NOTE: To read the History of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Click Here.
Sumner County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions held for the County of afored on the first
Monday in April 1798. At the house of William Gillespie agreeable to adjournment.
Members Present -
Wm Cage
Thomas Martin
James Gwin
Witheral Latimer
Inventory amt of the sale of Nath Latimer decd is rendered into Court by James Gwin and duly proven.
Jacob Thomas records his ear mark a half _ in the right and slit in the left.
Ordered that James Gwin Coroner of Sumner County Recd four dollars out of the County Treasury for holding an inquest on the body of a Negro name Peter. The property of Charles Carter.
Matthew Cowan comes in the Court and submitted to Court in two suits of assault and battery ordered that he be fined fifty cents.
Deed from William Cage to Reubin Cage for one acre of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from Roger Gibson to John Withers for 104 acres of land was proved by Gabriel Black.
Deed from William Brigance to William Stalcup for 50 acres of land was proved by Saml Stalcup.
An article of agreement in the nature of a lease between Wallis Estell of the one part, Henry Truett and Elyah Truett of the other part was proved by Robert Steel.
Deed from John Withers to George Gabriel Black for 52 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed of gift from Laban(r) Benthall to Willis Benthall, Rhody Benthall, Enos Benthall, and Mary Benthall for stock household furniture and 150 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from William Benthall to Laban(r) Benthall for 140) acres of land was proved by James Cryer.
Deed from Robert Sharp to Jacob Thomas for 100 acres of land was proved by Joseph McElwarth.
Deed of Gift from Robert Espy to John Espy and Alexander Espy for a tract of land whereon the said Robert liveth was proved by Drury Milam.
Deed of gift from Robert Espy to John Espy and Alexander Espy for all and singular the personal estate of the said Robert was proved by Drury Milam.
On motion of James Morrison ordered that he have the privilege of keeping a ferry on Cumberland River opposite to the mouth of Station Camp Creek, who enters into bond in the penal sum of Twelve hundred and fifty dollars with Samuel Snoddy security.
On motion ordered that James Cryer have the privileged of keeping ordinary at his main dwelling house who enters into bond into the penal sum of two thousand five hundred dollars with John Josey security and received tavern license.
The Court Adjourned until tomorrow 9 o clock Tuesday April the 3 1798
Deed from Tilmon Dixon to Joseph & William Clark for 640 acres of land was proved by Larkin Thacker.
Deed from Tilmon Dixon to Joseph & William Clark for 403 1/4 acres of land was proved by Larkin Thacker.
Deed from Robert Looney to Hugh Elliott for 224 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Grand jury impanelled and sworn to wit Wm Douglass foreman, Joseph McElwarth, William
Wier, William McCorkle, John Sadler, Edward Gwin, Mathew Cartwright, Saml Harris, Robt
Desha, John Withers, Ezekial Douglass, and Thomas Edward, and Robert Shaw
John Vinson is appointed Constable to attend the grand Jury.
Saml Donelson Esq came into Court and made a formal resignation of his appointment as solicitor for the County and at the same time George Smith is appointed solicitor for the County in his stead.
The last will and testament of Mary Hellin deceased was exhibited to Court and duly proved by the oath of Paul Harpole a _ witness thereto, at the same time James Winchester the Executor therein named appears and qualified and returned an inventory of the goods of the said decd.
A motion of the Executor of Mary Hellin decd ordered that the stock of _ belonging to the estate of the said decd _ to _ agreeable to law.
An Account of Sales and also a supplement to the Inventory of the Goods _ of Henry Loving deceased was rendered into Court and duly proved by the admin.
Thos Sharp Adm of Egnew (?)
Vs Debt
Wm McMunn and Alexr Dobbins
The defendants came into Court in proper person and con_ Judgement for twenty five dollars and ninety seven cents with cost of suit.
James Womack
vs Att?
Elyah McKinney
Jury impannelled and sworn to wit Wm. Alexander, William Reed, Lewis Crain, Christopher Cooper, James Cryer, Robert Looney, William Bruce, Thomas Draper, Montgomery McCorack, Richard King, Elisha Clay, Andrew Blythe their being all sworn withdrew and returned and say they find for the pltff and approve His damage at thirty two dollars and five cents.
Thomas Donnell Esq deported in the clerks office _ twelve and an half cents by him collected as a fine _ Tayler for having a base born child.
James Lane records his ear mark to wit, both ears, trimming them to a point on each side.
Wm Reed records his ear mark to wit a crop and an _ in the left ear also his brand this a Diamond.
David Wilson, James Winchester, and Witheral Latimer esquires return the list of Taxable property by them taken in their several districts.
The Commissions appointment to settle with the admr of James Steel decd report a statement of disbursements made by said admr with sundry vouchers accompanying the same which is advise to be filed of record.
William Lowther
vs Debt
James Cooper and Edwd Bradley
The defendant in proper person came into Court and confessed Judgement for Sixty dollars and
twenty six cents with cost of suit expended.
David Wilson, James Winchester, William Cage, and James Reese and James Douglass appeared
in Court and took their seat.
An motion ordered that Milly Edwards, James Douglass, Charles Dement, be appointed guardians for Clarissa Edwards, John Edwards, William Edwards, and Benjamin Edwards _ of John Edwards deceased, who enters into bound in sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful performance of their guardianship.
Granted to a Commissioner of the Peace under the hand and seal of governor John Sevier by which John Morgan & Charles Donoho were appointed Justices of the Peace for the County Sumner they appeared took the oaths for their qualifications of office and also the oath of office.
_ Lease from Saban Benthall to Pleasant Chitwood for a lease of land for the time of five was proved by the oath of _mes Cryer.
_ from Elisha Davis to Samuel Gray for 274 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from William Green to James Mason for 227 acres of land was proved by Thomas Martin.
Deed from John Roberts to Samuel Cross for 320 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from James Winchester to William Alexander for 25 acres & 30 poles was proved by George D Blackmore.
Deed from Mathew Alexander to William Alexander for 50 acres of land was proved by George D Blackmore.
Deed from David Wilson to Zacheus Wilson for 166 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from James Winchester to Samuel White for 100 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from Obediah Terrell to Paul Harpole for 136 acres of land was proved by George Stout.
Deed from David Wilson to Perryman Taylor for 120 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from Joseph Motheral to David Wilson for 50 acres of land was proved by James A Wilson.
Deed from William Wilson to Zebalon Brevard for 100 acres of land was proved by James A Wilson.
Deed from Thomas Donoho to James Hart for 422 acres of land was proved by William Alexander.
Deed from Thomas Harris by his attorney in fact David _ to James Hart for 1000 acres of land duly acknowledged by _ Wilson.
Deed from James Winchester to James Blythe for 29 acres of land was duly acknowledge.
Deed from John Payton to William Crabtree for 400 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from Robert Dobbins to Whitehead Joiner for 70 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
Deed from Henry Turney to John Barnes for 200 acres of land was proved by Peter Turney.
Bill of sale from Thomas Cocke to William Beard _ boy named Charles was proved by George Black.
An instrument of writing in the nature of a release for _ Payton to John Payton was proved by Charles _.
Bill of sale from Uridice Miars Admr of Benj Miars decd _ Nathan Edwards for two negroes names Esther & Fran was proved by James Douglass.
Bond from Ananias McCoy to Peter Turney for 400 acres of land was proved by John Roberts a subscribing witness thereto which is A. R.
The commissioners & Lawyer appointed at January Term 1798 on Petition of Edmund Jennings to divide a tract of land of Francis Graves decd agreeable to a bond from the said decd and to the _ Jennings have reported their proceedings in writing and in their hand & seals with a plat of Jennings said tract which are ordered to be filed of ?
A supplement to the amt of sale of the goods etc of John Edward decd was rendered unto Court by the Admr & duly approved.
James Reese Esq returns a list of the Taxable property by him taken in Capt R_ Company.
_ of conveyance from John Hinds to William Campbell for sundry tracts of land was in exhibited to Court with a certificate of the acknowledgment of said deed certified by Thomas Bradley esq clerk of Lexington District in the state of Kentucky with his seal of _ thereto annexed which deed is thereby admitted to record & ordered to
The court adjourns until tomorrow at 8 oclock
Deed from Thomas Donoho to Patrick Donoho for 100 acres of land was proved by Charles Donoho.
Deed from Hardy Royall and Rachel Royall to Charles Hay 640 acres of land was proved by Ann Mclendon.
_ of sear for William Pryor to Henry Newby for 20 acres of land was proved by Thompson Newby.
_ Douglass esq rendered into Court a list of the Taxable property by him taken in Capt Snod? District
On motion ordered that Edward Douglas and Stephen Cantrell esqs. be appointed to settle with the Admr. of John Edwards decd. and that they report their settlement to the Court now sitting.
Deed from Thomas Donoho to Arthur Exum for 476 acres of land was proved by William Cathy.
William Cage esq. returns a list of the taxable property by him taken in Capt. Luna's company.
Deed from Thomas Donoho to William Sanders for 790 acres was proved by William Cathy.
State v. Edward Bradley _AB- The defendant submits and the court fines him one dollar.
_ Letter of Attorney from Eusebius Bushnell to his son Ezra Bushnell was exhibited in Court, with letter of attorney was proven by one of the subscribing witnesses thereto before the notary public for the city of Charleston in the State of South Carolina as appears by the certificate and seal of the said notary public and is thereupon admitted to _ & ordered to be recorded.
On motion ordered that ordinary license be granted to Shadrach Nye who entered into bond the penal sum of Two thousand five hundred dollars with Saml. Donaldson Security.
On motion ordered that William Allen be appointed into Constable for Capt. John Harpoles district who entered into bond the penal sum of six hundred twenty five Dollars with Andrew Steel Security and took the oath prescribed by law.
Edward Douglas and James Reese esqs appears and takes their test'y.
John Overton
vs Case
Thomas Murray
The defendant in proper person comes into Court and confesses judgement for twenty five dollars
with stay of _ six months from the present date.
Isaac Walton
vs Debt
John Young
The defendant in proper person comes into Court and confesses judgement for thirty four dollars.
An inventory of the goods and chattels etc. of Thomas Cummins decd. was rendered into Court and duly proved by the executor of said decd _
Bill of sale from John Harpole to Robert Wynne for a negro boy named Damarcus was duly acknowledged.
Deed from Rubin Cage Shff to Charles Dement for 500 acres of land was duly acknowledged.
The jury appointed to surv and lay off a road from Bledsoebourough to the Davidson County line in a direct way to the Town of Nashville Report their proceedings as follow to wit, In obedience to an order from Sumner Court Jany Term 1799 to lay off a road from Bledsoebourough to Nashville we the subscribing hath viewed and marked the same from Bledsoebourough to the Davidson County line keeping near majr Fyer on little Cedar Creek thence to Browns Mill on the waters of Barton's Creek thence to John Hayes on Cedar lick Creek thence to a road that leads from Nashville at the Davidson line given under our hands signed John Harpole, John Brown, Elmore Douglas, Thos George, Willis Jones, John Ward, Solomon Harpole, Richd Banks
James McKain
vs Case
John Mansker and Wm Hankins
Isaac Walton and Wm McWherter acknowledges themselves bound to the Pet. McKain in the sum
of one hundred sixty dollars for the appearance of John Mansker, one of the Defds. in said suit
and to stand as bail for the said debt agreeable to act of assembly
James Douglas esq. appeared and took his seat.
Bill of sale from Uridice Miar to Rubin Douglas for a negro woman named Sylvia was approved by Rubin Cage.