Source: Sumner County Tennessee, Will Book Vol. 5, pages 97 - 99
page 97
In the name of God, Amen;
I, James W. Reddick of Sumner Co. Tenn. do make this my last Will and Testament. 1st - I direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be paid out of any money on hand or that may come into the hands of my executors.
2nd - To my son, Charles B. I give the Gant tract of 109 acres and the 24 acres lying S. of it. All valued to him at five hundred dollars ($500.) four hundred dollars ($400.) as a gift and one hundred dollars ($100.00) to be settled for with my executors, also the bay mare he now claims, one cow, one sow, five ewes, one bed, bed stead and bed clothing for same.
3rd - To my daughter Mollie I give the Eastern half of my father's homestead, that part of the "Hill Tract" lying East of it not otherwise disposed of, and the tract of 12 acres I bought of D. D. Dorris with this exception: Commencing even with a line running N. and S. through the center of my homestead. I direct that a strip 18 poles wide running East the same width to W. C. Simpson's land be laid off from the North side of said land, and to constitute a part of the land to be sold by my executors. The land given to Mollie being 97 acres more or less, and valued to her at the same price of Charles to him, and to be accounted for the same way, also the same amount of personal property. But neither shall have [pg. 98] any right to sell land and make title until he or she shall have attained majority. But Charles is granted authority to lease his land and have buildings erected using any lumber, or lumber thereon but not to sell lumber for cash to use otherwise than in building on said land.
4th - Having given to my children, John W., Alfred N., James T., Granville P., Lizzie Thornton and Robt. M. Reddick, each sums in land personal property or time before the age of 21 years, or one or more of these items, and estimated by me of equal value to what is above given to Charles B. I give them nothing except as herein after provided.
5th - To my wife Mary W. Reddick, I give during her natural life, the western half of my homestead containing about sixty three acres with the following exception. After running a line through the center from the North boundary, to within two rods of the South boundary a corner is to be established thence West one rod beyond a spring of water, thence South two rods to the original south boundary line of the homestead tract; Also, all the personal property the law would give her, had no will been made.
6th - Should Charles or Mollie die before the age of 21 years without legal issue, the land herein before given him or her shall revert to my estate and be disposed of as part of same.
7th - I direct that at my death, my whole estate both real and personal, not herein before disposed of, be taken in possession of by my executors and disposed of when and how they may deem best for all my children, and the proceeds of rents and sales equally divided between all my children or their legal representatives.
Robert M. is to have the refusal of the 22 acres taken from the South side of his tract, he giving as much as any one else. My executors are hereby empowered to sell real estate and make full title to same. They are also authorized to use means belonging to my estate to buy seeds and stock to consume crops on hand if they should deem such a course beneficial [pg. 99] to my several heirs.
8th - My executors have no control of the lands given to Charles or Mollie except this year.
9th - I appoint my sons, Alfred N. and Robt. A. Reddick executors to this my last will and
May 6th 1895.
James W. Reddick
In Presence of
O. B. Bradley
H. W. Wallace
J. L. Gray
State of Tennessee
Sumner County Court May Term June 1st 1895.
A paper writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of James W. Reddick dec'd,
was this day produced in open Court for probate when the same was duly proven by the oaths of
O.B. Bradley and J.L. Gray, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto when the same was ordered
recorded and filed as the last Will and testament of James W. Reddick deceased.
A true copy
Harris Brown Clerk.