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Maryville Te
Manuscript date:
April 5
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Mr. J. H. Johnson, Madisonville E
Maryville, Blount Cty State
April 4th
Dear Cousin
I recd. yours yesterday explaining the reason why it was that you had
not written to me sooner. You state that you went down into Polk County.
Now Sir I did not think that a man So bitterly opposed to Polk as you
are Could
[have gone] into a
county that was named after him but perhaps you like a good many others have
changed and have come out in favor of Jas K. Polk.
All that I have to say is that you might just as well if you have not
done it for all your efforts to Carry
Jimmy Jones through will all be in vain he cant Carry it against Polk.
Polk will use him right up and leave nothing but just a little greasy
You state old Saml Johnston was imposed apon in taking that for Gold but
that he would proced on either turn or
Mr. Coldwell and send it to me. Jos I wish if you please you would use
some exertions and try and get one of them to do it as soon as possible
as he has my
Receipt for 32.00 and
Dr. Gillispie I have Doctor
Gillispie for only 27 and therefore I am out 5.00 untill I get that a__
from your Grandfather.
I hope he will get it soon and bring it in to you and you will please
inclose it to me.
Now you say that the hens of your Cty have got to Laying 4 eggs a day
and hatching out
Chickens at night and have them Large enought a gainst morning for
breakfast. I think your hens must let your Chickens grow pretty near as
Large as themselves before they let them out.
Or if that is not the cause of it, it must be because there is so much
Wigging about your Cty that they just sic upon it and it is enough to
Phisick or Stomach anything in Creation.
You say that Jos Johnson Started Last Tuesday for the castion Cty. I am
to inform you that J. J. W. arrived from the Cty on yesterday &
Coming (but I suppose you saw him) he purchased a Large stock of Goods &
Cheap goods and good. Goods and the
Way we are giving to sell New Goods When they get there will be a
sin to Davy Crocket [?].
Francis that I should like very well to hear from him Shortly.
There is nothing new in these parts.
[Higgins?] folks are
all well.
if you don’t excuse bad handwriting you can just
Let it alone for I don’t Care, but if you Cant read it, Just send it
back and I will get it printed.
Write to me by and by and give me all the News. I am not Morned yet but
it is D---ed Uncertain how long it will be
before I am if I can get any body in the same notion of myself let me
know before you try the project and I will be with
you the amount of the sobs this week $500000 that I think is coming, it
with a Rush. Can you come up to that.
Nothing more at present but
Remains your
/s/ W. Anderson Walker
Hurrah for Jas K. Polk ---
he is going to Come. it is in these Posts with a perfect Rush. Wont he
in Morning, be honest.
/s/ W. A. W.
The author of this letter, W. Anderson Walker, was certainly aware of
his “bad handwriting” as are we. Sorry about this, folks.
James Knox Polk, a North Carolina born Democrat, was governor of
Tennessee at the time of the writing of this letter.
“Jimmy Jones,” the “little greasy spot,” would be James Chamberlain
Jones, a Whig, and the man who defeated James K.
Polk two times in the bid for Tennessee’s governorship, in 1841 and in 1843.
These two elections are considered to be the most colorful in the
state’s history. The “wigging” in the letter refers to the
Whigs, the conservative political party.
James K. Polk went on to become Eleventh President of the United States
~ 1845-1849 Polk was highly favorable to westward expansion,
asserting that Texas should be “re-annexed” and all of Oregon
Because of Polk’s aggressive position, our nation today reaches from
“sea to shining sea.” Polk, died in June 1849.