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Soup Beans, Grandma's Way

Submitted by:  Tanya Seiber-Carico

3 lbs of Dried October Beans

Enough water to cover them by 3 inches

1/4 cup of bacon grease

1/2 lb of salt pork, cut into strips (or one ham hock)

1 medium onion cut up in chunks

Salt and Pepper
You'll want to "Look" your beans; meaning pour them all out and search through them for any small pebbles and dirt.  Wash them thoroughly and put them in any old ordinary pot .  Put in all ingredients, start on high until they get to a rolling boil, then cover and reduce the heat to low, cook for about 4 hours, or until the soup is dark brown and somewhat thick and beans mash easy.  Enjoy with a "pone" of cornbread,  and some fresh green onions and tomatoes.

This recipe has been passed down by all true southerners for generations, it's a staple that absolutely cannot be lived without. 

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