Troutt, Bird, 1866 -- Estate

Transcribed by Joyce Hetrick


Abstract Estate #2178, Sumner County TN. Loose Records

Pursuant to an order from the county court the undersigned commissioners being duly sworn have valued the real estate of Bird TROUTT decd and set apart the dower for the widow, Margaret TROUTT (Note: this is an error, it should read "Marjory") the following land beginning at a poplar stump. S E corner to James ESCUE running NW 63 poles to a sycamore near the church...(church?) thence ....84 poles to as chestnut thence 88...poles to a stake in an old field thence N 2 E the north east corner of the DORRIS tract thence the beginning containing 49 « acres which we consider one third of the whole. January 11, 1866 John RIPPY, Thomas RIPPY, J. A. ? (it also contains a drawing of the plat.)

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