State of Tennefsee } To any lawful officer & C. Sumner County } you are hereby commanded that of the goods and Chattels (land? & Tu______ ) of John Gilbert you cause to be made the sum of twenty dollars debt with interest from the 23rd of November 1823 and all legal costs of suit to satisfy a Judgment & Costs Wm. Trousdale obtained against said Gilbert before William Montgomery Jnr on the 17th of May 1828 given under my hand at office this 15th day of October 1830. A.H. Douglass Clk October 14th 1830 Came to hand & ________ property of John Gilbert to become at to satifsy this Execution this Land the with in E_______ an twenty five acres of Land where on Said John Gilbert now lives bounded by John Curry on north lying on the head waters of East Station Creek as the property of John Gilbert. Solomon Sh____