A Genealogist Dream
or The Value of Loose Court Records ~ 1883Transcribed and Copyrighted by Betty Moore Majors 1998
All Rights Reserved.
The envelope is not available.Woodbury, Ky June 4th 1883
Mr. R. M. Vannoy
Dear Sir,
you asked for the names and residences of the brothers and sisters of Capt John A. Moore Anna A Gaither is dead She has two sons living at Eire Ill Wain County
Mary J Moore is dead She has 1 daughter Elizabeth H Martin Woodbury Butler County Ky is her address and 1 son Thomas L. Moore Rosine Ohio County Ky his postoffice
Sarah E. Dye is dead She has 5 sons all in this county Woodbury PO Azro L. Dye George F. Dye Virgil J Dye Monroe B Dye Lucian L Dye
Amelia C Yergain was living the last I heard from She livs in Ark Gainsville Green County
James E. Moore in this county Woodbury
Francis J Moore Sugar Grove this County
Barclay M H Moore 65 Elm St Nashville Tenn and
Signed: Wm M C MooreNotes:
Capt. John A. Moore, a veteran of both the Mexican and Civil Wars, was born 25 Oct 1821, the son of William F. and Elizabeth (_____) Moore of Bedford County, TN. He married 11 Sep 1858 in Rutherford County TN to Mary Amanda Adams. They had no children. Capt. John was Clerk of the County Court of Coffee County, TN before his death on 23 Oct 1882.
Both he and Amanda are buried in the City Cemetery in Manchester TN.
In order to settle his estate, it was necessary to locate his siblings, all of whom had moved from the area. The above letter to Mr. Vannoy (a Coffee County attorney and the administrator of the estate) from Capt. John’s youngest brother gives the names and locations of the family of William and Elizabeth Moore in 1883.
Notes by Betty Moore Majors, P.G.
From the records of the County Court of Coffee County Tennessee.
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