Employing the Locals And the Not-so-Local

All photos courtesy of NARA - Lewis Hines, photographer
employement E.H. Elam, interviewer from the Personnel Division, TVA, conferring with residents of the neighborhood at Stiner's store, Lead Mine Bend, Tennessee, and explaining the methods of employment used by the TVA. Taken 11-8-33.
E.H. Elam, interviewer, making personal interviews at Stiner's Store, Lead Mine Bend, Tennessee, with applicants for work on Norris Dam. The group in the background are seeing who can pull up the most weight on the scales. Taken 11-8-33
employment testing

E.H. Elam, interviewer for the TVA, making personal interviews at Stiner's Store, Lead Mine Bend, Tennessee, with applicants for work on Norris Dam. This shows how selections for employment with the TVA are made on the basis of ability and efficiency. Taken 11-8-33.

Applicants for skilled and unskilled laboring positions with the TVA being examined at High School building, Clinton, Tennessee. Mr. McDade, of TVA Division of Personnel, in charge.", 11/25/1933
Arthur Roberts
Arthur Roberts, shaftman on test drilling work at the Norris Dam site. Taken 10-26-33.
Wm. L Carden

William L. Carden, of Anderson County, Tennessee, acetylene burner at Norris Dam. Taken 10-30-33.

Water boy and two workers on the roadway to Norris Dam site. Taken 10-20-33Can anyone identify these people?
Lunch at the cafeteria at Norris townsite. Taken 11-24-33.
working on norris  
Men working at Norris Dam.", 11/03/1933
Idaho Men for the CCC Camp with Norris Dam, Taken 1933
Workers on Norris Dam - 1933


Last Modified on: 03/28/2025 16:08:18 .

TVA in Tennessee created by Suzanne M. Pratt .

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