Davidson County Tennessee
from Forgotten Ancestors
TNGenWeb Project
“I Have Been Confined in This
Prison Now Just Three
Months . . .”
~ 1863 ~ Transcribed by Joan Pruett of Hendersonville,
Letter’s author and recipient:
Jno. Tovell to Brig. Gen. R. B. Mitchell
Rec. at Hqrs W. S. Forces
Feb 2, 1863.
State Prison, Feby 2nd, 1863
To Brig. Gen. R. B.
Mitchell Commanding
Honored Sir,
I have
been confined in this prison now just three months and during that period
have suffered intensely from the hardships to which I have been
subjected. After every rain the walls and flooring of my room are
saturated with water and exhale a cold unhealthy vapour for many days
afterwards. Several panes of glass in the windows are broken "and the
cold winter winds often whistle in there". The filth in every part of
the building is not only excessive but absolutely revolting. Decaying
vegetable and animal matter profusely scattered over every hall and
passage constantly emit a noxious odor indicating an atmosphere heavily
charged with poisonous gases greatly endangering the health of those who
are compelled to inspire it. At night every inch of the floor - I speak
now of my own room - is covered with men destitute of so much as a whisp
of straw to shield them from contact with the hard cold boards, vainly
striving under such conditions and is an atmosphere more resembling that
of the Black Hole of Calcutta than of a dormitory sufficiently ventilated
for the purposes of healthy respirations, to court "balmy sleep" and
restore the exhausted energies of "tired nature". So execrable are the
arrangements for enabling the prisoners to meet the calls of nature that
despite the prohibitions of the guard in charge of the prison every
morning in making my way to the ground floor I have to wend my path
through heaps of human dung and feel myself fortunate when I succeed in
avoiding contact with it. The quality of my rations corresponds with the
other arrangements for my comfort. And as if the object of the
authorities was simply to gratify an unworthy sentiment of revenge or
spite my family are strictly, forbidden, on pain of I know not what
penalties, to furnish me with provisions of a wholesome or agreeable
My objective however in addressing this
communication to you is not so much to remonstrate against this harsh
treatment as to ask you to furnish me with a statement of the charges
which have subjected me to the endurance of these indignities. Should I
in preferring this request be deemed to have violated any of the
conventional proprieties which in this country regulate the intercourse
between the governed classes and their rulers, permit me to plead in
extenuation of my fault that I am an Englishman and a British subject;
and accordingly from my earliest years have been familiarized with
practices and indoctrinated with maxims so foreign to that spirit of
passive obedience and unquestioning acquiescence in the acts of their
superiors which constitute so marked a feature of the American character,
that it would not be surprising should I discover a kind of
constitutional inaptitude for perceiving the justness and equity of a
proceeding which to Americans may appear as natural and matter-of-course
as an auto-da-fe' to a Spaniard or a banquet of human flesh to the
discriminating taste of a Fee Gee Islander.
In view
therefore of the natural disadvantages under which I labour, I trust I
may be permitted to cherish the hope that if you do not grant my request
I shall at least not incur your displeasure by preferring(?) it.
I am Honored Sir
Your Obedient Servant
Signed: Jno. Tovell
From Joan Pruett: Transcript of a
letter written by Jno. Tovell while he was incarcerated at the Tennessee
State Penitentiary. The folded cover of the letter is inscribed
“Requests a statement of charges against him.” The original
letter is found alphabetically under the name Tovell on National Archives
microfilm M345, Union Provost Marshals' Files of Papers Relating to
Individual Civilians, 1861-1866.
From Charles A. Sherrill,
TSLA. We were unable to find more information about this man. There is
a reference in the Confederate Veteran which may pertain to
him. It is from vol. XIX, No. 7, July 1911, page 33, in the reminiscences
of Rev. C.M. Hutton. “Mrs. Tovell’s husband was a Baptist
preacher; and owing to his preaching the funeral of a man that the
Federals had put to death, he was sent at once to the South, not even
being permitted to take leave of his family.”
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