Davidson County Tennessee
from Forgotten Ancestors
TNGenWeb Project
I am so Rejoiced to Hear that He Died Happy
~ 1893 ~
Copyright © 2000, Darlene
Hickerson Johns. All Rights Reserved.
No envelope available:
Letter’s author:
Melissa Ellen Ricketts Pitts to Della Ricketts
Nashville, Tenn
Aug 20, 1893
Dear Della:
I was so shocked and grieved a few days ago on hearing of Bro.
William's death. I heard through Sister Lizzie not long ago, of his serious
condition but did not think of his dying so soon and was very much surprised
to hear through Ed Ricketts that he was dead. I write to assure all of you
of my heartfelt sympathy in your great bereavement. I know you miss your
Papa so much and that your loss is great, but you have the consolation of
knowing that he is now at rest, free from all suffering and pain. I have
read your letter to Johnnie and am so rejoiced to hear that he died happy.
What a glorious death that must be and such a comfort to his loved ones left
behind, and should encourage all of us to try to live in such a way as to be
prepared for such a death as his. Please say to your Aunt Melissa that I
deeply and truly sympathize with her. I fully intended writing to your Papa
after I heard of his illness, but put it off too long and now reproach
myself so much for it. Should have written sure had I known he would be
taken so soon. I loved him, and felt for him so much in his afflictions.
I have thought of you all many times this summer and wished to be with you,
so you must not think because of my failure to write that I take no interest
in you, for such is not the case. I would be glad to have you and your
sisters come to see us, and you must do so as soon as you can. I have seen
so little of your sisters, Nanni and Mary supppose they would hardly know me
but would be glad to see more of you all. Johnnie is writing to you soon
and I know will advise you according to what he considers best, and most to
the interest of you all. He was always a good friend to your Papa. I have
heard him speak of him in that way years ago, and of course will be
interested in knowing that his children get on well. We start to Chicago
next Tuesday. Will write and tell you something of our trip when we return.
Write to us as often as you can. I shall always be glad to hear from you.
Much love to all,
Your loving Aunt
Signed: M.E. Pitts
This letter is from M.E. Pitts ( Melissa Ellen Ricketts Pitts) to Della
Ricketts upon the death of her father, William L. Ricketts d. 08-10-1893 in
Flatwoods, Perry County, Tennessee). William was Melissa's brother.
From the Collection of
Darlene Hickerson Johns
A treasured family heirloom.
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