A List of Post Offices in Tennessee*
with the counties in which they are situated and their distances from Washington City.
~ 1803_______[ c. h. = court house ]
Post Office County Distance Blackburn Springs Jackson 655 Burville Anderson 570 Campbells Station Rowan 567 Cheaks X roads Hawkins 501 Clarksville Montgomery 704 Crag Font Sumner 704 Cumberland Gap Claiborne 528 Dandridge Jefferson 565 Dixons Springs Smith 691 Elizabeth, or Carter c. h. Carter 473 Fort Blount Smith 671 Franklin Williamson 755 Gallatin Sumner 714 Greenville Green 474 Hawkins c. h. Hawkins 477 Henderson Sumner 720 Jonesboro Washington 448 Knoxville Knox 547 Marysville Knox 561 Massingales Sullivan 437 Nashville Davidson 737 Newport Cocke 529 Oresville Granger 501 Palmyra Montgomery 802 Portroyal Montgomery 777 Powells Valley Anderson 550 Rossville Sullivan 449 Rutledge Granger 513 Sevier c. h. Sevier 555 Southwest Point Roane 587 Springfield Robertson 765 Sullivan c. h. (1.) Sullivan 432 Tazewell Claiborne 517
* Extracted from :
A List of Post Offices in the United States
with the counties in which they are situated and their distances from Washington City. ----
Washington City
Printed by order of the Postmaster General
~~ 1803
Source : Library of Congress, American Memory, The Thomas Jefferson Papers
1. Note : Sullivan Courthouse was located in the town of Blountsville, the county seat of Sullivan since 1786.
(Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Inventory of the County Archives of Tennessee, No. 82, Sullivan County, Nashville, 1942, p. 5)