McKenney & Hall
History of the Indian Tribes of North America
Thomas McKenney was the head of the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs from 1816 to 1830. He caused to painted,
portraits of the great American Indian chiefs. Artists George Cooke, Charles Bird King, and James Otto Lewis,
all participated in producing the portaits. McKenney was dismissed by President Jackson in 1830. McKenney then
made plans for the publication of hand-colored lithographs. In 1837, a folio of prints along with text
written by James Hall was published.
Thomas McKenney & James Hall. History of the Indian Tribes of North America.
Philadelphia: 1837-1844. Folio Edition. 120 hand colored lithographs.
There is also a later Octavo Edition of this work.
Major Ridge
John Ridge
John Ross
Se Quo Yah or George Guess
Tooan-tuh or Spring Frog
Tah-Chee or Dutch
David Vann
Uchee or Yuchi
Timpoochee Barnard
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