Stampless folded letter sheet:
Manuscript postmark: Fancy Farm Ill. June 4th
and rate: 18¾
Maragaret W. Hunt
Letter’s authors: E. Mitchell, W. N. Mitchell
Cabin Retreat, June 2nd 1839 Franklin County Illinois
Dear Niece,
Your of the 12th May reached us a few days since which gratified us to hear of your own relation's health. These lines leave us enjoying a moderate portion of health also all the relatives in this country so far as we are informed.----
We truly sympathize with you, and all the family, for the loss of your Mother, but assured are we that your loss is her infinite gain, for she has escaped from a land where she had sorrow and pain, to a residence, where sickness, sorrow pain and death are felt nor feared no more. Therefore assuage your grief nor suffer it to prey on the better enjoyments of life, but take this view of death, if it is death, (I mean the transit of the righteous from time) that we all are invited aboard a party of pleasure, yes rational pleasure, bliss and enjoyment immortal, in the bright mansions Above, and that your mother has only outstript us and first gained the haven of repose from these tempestuous climes. These thoughts should dry up all tears and only emulate us to the greater ardor on the same heavenly road untill we like her, end our course in peace. ----
I have had a sever spell of sickness this spring early, but through the mercy of the Lord, I am again able to go about. My sickness was thought to have been occasioned by a fall from a horse in returning from Mt. Vernon -- I heard from Mt. Vernon a few weeks ago. Chloe and family were well.
You requested me to tell you if I could not come and see. I do not think myself able to undertake such a journey, and the children would be very loth to see me leave here, Julian is still a low state of health I spend part of my time with her -- John wrote this spring the he intended comeing for me to go to his house but I do not think myself for that trip either. ----
Give our love to Sister Lucretia and tell her we should be more than glad to see her. Give our love to Tommy, Sion, Betsy, Mary and all friends and relations and accept for yourself assurances of the sincere love of you Aunt
---- E. Mitchell
To: Miss Margaret W. Hunt, W. Hunt
Dear Cousin --
Consider me fully joining in the above from Mother, and let me ask you to write to us -- I am desirous of (at least on occasion) correspondence from some of you. I have requested it, of Cousin Sion but he has either failed, or his communications have not come to hand so we solicit you to a correspondence. Give our love to Uncle, Cousin Sion, Elizabeth Mary, and Aunt Stroud and Cousin Thomas -- and all who enquire -- Mary sends you her love --
Yours, W. N. Mitchell
To: Miss M. W. Hunt
Present our love to Cousin Hardy and family ---
W. N. Mitchell
E. Mitchell (Elizabeth Hunt was her maiden name). W.N. Mitchell was her youngest son, William Nazareth Mitchell. Thomas Hunt to whom so many of these letters are addressed is Elizabeth’s brother. They were children of Hardy Hunt and Sarah Taylor. Sion Hunt was another sibling. Elizabeth named one of her sons, Sion Hunt Mitchel.
Contributed by Scott K. Williams
From the Collection of Frederick Smoot
Provenance: eBay Online Auction, 1998
Page © Copyright 2000
Fred Smoot
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