Pension Records

Francis Hawley

Francis Hawley applied for a pension based on his Revolution service on September 25, 1832 at the Jonesboro Agency in Washington County Tennessee. A certificate of pension was issued 25 February 1833 with arrears to the 4th day of March 1831. He initially received $100.00 and there after he was paid $50.00 per annum. Pension record #W163

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State of Tennessee Sullivan County

September Term 1832

On this 25th day of September 1832 personally appeared in open court before the Honorable Edward Scott, Judge of the Circuit Court of Law & Equity for said county now sitting Francis Hawley a resident of Sullivan County & State of Tennessee, aged seventy ____years who being duly sworn according to law doth and on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed Jan 7th 1832.

That in the year 1779 he was a resident of Stafford County Virginia & substituted for three Months Tour in the place of Abraham Breedwell And inrolled under Capt Pilcher as well as recollected. Joined Colonel Garrard’s Regiment________ in said County Lieutenant Colonel Phillips & Maj Armistead was then marched to the northern neck of Virginia, from there to Falmouth from there to Hunters Forge, from there to Fredricksburgh then back near the Racoon ford on the Rappahannock River where Lord Cornwallace’s army was crossing which had crossed previous to the arival of the American troops at that place, where this declairant was verbally discharged by what particular officer he does not now recollect. After having served three months as above stated, he states that he was under General Weaton or Wheaton during said tour he states that he was discharged as above




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with posative instructions to be ready at a minutes warning. Shortly after he returned home from said three months tour, he was drafted in the County of Stafford in the state of Virginia to serve a three months Tour he was placed under the same officers as before Stated and marched to the mouth of Potomack creek to prevent the British from landing, their Fleet being in view. When he served out his term of inrollment, was verbally discharged and returned home after having served full three months as aforesaid. He states that in the fall of 1780 as well as now recollected hesubstituted in the said County of Stafford for the term of three months in the place of Henry Bassot, inrolled under Capt Wells. Was put to opening & clearing out a road for General Washington’s army & the French army to pass with their artilery when marching to the south against Lord Cornwallaces. & continued in the aforesaid service for the full term of three months. When he was verbally discharged by his said Capt Wells. He states that shortly after he returned from said last tour he again was drafted in the said County of Stafford Virginia & inrolled under Capt Barnes for a three mons tour, was attached to (Colonel) General Weadons Brigaid. Colonel Garrard’s regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Phillips & Maj Armistead, was marched to Fredricksburgh to gard said place against the British & Torries where he remained for the full Term of three months, was verbally discharged by His said Capt Barnes and returned home to Stafford



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County Va. He states that in the latter part of the fall or winter of 1781 as well as recollectedhe was again drafted in the said county of Stafford inrolled under Capt Brim or Prim was marched near Fredricksburgh under Capt Brim or Prim & Lieutenant Brooks,where he was put to gard the prisoners taken at York at Lord Cornwallaces surrender, to Winchester in Va which duty he performed dismissed or verbally discharged by the said Capt Brim or Prim with orders to be in readyness to again march at one minutes warning. He was never again called into service he states that he believes he served in all in the war of the Revolution, fifteen months & he and others served as substitute for twelve months in addition to his said fifteen months service as above stated. He has no documentary evidence of his service, that he knows of no person whose testamony he can procure who can testify to his service.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or anuity except the present & declairs that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
Sworn to & subscribed the day & year aforesaid.

M. Anderson Clerk     

Francis Hawley




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A photocopy of a page from Francis’s bible that was submitted as proof of the children of Francis Hawley and Sarah Hudson that was filed in order to obtain monies due the estate of Sarah Hudson Hawley at her death. The dates recorded as follows:

Francis Hawley was born December 18th 1762
Sarah Hawley was born April 14th day 1762
James son of Francis and Sarah was born August 11, 1781
Anney Hawley was born June 10 day 1783
Francis Hedgeman Hawley was born April 22th 1785
William Loyd Hawley was born February 12th 1787
Millinda Hawley was born November 9th 1789
Sanford Rodney Hawley was born February 1 day 1791
William Augustus Hawley was born December 20 day, 1794
John Burbin Hawley was born November 17 day 1796
Thomas Carroll Hawley was born October 16 day 1798
Matilda Hawley was born April 27day 1801
Addison Hawley was born Apr 7 day 1803
Pencey Hawley was born March 22 day 1805

13th day of November, the stars fell the like we have never seen 1833





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In order to obtain the benefit of the Joint Resolution of both Houses of Congress of August 16th 1842 allowing arrearages to the heirs of a deceased widow of a revolutionary soldier.

State of Tennessee


December Term
Sullivan County County Court

On the second day of December eighteen hundred and forty four personally appears in open Court William Hawley, a resident of the county and state aforesaid, Administrator of the estate of Mrs Sarah Hawley, widow of Francis Hawley a revolutionary pensioner, aged Forty nine years, who after being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the jointResolution of Congress passed August 16th 1842 allowing to the heirs arrearges due a deceased widow of a Revolutionary Pensioner: to wit: that he is the son and one of the lawful heirs of Francis Hawley deceased who was a revolutionary Pensioner of the United States and drew a pension at Jonesboro Tennessee of $50 per annum on account of his services in the said war-That his father the aforesaid Francis Hawley died in the aforesaid County of Sullivan on the 21st day of February 1840- That Sarah Holly his mother and wife of the aforesaid Francis Hawley was left a widow and remained as such until she died in the aforesaid county of Sullivan on the night of 26th January 1844. He further states that his father the aforesaid Francis Hawley drew the aforesaid pension of $50 dollars per annum under the act of 7th June 1832. For the particulars of his Father’s services he refers the Department to his Declaration. That his Father and Mother the aforesaid Francis and Sarah Hawley were

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Married in the County of Stafford as he believes State of Virginia about the year 1781. He further states that he knows of no evidence of the marriage except the records of the births of the children heeunto attached which record he declares is in the handwriting of his father the aforesaid Francis Hawley and is genuine and in whose possession it was kept until the day of his death that since his father’s death it has been kept in the possession of his Mother until the month of May 1843 at which time his mother gave the Bible which contains the record to his sister Pencey in whose possession it has been kept until the present time and he knows it to be genuine.

He further states that he is the Administrator of his mother’s estate, Legally authorized and makes this Application in order to obtain the amount due the widow at her death for the benefit of the following named heirs to wit. Francis H Hawley, William A Hawley, John B Hawley, Thomas C Hawley, Matilda Hawley now Matilda Foust, Addison Hawley and Pencey Hawley now Pency Hancock. And he further declares the above named heirs are the only surviving Children and heirs at Law of Francis and Sarah Hawley deceased.

William A Hawley

Sworn to and subscribed in open court on the day and date before written. And the court do hereby certify and declare that William A Hawley is a resident of the County and State aforesaid of good character and respectability, that is one of the Lawful heirs and children of Francis and Sarah Hawley deceased and Administrator of the estate of the aforesaid Sarah Hawley.