Manuscript Postmark:
New Castle Ten,
Mar 27th }
Manuscript Rate:
Paid 10
To } Miss Judith N Palmer
Mail }
Contents (three letters on one folded letter sheet):
Dear Sally
I received your letter and was pleased to hear you were well and happy. I hope you don’t
forget to return thanks to your Heavenly Father on the pleasant situation in which you are
placed, I am glad to hear you have such agreeable room mates - give my love to all the Anns
I think you called them all by that name - we are all well at this time. Mary bell and
little Mack have been sick, but are getting quite gaily agane, when the children are singing
Mack holds his book and makes as much noise as the best of them - he says O the rock, and
thats as far as he can go with the words, he stands alone and claps his hands but can’t walk
yet his clothes are so long. Ask him where Judith is and raises his hands and says dar dis,
he can call nearly all the family. Bell says tell Sister Sally howday and she wants to see
her very bad she says I must tell you that I have made a baby to fit the red frock you gave
her, which she thinks very beautiful. Cally says howday she wants to see you and the guinea
hen lays in her nest in the yard and she would give you and her Sister Judith one of her hen
egg if you were here. we have some little duck and a great many chicken. Ann McGowen
received your letter a few days ago. she has been to see me Twice since you left. Rubin was
here Sunday and said they were all well your Aunt Sally has not been to see me yet. kiss Ann
Mc for me and tell her to give you a hug and when I see you boath I will pay you back. Tell
Ann Smith her father Preached at the McKendree wednesday and dined with us, I must conclude
and try to write a few lines to your Sister. Paul and the rest of them make such a noise I
scarcely know what I am writing about. I forgot to tell you about the flowers, the peach
blossom hyacinths, are beautiful -- one bunch has twelve stocks on it. the largest bunch is
in the middle. your papa thinks it looks like The Mammy with all the children around her, the
purple hyacinth your Aunt Mary sent me that you helped me plant are just beginning to open.
there are seven stocks of them, we had more yellow flowers single hyacinths & butter and
eggs than you ever saw & was sorry you were not here to look at them, your papa has fixed
the grape vine nicely which improves the look of the garden very much, you must try to write
me as long a letter as I have written you. Charlotte send her love to you. Farewell my dear
pupy, and may the blessings of the holy one of Isreal rest and remain with us all tile we
meet agane is the prayer of your mother AEP
Dear Sister Judith
It has been a long time since you went away and you dont know how much I want to see you.
You must write to me soon give my love to Sister Sally tell her I wish she was here to help
me hunt ducks and guineas nests tell Cousin Ann McAlister howdy -- Mama asked Brother if he
was going write to you he said he was affraid you would show it to all the girls. your
gooses setting on nine eggs and mine is on tenn. the next quarterly meeting is to be at
McKendree Chapel on the 27th of June. We are to have sunday preaching the rest of the year.
papa got a letter from brother David. I must try to write to him soon. Bertha says howday.
goodby my dear sisters your affection Brother, Horace Palmer
Dear Judith
I must write you a few lines though Horace has written you all the best news. Mama went to
Summerville Satterday to stay some time. Walter was here yesterday he said Mary E had come
home to spend afew days. Mrs Blackwell has just returned from Orleans. she sent last evening
to invite us to dine with her to day on oysters but I was not well enough to go. Tell Ann
Williams I heard from her Father this morning they are all well her mother returned from her
Uncle Nats last Friday, Tell Luey and Marianna Green there Grandmama stayed part of last
week with us and was well. I cant heir anything from Brother McAlister sence Brother Davis
left us it appears as if he two had moved a hundred miles off. Lally has just brought a
guinea egg out of her nest and wants to know if I can send it to you. in the letter she sent
a yeller jessamine to you and a rose to Sally I will inclose a small portion of each.
Brother Davis sends his best wishes to you and Sally. Brother Milner has left us we shall
miss him very much. bell has just run in with a white violet to send Ann McAlister I think
they made a sweet selection when E Young went home she carried some of the violets and sent
me some of the white. I must bid you adieu as I feel quite unwell, dont let any one read
this bad writing but Ann Mc as she is one of the family. I forgot to tell you Amanda Palmer
wrote to your papa not long ago and said you must write to her -- if there is any thing that
you or Sister needs write me word, I have written all that I can think of so fair-well for
the preasent.
Your affectionate friend and Mother
A E Palmer
From the Collection of Frederick Smoot
Provenance: R. G. Stamps, 2004