Blue Circular Postmark:
Manuscript Rate:
C. Haynes, Esq
Washington Co.
Recd May 3
Dated Apl 25
th 1836
No. 27
Nashville April 25 1836
Mr. C. Haynes
Dear Sir,
on the 22 instant I enclosed to you a bill of
exchange dated 22 instant at 6 months accepted by H. R. W.
Hill & Co. Nashville, to order of Haynes Mech. & Co., which
you will endorse on the back in that way. Mr. Hill said it
was only chance for monie at present, and states that the bank
at . . . . . where you got Ten Thousand Dollar bill discounted,
would not discount eanney more. He read some letters to that
effect from that place and Richmond Va. But he held the letters
himself and read them. Now Hill might of not wished eanney more
cached in Va. as he states that nothing but good funds or silver
would pay them. He appears very slack about doing business, and
has since denyed grufly a man he accepted for last year, and
raised monie for, and had paid up every cent. I still believe
that in a few weeks that I can obtain eanney Reasonable amount
But I may be mistaken, he, Hill, said that you must
assure the Bank at Noxville that the monie would be distributed
in the western part of Va., and east tennessee. If this takes,
we, I suppose, can obtain more, or could, I suppose, obtain bills
in New Orleans, at 6-7, or 8 months. Hill appeared like he wished
the bills to run at such dates that our old debts or new ones
would be certain to meet them.
Now the fact is this, is that they have done
two large a business and
have cached two much of their own paper, and
he is hard run to meet bills
that are payable in the bank. Mark R. Cockrell had 25 thousand
dollars that Hill had collected for him in New Orleans, the payment
of Cockrell’s plantation. He, Cockrell promised me the lone of
it 12 months of at least 20,000 of it at ten per ct pr annum. We went
to town the day after Hill arrived, and after being at town, Cockrell
was anxious to go to Hill, and lone me the monie, so that the interest
might be going on. We went. Cockrell and Hill had a long talk. Cockrell
informed me that he could not comply with his promise, as Hill had
the Collecting and trouble without Charges and that he Could
not draw it out his hand. We rode home together. I observed to
Cockrell that Hill only allowed him Bank interest, when he replyed
that he allowed him upward of ten per ct., and would return the monie
at a few days notice at eanney time, if he wished eanney. So if he
allows ten per ct. or upwards, monie matters are worse with them than
heretofore. I am convinced he done so, as Cockrell is close to the last cent.
I have received no letter since the one from Buckingham. You will
please report the news, number & kind of negros & price, and what
might be the most best or surest way to get them out here. If they
could be, some 20 or 30 sent out with a good team. I could take them
on early, and them and the team would be of service to me here.
I could send Hill after them, or someone else if you could not
procure a good hand.
I have been thinking that, if monie
arrangements cannot be made here to suit me in the course of 1
or 2 months, that I will go to Vicksburg & Natchez and try some
of our bills or notes that are payable in the bank, and perhaps
some of N.O. I'll ask acceptance through the Mississippi Banks,
as I think their acceptance will go there. You must only do the
best you can, and think out the monie you have, and you will have
the better opportunities to jew down the price and obtain
saleable property.
Talbott is at my house taking
his pleasure sleeping. Borrow monie in Va. if
you can. I cannot say how our business stands, as I have as I have been busy
day and night. I got up and left a considerable bill in N. Orleans, not
discounted, but waiting untill our bills become near due. At this writing
before daybreak, and I have written two others I do not know if you can read
it. We are all well. My respects to all our friends, etc., and myself and
Lady would be glad to see her sister at our house this summer to spend 1 or 2
months. I have never heard of Mr. Horn having gotten the letter of credit from
Hill. Hill says he wrote him and I believe he said two times. and if he used
Yours respectfully,
/s/ Joseph Me_______
“Panic of 1837”
This letter tells us about
the currency troubles the United States citizens faced
during the 1830’s under Andrew Jackson. In 1833 under President Andrew
Jackson, an independent treasury system emerged when government funds were
transferred from the Bank of the United States to state banks. This lead to the
Panic of 1837. Ultimately, Jackson’s actions lead to the “Hard Times of
“Jew Down”
The term “jew down”
probably had its origins in Europe where the
Jews ran the money lending houses during the Middle Ages.