Source: Sumner County Tennessee, Will Book Vol. 5, pages 130 - 131
page 130
In the name of God, I, Augustin Wells of the County of Sumner and State of Tennessee being in a low state of health and expecting to appear at the bar of God soon, but in a sound state of mind do make this my last Will and Testament, revoking all other wills heretofore made by me.
First: After paying my just debts and funeral expenses I give to my wife Jane Wells and son Richard H. Wells all my personal property jointly and to remain joint property until Richard becomes of age and there to be equally divided between them, but should my wife Jane Wells marry before Richard becomes of age, then said personal property is to be divided between them equally at said marriage.
Second: I give and bequeath to my wife Jane Wells the following described real estate, Beginning on a Beech, Simon Dotson's South East corner running East to my East boundary, thence North with my line to my corner, Thence West with my line to my corner, a stake thence North to my beginning corner a Black Gum and Chestnut, oak, thence West to the Kenedy (Kennedy?)line, thence South to the beginning containing seventy acres more or less.
Third: I give and bequeath to my son Richard H. Wells the following described real estate, Beginning on a Beech, Simon Dotson's South East corner running South to the top of the hill, thence, South East with the meanders of the ridge to the Barnard corner, thence West with the line of the heirs of John B. Foulks to Richard H. Wells corner, thence North with Richard H. Wells line to John H. Wells line, thence East with J. H. Wells line to his corner, thence North with J. H. Wells line to the Kenedy (sic) corner, thence East to the beginning; also one half of a hundred acre Grant adjoining W. Bruce Alford Moore and Elisha Turnip, said Grant issued to Richard Harrison.
Fourth: I give and bequeath to my son John H. Wells the following described real estate one half of a hundred Grant (way written) adjoining J. W. Bruce, Alfred Moore, and Elisha Turpin, said Grant issued to Richard Harrison, Also one half of a Grant issued to me and W. F. R. Hamilton. Fifth: The balance of my real estate I want sold [pg 131] for the use of my wife Jane Wells and son Richard H. Wells.
Sixth: I appoint my wife Jane Wells my Executrix to carry into effect this my last Will and Testament and I appoint and empower her to sell and convey the remainder of my real estate mentioned in the fifth paragraph, and I request the Honorable Court to receive her bond as executrix of this my last Will and Testament without giving security.
A. Wells
Signed and sealed in our presence this March 29th 1871.
J. M. Shivers.
O. S. Galbreath.
State of Tennessee
Sumner County Court October Term October 12th 1896.
A paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of A. Wells deceased, was this
day produced in open Court for probate, when the same was duly proven by the oaths of J. M.
Shivers and O. S. Galbreath subscribing witnesses thereto when the same is ordered recorded and
filed as the last Will & Testament of said A. Wells dec'd, And Jane Wells being named in said
will as the executrix therefore and excused thereby from giving bond, accepted said appointment
and was duly qualified and letters testamentary ordered issued to her.
A true Copy.
Harris Brown