Inventory of the Estate of Shadrach Bird June 18, 1814

(Stewart County, Tennessee 1814, wb-a-220 st, microfilm roll 52)

(pages 220 - 222)


Inventory of the Estate of Shadrach Bird (sic)

2 Horses, 2 Cows and 2 calves, 5 Young Cattle, 35 hogs, Some Corn, Some Bacon, Kettle, 1 oven, 1 Post (?), Aa (?), 1 Wedge, 2 Hoes and (?) Plow and Saw and Drawing Knife, 2 Augers, 8 (?) Iron Strap (?), 2 Saddles (?), 2 fur skins, 8 (?) spouting Hoe, 2 Bells and furniture. Some Pewter (?), Some wooden Vessel and (?) ham mor (?), 2 (?) chairs, 6 spoons, and Crock, and Pan, 2 Bottles, 3 tins and Coffee Pot and Pitcher, 2 Bed Steads (?), 2 guns, 4 (?) Sets of Knives and forks, 4 Books (?), 2 gimblets, 2 Bells, 4 (a?) Spinning Wheel and Aoz (?) and one Pair of Saddle Bags.


Bryan Bird (sic) Adm. <signature>

Nancy Bird X (her mark)


List of Sales of Byrd (sic) Est.

$ cts

Nancy Byrd (sic) to 1 Flat Iron 00 25

Issac McKinney to 1 steel trap 2 25

Leonard Shaw to 1 Saddle 5 75

Nancy Byrd (sic) to 1 " 00 12

Thomas Gray to 1 (?) Beaver Skin 5 12

Issac McKinney to 1 Guiling (?) Hoe 1 85

Richard Sevor to 1 Shot Gun 5 81

Nancy Bird (sic) to 2 Chains of (?) a wheel 00 50

" " to 2 Beds & Stands & furniture 8 00

" " to dresser and furniture 4 00

John Byrd (sic) to 1 Rifle Gun 9 31

Briant Byrd (sic) to 1 hymn Book 00 75

Daniel Shaw to 1 bible and testament 00 50

John Byrd (sic) to 1 Book 00 75

Wm. Pryor to Gimblets and Bell 00 62

Benjamin Downs to 1 Razor 00 50

Wm. Pryor to Hog (?) 8 25

Nancy Byrd (sic) to 1 Horse 11 00

James Byrd (sic) to 1 Mare 30 00

John Shaw to 1 Cow and Calf 10 00

Nancy Byrd (sic) to 1 " " " 8 00

William Faultz (?) to 1 Stear (sic) 9 50

Briant Byrd to 1 heifer 6 50

Issac McKinney to 1 heifer 4 50

" " to 1 Stear (sic) 4 25

" " to " " 2 75

William Faultz to 3 Barrows (?) 7 50

Barwell Philips to " " 6 75

John Bird (sic) to 2 Barrows (?) 5 00

Daniel Shaw to 1 Sow and Shoat 7 00

William Faultz to Corn and (?) pr Bushel 00 26

John Bills (?) to 1 (?) Bacon Pott (?) 00 10

William Faultz to 1 Kettle 1 12

Nancy Byrd (sic) to 2 (?) Potts (sic) 1 00

" " to Oven Hooks 00 50

" " to 1 old Aa (?) 00 12

William Pryor to 1 Iron Wedge 00 75

William Faultz to 1 hoe 1 37

James Bird (sic) to 1 " 1 87

John Bird (sic) to 1 plow 3 06

John Polk to 1 hand saw 2 25

William Faultz to 1 Drawing Knife 00 50

Richard Sevor to 2 Augers 5 31


N. B. (abbrev. for "Nota Bene" ?)


We, William Pryor and Thomas Brigham, being chosen by Bryant Byrd (sic) and Nancy Byrd (sic), Adm. of Shederick Byrd (sic), Deceased, to Lay of Meat and Corn for the support of the Widow and

Family, for the year 1814 - 220 pounds of Bacon, 60 Bushels of Corn, for the Year 1815 - for her Meat, 4 Choice Barrows and a Sow, also her Garden With all the Vegetables Therein With all the fowls of Every Description her Place (?), also one Choice Cow and Calf For her Family use, Judged by us this 18th day of June, 1814.


William Pryor <signature>

Thos. Brigham <signature>