Record of the Taxable Property
for Sumner County
for the year 1822
C & D

Transcribed by Diane Payne
© 2003

Name Land Situation
Cage, Jesse 251 S Camp
Cage, Jesse 320 Cages Bend
Cage, Jesse 404 Peyton Springs
Cage, Reuben 250 blank
Caldwell, Hardy 56 Trammels C
Caldwell, James blank blank
Caps, William 20 blank
Cardwell, Thomas 110 S Creek
Carey, James 440 R Creek
Carey, John blank R Creek
Carey, Thomas blank R Creek
Carney, Joshua 130 Goose Creek
Carr, John 57 R Creek
Carter, John 18 R H B C
Carter, John T. blank blank
Carter, Joseph blank blank
Cartwright, James 150 blank
Catha (Cathy ?), Matthew 110 S Creek
Catron, Christley 100 blank
Cavett, Catherine 146 blank
Cavett, George blank blank
Center, Freeman 200 B Cr
Center, Harris 50 R F B Cr
Center, John 137 B Creek
Center, Richard 25 Bledsoes Creek
Chapman, John 150 E F B C
Charlton, Abram 35 R Creek
Charlton, Fanny 85 R Creek
Cheatham, Thomas 80 blank
Clayton, Richard blank blank
Coal, Joseph 14 Long C
Colclough, Benjamin 433 blank
Coleman, Henderson blank blank
Combs, David 36 Station Camp
Cooley,William blank blank
Cooper, Isaac 40 S Creek
Cordel, Thomas 52 B Cr
Cotton, John 124 Station Camp
Cotton, Moore 180 Station Camp
Cotton, Noah blank Station Camp
Cotton, Priscilla 160 Station Camp
Crabb, John 25 Station Camp
Crane, Lewis 706 C Bend
Cranshaw, John 293 B C
Crawford, Hugh 500 Station Camp
Crenshaw, Joel 145 Second Creek
Crenshaw, Garland 425 Bradleys Bend
Crenshaw, Nathan 45 E F D C
Crenshaw, Nathaniel 261 S Creek
Crenshaw, Polly 522 Bradleys Bend
Crews, Benjamin blank blank
Crews, Wrenny 67 A F B C
Crunk, George blank blank
Crunk, John blank blank
Cummins, William 182 blank
Cummins, William 420 blank
Dainran (Duran), William blank blank
Dalton, John 326 Goose Creek
Dalton, Shelton blank blank
Daniel, Green 50 O F B C
Darnal (Darnell), William blank blank
Darnell, Jarrott 70 Drakes Creek
Davenport, Wm R. 100 blank
Davis, James blank blank
Davis, Johnathan 195 Trammel
Davis, Robert Senr. 450 blank
Davis, Robert Senr. 450 blank
Davis, Samuel 45 Trammel
Davis, William Heirs of 150 Joining John Wells
Day, Henry 155 O F B C
Day, Martha blank blank
Dempsey, George 85 Station Camp
Dephres, James 140 A F B C
Dept, Thomas 247 R Creek
Derby, William 80 blank
Dernon, Lewis 100 blank
Dick, Andrew 90 Station Camp
Dickason, John H. unreadable Bradleys Bend
Dickason, Oliver blank blank
Dillen (Dillon), Daniel 50 blank
Dismukes, Daniel 117 Drakes Creek
Dismukes, Daniel 117 whereon he lives
Dodson, Caty 150 whereon she lives
Donoho, Anthony 250 Station Camp
Donoho, Charles 298 Goose Creek
Donoho, Dennis blank blank
Donoho, Gallatin blank blank
Donoho, Goleman 128 blank
Donoho, Isaac 236 Sharps Creek
Donoho, James 199 Station Camp
Donoho, John Junr. blank blank
Donoho, Thomas blank blank
Donoho, Walter blank blank
Dorris, Elijah 54 blank
Dorris, Samuel 108 blank
Doss, William 43 Trammel
Douglass, Alfred M. 214 Cages Bend
Douglass, Isaac C. 100 Station Camp
Douglass, James 155 Cages Bend
Douglass, Wm. H. 350 S Camp
Doxey, Jeremiah 100 blank
Doxey, Thomas blank blank
Draper, Joshua blank blank
Duncan, Hiram blank blank
Duncan, Moses 187 B C
Duran, Elias blank blank
Duran, George 187 R Creek
Duty, William 134 3/4 R Creek
Dyer, Eli blank blank

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