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Roast Wild Goose

1 young wild goose (about 6 to 8 pounds, dressed)

Juice of 1 lemon

Melted fat or drippings

4 to 6 slices of bacon

Salt and pepper


1/4 cup each of butter or margarine

1/4 cup chopped onion

1 cup chopped dried apricots

3 cups soft bread crumbs

Salt and pepper

     Prepare stuffing first by sautéing onion in the fat and mixing with apple, apricots, bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Rub cleaned goose inside and out with lemon juice and seasonings. Lightly fill cavity with prepared stuffing. Close and tie opening (as f or turkey) and cover breast with strips of bacon and/or cheesecloth soaked in cooking oil. Roast breast side up in slow oven (325 degrees), allowing 20 to 25 minutes to pound. Baste with drippings. To insure tenderness of bird, add 1 cup water the last hour of baking and cover roaster. 

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