Stewart County Newspaper Clippings

The following records are made available to Stewart County researchers through the generosity of our own Debbie Champion, who transcribed the information from The River Counties. The original source of each piece of information is listed at the end of the item.

COLE – land to be sold in Stewart County on June 23, 1500 acres on west fork of Red River belonging to William COLE. (Weekly Chronicle, 18 May 1818)

$100 Reward – stolen from Isaac BRUNSON, living at the mouth of the Saline, 12 miles below Dover on July 28, negro named Jordan, age 5; stolen from his bed between his mother and father; signed, Isaac BRUNSON. (Tennessee Gazette and Farmers Register, 2 Aug. 1819.)

Sheriff Sale – Sale of 20 acres on Honey Fork of North Cross Creek to be sold to satisfy execution of Messer WARD; land belongs to William SMITH. (Clarksville Gazette, 15 Jan. 1820)

Sheriff Sale—640 acres on Wells Creek in Stewart County to be sold taken on the execution of Thomas ALMOND. (Tennessee Watchman, 2 Feb. 1821)

James GRAY, farmer, of Stewart County, Tenn., was born 6 Nov. 1788 in Montgomery County, N. C., and emigrated to Tennessee in 1809. (Columbia Observer, 19 Sept. 1834)

Non-Resident Notice – for Thomas SMITH, George SMITH, George HORNBERGER, ?? HORNBERGER, and Catherine TRINKLE in case of John JAMES and Z. T. SHEMWELL vs Allen CARTER et al. (Clarksville Jeffersonian, 25 Jan. 1845)

LANKFORD, John, took up stray in Stewart County, a light gray horse. John LANKFORD lives on White Oak Creek, 18 miles south of Dover near Tennessee River. (Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 23 July 1851)

WILSON, James, who lives in District 1, Stewart County, took up sorrel mare; signed R. T. ADAMS, ranger. (Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 24 Sept. 1851)

Gladin GORIN married in Madison County, Tenn., to Jane B. WORMLEY, daughter of Hugh W. WORMLEY, Esquire. (National Banner and Nashville Whig, 12 Dec. 1834)

Committed to Jail, of Stewart County, April 28, negro man, about 35 says he belongs to a Mr. LOYD of Mississippi. Signed, W. T. DANIEL. (Clarksville Jeffersonian, 10 May 1848)

In Chancery at Dover, Sarah V. NOLIN et als versus J. T. NOLIN et als; it appears that M. L STANCIL and wife Martha and George NOLIN, defendants, are non-residents of Tennessee. (Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 22 March 1854.)

Will sell all rights H. G. RICE has in land on Wells Creek, bounded on the east by heirs of Allen MCKASKILL, on north by heirs of H. MCMILLAN, on west by Allen CARTER, and on south by Mark RUSHING. (Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 13 May 1857)

Sheriff sale of all rights B. C. KERN has in District 1 of Stewart County. (Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 13 May 1857.)

Petition to Sell Land – in case of Cornelius BUMLEY and wife versus Alexander INGRAM et als; it appears that Alexander INGRAM, Musdora BURNS and Peter BURNS are non-residents of Tennessee. (Clarksville Jeffersonian, 19 Oct. 1859)

Isaac WILLIAMS, admr., vs John S. COWEN, et al, in chancery – defendants Mary GRAY, A. G. SCOTT, Mary Ellen SCOTT, and Jessie BUCKNER are non-residents. (Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 5 Jan. 1866)

Letter from Dover “Dover, the county site, was nearly ruined by the soldiers. The church, court-house, jail, and many other important buildings were destroyed in the town, and the country people suffered the same great evil in having many of their dwellings burnt.” (Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 2 March 1866)

John J. TOMLINSON and Eleanor, his wife, Arabella HART, and Mary M. BAYLESS are non-residents of Tennessee. (Chancery notice in Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 6 July 1866)

Agnes J. LUTEN, Mary F. LUTEN, and Samuel D. LUTEN are non-residents of Tennessee; chancery notice for suit Z. T. and A. J. SHENWELL vs A. J. LUTEN and others. (Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, 6 July 1866)

Dover wants a railroad via LaGrange Furnace to Danville. (Nashville Union and American, 4 Feb. 1873)

BOSWELL, James, of Stewart County, has killed a wildcat that measured 3 feet 10 inches in height and weighed 21 pounds. (Nashville Union and American, 26 March 1873.)

Fire – The residence of H. H. TRIMBLE in Stewart County was destroyed by Fire recently; also $250 in greenbacks. (Nashville Union and American, 6 May 1873)

LEE, Mrs. Morgan, of Stewart County, was bitten on the hand by copperhead snake on the 9th instant. (Nashville Union and American 17 June 1873; also the Clarksville Tobacco Leaf, 18 June 1873.)

Dover Record of Aug. 29, says “our corporation departed this life on Wednesday by general resignation of mayor and alderman.” (Nashville Union and American, 4 Sept. 1873)

COOLEY, W. M., who lives on Dyer’s Creek, Stewart County, recently had three fingers cut off in a threshing machine. (Nashville Union and American, 4 Sept. 1873)

SMITH, Mrs. Pheba Ann, of Stewart County, made her escape from Lunatic Asylum about 3 p.m. yesterday. She is about 40 years. (Nashville Union and American, 14 Oct. 1874)

CROOK, Mrs. M. E., wife of T. J., died of consumption 26 Oct. 1887, near Model in Stewart County, buried in Bailey Cemetery near Buffalo. (Stewart Breeze, 4 Nov. 1887)

VALENTINE, Solomon, moved to Texas from Obion County, Tennessee, in 1850s; his daughter Mary was born near Fort Donelson; she married 1858 to P. W. EZELL. (Reprint of Biographies from The Lone Star State, Lewis Publishing Company, 1893, page 215)