Source: Sumner County Tennessee, Will Book Vol. 5, pages 100 - 103
page 100
In the name of God Amen.
I, Albert G. Dunn of the County of Sumner and State of Tennessee do make and publish this
as my last Will and Testament, revoking hereby all Wills previously made.
Item 1. I devise all my just debts and funeral expenses paid out of the first money which shall come to the hands of my Executor and require my Executor to have head and foot stones at my grave of the same characters and kind which I have placed at the grave of my deceased wife.
Item 2. I have given to my children John G. Dunn, Lee L. Dunn and Blackman H. Dunn such property as I intended for them to have except as herein provided.
Item 3. I give to Blackman H. Dunn as trustee for my son Michael C. Dunn and his wife during their natural lives and on their deaths to such children as they have surviving in case one or more of their children should die leaving a child or children, then such grand children is or are to take the interest of its parent, the following real estate viz. that portion of my tract of land lying West of the lands of Blackman H. Dunn to the Gibson line and running with the Gibson line South passing corner and continuing on my line South to a large branch thence with the branch to the line of Blackman H. Dunn's land. Said trustee is to hold the title to said property and the same is to be occupied at discretion by said Michael C. and his wife. And said trustee is not to be responsible for rents unless he should collect the same. And said Trustee Michael C. and his wife are empowered to sell the said land.
Item 4. I give to my daughter Minerva Dyson wife of Thomas E. Dyson to sell by deed or pass by by (rpt) will, that portion of my lands lying South of the lands of said Blackman H. Dunn and East of the Fred Saveley lands and known as the Garrett field.
Item 5. I give to my son Charles D. Dunn for the benefit of himself and wife for the life of each, and then to their children living at the death of the longest liver, all the balance of my land which lies North of said Saveley tract and West of the land herein in trust for the benefit of Michael C. Dunn as provided. [pg 101] And should any child of said Charles die leaving a child or children are to take the interest of her, his, or their parents so dying. I give said Charles and his wife the power to sell or exchange said land, both joining in the deed and to receive the purchase money but the same is to be re-invested upon like uses and trusts as are here provided.
Item 6. All the balance and remainder of my property of every kind I direct to be sold by my executor and converted into money and be divided equally between all my children neither accounting in the distribution for any advancements (sic) heretofore or here made.
Item 7. I nominate and appoint Blackman H. Dunn executor of this Will and request that he act without giving security. Done this 14 day of October 1884.
Albert G. Dunn.
Witness by us in the
presence of the testator
and at his request.
W. P. Puryear
Geo. S. Wherry
T. J. Beal
Wm. F. Elliott
I, Albert G. Dunn make the following codicil to the above and foregoing will, dated 14th day
of October 1884 and declare the same a part thereof.
I revoke item 3rd of said will and make the following disposition of the property mentioned therein. I will and devise the same to Blackman H. Dunn in trust for use and benefit of my son Michael C. Dunn for and during his natural life, and on the death of said Michael the same is to go to his children equally and to the descendants of any child of his that may die during his life time per sterpes with power in the trustee and said Michael to sell the property herein conveyed and reinvest the proceeds in other real estate upon like trusts as are herein contained and to make sales and reinvestments of any property into which the money is invested but always to reinvest in other real estate upon similar trusts.
This 27 day of June 1893
Albert G. Dunn
[pg 102]
Witnessed by us in the
Presence of and at the request
of the testator.
Geo. S. Wherry
W. P. Puryear
Wm. Franklin
P. B. Willis
State of Tennessee
Sumner County Court June Term June 12th 1895.
A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Albert G. Dunn dec'd. was this
day presented in open Court for probate and duly proven by the oaths of W. P. Puryear one of the
subscribing witnesses thereto when the same was ordered filed and recorded as said last Will and
Testament of Albert G. Dunn deceased.
A true copy test.
Harris Brown