Mr. J. N. Taylor
Saturday Maryville June 25, 1841
Dr Brother:
I recd your letter of June 17 containing five dollars in money. I recd
the letter on Sabbath morning just as I was about starting out to our old
place on crooked creek where I have a Sabbath School. I had not time just
then to return an answer, nor did I think it necessary so soon to tax your
with anouther letter, nor would I even now were it not for one sentence
your letter that I do not understand. You say “that you sent me
dollars by Berry,” if I can make out the sentence. I have not seen
since I left home, nor have I received any money, but the five above
mentioned, from you since I left home. I sent home three dollars by the
Post rider, which I suppose you received, though you did not say. I am
well, and doing as well as I can. I have a very large Sabbath School,
between 60 & 70 there last Sab and Sab before.
I suppose you have herd that Rev. Dr. McGie is no more, -- he died two weeks
ago with, I suppose, old age. “The toll the wise the Rev. head must lie as
low as ours.” Death, the unconkerable king of Terrors, is committing
his ravages every few weeks in every neighborhood, calling off the most fair
and flourishing, as well as the middle aged and the old.
Last Tuesday evening there was a man died in Maryville after lying not more
than 12 hours. He had come to Maryville on some business from the paper mill.
The longer I live, and the more see of the world and human nature,
the less I think of it. We come into life in a storm, and are hurried
on to middle age, and then to old age, by the current of error, fashions, and
customs, untill premature disease and death seases upon our vitals and
we are brought to our graves and are forgotton soon, or if remembered at
all, it is only with the sad recollection that we have lived, died, and gone the
way of all the earth, and that the condition of our fellow men with whom we
associate is none the better of us having been in existence. If men would
restrain their hellish passions, Rath, Malace, envy, revenge, jealousy, and
a host of kndred passions, and endeavor at all times, and under all circumstances,
to preserve a calm and quiet temper of mind, their cup of
enjoyment would be more than replenished for the little self denial it would
require. To produce this calm in the mind of man, of so infinite
importance, in every true act of devotion, and in every minute of real
enjoyment, it might be a good plan to think often of death, of the relation
we sustain to ourselves, our fellow men and our God. If men would studey
these relations, and when he knows his duty, try to do it, the cup of grief
might be turned into joy. No longer would there be found a deamon in human
form, writhing under all the secret pangs of remorse. Remove rage and
cruelty to man and disterb the natural rights of his fellow men. As well
might the pilot of a ship try to guide the vessal, without a rudder, or
sails, as for a man who gives loose rains to his passions and especially
anger, to stear clear of difficulties. But why do I write thus? My
thoughts seamed to run in that channel. But a word of a more personal
nature. I recd a letter from D [?] Brown my old landlord in Ala. He has
collected “something the rise of a 100 Dollars for me,” which
is subject to my order at any time. I am afraid to risk it . . . [torn, word
missing] Probably I will get an opportunity to send for it in the
fall. I heard from Hiram this evening by Calvin (Post). He was well, and has
gone to housekeping.
It is now eleven o’clock at night and I am both tired and sleepy.
Reguard for all Farewell
/s/ Thos. J. Taylor
Columbus mentioned that you had recd a letter from Broth. Joseph and that he
taked of being at home in June. If he has come home, tell him that I would
like to see his long countenance.
Go forth beloved to
distant lands
and if yo left behind ---
And if yo meet with prety girls remember her.