D. Davis]
230. DAVIS, Roby M.
b. October 31, 1897 - d. October 17, 1898
[d/o William D. Davis]
 231a. MCLAUGHLIN, Capt. Nelson
b. January 26, 1826 - d. January 19, 1908
Co. M., 8th Tenn Regiment
- Civil War
[s/o Ephraim McLaughlin and Elizabeth Barnes
NOTE: Nelson's parents both died when he
was young. His brother William Kendrick was bound to Daniel Haun in March 1843.
No record to whom he and sister Appie were bound. He married first Julia Ann Birchfield who died in May 1875 from
tuberculosis.; second Amanda Jane Harvey. During the Civil War he was
mustered into service as Lieutenant on Oct 3, 1863, to serve 3 years. He
was promoted to Captain for the same unit in Nashville, on April 1, 1864
and honorably discharged June 20, 1865. In the photo, he is holding an
infantry officer's sword and wears a non-regulation militia style belt.
Obituary of Julia A. McLaughlin - 1st wife
The Congressional Report of Nelson McLaughlin Service
Captain McLaughlin's Affidavit
231b. MCLAUGHLIN, Amanda Jane
b. July 15, 1849 - d. May 17, 1920
"Wife of Capt. Nelson McLaughlin"
[d/o W. D. Harvey of Cherokee, TN
and Amanda]
she was born in Cherokee, TN; 2nd wife of Nelson. Per Unicoi Co., death record #425, cause of death "pulmonary
hemorrhage", widow; informant J. H. McLaughlin or Erwin, buried Jobe Cem.,
parents mentioned in record.
tombstone photo bbpytel
232. MCLAUGHLIN, Mary Etta [RAY]
b. January 16, 1881 - d. January 11, 1930
[d/o Elbert Ray/Rhea and ___Briggs of
NC; w/o J. H. McLaughlin (s/o Nelson McLaughlin and Amanda]
Per Unicoi Co. death record #2182-1930, cause of death "flu and pneumonia"; informant
J.H. McLaughlin of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Jobe Cemetery."
233. O'BRIEN,
B. F. [Brian Fletcher]
"Until the Day Break and the
Shadows Flee Away"
b. February 2, 1846 - d. April 29, 1919
[s/o William D. O'Brien from PA and Melvina "Vina" Garland]
Unicoi Co. death record #450, cause of death "apoplexy strokes"; informant Lola
Love of Erwin; buried Jobe Cem; parents mentioned in record; tombstone photo -
234. O'BRIEN, Mollie F.
b. May 31, 1952 - d. May 14, 1901
[d/o Joseph H. Tucker and Allie C. McGimpsey #217/218;
w/o Brian F. O'Brien -married March 26, 1874;
children: Thomas H., Allie C., Katie, Mabel Fay]
235. O'BRIEN, Katie Lillian
b. December 29, 1891 - d. January 10, 1892
[d/o Brian F. O'Brien and Mollie F. Tucker; lived 12 days]
236. O'BRIEN, Mabel Fay
b. June 24, 1890 - d. March 13, 1891
[d/o Brian F. O'Brien and Mollie F. Tucker]
237. PHILLIPS, W. Emory
b. July 24, 1897 - d. July 18, 1960
238. PHILLIPS, Minnie B.
b. December 12, 1904 - June 20, 1980
[w/o W. Emory Phillips]
FULTON, B. F. [Benjamin]
b. June 1, 1950 - d. December 8, 1927
Unicoi Co. death record #28462-1927; indicates he was born in Nebraska; widower; cause of
death "Brights Disease/high blood pressure"; parents unknown; buried "Jobe
239b. FULTON, Annie [DIETZ]
b. March 28, 1846 - d. November 29, 1913
[w/o Benjamin F. Fulton 239a; d/o John Dietz and Polly]
240. WATSON, Yancey Nathaniel [unmarked
b. 1871 - d. December 5, 1942
[died at 71; s/o John Watson]
241. WATSON, Mollie Annie [FULTON]
b. April 11, 1881 - d. November 24, 1927
[w/o Yancey Nathaniel Watson; d/o Benjamin
F. Fulton and Annie Dietz of NC]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #25612-1927,
cause of death "carcinoma of liver"; parents noted in record; buried "Erwin".
242. HILBERT, J. Ralph
b. January 17, 1893 - d. February 17, 1916
Photo taken September 2013 --bbpytel
243. HILBERT, Mae
b. September 26, 1896 - d. July 10, 1921
[w/o Ralph Hilbert; d/o Sherman
Martin and Catherine Hicks of Franklin Co., IL]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #378-1921;
states she was born on Sept. 30th, 1896 in Franklin Co., Illinois; widow at time
of death;, cause
of death "typhoid fever", informant S. Duncan of Erwin; parents
mentioned in record; buried Jobe Cem. Photo taken September 2013 --bbpytel
244. ABELL, Thomas B.
b. October 27, 1917 - d. March 17, 1918
[s/o Thomas F. Abell of Abington, VA and Arminta
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #549, cause
of death "meningitis", informant T. F. Abell; parents
mentioned in record; buried Jobe Cem.
245a. MCLAIN, Wade H.
b. April 24, 1892 - d. February 23, 1920
"Gone But Not Forgotten"
[s/o C. L. McClain and ?]
Unicoi Co. death record #386, cause of death "cancer of liver"; born in Van
Hill, Tenn; RR fireman; informant mother; buried
in Jobe Cem., parents mentioned in record. tombstone photo bbpytel --Sept.
MCLAIN, Jeannette
b. December 23, 1898 - d. September
28, 1933
[d/o A. D. Franklin of Altamont, NC and Emma Weld
of Maryland]
Unicoi Co. death record #19864, born in Altamont, NC; widow at time of death;
caus of death "phlebitis"l informant Everette Franklin of Erwin; buried in "Jobe
MCCLAIN, Wade H. Jr.
b. December 18, 1917 -
d. December 30, 1941
[s/o Wade H. McClain Sr. and
Jeannette Franklin]
NOTE: tombstone photo Feb 2012 -bbpytel
247. ALBERTSON, "Little" Jack
b. August 26, 1918 - d. January 10, 1922
[s/o Jack Albertson of Cranberry, NC and Ethel Ford of West VA]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #493, cause
of death "stillborn", buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record
248. ALBERTSON, infant daughter
b/d 1917
[d/o Jack Albertson and Ethel Ford]
WOHLFORD, Charles Ross "CR"
b. May 5, 1878 - d. March 10, 1943
[s/o George Wohlford and Louisa Jane
Mustard: 1st wife - Retta Ryburn, 2nd Nina Tibbs]
tombstone marker ---bbpytel 2012
Stacy Retta [RYBURN]
b. March 6, 1878 - d. November 25, 1921
[d/o S. W. Ryburn of VA and Stacy Crumley; 1st w/o Charles Wohlford; children: Louise L., Charlotte,
Nellie, Raymond, Millicent]
Unicoi Co. death record #419, cause of death "cancer of breast", married;
informant C. R. Wohlford; buried Jobe Cem.;
parents mentioned in record
251. WOHLFORD, Louise Lynde
b. 1902 - d. 1934
[d/o Charles Wohlford and Retta Ryburn]
252. WOHLFORD, Charlotte
b/d 1912
[d/o Charles Wohlford and Retta Ryburn]
253. JONES, Infant
b/d December 13, 1894
[child of Rev. O. G. Jones]
254. JONES, Nellie
b. September 1900 - b. November 8, 1900
[lived 6 weeks; d/o Rev. O. G. Jones]
255. TIPTON, Jacob
b. abt. 1844 - d.
Co. A. 3rd NC Mtd Infantry - Union Army - Civil War
[s/o Jonathan Tipton and Mary E. of Yancey Co., NC]
NOTES: On May 15, 1864, Jacob enlisted at
age 19 for 3 years as a Pvt. with Co. A., 3rd NC Mounted Infantry at
Jonesborough, TN by George W. Kirk. His record described him as a farmer
standing 5-9: tall, with dark hair, fair complexion and "yellow" eyes. The
1860 Washington Co., Census showed Jacob V. Tipton living with his parent in the Swinglesville area of Greasy Cove. (now Unicoi Co., TN).
MARTIN, Alfred E.
b. abt. 1842 - d.
March 28, 1867
Co. K, 8th
Tenn Cavalry - Union Army - Civil War
[s/o Jesse A. Martin and Nancy Matilda;
married Viannah Annie Ramsey of Yancey Co., NC]
Died of Consumption after the Civil War.
was the son of Jesse Martin and Matilda and born in 1842 in Greasy Cove, Washington
County, Tennessee (now Unicoi). On June 30,
1863, at age 22, he joined Co., D, of Captain Kirk's 5th Tenn Regiment at Camp
Nelson serving as a 2nd Sgt. for the Union Army. On September 30, 1863, he
"deserted" at Jonesborough and charged $25 for desertion. On April 5,
1863, he was age 23 and enlisted with Co. K of the 8th Tenn. Cav. serving as
Private. His record states he was a farmer that stood 5-10" with fair
complexion, blue eyes, light hair and born in Union, NC. He deserted again
on June 23, 1864, but it was determined he was sick at his house in Carter, Co.
since July 1, 1864, therefore the charge of desertion was removed from his
record. Later that fall he married Viannah "Annie" Ramsey
of Yancey County, N.C. and started his family. Alfred
died in Spring 1867 of consumption. Three years later, in mid-1870 his widow
Annie Martin moved to eastern Knox County, Tenn. along with her daughter
Nancy Sue Ellen Martin, and mother Docia Robinson and started a new life there.
Annie Martin died in Knoxville in April 1895 and is buried in Thorngrove
Cemetery, east of Knoxville. ---info courtesy of Chris Lewis.
257. JOBE, J
b. 1771 - d. April 22, 1849
NOTE: Cemetery was most likely named after
him; appears to be the first person to be interred at cemetery
258. BIRCHFIELD, William Ezekial
b. August 17, 1881 - d. April 23, 1935
[s/o Robert Birchfield and Mary Garland;
married Gertrude Keever]
Unicoi Co. death record #9636, died age 53 yrs, 8 mos, 6 days; "homicide by
gunshot wound"; married to Gertrude Reeves; informant Mrs. Carl Wilson of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried in "Jobe Cemetery"
“Farmer Killed In Fight Over Boundary Line --
Bill Birchfield Dies In Shooting Near Erwin. C. C. Bogart Held. Special to the
Chronicle: ERWIN, April 23rd (1935). A boundary dispute of several months
standing between Bill Birchfield and C. C Bogart, farm neighbors of the
Jonesboro highway two miles west of here, was climaxed today by the fatal
shooting of Birchfield. Birchfield, 54, died almost instantly with a bullet in
his heart. Bogart, 65, whom officers quoted as admitting he fired the "fatal
shot," was held without bond in the Unicoi county jail here pending preliminary
hearing Friday on a murder charge before County Judge W. M. Erwin. Threats Are
Charged: Officers quoted Bogart as saying that Birchfield came to the Bogart
home armed with a shot gun several weeks ago and at that time threatened
Bogart's life. This afternoon, according to Bogart, Birchfield returned and
precipitated an argument. Bogart, according to officers, said he drew his gun
and fired several shots. Two bullets passed through Birchfield's coat without
wounding him. The third passed through his heart and emerged from his back.
Bogart was arrested, several minutes later by Deputies William J. Tucker and Ben
Corren. Birchfield. is survived by his widow, and one daughter, Mrs. Carl
Nelson, of near the Fishery. Funeral Today: Funeral services for Birchfield will
be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the residence with the Rev. J.
J. Musick officiating assisted by the Rev. S. O. Redacre. Interment will be in
Jobe Cemetery. Active pall bearers will be Witt Tucker, Dr. W. T. Woodward, Roy
Morris, O. L. Huff, Fred Booth and John Price. Honorary pall bearers will be: W.
E. Love, Z.N. Howell, Luther Carter, Albert Howell, W. T. Ferguson, J. H. Lynch,
Dave Baker, S. S. Webber, J. N. Lane, Grover Woodward and T. N. Tapp. Members of
the Royal Neighbors will serve as flower bearers. Boyd-DeArmond funeral home of
Erwin is in charge of the funeral.” SOURCE: Johnson City
Chronicle, Johnson City, Tennessee; 24 Apr 1935, Wed. Page 1
259. BIRCHFIELD, Paul Eugene [unmarked]
b. October 12, 1930 - d. October 26, 1930
[s/o Robert Birchfield and Mande
Unicoi Co. death record #24296; died age 14 days; cause of death "double
parents mentioned in record; buried in "Jobe Cemetery"
260. BAKER, Charles R.
b. March 4, 1903 - d. November 19, 1923
[s/o Thomas Mack Baker and Minnie
McClellan of Yancey Co., NC]
261. BAKER, Mildred Irene
b. October 6, 1914 - d. October 7, 1921
[d/o Floyd Baker and Edgle Bailey]
Unicoi Co. death record #410, cause of death "typhoid fever", informant father
of Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record
262. FARNOR, James C.
b. May 3, 1864 - d. February 23, 1885
[s/o Rev. Jacob Stewart Farnor and Rebecca Jane Hardon
Clear Branch #144/145)
263. FARNOR, Mollie
b/d May 19, 1886
[s/o Rev. Jacob Stewart Farnor and Rebecca Jane Hardon (buried
Clear Branch #144/145)
264. HULIN, Edwin Seymour
b. July 1823 - d. June 24, 1902
[s/o Henry Hulin and Olive Jacobs of
New York; buried Braceville Cem, Trumbull Co., OH]
Edwin was born in Trumbull Co., Ohio. His father was a War of 1812
265. HULIN, Sarah [BROWN]
b. November 9, 1832 - d. July 4, 1921
[w/o Edwin. S. Hulin]
266. HULIN, Greeley
b. July 4, 1875 - d. May 5, 1911
[s/o Edwin Seymour Hulin and Sarah
NOTE: Photo of
Greeley, Sarah and E.S. Hulins' stones -bbpytel --July 2012
267. NUGENT, Jacob
b. 1801 - d. March 17, 1882
268. DUNCAN, Pearl
b. November 3, 1883 - d. February 21, 1911
"Wife of W. F. Duncan"
Unicoi Co. death record #90818-1911; died age 27 yrs.; married; cause of death
"unknown"; died in the 5th District.
headstone photo Feb 2012 -bbpytel
269. DUNCAN, Infant
b/d February 11, 1911
270. TIPTON, Infant
b/d/ March 15, 1915
[d/o Charles F. Tipton and Cleo. Coin]
Unicoi Co. death record #466, cause of death "stillborn"; buried in Jobe Cem;
informant father of Erwin.
271. COIN, Harry L.
[Harvey Lee]
b. June 29, 1898 - d. December 18, 1918
[s/o S. A. Coin and Emma Thompkins]
Unicoi Co. death record #667, cause of death "influenza and pneumonia",
informant father of Erwin; buried "Jobe Cem., "parents mentioned in record.
Photo taken Sept. 2013 --bbpytel
272. DAVIS, Martha Cassandra
[BOOTH] [unmarked]
b. May 11, 1858 - d. May 21, 1946
[d/o Alexander Booth and Teressa Riley]
273. DAVIS, J. C. [James Cade]
b. February 14, 1861 - d. February 17, 1916
"A Devoted Father"
[s/o Thomas Davis and Catherine Laws #226]
He was a Free Mason; Unicoi Co. death record #446, cause of death unknown; wife was informant;
parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Jobe Cem." Photo taken Feb. 2014 --bbpytel
274. DAVIS, Mollie E. [Mary Elizabeth
b. January 6, 1870 - d. August 1, 1965
[w/o James Cade Davis; children: Wesley, Robert, Pearl]
NOTE: post husband's death, Mollie
converted her home to a
boarding house for workers/travelers passing through Erwin as income to sustain her family
275. DAVIS, Wesley Perry [twin]
b. June 20, 1891 - d. October 25, 1962
[s/o James Cade Davis and Mary E. Booth]
276. DAVIS, Robert Harry [twin]
b. June 20, 1891 - d. July 29, 1960
[s/o James Cade Davis and Mary E. Booth]
277. DAVIS, Lula
Delany [RICE]
b. March 22, 1894 - d. July 26, 1982
[w/o Robert Henry Davis; d/o Douglas
Rice and Mary "Polly" Beaver]
NOTES: Born in Yancey Co., NC; married
Robert Davis at age 16;
she and husband ran a boarding house in Erwin for travelers and Clinchfield RR workers; she raised 7 children
278. DAVIS, Robert Harry
b. - d. 1928
[s/o Robert H. Davis and Lula Rice #276/277]
279. DAVIS, Faye E.
b. December 22, 1919 - d. October 3, 1937
[d/o Robert H. Davis and Lula Rice #276/277]
280. DAVIS, Hazel
b. September 16, 1914 - d. November 3, 1914
[d/o Robert H. Davis and Lula Rice #276/277]
Filed with Unicoi Co. death records but no # given; cause of death "pneumonia";
buried in Jobe Cem.; informant Ms. Mary Vance of Erwin;
parents names are mention in record.
281. MCINTURFF, John C.
b. Jan. 1849 - d. July 15, 1942
[s/o Emanuel A. Jonah McInturff and Anna Elizabeth Buck buried
Buck Cem. Unicoi;
children: David Andrew, Noah J., Jessie Marshall, Effie]
NOTE: Died at the age of 93; also known as One-Eye John;
married twice
282. MCINTURFF, Mrs.
b. 1849 - d. April 30, 1928
NOTE: died at the age of 79; most likely
the grave of Sarah Clark,
w/o John C. McInturff
283. MCINTURFF, Jesse Marshall
b. 1889 - d. 1960
[s/o John C. McInturff and Sarah Clark]
284. MCINTURFF, Julia H.
b. 1887 - 1973 [July 21, 1889 - d. September 1973]
[w/o Jesse M. McInturff -married March 29, 1910;
children Herbert, Isabel, Earnest]
285. MCINTURFF, Isabel
b. 1918 - d. 1938
[d/o Jesse M. McInturff and Julia H. Click]
286. MCINTURFF, Earnest
b. July 10, 1912 - d. March 4, 1914
[s/o Jesse M. McInturff and Julia H. Click]
Unicoi Co. death record #10, cause of death "menningitis", son of Jesse McInturff
and Julia Click, father informant; buried Jobe Cem., 12th District.
287. MCINTURFF, Brenda Kay
b/d November 6, 1954
[d/o James Milton McInturff and June Lucille Story]
288. MCINTURFF, infant
b/d August 22, 1956
[child of James Milton McInturff and June Lucille Story]
289. MILLER, Kate
b. March 26, 1854 - d. January 19, 1912
[w/o George L. Miller]
290. GALLOWAY, Joseph H.
b. April 17, 1888 - d. February 28, 1968
Sgt First Class, US Army - WWI
b. June 10, 1895 - d. March 21, 1921
[w/o Joseph H.#290; d/o Robert Nathaniel McInturff
(Carter Co., TN) and Ida L. Timberlake
(Fayette Co., TN)]
NOTES: Unicoi Co. death record #328, cause of
death "brights disease"; born in Pike Co., Kentucky; died giving birth to Edna
Leah. Mother and child died.
Edna Leah
b/d 1921
[d/o Joseph H. Galloway and Maude McInturff]
Unicoi Co. death record #332, cause of death "stillborn", informant father
Erwin; buried in Job Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
293. MCINTURFF, Robert N. [Nathaniel]
b. August 18, 1865 - d. October 29, 1951
[s/o Emanuel Jonah McInturff and Anne Elizabeth Buck]
b. November 27, 1871 - d. November 25, 1903
"Ida L. Timberlake and
Babe - The Wife and Daughter of R. N. McInturff"
[1st wife of Robert N. McInturff; children: Lula May, Maude, Carl Emanuel]
NOTE: Died giving birth; photo
of tombstone - bbpytel
295. MCINTURFF, daughter
b/d November 25, 1903
[d/o Robert N. McInturff and Ida L. Timberlake]
297. EMMERT, Willie Nora
b. August 10 1880 - d. September 15, 1881
[d/o Peter W. Emmert and Senie Bogart #83/84]
298. EMMERT, Edgar F.
b. February 14, 1890 - d. June 17, 1890
[s/o R. R. Emmert]
299. KEEVER, Henry L.
b. November 23, 1879 - d. February 2, 1907
300. KEEVER, Mary E.
b. December 1, 1871 - d. November 1, 1892
301. KEEVER, J. F.
b. October 18, 1868 - d. December 31, 1884
[s/o D. N. Keever and Mary Erley #465/466]
302. CLARK, Walter B.
b. January 5, 1864 - d. February 13, 1888
303. CLARK, James O.
b. May 23, 1866 - d. March 3, 1886
304. CLARK, Adah
b. June 6, 1887 - d. May 28, 1888
296. EMMERT, Nannie
b. February 15, 1882 - April 17, 1992
[d/o Peter W. Emmert and Senie Bogart #84/84]
305. RYBURN, Dr. J. P. S. [Sharply]
b. December 24, 1845 - d. April 3, 1899
"Death is Another Life"
NOTE: Born in Virginia; served in Co. B.,
8th NC Cavalry, CSA - Civil War. Post the war, served as physician for Erwin, TN;
photo courtesy Paul Chrisawn 2012
306. CRUMLEY, Caroline Agnes
b. January 30, 1871 - d. August 2, 1903
[w/o Dr. J. P. Sharply Ryburn; children: Minnie Rebella, Valley Jane, Rheanna,
John D., May V.]
307. RYBURN, Arabella
b. May 17, 1871 - d. February 8, 1886
[d/o Dr. J.P.S. Ryburn and Caroline Crumley]
308. RYBURN, Walter Jr.
b. June 17, 1913 - d. October 17, 1918
[s/o Walter. W. Ryburn and Antoinette. L. Wintzer of PA]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #622, cause
of death not stated; parent mentioned in record, buried in Jobe Cem.
309. RYBURN, Antonie W.
b. May 11, 1910 - d. September 4, 1910
310. RYBURN, Hattie Agnes
b. May 30, 1904 - d. March 25, 1905
[d/o J. D. S. Ryburn and Cora L.]
311. RYBURN, William
b. November 11, 1914 - d. October 17, 1918
[s/o W. M. Ryburn and Allie Erwin]
312. HUNNEYCUTT, Lieutenant J. M.
[b. abt. 1840 - d. abt. 1891]
Co. B. 13th Tenn, Cav - Union Army
[s/o Ezekial Honeycutt and Elmira Bailey of Yancey Co., NC; married Aletha
Cuthbertson July 13, 1865 in Roane, TN; children: Louisa, Nancy, Peter, Mary,
Eligah, Sarah]
NOTES: He was from the Jacks Creek area of Yancey Co.
Per the
Nominal Roster of the
13 Tenn Cavalry, his name was 1st Lt. John M. Honeycutt. According to
the "Tennessee in the War 1861 - 1865" page 161, it is noted that "1st Lieut.
John M. Honeycutt" was a casualty and resigned on August 23, 1865.
He initially
joined Co. C of the 16th Regiment, Confederate Army on May 1, 1861. On
December 3, 1861, he was hospitalized at Richmond, Virginia and granted furlough
to go home March through July 3, 1863. However, he deserted on August 1,
1863, and on September 22, 1863, at age 22, he enlisted with the Union Army in
Knoxville for 3 years, as Private for Co. B, 13th Tennessee Cavalry. He
was a quickly promoted to Corporal on Oct. 28, 1863; then to Sergeant in 1864.
In 1865 promoted to 1st Lieutenant. In July 17, 1865, he writes a letter
requesting resignation of his commission to go back home to Yancey Co., NC to
become a representative to the legislature and to help his aged widowed
mother who is living in Yancey Co.. Same was granted in July by Capt.
Thomas McDermitt. In 1890, he was enumerated in the Surviving
Soldiers schedule for the 5th Civil District of Unicoi Co., TN with a disability
of "rheumatism and heart disease of 25 years.
headstone photo taken
5-25-2012 --bbpytel
SEE RECORDS - marriage and military
b. abt. 1841 - d. November 8, 1921
[d/o Thomas Bryant and Elvira McCurry of Yancey Co.,
NC; w/o Samuel Byrd Honeycutt buried Haun Cem.; children:
John P., Louretta, Hattie Jane, Thomas T., Samuel Grant, ]
Unicoi Co. death record #413, died age 70 yrs, 11 months and 29 days; cause of
death "heart lesion", married; parents mentioned in record; informant
F. B. Hunnicutt (should read "SB" her husband) of Erwin, noted she is buried in
Cem." Her husband, Samuel Byrd Honeycutt (b. April 19, 1848 - d. Oct. 22,
1938), was a painter by trade and lived until age 90 dying of a coronary
thrombosis and had hypertension.
TN State Death Cert #23126
buried at the Haun Cemetery in Unicoi.
John Wesley
b. September 5, 1807 - d. August 5, 1887
[s/o David Garland and Sarah Garland; he married 1st Jane M. Horton (d/o
Zephaniah Horton and Jane McCurry); 2nd Ann Poteat]
NOTES: Born in Yancey (now Mitchell Co.,
NC). Prominent land owner of Limestone
Cove area of Old Washington Co. [now Unicoi]; 1860 Census shows Real Property
valued at $16.7K. Before moving to Unicoi Co. in the 1860's,, he served as
Yancey County court clerk in the 1850's.
John Wesley Garland Papers 1849 - 1889 at ETSU
more info
Headstone photo --bbpytel 2014
315a. TILSON, Dr. L. S. [Leroy Sams]
b. February 13, 1854 - d. [February 26] 1926
[s/o William E. Tilson and Manerva Katherine Sams of Coffee Ridge]
NOTES: Unicoi Co. death record #4856,
married; cause of death "pellagra"; informant W.E. Tilson of Erwin; parents
mentioned in record; buried Jobe Cem. Early Physician of Erwin, Tennessee;
parents buried at Tilson #2 Cemetery
315b. TILSON, Eliza Jane [PARKS]
b. 1860 - d. 1936
[w/o Dr. L. S. Tilson; d/o William E. Parks and Jane Davis; children: Ertha,
Lula May,]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. Death Cert #13939 - died of
"cerebral hemorrhage"; informant Lula Buckner of Erwin; tombstone photo -bbpytel 2007
b. November 14, 1884 - d. October 1, 1922
[d/o Dr. Leroy S. Tilson and Eliza Jane Parks of Wash. Co., TN; married
Jefferson Bane Higginbotham buried Evergreen Cem.]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #347;
married; cause of death "Endo Carditis"; father informant; parents
mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem." groundstone photo --bbpytel
[unmarked grave]
b. 1922 - d. November 8, 1927
[died age 5; d/o Benjamin Higginbotham]
318. MORLEY, Infant
b/d November 23, 1941
[child of Andrew Paul Morley and Margaret Tilson]
319. KEGLEY, John Wesley
b. March 28, 1869 - d. November 16, 1959
[s/o David F. Kegley and Charlotte Clark]
NOTE: Photo courtesy Ron Whitson
320. KEGLEY, Leiudeemia
b. July 16, 1865 - d. March 12, 1916
[w/o John W. Kegley; married April 15, 1890;
children: Wade H., Edgar #321, Ray, Victor D.
Eugene, Flossie, Flona]
NOTE: Ludema is correct spelling of
name; photo and info
courtesy Rom Whitson ronwhitson@embarqmail.com
321. KEGLEY, Edgar Lee
b. March 4, 1893 - d. June 10, 1923
Cpl. US Army - WWI
[s/o John W. Kegley and Ludema Carter]
NOTE: Joined Army 1910; served in the
Philippines WWI;-lung
removed due to contracting Pneumonia.
Photo courtesy Ron Whitson
322. KEGLEY, Victor D.
b. February 4, 1899 - d. August 16, 1924
Sgt. US Army - WWI
[s/o John W. Kegley and Ludema Carter]
Photo courtesy Ron Whitson
323. STILL, Thomas R.
b. July 31, 1919 - d. January 12, 1894
324. SCRUGGS, Lewis, D., Jr.
b. January 21, 1918 - d. February 1918
[s/o Louis D. Scruggs and Ada J.
Unicoi Co. death record #539, cause of death "illegible"; informant was father
Louis D. Scruggs; parented noted in record; buried Jobe Cem.
325. SCRUGGS, Barry Anthony
b/d. December 7, 1944
[s/o Charles Richard Scruggs and Mildred Nave]
326a. WHITE, Laban William
b. May 25, 1856 - d. February 18, 1899
[s/o Abraham H. White and Emeline Servier McInturff]
NOTE: served as
Erwin Postmaster effective 24 May 1897
326b. WHITE, Emma Margaret [ERWIN]
b. December 9, 1859 - d. June 8, 1920
[w/o Laban; d/o Jesse B. Erwin #124 of Wash. Co. and
Elizabeth D. McMahon of NC; children: Bessie, Ada, Fannie, Eva, Lucy]
Unicoi Co. death record #435, cause of death "apoplexy", informant L. D. Scruggs
of Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.,
parents mentioned in record
WHITE, Sarah Alice [KEENER] [unmarked]
b. April 7, 1854 - d. June 8,
[2nd w/o Abraham H. White
(1823-1906); d/o David
Keener of Carter Co., TN and Cynthia Walters of Wash. Co. TN; child: Emma Edna White]
Unicoi Co. death record #574, cause of death "operation for abdominal tumor",
informant Emma White of Erwin, buried
in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
328. HENSLEY, Thomas A.
b. October 14, 1889 - d. April 30, 1911
[s/o William H. Hensley and Mary Jane Letterman #400/401]
329. SHIPLEY, Roy B.
b. - d. 1950
[s/o Nathan S. Shipley and Adeline Curtis; wife Maggie Hensley]
SHIPLEY, Fred [unmarked]
b. January 17, 1923 - d.
January 20, 1923
[s/o Roy B. Shipley and Maggie
Unicoi Co. death record #305, cause of death "unknown", informant father of
Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
330. STARNES, Sarah
b. February 25, 1843 - d. July 1, 1907
331. RALSTON, Ruth
b. - d. September 19, 1905
332. TILSON, Harold Donnelly
b. August 3, 1906 - d. August 14, 1907
[s/o R. T. Tilson and Ethel Bailey]
333. TILSON, Robert T.
b. April 5, 1877 - d. July 15, 1915
334. TILSON, Ethel [BAILEY]
b. June 12, 1880 - d. December 1932
[s/o William W. Bailey and Lucy Jones]
335a. BARRY, David A.
b. 1891 - d. 1957
"Baby Juanita"
[s/o L. Kaney Barry and Elizabeth Estep]
335b. BARRY, Alma
b. 1897 - d. 1889
[w/o David A.]
Headstone photo --bbpytel 2007
BARRY, Manetia [unmarked]
b. February 23, 1920 - d.
February 25, 1920
[d/o David A. Barry and ?]
Unicoi Co. death record #389, cause of death "unknown", father informant; buried
in Jobe Cem., parents mentioned in record
337a. HENSLEY, James H. Sr.
b. September 1, 1883 - d. November 27, 1964
tombstone photo --bbpytel 2012
337b. HENSLEY, Martha E.
"Lizzie" [BUTNER]
b. April 4, 1884 - d. January 26, 1970
[w/o James H.]
tombstone photo --bbpytel 2012
338. HENSLEY, Edna
b. 1913 - d. 1933
[d/o James H. Hensley and Martha E.
Butner of NC #337a/b]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record
#27507-1933; single; cause of death "burned";
informant mother of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Jobe
339. HENSLEY, Frank
340. HENSLEY, Cornelia
b. ? - d. September 19, 1929
[d/o ________ and Lucinda Hensley of NC]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record
#23545-1929; died at age 61; cause of death "homicide-gunshot wound";
informant GW Hensley of Flag Pond; mother mentioned in record; buried "Jobe
341. GRIFFITH, James
b. October 3, 1924 - d.
342. GRIFFITH, Helen
b. January 29, 1922 - d. April 24, 1977
[w/o James]
Headstone photo --bbpytel 2013
343. DUNCAN,
James Ollie
b. November 24, 1910 - d. November 9,
344. DUNCAN, Frank
b. 1885 - d. 1947
[s/o William Duncan]
345. DUNCAN, Gertrude
b. 1893 - d. 1971
[s/o Frank Duncan]
346. DUNCAN, Pauline
b. February 9, 1916 - d. March 12, 1919
[d/o Frank Duncan and Gertrude Stevens]
Unicoi Co. death record #429, cause of death "killed being run over by wagon";
father informant, buried in Jobe Cem.;
parents mentioned in record
347a. NELSON, Joseph
b. May 1, 1865 - d. March 11, 1924
[s/o ; married Sadie Loretta Stephens
Dec. 30, 1894, Unicoi Co., TN]
NELSON, Sadie Loretta [STEPHENS] [unmarked]
b. October 1875 - d. August 25, 1936
[d/o Silas Stephens and Amanda Jane Hughes of
NC; w/o Joe Nelson; children: Clyde, Ralph, Cora, Rexter, J. Darel, Tilden,
Clement L.]
Unicoi Co. death record #21444, born in Yancey Co., NC and died at age 60, cause
of death "bronchia asma", widow
of Joseph Nelson #347a; buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record
347c. NELSON,
Mary E.
b/d. September 16, 1918
[d/o Ralph Nelson and Edith Bradford]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #653, cause
of death "bold hives", informant Joe Nelson; parents
mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
NELSON, Harold M. [unmarked]
b. November 21, 1919 - d.
[s/o Ralph Nelson and Edith Bradford]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #1920-378,
cause of death "bold hives", informant Joe Nelson; parents
mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
348. BENNETT, Arch Sr.
b. April 1, 1910 - d. March 20, 1977
"How Great Thou Art"
Susanna L.
b. February 28, 1910 - d. January 29, 1962
[s/o Arch Bennett; d/o McDaniel Lewis and Lilly Ellen]
tombstone photo taken Sept 2013 --bbpytel
350. WILLIAMS, Horace Elmer
b. June 12, 1916 - d. April 29, 1928
[d/o Robert. L. Williams and Ann Myrtle Adkins
of Giles Co., VA#419/420]
351. WILLIAMS, Anna Darlene
b/d October 10, 1932
[d/o Robert. L. Williams and Ann Myrtle Adkins
of Giles Co., VA#419/420]
Unicoi Co. death record #22202, cause of death "weak heart"; father informant of
Erwin; buried in "Jobe Cem."
352. WILLIAMS, Mary Virginia
b. - d. August 14, 1919
[s/o Robert L. Williams and Myrtle
Adkins of Giles Co., VA #419/420]
Per Unicoi Co. death record #479, cause of death "stillborn"; informant father,
buried Jobe Cem.
MYERS, Okie Newland [HARDIN]
b. (Oct 5, 1892) 1893 - d. (March 24) 1949
[d/o Joseph Hardin and Lillian Ray of NC]
NOTE: Ground stone photo Feb 2012 -bbpytel
354. MASHBURN, Jacob S. [unmarked]
b. April 19, 1871 - July 29, 1929
[s/o Calloway Mashburn and Merilla Pate]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #21306-1929;
married; cause of death "typhoid"; informant Alvin Mashburn-Erwin; parents
mentioned in record; noted he was buried in "Jobe Cem." Brother, John Mashburn, buried
Higgins Chapel Cem.
355. PATE, Garrison
b. 1871 - d. 1957
356. PATE, Dilla
b. 1873 - d. 1960
[w/o Garrison]
Ground stone photo --bbpytel
357. PATE, Nettie Joe [unmarked]
b. March 1937 - d. December 10, 1937
[lived 9 months; d/o Neal Pate and Martha Miller]
358. BLANKENSHIP, Donal Neal
b/d December 14, 1948
[s/o Ralph Blankenship and Hattie Pate]
359. BLANKENSHIP, Infant
b/d December 6, 1939
[child of Ralph Blankenship and Hattie Pate]
360. MILLNER, Robert L. "Bob"
b. 1886 - d. 1934
361. MILLNER, Eliza A.
b. 1888 - 1926
w/o R. L. Millner
362. YOUNG, Kathleen A.
b. 1898 - d. 1952
Headstone photo --bbpytel
363. HELTON, W. Fred
b. 1888 - 1956
364. HELTON, Lela A.
b. 1889 - d. 1974
[w/o W. Fred]
- headstone to mark plots #365 through #368
NOTE: headstone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
365. MORGAN, John Clayton
b. November 25, 1889 - d. April 23, 1925
[s/o Samuel C. Morgan and Laura Patton #367/368]
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
366. MORGAN,
b. June 30, 1898 - d. December 19, 1987
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
367. MORGAN, Sam C.
b. April 22, 1851 - d. April 14, 1923
368. MORGAN, Laura
b. April 17, 1856 - d. April 23, 1926
[w/o Samuel C. Morgan; d/o John
Patton and ?; children: John C. #365 and others]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record indicates " widow", died at age 69 yrs;
cause of death "carcinoma of uterus", daughter of John Patton.
Ground stone
photo taken Feb 2012 -bbpytel
369. SIMMONS, Henry
b. January 19, 1883 - d. June 4, 1940
370. SIMMONS, Sarah
b. November 5, 1885 - d. June 20, 1923
371. SIMMONS, Reva
b. November 24, 1903 - d. May 3, 1940
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
372. SIMMONS, W. M.
b. 1884 - d. November 15, 1937
[died age 57]
373. MCATKINS, Cornelia
b. November 16, 871 - d. January 29, 1962
374. HURD, Virginia Caroline
b. November 5, 1921 - d. June 8, 1922
[d/o Luther C. Hurd and Flossie]
Unicoi Co. death record #309; cause of death "cholera infantum"; death record
states death is June 10th. Father was the informant.
375. JOHNSON, J. O.
died age 6 months
376. PRATT, Audree Fern
b. May 1936 - d. June 30, 1936
[lived 1 month; d/o Jack Pratt and Audree Webb]
377. WEBB, Mary
b. April 26, 1861 - d. December 31, 1922
[d/o L. D. Collier and Sarah Fox from
Unicoi Co. death record #374, cause of death "cancer of the womb", parents and birth/death dates mentioned in record;
buried Jobe
378. WEBB, Dexter
b. October 17, 1886 0 d. September 2, 1947
[s/o Garland Wiley Webb and Mary Collier]
379. FORSYTHE, Mary Sue
b. October 31, 1918 - d.
August 12, 1999
Capt. US Army - WWII
Korea - Nurse Corp
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
380a. TAYLOR, Samuel P.
b. August 1873 - d. May 4, 1928
"Death is Another Life"
[s/o William K. Taylor and Mary Collins
of VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #12903-1928, died aga 55 yrs, 8 mos., 4 days; cause of
death "heart disease"; married and was a blacksmith; parents mentioned in record;
buried Jobe
380b. TAYLOR, Ellen
b. 1880 - d. 1964
[w/o Samuel P. Taylor]
NOTE: Headstone photo taken Feb 2012 -bbpytel
b. September 22, 1984
- d. October 17, 2008
[d/o Dwayne Bennett and Hope
NOTE: Died age 24 from serious
injuries sustained in an auto accident.
382. KERNS, William E.
b. April 12, 1869 - d. May 25, 1946
383. KERNS,
Myrtle Jane [ROGERS]
b. March 16, 1875 - September 30, 1927
[w/o William E. Kerns; d/o David
Rogers and Rachel Trickett of West VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #21278, married; cause of death "operation for locked
bowels"; parented mentioned in record; buried "Erwin"
384. KERNS, Junior D.
b. May 10, 1895 - d. May 19, 1922
[s/o William Kerns and Myrtle Rogers
Unicoi Co. death record #302, married; cause of death "electrocution"; informant
Annie Kerns of Erwin; parents mentioned in record.
385. KERNS, Anna L. [MCNABB]
b. 1896 - d.
[w/o Junior D.]
386. HUTCHINS, Walter Fredrick
b. May 14, 1934 - d. June 26, 1935
[s/o Grady Hutchins (NC) and Nellie
Herns (West VA)]
Unicoi Co. death record #16690-1935; cause of death "polio"; informant father of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
387. HUTCHINS, Barbara Jean
b. June 6, 1940 - d. June 13, 1940
388. ERWIN, Thelma
b. April 30, 1915 - d. April 27, 1916
[d/o G. C. Erwin and Mary E.]
389. BOONE, Grace
b. February 4, 1891 - d. September 23, 1920
[w/o Paul Boone; d/o Thomas Gibbs
(NC) and Mary Wilson (NC)]
Unicoi Co. death record #460-1920; married; cause of death "childbirth";
informant Paul Boone of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
390. BOONE, Helen
b/d. September 22, 1920
[d/o Samuel Boone (NC) and Irene
Walters (PA)]
Unicoi Co. death record #465, cause of death "stillborn", informant father of
Erwin, buried in Jobe Cem.,
parents mentioned in record.
391a. BOONE, Zeb
b. October 27, 1919 - d. October 30, 1919
[s/o Samuel Boone (NC) and Irene Walters
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #493-1919; cause
of death "unknown"; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Jobe Cem."
391b. BOONE, Clyde
b/d October 14, 1920
[s/o Samuel Boone (NC) and Irene
Walters (PA)]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #472, cause
of death "stillborn", informant father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
392. LAMBERT, Warren G.
b. December 30, 1893 - d. July 30, 1920
393. LAMBERT, Helen Mae
b. September 28, 1918 - d. December
3, 1918
[d/o Warren G. Lambert of Ohio and Pearl May
Blakely of West VA]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #659-1918,
cause of death "collitis", informant father of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
394a. DEVAULT, Georgia Sprinkle
b. March 6, 1878 - d. April 27, 1918
[d/o Thurman B. Meredith of Pulaski, VA and Ella Raider of Smyth, VA]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #560, cause
of death "Addison Disease", she was born in Marion, VA; informant Ella Gibbs, buried Jobe Cem.,
parents mentioned in record
DEVAULT, infant [unmarked]
b/d. October 14, 1918
[child of James. T. Devault and Mabel
Unicoi Co. death record #638, cause of death "stillborn"; informant J. J.
Devault of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
395. CRUMLEY, A. M.
b. October 2, 1853 - d. September 25, 1923
b. 1877 - d. July 8, 1933
[d/o William Phillips and Margaret McCrackin]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #15519-1933;
"Nan-Philly" widow, died age 56; cause
of death "heart failure", parents mentioned in
record; buried in "Jobe Cemetery."
397. CROWE, William Edward
b. February 8, 1917 - d. September 22, 1918
[A. C. Crowe and Pansey Renfro]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #609-1918, cause
of death "dysentery", informant father of Erwin; parents mentioned in
record and noted being buried in "Jobe Cemetery."
CROW, Edward Marshall
b. abt. 1890 - d. January 28,
[s/o Edward Crow and Ms. Tipton]
Unicoi Co. death record #376, age "about 30 years" and cause of death "pulmonary
tuberculosis", informant M. E. Birchfield; buried
in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
398b. CROW, Maude [KEENER]
b. April 3, 1895 - d. February 7, 1930
[died age 38; d/o Robert Davis and Lula Keener; w/o Ed Marshall Crow #398a]
Per Unicoi Co. death record #4637-1930, widow; cause of death "pellagra";
informant Mrs. Bob McInturff of Erwin; parents mentioned in record and noted
being buried in "Jobe Cemetery."
398c. CROW,
Charlie Lee [unmarked]
b. May 16, 1919 - d. May 28, 1921
[s/o Marshall Crow and Maude Keener 398a/b]
Unicoi Co. death record #355, cause of death "tubercular meningitis"; informant
W. C. Birchfield Erwin, buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record
399. LIPE, William Feamster
b. February 26, 1860 - d. September 10, 1921
[s/o Abraham Lipe and Sarah Deaton of
Iredell Co., NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #401, cause of death "struck by motor car"; married;
informant wife of Erwin, buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record
400. TAYLOR, John Wesley
b. March 16, 1873 - d. October 11, 1935
[s/o Lewis Taylor and Rebecca Higgins
of NC; married Harriett Lucretia Angel Sept 23, 1896, Yancey Co., NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #23549-1835; born on March 16, 1872 in NC and died
on October 11, 1935; cause of death "dropsy"; informant J. L. Taylor of
Erwin; parents
mentioned in record and noted being buried in "Jobe Cemetery."
401. TAYLOR,
Harriett Lucretia [ANGEL]
b. 1876 - d. 1958
[w/o John W. Taylor; d/o James Angel and Ruth Radford of
Yancey Co., NC; children: Nora, Jeff L., Pauline M., Mary Mae,
Myrtle R.]
402. TIPTON, Fredrick E.
b. June 14, 1892 - d. February 7, 1968
403. TIPTON, Nora
b. June 16, 1897 - d. December 24,
[w/o Fred E.; d/o John Wesley Taylor
and Harriett L. Angel]
404a. HENSLEY, Wilson Howard
b. October 15, 1860 - d. December 28, 1927
[s/o Howard Wilson Hensley and Rose Silvers of NC]
NOTES: Unicoi Co. death record
#28465-1927; married; cause of death "cancer of stomach"; informant wife;
parents mentioned in record.
Headstone photo --bbpytel
404b. HENSLEY, Mary Jane
b. February 22, 1862 - d. May 20, 1947
[w/o Wilson H. Hensley; d/o
Noah Letterman and
Sarah Ayres; married July 3, 1881.
children: Julia Vista [buried
Martins Creek# 424], Sarah, Henry C.,
Margaret N., Joseph B.,
Thomas A. #328, Sean D., Nettie F.
Alma M., Charlie B., Wesley, William, Ida G.]
NOTE: Headstone photo --bbpytel
405. HENSLEY, Kenneth "Gomer"
b. September 14, 1945 - d. September 4, 2020
[s/o William Howard Hensley and Nancy Tipton]
OBITUARY: "Kenneth “Gomer” Hensley, age 75,
Erwin, passed away on Friday, September 4, 2020, at the Christian Care Center of
Unicoi County. He lived most of his life in Unicoi County and is the only son of
the late William and Nancy Tipton Hensley. Gomer was very well known throughout
Erwin and Unicoi County. He loved riding his bicycle all over town and enjoyed
helping anyone in any way he could. Gomer looked out for local businesses and
business owners. He was always ready to run any errand asked of him. Gomer liked
talking to children. He was a member of Central Baptist Church. Gomer was an
avid bowler. The family will receive friends on Friday, September 11, 2020, from
12:00-1:00 PM in the Robert Ledford Funeral Home Chapel. Pastor Larry Wiley will
officiate the 2:00 PM graveside service in the Jobe Cemetery."
406a. HENSLEY, Nancy A.
b. January 31, 1902 - d. December 27, 1981
[w/o William Howard Hensley; d/o
406b. HENSLEY, William Howard
b. February 28, 1905 - d. November 18, 1976
[s/o Wilson Howard Hensley and Mary Jan Letterman; married Nancy A. Tipton]
407. COIN, Nettie
b. [October 4,] 1893 - d. 1968
[d/o Wilson Howard Hensley and Mary Jane Letterman]
408. MARION, Harry E.
b. December 21, 1894 - January 27, 1944
409. MARION, Cora [PRICE]
b. July 4, 1897 - d. November 6, 1978
[w/o Harry E. Marion #408]
410. MARION, W. E.
b. December 22, 1866 - d. October 15, 1929
"Gone But Not Forgotten"
[s/o Jackson Marion]
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb 2012 -bbpytel
411. MARION, Laura [SIMPSON]
b. April 15, 1865 - d. June 22, 1957
[w/o W. E. Marion]
412. WEBB, John R.
b. 1874 - d. 1943
[s/o Frances Newton Webb and Oakley Snodgrass]
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
413. WEBB, Audrey [KILMER]
b. 1874 - d. April 20, 1931
[w/o John R. Webb #408; d/o George K.
Kilmer and Josephine Burton of VA]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record
#9591-1935; born VA; died age 55 yrd., 10 mos., 26 days; cause of death
"carcinoma of uterus"; informant Mrs. George Dishman of Erwin;
Ground bstone photo taken Feb 2012 -bbpytel
413b. WEBB, Patrick
b. 1896 - d. 1928
[s/o John. R. Webb and Audrey Kilmer]
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
414. FREY, Hazel
b. 1898 - December 11, 1931
[d/o John R. Webb and Audrey Kilmer of VA; w/o Manden Frye]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record
#28152-1931; born in West VA; died age 35 yrs., 9 mos., 2 days; married; cause of death "carcinoma
of bowels"; informant Mrs. George Dishman of Erwin;
parents mentioned in record.
Ground stone photo taken Feb 2012 -bbpytel
TITTLE, William Hobart
b. 1902 - d. 1989
b. 1914 - d. 2002
416. DAVIS, Cecil T.
b. November 1, 1900 - December 26, 1971
Pvt., Co. F. 117 Infantry Tenn, WWI
[s/o James Cade Davis and Mary E. Booth
417. DAVIS, Helen [BOLTON]
b. July 16, 1904 - d. December 4,
[w/o Cecil T. Davis]
419a. WILLIAMS, Robert Lee
b. February 12, 1886 - d. May 7, 1967
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
419b WILLIAMS, Anna Myrtle
b. February 26, 1886 - May 7, 1967
[w/o Robert Lee Williams]
NOTE: Ground stone photo Feb 2012 -bbpytel
420. WILLIAMS, Marvin Lee
b/ June 2, 1914 - July 8, 1944
Pvt., Co., M. 314th Infantry, 79th Division - Killed in Action
[s/o Robert L. William and Anna Myrtle]
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
421. BAILEY, Martin Luther
b. February 11, 1887 - d. October 4, 1929
Free Mason
[s/o Daniel Isaac Bailey and Mary Jane Laughrum]
NOTE: Per Unicoi Co. death record
#25867, married; cause of death "automobile accident - broken neck"; informant
wife of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried Jobe Cemetery. Headstone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
422. BAILEY, Myrtle
b. May 25, 1889 - d. October 1, 1961
[d/o Joshua Burton and Melissa]
NOTE: Ground bstone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
423a. BAUCOM, John F.
b. February 17, 1886 - d. Otober 31, 1964
[s/o Riley Baucom and Betty McNeil]
423b. BAUCOM, Mamie I.
b. February 2, 1893 - d. October 2, 1982
[w/o John F. Baucom]
NOTE: Headstone photo taken Feb 2012 -bbpytel
424. BAUCOM, Juanita
b. June 28, 1933 - d. February 1, 1942
[d/o John F. Baucom and Mamie I.]
425. BAUCOM, James Henry
b. May 7, 1916 - d. May 7, 1982
Private First Class, US Army - WWII
[s/o John F. Baucom and Mamie I.]
427. DOUGLAS, Mollie
b. April 25, 1887 - d. December 15, 1914
[w/o Aaron Douglas]
428. DOUGLAS, Archie
b. November 27, 1910 - d. June 23 1911
(May 1911)
[s/o Aaron Douglas and Mollie]
Unicoi Co. death record #90815- 908, died age 5 months; cause of death "brain
trouble"; died in the 5th district in May 1911.
J. C
b/d. December 12, 1923
[s/o J. C. McCurry and Birtha
Phillips of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #422-1923, cause of death "stillborn"; father was the
informant of Erwin; parents noted in record.
430. MCCURRY, Martha
b. October 9, 1927 - d. February 23, 1928
[s/o J. C. McCurry and Birtha
Phillips of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #4920-1928, died age 5 months and 15 days; cause of
death "broncho pneumonia"; informant father of Erwin; parents noted in record;
buried Jobe Cemetery.
432. MCCURRY, Scott
b. - d. November 16, 1946
[s/o Jackson McCurry and Mary Jane Tipton]
433. MCLAUGHLIN, Isaac
b. May 15, 1901 - d. November 6, 1934
NOTE: Headstone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
GUERRA, Maria Guadalupe
b/d August 27, 1996
NOTE: Ground stone photo taken Feb
2012 -bbpytel
b. February 14, 1902 - d. July 24, 1978
[w/o William C. Calhoun]
435b CALHOUN, William Clyde
b. November 30, 1901 - d. February 8, 1968
436. CALHOUN, Jack
b/d 1930
[s/o William C. Calhoun and Cora Griffith]
437. CALHOUN, Barbara
b. April 11, 1939 - d. February 25, 1941
[d/o William C. Calhoun and Cora Griffith]
Alvin G.
b. 1919 - 1972
Pvt. US Army
439. TIPTON, Bessie
b. 1885 - d. 1971
440. FOSTER, John Wayne
b. January 17, 1951 - d. November 31, 1969
Private First Class, US Army - Vietman
441. LUTTRELL, Isaac
b. [abt. 1852] - d. October 4, 1922
[father unknown - mother Linda
Unicoi Co. death record #352-1922l died age 70; cause of death "paralysis"; born
in Washington Co., TN; married; father not stated and Linda Luttrell; informant
of death was Grady Hutchins; noted buried "Jobe Cem."
442. LUTTRELL, Mary E. ["Mollie" TITTLE]
b. October 18, 1872 - d. July 29, 1931
[w/o Isaac #473; d/o Samuel Title and Annie Ambrose;
children: William, Rebecca, Rhoda, Samuel, Anginette N.,
Martha Ola, Grace, Luella E.]
Unicoi Co. death record #18866 indicates she died at age 56; widow of Isaac W. Luttrell;
cause of death "suicide by hanging herself"; informant was William
Luttrell; parents mentioned in record; buried at Jobe Cemetery.
443. RAY, Nerva [LUTTRELL]
[unmarked grave]
b. 1881 - d. November 17, 1973
[d/o Isaac S. Luttrell]
444. AMBROSE, James
b. August 22, 1889 - d. November 22, 1923
[s/o John F. Ambrose and Nancy "Nan" Miller #446b]
Unicoi Co. death record #413-1923; widower who died at "about 34 years"; cause of
death "tuberculosis of lungs"; informant mother Nan Miller; parents mentioned in
record; buried Jobe Cem.
b. December 26, 1883 - d. August 24, 1923
[s/o John F. Ambrose and Nancy "Nan" Miller]
Unicoi Co. death record #382-1923; married; cause of
death "tuberculosis of throat"; informant Fannie Ambrose; parents mentioned in
record; buried "Jobe Cem."
 446a. TAPP, Jacob
b. 1842 - d. February 4, 1925
Co. A., 3rd NC Mtd. Infantry-Union Army;
"At Rest"
[s/o John Tapp and Mary "Polly"
Unicoi Co. death record #263, married and died at age 84, cause of
death "influenza"; informant -wife; parents mentioned in record.
Headstone photos --bbpytel 2005
446b. TAPP, Nancy [Nan MILLER]
b. August 22, 1864 - d. December 24,
[she married 1st John F. Ambrose; 2nd
Jacob Tapp]
NOTES: Unicoi Co. death record indicates she died at age 69 of "diarrhea"; widow of
John Ambrose and Jake Tapp [she was married twice]; parent Miller and mother
unknown; informant of death Mrs. Andy Buck; buried Jobe Cem.. Headstone photos --bbpytel
447. TAPP, Fannie
b. October 24, 1906 - d. May 1, 1926
448. BRYANT, Jim R.
b. 1900 - 1922
450a. MCNABB, Robert Henry
b. May 10, 1892 - d. March 24, 1948
[s/o James McNabb and Dora Honeycutt]
450b. MCNABB, Bessie Lee [KEEVER]
b. October 1, 1894 - d.
[w/o Robert Henry; children: Harry, Guy, Madge, Ray, Damon,
Kyle, Mary]
Headstone photo --bbpytel
451. MCNABB, James Harry
b. February 7, 1914 - d. October 11, 1971
1st LT., US Army - WWII - Korea
[s/o Robert H. McNabb and Bessie Lee Keever]
NOTE: Ground stone photo --bbpytel
452. MCNABB, Madge Eloise
b. January 2, 1917 - d. September 3, 1934
[d/o Robert H. McNabb and Bessie Lee Keever]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record
#21714-1934; single, cause
of death "mitral insufficiency"; informant Elizabeth Smith of Erwin,
parents mentioned in record.
453. LOUDY,
b. February 9, 1919 - d. October 27, 1999
NOTE: Ground stone photo --bbpytel
454. BEAVER, Mack C.
[Walter McCleveland]
b. November 1, 1891 - d. March 25, 1963
[s/o Zebulon Vance Beaver and Mollie
M. Boone of Yancey Co., NC; married Savannah
455. BEAVER, Savannah G.
b. 1891 - d. 1926
[w/o Mack C. Beaver; d/o Silas C.
Stephens and Amanda Jane Hughes]
456. BEAVER, Robert E.
b. March 14, 1924 - d. February 17, 1974
Private, US Army - WWII
[s/o Mack C. Beaver and Savannah G.]
NOTE: Ground stone photo --bbpytel
457. HANNON, James P.
b. May 3, 1921 - d. July 24, 1990
U.S. Navy
458a. MCLAUGHLIN, George Edward
b. 1866 - d. 1934
b. 1866 - d. 1927
[w/o George E. McLaughlin]
Headstone photo --bbpytel
459. MCLAUGHLIN, William Oscar
b. 1891 - d. 1959
[s/o George E. McLaughlin and Minnie Treadway]
460. SMYRE, Emory,
b. March 16, 1900 - d. December 22, 1971
NOTE: tombstone photo --bbpytel
461. SMYRE, Edith P.
b. December 4, 1897 - d. February 15, 1970
[w/o Emory Smyre]
NOTE: tombstone photo --bbpytel
462a. MCINTURFF, David Buck
b. [July 5] 1857 - d. May 9, 1929
[s/o Emanuel A. Jonah McInturff and Anna Buck]
462b. MCINTURFF, Achsa ["Hattie"
b. July 10, 1884 - d. November 1930
[w/o David B. McInturff - married November 7, 1905; d/o Thomas P. Ferguson and
Martha Welborn of Jonesboro, TN;
children: Martha E., Thomas E., Eula Louise, Margaret, David B.]
her parents are buried at Fairview United Methodist Church, Jonosboro, TN; tombstone photo --bbpytel
463. KEEVER, Drew N.
b. May 10, 1875 - d. January 22, 1950
464. KEEVER, Jennie
b. November 15, 1881 - d.
465. KEEVER, David
b. January 22, 1834 - d. June 12, 1924
Co. H, 55th NC Infantry - CSA - Civil War
[s/o Jacob Keever and unknown of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #262, born NC, married; cause of death
"intestinal nephritis"; informant Drew Keever; father mentioned in record but not mother.
Photo courtesy of Paul Chrisawn.
466. KEEVER, Mary [ERLEY]
b. October 29, 1840 - d.
[w/o David N. Keener; d/o Joseph Erley and Sabry Ducker; children: J. F #301]
467. TITUS, Bobbie Joan
b. - d. June 21, 1936
[d/o H. and R. Titus]
468a. WITCHER, Reuben Lee
b. February 9, 1892 - d. August 11, 1939
468b. WITCHER, Lela Mae [WILLIS]
b. May 10, 1899 - d. February 1957
[w/o Reuben L. Witcher - married July 15, 1917;
d/o William J. Willis and Martha Emaline Guinn]
WTICHER, infant
b. September 28, 1922 - d.
October 1, 1922
[d/o Rueben Lee Witcher and Lela Mae
Unicoi Co. death record #348, cause of death "hemorrhage", father of Erwin
informant; parents mentioned in record.
470. BUNDY, Estil B.
b. 1921 - d. 1988
471. BUNDY, Gladys W.
b. 1920 - d 1989
[w/o Estil B.]
472. WING, Charles Edwin
b. 1879 - d. 1934
473. WING, Susie [WATTLES]
b. 1883 - 1934
[d/o W. S. Wattles and Ellen McNabb]
 474. RICH, Clyde Sr.
b. 1908 - d. 1993
475. RICH, Bertha E.
b. 1910 - d. 1966
[w/o Clyde Rich]
headstone photos --bbpytel
476a. GREEN,
b. 1890 - d. 1938
GREEN, Elizabeth H.
b. 1874 - d. 1938
[w/o Enoch]
ground stone photo --bbpytel
477. GREEN, Elizabeth
b. April 28, 1933 - d. March 4, 1935
[d/o Thomas Green and Trula Wilson]
Unicoi Co. death record #; cause of
death "pneumonia"; informant mother of Erwin; parents mentioned in
record; buried "Jobe Cem."
478. GREEN, John
b. November 13, 1900 - d. October 16, 1918
served WWI
479. MATHES,
Harbin Edward
b. July 26, 1932 - d. April 17, 1933
[s/o Edwards Mathes of Washington Co.
TN and Alice Green]
Unicoi Co. death record #8861, cause of death "pneumonia"; mother of Erwin
informant; buried "Jobe Cem."
480a. BENNETT, Eulalah [TOLLEY]
b. August 15, 1920 - d. October 11, 1952
[w/o Jack Bennett; d/o J. Clarence Tolley and Golda Miller]
NOTE: died giving birth
481. BENNETT, Infant [unmarked]
b/d December 15, 1949
[s/o Jack Bennett and Eulalah Tolley[
482. BENNETT, Infant [unmarked]
b/d January 1, 1951
[s/o Jack Bennett and Eulalah Tolley]
483a. WILLS , Bessie TIPTON
b. 1890 - d. 1929
483b. WILLS, Leonard Tipton
b. 1918 - d. 1933
[s/o of Bessie Tipton Wills]
headstone photo --bbpytel
484. TIPTON, Rachel Rebecca [MCINTURFF]
b. 1860 - d. 1940
[w/o Charles C. Tipton]
NOTE: headstone photo --bbpytel
485. TIPTON, Fred E.
b. June 13, 1882 - d. May 7, 1953
486. TIPTON, Alvin [unmarked]
b. December 1930 - d. September 27, 1931
[lived 9 months - 29 days; s/o Lattie Tipton and Henrietta Anderson
of Virginia]
Unicoi Co. death record #23220, cause of death "rickets and pneumonia",
informant John D. Tipton of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe
487. TIPTON, Mary Jane [LEWIS]
b. 1864 - d. October 16, 1939
[died age 75; d/o --- Lewis and Eliza Riddle]
488. JACKSON, Loucreatea
b. July 14, 1881 - d. March 20, 1946
"Our Granny"
[d/o William Calvin Jackson and Alsie Jane Odom]
NOTE: tombstone photo Feb 2012 -bbpytel
489a. JACKSON, Edward A.
b. June 1, 1889 - d. February 12, 1923
[s/o Calvin Jackson and Anne Oden of
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #319;
married; cause of death "influenza"; informant Bertha of Erwin; parents names mentioned;
buried "Jobe Cemetery."
489b. JACKSON, Bertha E.
b. July 22, 1893 - d. May 14, 1966
[w/o Edward A. Jackson]
490. JACKSON, Mabel
b. January 4, 1914 - d. April 4, 1930
[d/o Edwards A. Jackson and Bertha E.
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record
#9938-1930,died age 16; cause of death "lobar pneumonia"; informant Ruby
Jackson of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Jobe Cemetery."
491. JACKSON, Ruby L.
b. September 2, 1911 - May 18, 1938
[d/o Edwards A. Jackson and Bertha E.
492. COOPER, Jessie
d. January 11, 1929
493. COOPER, Infant
b/d May 25, 1915
[child of Guy Cooper and D. Brockus]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #490, cause
of death "stillborn"; buried in Jobe Cemetery; parents names mentioned
494. WILSON, Polly
d. April 23, 1920
[w/o John Wilson; d/o Thomas Wilson and Hannah Ledford
of NC]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #9941-1930;
widow; cause of death "carcinoma of breast"; informant Mrs. W.M. Cooper of
Erwin; parents and husband noted in record; buried Jobe Cemetery.
Unable to identify the
location of these unmarked graves based on familiar relationships within the cemetery.
Death certificates filed with Unicoi Co.
indicate the following people were declared to be buried in Jobe Cemetery.
495. ARNETT, Edwin [unmarked]
b/d January 29, 1919
[s/o John Arnett and Allie Miller of
Carter Co., TN]
Unicoi Co. death record #417, cause of death "stillborn", father informant;
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.;
Martha [unmarked]
b. May 12, 1921 - d. May 27, 1921
[d/o James Barnett and Rosetta
Unicoi Co. death record #554, cause of death "unknown", parents mentioned in
record; buried in Jobe Cem.
BAYER, Francis Louise [unmarked]
b/d March 22, 1918
[d/o A. L. Bayer from Montreal,
Canada and mother from VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #554, cause of death "stillborn",
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
BISHOP, Andrew J. [unmarked]
b. abt. 1857 - d. May 1, 1917
Unicoi Co. death record #469, he was born in Pike Co., Kentucky and died at age 60,
parents are not mentioned in record;
of death "myocardiac"; buried in Jobe Cem.
499. BOONE,
infant male [unmarked]
b/d September 26, 1921.
[s/o Charles Boone and Lydia Tucker]
Unicoi Co. death record #407, cause of death "stillborn",
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
500. BOYDE, Infant [unmarked]
b/d August 9, 1923
[d/o D.A. Boyde of Virginia and
Elizabeth Bradshaw NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #377, caus of death "blue baby"; informant father of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record and buried "Jobe Cem."
Harvey [unmarked]
b. May 31, 1875 - d. September
14, 1914
Unicoi Co. death record #66, cause of death "fell between rail cars and head and
body were severed; no mention of parents; buried
Jobe Cemetery.
COLDWELL, M. [unmarked]
b. March 6, 1916 - d. March 16,
[child of Thomas J. Coldwell of VA
and Lone E. Vaughn of VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #457, cause of death "infancy", informant was father of
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
b. December 25, 1854 - d.
December 3, 1916
Unicoi Co. death record #537, he was born in Arkansas, cause of death "typhoid
fever"; informant was S. W. Cole of Erwin; [probable father]; no mention of
parents; buried in Jobe Cem.
504a. DANIEL, Charles David
b. - d. November 25, 1934
[s/o Harold Thomas Daniel and Iris Jones]
DANIEL, unnamed infant [unmarked]
b/d August 15, 1914
[child of W. Daniel and Nanny Parish]
Unicoi Co. death record #60, cause of death "premature"; record mentions parents-W.
Daniel born in Virginia and
Nanny Parish born in NC; buried in Jobe Cemetery.
505. DOBBINS, Christine
b. November 1938 - d. April 9, 1930
["lived 1 yr. 5 mos. 4 days;
d/o William Dobbins and Victoria Simmons]
Per the Unicoi Co. death records #9939-1930, cause of death "lobar pneumonia";
informant W.M Simmons of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; noted "buried in
Jobe Cem."
506. FOX, Infant
b. - d. April 24, 1933
[child of O. J. Fox and Katherine Bishop]
507. FOX, Henry Grady, Jr. [unmarked]
b. October 30, 1924 - d.
November 8, 1924
[s/o H. G Fox of NC and Fannie White]
Unicoi Co. death record #316-1924, cause of death "premature birth", informant
father of Erwin; parents mention in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
508. GREEN, Kathryn [unmarked]
b. April 27, 1924 - d. April 28, 1924
[d/o Percy Green and Lena]
Unicoi Co. death record #246, cause of death "unknown"; informant father of
Erwin; parention mentioned in record, buried "Jobe Cem."
GREER, Helen [unmarked]
b. November 25, 1915 - d.
December 9, 1915
[d/o Ed Greer and Annie L. Taylor]
Unicoi Co. death record #538, cause of death "unknown", buried in Jobe Cem.;
parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
510. HALL, Infant
[child of R. D. Hall and Grace Dougherty]
HAMBRICK, Samuel W. [unmarked]
b/d November 18, 1918
[s/o Samuel Hambrick and Mary Davis]
Unicoi Co. death record #654, cause of death unknown - lived for 3 hours",
informant- father;
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
512. HELVEY, Infant
b - d. December 2, 1941
[child of James Christian Helvey and Lucille Catherine Lane]
513. KERR, Infant
b/d September 10, 1945
[d/o Ernest Kerr]
514. LUNDY, Terry Jr. [unmarked]
b. January 30, 1917 - d.
February 17, 1917
[s/o T. H. Lundy of VA and Virginia
Hayman of VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #440, cause of death "rickets"; father informant of
Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in "Jobe Cem."
515. LAWS,
William T. "Billie" [unmarked]
b. September 1869 - December 4, 1933
[s/o Thomas McInturff and Elizabeth
Laws of Greene Co., TN]
Unicoi Co. death record #27504-1933, widower; cause of death "carcinoma of
face"; informant Mrs. W.R. Capps of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried
in "Jobe Cem."
MCCANDLESS, Della [DEAVER] [unmarked]
b. July 1, 1869 - d. November 5, 1922
[d/o R. K. Deaver and Mary Jane
Phillips of Madison Co., NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #359, born in Marshall, NC; cause of death "heart
lesion"; informant Clarence A. McCandless of Erwin; parents mentioned in record;
buried "Jobe Cem."
517. MCEWEN, James Robert
b. - d. October 16, 1936
[s/o A. C. McEwen and Mary Needam]
___ [HERRELL] [unmarked]
b. July 6, 1872 - d. January 1, 1930
[d/o M. Hugh Herrell and Cora McIntyre
of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #2180-1930; born in VA, married; cause of death "heart
informant J. K. McIntyre of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried "Jobe
MCLAUGHLIN, Sindy NORRIS [unmarked]
b. September 16, 1860 - d. September
28, 1928
[d/o Preston Norris and Vinnie
Whitson of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #22740-1928, married ; cause of death "dysentery";
informant Miss Drew Keener of Erwin; parents noted in record; buried in "Jobe Cem.
MCLAUGHLIN, N. [unmarked]
b. October 27, 1848 - d.
December 28, 1929
[s/o William M. McLaughlin and Vinna
Whitson of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #31153-1929; widower; cause of death "pellagra";
informant Drew Keener of Erwin; parents noted in record.
METCALF, Woodrow Edward [unmarked]
b. January 19, 1919 - d. January 21,
[s/o George Metcalf and Lily Smith of
West VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #413, cause of death not stated; informant father;
parents mentioned in record; buried in "Jobe Cem.
MILLER, Lillie Brown [YODER] [unmarked]
b. August 8, 1859 - d. November 8,
[d/o Joseph Schrader Yoder and Sarah
Ann Sherritt of Virginia; married Robert Nathaniel Miller on March 8, 1885,
Washington Co., TN]
Unicoi Co. death record #408, cause of death "asthma and heart failure";
informant Walter Love of Erwin; father J. S. Yoder; buried "Jobe
MONK, Edward L. [unmarked]
b. June 22, 1914 - d. June 20,
[s/o James Charlie Monk of Tazewell Co, VA
and Fannie Belle Toney]
Unicoi Co. death record #479, cause of death "meningitis", informant father of
Erwin, buried in Jobe Cem.;
parents mentioned in record.
b. 1871 - d. March 1, 1928
[died age 57; w/o Bud Mullins]
NELSON, infant boy
b/d March 18, 1920
[s/o Joseph Nelson and Germa McCurry]
Unicoi Co. death record #409, cause of death "stillborn", informant father of
Erwin, buried in Jobe Cem.
525. NOWLAND, A. L. [unmarked]
b. October 8, 1870 -d October 22, 1927
526a. O'BRIEN, Janice Sue [unmarked]
b. April 12, 1935 - d. June 17, 1935
[lived 2 months; d/o George Clifton O'Brien and Nancy Peterson
of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #14289, cause of death "premature"; informant
father of Erwin, parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
O'BRIEN, infant [unmarked]
b/d May 31, 1925
[d/o George Clifton O'Brien and Nancy
Unicoi Co. death record #298, cause of death "stillborn", informant father of
Erwin, parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
O'BRIEN, Jack [unmarked]
[d/o George Clifton O'Brien and Nancy
b. February 8, 1927 - d.
February 11, 1927
Unicoi Co. death record #4295, cause of death "premature birth"; informant
father of Erwin, parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cem."
527. PACE,
unnamed male [unmarked]
b/d June 25, 1918
[s/o Benjamin Franklin Pace of NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #581; cause of death "bronchial tube obstruction",
informant father of Erwin, buried in Jobe Cem.;
mentioned in record
PARSONS, Richard C. [unmarked]
b. December 3, 1890 - d. May
13, 1923
[s/o R. D. Parsons and ___ Sampson of
Athens, TN
Unicoi Co. death record #347; born in Athens, TN; cause of death "tubercular
laryngitis"; informant RW Lawson of Erwin; he was a assistant train master;
parents mentioned in record; buried "Jobe Cemetery."
PETERS, Hugh [unmarked]
b. October 30, 1914 - d. February 23,
[s/o T. H. Peters of NC and Mary Belle
Brinkley of VA]
Filed with Unicoi Co. death records, no # was given; cause of death "typhoid
fever"; informant-mother;
parents mentioned in record; buried in "Jobe Cem."
PETERS, Francis Love [unmarked]
b./d. November 20, 1919
[s/o T. H. Peters of NC and Mary Belle
Brinkley of VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #500, cause of death "stillborn"; informant-father; buried in Jobe Cem;
parents mentioned in rocord.
530. RAMSEY,
infant twins [unmarked]
b/d August 22, 1914
[infants of M. B. Ramsey and Clara
Unicoi Co. death record #69, cause of death "premature", buried Jobe Cemetery;
parents mentioned in record
531. ROBBINS, James Calvin
b. 1865 - d. November 27, 1929
[died age 64; s/o Jackson Robbins and Martha Ann]
Unicoi Co. death record #28203-1929; born in VA; widower; cause of death "cerebral
hemorrhage"; informant Guy Robbins of Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried Jobe
ROBBINS, Nora [CARVIN] [unmarked]
b. July 15, 1861 - d. July 12,
[w/o James Robbins
#508; d/o James Carvin and Elizabeth Moyer]
NOTE: Unicoi Co. death record #585, cause
of death "Brights Disease", informant Ruth Jesse of Erwin;
in Jobe Cemetery, parents mentioned in record
RUNION, David [unmarked]
b. April 22, 1916 - d. May 25,
[s/o Cornelius Runion and Julia
Unicoi Co. death record #488, cause of death "illio colitis",
parents mentioned in record; buried Jobe Cem.
534a. RUNNION,
Louise [unmarked]
b. April 1921 - d. June 15,
[adopted child of David Runnion
(WVA) and
Florence (VA)]
Unicoi Co. death record #367, cause of death "unknown", father informant of
parents mentioned in record; buried Jobe Cem.
534b. RUNION,
Ruth G.
b. November 16, 1920 - d. January 21,
[d/o David Runnion (WVA)
Florence (VA)]
Unicoi Co. death record #303, cause of death "bold hives", father informant of
parents mentioned in record; buried Jobe Cem.
SHOUN, infant [unmarked]
b./d July 17, 1919
[child of Roy Shoun of Mountain City
and Willie Norris]
Unicoi Co. death record #471, cause of death "premature birth"; buried in Jobe
Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
SIMMONS, George William [unmarked]
b. 1850 - d. August 11, 1927
[s/o Leander Simmons of NC and
unknown mother; married Martha Jane Clouse]
Unicoi Co. death record #19091, died age "77"; single; cause of death "not
stated"; informant Jake Anderson of Erwin; father noted in record but not
mother; buried at Jobe Cemetery.
Fred [unmarked]
b. December 26, 1916 - d. February
19, 1918
[s/o George William Simmons and
Martha Jane Clouse]
Unicoi Co. death record #536, cause of death "pneumonia", informant George W.
Simmons; buried in Jobe Cem.,
parents mentioned in record.
William Harry [unmarked]
b. May 31, 1918 - d. February
20, 1921
[s/o George William Simmons and
Martha Jane Clouse]
Unicoi Co. death record #317, cause of death "pneumonia", informant George W.
Simmons; buried in Jobe Cem.,
parents mentioned in record.
539. SMITH, Dea
b. September 1, 1907 - d. August 8, 1929
[s/o John Smith and Jude Day]
Tenn State Death Record #21301, single; died in Unicoi Co., TN age 21; cause of
death "pellegra"; place of burial "Erwin, TN".
540. SMYER,
Earl [unmarked]
b. April 23, 1915 - d. July 28, 1921
[s/o L. T. Smyer Conover, NC and
Addie V. Scott Johnson City, TN]
Unicoi Co. death record #382, cause of death "typhoid fever"; buried Jobe Cem.;
parents mentioned in record.
STANIFORTH, infant [unmarked]
b/d April 15, 1920
[infant child of Edward P. Staniforth
of Saltville, VA and Glenna Peterson of Bluefield, West VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #415, cause of death "stillborn', informant father of
Erwin; buried in Jobe Cem.; parents mentioned in record.
STARNES, Oscar Caney [unmarked]
b/d May 6, 1918
[s/o Oscar Starnes Ashe Co., NC and
Mary Reece Augusta Co., VA]
Unicoi Co. death record #564, cause of death "premature birth", lived 8 hrs.,
informant - father Erwin; parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
543. STEWART, J. M.
b. May 28, 1848 - d. May 8, 1929
[s/o Robert Stewart and Rooksie Garland]
TAYLOR, Infant [unmarked]
b/d April 28, 1916
[infant of Frank Taylor and Pattie
Unicoi Co. death record #470, cause of death illegible, informant father;
parents mention in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
545. TIPTON,
James Oscar [unmarked]
b. February 14, 1913 - d. June
6, 1921
[s/o John D. Tipton and Maggie
Unicoi Co. death record #362, cause of death "dengue", informant father of
Erwin, parents
mentioned in record; buried Jobe Cem.
546. TITTLE,
John Henry [unmarked]
b. 1868 - d. January 16, 1933
[wife - Jude Smith]
Unicoi Co. death record #4429, cause of death "myocartitis"; Charles E. Tittle
of Erwin informant; no info on parents; he was married to Jude Smith; buried in
"Jobe Cemetery"
547. VANCE, Virginia Paulette [unmarked]
b. January 7, 1933 - d. January 13, 1938
[d/o Paul McCowin Vance and Mary Ruth
Garrison buried Evergreen Cem. Erwin.]
Unicoi Co. death record #2042, cause of death "lobar pneumonia", born in
Clinchport, Scott, VA; buried Jobe Cem.
Luther [unmarked]
b. March 24, 1911 - d. December
23, 1915
[s/o S. W. Wallace of Yancey Co., NC
and Mary]
Unicoi Co. death record #536, cause of death "croup"; informant was father;
parents mentioned in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
WATTS, Rosa Belle [unmarked]
b. December 1918 - d. April 20, 1919
[d/o Monroe Watts and Rachel Williams
both from Yancey Co., NC]
Unicoi Co. death record #447, cause of death "unknown"; father informant; parents mention in record;
buried in Jobe Cem.
WILLIAMS, Mabel [unmarked]
b. April 30, 1903 - d. August
28, 1921
[d/o Millard Williams and Ella Hicks]
Unicoi Co. death record #395, cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis"; informant
father of Erwin; parents mention in record; buried in Jobe Cem.
WOMACK, Elizabeth
b. February 2, 1911 - d.
February 21, 1915
[d/o E. L. Womack and Leta Jennings]
Unicoi Co. death record #459; died of scarlet fever; informant Lela Womack; parents mentioned in record;
buried in Jobe Cem.
YOUNG, infant [unmarked]
b/d May 22, 1920
[child of Ralph Young and Catherine
Unicoi Co. death record #431, cause of death "stillborn", informant father of
Erwin; parents mention in record; buried in Jobe Cem.

Macro Views of Jobe Cemetery; above
taken Feb 2012; trio taken Aug.
2010 - bbpytel |
rights reserved,
B. Bradford-Pytel, 2006 - present
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