These Old Postcards Submitted by John Waggoner Jr.
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Tobacco Sale - Carthage
and is postmarked in Carthage Tenn on Feb 19, 1943 to a soldier. This card
shows a tobacco auction where the tobacco was placed on baskets and then
graded by government graders. It was then bid on by the buyers for the
tobacco companies. Millions of pounds of tobacco were sold in Carthage
each year which usually had the highest market prices in the state.
They no longer have tobacco auctions and most of the tobacco is carried to
Hartsville to be sold at a contract price.

Stonewall Bridge
Postcard of the Stonewall bridge located between Gordonsville and Stonewall community. This
bridge is still standing but no longer used as it has been replaced by a new bridge. Unusual feature
was a 90 degree turn in the bridge. Card provided by Sue Petty. Pictures of the bridge can also
be seen on this website:

Go To The Stonewall Bridge Pictures

During WWII hundreds of soldiers trained in Smith County in a exercise called
"maneuvers". Several of these soldiers met and married local girls. This pontoon
bridge was placed across the Cumberland River at Rome. This is the same location
that the "Rome Ferry" operated. This postcard is from a series of photos called
"Tennessee Maneuvers" by L.R. Burns, Publisher, Lebanon, Tenn.

Shamrock Cafe
The Shamrock Cafe was located across Main Street from the courthouse in the row of
buildings near the south end of the block. This card was probably made in early 1960's.
The tall man behind the counter is probably James Davis, who was one of the owners.

Although it is probably a generic photo on the card it was postmarked at Dixon Springs,
Tenn. on Oct 12, 1912 the next image is the back of this postcard.

The Joseph W. Allen College
The Joseph W. Allen College was formed in 1898 and stood about where the Smith
County Hospital stands today. Enrollment reached 300 at one period in its history.
The next photo is the back the the above card.

The Joseph W. Allen Baseball Team 1908.
Back row Left to Right: Fite Read, Manager ____ Wells, John
Duvall, M.R. Caneer, coach, Horace Fisher and Joe Myer.
2nd row: kneeling, Leon Boulton, Bridges Read, W.H.(Peck)Turner, Macey Cherry,
front row: sitting, Duffy Read, catcher and Dewitt McGinness, pitcher.
The next photo is the back the the above card.

The Carthage High School Football Team 1915.
Standing L to R, Mgr. Will Maddux McClarin,Charles Williamson, Henry Clay Smith, Drury
Taylor, Byran Reasonover, Principal Albert Williams, Bob Lawhorn, Bryan Key, Will Allen,
Hub Lawhorn, and coach Hubert Turner. Seated Front: Bob Kittrell, Marcellus Kemp, Fred
Lawhorn, Savage Hackett, Ed Reynolds, Holland Alexander, C.S. Baker, and Benton Hackett.

Lying Still
This photo postcard captioned "Lying Still" was recently found in an old family Bible.
The card is postmarked December 9, 1909, Carthage, TN, and is addressed to Mrs.
Belle Smith, Fox Springs, Clay Co., TN. The photo features a "widow" viewing a
headstone inscribed "Aninias Brief, Lawyer".

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