Below are excerpts from the Wednesday, September 14, 1859 issue of the Dover Weekly Intelligencer, available on microfilm at the Tennessee State Library and Archives, in a box labeled “TSM114 – Tennessee Misc. Newspapers”


History of the Newspaper


The Weekly Intelligencer is the earliest known newspaper at Dover, begun in 1859.  The September 14, 1859 issue is numbered Volume 1, Number 14.  References in this issue are made to previous issues published June 15, June 22, July 13, July 19, July 27, August 10, August 17, August 24, August 31 and September 7, 1859.  The September 14 issue was 4 pages in length, with pages 3 and 4 being mostly advertisements.


This issue is the only one known to survive.  Proprietors of the newspaper were Dr. Albert M. Gilliam and James G. Faxon, but this surviving issue includes the obituary of Dr. Gilliam.


The following appeared in American Biographical Notes, Vol. 3, page 353, by Franklin B. Hough, 1875:

“GILLIAM, Albert M. b. at Lynchburg, Va., was consul in Mexico under Tyler, and author of Travels in Mexico ; he was editor of the Dover Intelligencer of Tenn., and d. suddenly Sept. 13, 1859. “


The Tennessee State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1860-61, by John L. Mitchell, has the following entry:  Dover Intelligencer, H. C. Buckner, editor, Daly & Buckner, publishers.”


Newspaper Excerpts



Dover Weekly Intelligencer is published every Wednesday at Dover, Tennessee, Gilliam & Faxon, Proprietors.


Terms, invariably in advance.  Terms to Clubs:  1 subscriber one year - $2.00, 2 subscribers one year - $3.00, 4 subscribers one year - $5.00, 10 subscribers one year - $10.00.  And one gratis to the getter-up of the club.  After a club of 10 has been sent, the getter-up will have the right to add, at any time, one or more subscribers to his club at $1.00 each.


Rates of advertising:

One square one insertion - $1.00

Each additional insertion - $ 0.50

One square three months - $5.00

One square six months - $7.50

One square 12 months - $15.00

Social notices of all kinds, for the benefit of all persons or corporations, one dollar and fifty cents per square.

Announcements of candidates, three dollars.

Obituary notices – half advertising rates.

Marriages, Deaths and Religious notices – free.



Business Cards:


Dr. A. M. Gilliam – Surgeon Dentist – Tennessee St., two doors below the Union Inn, Dover, Tenn.


W. C. & J. H. Weaks – Dealers in Dry Goods, Hardware &c., South side Public Square, Dover, Tenn.


Union Inn – N. Brandon, Proprietor.  Corner Tennessee and Main streets, Dover, Tenn.


Scarborough & Bruton – Furniture dealers, South side Public Square, Dover, Tenn.


John Kirksey, Proprietor of the Spring Street Livery Stable, Dover, Tenn.


Horn & Outlaw, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Dover, Tenn.


Bloch Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Fancy Articles &c., Main St., Dover, Tenn.


F. L. Sidebottom, dealer in all kinds Saddles, Harness & c., Dover, Tenn.


Clarksville Insurance Agency, Northwest corner, Public Square, Samuel Williams, insurance agent


Kimble & Roberts, attorneys


J. N. Neblett, copper, tin and sheet iron worker, dealer in coal, wood, cook and parlor stoves


Piano and Music Store, Clarksville, Tenn., D. Hughes, next door to the Northern Bank on the Public Square, Clarksville, Tenn.


Line of Stages – This Stage will regularly leave Clarksville every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 11 o’clock, P. M.  Leaves Dover for Paris every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 o’clock, A. M.  Leaves Paris for Clarksville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 o’clock P. M.  All passengers who may wish to travel this line, may rest assured, that I have good hacks and five teams, and will spair no effort in making my accommodations safe and comfortable.  The traveling public should bear in mind that this line of stages, after leaving Clarksville, again connects with the Cumberland River at Dover, and crosses the Tennessee River at the mouth of Sandy River, thus connecting with the U. S. Steam Packets on each of those rivers.  This line connects at Clarksville with the Nashville Stage line.   P. F. Gray, Proprietor.


M. G. Scarborough & Co., dealer in Dry Goods &c., Dover.




Death of Dr. A. M. Gilliam


Just as we are going to press, it becomes our painful duty to announce the death of Dr. A. M. Gilliam, editor of this paper.  Dr. Gilliam was born in Lynchburg, Va., in the year 1806.  In 1829 he graduated at Hamden Sidney College.  Being educated for the bar, as early as possible after his graduation he procured license and commenced his profession in his native city.  Becoming tired of the practice of Law, he abandoned the profession and commenced the study of Dentestry, in which he soon became very proficient.  In 1849, under the Administration of John Tyler, he received the appointment of Consul to Mexico, which he accepted, and performed the duties of the office with honor to himself and the Country which he represented.  During his Consulship he wrote a book entitled “Gilliam’s Travels in Mexico,” which he had published on his return home, which was just before the United States and that country engaged in war.  This book met with a hearty approval from the public, and an extensive sale.


                Leaving Virginia he came to Tennessee, where he married and commenced the practice of Dentestry, which he followed closely for some years with considerable and increasing reputation.  Ever seeking to be ?????? to his fellow man, he established a newspaper in Eddyville, Ky., known as the Eddyville Telegraph, which he conducted with ability for several years.  Attaching himself to the Democratic party he labored zealously in its cause.  Always courteous, never defiant but truly brave.  From Eddyville he came to this place, where he has lived for the past ten years.  Here he formed many acquaintances socially and professionally, and by his social qualities and liberality of principle, won the esteem and friendship of all who knew him.  he was the soul of honor, and possessed in an eminent degree the hospitality and chivalry characteristic of his native State.  About three months ago, he in connection with Mr. James G. Faxon, commenced the publication of the Intelligencer.  His duty was to conduct the editorial department and he did it with his usual ability and success until prostrated by fatal illness.  Tuesday evening the 13th inst., he was relieved of his earthly cares, and was conveyed to that “bourne from whence no traveler returns.”  He leaves a devoted wife, and two lovely daughters scarce out of infancy, with innumerable friends to mourn his loss.  He was a true patriot, an indulgent parent, and a kind and affectionate husband.

                His remains was taken from his residence by the Masonic fraternity in procession, followed by a large concourse of ??????, to the M. E. Church, where Divine Service was performed by the Rev. C. S. Knott.  After the funeral services were over, the corpse was conveyed to the place of interment and was buried with all the solemnity peculiar to the mysterious and benevolent Order, of which deceased was a member.

                By request we state that Dr. Gilliam was also a member, in good standing, of the I. O. O. F., and assisted in establishing Lodges in several places.



New Advertisements


H. C. Buckner, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Dover, Tennessee.  Will practice his profession in the counties of Stewart, Montgomery, Robertson, Cheatham and Dixon.  Prompt attention paid to the collection of claims in either of the above counties.


John Lenihan – Merchant Tailor, next door to W. C. & J. H. Weaks’ Dry Goods House, Dover, Tennessee.  Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of French and English cloths, cassimeres and Vestings of the best quality.  Step in gents and examine.


Notice – The undersigned having sold out their entire stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, &c., to F. P. Gray, wish all those indebted to them by note or account to come forward and make settlement by the 2nd of September next, as we are compelled to have oney, they will save best by so doing.  J. W. & W. C. Scarborough


Dissolution – The partnership heretofore existing between E. S. Winn, T. B. Bayliss and I. S. Bannister, under the firm, name and style of Winn, Bayliss & Co., is this day dissolved, T. B. Bayliss retiring from the firm.


Lafayette Male Academy – The Fall session of this Academy will begin on Monday, the 8th of August, next and continue twenty weeks.  Terms:  $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00.  No deduction for absence.  Boarding can be had of the principle.  We feel flattered with the very liberal patronage we have had during the past ten months and hope to conduct our school in such a manner as to merit the same again.  We admitted during that time over sixty pupils.  We will also state that Mrs. Hester will take charge of the junior department.  J. H. Hester, Principal, Lafayette.


Dissolution – The co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned is this day dissolved by mutual consent, M. G. Scarborough having sold his entire interest to W. P. Bruton in the Family Grocery business, would respectfully inform their friends and patrons that they are needing money very much and the sooner they pay, the less the cost will be.  M. G. Scarborough & W. P. Bruton, Dover, Tenn., Aug. 29th, 1859.


Carriage and Buggy Repository, Sam. Brockman & Co., Franklin Street, Between First and Second Street, Clarksville, Tenn. – Dealers in Fine Close Carriages, Buggies and Rockaways.


Smithland, Nashville, Paducah, U. S. Semi-Weekly Packet, Sam Kirkman, J. V. Throop, Master.  Leaves Nashville every Sunday and Wednesday at 12 o’clock, M.  Leaves Paducah every Monday and Friday morning at 11 o’clock.


U. S. Mail Packets Cuba and Minnetonka – Through Tickets to St. Louis, Louisville and Memphis, making connections at Smithland and Paducah with first class steamers.




Local Items


We announce the following named agents to receive subscriptions and subscribers names for the Dover Weekly Intelligencer:  E. T. Bogard, Elijah Dawson, Standing Rock; A. G. Halliday, Indian Mound; W. M. Dean and H. C. Fisher, Clarksville; N. P. Thomas, Bowling Green; G. W. Lewis, Tax Collector, and Dr. Summers of Magnolia.


Worthless Banks:  Ag. Bank - Brownsville, Central Bank, Farmer’s & Merchants Bank – Memphis, Mechanics Bank – Memphis, Memphis Savings Inst., Miners & Manufacturers Bank, Knoxville






F. P Gray, dealer in staple and fancy Dry Goods


Horn & Outlaw, successors to Tomlinson, Horn & Co., staple and fancy Dry Goods.


J. W. Parker, all of the most approved pure Medicine kept constantly as hand by.  For sale at his Drug Store, one door below Bloch Brothers, on Main Street.


Dr. J. H. Scarborough respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has permanently located in Dover, where he will attend to all professional calls made on him in town or country.  Office opposite the Court House, West side.


Scarborough & Brandon, Attorneys and Councellors at law, Dover, Tenn., Will practice in the Counties of Stewart, Montgomery, Dickson, Humphreys, Benton and Henry.  Especial attention given to the collection of claims in the above Counties.


Blacksmithing – The subscribers respectfully inform their patrons and the public generally, that they will carry on their blacksmith shop in the corner nearly opposite the Planters’ House, where they will do work on short notice and in the best manner, upon the most reasonable term.  Horses shod all round, at all times, for one dollar.  Robertson & Puckett


D. McCauley & R. C. Bell, wholesale and retail druggists, Clarksville, Tenn.


Dr. J. C. Prince, office at the Planter’s House


McCulloch & Pitman, Dealers in clothing and furnishing goods for men and boys, Clarksville, Tennessee.