Source: Sumner County Tennessee, Will Book Vol. 5, pages 41 - 42
page 41
Kow all men by these presents, that I, B. F. Mabry of the County of Sumner and State of Tennessee being of in ill health, but of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last Will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made. And as to my worldly estate and all the property, real, personal or mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease, I devise bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner following to wit:
First. My will is that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall by my executor hereinafter named be paid out of my estate as soon after my decease as shall by them be found convenient.
Item. I give, deevise (sic) and bequeath to my beloved wife Cinderella Mabry one red & white heifer a year old and all my farming tools, I also give to my wife her life time, a tract of land laying in district 14, Sumner County and State of Tennessee provided she agrees to move on it in three months from this date and improve the same. My horse and cow and wagon is to be disposed of and Thirty Dollars of said proceeds I give to my Niece Mary A. Favors and the rest of said proceeds I want my wife to have to be used to improve my place as mentioned aforesaid, I appoint my brother Mordica Mabry my Executor to attend to the aforesaid. In case my wife does not go to the said place, I want the aforesaid place sold and the proceeds to go to my children and the proceeds to be equal divided among them all except my oldest daughter Josaphine McAdams who does not need any assistance. I give to my wife my bed and bedding to be hers. I give to my brother Mordica Mabry my rifle gun to be his.
In testimony whereof I the said B. F. Mabry have to this my last Will and testament contained one sheet of paper and to said sheet thereof I subscribe my name and affixed my seal this the 11th day of June in the year of our Lord 1889.
B. F. Mabry
[pg 42]
In the presence of,
Chas D. X Brassell
Silas King
Geo. Rodemer.
State of Tennessee
Sumner County Court September Term Sept. 5th 1892.
A paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of B. F. Mabry deceased
was this day produced in open Court and duly proven by the oaths of Silas King and George
Rodemer subscribing witnesses thereto, when the same was received by the Court and ordered
filed and recorded as said last Will and Testament of B. F. Mabry deceased.
A true copy.
Harris Brown Clerk