Adair, James,
The History of the American Indians, Particularly those Nations
Adjoining the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North
Carolina, and Virginia., London, E. & C. Dilly, 1775.
Reprint Services Corp; ISBN: 0781214009
(Original copies can cost $3,000 to $6,000.)
Bartram, William;
Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, etc.,
Facsimile of the 1792 London edition by Beehive Press Savannah Georgia (Library binding #8013)
Also availble is a reprint of 1928 edition from Dover Publications.
Bartram described his 1773-78 travels
through southeast America, noting the characteristics
of almost everything he encountered: rivers, groves, flora, fauna, swamps and lagoons, fish, tropical snakes,
birds, the Cherokee march toward civilization, festivals of the Seminole, &c.
There is another version,
William Bartram on the Southeastern Indians,
edited by Gregory A. Waselkov and Kathryn E. Holland Braund.
Lourie, Walter and Clarke, Mathew St. Clair, (editors).
American State Papers, (
Series 2., Indian
Affairs), 1789-1815, 2 vols., Gales & Seaton, Washington, 1832.
Official records of the Legislative and Executive branches of the Congress of the United States,
from the First Session of the First to the Third Session of the Thirteenth Congress inclusive, commencing March 3, 1789, and
ending March 3, 1815. Documents of the first fourteen Congresses were published as the
American State Papers.
Other Series in the
American State Papers.
Series 1, Foreign Relations, 6 vols., 1789-1828
Series 3, Finance, 5 vols., 1789-1828
Series 4, Commerce and Navigation, 2 vols., 1789-1823
Series 5, Military Affairs, 7 vols., 1789-1838
Series 6, Naval Affairs, 4 vols., 1794-1836
Series 7, Post Office Department, 1 vol., 1790-1833
Series 8, Public Lands, 8 vols. ,1789-1837
Series 9, Claims, 1 vol., 1790-1823
Series 10, Miscellaneous, 2 vols., 1789-1823
The two volumes of Indian Affairs could cost $750.00 for the original edition, while the entire
set (38 volumes) is in reprint and is currently being offered at $3,995.00 by William S. Hein and Co.,
Inc. You might want to check with your main library if you live in a very large city.
Powell, J. W., (director),
Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
1883-‘84, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1887.
Contains the
Cherokee Nation of Indians by Charles C. Royce, pages 129-378,
and also contains
The Seminole Indians of Florida, by Clay MacCanley, pages 475-531
Page images are available online.
Interestingly, the images were made from Grant Forman’s copy of the book.
Powell, J. W., (director),
Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
1885-1886, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891
Contains the
Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees, by Mr. James Mooney,
pages 307-397.
Page images are available online.
Powell, J. W., (director),
Eighteenth Annual Report
of the Bureau of American Ethnology - 1896-‘97, Vol II
Dedicated to the
Indian Land Cessions in the United States includes 64
Indian Cession maps, by Charles C. Royce.
Powell, J. W., (director),
Nineteenth Annual Report of
the Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1902
Contains the
Myths of the Cherokee, by Mr. James Mooney.
Myths of the Cherokee and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees by Mr. James
Mooney are currently available in a single volume. Our copy from Charles and Randy Elder, Booksellers,
Nashville Tennessee, 1982 (cloth), ISBN 0-918450-22-5. Paperback editions may be available from other publishers.
Timberlake, Lt. Henry,
The Memoirs of Lt. Henry Timberlake (Who accompanied the Three Cherokee
Indians to England in the Year 1762) Containing whatever he observed remarkable, or worthy of public
Notice, during his Travels to and from that Nation; wherein that Country, Government, Genius, and Customs
of the Inhabitants, are authentically described., Reprint
Services Corp; ISBN: 0781283922.
See Henry Timberlake’s map of the
Overhill Cherokee Towns - 1762.
Post 1900 Books, &c.
Anderson William L. (editor),
Cherokee Removal: Before and After, University of Georgia
Press; Reprint edition (July 1992) ISBN: 0-820-3148-2X;
Burton, Jeffery,
Indian Territory and the United States, 1866-1906, (Vol. 1 - Legal
History of North America series) University
of Oklahoma Press, currently available from them, ISBN: 0-8061-2754-6 (cloth); ISBN: 0-8061-2918-2 (paperback).
“This innovative reappraisal of federal courts in Indian Territory shows how the United States
Congress used judicial reform
to suppress the Five Tribes’ governments and clear the way for Oklahoma statehood.”
Debo, Angie,
The Rise and Fall of the Choctaw Republic. 1975. (Vol. 6 - The Civilization
of the American Indian series) University
of Oklahoma Press, 2nd edition currently available in paperback from them, ISBN: 0-8061-1247-6
Debo, Angie,
The Road To Disappearance, the History of the Creek Indians, 1979. (Vol. 22 - The Civilization
of the American Indian series) University
of Oklahoma Press, currently available in paperback from them, ISBN: 0-8061-1532-7
“The tragic story of the Creeks, from their great days as a powerful confederacy to the final
destruction of their independent political identity by the Dawes Act . . .”
Ehle, John,
Trail of Tears, the Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation, Anchor
Books - Doubleday, 1988, New York, ISBN: 0-385-23953-X
Everett, Dianna,
The Texas Cherokees: A People Between Two Fires, 1819 - 1840, (Vol. 203 - The
Civilization of the American Indian series) University of Oklahoma Press, 1990,
Forman, Grant,
The Five Civilized Tribes, University of Oklahoma Press. Currently available in paperback
from them, ISBN: 0-8061-0923-8.
Forman, Grant,
Indian Removal, (Vol. 2 - The Civilization of the American Indian series) University
of Oklahoma Press, 1932, 1953. Currently available in paperback from them, ISBN: 0-8061-1172-0
Forman, Grant,
Sequoyah, University
of Oklahoma Press, 1938. Currently available in paperback from them, ISBN: 0-8061-1056-2
Fries, Adelaide L., (editor)
Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, 1752-1820. 7 volumes. Raleigh, N.C.:
North Carolina Historical Commission, 1922-1943.
Records of the Moravian Missionaries among the Indians (Cherokee). Out of print,
limited availability.
this is an ongoing series now from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources. Currently in
publication (and only in-print volume) is Volume XII, C. Daniel Crews and Lisa D. Bailey (editors), 2000, ISBN 0-86526-290-X
Gallay, Alan,
The Indian Slave Trade, the Rise of the English Empire in the American South 1670-1717,
Yale University, 2002, ISBN: 0-300-08754-3.
Gibson, Arrell M.,
The Chickasaws, (Vol. 109 - The Civilization of the American Indian series) University of
Oklahoma Press, 1971.
Goins, Charles Robert, and Caldwell, John Michael,
Historical Atlas of
Louisiana, University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
Henri, Florette,
The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816 University of Oklahoma Press, 1986,
ISBN 0-8061-1968-3. Benjamin Hawkins was the U.S. chief agent to the Indian tribes in the American Southeast.
Kappler, Charles J., (compiler and editor)
Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties. Vol. II (Treaties),
1778-1883, Washington: Government
Printing Office, 1904.
This book contains the complete text of U.S. treaties with the First Nations.
There are also two other volumes: Volume I (Laws, Compiled to Dec. 1, 1902) and Volume III (Laws,
Compiled to Dec. 1, 1913). All three books are online at
Oklahoma State
University Library website.
McLoughlin, William G.,
After the Trail of Tears: The Cherokees’ Struggle for Sovereignty, 1839-1880,
1993 (cloth), 1994 (paper)
McLoughlin, William G.,
Cherokees and Missionaries, 1789-1839, Yale University Press, 1984,
cloth, ISBN: 0300030754; also available in paper.
McLoughlin, William G.,
Cherokee Renascence in the New Republic, Princeton
University Press, 1986, ISBN: 0-691-04741-3
Miller, Lee,
Roanoke, Solving the Mystery of the Lost Colony, Acade Publishing, New York, first
American edition, 2001, ISBN: 1-55970-584-1.
This book not only covers the lost colony of Roanoke, but the intrigue
behind the scenes of English politics of
that time, and for researcher of our First People, the book covers the poor treatment the First People received
from the colonists. Incidentally, the author, Lee Miller is of Kaw heritage. Her book is a must read!
Porter, Kenneth W.,
The Black Seminoles, University of Florida Press, 1996 (revised
edition) ISBN: 0-8130-1451-4
Potter, Dorothy Williams,
Passports of the Southern Pioneers,
1770-1823, Indian, Spanish and Other Land Passports for Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia,
North and South Carolina, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore Maryland,
1982, ISBN: 0-8063-1272-6. This book has been recently reprinted in paperback by GPC.
“By law, only persons issued passports were allowed to enter the
southeastern territories, and so the passport records have the largest body of data relating to the pioneers to the
Southeastern United States.” These “pioneers” were traveling through the First Nations.
Remini, Robert V.,
Andrew Jackson and His Indian Wars, Viking Penguin, 2001 (cloth), ISBN: 0670910252
Rothrock, Mary U.,
Carolina Traders Among the Overhill Cherokees, 1690-1760, East Tennessee
Historical Society Publication, No. 1, 1929
Skogen, Larry C.,
Indian Depredation Claims, 1796-1920, (Vol. 2 - Legal
History of North America series), University of Oklahoma Press, 1996, Currently
available in cloth from them, ISBN: 0-8061-2789-9.
In 1796, the U.S. Congress created a depredation claims system (via civil claims)
to compensate Indians and settlers
alike for the loss of property and thereby preserve peace on the frontier. This book is about that system and not about
the individual claims. The United States Court of Claims records of the individual claims are said be in storage at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington, D.C.
Wallace, Anthony F. C., Eric Foner (editor),
The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians,
Hill & Wang, Incorporated, (paper) 1993. ISBN: 0809015528
Wallace, Anthony F. C.,
Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate of the First Americans,
Harvard University Press, 1999, (cloth) ISBN: 0674000668, (paper) 2001, ISBN: 0674005481