Source: Sumner County Tennessee, Will Book Vol. 4, pages 349 - 351
In the name of God Amen. I, James F. Latimer of the County of Sumner and State of Tennessee & Dist. No. 15 being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do therefore make, ordain, publish an declare this to be my last Will and Testament that is to say first after all my lawful debts are paid and Discharged the residue of my Estate real & personal I give bequeath and dispose of as follows To wit; Albert D. Latimer I give Fifty Acres of land commencing at my North East corner & running South with Daniel Latimers Line to my South East corner thence west said line so as to include Forty Acres Running thence North to my North boundary line thence East to the beginning thence beginning at North west corner of said forty Acres and running west with A. H. Brinklys line so as to include the mansion House and out buildings where said Albert D. Latimer now lives, thence south & thence East so as to make tenn [sic] Acres [pg. 350] west of the forty in all Fifty Acres.
2nd. to my thre [sic] grand (Note, this must be a mistake when the Clerk was writing the Will in the Will Book as the following are the Daughters. J.P.) Daughters that is to say Eliza Blair 1st. Ella Perry 2nd. Margarett Patton 3rd. to them I give the Remainder of my Real estate that is to say the farm on which I now live & also my interest in my Fatheres [sic] Land Known as the Esq. Latimer tract of Land in the 15th district of Sumner County Tennessee the said Eliza Blair, Ella Perry & Margarett Patton to share and share alike I also Bequeath to my Daughter Mary Jane Escue the sum of Tenn [sic] Dollars also to each of her youngest children the sum 5.00 Dollars Namely - Victoria Escue five Dollars & Susan Escue Five Dollars I also give & Bequeath to my thre [sic] grand Daughters namely Eliza Blair Ella Perry & Margarett Patton all my personal property that I may have at my death to be equally divided between the three share & share alike. I likewise make, constitute and appoint Alexander Parham Esq. Richard Jones William Webb Esq. to be Executors of this my last Will and testament here by revoking all former wills by me made in writings where of I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 8th day of Feb in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & Eighty six.
(signed) James F. Latimer
The above written instrument was subscribed by the said James F. Latimer in our presence and acknowledged by him to each of us and he at the same time published & declared the above instrument so subscribed to be his last will & [pg. 351] testament and we at the testators request & in his presence have signed our names as witnesses hereto and written opposite our names our respective places of residence.
William Webb Sumner County Tennessee
A. Parham Sumner County Tennessee
Richard Jones Sumner County Tennessee
State of Tennessee
Sumner County Court August Term 1886.
The last will and testament of James F. Latimer deceased, was this day produced in open Court
for probate and was duly proven by the oaths of William Webb, A. Parham and Richard Jones
subscribing witnesses thereto which is received by the Court and ordered to be recorded.
A. Parham one of the Executors named in the will together with his securities Daniel Latimer, Richard Jones and William Webb appeared in open Court and entered into and acknowledged their bond to the State of Tennessee in the penal sum of Three Thousand Dollars conditioned as the law directs and said A. Parham as Executor aforesaid was duly qualified.
Richard Jones, and William Webb the other two Executors named in the will at the same time appeared in open Court and renounced the Execution of said will.
Copy Test O. H. Foster Clerk