Manuscript postmark:
Lit Riv Lick A T }
Manuscript date:
De 6
Manuscript rate:
1832 Nov Ark Choc. N. Sister Clough
Miss Anna Burnham
Havanna Green County
West Choctaw Nation
November 23rd 1832
Respected & Dear Sister Burnham
I received your’s of the
4th of July
sometime in August and think I
should have answered it weeks ago if I had not been sick. I was taken
sick the 13th of Sept. - while in school was very chilly through the
fore part of the day in the after part had considerable fever not with
standing I attended to my school which consisted of about 28 scholars as
usual. Soon after I commenced school in the afternoon one of the
neighbors who lived a quarter mile distant on the public road sent her
little daughter to tell me that Br & Sr Wright were at her house so I
got one of my scholars to take charge of my school while I went and had
a short interview with them, their health was tolerable good and they
were anxious to get into the Nation: perhaps I aught to mention here as
you may not have heard that Br Wm’s family had moved into the
Nation some weeks or months previous to this & left me at the Old house
which they occupied, where I remained with a few old my scholars who
boarded with me, untill a few weeks before I was taken sick when in
consequence of the owner of the house wishing to occupy it, I moved to a
camp near my school much like those that were at Hikashabha, but not as
good. The first night after I was taken sick (my scholars who boarded
with me haveing gone to their homes) I went to Mr B---s who lived
closely by, to spend the night where I remained 18 days my complaint at
first was bilious fever; but terminated in a nervous fever for 12 days.
I had a very high fever with little or no cessation during which time I
had become so weak as to be all most helpless.
The 2nd day
after I was
taken I thought I must have relief or soon die. Several of the neighbors
were in. I was advised to take tartur which I did, also sent word to Br
William In the operation of the Tartur. I lost my reason the next day
about 1 oclock P.M. Br William came and remained with me until the next
morning which was the sabbath. Br. W- left me with the impression that I
would find myself relived, but it was a day of extreme bodily suffering
to me: comparatively I never knew anything about distress & pain untill
my last sickness. The next Tuesday, Br. W-came to see me again, thought
me better returned early Wednesday morning. Thursday evening several
stood around my bed and thought me to be dying. I had my reason and
understood what was said by those that stood around me, yet when I heard
it said again & again - she is dying - I did not feel that I was
experiencing the agonies of death, still I had the impression that my
stay on earth would end that day and had often asked how long before
Thursday, but it was the good pleasure of the lord to spare me a little
longer: that night one of the neighbors went to Washington 60 Miles for
a physician, he returned Saturday following about 1 oclock P.M. with the
Dr. who remained with me most of the time until Monday evening:
immediately after the Doctors arrival he aplied blisters to my ankles,
wrists and stomach which was a great service to me: he said my recovery
was very doubtful: gave no medicine of consequence said I could not bear
it. Sister Williams was with me nearly a week and took care of me which
I consider a great favor and a young woman, one of my scholars, who has
since gone to her long home, and I hope eternal rest, took care of me
another week: neighbors were very kind and, I feel that I had a special
cause for graditudeI though surely according to the Savior’s
promise I
found fathers and mothers brothers and sisters, in this land of
strangers. The
19th day
after I was taken sick, I was carried 9 miles to
the house of a Methodist minister where I remained 4 weeks and I was
treated with great kindness. Had a bed made in covered waggon soon
after I was moved. I began to try to sit up a little, it took 2 to lead
me from my bed made the
27th day of my
sickness, if I recollect right I
walked a few steps alone and from that time I gained strength very fast.
During all the time I was sick I enjoyed great peace of mind: my heart
was full, I had much to say to everyone: I had no fear of man before me.
Souls appeared very precious and their danger very great - my own
comfort did not arise from any good. I saw in myself or any good I had
done for it seemed to me I had never done any good; but Christ was all
my hope and his words that “he cause to seek and to save that which
was lost” as well as other promises were vary precivus: I sometimes
longed to depart and be with Christ. I was sometimes impatient to be
gone. I felt there was nothing to tie me to earth I had a great dread of
returning to the business of life and again being exposed temptation and
sinning against God; but now I see so much selfishness with my desires
as fills me with shame and remorse. I have nothing good to tell of
myself; but much of the goodness of God. I think if I could see you I
can open my heart to you. I commenced teaching school in the
settlements the last day of April last. I first engaged 3 months for
which Br Williams has, and is to receive 64 dollars. At the close of the
first term I engaged for 3 months longer for which the people were
obligated to pay Br W-about 1 hundred dollars; but as I was taken sick
when the time was half out, he will not receive near half that sum. Sr
Wm. Has taught school 3 months among the Choctaws she charged 4 dollars
a quarter for english and 3 for Choctaw scholars: her school closed not
quite 2 weeks before her confinement the
12th of this month she had a
fine large daughter born to the world.
The 16th camp meeting commenced &
continued until the 19th it was very cold and rainy at the time. I did
not attend the meeting on account of Sr. W-s being confined: 21 were
added to the church 18 of whom were members in the old Nation. There is
meeting generaly on the sabbath at the meeting ground about 2 miles from
this place: we have sabbath school on the morning before meeting have 5
scholars or more some of the teachers were formerly your scholars. We
live on the west side of the Mountain Fork River 10 miles from the white
settlements on the east; south of us about a quarter of a mile
Wm Folsom
lives 1/2 mile beyond Mr Robinson, and a little beyond Israel Folsom.
R-- & Israel’s wife speak of you very affectionately. Br & Sr Wright
live 30 miles from us near Little River they have got up a cabin with 2
rooms; but only one room prepared for use - Br Wr-has had an attack of
sickness since he came into the Nation: was better when we heard from
him, he writes that his complaint was entirely different from what he
had before. As to the prospects of the Mission I know not what to say. I
believe there is much jealousy existing with regard to missionaries. We
can not tell how things will be until the rest of Choctaws come over we
know there is need of many faithful laborers. Let us pray that God will
send such and open peoples hearts to receive them. I did hope that you
would come with Br & Sr Hotchkin: but hear nothing about it: when I was
getting well I found the hope of meeting you in this land was a strong
cord to bind me to earth. & now dear Sister what do you think of Ch---s
[Choctaws] paying for their schooling and how much aught they to pay. I
also should like to know wether you think it most profitable for
scholars to study their lessons aloud & did you practice upon a plan of
loud study when at Yohnokchya. I do not expect to be engaged in a school
this winter. Hope you will write to me your thoughts about schools.
last Sabbath evening the lord’s supper was administered to Nashubanoa
who has been sick several months and is thought he cannot live long. I
was not present as I had no way to get there. Br W-says it was a very
solemn time he though there was about 30 members of the church present.
I think I feel thankful for that kind of providence which prevented y
connexion with Mr. O with a heart full & eyes streaming with gratitude
to God for his special care of me. O, may I ever be humble and greatful.
Clara says give __y to Mrs Burnham.
Your affectionate though unworthy sister in Christ
Eunice Clough
P.S. Nov 5th
This has lain by me since some time for want of an opportunity to send
to the __
Last Friday Moulton & Br. & Sr. Hotchkin suprised me with their
presence: yesterday they left for Br. Wrights. Br Joslin is married & if
he has not arrived at Union is on his way there. Sister Allen has been
called to give her little Holes back to God; may she be comforted of
him. Mr Green writers that they expect to send out Br. & Sr. Wood next
fall and 2 female teachers. I hope you will come by that time. We have
heard from Col F---s party expect them to arrive next Saturday.
Yours E.C.
“Long Home” means: “to die,”
also: “a grave.”
The cover manuscript postmark is “A T” which
is: “Arkansas Territory.” Little River Lick was
located very near to the present Arkansas ~ Oklahoma
Arkansas Territory was created in 1819 and included
about twice the volume of land than the present state of Arkansas.
Our map is a detail from an 1832 map printed in Scotland.
It shows the full size of the Arkansas Territory.
We have added a star to the map to indicate the general location of
Little River Lick.
It would seem that Sister Eunice Clough live somewhat in a northerly
on Mountain Fork River, a branch of Little River.
We place Washington (location of the doctor) in Hempstead County
In 1836 Arkansas became a state.
From the
Collection of Frederick Smoot
Phil Bansner,
Postal History Dealer ~ 1997