In the name of God Amen: Being near to death I make my will _. I devise my lands at Kentucky
to be sold, likewise my land on Holston, at the direction of my Exceutors- my children educated
in the best manner my estate will provided _ , my estate to be equally divided amoungest my
children my Daughters a small tract of land - my wife to keep _ of the _ oldest Negroes for the
maintenance of _ family- my lands and _ to be equally divided amougest my children. I appoint
my Brother Isaac BLEDSOE and Col. Daniel SMITH Executors, with my wife Mary BLEDSOE
_ excurtrix- at the decease of my wife the four older Negroes be equally divided amougest my
children - signed and delivered in presence of us; this 20th of July 1788.
Thomas MURRY
Recorded and examined October 18th, 1788
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