Circular black postmark:
McMinnville Te May
Manuscript date:
Black handstamp:
Manuscript rate:
Samuel McCammons
late Sheriff of Knox County
Knoxville Tenn
McMinnville, Ten May 3rd 1847
Dear Sir
Some several years ago
Thomas Paris of this County sent you an
injunction against the property of Squire Hunter as he informs us -
Paris further states that you wrote him the money was ready and at or
subject to his order - Paris imployed John N Lindsay of this place to
receive the amt. in your hands - He Paris further states that he gave a
receipt to Lindsay to send to you, receipting you in full for the amt.
of the debt, and that Lindsay told Paris that he had enclosed the
receipt to (perhaps his brother at) Knoxville with instructions for his
brother to present the receipt to you for the money - Lindsay Stated to
Paris before leaving this place that he had received no answer from
Knoxville in relation to the matter - So it is Paris has not received
his debt and at the same time his receipt is out in the hands of some
person, receipting you in full for the amount of the debt -
Now My Dear Sir will you
be so good as to write whether you have
paid over the money to Lindsay or any other person for him, and if so,
how much, when did you pay it, and who to -
Lindsay has left
this place and gone to the South to what part I am
unable to learn - Paris has imployed me to look after the matter and I
would like so much to have a line from you on the subject.
/s/ W. Britton
P. S. I am not certain I have given your right name not knowing it
myself, only relying on Paris’ information.
The 1850 U. S. Federal
Census, Warren County Tennessee shows:
William Brittain, Lawyer, Age
36, Dwelling Number 47;
Thomas Paris, Age 61, Farmer, Dwelling
Number 111;
Thomas Paris, Age 39, Farmer, Dwelling Number 981.
This census has no listing for John N. Lindsay.