Much of Middle Tennessee was covered with a great virgin hardwood forest when it was first settled. While some areas contained natural "Barrens" or grass lands, the land that was forested showed an amazing variety of trees and bushes. Some river and creek bottoms were choked with canebrakes. Rivers, game trails and some Indian paths were the only way available to penetrate this frontier.
In 1806 the Tennessee Assembly established her Surveyor's Districts and required that each survey be properly taken and recorded. As the surveyors made each survey, they were to cause to have each corner tree marked and to then identify that tree in their surveys and field books. The use of trees as markers was a long established practice. It was, however, more than just a traditional and quaint practice or a legal requirement. It was a necessity in a wilderness where there was no other practical way to "permanently" mark the boundaries of the surveys. In those places, like a "barren, glade or prairie", where there was not a tree at hand, the surveyor was forced to make do with his own fabricated "stakes and pointers".
These named trees, listed below, have been extracted from 1st, 2nd & 3rd Districts Surveys and also Warren County Surveys. They represent the majority of trees mentioned in the old surveys. Sometimes we see certain trees listed also as bushes, i.e. Red Oak bush, Plum bush etc. The growth pattern can be altered by the amount of available light when a plant is young. Occasionally the bushes are mentioned in the surveys.
Our ancestors were people of the land. To them, the trees were a part of their everyday lives. The trees provided them with building material, firewood, herbal remedies, food, and much more. Farms consumed vast quantities firewood.
Today we might not be able to find certain trees growing in areas that once were common for them. Environmental pressures have had an adverse effect on some types of trees. The American Chestnut and the American Elm have have had an adverse effect on some types of trees. The American Chestnut and the American Elm have both been almost totally lost by imported diseases. Some trees have been over harvested.
Old time spelling variations are listed first and are recorded as found in the old surveys. A non-scientific attempt has been made to connect, when possible, the old tree names to modern name usage. The tree may have had more than one name, or a local name, or the same name may have been applied to different kinds of trees.