Will abstract of Charles Harrington
Signed 3-Sept-1794

Transcribed for the Sumner Co. TNGenWeb Page by
Diane Payne
© 2004

You can obtain a copy of the will from the Sumner County Archives.
Note: My copy is very faded and difficult to read.

In the name of God Amen: I Charles Harrington of Red River in the County of Sumner and Territory south of the Ohio District being of health of body and of sound mind and memory . . . my last will and testament . . .

I give and bequeath my soul unto the hand of Almighty God . . .

...I give and bequeath to my well beloved son William Harrington a certain tract of land laying on the south side of Cumberland River joining Michael ___(?) and the widow Crutchfield and one ___ negro fellow named Bill . . . hogs and sheep . . . Yet it is my will and pleasure that my dear beloved wife Elizabeth Harrington have the use and benefit of the above bequeathed negroe woman named Hannah during the widowhood of my said wife.

I give and bequeath to dear and well beloved son Thomas Harrington a certain tract of land I now live on and a negro boy named Isaac . . . a certain mare that I got of John Sutton . . .

I give and bequeath to my dear beloved wife Elizabeth Harrington one black mare and a sorrel tow year old mare . . .

I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughter Sarah McMillin the just sum of five shillings . . .

I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughter Elizabeth Sutton the just sum of five shillings . . .

I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughter Susannah Hampton the just sum of five shillings . . .

I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughter Rachel Wilson (?) the just sum of five shillings . . .

...seal this the 3rd day of September 1794.
Charles Harrington
signed, sealed and delivered being first duly _ in the presence of us who in the presence of each other subscribed the same
John ___(?)
Ezekiel Cloyd

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