“...a Turnpike road in Hammond...”
~ 1821 ~
St. Lawrence County New York
Page © TNGenNet, Inc. 2005. All Rights Reserved.
Transcription: © Jim Greve 2005

Stampless folded letter sheet.
Manuscript postmark:
       Ogdensburgh NY
       Sept 2nd
Manuscript rate:
       Gouverneur Ogden Esquire

Ogdenburgh letter front.

Ogdensburgh 31st Augt 1821
Dear Sir
  Mr. Parish, previous to his departure from this country, made a contract with Mr. Arnold Smith for making a Turnpike road in Hammond to be left to the decision of two disinterested persons living out of the Town when completed – and on his leaving named you for the person to decide on his part. I beg leave to ask whether it would be convenient for you attend in Hammond for this purpose, if so, I will thank you to state to me on what day you would meet us at Mr. Smith’s.
  There is a clause in the contract saying that the “road shall be made sixteen feet wide inclusive of the ditches,” which seems to be a difference of opinion between us, and altho’ the road is not in my opinion fully completed yet, on getting the decision of the Arbitrators on the point in question and by their saying what further is necessary to be done to complete this road according to contract, I shall then be able to settle this account without further troubling the Arbitrators.
  Mr. Smith has named Mr. Griffin of Oswegatchie to decide on his part.
I am, Dear Sir, very truly
Your most Obed Hble Servt

Luther S. Conklin
Gouverneur Ogden Esquire

1.  Luther Shellinger Conklin (1796-1838); Gouverneur Ogden (1778-1851).

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