Hunter School Children
ca 1910

Submitted by
Douglas R. Hunter

Hunter School

Here is a picture of Hunter School House ca. 1910. My grandfather, William Nathaniel Hunter is in this picture.

The people are:

Back Row Right to Left: Willie Reddick, Anna Dobbs, Willie N. Hunter, Casa Perry, Hack Neal (teacher holding book) Pearl Hunter, Herschal Hunter, Zilpha Perry, Herby Moncrief

Middle Row: Left to Right: Clarence Bradley, Merit Martin, Tennie Martin, Lula Martin, Jennie Dobbs, Alma Hunter

Front Row: Right to Left: Lela Adams, Maggie Brizendine, Aline Reddick, Maude Bradley, Curley Perry, Willie A. Hunter, Fannie Dobbs, Callie Mae Perry, Lola Moncrief, Wheeler Perry, Cecil Williams

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