1850 Stewart County Census
The 1850 Federal Census for Stewart County is now online!
Note: Every person has been listed, along with their age, gender, race and birthplace. Every effort was made to accurately transcribe the information from microfilm, but mistakes are possible! Please contact the County Coordinators to contribute your corrections.
Important: Remember that alternate spellings may occur in these records.
The 1850 Stewart County census contains 1,230 households.
Download the 1850 Stewart Co. census ZIPPED in Rich Text format (63 kb) -- last updated 05/06/2009
Download the 1850 Stewart Co. census UNZIPPED in Rich Text format (411 kb) -- last updated 05/06/2009
If your word processor can't handle Rich Text Format, then click here to see the census information in your web browser. Note: Information will not be formatted in columns correctly.