BOYS SAVE HOUSE--Students from the Brighton High School saved the residence of W.L.NELMS of Brighton,from being destroyed by fire Saturday morning last.The house became ignited between the ceiling and roof due to a defective chimney,and was discovered when smoke began to creep through the house.The alarm was spread and the scool boys came with the school chemicals and put out the fire.
THE GRANTHAMS SUE--Following a collision which occurred December 10th on the LoosaHatchie River bridge near Woodstock,Prof.A.H.GRANTHAM and Mrs.GRANTHAM have filed separate suits against Layne Central Company and Layne & Bowler,of Memphis,alleged owners of a truck which collided with their auto.Prof.GRANTHAM,who was injured in the wreck,instituted suit some days since for $10,000 damages.Mrs.GRANTHAM has filed suit for the same amount.
STRUCK BY PARALYSIS--Dr.J.C.McQUISTON,of this city,suffered a stroke of paralysis early this morning.One side is at present affected.attending physicians state that probably a day will pass before it can be determined whether the effects will be permanet or if his recovery will be immediate.
LIMIT TO PATIENCE--Mary GREEN,colored,can stand being shot at once,even being shot at twice does not unduly rile her,but on Monday morning however,Lucille BUMPAS shot three times into Marys home on the Jeff Davis Highway.Mary got awful mad,took the gun away from the poor marksman and Lucille was turned over tofficers.
SHOAF BUYS MILL--C.L.SHOAF has purchased and is this week,moving the old Addison Mill from Rialto to his place one mile east of Tabernacle.The mill will be set up in the new location and he will again operate.Until a recent fire,he had operated a mill he had planned to move to his farm before the fire.
DAMUTH-McCLELLAND--Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Grace Erskine McCLELLAND,daughter of Mrs.Angie Suddoth McCLELLAND,of Covington,to Mr.Frank Goble DAMUTH,of Salina,Kansas.The marriage occurred in Kansas City Monday.They will make their home there.
GOOD CITIZEN PASSES--Mr.Frank FLOYD died at his home in the Charleston vicinity last Thursday,of heart failure.Death followed a long period of near invalidism.Funeral services by Rev.LINDSEY at the Charleston Methodist Church,interment there.Besides his wife;he is survived by one son,Wesley FLOYD,of Padacuh,KY;and three daughters,Mrs.Henry BAXTER,Miss Gertrude FLOYD,both of Charleston,and Mrs.Pearl JOHNSON of Padacuh.
INFANT BURIED FRIDAY--June Maurine FINLEY,eight-months-old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Elva FINLEY of near Hebron,died of pneumonia Wednesday night of last week.Funeral services were held at the Mt.Lebanon Church Friday,interment there.She also leaves a brother,Maurice;and three grandparents,Mr.& Mrs.S.V.FINLEY and Mrs.W.M.DAVIS.
BRIGHTON NOTES--Sam HUFFMAN & family moved this week to near Holly Springs,Miss.,where he will engage in the timber business for the coming year.Kethel TANNER of Mt.Carmel & Joe HUFFMAN,of Burlison,went with him--Mrs.A.L.TANNER and daughters are spending part of this week with her parents,Mr.& Mrs.M.J.FARMER.
THE SICK--Miss Mary McDANIEL,whom we have mentioned before as being very low,is still critically ill,there seeming to be little improvement.
VISITORS--Mr.& Mrs.B.F.FORTNER,of Covington,were visitors in Almyra Sunday morning.They were guests of Mrs.FORTNERs neice,Miss Mary McDANIEL,who is ill.Mrs.Lillie BROWN,of Memphis,a sister of Miss McDANIEL,was also a visitor Sunday.
WEEK-END VISITORS--Mr.Clyde HART and family,of Trenton,were guests of Mr.HARTs mother,Mrs.Maggie HART,and his sisters,Mesdames J.L.MOORE & J.R.WILSON,last Sunday.From Mr.HART,we learned of the recent death of his father-in-law,Mr.Calvin TUCKER,at his home in Harrisburg,Ark.,on March 26th.Mr.TUCKER was a native of Tipton County,born and reared in the Munford vicinity.He moved to Texas,then to Arkansas about 20 years ago,settling in Harrisburg 18 years ago.Mr.TUCKER was happily married to Miss Fannie McCULLOUGH,daughter of the late William McCULLOUGH,of the Atoka vicinity.To them were born several children children,surviving are three sons,three daughters and his widow.
HOPEWELL NOTES--Mrs.Claud REEDER of Shreveport,LA spent last week with her parents,Mr.& Mrs.W.S.VINES,who have been ill for the past two weeks.
BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Vernon TURNAGE on March 31st,a son.
LEIGHs CHAPEL NOTES--The infant son of Mr.& Mrs.Jimmie DAVIS was buried in Leighs Chapel Cemetery Sunday morning.
DEVERELL-WRIGHT--Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Odell WRIGHT,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.E.H.WRIGHT of the Charleston vicinity to Mr.Chester DEVERELL,son of Mr.& Mrs.S.O.DEVERELL,also of that vicinity.The marriage was performed at the residence of Rev.E.B.RUCKER tuesday afternoon.
LOCALS--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.H.C.BARRON,of this vicinity,Thursday,March 31st,a son.
Hays MILLEN,colored,shot Johnnie BOYD,also colored,at the formers home here about 11 oclock Sunday morning.BOYD was wounded three times in the stomach.He was carried to a Memphis hospital,where his condition is said to be fair.MILLEN was arrested and in jail awaiting the outcome of BOYDs injuries.
PERSONALS--Mr.& Mrs.J.C.BRINGLE,of Memphis,were guests of Mr.& Mrs.Josh J.MILLER,of Gift,Sunday.Mrs.BRINGLE was Miss Ruth MILLER prior to her marriage to Mr.BRINGLE in Marion,Ark.--Mr.D.L.McCLAIN,who has been making his home with his brother,Mr.O.L.McCLAIN,of the Garland vicinity for some months,left for S.Louis Tuesday,where he will enter the Missouri Central Hospital.
End of April 7,1932 issue.
TWO LOVES ARE PRICE OF SUNDAY BATTLE--When the smoke of the battle had died away at the famous Little Memphis Sunday night about 9 p.m.,Will GOODE,farmer,of near Charleston,lay dead,and C.G.WALK,farmer of the Bride vicinity,was fatally injured.The latter was rushed to a Memphis hospital by ambulance,but died about 3 oclock Monday morning.In addition to his farming,GOODE was also operator of Bulls Inn,on the Jeff Davis Highway near Brighton.John HOHNSON,48,who farms near Tabernacle,and Casey GLOVER,25,son of Mrs.Jim GLOVER,of Gainsville,the alleged slayers,made no effort to escape,submitting to arrest early Monday morning.They were both placed in jail without bond.According to Sheriff Jim T.SCOTT,they will plead self defense. A double funeral was conducted by Rev.W.C.THARP at the Mt.Lebanon Baptist Church Tuesday morning,interment occurring there.GOODE is survived by his widow,Mrs.Edna FULLER GOODE,his second wife.The children by the first are:Wilbur, Earl, Lude, Ray, Lois,and Virginia GOODE.By his last marriage,Lucille,Marie,and Louise GOODE. ----WALK is survived by his widow,Mrs.Ella PEELER WALK,by three daughters:Mrs.Luke BOSHEARS & Mrs.L.C.VANDERFORD,both of Clarendon,Ark.,and Miss Myrle WALK,of Bride;two sons,David & Bruce WALK.He is also survived by his father,George WALK,near Garland and another brother,Oscar WALK,of this city. ---Also involved were Mrs.Dan BRIGMAN,in front of whose home the shootings took place,divorced wife of Dan BRIGMAN and her two daughters;Eula Belle,15 years and Delia,10 years.(long article of who shot first,who said what and so on.)
FIRE LAST NIGHT--The pickery house of the Federal Compress Company was burned last night about 7:30.
DIES--John Thomas McFERSON,of the Gift vicinity,died late last night after a lingering illness.Rev.E.B.RUCKER,pastor of Tabernacle Methodist Church,will conduct services at the residence.Interment will occurr in Munford Cemetery.He is survived by his widow and a number of children.
BURIED IN MEMPHIS--Funeral services for Mrs.Harriet H.STOCKLY,62, who died at her home in Memphis Sunday after an illness of ten days,were held Monday at the home of her daughter,Mrs.T.G.UHLHORN.The Rev.T.B.HAY,pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church,conducted the services.Burial was in Elmwood Cemetery.She is survived by five daughters: Mrs.J.J.McKELLAR, Mrs.T.G.UHLHORN, Mrs.H.Brent COOKE, Mrs.Horace E.MOORE and Mrs.Herbert HUMPHREYS.Her sons are William B.STOCKLY & G.J.STOCKLY,both of Memphis,and Esq.C.A.STOCKLY of Corona & Memphis.
WINS PLACE ON HONOR ROLL--On a list of but 44 students whose scholarship entitled them to a place on the honor roll of the freshman class of State Teachers College,Memphis,should have included the name of Miss Mabel YARBROUGH,daughter of Mr.& Mrs. Sam YARBROUGH of this city.
WALNUT GROVE NOTES--Jack BILLINGS,of Dunlap Orphanage,is now making his home with Mr.& Mrs.Dan TUCKER.
CARD OF THANKS--We wish to extend our love and thanks to our neighbors and friends for their help and loving kindness at the time of the death of our dear husband and father.May God bless each and everyone is our prayer. Mrs.Lillie FULGHUM and Children; J.H.FULGHUM, Brother.
BURY AGED MAN--Mr.T.F.WARREN,aged 73 years,of the Detroit community died Monday night,April 11th,after being in failing health for some time.He was a member of the Elm Grove Christian Church,where funeral services were conducted Tuesday by Rev.THARP.Surviving him are his widow,Mrs.Mary BOLDING WARREN; four daughters,Mrs.Menefee HADLEY, Mrs.T.J.PARKS & Mrs.Virgie HUDSON,all of the 12th District,and Mrs.Devona CRAIG,of Detroit;one son,Dellmon WARREN,of near Detroit; one brother,J.M.WARREN,also of Detroit.
BRIGHTON NOTES--Mrs.Will SARTEN of Covington,is visiting her sister,Mrs.Clara ROSS this week. --BORN last Thursday night to Mr.& Mrs.Walter D.PHILLIPS,a son.--Little James HUFFMAN,infant son of Mr.Sam HUFFMAN is steadily improving after a very serious attack of bronchial pneumonia and whooping cough. --Mr.Wylie FARMER and daughter,Mrs.M.J.FARMER of Memphis,spent Tuesday with the formers sister,Mrs.M.J.ELKINS.
LOCALS--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Joe STRONG,of the Salem vicinity,a son.
--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Dee PHILLIPS,of the Mt.Carmel vicinity,Friday,a son.
--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.C.Hayes MOORE,of this city,Sunday night,a daughter.
--Messers.Wylie ARMSTRONG,Elton FLEMING, Sam & John ELCAN,gave a program of religious music over WNBR,Memphis last Friday night.--Mr.Troy McCALL has left to resume his work as a traveling salesman.He will carry the line of the Kerr-Mason Jar Company in the Mississippi territory.--Mr.Ed FLEMING,for about 12 years an employee of the Standard Oilszx Company of Louisiana,has been employed by the Texas Company of this city,and will enter upon his duties April 15. --Official announcement was made in Washington Tuesday of the re-appointment of Postmaster H.H.TATLOCK of this city.
--A four-room tenant house on the farm of Mr.J.A.HILL,of the Mt.Carmel vicinity,was totally destroyed by fire last Friday night.It was occupied by Claude BLACKMAN,who lost about half his household effects.Mr.HILL carried a small amount of insurance on the dwelling.
--A sport report from Knoxville states that John FRANKLIN,of this city,substitute on the Volunteer varsity team football squard for the past two years,will hold down a regular position at tackle this year.
STATE TAKES CHILDREN--Upon complaint sworn to by Esq.Spencer MAYO,Mrs.Dan BRIGMAN was brought before County Judge C.B.McCLELLAND Wednesday to answer charges of unfitness to continue retaining guardianship of her children,Eula Belle,15 years and Della,age 10 years.After hearing the proof,the decision was reached to place the young girls in the Tennessee Industrial School until they have reached the age of 21 years.W.V.BRINGLE was appointed guardian ad litem.
DEATH OF YOUNG MAN--Mr.Rea APPLETON,of El Paso,Texas,died at the home of his wifes parents in that city early Sunday afternoon.Death came after a brief illness.Mrs.APPLETON was well-known in Covington,being the former Miss Virginia KIRKPATRICK,of El Paso.She has been a visitor here with her grandmother,Mrs.Ed LOWENHAUPT,formerly of this city,but now a resident of El Paso.
COLBERT-CONLY--Of interest of the younger set in Covington,was the marriage Tuesday afternoon in Memphis of Miss Maryelinor CONLY of that city to Dr.W.C.COLBERT,also of Memphis.She was a frequent visitor to Covington.
TIMES BAD IN `76 OLD LETTERS SHOW--The Leader is indebted to Mrs.Frank McCLUNEY for the privilege of reading a letter dated May 16,1876.A letter written by the late James BURLISON,of this county,to his brother,Lon BURLISON,of Texas.It contained some facts relative to that year.He informed his kinsman that no planting had been done in the Mississippi bottoms because of flood conditions.The river was rising and the highest stage in history was effected.Money also appears to be very scarce.There was much work to do,but collections was bad.Two of the writers brothers now live in Burlison,I.C.& John BURLISON.
GEE RESIDENCE BURNS--An early Saturday morning fire practically destroyed the two-story W.D.GEE residence on South Tipton Street.The house was occupied by C.J.KINKLE and family,who was in Memphis at the time.
WILSONS CHAPEL NOTES--The pie supper given Friday night,April 1st,was a great success.A cake was sold for the prettiest girl,who was declared to be Miss Margaret Louise BYRD. --Mrs.Jim THOMPSON is at home after a visit of several weeks with her daughter,Mrs.Clyde RICE of Holly Grove.
THE LEAFLETS--Chicken stealing continues;last Sabbath night thieves made a raid on the W.J.SHAWs place in the vicinity of Idaville,all but four of Mrs.Shaws fine flock of White Rocks were stolen. --Mr.& Mrs.Paul TINKLER,of Tulsa,Okla.,and Mr.& Mrs.David TINKLER,of Louisville,KY are visiting the Messers.TINKLERS mother,Mrs.Mattie TINKLER of Brighton.They were visitors at Salem last Sabbath morning. --Mrs.G.B.GATES,of Raliegh,was a visitor with relatives here and in Covington the first of the week,where she visited her uncle Dr.J.C.McQUISTION,who is critically ill. --Mr.& Mrs.John SAGE and son of Bolton,visited Mrs.SAGEs parents,Mr.& Mrs.I.B.MAHARRY,last Saturday.
AGED WOMAN DIES--Mrs.Kate PROCTOR,72,died Friday of heart failure at the home of her son,K.N.PROCTOR,of Randolph.Funeral services were conducted by Rev.ANDERSON Sunday at Poplar Grove,interment occurring there.Mrs.PROCTOR is survived by two daughters and four sons.
PERSONAL--Mrs.Lizzie BOLAR,of Dresden,is the guest of her sister,Mrs.Della BLALACK,of the Mt.Carmel vicinity. --Mrs.J.R.DELK,of this city,was guest of her daughter,Mrs.J.L.LUTTRELL,of Memphis,last Sunday. --Miss Mary Kate WHITE,of this city,was guest of her sister,Mrs.John DANCEY,of Stanton last week. --After spending the winter in Covington,Mr.& Mrs.F.S.ALDEN left this morning for their home in Cedar Rapids,Iowa. --Mr.Henry LEMMON,of Greenville,Miss.,and Mr.John McQUISTON,of Cincinnati,Ohio,have been in the city attending the bedside of the latters father,Dr.J.C.McQUISTON. --Mrs.William KELLY,of Chattanooga,returned home yesterday after attending the bedside of her mother,Mrs.Y.B.TURNER,of this city.She is the former Miss Edith TURNER.
INFANT BURIED TUESDAY--Bettie Ruth,5-weeks-old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.E.R.LAVELLE of Burlison,died of heart failure Monday,April 11th.Funeral services by Rev.MORRISON,at the Smyrna Church,intermant occurred there.She is also survived by one sister,Gwendolyne;and four grandparents,Mr.& Mrs.O.R.LAVELLE and Mr.& Mrs.D.B.FLEMING.
SALESMAN TRANSFERRED--E.F.CARTER,salesman,who has been making his home in Covington for some time,has been transferred to the NC Territory by the Happy Feeds Company,by whom he is employed.
DIES OF INFECTED SCRATCH--A scratch on her face which later developed into a septic infection caused the death of Mrs.Jewell Crawford DINAFORD,24,of Kerrville,Tuesday at Baptist Hospital,Memphis.Members of the family said Wednesday that she scratched herself while dressing Sunday night.She paid no attention to the scratch until Monday when the infection became evident.She was the wife of Tom DINAFORD well-known merchant of Kerrville,and had lived in the city for six years,going there from Jackson.She is survived by her husband;three children; Billy Joe, Jimmy Hugh,and Jack DINAFORD,all of Kerrville;her parents,Mr.& Mrs.Jim CRAWFORD,of Munford;and a number of brothers & sisters.Burial in Poplar Grove Cemetery near Kerrville.
End of April 14,1932 issue.
UNWANTED DAUGHTER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE--Jack ADAMS,33,of the Gift community,cut his throat with a razor Wednesday morning about 10 oclock after having cut the throat of Mrs.Nora Cates BURGESS,17,a bride of two days.Mrs.BURGESS was married to Willie BURGESS,of the Gift vicinity Monday night.Prior to the marriage,it is said that Mrs.Ollie CATES,mother of the slain girl,had contemplated a criminal suit against ADAMS for attentions to the daughter.It is said that Mrs.BURGESS took poison while on the Jess SANDERS farm Wednesday morning.She informed her small brother what she had done and he spread the alarm.Friends rushed to her rescue and a physician was summoned.Among those on the scene when the double murder was committed was Mrs.ADAMS,wife of the slayer;and Miss Matt SUMMERS. Word of the rash act of the young wife reached ADAMS,who came to the house.He entered the yard where the sufferer was.She showed signs of violent poison.Apparently unwilling to see her suffer,ADAMS,in a sudden frenzy,pulled out a razor,and severed her jugular vain.He then turned the weapon upon himself before his wife or Miss SUMMERS could prevent it.The two breathed their last within a few moments of each other.Tightly clutched in the womans hand was a suicide note carrying evidence that her act was intentional.It is said by those who knew the circumstances that she had not expected to live with her husband of but two days and the note indicated that she was no longer wanted at home,she expressed a wish to die.On the blood-stained paper was the following message to her mother,written in pencil:To Mamma_Mamma,I am going to try and end it all.Forgive me if it kills me.I cant live `with you.I cant live with no one.You dont want me here,I hope I die.Goodbye. ADAMS is survived by his widow,six children,his mother,two sisters and one brother.Funeral services by Rev.E.H.HUTCHISON at Townsend Cemetery. Mrs.BURGESS is survived by her parents,three brothers and two sisters.Funeral services at Mt.Lebanon Church by Rev.THARP.
BREAKS ARM AT PLAY--Jim T.SCOTT,Jr.,experienced the misfortune to break the large bone in his right arm Monday,while playing ball.
GIFT FIRM BANKRUPT--Individually and as a partner in the firm of Winford & Son of Gift; Holmes V.WINFORD filed a petition in voluntary bankruptcy in Federal Court in Memphis.Assets of Business;$10,672-liabilities being $4,718.Personal Obligations $6,566 with assets of $15,801.The action of one creditor forced his action he stated.He has been engaged in liquidating the affairs of the late W.C.WINFORD,his father,for sometime.
CAR IS MYSTERIOUSLY BURNED AFTER WRECK--W.T.ADDISON,of this city,is recovering from painful wounds sustained in an auto accident late Saturday night from which he was lucky to escape with his life.Returning from Memphis,at a late hour,he lost control of his machine a short distance below Crosstown,crashing into a bank.The machine turned over,the windsheild shattering and inflicting numerous wounds on his face and head.He was brought to Covington by a negro to be treated by a local physician.Friends of Mr.ADDISON went to the scene of the wreck to arrange to bring the car to Covington.They found that a front wheel,bolts and all,had been removed from the machine which was a total wreck from fire,probably set to cover the theft.
ARRESTED AFTER FIGHT--Jim PARKER,of this vicinity,was released on a $500 bond after being arrested on a warrant sworn out by J.W.STEIN,also of this community,in which he charged felionious assault.It is said that STEIN was working in a garden owned jointly by his son-in-law and PARKER,when the latter approached him and commented unfavorably upon his method of working it,One word induced another until STEIN charges that PARKER seized a hoe and beat him over the head with it.
ESQ.McCAIN BURNED IN RESCUING ANIMALS--Esq.C.L.McCAIN,popular magistrate and prominent citizen of Idaville,is suffering from painful burns received last Sunday morning.The large barn on the Prof.C.Anson FLEMING place in Idaville was burned at 4 a.m.,together with all contents except the livestock,which was rescued by Esq.McCAIN.
LOCALS--BORN to Mr.& Mrs.Dock EUBANKS,of South Covington,Monday,a son. --Richard NUNN,of near Gift,was fined $10 in Esq.V.W.BRINGLEs Court Tuesday,for violating the game law.He is alleged to have killed several brant.( ? )--Frank Slover,son of Mr.& Mrs.J.S.BLANKENSHIP,of the Mt.Carmel vicinity was painfully injured on the leg while driving a tractor this week.His wounds were dressed by a local physician and he is recovering.--A warrant having been sworn out charging John JOHNSON and Casey GLOVER with murder in connection with the recent slaying of Will GOODE and Clarence WALK,a preliminary trial will be held before Esq.J.L.RICHARDSON. -Dr.E.W.COCKE,superintendent of the Western State Hospital at Boliver,was elected last Thursday to the vice-presidency of the western section of the Tennessee State Medical Association.Dr.COCKE is a brother of W.S.COCKE.jeweler of this city.
PERSONAL--Mrs.C.A.SIMONTON,of Rosemark,is a guest of her son,C.B.SIMONTON,of this city.--Mrs.Guy HARWOOD and son,Guy,Jr.,of Milan,are guests of her parents,Mr.& Mrs.W.H.BAILEY,of this city. --Mr.& Mrs.Cecil YOUNGER,of Dyersburg,were guests of his brother,Prof.E.YOUNGER,of this city Sunday. --Mr.& Mrs.Herbert ESCH,of Memphis,were week-end guests of Dr.& Mrs.H.W.SALE.Mrs.ESCH & Mrs.SALE are sisters.--Mrs.Goyer TAYLOR,of Memphis,was recently a guest of her daughter,Mrs.H.W.SALE,of this city.
TIPTON NOTES--We are overjoyed to report that Mrs.J.D.BEAVER was able to accompany Mr.BEAVER to Memphis Saturday where they went to bring their daughter,Miss Virginia BOND,of State Teachers College,for a week-end visit with them.--Mr.John STAGGS died Saturday,April 16th,following a lingering illness.He was buried at Bethal Cemetery Sunday afternoon.Rev.COOLEY,of Munford conducting services.He was 63 years old.He is survived by his widow;three children,Mrs.E.ALDERSON,Mrs.H.MOODY, and Mr.Bruce STAGGS,all of this community.--Wednesday,April 13th,was the stated ossasion for the meeting of the Hustling Sewing Circle.The meeting was to have been held at the residence of Mrs.Jim CRANFORD,but we regret to say that it was not held because of a death in the family.Her daughter,Mrs.Tom DINSFORD,of Kerrville passed away.
REACHES EIGHTIETH MILESTONE--Sunday,April 17th was a great day for J.W.DANIELS of Woodville,in Lauderdale County.The occasion was his 80th birthday.Children gathered from several counties to enjoy the day at the
site of their childhood.Six sons and their wives;two daughters;13 grandchildren;and 3 great-grandchildren were present,to gladden the heart of their aged sire.Attending from Covington were:Mr.& Mrs.Dick DANIELS and Mr.& Mrs.W.A.DANIELS and family,including the latters son,W.A.DANIELS,Jr.,and wife.
THE LEAFLETS--The people of this section of the county are grieved to learn of the death of Dr.John Calvin McQUISTON,of Covington.--Mrs.William D.MILLER,of the vicinity of Clopton, died Sabbath evening at the home of Mr.MILLERs parents,Mr.& Mrs.C.C.MILLER.She was buried from the Christian Church at Ripley.
SHORT ILLNESS FATAL--Dr.John C.McQUISTON,of this city,died early Saturday after a brief illness,being stricken by an attack of paralysis,never recovering consciousness afterwards.Funeral services by Revs,LOVE & BETTS,burial in family lot in Munford Cemetery. A son of the late Hugh Murdock McQUISTON and Elizabeth McDaniel Boyd McQUISTON,was born near Salem 70 years ago.He was married on January 3,1894,to Miss Elizabeth Baker LEMMON,to which union seven children were born,wife and five children surviving.His children:Holmes C.McQUISTON & Iva Grier McQUISTON of this city;Mrs.Irene BROWN of Rosemark; John Ward McQUISTON of Cincinnati,Ohio and James R.McQUISTON,of Memphis.Two brothers also survive:William H.& Archie McQUISTON of Memphis.
AGED MAN DIES--D.H.ENGLISH,76,of the Randolph vicinity,died at his home early Tuesday,April 12th,of heart failure.Death followed a long illness.Surviving are two sons,Bud and Ed;two daughters,Miss Ella ENGLISH & Mrs.Gus OSWELL,all of the Randolph vicinity;one sister,Mrs.Betty OWENS,of Memphis,and several grandchildren.
DEATH--Friends in Covington have been informed of the recent death of Mrs.Nannie Stephens CAMERSON, of McLoud,Okla.She was buried Sunday,April 10th.She was a sister to the late Mrs.Rebecca OGILVIE,and was a frequent visitor to Covington.She was a native of Fayette County.
GIVES SHOWER--The Matie Major Class of the First Baptist Church met at the lovely home of Mrs.A.D.FORTNER last Friday and entertained with a miscellaneous shower for Mr.& Mrs.C.J.KINKLE,who lost their household effects in a recent fire.
DEATH--Mrs.J.F.PROVOW,of Fulton,KY died Sunday morning,April 17th,funeral services held in that city Monday.Interment was in Bowles,KY.She was the mother-in-law of Mrs.Elsye PROVOW,member of the grammer school faculty of this city.
End of April 21,1932 issue.
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Contributed by Sarah Hutcherson
© 2003 Tipton County Coordinators