Letters From Forgotten Ancestors

The Hunt, King, Taylor,
Fawks, Lancaster, Mitchell
and Harris Connection.

Madison County Mississippi
“. . . they have condemned to death and most cruel tortures of a great many, both white and black . . .”
~ 12 August 1835 ~
Copyright © 2000, Frederick Smoot. All Rights Reserved.

Stampless folded letter sheet:
Black circular handstamp postmark: Livingston Mi. Aug 12
and rate: 18¾
Mr. Thomas Hunt
Sumner Cty

Letter’s author: Harry P. Taylor

Mi Madison Co. August 9th 1835

Dear Uncle
I have been waiting for several months with an expectation of receiving a letter from you, but have failed to do so, I will therefore write you again without receiving one.

My health is usually good, my strength has not increased an I think the health of the family is not good, some of the Negros are generally sick; I have had one Negro girl to die this summer and there has been several other bad cases of fever in the family.

I made an erxertion to get to the Arkansaw Springs this summer but made it so late in the Season before I started that I could not get a boat to assend the Arkansaw River, and had to return. -- had I have succeeded in geting to the Springs, I contemplated going to NoCarolina next spring and,intended to have given you a call; but I must see the Springs before I do N.C

Macon left here for N.Carolina the first of May last in company with Isaac Bass. I expect they will return between this and Christmas, they calculated on purchasing Negros.

Every kind of property is very high in this country; the price of land varies so much that I dont no what to say the price is, but, if I was to say 10 to 50 Dollars per acre I should not miss it for negros are worth (women) from 800 to 1000 & fellows from 1000 to 1200 dollars.

We have had the wetest and worst season to Cultivate a crop I ever Saw, the Earth has not been dry enough to plough well since the first of June. I understand crops are quite promising; we have between 250 and 300 acres in Cotton the larger part of which is good.

The Rout surveyed for a Rail Road from Nashville to Orleans runs directlt through our farm. The Engineer informed me the rout from here to Orleans was very favorable I expect the rout runs through the most wealthy part of the State except immediately on the Mississippi River but I am fearful the Road will never be carried into operation.

Considerable excitement has prevailed in this State in regard to an antisipated inserction of the Negros headed by base unprincipled white men. In a good many Counties Committies have been formed to try suspected persons, they have condemned to death and most cruel tortures of a great many, both, white and, black Some justly I expect; others innosently I reckon. The Committies no doubt have grossly violated the Laws and Constitution of their Country and, have incurred the displeasure of a large majority of the people. Civil war already exist in a small degree in some places and I think a few more steps and it would be pretty general.

I believe I will stop for this time.

Please write to me when you receive this uninteresting piece.

Give my best respects to your family and accept the same from your unworthy Nephew

Harry P. Taylor

From the Collection of Frederick Smoot
Provenance: eBay Online Auction, 1999

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