Tobias Williams Pension File

These Documents Submitted by Peggy Martin Blue
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Court Document Page 1
State of Tennessee
Smith County
On this 21st day of November
in the year 1837 personally
appeared before me Daniel
Smith one of the acting Justices of the Peace
in and for the county and state aforesaid
Jemima Williams a resident of Smith County
and state aforesaid, aged eighty three years
of age who being first duly sworn according
to law doth on her oath make the following
declaration in order to obtain the benifit
of the provision made by the act of
congress passed July the 4th 1836
That she is the widow of Tobias Williams
who was a pensioner of the United States
and drew his pension in Nashville State
of Tennessee for services rendered during
the war of the Revolution.
She further declares that she was married
to the said Tobias Williams on the 1st
day of April one thousand seven hundred and
seventy five; and that her husband the
aforesaid Tobias Williams died on the 15th
day of April 1834 and that she the said
Jemima Williams has remained a widow ever
since that period as will more fully appear
by reference to the proof hereto anexed.
Sworn and subscribed before me.
This day and year first? above within
test Daniel Smith                               her
Justice of the Peace for         Jemima X Williams
Smith County                                    mark

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