Will of Thomas Durham
Signed 03-Apr-1843, Recorded July Term 1843
Transcribed by Sherry Falcon
© 1998
Source: Copy of Original Will from Microfiche, Sumner County Archives
" I Thomas Durham do make and _____ this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. First I ______ direct that my personal expenses and all my other debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or as may come to the hands of my executors. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my wife Polley Durham the whole of my estate both real and personal for the use and support of herself and my children during her life and in the event of her dying before the youngest child (Julia) becomes of age it is my will that the whole of said estate passes to the hands of my son Wyatt Durham. I hereby request and I hope he will keep together, take care of, and support the other children until the said youngest comes of age then to be equaly divided among the whole of my children except Indiana Albright whose share I direct to be kept in the hands of a Guardian for her children or should said Wyatt die or becomes unwilling to keep the children as aforesaid let the whole be equally divided as aforesaid. Lastly I nominate and appoint Henderson Grainger my Exeutor. in testimony where of I have to this my will set my hand and seal this 3rd day of April 1843.
(signed) Thomas Durham - Seal
signed seaed and published in our presence and we have signed our names hereunto with presence of the testator this 3rd day of April 1843
John A. Reddick
James E. Reddick
State of Tennessee
Sumner County Court July Term 1843
The last will and testament of Thomas Durham ___ was produced in open court for ____ and was duly proved ____ oaths of John A. Reddick and James E. Reddick subscribing ____ _____ which is as____ by the court to be recorded.
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