Submitted by Wanda Gant
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SUMNER COUNTY, TENNESSEE was created in 1786 from Davidson County and the boundaries were described as "the line of division began where the county line crosses the west fork of Stone's River; thence, a direct line to the luth of Drake's Lick Creek; thence, down Cumberland River to the mouth of Kasper's Creek; thence up said creek to the head of the War Trace Fork; thence, a northwardly course to the Virginia line at a point that will leave Red River Old Station one mile to the east. That part of Davidson County that lay east of this line, was to belong to Sumner County [ref. Ramsay's Annals of TN]. Petitioners of Sumner County, TN dated 30 September 1799 to the House of Representatives 30 September 1799: The Honourable the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee The Petition of a number of inhabitants of the upper end of Sumner County Eastwardly of Rocky Creek Respectively sheweth that from the great extent of said county we humbly conceive it ought to be divided into two separate and distinct counties we having advertised agreeable to law respecting the division of counties. We your petitioners beg leave to state your honourable body some of the hardships we labored under in our present situation, many of us having to attend courts and general assembly & other publick meetings at the distance of sixty and seventy miles which makes our local situation disagreeable from these reasons and many others........ could assign to your ...we beg leave to recommend to your honourable body to divide the said county of Sumner as follows: begining at a portion on the line which divides the State of Kentucky from this State which is a due south course will strike the head of the main fork of Rocky Creek and down the same to its confluence with the Cumberland River thence a South Southeast course to the INDIAN BOUNDARY and all that part of the said county lying Eastward from the above described line is the part we wish it in Justice think ought to be formed into a Separate county and we your petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray. 1799 SUMNER COUNTY, TN by Wanda Gant [some names illegible & not included] [as always, check the original record for accuracy] Dixon, T. Debon, Fred Penney, William Jamison, Thomas Lacel, Amos Lacey, William Willson, Abner Allen, Grant Turney, P. McAden, Hugh Fewel, Alexander Sanders, Will Buford, Dan Davis, Nicholas Cockran, David Beezley, Isam Shaw, Bevil Beezley, Jesse Davis, Henry Johnson, James Johnson, Samuel Bowman, Thomas Bowman, James Haynie, William Haynie, Elijah Clark, Thomas Perigan, Silas Bradley, John Wilkinson, Archibald McKenney, Henry Wright, James Drake, Charles Vantair, Davis Parr, William [Farr?] Bradley, Edward Revell, David Cathey, Alexander Elis, Benjamin Elis, Willis Walker, Thomas Martin, James Stubblefield, Armistead Cathey, Alexander Stubblefield, Thomas Graham, James Sanders, James Brandon, George Cathey, John Stubblefield, George Stubblefield, Woodruf Murphy, Michale Chambers, E. P. Blakemore, James Exum, William Ellis, Abraham Dick, Andrew Locke, Francis Erwin, William Cathey, Griffith Howard, Seth Haynie, Jessey Sanderson, John Harvel, Emah Stubblefield, Tilmon Stubblefield, Clement Murphy, John Coper, David [Cooper?] Oglesby, Elisha Carr, King Freeman, Amos Carr, Richard Haile, John Hail, Jeremiah Carr, James Price, Mathew Meek, John Meek, J. Beard, Samuel Beard, Andrew Beard, William Beard, Vender Beard, Jonathan Beard, Samuel Sr. Harper, Mathew Harper, Mathew Jr. Cage, James Blakemore, Thomas Vincent, Thomas McBride, Nathaniel Alexander, Daniel Poe, George Stephenson, John Carr, John Poe, Rhoden Presly, David Hardison, Gabriel Cage, Wilson Young, Samuel Carr, William Stephenson, William Hall, Charelton Cooper, John Gwin, James Strain, James Sulyvan, Isom Sulyvan, Daniel Miles, John Dancey, Henry Hensley, Charles Cooper, James Hensley, Harmon Fisher, James Fisher, John Johnson, James Stratton, Owen Box, Isaac Box, Stephen Sadler, Henry Bower, Richard Enochs, Shadrick Furgerson, Alex Burk, John Eubanks, William Galbraith, W. Dyer, Joel Jr. Morgan, James Dier, Joel [Dyer] Chambers, John Chambers, James Loving, William Boyd, William Reiford, John Hinton, Richard Lacy, John Logan, George Gray, John Boaz, Edward Farrell, Anthony Bowman, Robert britton, Richard Gibson, James Jacobs, Jeremiah Mabin, Charles F. Payne, Josiah Anderson, William Britton, Abraham Card, William Gifford, Jabez McElby, Hugh Mungle, Daniel C___, John Stafford, John Shelton, John Locke, Francis Metcalfe, Andrew Shoemaker, Sandy Barkley, John Payne, William Lacy, James Lacy, Thomas Turner, Terisha Settle, Edward Sulyvan, ____ Smith, Daniel Sumner County, TN 1799 petition alphabetically arranged by Wanda Gant Alexander, Daniel Allen, Grant Anderson, William Barkley, John Beard, Andrew Beard, Jonathan Beard, Samuel Beard, Samuel Sr. Beard, Vender Beard, William Beezley, Isam Beezley, Jesse Blakemore, James Blakemore, Thomas Boaz, Edward Bower, Richard Bowman, James Bowman, Robert Bowman, Thomas Box, Isaac Box, Stephen Boyd, William Bradley, Edward Bradley, John Brandon, George britton, Richard Britton, Abraham Buford, Dan Burk, John C___, John Cage, James Cage, Wilson Card, William Carr, James Carr, John Carr, King Carr, Richard Carr, William Cathey, Alexander Cathey, Alexander Cathey, Griffith Cathey, John Chambers, E. P. Chambers, James Chambers, John Clark, Thomas Cockran, David Cooper, James Cooper, John Coper, David [Cooper?] Dancey, Henry Davis, Henry Davis, Nicholas Debon, Fred Dick, Andrew Dier, Joel [Dyer] Dixon, T. Drake, Charles Dyer, Joel Jr. Elis, Benjamin Elis, Willis Ellis, Abraham Enochs, Shadrick Erwin, William Eubanks, William Exum, William Farrell, Anthony Fewel, Alexander Fisher, James Fisher, John Freeman, Amos Furgerson, Alex Galbraith, W. Gibson, James GIfford, Jabez Graham, James Gray, John Gwin, James Hail, Jeremiah Haile, John Hall, Charelton Hardison, Gabriel Harper, Mathew Harper, Mathew Jr. Harvel, Emah Haynie, Elijah Haynie, Jessey Haynie, William Hensley, Charles Hensley, Harmon Hinton, Richard Howard, Seth Jacobs, Jeremiah Jamison, Thomas Johnson, James Johnson, James Johnson, Samuel Lacel, Amos Lacey, William Lacy, James Lacy, John Lacy, Thomas Locke, Francis Locke, Francis Logan, George Loving, William Mabin, Charles F. Martin, James McAden, Hugh McBride, Nathaniel McElby, Hugh McKenney, Henry Meek, J. Meek, John Metcalfe, Andrew Miles, John Morgan, James Mungle, Daniel Murphy, John Murphy, Michale Oglesby, Elisha Parr, William [Farr?] Payne, Josiah Payne, William Penney, William Perigan, Silas Poe, George Poe, Rhoden Presly, David Price, Mathew Reiford, John Revell, David Sadler, Henry Sanders, James Sanders, Will Sanderson, John Settle, Edward Shaw, Bevil Shelton, John Shoemaker, Sandy Smith, Daniel Stafford, John Stephenson, John Stephenson, William Strain, James Stratton, Owen Stubblefield, Armistead Stubblefield, Clement Stubblefield, George Stubblefield, Thomas Stubblefield, Tilmon Stubblefield, Woodruf Sulyvan, ____ Sulyvan, Daniel Sulyvan, Isom Turner, Terisha Turney, P. Vantair, Davis Vincent, Thomas Walker, Thomas Wilkinson, Archibald Willson, Abner Wright, James Young, Samuel