Cottontown School Children 1914
Submitted by Nathan Knight
© 2000
Photograph furnished by
Mrs. Ethel (Ragland) Strother
Cottontown Schoolhouse ca 1914
Note from submitter: I have a copy of this picture upon which I have assigned each person a number. Because of the positioning of some of the people, it is difficult to follow straight rows. The following is an attempt to explain identifications. Most of these people have been identified. If you are unsure of any particular identifications, please contact Nathan Knight.
The man on the extreme right is the principal, Odell Davis. The man on the extreme right is teacher Dudley "D" Boyd.
Back Row (beginning with the young man in overalls, standing next to the window frame of the first window to the left which is in full view): Leonard Leneer (or Leonard Roberts), Jack Cooley, Mabel Shaw, Lela Mitchell, Ruby Shaw, Charlie Spurlock, Ruby Mitchell, Maude Strother, Ethel Cooley, Drucy Hoy, unknown, Lou Hassell, Edna Carr, Ella Smith, and Clois Sydney Carr.
Second Row from back (beginning with the young man with his hand and arm stretched out toward the window frame to the extreme left): unknown, unknown, Arthur Short, Charlie Hoy, Willie Perdue, Oscar Kirk, Jesse Hassell, Gaynelle Shaw, Mercedes Briggance, Bryan Smith, unknown, Lettie Mitchell, Bertie Cotton, Willie Douglass, Ethel Bursby, and Will Harper. Dudley "D" Boyd--the teacher is standing at extreme left. Behind him is a young man in overalls who is unknown. The young man beside the unknown in overalls is also unknown. To the right of Dudley "D" Boyd is also unknown. The second person to the right of Dudley "D" Boyd is Luther Watson. Both boys to the right of Luther Watson are unknown (one is barely peeping over the other's head).
Continuing on in a straight line from Dudley "D" Boyd, four boys to his right is Russell Stone who is standing behind the boy with a white shirt who is Clyde Hassell. Continuing right from Russell Stone (with those who are peeping over the other's heads) is Rufus Barrett, Henry Mitchell, Harold Kirk, unknown, unknown, Claude Strother, unknown, unknown, Lonzo Walker, Barlow Walker, Alice Daniel, unknown, Beulah Rutledge, Alma Kirk, _____ Douglass (sister of Willie Douglass), and Odell David the principal.
Beginning with Clyde Hassell (the boy referred to previously with the white shirt, standing in front of Russell Stone) and continuing to the right is Dorothy Cooley, Lenette Cooley, unknown, Grace Cleveland, Celia Shaw, Gladys Strother, Catherine Barrow, Fannie Harper, unknown, Edna Stone, Beulah Spurlock, Letha Daniels, unknown, Mary Cleveland, Jessie Mae Hassell and Mattie Carr.
Front row (seated): Marshall Kirk, Leon Crabb, Ed Warren, Don Stone, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Hiram Daniels, and Harold "Koot" Watson.
If any of the unknown individuals can be identified, please contact the submitter.
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